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By washington to create military blocs in asia but biden continues to play a dangerous game. How far will it go. And in canada largescale forest fires evacuate entire cities, people are placed in tents. Why cant you get the situation under control . 11 times today you tried to attack the positions of the russian army to no avail, the formation of the zelensky regime was thrown back, the most fierce battles were noted in the donetsk direction near andreevka, a cheerful and red hill. There, the loss of the enemy is about 400 people, and a total of almost 1,000 soldiers of officers and mercenaries destroyed 21 armored vehicles, as well as 12 selfpropelled guns and howitzers per day. Including american paladins and polish crabs are a technique by which the nato generals hoped to provide an advantage to the apu. Vladimir putin in rostovondon listened to the reports of the chief of the general staff of the commanding directions and other Senior Officers the meeting was held behind closed doors with details participating in the special operation of the specified category at the official meeting are collected at the beginning of the main Operational Management general in uniform, comrades, officers in rostovondon. Vladimir putin arrived on the spot to learn about the course of hostilities and to hear reports. How to start both the general staff and the commanders of various areas of the special operation, and during the svo informs the president daily and around the clock. Fights. Goes restoration of mariupol and communicated with local residents there, even begin to get to know each other better, and after that he also drove to the headquarters of the group for more details. How long did it take to talk with the commander, and already in april the president flew to the kherson region in the city of genichesk where the headquarters of the dnepr grouping is located, the group takes up defense in accordance with the voltage, there the conversation took place in the control center of military operations right next to the map, which, for the purpose of secrecy, is on video retouched here is a jigsaw puzzle. Short, but specifically your opinion of the headquarters of the National Guard group east in the luhansk peoples republic. This is how the president learns about the operational situation in all directions and about the strategic plans of the russian general staff. However. Vladimir putin has repeatedly said that he often directly calls generals and officers at all levels of ministries. The point in time when we talked to them was at 2 00 am already. I even regretted that i called late, because the guys need to sleep at night. Here, uh, but nonetheless. Uh, talked to them, they reported the situation , but the purpose of the call was to thank them and their personnel for what they did during the course. Uh, i was afraid the previous day. Sometimes such conversations are told by the officers themselves. For example, the commander of a tank regiment , alexander nilov. The president called zamarinka before the start of the fighting. He doesnt drive anywhere. Eh, everything, perfectly understands, protects people. Well , in general, he turned out such a very constructive conversation and completely owns the situation and, of course, the military personnel on forward such calls from the supreme commanderinchief are always regarded as a sign of special pressure to put pressure on alexei maria rodimova. Beijing said that they would oppose any attempts by washington to create military blocs in the asian region, commenting there on the results of the summit about the leaders of the United States and south korea and japan but biden. All the same, he does not leave attempts to form a Tripartite Alliance directed against. China why it doesnt work, Alexander Khabarov will tell Bidens Administration presented a summit cam david, as well as plow events, recalling that historical agreements have already been concluded in this country residence of american president s. Although there is no agreement with the Prime Minister of japan and the president of south korea biden. This time did not sign in washington considers it an important step to forge a new Regional Alliance against china and north korea. I cant think of a better place to start a new era our cooperation is not about one day of the week or months, but decades of relationships that we continue to build a tripartite collective security agreement. At this stage, it is not visible, but the negotiators. We reaffirmed our readiness for closer cooperation. In the field of defense , annual joint military exercises and trilateral summits are also envisaged between washington, tokyo and seoul. A hotline will be opened to discuss issues related to security, including economic more serious coordination between korea and the us and japan require a stronger institutional framework. In addition, we must meet the challenges that threaten Regional Security by strengthening our commitment to work together. Albo called the event the biggest change in the balance of power in northeast asia in 70 years, the summit marked the birth of a powerful International Economic and security bloc, which accounts for 32 of chinas reaction to the Global Economy was expected categorical Chinese Press considers with a speech to mavide a provocative attempt by the United States to create in the region a minicopy of the nato bloc opposing the middle kingdom , the asiapacific region is a stronghold of peace and development. It is also promising in terms of cooperation and growth. Once again , attempts to put together various isolated groups and bring military blocs and interbloc confrontation into the asiapacific region into the arena of geopolitical