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Vladimir putin and Sergey Sobyanin will take part in the ceremony in moscow and the region today. Vladimir putin and Sergey Sobyanin will take part in the ceremony. From the mcc metro, or bus stops, trains will run daily from 5 30 in the morning until 1 am at hours. Peak. Intervals will be reduced to a minimum, you can use a troika card to pay for travel. At the army 2023 international forum, Business Days are ending today. Tomorrow , anyone who wants to visit patriot park can get tickets to see it there. I will remind you of its latest models of military equipment and learn about advanced technologies. Business program. It doesnt end there though. Today at round tables and conferences they discuss training of new personnel for the defense of the Industrial Complex for countering cyberthreats, as well as the possibilities of artificial intelligence. Ukrainian militants fired at donetsk tonight, four cluster shells were fired at peaceful quarters in 5 minutes, which are designed to cause maximum damage to people , several residential buildings were damaged under fire in kirovsky and petrovsky districts, under fire also gorlovka and yesinovato, in just a day, i stick out more than 60 shells fired at the populated points of the donetsk peoples republic about the situation. See the report of our correspondent. Vadim topalova, last night in donetsk was restless since the evening. At the nazis, from a position in the orlovka area, they began shelling the kiev region with 155millimeter cluster munitions, such as rumblings from explosions, literally the entire capital of the republic heard about 40 fire raids in total in the dpr. This is 169 ammunition. There were also settlements under fire, if the guilty and horlivka take revenge on civilian ukrainian neonazis. Just because they cant achieve. Success on the front line was recorded by their unsuccessful attempts, reconnaissance in battle. In the artyomovsk direction, in turn, the force of the first Donetsk Army Corps is gradually moving towards the marinka , resisting in every house. Even the ruins of the enemy are sitting by three or four people. They throw fighters. It can be said that 45 people are ready to die for one house in marinka, the kiev regime has put forward 82 brigade to the south. It was one of the last major units that zelensky kept in reserve the advance of the russian army. Though slowly, avdeevka krasnogorovka marinka is still going on, the liberation of these settlements will finally allow the inhabitants of the capital of the dpr to breathe in peace in one topalov Andrey Rudenko Oleg Bondarenko to lead. Donetsk peoples republic now we come in, a special military operation of our military successfully repels enemy attacks in all directions. Alexander bilebovskoye will tell you more about the situation on the fronts. Direction in business is our largest artillery caliber on the firing line. A 2003millimeter malka selfpropelled gun comes out, leaving no chance for the enemy to take cover even in the most fortified positions. Servicemen of the 165th amur Artillery Brigade inflict fire damage on the manpower of artillery of Armored Vehicles of the armed forces of the armed forces located at the position in the area of ​​the vremya salient , significantly reduces the pace of the enemy counteroffensive in this sector of the front, advanced units of the vostok grouping of troops, with the support of artillery and aviation, inflicted fire damage on the enemy in the area crop bodysuit. The battle destroyed two tanks, a pickup truck with nationalists , a mortar crew, a control point for Unmanned Aircraft and accumulations of manpower in the accumulated tactical direction, the personnel of the artillery battery, howitzers d30 of the Western Group of forces. Inflicted fire damage on the area of ​​​​accumulation of Armored Vehicles and manpower , as well as on the ammunition depots , the artillerymen conduct counterbattery combat , destroy the rso, mortar crews and other targets, the coordinates of which are given by reconnaissance and drones help to correct the fire lawyers save the blood of the infantry, which, with the support of our guns , continues to move forward. At work, the calculation of the 82mm mortar vasilek ussuriysk of the separate guards formation in the airborne forces, which is now operating south of artyomovsk, mortarmen use tactics wandering guns, the firing position after firing is constantly changing, so it is possible to avoid loss during return fire from ukrainian militants. In the neighboring swatov direction, the enemy tried to counterattack, but the unit of the armed forces failed to return the lost positions, the center of attack was repelled by the actions of the advanced units of the group of troops. Enemy losses amounted to more than 10 people, an Armored Vehicle was destroyed, in addition to ground units. Attack aircraft also inflicted ground attack aircraft in russias ax by crews of su34 fighter bombers of the Southern Group of forces conducted strikes with guided munitions at afu targets in the lisychansky solidar, artyomovsky and oleksandr kalinovsky directions the affected point of temporary deployment of the 4th brigade of the National Guard of ukraine two points of temporary deployment, 28, a separate mechanized brigades. Enemy russian units retain the initiative in all tactical directions of the line of contact in the zone of their own Alexander Bilibov lead. An air raid alert has been declared in several regions of ukraine, signals are heard in the poltava, kharkiv and dnipropetrovsk regions, as well as in the kievcontrolled part of the zaporozhye region, this is evidenced by the data of the online map of the Ukrainian Ministry of digital