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They still have something. To learn, the main thing is to learn to respect others, this includes the ability to seek compromises, well, if there is interest in russia, this is already not bad, but can you be suppressed . I think that it s not about me personally, its about the interests of the country, it is impossible to suppress russian interests, they will have to be taken into account, but the pressure is only growing, on the same day another big news became known, the president of ukraine practically boasted that kiev not only received, but has already begun to use american longrange atacoms missiles. Washington also confirmed that it had indeed transferred these missiles to the kiev regime in secrecy. It confirmed in secrecy that it had indeed transferred these missiles in secrecy. And as far as we understand, these missiles significantly expand radius of possible strikes, including deep into russian territory. How seriously can this change the situation and how will russia react . Firstly, this, of course, causes harm, threats, and secondly, of course, we will be able to repel these attacks, war is war, but most importantly, this will not radically change the situation on the contact line at all, it is impossible, this can be said for sure say, this is another mistake on the part of the United States, for several reasons, firstly, if they did not supply weapons, they could in the future to say, well, if we put everything we can, then the situation would change, but this would lead to unnecessary casualties, we are so great, we didnt do it, but they did it, but there will be no result, thats why its a mistake, well, finally, for ukraine in this sense there is nothing good either, it just prolongs the agony, they have launched another counteroffensive now in the kherson direction, there is no result yet, there are losses, there is no result, just like it was in zaporozhye, in other directions, with this point of view, this is also a mistake, well, finally, a mistake of a larger scale, still invisible , but still of great importance, is that the United States is becoming more and more personally drawn into this conflict, they are being drawn in, this is an obvious thing, and let no one say that they have nothing to do with this, we believe that they do, plus all this is happening against the backdrop of the middle east conflict, all this is heating up the atmosphere, they took and dragged two aviation groups into the mediterranean sea, i want to say, this is not the threat is what i am now ill tell you what im talking about. Ill reinforce it, but on my instructions, the Russian Military space forces are beginning to patrol on a permanent basis in the neutral zone of airspace on the black sea. Our mik31 aircraft are armed with kinjal systems; they are known to have a range of over 100 km, at a speed of mach nine. The russian president makes such important statements during his visit to china, a nuance that the entire world media pays attention to. Given the urgency of the situation, every element of this trip was all the more interesting. Special vnukovo airport 2, president ial port number 1 flies to china, its night in moscow, but the time difference is 5 00 under the wing with the russian tricolor into the majestic mountains. On the ground, at beijing airport, people in sharp suits prepared a red carpet so long that they had to perform like a weightlifter. A torn sleep on a night flight is now beijing, where the bright sun is shining, here the russian president has two working days in a row, 4 30 am moscow time, for several weeks now, not just tough, but even brutal work regime , you are in excellent shape, you still have time to train, eat, thank god, i believe that this must be done in order to be able to work intensively. The protocol footage of the meeting shows everything, but heres what happens a few minutes later a chinese honorary guard is photographed against the backdrop of putins plane. Russia, as china, the main guest of the summit, announced, this is not the result of the current political situation in the world, russianchinese relations, they have developed over the course of two decades, carefully, calmly, this is how we move in almost every direction, the russian flag in the center of beijing , the diayu residence, the residence of Vladimir Putin these days, this is where numerous bilateral meetings will take place, and this is where we will conduct our live reports. We didnt miss a single interesting moment, because our Program Works with our eyes wide open, its called hot news, and we have a lot of such hot news. Run to putins residence, and then something is happening in the opposite direction, here again new signals are received, they turn around again, highranking delegations come to negotiate with putin, one after another. And sometimes there are even some kind of traffic jams. The protocol service, at breakneck speed, only manages to change the nameplates on the chairs. And change the flags of different countries. Yes, of course, alexander novak, participant in the most unexpected meeting of the day. And these images could give many western politicians a real heart attack today. Look what we are like to you we will now show the footage, the car of the Prime Minister of hungary, here it is, here is the flag of hungary, and Prime Minister orbans motorcade is now on the territory of putins residence. Negotiations between orban and putin are ongoing at this moment. He is often accused of some kind of prorussian sentiments, this is nonsense, he is not a prorussian politician, he is a prohungarian politician, they attack him because he has the courage to defend his interests. People, and Many Political figures in todays europe are deprived of this courage, they do not have such courage, they envy him, they attack him for it, dear mr. President , previously no one would have paid attention to such words at the beginning of the conversation, now the situation is completely different , i myself counted it, we are meeting for the thirteenth time, there were difficult meetings, but we have never been in such a difficult situation , hungary never wanted to confront russia, quite the contrary. However, due to the military operation and sanctions, our relations unfortunately suffered a lot, and this deeply affected the fabric of what you and i built together, no one likes, when the results of his work, once achieved, are nullified due to reasons for which he is in no way to blame, and it was clear before the meeting that russian and hungarian businessmen and ministers, thank you for the invitation, were bored. On such negotiations, the minister of Foreign Affairs switched to russian, the very first seconds of the meeting between putin and orban, more than a year and a half after the last such negotiations, also said a lot our positions do not always coincide, but to have the opportunity to exchange opinions, in my opinion look, it is always extremely important, we are happy about this meeting, we are sure it will be held in a positive way, from facial expressions and gestures, it was clear that everyone was tired of the crazy, antirussian company in europe, we are trying to save everything we can from our bilateral contacts and much more rescue was successful, i want to thank you for the fact that rosatom continues to remain our excellent partners, i want to thank gazprom for fulfilling its obligations under the agreement, significant additional volumes to the hungarian market, this year additional the volume has already amounted to 1. 3 billion cubic meters of gas, we have an agreement that we will supply additional volumes on an ongoing basis during the autumnwinter period of the coming winter, we have fully confirmed all the agreements that have been reached, that they are being implemented and will be fulfilled , dont you say anything . About european structures, they themselves previously insisted that almost half of the materials for the construction of the paks npp should be european, but now, some of them, of course, as they say, are screwing their oars, so to speak. So to speak, in nautical language and yes, also and yes no, they dont say, they let everything go through a long circle of approvals, nod at the government, try to wink that we will decide everything there anyway, what should we wink at, we have deadlines, deliveries, costs, so 13 according to orban himself, his meeting with putin is over, the Prime Minister of hungary is leaving putins residence, now we see these shots, and of course, we are now waiting for his reaction. We can support cooperation between russia and hungary in areas not affected sanctions, and maintaining this cooperation is important for us, we are always criticized, but we act in accordance with the interests of our country, as you and i see, the Prime Minister is in no hurry to leave. Orban is now working with documents, or is already receiving some kind of reaction from his european colleagues, because footage of the meeting with putin, of course, has now spread all over the world. And it is also clear that now he clearly faces obstruction from his western colleagues. This is how you generally feel about such methods, because they are now subject to obstruction. Not only modern politicians, but also leaders who used to work, collaborated with you before, schroder, for example, is experiencing, well, almost humiliation, they put him away somewhere at important events, just so as not to sit next to chancellor scholz and not end up in the same frame with him, as for todays interlocutor, mr. Orban, he is one of the few european politicians who know how to defend their interests. They do it persistently, consistently, in my opinion, quite tactfully, our views with him are far from always coincide, moreover, we are often on different platforms, completely, but this does not stop us from talking and looking for solutions to some issues, some problems. As for the former chancellor of the federal republic of germany, mr. Schroder, you said that they are putting him away somewhere, they are trying to transplant him somewhere. You know, we recently saw an ugly incident in the canadian parliament, where they applauded the nazis, so i want to say, the further from schroeder, the closer to anton rott, the clave of the canadian parliament, who sympathizes with the nazis, and so that in germany they can hear me, ill try to say this even in german evaita von schruda, roth, yes, he sympathizes with the nazis , there are a lot of decent people in germany, im sure many will hear this, and these people understand that there can be a world order is based only on international law, and what biden, scholz and macron are now imposing on the world, an order based on rules, is definitely not viable. Have you ever seen these rules . No, because no one has ever written them, and no one has ever agreed with anyone, how can it be talking about an order based on rules that no one has seen is nonsense, this is some kind of nonsense, but it is beneficial for those who promote such an approach, if no one has seen these rules, it means that those who talk about it themselves. Come up with these rules from case to case in a way that suits their interests, this is the colonial approach, because they always believed that they were people of the first class, that they brought enlightenment, that they were civilized people, that we were exceptional in the United States, this means that this means that the second, other people, all people of some other, second class, but how else can we perceive this . Many of president putins answers are intriguing and deserve people to think carefully. A