Theyve been a, its at the head of the welcomed ard, international with old global stories. And we were following and development in the east ready policy to conflict. I a, mike, a punch. It has the full says, have reported, we raised a red flag at its algebra. He miniature bays of colors known to signify vengeance coming after an exchange of strikes across these threatening lab on this border of the according to the ideas. This strikes, retaliatory hand pockets the area of neighboring lebanon from flag size. There is a new settlement of july was attractive. This video is set to show the optimize it much to the r t correspondent, guessing they can bring some best report from baby. Things are intensifying. The Israeli Defense forces said that the attack against the southern parts of lebanon was in retaliation to prior attacks from municipal lies. The loss is basically the same thing that the attacks from lebanon and targeting israel were in response to attacks from these re of the site. But more importantly on saturday is when the issue the state and suggesting that they will be carrying out attacks on the northern motor side of israel, particularly after the killing of which is during this is some of the law. And as a result, it has been carrying out attacks on sunday into a least amplifying the natures of the nature of the attack. Targeting areas in israel is particularly settlements, is a big step forward in the sense that this is uh, it seems as if the possibility of war between these 2 sides is going to become a reality. Then probably ability. But more importantly, israel has also issued the north side of the country alongside the border with lebanon and know, goes on. Its a military zone at this moment. And it seems that the tension between the 2 sides will only amplified that there is one more thing that could suggest the nature of what is happening right now in the wrong based news Agency Testing agency suggests to that as well. What has hoisted up. Its red flags, this red flag, contrary to a yellow flag, is the flag of vengeance. And based on the students coming from saturday and the developments here on sunday, it is safe to assume that these attacks will not just continue, but they will be amplified. As we move forward of a number of debts and gather has now exceeded the grand total of 2014. The year previously considered to be the lobby asked in the history of base really policy and conflict. It now stands a 2300 deadline guys uh, with approximately 11000. And when did, since the bombardment began wild maniac, nations around the world have condemned the tax of civilian targets. These revenue president highs because of a set that the blame on the entire population of a policy and saying that the old responsible the, the, this video posted online shows the scales such these strikes on the city of categories in the southern gas buildings were destroyed in residents scrambled to rescue those shops finished those rooms that it seems that are being repeated on a now daily basis. The dead are brought out. So with sheets covering the bodies, children in the comfort zone, not being used as a bargaining chip. The while some of them are lucky enough not to understand yet what is going on. All those have all right, the front of the victim to the war. As these videos speak louder than was a mute, while local hospitals, on the brink of catastrophe, the have less than 48 hours of fuel left for generating power. And medic say hundreds will die if nothing is done. The on the boat monday, my beautiful. The whole system on the show you the cities would be the would be something that i see that sort of thing about another another like another like that i did the which would be to sort of now we spoke on the phone with guys a base report to run the alamo gary for the latest updates, a situation near and the guy thats read are getting worse, whereby a worth more than half a 1000000 living in the, in the notes in positive guys that are actually, it has actually chosen to stay. Busy you stay fast in their homes because palestinians for the time being at least 10 days. And this was the do not know where to go and not have any place to go to. They are, they havent chosen to stay. And its curious meeting like what the father is an assist to, is that it shows and back in 1948, 1967 i, you know that countries are not even really to, to, to provide tedious help for the palestinian egypt to close the folders and just use that color schemes if load into a school supplies. This is really a very good test or big situation so that youre in the directory that goes to 2 or 3 for the time being. As you know that many of those, or hundreds or thousands of those so flood had no separate. They as many of those houses and destroyed the past to, to us a bunch of other buses over the past 48 hours. I have have had service tried the problem as well as those discipline, those houses at the know 2 kids and one the so there is no a safe place while the intellectual community is being silent. Theres me silence in the silence of whats, whats happening smoke so much still had some liquid i. Those are the United Nations to ensure some sort of like to sort of see twice the size of the, for the population for that to be. Then at least the basic needs and i use a has as refuse as, as b to so far. So things are less that itd be good for a very simple for the time being with address being determined to, to present a lot with the city. And as what it means to Enter College student population in the hospitals in gather city, have been overwhelmed by the influx of casualties. Many children are among the victims of these rarely attracts a warning of the following images are disturbing. The palestinian Officials Say that over 700 children who have done i didnt use any strikes of the past week of