Syrias homs, 89 people were killed and 240 were injured. The president noted that those responsible must receive the punishment they deserve. The head of state confirmed that russia will continue to cooperate with syrian partners in the fight against all forms of terrorism. Let me remind you that the drones exploded in in the courtyard of the school, when the Graduation Ceremony for cadets took place there. Emergency mode. Introduced in yuzhnosakhalinsk due to the typhoon, it brought 2 3 of the monthly precipitation norm, classes were canceled in some schools, local roads were flooded , the airport of the Regional Center operates according to the actual weather, entire streets were lost in carts, basements of buildings and courtyards were flooded, in several areas no electricity, reporting by alexander krasnoperov. Overnight in yuzhnosakhalinsk, which was at the epicenter of the typhoon, 71 mm of precipitation fell, this is half of the monthly norm was enough. So that the streets turn into rivers and the city floats. The footage shows how the water is approaching the Railway Tracks in the yuzhnosakhalinsk park, the level is critical for a couple of hours. All repeats. Emergency services in the Regional Center began working at night in order to have time to clear the rivers of fallen trees and branches and allow the water to drain. The grate is not there yet. We are digging, we are gradually removing a steep pile of soil , the Emergency Services immediately went to the private sector of the city, 34 people in the area were injured here territory, in six houses, water appeared inside the living quarters. No one was sleeping, we then took it, got ready, went to a friends place, because it was impossible to be here , we lifted all the equipment that could be lifted onto cabinets, there onto sofas, currents flooded the basements of several apartment buildings, now rescuers are pumping out water and they are setting up equipment for drying, the disaster struck the educational institution, two schools and two kindergartens were damaged. We are introducing a state of emergency in the city and, accordingly, we are now forming, so to speak, a register of complaints people have regarding flooding in order to provide social support. Strong gusts of wind up to 27 m per second broke electrical wires in the regional capital, as well as the korsakov and dolinsky districts. There are 18 teams working in the Electricity Supply thats 40 people and 20 pieces of equipment. The Protection System was triggered on 40 power lines, and during the night the Power Engineers restored the operation of most of the lines. However , the weather did not cause any global problems in the region, life support facilities were not damaged, the ferry the crossing is operating as usual. Only yuzhnosakhalinsk, where not all residents have yet fully coped with the situation, will have to eliminate the serious consequences. With the damage the disaster caused to their homes a month ago. Alexandrov, valery ivanov, velikanov, lead the sakhalin kuriles. The head of the ministry of defense Sergei Shaigu checked the implementation of the state defense order in the novosibirsk region. The minister visited the chikalov aircraft plant, where he assessed the work of the flight test station and the final assembly shop. The company produces, repairs and modernizes su34 fighterbombers. Shaig was told that the plant was now simultaneously producing a new one. This is the most difficult from the point of view of assembly here. After the inspection, the minister of defense held a meeting at work, he emphasized that equipping the army with promising models is always the focus of attention. Next , the participants discussed the progress of contracts for the current year and identified tasks for the twenty fourth. We had. Dear colleagues. Equipping the armed forces with a promising model of aviation equipment constantly is the focus of our attention. This year, thanks to the joint efforts of industry and the ministry of defense , the delivery of new su34 aircraft and the modification of those already in service with the troops is on schedule and the program for the year will certainly be completed. In addition, we have completed contracting here for a year and there are some additional issues that require our attention. We will discuss the progress of the contracts of the twentythird year, next year in terms of increasing the capabilities of operationaltactical aviation, we had, comments, were complaints, but fortunately the machine was completed in a timely manner, we will also consider how design work is being carried out to create a complex with longrange unmanned aerial vehicles. Powerful explosions occurred in kiev, kharkov, nikolaev, odessa and the cherkasy region. In the ukrainian capital and other cities in the central part of the country, the alarm was not declared before this. At night, Warning Systems turned on in the southern regions of the mykolaiv region, kirovograd, vinnytsia, khmelnitsky, chernovidsky, poltava. Ukrainian internet channels transmitted emergency messages about a massive air attack from the black sea