journalist from the Chinese Media community, who, on the eve of putins visit to china , managed to record a detailed interview with him. In a supermarket in the beijing area where i live, i can buy russian milk and meat, increasing trade turnover. Chinese Television Staff in the kremlin prepared for one of the most important conversations of their careers. Vangu does not hide the fact that he is worried, receives professional advice from peskov, additionally he had to calm his nerves right during the interview. The translation earphone kept falling and falling. It was necessary to raise it quickly, because it is very important, of course, to hear every word, much less to translate it correctly, the work is very interesting, in terms of translation it is not always easy, a question for vladimir prosimpino, among our people they say, tell me who your friend is, and i ll tell you who you are, if i praise the chairman now, ill feel somehow uncomfortable, its like im praising myself, therefore, i will try to be an objective leader who does not make a sevenminute decision based on some current situation, he assesses the situation, analyzes and looks into the future, this is what distinguishes a real world leader from the people we call temporary workers who come for 5 minutes for in order to show off on the International Platform and also disappear, and this is just a point, very bright, very rich and numerous. Putin especially recalls the negotiations in st. Petersburg, when in detail showed a friend his hometown, took a walk along the neva, in st. Petersburg its already 11 00 pm, but the Informal Program of Vladimir Putin and sidin continues, hello, and now the leaders are heading to the armitage, theyve talked a lot, i can say, theyve gone over all the issues , we discussed everything, it was very thorough. The chinese journalist who assessed the Language Skills of our Program Producer ilya baev also worked in the kremlin as such a homely environment, clearly in a friendly environment. Your chinese is very good, i i heard that you are learning chinese yourself, congratulations, thats really good , i dont think my russian will ever reach your level, a few years ago, also here on a visit, also chinese, i. Really impressive, because we set themselves the task of achieving 200 billion dollars in 24, and when we formulated this in 1919 , few believed that this was even possible, and now 200, a very, very extensive russian delegation, the minister of finance, is already ahead of schedule, head of gazprom, minister of transport, hello, the head of the central bank, the head of russian railways, almost all the key ministers and heads of the largest Russian Companies are here, look, we are just having a conversation. Largescale, that even additional tables were needed to accommodate all members of the delegation, look, igor seichin and Leonid Mikhelson and Alexey Miller are there, dozens of dozens of ministers and businessmen from russia are participating here today, important figures from the head of gazprom on cooperation with china , daily requests are higher than the volumes that we have registered in the contract, and we regularly supply additional volumes to the chinese market, and we have been doing this for several years now, this year i think it will be 600 million cubic meters of gas, only pipeline supplies to china, may be released in the very near future to the level of supply volumes that we had for export to western europe. Of course, every person in the world knows these shots, tian square is a famous place, a portrait of mao zedong at the entrance to the forbidden city, literally a few steps and here is the house of the peoples assembly. And here we are now seeing the moment when the president is already on his way. Negotiations with my chinese colleague, together with you we are going to watch every moment of these negotiations, pay attention, by the way , look, look here at this side, how many journalists here want to capture this moment, you see, a few minutes are needed, now you can come in , theres still a delegation , germoskovich, come in, oh, youre already. Were almost being swept away by chinese tv cameramen, were running to occupy the point, its clear that this is very important today, we made it, we have time, my dear. Friend, we are meeting with a dear friend for the second time in 7 months , the first was in march in moscow, this was my first visit after reelection, we understand that this is a special sign emphasizing the level and nature of relations, putin then also showed a special sign , i have an apartment here, in which i ve been spending a lot of time lately, i work here and spend the night very often, we moved there, sitting by the fireplace drinking. We talked about everything slowly. And even now, when the head of china is visiting there were dozens of leaders, the meeting with putin was of special duration. We talked for 3 hours with the chairman of the peoples republic of china, you cant tell everything, in order to explain everything in detail, you also need 3 hours, we dont have that kind of time, and we dont need it. We had a Small Business lunch, and then the chairman of the meeting invited us to retire , we talked privately, indeed , thats how it is, just over a cup of tea, we also talked there for another hour, maybe two, some questions completely of a confidential nature were discussed face to face, it was very such a productive and meaningful part of the conversation. Political mutual trust is steadily deepening; the chinese side is ready , together with russia, to invariably rely on the fundamental interests of the peoples of the two countries. Chinese cameramen are filming the meeting with putin with movie cameras, such footage can be stored forever, there are many journalists, and they are protected from the leaders with ropes that are rolled up only when the reporters are strongly advised to leave the room, to leave the delegations of the two countries, as soon as the journalists left, the door was opened immediately for numerous waiters, look, a whole line, not a cup of coffee being judged by a member of the delegation, and of course, this is how the most pressing issues are discussed behind closed doors, in the current difficult conditions, close Foreign Policy coordination is especially in demand, which is what we are doing today and we are all that well also discuss it, its clear that it doesnt matter that western politicians will now say again that moscow and beijing are creating the oos, they are the ones creating the axis all the time, we have said many times already, we are not uniting in some kind of militarypolitical alliance, and the americans are doing this, moreover, they are also forcing their allies to worsen relations with russia and china, at the previous nato summit, what they talked about, in the summer, in my opinion, they said that nato is already acquiring az. Measurements, they, that is, they themselves entered into a fight with the peoples republic of china, why didnt china fight with them, its the americans who are fighting them, having taken this path, they are dragging the europeans there, the europeans do not want to quarrel with china , the americans are pushing them there, oh at the ukrainian crisis summit in beijing they said, of course, too, putin repeated, the first thing to do is to cancel the decree to the president of ukraine prohibiting negotiations, we hear now that they seem to be ready for some kind of negotiations already. The responsible persons who just recently spoke about the need to inflict a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield, now they have already spoken in a different voice and are talking about the need to solve these problems through peaceful negotiations, this is the right transformation in the right direction, mr. Bareli, then he says i will praise you for this, but this is not enough, you need to take concrete steps if you really want to reach an agreement, russia, president putin reminds, has always been peaceminded and for a decade has called on the nato military bloc to stop, as it was once promised to moscow. Five waves expansion, five. And every time we expressed our concerns. Every time they told us where is the piece of paper with our signature . There is no piece of paper, thats it, goodbye, they announced that ukraine is welcome in nato. So, from year to year, from year after year the situation became more heated. And whats more, they promoted a coup detat, and then launched military operations and carried out these military operations for 8 years , killing women and children, and no one in the west paid attention to this or pretended not to notice, so the beginning of a special military operation in russia this is not the beginning of a war, this is an attempt to stop it, in this war the west continually strives to declare itself the winner, if the war is lost to russia, why supply atacoms, let atacoms take everything back other. Weapons sit down for pancakes, come to us for tea, if the war is lost, what are we going to talk about then, why attack, ask him this question, well, its funny, we asked putin a question, what you said about patrolling over the black sea is not will this be called another threat from russia, i warned that this is not a threat, but we will exercise visual control, control with weapons of what is happening in the mediterranean sea, turbulent events in the world are considered. In the end they will only bring the two closer together countries, are strengthening russianchinese interaction, the share of National Currencies is already approximately between russia 90 , 90 , more than 90 , this is mostly the yuan, of course, right . Yes, this is mostly the yuan, well, the ruble too, it takes up an important share here, of course, there are difficulties with paying for services, and this is how you get by here, by the way, in exactly the same way, uninp in cash, but banks are looking for Large Companies to find new ones opportunities, chinese travelers are returning to you, little by little, little by little, but then there will be more a lot, as always, yes, you are absolutely right , this is further confirmation that we need highspeed traffic, italy three or four times a day, one at a time for now, and even then not every day, is that when it will be restored . There are no technical restrictions for this, i think it will recover, there is a certain inertia, the number of new projects that are being launched, all this will lead to results. Our interaction plan until 2030. This is a very good plan, concrete. Sit for months, we did it pretty quickly, it gives reason to believe that everything will also be implemented quickly. Yes, we have big projects, truly trillions of rubles, the chinese side is interested, and we are interested in cooperation with chinese manufacturers, we have a lot of new work ahead. For example, the biggest thing was after the negotiations. Okay, thank you very much and such negotiations with russian ministers and businessmen. And with other countries a bus was needed. New Gas Pipelines in china, plans for a gas pipeline through mongolia, Chinese Media note, benefit all parties, well, what europe does is its business. After such a real blow and an attempt to cause us collapse of damage, you are now looking to the future with absolute confidence. Absolutely confident and i can say that we currently feel absolutely confident. And the company reliably fulfills all its obligations and i can say that economically we are as strong as before, its already evening in china, see the lights that have come on in putins residence, the president s work here continues, the marathon of daytime meetings has