Love, soon the first meeting in Vladimir Putins Business Program with the head of vietnam vovong. The main topic is trade and economic cooperation. Vietnam actively supports it within the framework of the eurasian economic union, but it is potential. Today, according to Vladimir Putin, it has not been fully disclosed. In 2023, sanctions halved bilateral trade. At twenty they reached a record level of 7. 1 billion dollars. Trade needs to expand positive dynamics there has been growth above 6 . Among the goods that the asian country supplies to russia are coffee, exotic fruits and textiles. Unfortunately, last year we observed some decline in trade and economic interaction, but this year we are seeing a certain upward adjustment, the growth was in the first 8 months, 6 months of this year, 6, in order for trade ties to develop at the right pace , a mixed Government Commission is working on our side, headed by mr. Gospodinko, about the desire to expand cooperation with russia, said Hungarian Prime Minister viktor orban, with whom Vladimir Putin also met on the eve of the forum. The european Prime Minister emphasized that his country is trying to preserve the results of joint work with russia. Trade turnover slowed down significantly after the introduction of sanctions, fell by 35 after a record rise in 2022. Last year we had a significant increase in trade and economic interaction of over 80 . Unfortunately, this year we are seeing. For the first 7 months of the fall 35 , this does not win back eightyodd last year, thank god, but there is still reason to think about what needs to be done additionally in order to influence this process in a positive way. Hungary is ready to look for solutions and maintain the results achieved in economic cooperation. Todays opportunity to exchange views is especially important. I want to thank you for the fact that rosatom continues to remain our excellent partner, i want to thank gazprom for fulfilling its obligations under the agreement, so we managed to save a lot of what we previously achieved. No one likes it when the results of his work, once achieved, are reduced to nothing, due to reasons for which he is not at all to blame. Thailand has taken a step towards developing relations with russia. The countrys Prime Minister came to meet with the russian president. The flow of russian tourists to thailand is growing, and to make our tourists even larger, the kingdom allows guests from russia to stay in thailand without a visa for up to 90 days instead of the current maximum of thirty. The regime will be in effect from november 1 until the end of april 2024. The bangkok post reports, citing a statement by the countrys Prime Minister. From the beginning of the year to october, nearly a million russian tourists visited thailand. Energy development, railway and highway systems were discussed with the president of mongolia. He noted in the country. A roadmap has been developed for the development of cooperation with russia; a large Energy Project will connect russia, mongolia and china. We also have such significant projects, multifaceted, including joint ones with the peoples republic of china, i mean, for example, the construction gas Pipeline System through mongolia to china, everyone here agrees with this project, all parties want to participate, want to work, its a matter of. Implementation, i think we will move well. An important part of the forum, one train, one road, is, of course, dialogue with china. This year, the russian direct investment fund, together with partners from china, invested more than 40 projects worth 750 billion rubles. Emphasis including agriculture and aviation. Today we announced the creation of a new Aviation Industry fund, this there will be investments of over 100 billion rubles in civil aircraft construction, something that will allow us to cooperate much better in aviation , including supplying more Russian Helicopters to the Chinese Market and investing in components for our aircraft manufacturers. And rubles Kiril Dmitriev emphasizes , as well as investments in national currencies, which in his opinion will allow achieving independence from other countries, Kiril Dmitriev also announced that new chinese investments in russian healthcare and the construction of Technology Parks will soon become known. How this day is remembered in history, well tell you right now, hello, exactly 300 years ago, on october 18, 1723, a crown was founded on the island of kotlin in the gulf of finland. The ceremony was attended by the personal Emperor Peter ii. The first fort was built here at the beginning of the northern war. It was called kranslot crown castle, and kranstat meant the crown city with all the military and port facilities. The best architects were attracted, including vasily bozhenov and dominic trezzini. Along with the main citadel, they erected kronshtat admiralty, manufactories, churches, administrative buildings and residential buildings. For a long time, kronshtat was the main base of the baltic fleet, from here russian sailors set off on roundtheworld trips, and military personnel went on campaigns from here. During the great patriotic war, the kronshtat residents did not allow the enemy to break through to leningrad from the sea. In 2009 , kronshtat was awarded the title of city of military glory. On october 18, 1916 , traffic opened on the bridge over the amur near khabarovsk. He was called alekseevsky in honor of tsysaravich, as well. Amur miracle on at that time it was the largest and most modern bridge in eurasia. Length 2,500 m, cost 13. 