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And corruption charges back being denied on a count them to confident in need. Yeah, as a cost of proposed invade the to hit country unless the house the president is reinstated by sunday of whos rally against librium intervention. Id like the media and the people of the parents who in their stats we know what do you like, a watches that are doing is nothing more than an intimidation. You have to keep our in the sherry and spirit to lie as an adult. So we can get us out of this intimidation vision. The, its good to have a company today for the latest global news around a. Im not how me and this is all the international. So we start with the lights is from and bustled. Dumbass way ukraine has bombed residential areas of the, the city reports of the launching hundreds of shelves into the area. A local university was hit and has quote, fire with Emergency Services at the c, a ts Steve Sweeney is also there with more details on was believed to have been a custom munitions attack. I dont yet, city center has come under attack from ukrainian shedding once more, the series of explosions was heard a sooner to time pm on saturday evening. Now the 1st 2 or 3 also useful all sounded like a booty artillery shuddering. But this was followed by a series of explosions, very, very close together, which is characteristic of cost of the nations. Now, the preliminary report suggest that it was in a cluster munitions that have been using these latest deadly attack loose loose on the local us. We heard about 6 plus, it turns out that they were selling us from the beginning. We did not understand what has happened. Last flew everywhere. We got the kids, ran into the hallway set down and he had, we got to see it 6 times costs of munitions for sure. That no military facilities here. Nothing like that. And for my family went to take them. We didnt know right away. The shelling felt like and terrible shockwave, though it was incredibly loud. Our son started to scream, were run after him and hit in the bathroom. Then we saw that the building of the university had been shout. I actually worked there. This showing is unbelievable. So the 1st time that they have been use, uh the room start today and 86 year old woman was killed on the outskirts of dont yet city due to costa munitions now much you can see that behind me i huge car is under way of the university building, this is the economy and trade department all be a university Emergency Services on the same firefighters or working to get that blaze under control. But one school, this is a residential area. This is where old 3 people lived. There was no but it 2 presents here. There were no, but its we talk, its a no, but its a basis. So its a very is a bearing the brunt all these cluster munitions that were recently supplied by the United States. The to stay sweeney and dont yet city center for all to both moscow im keeps media have reported massive russian missile, so i was on numerous movie. You put any until august, what are the effects allegedly hit an ad fil dozens of 5 digits. It will say several of the cranes im going to see if this is ease of still being born early on the fact that most of those for Ministry Spokesman condemned keeps terror attack in which a cleaning enabled drug and struck a russian oil time to off. Because of crime in the night, officials revolted that the, with no casualties on the ship remains afloat while Emergency Services have been sent to the scene to monitor the situation. Between a said that the vessels in the Russian Black Sea pools are valid movie targets. Rushes of maria is the heart of a says keith is intentionally hitting civilians has to be a chief se mandukes, so essentially claimed responsibility for the terra doc. As in typical, ukrainian, new nazi in humane fashion, he pulled the cynical terrorist act aimed against on our and civilians, a lawful, logical and effective move. The International Community can once move. What does the so called lawfulness . Practiced by kias. Moscows comments came in response to admission from the chief of the plains security service, the s b u, claiming responsibility for joining sykes on russias crimea at any bank where the cars and trucks and shapes or the crime in breech is an absolute, logical, and effective step. With regards to the enemy, more or special operations could result in the territorial walter civil crane and the completely legal. This was the 1st attempt to the attack on crime in recent days. On thursday night, the clean joints like was prevented with 10 you avis, destroyed by russian ad defenses. 3 of those with pressed by electronic wolf systems, with no casualties reported, and saudi arabia, some faulty countries. Im going to discuss a set of common principles to establish peace in ukraine. However, one of the 2 main policies in the context is all the summit isnt cited to focus on the cleaning president s, the moms and his west them back vision of peace. Moscow has owned repeatedly that they can be no peace in ukraine without security guarantees for russia. And china, which is its wes neutrality, over the call leg sofa, has decided to send a representative to the jet. Thats all there is a lack of into that has in census over the conflict during recent meetings between the e. U and the community of less than the american and caribbean stays, the countries were unable to agree on the joint statement on new plane. A senior brazilian official says many nations wanting to remain neutral issues surrounding keeps peace plan. And the west one sided stones on the prices a yes, a lot of the, a regular round of talks and saudi arabia and will be a follow up to the copenhagen meeting during which ukraine invited developing countries to negotiate for the 1st time. However, t of nearly wants to discuss its own proposal during the discussion involving major developing countries such as india, south africa, brazil, saudi arabia, to some extent, and even new to member turkey. A. It became clear that it is impossible to shape a consensus around the ukrainian a proposal award, wasteful to a saudi political research, to solve my on site, a man who says the summit was never supposed to been just an official outcome. I think the russians have been informed definitely, with regards to this summit, definitely the russians are important to be participating in it. I know that at this time, its not the