given way to evening non stop, and then even at night, and one could already get confused, and where is whose place, everyone came to visit. Countries of such a large and different world, with different cultures and traditions, Everyone Wants to communicate with russia, immediately a discussion with assistants, and during our interview with the president we also had to interrupt, and more guests arrived, now say hello, we were able to film this moment too see this too. The negotiations were apparently so important for them that even members of the delegation filmed everything on their phones as if from a brace. Vladimir putin now he is leaving his residence, but only in order to continue his work, he goes to another point in beijing, in fact, to the forum, one train, one way. And after that it will continue into the night. Thirdparty meetings, here at the president ial residence. Siidi meets all the leaders, who then went to a special hall, and he asked putin to stay. Immediately a general photo, and these shots could only be taken by our lift program, as they say, we, every passenger, of kazakhstan, here is an opportunity to discuss relations between the Eurasian Union and the Chinese Initiative is one way, it is a global initiative, it concerns almost all regions of the world, everyone, but what is called the Eurasian Partnership is local, it is a large space, for us it is an absolute priority for russia, but it still does not have such a global character , like chinese. Therefore, without any doubt, one complements the other, there is no competition here , and transip, and bam, the northern sea route, our northsouth, all this will create a synergistic effect, that evening at the house peoples meetings where the forum was held, so many president ial cars gathered that the entire square was filled with them, and the drivers were right here on the hoods and had a snack, the day was all here again, you definitely have never seen so many number one cars, in any direction, everywhere you look, the cars of the president s are from right to left, this is the forums representation, one train, the journey of the second working day begins at 9 am, moscow time again four. The red carpet along which Vladimir Putin walked, the house of peoples assembly, the largest building in the world for holding various meetings, and the stairs are also the largest here, and what is it like to clean them when there are so many guests . According to putin, the one train one track forum is capable of facilitating interaction on a huge scale. World community. The president talks about the largest transport projects in russia, which have either been done or will be done, and which will interface with the chinese route. Each of us, when we start some big business, of course, expects that it will be successful. But of course, with such global size, as they say, its hard to count on everything working out. Our chinese friends are doing it. We are very happy about these successes because it is concerning. Many of us, look at the number of people who have now left this hall, they all listened to the speeches of the president of russia , how did you feel, how did they perceive the president s speech in the hall, they received it with enthusiasm, this is without exaggeration, the answer to those who believe that global goals china is too suspiciously global, to crush someone under itself, well, we dont see this, we see just a desire to cooperate, no one brought anything to anyone. Only opportunities are provided, the number of mutually beneficial projects increases, the number of mutually beneficial projects haunts washington , a Us Congress Commission recommended that the United States prepare for a simultaneous war with russia and china, and the option of nuclear war is being considered, i dont think these are some healthy thoughts coming to the heads of healthy people, because to say that the United States is preparing for war with russia, well, we all we are preparing for war, because we follow the wellknown ancient principle, if you want peace, prepare for war, but we proceed from the fact that we want peace, but if they want to fight with russia, then this is a completely different war, this is not carrying out a special military operation, you look in the middle east, is there really a special military operation there, uh, you can compare it, but if we talk about a war between Great Nuclear powers, thats a completely different story, i dont think people in their right mind would have this idea should or can come to mind, but if it comes, it only makes us wary, and even more so to fight with russia and china at once, nonsense , of course, i dont think that this is all serious, so add each other in my opinion, what if sunset lasts until 5 30 p. M. . Journalists in beijing were going to ask numerous questions to putin right in the open air, guys, 5 minutes, in 5 minutes, now the president will be there, its even more or less light, peskov calls for working quickly and clearly, dynamically, quickly yes, quickly is good, it doesnt happen, what exactly is going on here quickly, its getting dark, the president s press conference. Gloomy news comes from the middle east every minute, at that moment about terrible events, but hundreds of dead, hundreds of wounded this is, of course, a disaster, and i really hope that this will be a signal that this conflict needs to end as quickly as possible, before flying to beijing, well, now dima, a couple more questions, putin held numerous telephone conversations on this matter with the leaders of middle eastern countries, the president of nasveshchenie, not only the security officials, but the deputy minister Foreign Affairs, we are talking about. Concerns in the middle east about what is happening in the zone of a special military operation. This is a principled position; it has nothing to do with todays crisis at all. We have always advocated the creation of a palestinian state, independent, sovereign, with its capital in east jerusalem; it is necessary to solve fundamental problems of a political nature. The president quickly answered all the most pressing questions. Thank you very much and all the best. The visit is over. Moscow and beijing have once again shown the world wandering in mutual descendants. How you can build brilliant bilateral relations in every sense. Putin was in a hurry and then flew to perm. International forum russia is a sports power. Russian federation, vladimir. Russia, as a sports power, is now having a very difficult time; International Officials have shredded all the foundations of the olympic principles. An invitation to the games is an absolute right for the best athletes, but a kind of privilege, which can be earned not by sports results, but by some kind of political gestures that have nothing to do with sports at all, my our colleagues and children, they will not go to these Olympic Games in this status , its a shame, we are used to chanting our anthem when fans sing our anthem, now to come without all this and be in this state, i think its beneath dignity such a great country as russia. What is happening in modern International Sports organizations are signs of degeneration. It is very commercialized, which means it depends on business, and business depends on authorities at various levels. This is a sign of degeneration. Sports and sports movements were created not to participate in some political troubles, but to unite. If we follow this logic, then now it is necessary to exclude almost half of the arab countries from sports movements, israel must be excluded, it is still unclear who is there and what , and restrictions in the form of sports, judging by what has happened recently, may immediately follow, the famous egyptian swimmer fears disqualification for supporting palestine receives constant threats. Sports for all athletes if we if we close the path to the future for athletes, we will close the door to our future. Russia is only going to open all the doors, hold more of its various competitions, and depend less on international functionaries. There is no need to isolate yourself on these officials who have already moved away from sports, sit there on a salary, no one knows where, and do what they are commanded from political structures, irina winner about her students, work from morning to night, win, make wonderful programs, participate endlessly in competitions, in concerts, they are absolutely not feel that they are not participating somewhere. Eat. Values ​​that cannot be betrayed, canceled, exchanged for something or sold, one of them is definitely sport and its unifying force, and more and more people in russia feel this force, 350 , 350, such an increase, the number of those who came to figure skating in other sports, there is also a significant increase in wonderful sports facilities, and children and adults will have the opportunity. To engage in physical education and sports, now the new five facilities are a very good step forward. Perm putin showed his fist. In a group photo with boxers who were preparing to compete at the tournament, they will show themselves, they will show themselves, a flag will be raised in their honor. God gave. The victory by knockout was won by sergei, a wild dog. Hari won the victory. Sasyaev brought victory to the Russian National team with a score of 8 00. Russia always has bright victories in hockey, but there is a big question to understand what we should do with the hockey businessmen who take away children from sports schools and drag them abroad. It is clear that we have a free country, it is clear that everyone a person makes his choice, and we should not interfere with this, but it is also clear that this is a business, and. Business is not always regulated, so to speak, and not always noble, there is a lot of dependence, the money is not small, it is a detriment to us causes the obvious. At the end of the day in perm, the president has a meeting with general designer alexander inozemtsev, pd14 aircraft engines begin to be mass produced for new aircraft. We made eight of them in total, our plan for next year is 12, then 24, and then the pace is such that it scares our eyes. Theyve been around for a long time familiar, putin was following the project, by the end of next year there will be 13 engines in fullscale tests , thank god, thank you, this year a welldeserved award in the kremlin, the engine that was made under the leadership of our todays hero of labor, nothing like this has been done for 30 years, on the russian i96 plane, the president then, unexpectedly for everyone. Flew to rostovon don at the headquarters of the Southern Military district, he was reported on the progress of the special military operation. A week ago the president told our program. As for the counteroffensive, which is allegedly stalled, it failed completely, however, the counteroffensive side is preparing new active offensive operations. We see it, we know it, and we also react to it accordingly. What s happening all over the place right now. Contact, this is called active defense, our troops are improving their position in almost all of this space, but we do not hide it, and i want. Thank the armed forces, the leadership of the armed forces forces, but above all our fighters, on the front lines, on the front lines for their courage and heroism, a separate order will be issued in rostov. Pavel, what is known about the president s plans for the next week . Not everything is known, but a lot is already known. The bible, here is the koran, the president always emphasizes, the torah, that the strength of russia and, finally, the buddha, diversity this week will meet with representatives of the