transformation, i note that the Russian Military strikes with highprecision weapons at the equipment warehouses of the combustible base foreign mercenaries and ukrainian fighters. Pentalgin is a remedy for various types of pain pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is no matter what causes it pentalgin we can do without the pain around a big dream say goodbye to want a cash loan flat rate for any dreams free hot delivery cafe restaurants free we know how confident your work sounds like concrete. We check employers and mark them. Choose a job. Avito confidently in the vast expanses of russia there are points of attraction for talents, where experience is combined with innovation, and Breakthrough Ideas receive comprehensive support, where they work russian engineers and programmers. It is here that a new class of powerful stylish multifunctional technological media devices has been developed. Seliger, a new Multimedia Center for your home is a new word in russian electronics. By premium taxi and access to business lounges didnt expect to see you again. Now i have a world card supreme world supreme is a premium card of the world payment system. Buy a form for physical education in the sportmaster app and get 300 bonuses for pickup. So it looks like you dont remember correct answer, if a simple question turns to improve brain function recovery. On pepp, so that the head works. Choose clothes of a higher level at the same price on avito why choose between a car, vacation, furniture repair, when you can take a loan from the Banks Post Office and buy all 4 per annum with a guaranteed rate service of such a loan, enough for everything, come for the money post bank. Vladimir putin instructed to prepare a proposal for the promotion of russian video games on the brix market with a deadline of september 30. This one of the instructions following a visit to an exhibition of the development of a Creative Economy in russia in may. In addition, by the same date, the head of state instructed to consider the creation in moscow of a special Economic Zone in the film industry, essentially a new International Film cluster. The military victory of the kiev regime is impossible , it is impossible to start peacefully and negotiations as soon as possible so that ukraine can keep as many territories as possible continue the counteroffensive. Loss. In ukraine , moreover, the most trained soldiers were killed, and to replace them with some 100 billion dollars of American Investment at the rate of huge shipments of weapons and ammunition did not pay off. We must admit this and refuse further expenses cynically distinguishes the author of the article, he calls on washington to start unpleasant work with kiev and nato allies on the preparation of a diplomatic agreement with russia. However , ukraine continues to persist with the details of maria skorodilka. Kyiv assures allies, and their relationship needs a reboot, they will try their best. Give weapons fighters missiles tanks ukraine announces key offensive offensives loudly in all european. The media is true, the militants vsu, spoil everything. Now the trouble is an assault, along the entire front line. Now it will. Say hello to the commander. The president of ukraine, trapped, writes newspapers in his calls for a counterattack, according to experts, but threatens to split the leadership, not stale in kiev, a conflict is brewing between civil and military authorities, some want to stop others go to avant, writes they will not have time in the usa ukraine dissatisfied with talking about too rosy situation at the forefront of local government misled washington. Sources say. Further assistance from the allies the United States has already announced a single solution is needed or there are no atakam missiles, the remaining 16 is also difficult, american analysts are constantly provoking a conflict. Administration in ukraine. Badina miscalculated, so if we stop funding ukraine, then the local government will collapse. We pay salaries to their authorities. You did not know how we can force a Peace Agreement tomorrow, kiev, we will simply take this money and their regime will collapse. You are right, if we completely refuse to support ukraine, then the government of ukraine will collapse, and then everyone who helped the independent, and let the last german journalists find out the truth. They wanted a sensation, they went to russia, the responses of the russians to the provocations of reporters, the viewers of germany were shocked, because this is not what they have been hearing about from politicians for so long. Zone summer sun sand, this is russia sochi in bars, hair and dresses are developing. This is a 35 year old teacher. Yana with her daughter. She came to sochi from crimea russia is a strong country and people in crimea are russian by origin, they are not ukrainians, but russians and the people of donbass are also russians, we dont want to live the way you want us to live, we want to decide. This is our own and our decision to be with russia in the fourteenth year. We also took over from ukraine berlin cannot fulfill the order of natalya to allocate for defense and spending two percent of gdp in the german army is not enough military residents of germany are asking the authorities to stop. After all, in favor of kiev without satire, of course, nothing robert highback dear hands away from our heating boilers and do not go. You are better in a plate of germans, in which there is a normal german schnitzel, and not that nonsense from the grass that you advise us to eat, and it seems that now rosecolored glasses are falling off even from those who have been galloping for a long time. On the maidan for the life of the eurozone. There are dozens