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When you crystallize a position of not being able to in america it has not always been like this in America Party competition between republicans and democrats fought the swamp in this it was all left. It was all medicinal map the left just kindled no kennedys would have gotten out remained in the political spectrum you have left de facto, only republicans democrats. Well, that cleared everything else. And this is in my own way, if you look at two one spectrum yes, i want to get acquainted. In the fortyfifth year, this is the largest number of communists, by chance it is important to determine the republicans of the republic everyone thought that was the point. And when you count. Lets tell people the truth about the american system. Excuse me, they dont give out there, as we have party tickets, so you are registered when you count 100,000 americans in the fifth year. Thats a lot 100,000 communists registered. If you look at how Many Republican democrats were registered. I think that the numbers were not fundamental in essence, but there its not the point here , the 100 Million Dollars is that due to disability, there were no communists in the year and 20,000, which means 17, when they seized power in the soviet country. I dont know who mccarthy was going to clean up there, it was clear that there was a certain kind of internal party struggle, but in the end. Then mccarthy didnt choke with giblets, and, so to speak, this very means eaten mccarthy. The fact that the kennedy clan grew up from him father, by the way, uh, so to speak, the president and the prosecutor was generally a maktist, its not clear how the sons would have gone aside to demonstrate trading, well, even trading, at least, so to speak, honest human. Here. Well, wait, wait. No, no, it didnt mean that he did anything then. So he came, he headed the constitution, he headed 00 not knocked. He was summoned to the commission. Well i i studied myself did not understand gave. No, he didnt give you a list, moreover, he has a second wife, nancy , he covered her up for the persecution of this commission. So they got together and he spoke at the commission on unamerican activities, looking for a face on the map, that i am in short against communism, but you are doing tsuryu. How many of his own did he take from the guild . Not well, someone left there, but covered the rest of his wife. His wife was not yet. Well, all the more, of course, in america the situation is simple before, this situation, that they do not maybe because of these majority votes and the participation of pros in the states there are too many parties, that is, there cant be more than two relatively speaking, but she always decided as follows through the channels of the party through this bureaucratic machine in the medical union we know. In our country , anyone could go through only one or a party of this kind, they have only two of these party lines. Well, there they have, as it turned out , the democrats lawmakers of all moves and exits. That is, only an establishment person only from a respected clan can pass, and republicans staged a democracy themselves within the party. This is what appears injury. Thats the whole difference. So why is he so angry now, relatively speaking, there are democratic liberal machines on the historical socalled conservative on all sorts of foreign ministries there metatron on all sorts of macons that no longer understand, less than because they could not caulk these holes. And she really grew up, this is the floor of america that does not want to be liberal, does not want to be global, does not want to live in fortysix genders, they want, to be nonparent number one, parent number two to be father and mother wants to go to church, and so on and so forth. Uh, lets see if that decides, civil war. By the way, its good. Well done showed up. She listen. Well, well, it manifested itself, the civil war manifested itself, first of all, and you, with this trump rank, are expressed by the civil before the russians do not hope in life, because the americans do not hope not for a court, not for elections, thats for nothing else, but its quite obvious that its already so to say, everything is sharpened the only question is how to avoid it. Only if maybe a small revolution, a small civil war from above, i have already stated this. Are you the theory that they might now try to keep the biden from making it to the polls . In order to replace it in a controlled manner , even make a Coalition Cabinet try to tell them that we are imprisoning everyone, that we are resetting everything, americans. The whole republic is saved. We are now updating out, of course, this is the only way out. Yes . What happens in the fourth year . What happened in 1934 on this picture comes out such a salute he says guys, im sorry, but its impossible, but please, but with the same face, youre out of here. Well, somehow it will all be more beautifully furnished, but what did the situation do to us . I will play now, we will come to the straits, my comrades. I dont think we will. I mean, i had two perfectly fine options. Look, we sent them kozyrev, we still have an economist in glasgow in reserve. Well, now they are chubais. He will destroy america with such a speed, we have a lot of people , for example, yes, so, by the way, about how the opposite is a deal i have from here is important. Here whats the thing, why he hasnt filed cases against chubais in our country . Yes, i really cant understand this, thats our kindness. No, volodya, for a reason, but you dont need a reason, you need materials to make materials, they do as much as you want, well, about the grain deal. Still, i could be wrong, of course, it seems to me that, after all, washington erdogan is not the boss. Well, at least they think so. I