main religious faiths, which is especially important now, when the world is balancing on the threshold of dangerous clashes, and when they are trying to translate the outrage against faith into normal level in our country this is a crime, and for weeks putin will again deal with the development of the rocket and space industry, hold a meeting, and before it will meet with young scientists. Our traces will remain on the dusty paths of distant planets. Another week, putin will hold an operational meeting with members of the security council, there will be many other events, the rest earlier, the most important details of the president ial events in the zarubin telegram channel, and more than the rest in the next issue of our program. Thank you, pavel, i say goodbye to you, until next weekend, we will see the audience again, after a short break, im waiting for you in the studio on sunday evening. Good evening, in war, there is such a phrase, the truth is the first to die, probably thats why its so important to me. Travel for yourself, look, talk with the guys, hear, whenever possible, transport materials to show so that people can decide for themselves , when i look at what the west says about us, i understand that there are some two realities, what comes up with you cant call the west reality, but whats happening on earth has nothing to do with what it shows and tells, while whether we are talking about. Israel and palestine, or whether we are talking about iran, afghanistan, iraq, syria, yemen, im not even talking about what is happening here, but people, our people, of course, are amazing, they see everything , they understand everything, look at everything, they treat it very calmly, they dont have such hatred, bitterness, yesterday i was with the guys who marinka is working, i drove by and looked, well, its also near evka, but they are nearby, i talked to very different people, so the men are of course amazing , you will see them, i will show them today, there has been no difference for a long time, mobilized, and there is so much no difference that i will show them there storms, a group, the boy was an entrepreneur in sochi. Mobilized, now he is the commander of a unit, he has contract soldiers subordinate to him, and he is mobilized, but he is alive, clear, understandable, he has found himself, just like a selfpropelled gun that is actively being dismantled, guys, combat personnel, two mobilized, one contract soldier , but what is the difference between them . No, i asked almost to all the officers whom i met in different ways, i say, you believe , this is what they write about the riot, he says, no, of course, never, well, i know all the men, so that we would do such a thing, but never, not even close, with this is why ukrainian publics are going crazy, shouting about crazy victims, they look askance, im talking to the guys, what kind of victims, are they being honest . Well, of course, when the tapes appeared, there were more than three, that is, there were a lot of wounded, but he says, we take care of them, we dont abandon them, that is , we dont go crazy, at all, and they often say, these are yesterdays prisoners they sign contracts, there is a storm and they are abandoned by local assaults, nothing like that, i stopped by the 150th regiment, which i often visit, sasha nilov used to command, now. Brest is in command, a unique guy, he is kazakh by nationality, when i asked him why your call sign is brest, he says, well, maybe at least one kazakh in our army can be without a kazakh call sign, so i will have a call sign. Precisely and clearly, he also has a storm z, and he says that the guys contract has already ended, they are signing again, they are working great, but again the level of mortality and death is not high at all, not at all high , on the other side, of course, there is trouble, on the other side, they took prisoners in the northern direction, 25 people from the unit, two remained alive. And there people are just hysterical, that is, they are throwing meat at us, we dont fight like that and we treat differently, its even wrong what the west says when, in all seriousness, they put us on the same level as hamas hamas, and before that it was zhegil, yes us obama, then you just think, well, are you even with weve lost our minds when they seriously accuse us of almost creating hamas. That we are the main enemies and that now they will deal with us, this is when this one, by the way, he was originally an american crazy ultraliberal, friend comes to israel, becomes one of the leaders of the faction in the ruling party there and begins to threaten russia, i would like to ask not him , and netanyahu, he agrees with this point of view, which was expressed by this person, that is, now. Its all our fault, just lets do it lets see how he shouts, i understand, you are receiving salary from the russians, i understand that this is russian propaganda, but be very careful, and i am telling you, we will end this war, we will win because we are stronger, and after that russia will pay bills , believe me, russia will pay, russia will pay, russia supports the enemies of israel, russia supports the nazis who want to commit genocide of our people, and russia will pay, will also pay. Now listen to me very carefully, we will put an end to these nazis, we will win this war, this it will take time, but we will win this war, after which we will not forget what you are doing, we will not forget, we will come and make sure that ukraine wins, we will make sure that you pay for what you did, you are like russia, and you are like all enemies of israel, and like all the people who are now doing everything to support the genocide of jews in israel, we will not forget, we will not forget anything, remember what i am saying now, you will pay a high price for this, firstly, this is a certain amir, first of all, take your finger away, i want to remind you that you, like me, exist only because a soviet soldier stopped a terrible genocide and defeated those whom you now consider your friends, since when is this. Russia supports the terrorist methods of hamas, explain to me, emir, how did it happen that your country is secret, all this time supporting nazi ukraine bandera, who they slaughtered you and me, you forgot the lviv massacre, so stick your finger in one place and understand who you are talking to, you are talking to the saviors of the jews. And if you are looking for enemies, then i want to remind you what the nato countries actively advocate for you, this is what one of the deputies says to the nato country in turkey. Let me say one thing , everyone in history is angry at hitler, knows him to be a racist, but hitler has words, you will curse me for every jew i didnt kill. And i once again mercifully remember hitler, since the zionists, israel, and jews constantly bring unrest to the world and turn out to be the cause of all troubles. Once again i remember hitler with mercy and condemn israel. I hope this terrorist state will come end as soon as possible, after the world is cleansed of jews, it will find peace in the world. This is suleiman sezen speaking. Representative of the ruling turkish party, this is all normal, or you were afraid to notice turkeys position, because you are scared , so you are good for russia, you start puffing, of course, at russia, lets look further, russia, which stopped the terrible terror, terrible terror, which someone brought to the east, lets remember, it was such a civil one. She told the truth about who, for example, created alkaida, to be honest, we helped create the problem that we are now struggling with, how, we had a brilliant idea, we were going to come to pakistan to create a mujahideen force, equip them with Stinger Missiles and Everything Else to persecute the soviets in afghanistan and we succeeded. And then we said great, goodbye, by leaving these trained fanatical people in afghanistan and pakistan, leaving them well armed, we created a mess, frankly, we didnt realize it at the time, we were so happy to see the fall of the soviet union thought, okay, okay, were okay now, things will be much better , now you look back, the people we re fighting today were supportive in the fight against the soviets, if we had any sense of victory, but we we see all these losses, we see that the losses in afghanistan are growing, if we caught osama binladen, it would inspire the american people, motivate them to be more committed to this project. Do you believe that the pakistani government knows where Osama Bin Laden is, i think that some members of the government know about this, i have already spoken about this before. I think its also important for your viewers to know that by collaborating with. Killing many of their leaders, so theres a lot to be said here, thats not what i want yet, because being a senator from new york september 11, i want these guys, i wont rest until we get them. Who created hamas, who created hamas, now that the cretin johnson with the french cretin, henri levy, argues that hamas and russia is one and the same, you are cheap, mediocre, illiterate brutes, i ask you, who created hamas . Ursula fonder, who supported the families of Hamas Terrorists for many years . It was not the European Union that paid them money, it was the European Union who continued to pay them until the last moment . Its not us, you who created hamas, turkey . Qatar . Are these muslim brothers . And what role did the existence and development of hamas play, diverse, lets say. Society of various intelligence services, would you like to tell us about it . Where did you find it russian trace . Let me remind you that hamas fought against the government in syria that we officially support; it fought against russia, and not for russia. When hamas massacred 7,500 representatives of the palestine liberation organization, and this benefited a number of israeli politicians. You didnt do anything, you didnt shout, everything suited you, so its no coincidence that many in the east say we dont believe you at all, well, okay, hamasrorists and what they did is unacceptable, and here is the famous phrase to vladimir vladimovich what putin needs to do with terrorists, everyone knows this well, the people of palestine, all terrorists, this is what they do. An idiot with a raised finger, the entire people of palestine are terrorists, that is, you can kill women, children, as it looks for the arab world, the muslim world, which is broader than the arab world, turks are not arabs, iranians are not arabs, as this looks for them the phrase that we do not consider it appropriate to conduct an International Investigation into the tragedy that occurred in the hospital, for example, as netanyahu described long before bibi. About the admissibility of losses during war, ill try to give an example, in 1944, the British Air Force goes on a bombing mission, the target is the gestap headquarters in copenhagen, an ideal target, the planes drop bombs and miss, instead of the gestap headquarters, they end up in a Childrens Hospital and die. This is an accidental tragic outcome of a war, this can happen, but it is not terrorism, that is, it is not terrorism. Okay, so israel says, and america says, no, well, much fewer people died there, the Christian Church is being destroyed, people are dying there, well why talk about it, well, its so, its all a deception, that is, everything that the media there shows, you dont need to believe, but we have correspondents working there, in arti in general there is a terrible tragedy, the cameraman arti killed 12 people there, members families. This is a terrible tragedy, but we are showing the truth, and there is biden, who doesnt care about the