time for the russians to participate in this conference. But because its all about having consensus of about knowing and seeing what kind of concessions that can be taken by the creating inside. And then once we have this kind of consensus by the global south and by the waltz community, then we can actually see how we can communicate it to the russians. There was a statement Society Statement and there was some kind of leaks that talked about not having a Public Statement after the conference because at the end of the day you dont want, you always want to say face, you know, all the conflicting parties, ukrainian, or russian are the major conflicting parties we know that they need to are actually behind that you for indians, we know that its not precisely like a ukrainian kind of decision. We know that they need to are actually somehow behind a, the engineering of this kind of warfare. But at the end of the day, we want the russians under ukrainians to find a way through which they settle their conflict. Tobias on that web people have taken to the states to protest the suds and single former Prime Minister in long gone to 3 years in prison. And is all about the court found, con, guilty of illegally settings, state gift, which he has them, and the denied court in the case against him. Politically motivated, he was arrested in his home city over the whole. The court has also banned him from politics for the next 5 years. And then prerecorded message a head over the routing con as a pauses to protest peacefully to. But if i sign you my pack is done, its just by the time this message reaches you will have been arrested and will be in jail. My only appeal to you is that you should not stays home sort of, as im not doing the struggle for myself. Im doing it for my nation, for you, for the future of your children. If you dont rise up for your rights, you will leave the lives of slaves. You have to keep up peaceful protest until you get your fundamental right. And that is the main one, but choosing the government of your choice to voting. We are not surprised to go in as an architect. We had been expect we had been searching or expecting it, but for the, for a long time, ever since with all the kids and stuff. And i never since the game is had been handed over to this judge and all that is at the check that additional as im due to protect it and on in the end is facebook page. So we were expecting additional ended happen today. Um yeah, uh you know him, he, when he went to be dishonest and ordered quite a bit of intelligence and unfortunately these people do not have that up, even before the announcement was made, the judgment was pronounced or not the least contingent had been posted. That in wrong contrast, mentioned before. Uh, well obviously that means you know, that they were pretty aware of what was, what was, what was coming in the judge. So the moment to know the judgement was pronounced or no they did, they took him and they did the rest of them and it was really dropped. I think he was uh, he was shopped and pushed it all. He was go to laptops and oh, and he was literally got the to be through the week and i know that to, to get rid of it, he said that id like to keep him uh, getting the uh, but can you order for his uh, President Trump this has been extremely unfortunate, unprofessional, and undignified. We also were dealing with a problem with drivers to i am wrong, gone, hasnt planted wide support for the public during this tub and legal case or practice on has been turning with protests off the phone. The problem is dramatic arrest by power moves, the troops on corruption charges in may, sparks and deadly outpouring of im the amid visible is is the form of prime man. So it was also wounded in the leg julian attempt on his life in november 2022. When a government opened fire on his comb, lloyd the ounce let, has ali says this latest move was made to eliminate him from the upcoming election. And his party is going to the public to see the partners and. 7 is popular as parties going to do you one of the largest parking the bikes on there at the moment. Mark. So you move there to use the ac establishment and also the my met for real fast. So be it is be and his will work or actually them barnes minutes, installations the minutes the house is the and some other places. So 1st we will not have to wait for this obviously most of the for the more money because it has to be legit starts. So, at the moment when the psalm of having owned this decision, so actually, according to my area of the matter of this case, and the many of those cases that hed be washroom from the committee election, that he should not be part of sufficient, but somebody let you this all the mand, m a and you the way to the other where he can pardon . Yes, it is a no doubt of year to this time because of the microsoft, nigerian little makers of off the president to use old diplomatic means avoid mints intervention in they bring the jab. Timothy a b as a journalist from nigeria bins us the details a lot from a cousin majority of them you know by some estimates around 90 percent of the law because object types of, of president s um you know piece um demand. Since ive not made best part of this, been a tier approves the cost resolution which intrudes, you know, a possible military agents or bank send into your brands products. Um, you know, the co block has to not respond. Press that mohammed custom to power. We know that the last sunday at the west side was given a 7th day or to make some for uh that so just that the post office press cup assume to restore him as the let you to make a party in that country. You know, and fact we just have a, a wrong set of 4 hours, 2 baths, a deadline. So it is not clear exactly how um the echo as uh, uh, lead as you know, or the security chips would proceed from there. I bought it yesterday at the conclusion of the 3 days from quest security. Uh, she said that she the resolution that they have for the resolution that they had made a meeting with the past onto the heads of state to woodson. You know, about what time it was arrested from ben to make the final call nearby. Were going to allow the use of the disruption all the bridges move for democratic consolidation in that wide range and it was a smoke going to tell the group loved it. When on the way where we are going to strike that is out of pollution load, this is saying that to be taken by the hassle. See, what will you to be like the problem of this n t for this operation process set, but the only recognize the data is to a residential. How many assume as the late you to make a party despite caused by you know, that suited is anthony. Sure. I, the crime scene withdrawn its military from the country. Bronze has around 1500. 