and group drone strikes simultaneously in different directions. The Russian Military repelled attacks by the Ukrainian Armed forces in the avdeevsky and solidaryartemovsky directions, representatives of the Southern Group of troops reported this. In addition, missile strikes were carried out on temporary deployment points of the armed forces of ukraine in the donetsk peoples republic. Missile units of the Southern Group of forces carried out strikes on enemy temporary deployment points in the areas settlements of dolgaya balka, novogrygorovka, zolotoy kolodets and kucherov of the donetsk peoples republic. As a result , concentrations of manpower, weapons and military equipment, units of the fortysecond and twentyfourth separate mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine were hit. In the avdeevsky and solidaroartyomovsky directions , attacks by the battalion 110 separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of krasnogorovka and pervomaiskaya, as well as assault groups of the ninetythird separate mechanized enemy brigades in the andreevka area. The groups aircraft hit temporary deployment points of units of the 110th separate mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed forces in ovdeevka. During the counterbattery fight , a 105mm m119 towed gun in the pritechina area, a paladin selfpropelled artillery mount, an m777 towed howitzer and a highpower 2s7 malka gun were destroyed at enemy positions near vasyutinsky. In the kopinsky direction, russian tank crews carried out precise strikes on Ukrainian Armed forces targets, destroying some of them from behind closed doors. Fire positions without seeing the enemy. The crews hit the coordinates obtained by reconnaissance. Drone operators helped with fire adjustments. The militants observation posts came under artillery fire, thereby giving the motorized riflemen on the front line the necessary support. The soldiers also knocked out a tank, which required patience. Shot, we carry out tasks to destroy enemy strongholds, manpower, and are also armored. Equipment we provide support to our infantry in advancing quickly bring the crew, choose the right position from which they they will fire shots, leave, monitor their equipment, this is also important, they were working against a tank, the enemy tank rolled out , the distance was 4 km, we guarded him, waited, waited for him for three nights, rolled out against him, at that moment he began to work, did not notice us , we are on the right. They just attacked it from afar and destroyed it, the United States does not plan to allocate money to ukraine from other items of the defense budget, to support the armed forces of ukraine the white house is considering the possibility of using state department grants, several politicians said in an interview with the publication highranking sources in the pentagon, kievs reaction to this is predictably nervous, the armed forces of ukraine have weapons, if you believe the local media , only a month left, europe is not helping either. There are increasingly stronger protests about the ukrainian map in the global game, maria the speedster. Taking a timid step along the blue path, here in spanish granada, the head of the kiev regime came to ask, as usual, for weapons, money, pity, in the sad face of zelensky, literally everything, and the pr success of the counteroffensive, universal support from the west. Ukraine is waiting too much from the allies, reporters state, endless supplies of ammunition have completely exhausted us reserves, which means further. Help for the Ukrainian Armed forces, now everything is somehow unclear, experts say, the us political system is paralyzed, and for congress, internal problems have become more important. Although joe biden promised to always help, now he himself is being compared to a laborer. My sister kamala haris, we are running in the twentyfourth, we were scared, but the people of the United States are not in the mood for jokes, they are launching a flash mob on the internet, in it they talk about prices and accuse biden of lies. You look at the prices, 15. 99, it used to cost 6. 99 maximum. The Authorities Say that inflation does not exceed 7 , but it has exceeded everything. Problems in the states due to migration policy in new york, a major scandal, Illegal Immigrants occupied the center, created a ghetto in order to get to another area, local residents take a detour, when asked why, there is only aggression. Who are you . You cant film here, get out of here. The us congress is confident that american problems can be solved; only the one who locks the borders will stop the aid ukraine. We only have one. Speaker choice, and its president donald trump. His policies stopped the globalists more than anyone else. He is the leader of the Republican Party and the only person we can trust to save america. But ukraine, like a tornado, is ruining everything in its path, canadians are sure that after the scandal with the nazis in parliament, the local opposition seems to have woken up. The main question is why millions of canadian taxpayers go into a bottomless barrel called ukraine, but