truth, and who also doesnt give a damn about history, for example, that he announced putins threat to poland, putin has already threatened to remind, i quote remind poland, whats their the western land was a gift from russia, one of his main advisers, the former president of russia, called latvia, lithuania, russian, baltic provinces, all of these are nato allies. For 75 years, nato maintained peace in europe and was the cornerstone of american security. And if putin attacks a nato ally, we will defend every inch of nato that the treaty requires. We will have something that we do not strive for. Let it be clear that we do not want american troops to fight in russia or against russia. We know, that outside of europe our allies are watching, and perhaps most importantly our opponents, competitors, they are also watching our reaction in ukraine. If we walk away and allow putin to erase ukraines independence, potential aggressors around the world will be emboldened to try to do the same. The risk of conflict and chaos could spread to other parts of the world, in the indopacific region in the middle east, especially in the middle east. Iran supports russias actions in ukraine. Iran and hamas, he deliberately lies, and what is he against what he said . Dmitry anichev, you need to learn history, you cretin, but i understand that in america they teach history poorly, but at least a certificate, biden is not a cretin, he didnt write what he reads. They slipped him, he said the words, all those cretins who deal with russia , all these advisers who cannot even prepare a normal certificate for their president , because it is true, yes, western lands, just as it is true that ukraine has never been a single independent state, not counting the small ones there in 1916, a small number, if you ask the cretin johnson, who says, look how unpleasant it is, well, how there was no symbol of independence, maybe somewhere in a museum they will show coins of independent ukraine from the 16th century, that no, its russian propaganda, all the coins were stolen, well, clearly. Therefore, of course, we in russia look at you and think, youre idiots, what are you talking about, but not only in russia, this is what they say in iran, from the consultations i had with the leaders of the region, especially taking into account the views of the resistance leaders , it follows that if all measures are taken to stop the attacks of the infanticidal zionist regime in palestine, especially in the gas sector. Does not lead to an immediate result, there may be more fronts of war, this option is not excluded, every hour it becomes more and more likely, the region, like a warehouse of powder kegs, can explode at any moment, all players. Iran will not watch from the sidelines if this situation continues, if america does not stop this policy, the expansion of the scale of war will become inevitable if this happens, so biden managed to make one thing clear he could not create an antirussian consensus, but he certainly could create. In the islamic world, and it is no coincidence that one of the leaders of the islamic world stated that the life of a muslim for an american is much less important than the life of an israeli, and this is unacceptable, here we are, we are all probably soviet people here, we were raised in the spirit of socialist internationalism, we we hate nazi terrorists of any nationality and any stripe. But we remember well that the hitlers come and go, but the german people remain, we will never allow ourselves to stoop to the point of considering the murder of civilians, women, children, old people, this is completely unacceptable for us, were just not like that, and even when a cretin from israel threatens russia, there will be no. Manifestation of antisemitism in russia, but except for those cases when it comes to our so called liberals, you i understand that im taking up a lot of time, forgive me, ill stop now, but somehow i just got sick of it in a week, i told you a long time ago that the echo of moscow is a hotbed of absolute evil, i said this a long time ago, they didnt believe me, they giggled, look what monsters were raised by an absolute scoundrel. Scumbag venediktov, just look at these monsters, which after the terrible tragedy in israel, comparable to the horrific episodes of the holocaust, such onetime losses have not happened in the history of the jewish people after the forty fifth year, this is the most terrible act of International Terrorism perpetrated by hamas, look at how this citizen reacts lazerson and how does citizen venediktov react to this . I dont like jokes at all, i probably have a favorite, what do they have in common between a carriage with concrete and a carriage with small jewish babies, dead . Lisa, well, lisa alexey alekseevich, well, lisa, the first one cant be unloaded with a pitchfork, lisa, actual girl, lisa, no, alexey alekseevich, after all, she drove her out into the paint, she promised, she promised, lisa thats it, you cant let me paint, my friends, my friends, only 10,000 for lisa to be silent for at least a minute, i think we have to wait, what lisa will say on the air, you will make her laugh, then we have, as it were, rule to attack people, dont give them a word, because for example, i personally am sure that in the deepest way she is worried, let me remind you, she is jewish, she is the mother of two children, i know her position during. All this time in relation to the tragedy that is happening in israel, so it seems to me that before talking about anything, she needs give the floor and listen to her, and this is the most important thing, publicly, and this, in my opinion, is the most important thing, you have already talked to her, we have corresponded, well, everyone is asking about sanctions, i answered about this. At the moment when its here, as if im looking at what theyre asking, at the moment when it happened, what did you then, how did you immediately understand that it was so, what was your reaction, look, this is not the time for any excuses, yes , now, nothing justifies the lack of my reaction, but honestly, it seemed to me that i heard, that i misheard, i was at a distance, her voice was blocking and only when i listened to the entire stream, yesterday, i realized that a miraculous story had happened, this was all public, so there would be no sessions, the creature lazerson would continue to broadcast, the excuse was that she had children, many ss men had children , and that , of course, there will be no sanctions, because they are all they agree with this, its very funny to everyone, these are the kind of soulless creatures in russia that were used in a variety of offices and were given to them for decades. In russia it wont, but fortunately, the carriers of this antisemitic principle like lazerson and venediktova. They rarely come to russia; it would be better if they werent here at all. Aleksanovich, vladimir rudolfovich, accept my admiration, and todays speech and all the years of our communication, today, going to this program, i went into the archive and found out that the first time i was on your program was in ninetynine, it was a process, so for 24 years i have the honor of being a participant in your broadcasts. But you brought me to one amazing thing, preparing for todays broadcast, with a pencil in my hands i carefully took notes not on lenin, not on putin, but on biden, and i say this absolutely without any jokes, seriously, because it seems to me that sometimes you need to be very careful read your political enemies, because biden just these days, he had two speeches, and im out of shape now, no, about the special writers, you can treat it in any way, but this is such a, you know, political striptease happened , because he said, over these 2 days in two of his speeches, there were a lot of important things in order to understand who sees the picture of the world today and how, and what do us if the picture. The world in the eyes of the american president is what he imagines it to be. Here i am, this is me, really in 2 days of my work with pencil edits, ill start with his speech at a preelection reception in washington, there 2 days ago, he said the following for 50 years everything worked damn well, but it fizzled out. We need a new world order, in a sense. The next. In 45 years we will do something that will determine what the next 45 decades will look like, and then, wonderfully, the existing International Institutions are not able to prevent attempts to solve longstanding problems by force, through military means. Well, in a sense, there are quotes directly from putin, the old world is not working, a new world order is needed, putin spoke about this starting from the munich speech, then further, and what kind of world order does biden propose, this is what this very large speech of his is dedicated to, this is his, or rather this is his television speech, a television address to the nation, you just showed a small story from this, well, this is really a very large voluminous document, this a compact text on seven pages, how my grandfather stood up to pronounce this text, im even partly surprised, and i have to give it to the speechwriters, that they are lying about poland, about the baltic states, but thats how to put it, thats how its supposed to be, well, who will remember what stalin means literally in a tough dialogue with truman from before this in truman in yalta, which means that before that he defended this topic with rooseville, rooseville and what with rooseville and churchill. Western acquisitions of poland, they did not see this poland at all in the form in which it arose, this is obvious, but this is not the point, which means that it is not even that biden also repeats here that hamas and russia are one and the same the same thing, and he puts the conflict between israel and ukraine on the same level, in ukraine, by the way, its very interesting, you can go through everything like this from front to back. First, there is not a single phrase about a political solution in ukraine, here, about israel, about the conflict in the middle east, well , for diplomatic reasons, he says Something Like that, though with reservations, very florid, so to speak, he goes to this topic, about ukraine there is not a single word about a political settlement, everything is clear here, fight, fight, fight, fight, until victory. This means, but most importantly, i have to quote here, because the quintessence of all this is bidens next phrase, us leadership is what unites the world, american alliances are what provide us with security for the United States, American Values ​​are what makes us the partner they want to work with. Other countries, this is very interesting, because this triad, in fact , is what it is, this is exactly what a political striptease is, it doesnt even talk about western values, but some universal values, it absolutely clearly talks about American Values, hes straight says that everything that america does in the world today is a matter of its security, america , he emphasizes, highlights, this is the security , first of all, of the United States of america, not even of europe, which is nato partners there. Well, its clear that his whole conversation about the new world order is an inferiority complex of the current world order, which they intuitively understand as a world order where American Leadership is lost, it is leaving, it needs to be restored, and the question is how to restore it, and biden is actually directly says that there is only one tool, so i want us all to hear this, there is one and only tool for restoring this American Leadership this is military force, but here i want to make one, as