rivalry will not receive support and will be met, wary attitude and opposition from the state of the region bidens adviser, has been National Security polls. Jake sullivan hastened to declare that the us does not intend to create a new bloc there. This is definitely not nato in the pacific. We have repeatedly. This was emphasized, as well as japan and south korea. I want to emphasize once again that todays summit is not a partnership against anyone. And for some reason this is a vision of the indus of the pacific, which is free open safe and prosperous previous actions of the United States suggest otherwise. With the active participation of britain, the United States has already created one triple alliance in the asiapacific region, australia au. Washington and london were so interested in it that they even pushed aside france, which was going to build submarines for the australians instead of 56 billion euros for french submarines, australia will spend four times on the joint production of Nuclear Submarines with Great Britain and america more than 230 billion us dollars in the ruling labor party. This week , a real riot began, representatives of the trade unions demanded that the government abandon the costly deal. Anthony albonese used every leverage to defend the controversial agreement in october, the australian Prime Minister went to the us to discuss the details of this project, of course. This visit is also a valuable opportunity for australia and the United States to build on the agreement, and the bite we announced in san diego earlier this year, deepening Research Opportunities in science and locally produced equipment for even closer cooperation in the field of defense in our region in the triangle in washington tokyo not everything is easy for asian partners the United States complicated bilateral relations in south korea, there are many who cannot forget the atrocities and war crimes of the japanese during the occupation due to rapprochement with japan at the president. Yun could run into trouble domestically as long as he acts on behalf of the United States and in april of this year agreed to host an American Nuclear submarine, the First Time Since in the 1980s, an even greater risk for the development of trilateral relations is a possible change of power in the United States , bidens main rival donald trump promises, upon returning from the white house, to reduce the american presence in northeast asia in due time. He has already demanded that japan and south korea multiply the cost of maintaining the us military contingent there. Every appearance of biden in public provides rich food for ridicule from his opponents during a press conference at the ministry of internal affairs. He again showed a failure in memory, trying to remember. Which of his guests was to speak first . Now i give the floor to whom i give the floor. Dear guest , the president of the republic of korea, we needed the voice of god to tell us about this, after finishing the biden press conference, he forgot about the earpiece for translation. In general, Alexander Khabarov , timofey mukhin and sergey mingazhev added to what he called a historical moment his signature touches. Britain fails to cope with forest fires on the Spanish Island of tenerife, already 26,000 people are forced evacuate the fire, covered more than 5,000 hectares. Here are the shots. We now see an open burning forest burning and hmm the smoke that rises can be inferred how difficult the situation is now in the area. Here you can see the power lines. Lets see more shots taken from the cockpit of the aircraft involved in the firefighting. Here. Can you also see smoke puffs of smoke that rise above the forest . Also draw a conclusion about the scale of the disaster. Well, finally. Here we see these shots as an amphibious aircraft. Now make a landing on the water in order to obviously fill the e, tanks to draw water and continue working in the Emergency Zone in the disaster zone. I will note again. Rescuers the third day can not take control of the situation. Now you will understand that you have come close to one of the two capitals of the canary islands, the city of santa cruz. Here again we see these shots, the city of santa cruz, the fire has spread to neighboring islands. This is santa ursula and la victoria largescale disaster in Canada Forest fires have already destroyed over 130,000 m², an emergency has been declared in the province British Columbia has about 500 outbreaks. Until now, it has not been possible to take control of the evacuated 35,000 more people , the consequences of the consequences Natalya Goncharova yes, as if from the series about the apocalypse , children are playing on the playground on the green grass, couples are sitting, and pink is blazing behind the mountain. Scarlet fire people seem to be fascinated looking at him, as if in a Movie Theater session. In canada, entire cities are being evacuated , people are temporarily placed in schools and mobile tents, the difficult situation is in the city of ellunaif in the north of the country, where the fire is already 15 km away. From the outskirts. This fire destructive and all we can do is pray. My friends and i decided that we need to leave here as soon as possible. The countrys authorities called the raging forest fires the worst in history. Rescuers cant cope with more than half of the fires. We still cant get it under control. In total, we have recorded over 300 fires. Aircraft can not cope with the extinguishing. It mainly comes from the earth , we are doing everything to protect homes and other infrastructure from fire earlier declared an emergency in the province. British columbia in western canada, firefighters are trying to contain the fire. In the keluin