there are no answers to this, just as there are none in berlin, to help in the ssu, germany is doing its best. Empty pockets can only yield another patriot system. And thats all for now, scholz agreed. Antirussian sanctions are hitting the german economy, the authorities are confused. We compete. Our competitiveness with russia and china is only growing. They are ahead of us, or rather, we, they, europe is ahead of china and russia, they are our partners. In the country , people are outraged by the energy crisis, benefits are being cut, wages are falling, but local politicians know what to do. Spend taxes on this party of one of the ministries, officials squandered millions of euros, newspapers write, they didnt even think about helping the germans. Residents of europe do not want to help either kiev or refugees, ireland can no longer accept ukrainians in the local parliament, they said directly, there are no resources, and no desire either, over the past 2 years we have accepted more than 100,000 people from ukraine and from other countries, and i dont i think that we are able to continue to voluntarily accept refugees until the issue of accommodation is resolved. I believe our position will be clear, well, in switzerland, to get rid of they are even willing to pay ukrainians and refugees, the standard one thousand dollars, they offer to give those who are especially scandalous four each they write in the media, as long as they pack their things and go home, but ukrainians are like an uninvited guest, he is at the door, and he is out the window, meeting with the president of the European Parliament mitsola , zelsky again stated that his country dreams of membership in the eu, and meanwhile, in brussels they already understand that ukraines admission to the European Union will ruin european society, analysts say that it will be especially difficult for countries that now live off the eu budget, they will after the possible expansions will also turn into donors, and then it will definitely be impossible to refuse anything to kiev. Maria skorodilka, news. Pentalgin, it contains the highest dosage of a substance for pain and inflammation. 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Rebuilding the city from ruins and ashes would seem to be an impossible task, but this is exactly what mariupol looked like after the hardest 86 days of fighting. When ukrainian militants retreated, their artillery randomly struck residential highrise buildings. Hospitals, kindergartens and schools, their homes lost 84,000 mariupol residents, but all this is in the past, today there is a large construction site in mariupol, the whole country has come to the aid of the city, teams of specialists from sochi are working here day and night, rebuilding brick by brick what was destroyed by the neonazis, 89 objects are assigned to the contractor, this residential a house built in the 19th century is being restored for the second time, the first after the bombing by the german fascist invaders, now after the roofing, accordingly, well, there was no glass in the building, the building can be installed, this is a cultural center, that is, a historical center, the architecture here is unique, that is, the architecture needs to be preserved, there were four direct hits on the art school, explosions and fire destroyed it, leaving only the frame, but they are taking on this difficult task. Sochi, by december they should finish the thermal circuit, restore the roof, the facade install windows. The building of the mariupol school of arts is actually being rebuilt, but during the reconstruction they decided to keep one interesting detail; the central entrance will be left untouched. These marble slabs, damaged by fragments, are part of history, a memory of those terrible days, when ukrainian neonazis mercilessly destroyed mariupol. During the fighting , the fourth city was completely destroyed. Its several buildings occupy about 2000 km, here it is the largest facility that restores builders from sochi. The deputy head of the resort city, yuri tsitskiev , personally checks how the work is progressing. For a long time, those objects that we are restoring today, usually we would simply demolish them, we would simply demolish them, of course, there are no such specialized universities that teach specifically the restoration of objects after specifications, unfortunately, or fortunately , today we have quite serious experience, there are no problems for us to restore the facility, today we have more than 600 sochi builders working in new territories. Sochi builders are restoring another 25 objects in makeyevka, a city that even today is under fire every day from ukrainian nationalists. These residential buildings were heavily damaged by fragments of blast waves. Restoration work began in august and was completed at the end of october. It was very scary. Thats all. It was flying so that people we said goodbye to life, said goodbye to our children , called everyone that we wouldnt see each other again, but we survived, then they told us that people would come and set things up here. The windows were