it seems to me, important remark, this is the use of military force as an instrument of politics, until recently was, was the prerogative of the americans , by the way, lets admit that most often it gave results and effects, well, there in iraq they overthrew saddam hussein, at least this task that they set. Themselves decided bombing means yugoslavia destroyed yugoslavia, overthrew milosevic, killed gaddafi, that is, they are accustomed to the fact that they turn on this tool and get the result, where for the first time, so to speak, they obviously broke their teeth, it was syria, syria is the first example of when they we have practically already achieved victory, 90 of the territory, by the way, is absolutely correct, hamas was on the side of those forces that fought assad, russia came, suddenly a bummer, it didnt work, but ill say more, unfortunately, we have to admit that general use of military force as an instrument of politics has recently come objectively to the forefront in world politics, so why are we going to throw cancer over a stone, so to speak . Werent we, using military force against ukraine in ukraine, forced to do this when all other instruments, political instruments stopped working, when we realized that all our initiatives, peace initiatives, and the wellknown, so to speak, minsk agreements dont work, we had to do it, and the conflict between azerbaijan and armenia, but thats also example. When military force worked effectively and this issue was not resolved by any political instruments. Why am i saying this . I say this because we, apparently, we, the russian federation, have to admit today that we will have to do three things. First since our opponent refuses to speak in political language about the ukrainian conflict, it means that if. The only way for us to achieve our goal there, we cannot preserve this situation in the form in which it is, because this will not solve neither one problem and not a single task that we set for ourselves, therefore, we will have to continue to use military force exactly until the moment when the other side understands that it does not have a forceful solution in its favor, then, perhaps, there will be a reason for political decisions , this is the first, second, biden said 5 years to reformat the world, old biden is probably right in the sense that we have 5 years to give a signal to our opponents that we are leaders, well, ill put this word in the nuclear race weapons, we must have such a resource within these 5 years. Our nuclear potential, which will cool off any rival, because we will have clear , obvious advantages in this component, this is hypersound, these are nuclear engines, both on petrels and on underwater vehicles, and this is our strategic advantage, and third, very true to say, an important point, it is necessary to conduct a global audit of our participation, i quote biden, in dysfunctional international. Institutions, the other day, the duma withdrew ratification of the comprehensive Treaty Banning Nuclear tests, well, needless to say, the americans are committed to this. Carefully prepared for more than one month for this decision, on the day when we revoked this ratification, they blew up, well, not actually, they did not conduct nuclear tests, but it was an absolutely clear demonstration that they were preparing for this, thats what they call a chemical explosion, and its understandable, that it wasnt on the morning of that day that they made a decision, they had been preparing for several months and timed it to coincide with this date; yesterday, in my opinion, we withdrew from the agreement on border cooperation with finland. Well because it was useful, we terminated our membership in pass and do not comply with the decision of the european court, a couple of months ago we revoked our agreement on the trade transport of poles on our territory, and so on and so on and so forth, a lot of questions today related to our defense , with our economy, where we need to stop participating in these organizations, in the interests of our security, so our answer is yes, but the world order is only on our terms. Advertisement, lets take a photo. Premiere on rtr. Very bad connection. Anya, hello, we need to talk urgently. Maria kulikova. Death from war, come on, put it aside, you are not to blame for anything, dmitry miller, sometimes people do unpredictable things, ivan zhitkov, such a death is not a good thing, i regret it, alexander ratnikov, this is a bastard, lives somewhere nearby, sleeps, eats , drinks, you need to catch these criminals with a cool head and calculation, olga pavlovets, be careful, dont go where youre not asked, a mirror of lies. It seems to me that i know who had the motive, revenge, from monday, on rtr, so if you come to my house, the first thing you you will see this door scratched by dogs, he could become a zoologist. Or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 34 years old, we can do pullups, a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or a lifeguard. But he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be selfmedication, you need to contact a specialist. Doctor myasnikov, every saturday on rtr, from the first, you are the head of the company, i can handle it, this is my dream job. And yanochka, have you thought about her . Where are you going to take it . Lets hire her a nanny. Hello, yanochka, my name is maria alexandrovna. Can i call you aunt masha . My good one, call it what you like best. Arent you afraid at all that masha will replace you in yanas life . After all, they cannot live without each other, like mother and daughter, when there is no one closer to the nanny. You named your daughter yana. Are you afraid to leave yana with masha, or what . Im afraid, but you like to ride the bus, but i havent ridden it yet. Yana, yanochka aunt masha, on friday at rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donets, are you with us . Yes, when . My soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, lets say this is my trophy, we had a famine then, and here comes my grandmother, herself hungry, but she brings this kurba to the crowd and says, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across people like that. They are indifferent, support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, in honor. And praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday, on rtr, thank you, vladimirovich, uh, i would like to, before returning to the political topic, america in particular, you praised, scolded, the bidenovskys, oleg. He praised, yes, but in general, and we should have turned to him himself, he actually lived in the soviet union, and came and saw whose lands these lands were then, these countries, in which country they were located, in this sense, this is not, of course, preparing speechwriters for biden, in this sense, this is a black desire imagine to the whites, i saw this back in the European Union, when they put stalin on the same level as hitler, they calmly put him. The whole of europe, but america remained silent, they didnt know who was fighting whom, and remember , we were indignant at some studio and said that we were not responding to this harshly enough, and that this should not be allowed, we must respond as much as possible from all calibers, i want hair andreev was just very, we talked a lot about this topic right here, we talked about it many times, i want to go back to whats here left behind the scenes, before the start of the program we congratulated volodya once again on his birthday, his team congratulated him here, i want to add to this, i congratulated you on friday early in the morning and i think its interesting whether he is sleeping or not, you know that you finished yet again since the broadcast, late on friday evening, i immediately picked up the phone, im saying this for what reason , many are hiding on their birthday, someone is leaving because its a hard day, so to answer these, especially on your anniversary, when i know you , congratulated all the top officials of the state and ordinary, ordinary people, such how am i, why do i want to remember this, because then on the same day i congratulated another comrade, friend, Pavel Nikolaevich grudinin, these are some interesting friends i have, his collective farm, his state farm will turn 105 years old next month, i say this is why, you are a complex person, you sometimes scold me there, argue with our positions , communist, like a marxist, but at the same time, you understand what brought me to this thought, why did i now remember pasha or kazankov, whom the day before yesterday we also said, you see, 114 rubles is average wages at the state farm, or at kazankovs, where he works 5,000, 114,000 per month, without taking into account, just the word of thousands was not heard , and without taking into account, by the way, the salaries of the management, here are kazankov, here are kanavalov, we talked there, they show the same kanavalov for 5 years, i increased taxes seven times, think about it, seven times , which means these businessmen didnt pay extra, why do i remember you, about grudin, about people like kanavalov, like kazankov, because they are you, more precisely , sorry, they are the salt of the earth that now feeds, why are they different people, its poisoning, but can i step aside from this respected team, because when talking with the gentleman, i have so many questions that you know, hes still careless about his own, here they are now in these in these countries that were talking about now, several deputy Prime Ministers left, changed citizenship, businessmen we cant count it, and im looking at you, you often emphasize your jewishness and i think how difficult it is for a jewish person in this situation to remain objective, unbiased, but its not difficult for a russian person, internationalists . How maybe the internationalists start with the phrase how difficult it is for you to remain objective as a jew, its like im not an antisemite , so that i even have a jewish friend, you know, its all such a putdown, i look at scholz like hes undermined, yes we are, yes we are, yes we are just do what you want, i asked a question to a german, dont say anything about it, but its not difficult for you to remain objective as a jew, i asked a question to a german, one of the leaders of the parliaments there, i say, listen, a long, long time ago this was long before 14. Dont be ashamed, on the one hand im glad that you pay to the jews for what you did, what you did, what trouble you brought them, but you pay , for example, the assistance program, which means the jews, under which they were under the siege of leningrad, in leningrad, and you dont actually think about it , that there were tatars there, and there were russians, all other nationalities , something you dont really run to pay them there, in this sense, when i remember the position of germany today, i understand that it is far from objective. You have now touched upon a very important deep topic, which, it seems to me, should be raised now, because that for the sake of it, we didnt push the show and didnt push the theme of the genocide of the soviet people, but it was the genocide of the soviet people, regardless of nationality, religion, and the ukrainians, naturally, are all there, even some of those who are now independent of the state, but after all, 27 million soviet people were exterminated, so of course, when jewish organizations brought up the topic of the holocaust separately, great, look, yes, they didnt see the tragedy of the gypsies, but excuse me, but the communists, whom destroyed, in the entire zone that the nazis captured, because first of all, communists