of disappointments from ukrainian refugees on the social network. Instead of a rich life. You need to eat lunch, some are standing at employment centers, others are playing with fire in duisburg, germany, a hundred ukrainians were detained for fraud, locals are capable residents are outraged. And i was still thinking. Where do they get the money from, they cut through bmw, however, for a european, death for ukrainians , freed from mobilization for bribes , travel around europe in this photo , a ukrainian blogger with her husband and friends , the girl advises domestics to go to war, talks about the future of the country from the territory of others. States, well, the son of a ukrainian prosecutor is chic in monaco, guys , the son of a famous ukrainian prosecutor is driving expensive cars in europe while dad is working like this its not beautiful to live ban, because ukrainian corruption works with it, a message appeared, as one of the kiev prosecutors offices released on bail 800,000 hryvnia several murders of repeat offenders at once. There is a mari decoration. West the kiev regime is shifting responsibility for the failure of the socalled ukrainian counteroffensive to each other , according to the american edition of the politician, according to ukrainian officials, colleagues from the allied countries were overly optimistic in their expectations. These sentiments were fueled by groundless forecasts of the western media ukraine was repeating the decisive blow and in order to get as much help as possible, now the west reproaches kiev for too long preparations for active hostilities. Ukraine, in response, claims the wrong tactics of foreign advisers and the insufficient number of weapons supplied, but next year the politician warns it will be difficult to continue hostilities against the backdrop of the us election campaign, congress may block new military aid packages to kiev in lebanon , electricity was completely cut off throughout the country in result. Came out the failure of water pumping stations and Critical Infrastructure facilities caused the blackout to stop the operation of two thermal power plants, their management took such a step due to nonpayment of debts, these thermal power plants are the only sources of electricity in the country. At first, they tried to negotiate with the lebanese authorities about paying for electricity. Now lets take drastic measures, according to local media, the debt to companies could be about 80 million. Weird west made a very serious mistake when they let him kill libyan leader moamar. Gaddafi said this, deputy Prime Minister of italy antonio melting. He added that gaddafi was probably not a champion of democracy, however, with his death to libya and the region. In general, there was instability. Let me remind you that in 2011 the nato state intervened in the civil war. On the side of the libyan opposition, gaddafi was deposed and brutally killed soon after. After that, libya ceased to function as a single state and was divided between warring administrations. In germany , a downpour with a thunderstorm interrupted work at Night International airport in frankfurt am main, part of the runway went under water, flooded and the parking lot of the dispatchers aircraft was canceled by about 70 flights by passengers who managed to board the plane and were blocked on board. No one was hurt, and forecasters report abnormally powerful lightning discharges in the region in just an hour, more than 25,000 lightning strikes were recorded. Now a short advertisement after we will talk about the possible consequences of abnormal heat in the southern regions of russia buy on megamarket with discounts and cashback, for example, pencil case for only 199 rubles. Megamarket perpetual motion machine benefits lena keep prices for 10,000 bars of goods. Rot front 359 rub. Per kilo do not waste time on bad tobacco habits to facilitate quitting smoking tobacco. Start a new life without vtb cigarette supercard 200 days without interest. What mood are you in today light and airy romantic and sensual relaxed and sublime on fridays and online. The study showed that if you hold the pen correctly, then the quality of writing improves by 29 and the 2 10 erich krause ergoline kids pen will help your child develop beautiful handwriting. We write well, we write beautifully. We know how confidence in your concrete work sounds. We check employers and mark them choose a job confidently avito buy in pyaterochka and win prizes. We knew iced tea in the scooter, and daniil knew the original technology for its production. Now the ministry of emergency situations has warned about the weather about the increased risk of mudflows in the mountains of the north caucasus, the department believes that prolonged heat may lead to the melting of glaciers. We will talk more about this with the leading specialist of the Phobos Center alina kotelevskaya. Hello alina. In the center of the country. How long will the heat treat greetings well, unfortunately, the heat will leave the center of the country in the coming days it will remain only in the south. In sochi, over the past week and a half, only once the thermometers did not reach the mark of plus 30 , and then a few tens were not enough against the backdrop of prolonged heat in the vicinity of the resort capital, mountain rivers began to dry up in kaliningrad, where they were updated twice in a row daily records. In the heat, young people tried to refresh theirs by hanging on the go from the windows, and in the village of pionersky, where a household thermometer on the eve of the moments shows a temperature of plus 40, the owner of these dogs was detained to testify in the heat itself, he left the animals in the car, the police were called by