non stump salvage v upsetting images off from schiffer the largest hospital in guys that now the victims arrive by the hour asked and facility twice to deal with the influx, again, wanting more graphic images on the head, the palestinians im wanting the day to help, while praying for those who can still be saved as doctors spiteful their lives are the hospitable, has become a shelter for thousands upon a scene in one of the hospitals drive a set of ease or has now even targeted medical depos. I was on the side of the mushroom georgia. Im not sure of the gym. I used to get these ready attacks. Come as the humanitarian crisis and gaz a grows off. These ready authorities dictated a siege on the enclave. The clock is taken not until the latest supplies or the last supplies of food, water, and power and fuel run out. Lot people are lining up to get food in the city of can units at the number of displaced people that has increased dramatically in the last 2 days after ease well, for the people from the northern parts of gas it to evacuate. According to the United Nations over 400000 palestinians have now fled the homes. Im the what is the situation, but we are self 3. We have been without food in water for 5 days. Everyone is still the, including no children, but the water is not available for our kids to drink. Our sold demand is for food and water to be secured for al children and im home. Now in the city of gas at egypt, this trying to alleviate the humanitarian disaster, cairo has reportedly agreed to open the roof on board. A check point by hundreds of palestinians and foreign nationals that are attempting to flee, gather through the crossing. Refugees had to wait for hours with their belongings before being allowed to leave a tower tree. Reports of common that egypt has rejected package for a number of foreigners until the minister and 0. 80 to get people either crossing she had the conditions buried. Despite having a swedish pass board, i attempted to get through the crossing board and 3 times to know they dont have a house to go back to after being shelves. The israel is deprived of compassion and morality. Theyre selling us from both sides on a daily basis. As we can see, the place here is overcrowded, and im frightened, the blade will come and attack us just like the deed. On the gauze or road, we are subjected to relentless shelling slaughtering and everything house. This situation is a complete disaster. No food, no water, no internet, no mobile house, no battery charging, nothing whatsoever. No one came to check all conditions in need smells, have any consulate, arable forwarding organizations. We will like it to can be bought, said the earlier we spoke with his law, make research. I had john list site task and he says that needs an option to community starting a blind eye to the plight of guys and civilians. Such as all of this data that i see from the International Organization was, are united nation. I dont know why is the arcade sign, and now thats about what is, what is the info fee that way sion border jillions of killing civilians before its going millions of people. I dont know of the day. What is that and how begin to describe it . Why they keep silence . Where is they give me is ations, where is a human lives . Where is the last thing that 2 reasons why they need to in spades. And i, those things is that they all side the thing and all of them for most of the organization are corrupted and they are like cool, great, and so forth. It is. Well, again, its the same people around the other side of the coffee crowds of people gathered in tel aviv to honor the memory of those killed and taken hostage and october 7th. When have massive data. These will demonstrate those where lighting candles and handing posters showing the faces of those who were kidnapped that we spoke with. Talk of kowalski, the aunt of a 19 year old soldier who was taken hostage by him as many times as you should, history. A genocide has occurred in israel, and thousands of families are heard. Now hearing these ro, but i want to tell by my own family, my niece swanny. Shes a sweet girl, 19 years old. And shes been missing since saturday. The last time we heard from her is on 9 27 am. When she texted texted her mom. Sean, im ok mom. Dont worry about me with 3 hearts. We havent heard from her since. We dont know if shes live or dead. If she didnt come to the tv, shes probably in cook cvt. I absolutely hope with all my heart, but shes okay and shes been treated fine at least and not being tormented as we saw other pictures, one e money. She she likes taylor swift and she likes very styles. She likes pop music and shes a sweet girl baby. Stick everyone in her hometown and shes the 1st baby i ever held in my arms 19 years ago. All the parents of the uh, of, of the people who is being kept to, has joined together yesterday in central instead of you. And we want our voice to be heard. Im concerned every minute of the 3 days about a 20 and about the other kids 9 months old and 86 years old that are being captured there. But im more afraid im come us since some of these does and some of these ideas. And they have no good in their hearts. And they have black souls. And this is why they take people like this. We call the International Community to help us to help us save those. Think of tv, do we . We call them to condemn terrorism everywhere. Please join us, please help us save warney. We need people everywhere to support peace and support, goodness and kindness. Ill be while a mass forces have conducted another round of strikes on these all with a rocket impacting the residential building at us. But it shows periods of smoke rising into the sky. In the aftermath of the attack, no casualties from the slides have been reported. So far move all these ready forces have been