lived together, if there were komsomol organizations, komsomol members, commissars, who were automatically either komsomol members, or family members, red commanders, that is, this is kept silent, kept silent, okay, why are you raising this topic, here we are talking about bandera, and some. Yes, you all the time, they really had in the first place the destruction of the communist, the jew, and therefore the activist, but the russian pole, the russian pole, the pole, it should be noted, at the same time, at this, of course, i am grateful to you for the fact that you remember this topic of the holocaust, about the 27 million dead soviet citizens and military personnel, and even the communists, to whom you have your own attitude, well, yesterday we remembered, 3 4 of the communists there were 3 4 in those troops that took berlin , how many died, how many of them died during the liberation of the same ukrainian cities, im not going to say a popular topic, but putin, it was very difficult for putin to remain on the issue of gases, it is also not easy to remain objective, but i remember, hes talking about 2 Million People, when he remember he said men, well , you have there, we men have our own war, yes, well, children and women, and remember when he said about ukraine, oh kiev, about kharkov, about dnepropetrovsk, i also argued with some experts here, why should we take these cities when there are several Million People there, he answered, then at one of the meetings. In this sense, he remained honest to his inner, his conviction, and it is not our people there, but our people here. And in this sense, we draw a direct parallel, because it passes through the hearts of each of us fighting today. But pay attention, yes, when biden declares russias brutal war against ukraine and talks about israels right to selfdefense and does not say a word about the methods by which this insubstantial right of israel to selfdefense is implemented. Of course, that is, he doesnt care about methods, there is no condemnation here. Of course, although in my opinion its impossible to call them anything other than cruel, and we, i ve said many times, will wipe out the faces of the earth, yes, and with me, remember, i said adamantly, this is impossible do it under no circumstances, then i said, give a few hours for people to leave, yes, i was told, no, its impossible, you never, now look at all, volodya, of course, there is somewhere to go, theres nowhere in the gas leaving is, precisely, a complex, complex, very sensitive topic. It, of course, goes through the heart of each of us, especially when biden talks such nonsense that we are pawning security for the United States, for our citizens, by giving money, uniting israel and putting our security on the same level with ukraine, he means , well, here i am saying this specifically not because to reeducate some politician there, especially like biden , well, what was needed in december twenty one, when we turned, lets be safe, lets sit down peacefully and agree, well, youre backing away five, it was said , who are you to talk to you, yes, thats exactly what was said, the europeans told us in the fourteenth year who you are, what else are with you ukrainians, and in the twentyfirst, but who are you talking to you, well, get it , yes in this regard, on the one hand i have up to i was pleased with everything that happened in china, the train route, the third conference, on the other hand, i already saw a lot there a couple of years ago, how war was declared on this, the same americans, first of all they declared the belt and road, well, for them the chief of the Chinese Communist party, china as such, and why, why all those successes, why do many people misunderstand, i repeat myself on purpose, putin dedicated his speech in many ways, that means, to the arctic route, so it is possible to produce, the train route, what is it, this also logistics, you can produce a lot, not a single one was allowed in chinese, because the company that was, this english, ostandian , and so today its the same thing and the soapy story of the history of the opium wars is so very, well, whats wrong they didnt allow themselves and that means everything from the time the silk road was born when in 13th century, remember, when stanovinovsky died, there is no reason to occupy his niche, a slide full of historical memory, im also talking about this because it immediately hit us in the baltic, many people dont understand this, this seems like a lightweight statement from a latvian, yes this, and its not lightweight, we have access to the baltic, we have the right to shipping hints immediately, well, besides the fact that nato ships, were there for you, yes, which means well slam, yes, so well slam, about slamming, we and kaliningrad today is mainly with this is a push for war, well, of course, you remember correctly now what we adopted last week, but weve been with volodya for a year now, ive been on this topic for a year, im not for the use of nuclear weapons, at least to say, but i said that we should withdraw from this agreement, withdraw, i told volodya about this several times again, why . Because look, what is trump doing to the koreans, to north korea . Goes to this means the parallel starts talking, why . Not because it is so small, but because they are concerned with their security, in real practical terms, deratification is not enough , its good that we all signed up, by the way, there are 410 deputies there, but in general there is no need to wait until they come out, no you have to wait until they explode, you have to go out and quietly improve your weapons, this is where the na. I talked a lot with the command staff, ill tell you that the traditional ideas of civilians, which were instilled in us since the time of yeltsin, that the army is stupid. This is an absolute lie, all the generals i met were people who graduated from at least two academies , special military educational institutions, receiving Higher Education there, then two academies, who saw the country and the world, who grew in positions, who know how to communicate with very different people, because the soldier starts when he arrives lieutenant, then a team of subordinates. Of various ranks who study military science in such a way that i know few specialists who would study their business so deeply, i bring up the whole history, this is a separate, serious science, military affairs, which is carried out by outstanding professionals in our country, when through the mouth someone then sitting on the sofa, he begins to criticize our boss, they dont even understand what challenges he faces, how much of this is mathematics, calculation, but if these people come to the Supreme Commander in chief they will say what is required the use of this or that type of weapon we have in our arsenal, then this decision will be made, and the advice they will give will be professional, competent, clear and structured, and in general its time for the country to learn to respect people in uniform, fortunately over the last year and a half there these changes are felt, this is not a Nuclear Explosion, this is a chemical one, this is all a lie, you need to look not at the level of radiation, but at the power of this explosion, you need to understand this well, otherwise it will be just right, Andrei Bezrukov wrote to me, it will be eternal dispute between physicists and chemists, dont give in, they are testing, calculate how many kilotons this is, what does this lead to, which ones . This opens up, do not let yourself be deceived, do not follow them in a reactive mode, but impose your will yourself, so that you are afraid, 100 , the key word is to impose your will, why are the americans doing this, they are far behind us within the framework of Nonstrategic Nuclear weapons, and today its great. Technology, however, the arsenal that we have is quite serious. And not strategic, or tactical, like we are usually called, after all, russia, both as the legal successor of the soviet union, and as an already independent state, was constantly engaged, even in the most difficult years, in improving, updating, today, which is extremely serious, because we consider only Strategic Nuclear charge, thats right, yes, but we dont count it as a strategic charge when we. Say how many nuclear charges we have on the one hand, on the other hand, there are still some there, a little behind, and quite a decent amount, on today, today day, our key task is to win, and i always said that the war would last about five years, so biden confirmed this topic in principle, i understood perfectly well what and how this would happen, that the conflict with ukraine was far away then it will not end, and the horror that today in the middle east will cause horror. Residents, but it doesnt work out, ill tell you one case, we once had a serious battle there, and the enemy took people from one village, drove them to the church, and put four tanks around the church, its on a hill. First forced hakub started digging, shot six people, and then drove them into the church, and i told the chief of artillery, yakutia, who the hell knows what needs to be done, but there are people in the church, people in the church, the wheelbarrow driver, give me a chance, ill do it, i was sitting there, so i thought yes, yes, no, no. Well, he says come on, there are nine shells, four tanks are missing, the baptismal church next to the church was demolished in the halam, in the church itself, only in the dome, theres a hole like this, well, apparently a shrapnel knocked out, not a Single Person was put there, then they found out, its time passed, i arrived there, so i happened to pass by quite by accident, stopped by and went in, and there was a bachuka standing there. Father, this situation happened, how it all happened, you understand correctly that i had no other option, but civilians were also hurt there, just a little bit, there is something, i say, why did all these trash drive people away . To the church, everything is very simple, they drove it, the church is small, how this whole village was crammed in there, i was surprised, but they just drove up with cars, everything from the houses, the tv, everything that could be taken out, they took it out, they just robbed like a marauder. On its territory, which they believed, another question, so that they would practically not be released later, they were lying all over the road and rotting like dogs , because they did not want to clean them up locally, they categorically refused, this is the truth of war, it is very cruel, but never our russian officer or soldier wont give it. Man, i know from myself, i know from those men of mine, my comrades, coworkers, who even today carry out a combat mission, even when they say in mariupol it was hard, yes hard, but if they understood that there were still apartments in the house peaceful, with tanks were not hit, whether the war will be brutal, it will be, and unfortunately, this is the stage that we are going through of escalation, today , today we have Ministerial Affairs in tehran with azerbaijan, armenia with turkey, when they say azerbaijan will attack armenia there, Something Else will attack then, there is only one topic, neither turkey, nor azerbaijan, nor iran, much less we need an american base in armenia, thats all, because as soon as they appear there, it will be the same. The same as in palestine, thats another one beginning of tension, which is quite obvious, we understand perfectly well that today a second ukraine is being made from finland , it is impossible not to notice these processes, and we have withdrawn from the agreement on cross border cooperation, but today the