area. Its 300 km east of vancouver in the last 24 hours. From there they were taken out. Thousands of people in all the fires in canada have already engulfed. The area is over 130 thousand square kilometers. The first fires started a month ago and the fire is not going to recede. Extinguishing is complicated by windy weather and the lack of rain, the authorities have not yet named the amount of damage, but obviously it will be higher than usual during the forest fire season. Natalya goncharova lead. On board luna 25, an emergency situation occurred, which did not yet allow the transition to the pre landing orbit with the specified parameters , the specialists of the control group are analyzing the information received. This was reported in roskos, however, the station is already in front of alania , some important data are satellites of the earth, all the details are from evgeny petrukhin. The moment of impact of a micro meteorite on the sensor was recorded by a special device at the automatic station luna 25 dust monitor, while the device is approaching the earths satellite, the devices were turned on in test mode, registered blow, and it is a side impact, and the particles are larger, which passed, even through the body not right here of the tractor, as bypassing it registered and we are connected by this stream of the persia meteor shower to which the earth is now approaching that the device all reacted to the device. Uh, the instruments of the field monitor react to the smallest particles of cosmic dust and the main work is to be done on the surface of the moon, where there is a difficult dusty environment. The task of the instruments, the researcher these are the particles of their dispersion according to the size of the magnitude of the Energy Charge of these parts. And important these field political pose a very serious danger, since in your reports of the american Apollo Landers of all six they wrote that dust poses a very great danger. She is very shallow expert e, penetrate into all the cracks, because. Shes charged, she sticks. And so, well, of course, one must understand, especially the scope of oxygen in the line of chemical elements of the lunar soil. At the first test launch, the lr neutron hadron was registered and the gamma ray spectrometer bombards the moon with particles of this sphere, which is yes above the surface of the moon a in response comes from the release of various ee particles from the surface of the moon yes , caused by the knocking out of these charges, which e, gave the device, and it fixes this and watches the changes. Lera determines the local distribution of Atomic Hydrogen under the surface. And where there are hydrogen atoms, there is water, and water will make it possible to create a base for the exploration of the moon, not only for drinking , not only for astronauts to wash there, not only for watering the plants that we will sprout there in special lunar greenhouses models, but water can be use as rocket fuel, because it is much easier to start from the moon than from the earth. There, the whole length is a multiple less, therefore, yes. Uh, if we ever want to fly ourselves for a permanent stay. We will first carry all this equipment to the moon with a high degree of probability, and from there we will already fly one of the Flight Options to mars , our future nuclear tug called zeus , but for now it is a difficult task to get used to the moon, india is already preparing to land its apparatus, and they are also working at the south pole. And accordingly, they will also detect and study regalites and study the exosphere. Here it is only a plus for the exchange of experience, then there is no competition. Uh, who better to show the data, really . No, it will be important to compare the indicators of the residual soil, what is on the surface and what is at depth , there is a possibility that the deeper, the lower the radiation level. This is also an important moment for the creation of a base on the moon by evgeny petrukhin. Dmitry naida lead. A festival is taking place in cheboksary, an embroidered map of russia by a master handembroidered maps of the regions were brought to the capital of chuvashia, traditional ornaments and techniques were used among the guests and representatives of the donetsk and lugansk peoples republics 70 regions presented 73 canvases, because some regions brought two canvases, as i already said, because they cannot stop, because it captivates this captivates. It immerses in history within tradition. Well, this is precisely the force that is fundamental to our russian civilization, therefore, modern conditions. Here are associations based on such deep traditions of historical facts, and our values ​​​​and, naturally, diversity. In my opinion it is of great importance to you. Why choose between a car, a vacation , a furniture repair, when you can take a loan from a post office bank and buy everything . 4 per annum with the Service Guaranteed rate of such a loan is enough for everything. Get Money Post Office bank all you need no problem smart friday 999 pay less coffee monarch of the tropics legendary alpha bank credit card. Alpha bank best mobile bank we have not only the internet for free. Tokayama engine oils adaptive formula instantly adapts to any engine operating conditions and in real time activates those additives that are necessary to protect it right now. 