dont know what salem ivan who is considered there. Well, erdogan thinks so in this sense. I think i should be quite able to understand, indeed, that mediation is now impossible in ukraine. It seems to me that they discussed completely different matters, starting, for example, with the terrible situation in syria , because now, so to speak, any American Government is there. It is already leading to chaos within the country, but in syria, what derry and zori is doing. In the same place now, so to speak, the arabs are confronting the kurds , the situation is extremely tense, i think it worries everyone, it worries damascus , and therefore we, who should help him, should be worried mr. Erdogan, because the kurds have definitely received the support of the United States now and, of course, they will. There arrived, two issues delivered by a pentagon officer and from the state department. This is also, as it were, a serious thing, finally, erdogan also understands. Yes, they let him win the election, they slipped him absolutely correct about the american cabinet, comrades, how to say, well , in my opinion, this is so, well, as it were, he should also understand that, despite any economic problems of his own. He was there for a long time the United States participated in the global economy, somehow the problems of turkey. As far as i remember turkey, they have a consciousness of hyper inflation there all the time. I once tipped 3. 5 million years. Well, you are a rich man. This is not, even by turkish standards, then i didnt know how, there, probably, 3 1 2 million. It doesnt sound convincing. Thats how to fall off. Well, 3. 5 million years is really real. Thats it. Uh, russians are right when they say big pockets to carry so much with them. They were really big, these ones like that, yes denomination 2012 was such a year, in general, and the situation is this. Indeed , no one can reach an agreement with mediation. Indeed, few people can comply only with those who are together, so i dont know how brix moves together, but russia showed, for example, a grain deal. It seems to me very important not to perform. All of us no longer trust anyone in the morning with money in the evening. And so, by the way, speaking, it is necessary to act and then erdogan wants tourism to develop. A get out of the muses, then there will be tourism, because it is not known to whom the next one will be arrested. Well, in reality, as it were, maybe even a little set, and you want to develop trade with sanctions. Get out of sanctions mode. It seems to me that its time to talk at this level, because if we are talking about the fact that we are living in a regime of war. This war mode is not just a special military operation. This is such a war at every point saliman blinkin. They just understand it that way. Why did they fly him to vietnam, of course, are you against it in china . It is necessary to introduce this whole thing little by little. I very much hope that the lesson of the grain deal will give. We are interested in the opportunity to defend our National Advertising in this direction. We start the issue with the main political event of the day in sochi, negotiations were held between the heads of russia and turkey, this is the first personal meeting between putin and erdogan in total in almost a year. It lasted about 3 hours from the beginning of the delegations talked in large numbers, then the president s continued the conversation this father on the agenda of a wide range of topics growth turnover. Tourism. Creation of a gas hub. And, of course, the grain deal and the ukrainian issue. What we managed to agree on will be told by our colleagues, political observer Alexander Khristenko and the authors of the host of the program. Moscow Kremlin Putin pavel for rubin on the agenda of the upcoming talks. I already spoke with turkey, how and in what composition the first residences arrived on them. Russia was stopped by the motorcade of the russian president , and in the same car with him the vicepremier rode, novo supervising the Energy Industry and the head of rosatom, likhachev, followed an impressive delegation from ankara. We see the turkish leaders motorcade approaching the residence. Rusi is here in sochi repeatedly, but this is the first meeting with Vladimir Putin since erdogans reelection as president , and as erdogan himself said shortly before this informal summit, despite the pressure that is being put on his country, turkey will continue to pursue an independent course and there will be no quote chasing unnecessary adventures. Putin meets the guest on the porch and informally himself here he was asked immediately during the greeting, the participants can come to us to rest from russia, the most important for turkey well, of course, the range of topics for conversation is much wider from bilateral relations and the most complex Nuclear Energy projects, topics. That this is the first meeting of leaders after the reelection of erdogan as president in may agreed on most cases a long time ago, but after the elections in turkey, our first personal meeting. I have already had the pleasure of congratulating you on the results. I want to say this in a personal meeting again continues construction of the okhuev Nuclear Power plant. Now in turkey in the full sense of the word. Uh, became a member of the International Club of Nuclear States after the delivery of the first batch of russian atomic fuel, fuck it, next year. Everything goes according to plan. We will launch. The construction of the first unit is going so well that turkey is already thinking about building another Nuclear Power plant based on the russian project. At present, the construction work is going well and i hope that we will agree on the construction, the second the station that may appear in the city of sinop, trade between the countries last year showed a growth record of almost 90 , 62. 