preparing to conduct the nava oh on the offensive against how much in gaza at this comes in mid continuing it rates across the region. Archie for us put into my at the notion that takes us through the latest a r d f. Now says that file for variations are under way for a significant ground operation in gaza. That will include the tax from the year of the sea and the land, but again, it is unclear exactly when we might see boots on the ground that was actually expected for days. Now since the beginning of these really are we authoration industry, but it is still not happening. But what we do know, hundreds of thousands of troops are expected to participate in this operation, which will make it the biggest top military operation. That is the 2nd or war with leaven on in 2006 earlier, the army said that it will continue until all hostages return home is you remember, dozens of israel is still remain ink of tibbetts a, in a guise of military and civilians including women and children with the public disappointment rising over how the government is actually dealing with this situation. So even saying that sooner than yahoo should step down after the war. Meanwhile, weve seen these really Prime Minister on the ground visiting and deliberate types of jewish settlements and towns in the south of israel. Some of them seems of massacre is off to have mass militants manage to enter them. Was such as a killing civilians taking dozens hostage in question with the army and over there on the ground. Prime minister. And yall were just like many times before that vowed to win the war against him. Us of buds, to be honest, there is a feeling that these ran that leadership is losing defiant over its own citizens. Their hearts and minds as people are getting more and more frustrated and disappointed with how the situation develops. Meanwhile, preparations are in full swing these role. So in, by creating thousands of people from the really Southern Community is bordering guys of a thousands others to remain there and willing to leave. And that also might be causing as a way a another reason is the reluctance of the people. All the guys are to leave your in the nice the ideas made a statement saying it was very close januarys for the people of guys have given them 25 hours to leave. And also adding that to the operation cannot start without them leaving a bus. We still see thousands of gallons on the ground and they did not leave for different reasons. Some of them have no place to run to others. Just do not want to leave their houses again for all, or is it could be too dangerous to move around because air raids from these really are made a continue and intensify, and others couldnt be afraid of. For mazda is calling for locals, not to leave, but without them leaving these rep is wrote a continuous air strikes of gaza. We know that like thousands of targets have already been. He tens of thousands of tons of volumes have been drawing on garza and were here from the Health Ministry and gaza that for now around 3000 people have been killed in a phase of the escalation. And these really military operation and more than 10000 others have been injured. Dramatic, dramatic situation like dramatic death, toll and casualties. The, the idea of says that drill is, should be very careful and should filter at least information coming from the grounds. Lets take a listen while ago the government is from us. So when the so called god, the minister of Health Issues information, the amount of people can use they were on people, on ne, the were men or women or children. Obviously that the information is authorized by some us and its ok for lease by some boss and it would serve the purposes oh from us. So when you get the information, if youre a journalist or if youre just listening to whats going on and youll get the information from the gulf history, please the very, very skeptical of the recipe, ask yourselves, why was this information disseminated and how does it . So come off and its propaganda purposes earlier. We also heard as surprising and a little bit controversial statement from these really president s saying that the people of gaza are partially responsible for what has happened is happening. I will happen. Heres what he has to say. We are working authorizing militarily or call into the rules of international law, fairly and unequivocally. Its an entire nation out there that is responsible. Its not true, this wrecked or take about civilian is not the way were not a well not involved. Thats absolutely not true. They could have risen up, they could have fought against that, even the regime, which took over guys and the cool data. Meanwhile, how mazda is saying that it is prepared for israels ground invasion, adding their 40000. 00 troops are ready to confront the enemy. So it is going to be even bigger and even more dramatic than it is now already. Earlier we spoke with a former east run, the air force pilots guy pulled around and he tells us that ground defensive could pose a child and fly the troops. The weather is obviously effect or when were talking about it suddenly erupted t, but i would not over estimate the importance of that because right now, as you saw the features, were not talking about very key. What would you call precise, bumping up a specific window . Theres a mfc bombardment and subjectivity is less affected by, by the weather and as far as the ground operations, i think that im not, im not sure of what the exec plans are. And im sure that the idea is preparing various scenarios. Garzo is not that large of the territory, were talking about 365 square kilometers. And the easily all be now with over 300000. 