00 boots on the ground in front supports with firmness and determination, the efforts of a cost to defeat the school attempt the future of new year. And just the beauty of the entire region are at stake across africa. And by to we, i, we have people saying that, you know, echo for us is a weird and a really hard to stay on. These are right now. And also its something something that im seeing some kind of solidarity with the people of mr. Advocates not be split the supplementing sites area. Its happening all over africa. Like youre on social media. We can see people in camera room, people in can hear you know, across africa saying that what is happening in nature of the sanctions. I echo are on the thrive of a possible me. Ready treat in patient is not welcome pride, these people to do with the updated vision to media. Id like the media and the people of new share to understand that what echo watches doing is nothing more than intimidation. We dont even believe when they are armed intervention. We have to keep our new gerry and spirit alive and us. We can get us out of this intimidation frontier at the closing the borders is not a solution because we face a lot of difficulties. Normally, it takes us 2 or 3 days or a week to collect parcels from beneath. But now with the closure of the borders, it take us more than a month to collect our parcels, to as you present that one year, 63 years of age. Where are we . We have less than africa, and yet we have told the new share is the origin, but then show. So what is the point of for an 8 . Wed be resilient behind our defense and security forces. We can rest, ill independence, our new independence. So at the same time, they wont want to be able to take control of what they called their wants to be able to control their own. Um, well they want to be able to control what comes into the country. They do not want to set some sort of, you know, uh if towards, you know, from france or, you know, or the western powers, the items by their costs. And then many of these are not the task it is based on done does indeed, i think our mazda is all of its own positives. Of course, we will know that there has been an attempt to indict fit nicely to now fast by france or countries such as for as an odd us in trying to even or as far as trying to have media started and our friendship. And it is important that obsolete talk as it came. It should not be does. And i didnt, you know, i mean, but the deluxe shouldnt be able to intervene in his own office. So some of these now where a Security Guard has died from his wounds off to being shots on the streets by what local, so called a house to new terrorist warning. You might find the following image is distressing. So the police say the gun lendlease shot dead by another officer of the same state and is said to have come from the past in refugee campo gin and which was rated by these very mid feet. Last month. 10 of these police say the should, it was carry a quote, lots of them. Alexa and opened fire when he was stopped by a local security detail of the the us is supposing kenya is proposal to send a 1000 Police Offices to haiti. And washington is saying it will suit introduce a Un Resolution to form a Multinational Force in the caribbean country. The forces are intended to help local Haitian Police struggling to come by gains that hold sway across the country. Un secretary general, im tired of goods. Habits has been advocating for intervention for several months. Im as a, prove the canyon and proposal. Meanwhile, washington is pressuring tyler the to take a leading role, who refused due to massive protests across and all the american country. Many asians are opposing any for an interference because of the controversial interventions in the past, including us actions in 1994 and the un mission, but lost it from 2004 to 2017. Like wholl say the operations caused problems that contributed with confused current crisis. What off the about the canyon proposal, patients, im not sure whether it would help the one who sees the gangs belong to the government. Didnt is armed against when they saw what they are doing. When we are looking for security, we are forced to accept this help with that, so they dont have the right to trample on past all. We have no one to dissolve. We are alone with our kinds of time. We are obliged to accept that they are coming to our lot. Theyre going to come and remove the width and see the country so that we can get out of this situation to that are in even the people who are here in those countries come to help us. And then well have to find someone who can definitely discuss the situation with a panel of guess all agree that then maybe more to washington has plans to intervene in haiti. It is no question the United States and the usual actors who masquerade is the quote unquote free world. That was the term they used in the sixties and seventies. Now they call themselves a quote unquote, International Community. Because theyve never asked the latin american to review african nations is not a True International consensus on this proposed re invasion. We occupation of a country thats already been in baby 3 times by the United States in the past century. In the us is always short of its colonial with neo colonial interest, but you see that the, it doesnt see my food for hates is why im asking perhaps, you know, it looks more like im in position with the american. Im the mates. We work to see what time they might end up and the way that as ive gone your country without the navy and then a country where bands i really mean, you know, im dealing with everything. I mean, is so difficult to say you and has been there, and then you know, the top of the page and people are not asking for these interventions. Its always been posed in the new york times, a Washington Post that we need to do something as the United States needs to intervene. Actually, no, it doesnt. Asian people didnt ask for it. The us is only going there again for exponent interest. And now you wouldnt even want to send its own boost on the ground is, is do with the