5 million rubles. The amur bridge became an important link in the transsiberian railway, and it was planned to be built at the end of the 19th century. But then they decided that it would be cheaper to extend the line through the territory of manjuria, but the uprising in china and the russojapanese war proved that the transshipment, as Pyotr Stolypin said, the iron train of siberia should only pass through russian soil. These days the bridge has been completely reconstructed, but here is one old truss saved. It is located in the museum of the history of the amur bridge. 100 years ago, on october 18 , 1923, Vladimir Lenin visited moscow for the last time. By that time he had already had several strokes, he lived almost forever in the gorki estate. Formally, he retained key positions in the state, but in fact he was removed from power. Despite the isolation regime established by stalin, lenin tried to participate in political life, wrote a number of works, however, his former comrades did not take them into account. Twenty in may in the third year, the right side of his body was paralyzed, but in the summer and autumn there was improvement and lenin decided to go to moscow, despite the protests of the doctors who were caring for his assistants. In his kremlin office, he selected some books and old notes. He spent the night, the next day he asked to take a ride around the city, along the boulevards , moskvaritskaya embankment to the crimean bridge, along pyatnitskaya street, then returned to the hills, now forever, 3 months later the leader of the world proletariat died. The short film premiered on october 18, 1961 leonid gaidai, watchdog dog and unusual cross. Three charming swindlers appeared on the screen for the first time coward, dunce and experienced, heroes who became legends in gaidais subsequent films. And the story was born by chance, the director was sorting through old newspapers in the country attic and found a filieton of stepan aleyenia. About how an honest, decent dog prevented the klutz poachers from killing the fish. Gaidai himself invited georgy vitsin. He suggested the candidacy of nikulin, and evgeny margunov was recommended by the director of mosfilm. Ivan pyryev. Nicknames, coward, dunce, experienced, invented by himself guess. During the filming, the dog playing the watchdog ran into the forest, raised his paw at the wrong time and threw a stick with dynamite. Morgunov did not listen to the director, he ran faster than anyone, but in the end millions of viewers watched barbos the dog, and they still do. On october 18, 1967 , a spacecraft launched from the earth reached another planet for the first time and began parachute descent. It was the soviet automatic station venera4. It was created at the lavochkin machinebuilding plant under the leadership of georgy babakin. They thought that the pressure on venus did not exceed ten atmospheres, and the design was calculated with a margin of 20, but the real pressure of force 90 at an altitude of 28 km crushed the module, but it managed to transmit unique information about the physical parameters and chemical composition of the atmosphere of venus. Instruments showed that there is almost no oxygen there, 90 of it consists of Carbon Dioxide and leading steam, that venus has no radiation belts, and the Magnetic Field is 3,000 times weaker than the earths Magnetic Field. An indicator of ultraviolet radiation from the sun has revealed the hydrogen corona venus. This one. Was followed by others who were already able to carry out a soft landing on the surface of the planet. This is what this day in history was like. October 18, a memorable date in the military history of russia. October 18, 1813, battle of the nations. The russian army and its allies defeated napoleon in the battle of the nations near leipzig. The french lost up to 8,000 people, almost all their artillery. Napoleonic defeat. Deprived france of all territorial gains in europe. Credit history is your Business Card for banks, if it is damaged, a new loan may be denied, so it is advisable to check your Credit History at least sometimes. We will tell you where and how to do this in 5 minutes in this issue of instructions. Credit history is the main tool that. Helps the bank understand whether you are a conscientious borrower or not. It includes all information about debts, not only loans, Debt Collection by bailiffs for unpaid communication services, housing and communal services, information about alimony, everything will become part of the Credit History. It is stored in a Credit History bureau, a Financial Institution is obliged to send information there within three business days, and large lenders must send information about borrowers, at a minimum. In two bureaus, but it may turn out that there are loans, but there is no Credit History, in neither bureau, and what to do in this case . The requirement for the mandatory transfer of Credit History to at least one bank, without obtaining the consent of the borrower, appeared on july 1, 2014. Before this, the bank could transmit information to the Credit Bureau only about those people who gave permission to do so, then indeed it is worth writing an application to the bank or Microfinance Organization with a request to send information about the loan to the history bureau, but if we assume that the bank did not fulfill its obligation and did