random passersby. There is no more water to drink, sorry for the dogs. At the same time, in st. Petersburg and the leningrad region, where on the eve of the thermometer columns aspired to plus thirty atmosphere, a night thunderstorm refreshed. In the Northern Capital lightning, sparkled until the morning, but a lot of precipitation did not bring about 7 mm , in some areas of the leningrad region , no drop fell at all in the epicenter of bad weather, last night the german city of frankfurt turned out to be at the local airport after a burst of rain, more than 70 takeoff flights were canceled or postponed the runway was completely under water, flooded the station, and the water ran down the stairs and escalators, forming waterfalls of sewer manhole covers, jumping creating noise. Atlantic cyclones associated cold front today located in the northwest of the russian plain with them, just the zone of the most intense rains is connected, the center of the vortex is located above the kola peninsula, and the thunderstorms of the cold front. It makes noise in a narrow strip of the arkhangelsk leningrad regions and in karelia in these areas more than 10 mm can fall in places, while the rest of the russian plain is protected by anticyclones and only on its southern periphery is the north caucasus and a separate region of the samara Saratov Region and possibly short mosaic rains and tight rain clouds covering the kola peninsula. The temperature there today will hardly reach plus 15 a little warmer in karelia to twenty in the arkhangelsk kaliningrad regions, despite local rains, 225, but in the rest of the territory above 25 30degree heat is expected in the pskov novgorod smolensk regions, as well as a narrow strip it will stretch through almost everything, its hotter, 35. Only in the south. In the capital, despite the sunny weather, thermometers cant reach the cherished thirty the north wind today in moscow will warm up to 28 degrees tomorrow, literally a degree warmer, but the thirtydegree line is unlikely to be taken and overcome and prevents to overcome. This is a cold front that will come in the capital in the afternoon, accompanied by thunderstorms, but we will drive it from the scandinavian anticyclone of the north, it will quickly leave the moscow region. So on saturday, rains are already unlikely, but it will become cooler no higher than plus 25, the beginning of next week is expected to be moderately warm 25 27 and no significant rains. Those are the predictions. Yes on weekend heat is already, unfortunately, not enough for the Central Region alina katelevskaya weather forecast. On the eve of the birthday of the Russian Geographical Society in the capital , a unique tour of the famous moscow conservatory took place as part of the better hydrosia campaign, it was conducted by the Famous Artists and conductor yuri bashmet. Who actually was the first professor of uh the subject of composition behind the crowd journalists yuri bashmed, who talks about his conservatory, is barely distinguishable, you have to stand on tiptoe or go to the scrimmage peaceful responsible person worried most of all in the big hall for 40 minutes, as he did arriving from lvov with a factory viola for 97 rubles. And he got a rare five with a plus in his specialty, how he overcame the provincial syndrome, how scary it was to go on this famous stage. For the first time, the Famous Artist unexpectedly acted as a guide to the almamamata, conducted a tour of his native moscow conservatory and presented videos filmed together with the Russian Geographical Society of the issue. Where to study did not even arise. After all, along these corridors. There were the most outstanding musicians of our time. No , we realized the students by the hands and these steps. They took it by storm against the stained glass window against the backdrop of the patroness of church music and musicians saint cicily recalls how viola approved making equal to the violin and cello with bachs chaconne when one on one with the hall without a pianist without an orchestra and there was success further than carnagi hall skala and medicferal in tokyo and australia thats all. It was important, but secondary, about my friend mstislav rostropovich, a rabblerouser, well just look separately, the cello on wheels raced with a rather clumsy gait, and there was a sea of ​​students behind him, but i went out to the meeting and said, hello, i had never seen me and dragged me to my class. He will be silent with his mother then the microphone happened in earnest. I thought suicide, because music for him was and is life. Phew everything went final chord tour videos from places that musicians envied themselves, murmansk region sakhalin kamchatka curonian spit serenade of peter ilyich and who do we say russia, we mean tchaikovsky to the Fishermens Village went from murmansk on a military ship 8 hours in kamchatka where 300,000 inhabitants of 30,000 bears of moscow soloists guarded soldiers with carbines on the curonian spit met the dawn played at 5 00 in the morning there are a lot of beautiful places where the foot of a musician has not yet set foot in russia, which means that extreme concerts will continue gulya boltaeva Viktor Vinogradov Tatyana Merzlyakova konstantin to lead. Finally released now its russia i warned her about danger. Well, how is it normal for a graduate of the kiev school . This is already kharkov land, where is his control now . Look at them immediately tie something heavy, the problem is, there is no work. Well, how did you hide here . What do you have here tomato . Well done neighbors, who our neighbors are all mine, it turns out you have four sides preparing a battalion and participated

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