installed, the roof was being made, a disaster happened, russia didnt abandon us, they came to us and helped us, they immediately went to measure, they do everything right away, replacement of the entrance doors was not envisaged, but due to numerous requests from local residents, this issue was also resolved, everything that it will be necessary, we will help, we will do everything we can , we will do, thank you very much, lets hope, all restoration and repair work in mariupol and makeevka is carried out as part of the implementation of an infrastructure project. Building russia at the expense of the federal budget. In less than six months, sochi builders have already restored seven social facilities and 18 residential buildings. Stanislav vasilchenko, mikhail vitkin, anton khobotov, khaled tankiev. News donetsk peoples republic. Vladimir putins speech at the Valdai International club lasted almost 4 hours. During this time, the president spoke on all relevant topics, in particular on the international situation, provisions in the russian economy and the situation in ukraine. Vladimir putin emphasized that the ukrainian crisis is neither a territorial conflict nor an attempt to establish a geopolitical balance in the region of people, their creative speech is that the ukrainian crisis is not a territorial conflict, i want to emphasize this, russia is the largest, largest country in the world by territory , we have no interests in terms of conquering any additional territories, we are talking about the principles. On which the new world order will be based. Lasting peace will be established only when everyone begins to feel safe, understand that their opinion is respected, and that there is a balance in the world when no one is able, at his own request, to force, force others to live and behave in a way that is pleasing to the hegemon. In such a scheme, the very concept of any sovereignty. Is denied, thrown away, excuse me, in the trash, it is obvious that adherence to bloc approaches, the desire to drive the world into a situation of constant confrontation, us, them, is a vicious legacy, the 20th century is a product of western political culture, at least its most aggressive manifestations. In his speech , vladimir specifically focused on the developments of new russian ones. We have almost completed work on the modern types of strategic weapons that i spoke about and which i announced several years ago, the last successful test of the petrel, a globalrange Cruise Missile with a nuclear installation, a Nuclear Propulsion system, we have actually completed work on the sormat, over a superheavy rocket, the question is that we just need to finish some procedures in a purely administrative and bureaucratic manner, move on to their mass production and putting them on combat duty. And we will do it soon. The government has approved new measures to stabilize the domestic fuel market. The effect of the fuel damper is restored from october 1, the coefficient changes from 0. 5 to one, which will make it possible to more effectively saturate the countrys market with gasoline and diesel fuel. In addition, increased requirements for Oil Companies to sell fuel on the stock exchange. For gasoline, the share was increased from 13 to 15 of production volume, for diesel. From 9. 5 to 12. 5, and to prevent gray exports, after the current restrictions are lifted, a protective duty on Petroleum Products will be introduced, it will be 50,000 rubles per ton for those suppliers who do not produce fuel themselves. In mariupol, fsb officers for the donetsk peoples republic detained the director of the mariupol trans enterprise. He is suspected of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. According to he proposed investigations. Investigative actions to collect evidence, a criminal case was initiated, and the suspect was charged. After a short pause, our broadcast will continue with the Authors Program of Kirill Vyshinsky , typical of Novorossiya Special purpose teachers, who teaches children what in new territories, what teachers in donbass fear, what is their strength. Download the megamarket app buy with discounts, for example, tom ford perfumes with a 35 discount. 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Im taking a shower, a shell flies into the office, you and rudskoy made some mistakes in you, naturally, you did, what would you have done differently, we could have won, those who went against a peaceful city caused a bloodbath criminals, then this option was chosen not parliamentary, not popular, but tough, there was no need to shoot from tanks, a spectacle it was, of course, bad, to put it mildly; it was from here that the same broadcast was conducted, which was watched by the whole world. The fact is that each side believed that the instigator was the other side, i myself in those days. Fulfilled the oath, even after 30 years, i believe that i do not know the whole truth about the events of the ninety third year. Russia is experiencing the most severe political crisis in postsoviet history, which will end in bloodshed

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