not transfer information about the loan to the bank, then you need to write an application to the bank and demand that the error be corrected. Lenders can accept such requests remotely, within ten working days, the lender is obliged to conduct a check and send the information to the side, but it may happen that the bank or Financial Institution does not agree with your arguments. In this case, you can send appeal to the central bank or solve the problem through the courts. But dont let this confuse you, there is an easy way to request all histories at once through Government Services; on the portal, open the service for obtaining information about storing your Credit History. Click start, then check the correctness of the data that is pulled up from your personal account, send a request a response from the bank of russia will come to your personal account, the formal waiting period is one business day, but in practice it is 1020 minutes, open the received response, select a bureau from the list and go to its website, register , request the history itself, each bureau has a registration process and requests that are slightly different, so the next. Instructions on the sites, and now attention, in russia at the time of the creation of these instructions there were six bkis, all of them are included in the register of the central bank, the regulator can change this list, check on the official website, however, if you follow the links from Government Services, you are already insured against errors. You can send a request on the official website of the central bank of russia. You can also request submit through a Credit Bureau, Microfinance Organization and Credit Cooperatives or notaries. It is important to know that this can be done for free no more than twice during each calendar year, and no more than once on paper. For example, using the service of the bank of russia to provide information about the bank accounts, which store the citizens Credit History. On Government Services you will receive a link to the official website of each bank, which stores your Credit History. So, bki is obliged to provide a report in electronic form upon request free twice a year on paper. One, then the Service Becomes paid, but the number of requests is no longer limited. Some bureaus offer a subscription, according to which they send the history regularly and can even warn about each new loan issued. Youve got your Credit History, but how do you know how good it is . Mki will evaluate everything for you, the rating depends on the likelihood that you will be more than 90 days late on payments. Each bank has its own set of data on loans and its own calculation methodology, so ratings may vary, what to do if you realize that you have a bad history, the main thing is not to rush into the arms of scammers who offer to improve your Credit History, which of course is not free. There are not so many legal ways to correct your Credit History, but firstly, debts, and if there are any, they must be returned, and without resorting to bankruptcy, it will have a bad effect on your rating; a car loan can be refinanced, that is, take out a new one for pay off his old account. This shouldnt ruin the story. If do not give a large amount, you need to start with small loans, repay them on time and thus restore the confidence of the banks. What if your Credit History is damaged through no fault of yours, that is, an error has crept into it. Submit an application for amendments or additions to the bki. Within 20 working days of the office. Is obliged to conduct an additional check of the information, that is, request it again from the bank, you must be informed about the results in writing, in case of refusal to explain the reasons, unfortunately, sometimes you can challenge a Credit History only through the court, for example, if the source of data about the loan no longer exists, that is, the organization was liquidated, but what to do if there is a loan in the statements from the bki that you definitely did not take out, urgently write an application to the bank. Demand an internal check if your passport was stolen, be sure to attach a copy of the Police Certificate , the lenders experts will conduct an internal investigation and can write off the debt if they find evidence that the money was taken by scammers; if not, you will have to write an appeal to the central bank or go to court. Lets repeat the most important thing is that the bank needs a Credit History to assess the reliability of the borrower, so you need to make sure that it is in order. The history includes not only. Overdue loans, but also your other debts, it is stored in the Credit History bureau, and you can request an extract, for example, through Government Services, twice a year they should give it to you completely free of charge, this is if electronically form, in paper form, once, if there is an error in your Credit History, report it and the bureau will additionally request information from the bank, you still have questions, want to understand how act in extreme financial situations, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we. Will tell you about this in one of the next editions of the instructions. This formula, it. Is known to everyone not only in russia, but to everyone in india. Im sure there are more similarities between our cultures than between the american and british cultures. The indianrussian Scientific Collaboration is very old, now my institute has 