proxy. And i think the most hypocritical part of this is that their mascot reading is pan. African is the saying that this is a parent advocate mission in all types of solidarity, be organized to remove the true forces that have been playing hated by how many centuries now. And thats the core group, thats the United States. As tanner and france, whose function is junior partners of the us, now theyre trying to use these other proxy forces in blackface, if you will, to try to gain global approval while we can expect on cnn. And fox knows theres all types of crocodile tears to try to justify what a miles to another new colonial invasion according to the time, 10 years to leave the task force, which would unite with us. So just my thoughts on the lieutenant military, have a Tactical Management experience full such an operation. And would us troops follow the oldest of kenyan generals . It sounds more like a joke. You cant have to have them come under control. The military operation that has been led by can yes, you know, when theyre us just involved because who, how, you know, you, why dont you cannot really explain what well, that goes well, how involved and they havent, you know, the agenda, what is that is that at times this extra amount of costs are you. So im probably come through the time with a bridge and they release it was something that said, well before youre done give that you need to do that. So i think that is what has happened. Paid is a special case i came to United States in 1990 and i do not remember as far as i could remember. I dont remember a time with us has not entered being paid each and every time you know, our Mainstream Media is built as to restore democracy to restore order. Yet after over 30 years of intervention, nothing has really changed. So the United States, obviously is not in haiti to restore democracy, is not in 80 to restore order is, has always been interfering. The eightys internal affairs streak serves its own influence. Russia is all sides to launch a new age of discovery on the final frontier by returning to the moon for the 1st time since 1976, the 25. 00 on my the cost is due to blocked off full the natural satellite from the was touching the close of the gun on august 11th, we caught up with the chief design of the space module who explained the objective im challenges of the mission the the. Ready ready ready the assembly, most of the seals main challenges were related to mass, as you know, mass as the most valuable resource in space. For every kilogram of mass, several kilograms per pallets are needed to get at the research site. When were designing this vehicle we use the groundwork created for the joint promotion. Indeed sean connery our mission. Ready ready ready the, the how to use the decisions made within the framework of disjoined constructive mission in terms of the tank volume of volume a few. So we also have to be very strict on restrictions on the mass because the tank volumes fix there is nowhere else to put more fuel. So you would use the mass. So the rest of the structure to the mass of the instruments. That was actually the main difficulty of the main task in creating this vehicle. The. Ready most upcoming usually for this, lets get away. It will be the 1st time we land at the south pole. And most of our previous vehicles have landed in equitorial areas with fairly flat and smooth terrain. The south pole terrain is characterized by difficult conditions. One of the task was to choose an area with rather small gradients, rather small rocks on the one hand. On the other hand, this area is interesting from scientific points of view. Let me remind you, the Main Objective is to confirm that there is water in the neo list, the loo truck to confirm water reserves in the lunar nicholas by the contract method or your generation to spacecraft have already experienced these areas from an orbit science. So with the help of such remote studies and principles, the presence of water out the poles was discovered put to confirm it by the contract method. This is the 1st time our station will do that. The. Ready ready ready useful guide. So there are all good with them to provide a but a special on board control System Software which are engagement certain emergencies occur. Ready and a series of actions are performed according to these algorithms. As a rule, what occurs is a re boot of the devices switching to back upsets. Were storing solar orientation if necessary. The. Ready the. Ready your focus on our product. During the lunar day, the system charges the battery pack using solar cells that convert some light into electrical energy. At night, the module shuts down completely. Does not use any electricity, except, as i said, for the real time clock. But thats powered by a radio single power source. So the energy there is practically infinite. The active element decays, of course, it has a half life, but it will certainly last for the generation of our mission. Ready ready ready ready the scottish 12, most likely, if everything goes smoothly and the emotional works for a year without any problems, Scientific Program will be extended. The work of the module on the surface will simply be extended and the Scientific Research will be expanded. And russia isnt the only country involved in the latest moon race. If you want to stay in space, i level to take some more and be sure to gravitate towards our website of the dot com to read all about that. I just progressed to the community, is the noun, the exploration mission, as it reaches, and then all of its a. Well, thats all. So this news out as always, is going to have a huge company here on, on the international. Im, im on the arguably the most famous wisdom, the lower in the world. Is julian massage, the co founder of which he made a name for himself and for his organization in 2009 with the release of documents sent by chelsea. Manning. Then bradley, many, many of those documents to embarrass the American Government and a video that manning included now known as the collateral murder video, showed clear evidence of a war crime. Im john, curiosity. Youre watching the whistle blowers. 2 2 2 2 2 2 julian assigned as a hero to many around the world who value transparency and human rights. The free speech absolutist has exposed countless governmental crimes, especially those committed by the United States

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