00 troops on the border. And weve very sophisticated methods as helicopters, etc. You know, cover that sort of territory in our state. The real issue will be the level of resistance off. You know, its one thing if they will face a face to face resistance in the streets and its another thing. Those guys will be the remaining worry as of how much will be an underground tunnel that will make obviously another type of challenge for the east valley troops in practice, tens of thousands of riley didnt support of policy needs. And the demonstrations was organized by the assembly of islamic clerics party. And while in funds in germany, events took a valentine, police clash with demonstrators supporting palestine, despite the ban on their bodies. And despite the significant Law Enforcement presence crowds hit the streets to have their voices heard. As you can see here, a number of protest as web brought in the custody. And as the idea of is about to launch its anticipated ground oppression in gather pro palestinian, ronnies across the blow bike standing in the tree again. The capital of thousands weighed by this, the insides of people took to the streets of london with the American City of los angeles. Also hearing the calls of support lets now cross a lot to political analysts sides. Um would probably be joining us phone by dad is nice to have you join me right now. How do they Iraqi Government to people view the events on folding between israel and palestine in is thank you very much. Its really use this to go into this a trivial details because were looking at the roots of the issue, the consequences of a legal occupation of palestine. That is the root of all the issues, all the problems that is occurring in the middle east. We have uh, 7 shield occupation of policy, the land. And now even in this small of a piece of lands as a vip, im assuming its live in guys a, this is also now they have been evicted from this part of the world. And you, these are, these are using a tremendous amount of a severe power app, but fire power on the civilians and children and women as we, as all the wells have seen in the videos that have been transmitted from guys. Uh uh, so that theyd be probably the rocky government of the rocky people look at it as the look of the court as the issue. They are already general issue of the conflict in the middle east. And that is the legal occupation of Palestinian Land and refusing all the resolutions from the united nation. The Security Council would ship ordered israel to withdrawal to the 1976. The border which a israel has refused to do as so the Iraqi Government, the look of the rocky people look at the issue and put the old the blame on the Israeli Government on these really and design is government and israel that is forcing the issues on the civilian palestinians, and they are complaining why the victim is trying to retaliate, putting the blame on the victim. Its a game that hasnt been used to many, many times. And unfortunately, has been supported very strongly by the United States and many of the european capitals. And that is something that they do need to look into this issue in details and, and to try to revise the humanitarian calls ads. So really its is, but its, it becomes a joke when the europeans of western europeans talk about to human rights and talk about to freedom of speech. And when they do, do not allow palestinians in the capital city to demonstrate and to hold up. Im assuming and flag they can see the flag as a, as a weapon or cause the flag as a, i mean, so to another nation. This is completely completely as a ridiculous and putting the blame on the victims is again, i was to employ that. Do need to be address to severely and they that nations. All right, so i do you believe that the arab world has done enough to support palestinians in guys i and if not, what else do you need . But when you say has to be done to stabilize the situation that, you know, the nation is completely have this on or the memory all the of the, of the nation. They complete the, unfortunately, taking a very weak stand and we have to know, we have to remember that most of these are upstairs, have been, am appointed by the United States, or protected by their i to states. So we cant blame them. You know, for a, for not standing up against the americans or against those very of uses the americans who allowed them to continue to rule these countries. So yeah, unfortunately we, we, the, the only is, im a country, it probably around is the country that is somehow showing some type of resistance. As for of states im, im been very unfortunate, very unfortunate. Yep. Well, what messages this. Busy and come pass and use ready attack sending to the rest of the arab and muslim world. Although youve talked about the fact that a lot of them, you know, are protected or even, you know, backdoor influence somehow by the United States. But then on days that the, the, we send the muslim world as independent in there. But even, i dont know what, what, what do you say about that . And i think theres a and the out of world as a concession that the deal of the century will take place. And they have um, probably somehow accepted or came on board all this deal and to try ferrying the palestinians into signed. I create annual paula sign and sign i, i know this, this deal, that is a deal of this century. They had been talking about the see these a resignation from the apps that they do accept this either for an incoherent and, and, and, and, and, and concepts with this really is, or according to american orders, thats quite embarrassing rebate, to be out above this time of this and this, yes, i understand it. Well, thank you so much side. I will tell a b pull. Lets go onto this. Joining us. Thank you so much for all right. All right, balance the needs at this hour. See you again. I probably, i a mike or what the mm the we went to bed and 2017. The and woke up

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