1012 projects together with russian scientists. With the help of russia, we managed to establish production and production of equipment in india. One of the most promising ideas, that is, it is not just localization of production. In india, for example, and this is the creation of common production chains, the brix union is so multifaceted and multicolored , this is the strength, we can diplomatically balance china and india so that they leave aside their, so to speak, frictions and begin to talk constructively because we can do together. During the week of conflict in the middle east, the cost of transporting oil has skyrocketed around the world. This is evidenced by data from the Baltic Exchange in london. This is one of the most famous freight and commodity exchanges. It occupies a leading position in concluding brokerage agreements for the transportation of goods by sea. So, freight rates on sixteen global trade routes have increased on average by more than 50 compared to october 9. But most of all it is more expensive. Transportation across the Mediterranean Sea. The tanker industry typically measures rates in points to make it easier for vessel owners and lessees to negotiate prices. So, over the past week the corresponding index in the Mediterranean Sea rose from 107 to 219 points. Simply put, the cost of fragt has doubled. The figures reflect concerns among Market Participants about the possible disruption of oil supplies to the world market if the conflict between israel and hamas involves others. Countries of the middle east. In addition, do not forget that the routes of Oil Companies from all over the world pass through the Mediterranean Sea. This market is very lively. There are a variety of Oil Producers and suppliers there, that is, these are the countries of north africa, western and eastern part. This is an active use of the soed canal, yes, where cargo is sent, but it can also be redirected to the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, respectively, these are american producers. These include the arab countries of the middle east, and by the way, russia, kazakhstan and azerbaijan. The conflict in the middle east has already affected the price of oil since the beginning of the events, plus 5 dollars in the brand is about 3 dollars in wti. Sellers now cannot understand how to get out of this situation, because at the moment there are no direct losses of supplies. However, the region itself, the proximity of iran and the gulf countries is too sensitive for this not to have any impact on the market. The positive factor for crude oil is. Russia and saudi arabia have additional capacity; they have voluntarily reduced production, which could potentially be restored in the event of a reduction in supplies, but in general the market is extremely tense, i expect a sharp rise in prices in the event of an escalation. Speaking about the prospects, experts agree that that unless there is an escalation, the Market Reaction to the confrontation between israel and hamas will continue to be subdued. As mizuhabank analysts note, the jump in oil prices to levels of 100120 dollars per barrel. Is not a baseline scenario, but the risk of such a rise is quite high. Now oil supplies, with the exception of regions close to the conflict zone, are quite stable, and in general there are a sufficient number of tankers, and transportation naturally depends on the availability of a free fleet of tankers that can transport oil, also naturally, where the volume of transportation also depends on millet. For oil and petroleum products, the demand remains quite high, primarily due to the countries of asia, india, china, meanwhile, supplies of russian oil by sea are growing, this is happening against the backdrop of us sanctions against the first two tankers that transport this fuel, as they say in the American Ministry of finance, thus the United States is trying to increase transportation costs for russia and prevent an increase in the number of ships for this. Over the past month, deliveries by sea from russia have been on since july. About 3. 5 Million Barrels of crude oil a day left russian ports last week, up about 285,000 barrels a day from weeks earlier, according to bloomberg. Russias income from exports is also growing, and this casts doubt on the effectiveness of the price ceiling on russian oil, which was introduced by the g7 countries and the eu. That is, somehow the soviet mosaic does not fit together, so optimistic, literally behind the wall there was a terrible torture chamber here they played with us football from melitopol to mariupol and above, all maternity posts are tied here to the division, well, look at the fashionable city . Of course, this wasnt close here in ukrainian times and wouldnt have been yours, stop counting time and men are just working, working, watching Educational Programs and documentaries to learn about the world , watching, watching in the app or on i have to fly the entire globe at once and never land, oscar, uruguay does not give permission for the flight, so they wont shoot it down, master of the wind. Vladimir putin today transferred to china for participation in the belt and road forum, now its called, yes, the belt and putin. The president has a busy schedule, which includes bilateral meetings with leaders of countries in europe, asia, and the middle east; tomorrow the leaders of china and russia will discuss issues

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