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Only on the passport the first month zero percent. Apply to gazprombank. Ru. They are worthy of high state awards in russia, but they did not go to the donbass for the honorary profession of defending the motherland. Someone has to do it, we do it. Died defending the interests of the people of the country , others were injured. Well, health is already slowly healing normally. So the finger begins to develop the spoke was now hers ill pull it out already, but they havent changed their beliefs. And if you need to go again to the zone of the special military operation. You know, they ask one such question all the time. Far further i say, where we will be needed. Where will he say there and go . Why did they choose a military career . I realized that working as a civilian. This is not for me and i want to return to the army already to serve as a military woman on the front lines of a senior lieutenant. Valentina korolenko about her service our unit was being evacuated, and we were already providing the first surgical assistance. She did not go to the donbass for awards, but returned home with a medal for rescuing those who died, this insignia was attached to the tunic of military doctor valentina korolenko himself supreme commanderinchief lieutenant of the medical service korolenko Valentina Vladimirovna lieutenant of the medical service korolenko i serve russia the ceremony of awarding orders and medals to the participants pretended to be Vladimir Putin wrote down the president s annual new years address to the people of the country in the same place at the headquarters of the southern district, along with military personnel. It was very unexpected. Ah, to receive a state award, its also so solemn, uh, its worth a lot after the event, the awardees returned to combat positions, and on the last day of the outgoing 22 years old, the parents of senior lieutenant korolenko learned from the news that their daughter was in the zone of a special military operation and awarded further, i am on a business trip until the new year. At first it was a surprise. I once again try not to disturb their nerves. They know that im fine. I keep them posted. What, im alive, healthy, everything fine. She decided that she would become a doctor in the first grade, and closer to graduation she realized she wanted to be not a civilian, but a military doctor, a rare profession for a girl, the family was surprised at such a choice, but supported in my family, there are no military men, but everyone laid down Urgent Service all men gave my duty to the motherland, regardless of gender, i decided that i would also take the oath and serve my motherland and , probably, there is nothing more interesting than the combination of studying the human body and military affairs after school valentina entered the st. Petersburg military medical Kirov Academy specialty doctor, general practitioner 6 years of study. Upon graduation with honors and an officers rank, my paternal grandmother was an operating room nurse during the great patriotic war. And although i personally do not know her, because, and she died before she was born , her example inspires me, like the example of many other military doctors, but with dignity, who did their duty during the years of various wars in which they took part our ancestors. She was assigned to the seventysixth guards Airborne Assault division of the Airborne Forces the oldest in the country, the very one, which was led in the late forties by vasily margelov, the legendary uncle. Vasya, the founder of the modern winged infantry, was here in the pskov garrison and entered the medical service lieutenant, korolenko deeply and calmly, this profession, of course, requires a return, because in civilian medicine, especially in Emergency Care in a hospital. And what is especially wartime, especially in military military medicine in work in the theater of operations, work without taking into account any regulations. Do you work when her neighbor needed help last summer, her professional medical assistance was needed in the donetsk and luhansk peoples republics and valentine was seconded, as they say now, to the red zone for a ribbon, lord first line, that is, directly in our e, the unit went ee evacuation , and we already provided the first surgical aid. The absence of the usual comfort on the front line for the girl did not come as a surprise to the service of the military field realities of her, like other army medics were trained from her student years. I am from the very at the beginning of the events that took place in 2014 , i was interested in the a situation and therefore for me it was not something spontaneous. It wasnt a surprise. Probably more of a plan. I went to this the minimum necessary conditions for life and work irregular schedule. Valentina explains all this for her. As a doctor , patients are always a secondary priority, when they bring in wounded injured patients, then you work. Indeed, it can be any time of the day. And you can work outside of your shift. How much it takes so much work in her zone, she treated both civilians and the military and gained valuable experience in practical surgery. Stories that were surprising from the point of view of medicine and soldiers luck happened before her eyes, for example, there was a very, impressive case when a wounded man was admitted in comparison with the neck with damage to the trachea, and without damage to the vessels of the neck hmm , the bullet was 12,7 caliber, without penetrating into the chest cavity. We have become soft tissues of the armpit, that is, a person could have damage to large vessels. She could get in. Uh, could be a penetrating wound chest, but he was lucky and it so happened that , lets say, well done with a slight fright on the front line , she often had to do the work of orderlies, and there were not always enough free hands. Here rescued perennial fis. Preparation. Still, all military personnel are worth the standards , and hmm, at least as a military serviceman, i should be ready to pass

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