5 billion dollars is now the goal of 100 billion, a direct consequence of the fact that turkey has not joined western antirussian sanctions moscow and ankara are also closely cooperating in the gas sphere. Last year. Russia delivered to turkey via Gas Pipelines turkish stream and blue stream 21. 5 billion cubic meters per eye. And for. Januaryaugust of this year over 10 billion. Russia has always been and will be a reliable responsible supplier of gas. We intend to continue to provide the turkish economy with this cheap, but highly efficient and environmentally friendly type of fuel; moreover, we are ready to export gas through turkey to consumers in third countries, where our partners are interested in this. It was for this purpose that it was proposed to create a regional gas hub in turkey, gazprom handed over to the company, batash. Uh project roadmaps for the implementation of this project on the agenda of the establishment of a joint working group harmonization of the Legal Framework for the functioning of the hub, the removal of trading and the transfer of purchased gas. Today , president erdogan also confirmed his interest in creating such a gas hub, and we are talking about a new pipe or simply a redistribution of volumes or the creation of an electronic platform at the first stage. Eh, now there is. Ah, spare capacity. The turkish side also has imports, and transit, domestic consumption of certain volumes of gases, so this will, of course, primarily concern the formation on the electronic platform. Prices education in the Southern Region of the european part. Actually, the volumes that are currently, and are already coming in. Prospective volume after the terrorist attacks on the nord streams, the issue of physical security and Energy Supplies has become a key issue july. While russia clearly provided security guarantees for shipping under this deal, the other side used the humanitarian corridors to terrorist attacks against russian civilian and military targets. Well, this cannot be tolerated, further attempts are being made, and so on, the turkish stream and the blue stream, through which gas is supplied to the turkish republic from russia, our ships guard these streams, and these pipeline systems, and they are constantly attacked, including with the help of drones that are sent to these attacks from the ukrainian ports of chernobyl. Well, uh , agree on everything that nothing like this happens. Will not, but promises given russia will be executed by everything in the western media , while the topic of the global food crisis and lack of volumes is being promoted, allegedly due to russias exit and the deal, objective data do not obviously confirm that the termination of the deal did not affect the global food markets. I would like to emphasize this in particular, so that the prices for cereals continue to decline in this regard, the physical shortage of food. No, there are problems with its fair distribution. Yes, but no way. It has nothing to do with the socalled grain deal we do not see anything surprising in this surprising, because the share of say ukraine in world grain exports, as was 5 . And it remains so in the Current Conditions will be reduced. So ankara is now convinced approach to kiev is not acceptable. The president of russia correctly says that ukraine needs to soften its approach in terms of joint steps along the black sea corridor, especially at present the black sea corridor should serve as a grain deal for the supply of grain to the poorest countries. A broader black Sea Initiative in which the west promised to unblock russian food and fertilizer supplies, but never delivered. I would like to reiterate our principled position. We will be ready to consider the possibility of reviving the grain deal and we will do it immediately, as soon as all the agreements recorded in it on lifting restrictions on the export of russian products from our side in russia are fully implemented. Despite all the obstacles , we intend to continue exporting food and fertilizers contribute to the stabilization, prices and improvement of the situation in the world agricultural industry. To this end, we continued, in particular, to organize the supply of 1 million tons of grain from russia at a preferential price for processing in turkey and then Free Transportation , the poorest countries are counting on state assistance in this sense qatar is ready to support for humanitarian reasons. Uh, the poorest countries negotiations are almost close to completion in the next three weeks, the supply will begin there, that is kyivs plans to use food. How the weapons failed in a similar way things are and at the front now. Uh, many sources report. Well, including western sources of slippage of the ukrainian offensive. Uh, with this question. How do you assess the situation in the zone of action cities, this is a failure, at least for today. It looks like this. Lets see what happens next. I hope that it will be exactly what happens next, so immediately after this statement by the president , and the failure of the counteroffensive is all the details of the Administration Defense of shoigu in an interview with the news. Uh somehow comments on what he said, spiritual commanderinchief i can only confirm that this is really so uh very very very, the last 10 days anyway such Violent Attacks with great forces with a passionate desire to execute the command that given with output. There is a certain settlement today. This is exactly what our president said on the eve of the talks. A leak appeared in the Turkish Press that erdogan intends to offer Mediation Services for a settlement of the conflict in ukraine, is it true . A direct question was asked at a press conference through the mediation of the president of