sentiments that were warming up within finland, i specifically gave my assistants the task of seeing what the finn writes there, there is already horror there. They all happily say that petrozavodsk is ours , Everything Else, this is happening today, its not that there are some horrors there, these are realities. Win, the key word is win, i literally met with servicemen here, they came from the front, i asked them a special question asked, guys, do you see . In western ukraine . Why . Well, all this scum will remain . They will remain until, at least in 1940, we go there with the whole country, we probably wont achieve the result that we need. Maybe i m saying carol thoughts somewhere, im saying what the men in uniform think, what they think, who surrounds me . They are key in society today, after all , consolidation has taken place, the overwhelming, the key word is the overwhelming majority, these are those people who are for their homeland, thats the key word for homeland, all for the president , forces, for our fighters, when this nit venediktov shows up, this trash, they tell me, well , this is the opposition, for some reason, during the war the name of the opposition is traitors, homeland, now well come to this, i i say, okay , of course, this is the opposition, that is, the person who is the opposition, these are those who are not systemic, these are those who are coming. Everything to victory, the one who is rooting for his homeland, well, offers some options, others, different, perhaps , from the official course, Movement Towards this goal . Well when they tell you that you know we are against the war, i say, okay, but what do you propose to end the war, how to surrender , well, we need to think, you can leave something there, and give something away, and so on, similar, that is , who, that is, surrender, then is this the opposition . This is a person calling for the defeat of our country, for its collapse and destruction, well, probably, this is not a position , this is an enemy, the key word here is enemy, the opposition, which in the russian region, together with the armed forces, enters the territories of our regions, kills our people, the opposition, which warns that the country must fall apart, the opposition is those who say that russia is everything, the economy collapsed from here. And dangle Everything Else, well, let us put the dots in their place, these are enemies, and we must treat them as enemies, there is probably no other option today, when you say that there was someone cleaning abroad, and before holding high positions , well, probably, today the time has come to comprehend all this, not only, we must take away from them, first of all, what they have left here, business, they feed themselves until now. Sitting there in the same clothes, thats basically it we are all worth it here, otherwise we remember about the relaxants, about these shopping centers, to take away to divide or just take away means well, there is no confit, i just want the communist slogan to sound like that, not slogans , you know, we often do, and in the relaxants there , whoever is too lazy to bring it to my committee lets decide on citizenship, lets get scared, these ran away, yes , and i say, why dont you remember about these businessmen , several deputy Prime Ministers, several, and the business about prokhorova was immediately changed, but before they said before the hostilities that this is for us its necessary for business, and now where have you run away, and the business here is yours, the people here who work, you feed on this, then send it somewhere else, im talking about this, andrey, and im talking about this too, by the way, im talking about it too about this, but i want us to not just talk about it, to put an end somewhere, then everything will be extremely clear, then it wont be like in theaters. Which was remembered last time, where makarevichs physiognomy is on the entire screen, the entire performance, they are running around like galush, there will be no performance by venediktov, but in israel they took it, aljazira was banned, in principle, as it were, i understand them, from the point of view of wartime, but all this bastard who today demands, demands today the defeat of russia, it does not exist in this world. Probably it shouldnt, if we say, there is a simple legal issue, well, lets say, a certain galkin. He admits that he supports the armed forces of ukraine with money, and from here he continues to receive some kind of finance, or any other name, due to the fact that they have an apartment, they rent it out, receive money, these money is allocated for support, this is according to our laws, that is, some kind of action should be taken or not, i dont know, my question is legislative, that is, it probably should be some kind of legal examination and some kind of. Decision, well, should be made just to make it clear, just like now , for example, we are faced with a very interesting situation, we have a large number of new citizens of the russian federation, from our former republics, behaving very differently, while i i didnt see that gigantic the number of these new citizens of ours, for example, served in the army by conscription, or have now gone to the zone of a special military operation, maybe an approach is also needed in this matter, for example, if those who have newly received citizenship refuse to fulfill their civic duties and go to serve in the army, then he is deprived of his citizenship and deported to his homeland, is this unreasonable, but this seems to me not a big problem, as far as i know, only today the police are kissing someone there, for example , there is such a situation in the family that some young people scum. The need to do your duty. By the way, let me remind you that during the great patriotic war, all the peoples of the russian federation, the peoples living in all the territories that were part of the soviet union, in all of them, the ussr, belarusian, thats all fraternal sisters, people of very different nations lived there, one and fought brilliantly. Volokalskoye highway , aleksanlamskoye, alexander beg, read , everything is there by the way, a very popular book now at the front, just like the memoirs of our commanders, everyone reads it, so lets address these issues lets also restore order, with an iron hand, just with an iron hand, so that not a single bastard is here, otherwise i noticed something, somehow they completely separated, and also chose a manner of being rude to their government representatives. The guys who passed their own, in general, you looked crookedly in their direction, you will already have such problems that you will regret that you came up with the idea of ​​insulting the participants in a special military operation, it is strictly necessary, yes, thank you, well, first of all, so that there is complete clarity with this chemical explosion, which means the program americans have existed since the eleventh year , this, this is not a Nuclear Explosion and the term chemical. Is consumed only to distinguish nuclear from conventional, explodes in tunnels, explodes 6070 kilograms of trinitratyl, trinitrotulule. Each kilogram of trinitrotulu produces about 700 liters of hot gases. The Chemical Reaction turns there into a thermal, kinetic one, and a shock wave is formed, which is intended for calibration. Which record Nuclear Explosions, well, anywhere in the world, that is, this is not, but it may be not only such an application, well, this is the main goal, because, like gunpowder, which was originally invented by the chinese, it was believed that it had no military use, only for fireworks, so that, here, by the way, as far as i understand, i said about Nonstrategic Nuclear warheads, that they are there somewhere, they are not there, no, what was meant was that they are all taken into account, and i must tell you that we have parity with the americans, we have order somewhere, naturally, no one announces exact numbers, so to speak, about 400 fighters, the composition of the arsenals is different, we no longer have about 2,000 strategic ones, they have about 500, they have more. In general , about 4,000 each, that is, plus we have a different, lets say, model for maintaining our nuclear arsenal, they practically have one plant, they recently launched pantex, but they dont have production of warheads yet, i dont know , they will probably be deployed after this whole campaign, in our country, due to our economic model, so to speak, these are closed cities, that is we have production, we produce, we recycle, we produce, utilize, we also have storage capacities, but they are just a little less than the americans, that is, here. We have full parity, another thing is, qualitatively, we are ahead of the americans, if we have full parity, then we we are inferior to the combined forces of nato, considering that they also have france, england, you know, there is france, france , england, there are 60 and 140 fighters, there is no, small, so to speak, honestly, well, i think, i think, if if , if necessary, no, they have it strategically. They mostly have operationaltactical operationaltactical warheads and in general strategically operationaltactically are determined by the range of the carriers, and not and not by the power of the warhead. Well, now about the war, of course, well, about the war, lets go right after the advertisement. Lord, i was scared, its good that its you, the premiere on rtr, first jaana, now anka, if her death goes unpunished, it will be terrible, you dont know why she returned alone to the last train at night, in the labyrinths of the Looking Glass its so difficult to understand , who friend, ill be leaving for a while, whos the enemy . In general, theres a clue, i have money, i need, how much, a million , ive recently heard so many unpleasant stories about people i know, i hope youre not looking for the culprit in our house, youll gather just like you know, vagato christie find the killer, mirror of lies, from monday on rtr. This is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we havent seen you for a long time, dersians, you know, but for every cool fighter hell find an even cooler one, in you fell in love with them, but who is more dear to you, your wife or your boys, dont ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, only we look at the platform. The 60 Minutes Program is on air, we have a special episode, we start with breaking news, 60 minutes, dont miss it, tomorrow on rtr, and about the war, yes, now about the war, you know. This is what is happening now in the middle east, when compared with our special military operation in ukraine, then what is happening in the middle east is much closer to the possibility of the third. World war than ukraine, this to me is what the americans are doing now in the middle east, it reminds me very much of what they did in preparation for the bombing of yugoslavia, for the invasion of iraq, that is, mass production is underway, well, for now , Expeditionary Forces , this is an Aircraft Carrier group, led by the Aircraft Carrier gerald ford, what is an Aircraft Carrier group, this is an Aircraft Carrier plus. 45 warships of the esregat plus class cruiser there are 45 support ships in the second Carrier Strike group, and on board jerel ford there are about 90 eisenhower aircraft. The group is headed by eisenhower, there are about 75 carrierbased aircraft, that is, this is already a very decent force, from a naval point of view. Ukraine has no fleet at all, and the air force, i am only a provisional group, at the rate, at the rate of destruction of ukrainian aviation

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