turkey , an agreement was reached, e. G. There were projects. The documents were agreed between the russian and ukrainian delegations, but then uh, ukraine sent them uh, uh. Its just that no one returns to the dump, we hear about some new initiatives, but this is not something that has ever been discussed with us, so we dont perceive anything new. As for Mediation Services, we have never refused, we know about mediation the initiative of the peoples republic of china on the african states. And, of course, we are also grateful to the president of turkey for his efforts. In this direction, after the elections , the turkish cabinet of ministers was partially renewed. So the turkish delegation pasted special stickers in the hall, where someone should sit, but the course towards developing relations with moscow today in Constant Contact has remained unchanged. There were heads of the russian and turkish central banks. Eat. The overall goal shows a trend towards a more active use of National Currencies of the ruble and lyre. In commercial exchanges, the share of the dollar and the euro in mutual settlements is consistently reduced by our central banks. They are closely engaged in the development of a Correspondent Network between financial and credit organizations of the two countries. 3 hours of negotiations were productive. At the end , putin saw erdogan to the car. Meet contacts at all levels obviously will be continued Alexander Khristenko Victor Kazakov alexander serpugova. Andrey barauhin. Pavel melnik to conduct Putin Erdogan talks from sochi completed our group is working in clarach unexpected words from the president. The partisans succeeded in quite a few beginnings of the visit. A few minutes before the arrival of erdogan, putin , as we see now, is talking with the head of rosatom likhachev, the killers, Prime Minister novak , understand that energy is one of the key areas of cooperation between russia and turkey , the meeting on the porch of the rus sanatorium is officially published footage. But here is the fact that no one has yet seen putin and erdogan, after a handshake, enters the complex of the rus sanatorium and see right now. As a matter of fact, negotiations between putin and erdogan are already starting about communicate something. Now understood up the stairs took negotiations. Well, it is clear that now they are not talking about any key political things, most likely speeches about the weather about how erdogan arrived all the key things face to face behind closed doors. And look at the moment. Thats just what erdogans putin stopped on the stairs for a few seconds. Right here. They were talking about something just now they are heading to the negotiating room and in the corridors, too, every second is used to discuss the most difficult issues of global politics, right on the go encountering sand. The president s face to face first comments of the new Turkish Foreign minister due to i believe that this visit is very successful and was really noticeable at the final press conference. The mood of the leaders is very. Positive. Key site. The final of the talks, putin and erdogan azal press conferences, it was this hall that was shown by all tv channels. And now we will show you what actually preceded the leaders appearance at the press conference. They always see. Tv viewers that the leaders come out of these doors. We will now show what is there , see a few steps of negotiations, as you know, a restaurant is going on in the sanatorium rus , here you can see an inscription called ambassador , it is clear that today it does not work as a restaurant. This hall is completely given over to negotiations between putin and erdogan, here are 100 of them, where they talked face to face, pen notepad menu of red mullet fillet with tomato and jerusalem artichoke kharcho with beef , grilled lamb loin with pyu. From pasternak birds milk even more private shots, communication between putin and erdogan, and on sunday in program moscow the Kremlin Putin Pavel Zarudny alexander mekhur iabaev Anton Krasilnikov and Andrey Vershinin lead. And also today , the president held a meeting on the implementation of the murmansk lng project in the field of oil and Gas Production and processing. A number of large projects are currently being implemented. Such as the east oil yamal lng arctic spg2 and others, including the introduction of new fields, according to Vladimir Putin , russia not only confirms its energy selfsufficiency. Well , it still occupies key positions in the world Energy Industry and despite the open hostile actions, illegal and endless restrictions imposed by the russian fuel and energy complex, our oil and gas companies, in general , feel confident develop successfully solve the tasks they face, including in the field of foreign trade, find new reliable partners , rebuild logistics routes in in the field of oil and Gas Production and processing. We have a whole range of. Large supporting projects for the further development of the tech, as well as many regions of the country the main task oil and gas industry of the entire domestic fuel and energy sector. Im so interested in meeting our countrys own needs, the interests of all russian consumers, both business entrepreneurs and citizens, in their economy, including the continuation of the countrys most important gasification program. In the life of the ninetyfourth year, which is not far off colleague, also the world saves , too, evgeny gypsy lives in the sewer overhaul. Opening your own business maxim lagashki capitalism is the system of the future. Ah, alexander the great movie we do not depend on anything. Earrings should depend on the story soon. Hello on the air Legal Program conduct duty with you Tatyana Petrova in moscow detained car sharing driver who

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