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Shelling, the very same coordinated strike from sea, air and land that was talked about all week, the israeli army demonstrated for the first time last night, only underground targets, tunnels, headquarters, warehouses, according to the ministry of defense in gaza, destroyed one and a half hundred in a few hours, they still say this is not a largescale invasion, but now they are not going to leave; infantrymen, engineering troops, and artillery are taking part in this activity, which provides massive cover. The troops are still on the ground and continue to fight, regarding the events of last night, there are no casualties among our forces, we will make every effort to protect our troops with heavy fire from the air. Underground, apparently, are the main targets of the idf. It is there, sources tell the new york times, that the militant is stored up to a million liters of gasoline supply of food and weapons for 4 months of war. Personnel stationed in the tunnels 40,000. And according to israeli intelligence, hamas set up a headquarters right under the shifa hospital, which is peaceful. More than 5,000 people are working and receiving treatment. The Hamas Communications control center is located under the largest hospital in the gaza strip. The operation is necessary on the ground surgically to avoid civilian casualties. But while it is obvious about selectivity, there is no talk, everyone who did not follow will come under rocket fire idf demands to leave northern gaza. And if the army draws a line between civilians and hamas militants, it is more difficult for politicians. The palestinians are subject to collective responsibility, as far as it is fair, as well as the total deprivation of their food, water and fuel. I dont understand your reaction and empathy for these nightmare animals, when september 11 happened in the usa, no one cried for the taliban and alqaeda. None of the ukrainians worried whether the russian soldiers had enough food when russia invaded ukraine. If believe anonymous sources, until recently the escalation of the current conflict might not have happened. Israel was allegedly ready for a daily ceasefire, subject to the release of all hostages. In the army this is called one of the main goals of war. But according to the aksus publication, negotiations reached a dead end on thursday night. It was then that the idf headquarters decided to expand ground raids. Bbc sources talk about a different chronology, but the same meanings. They discussed the possible release of hostages and a possible humanitarian pause in fighting over the next few days. Negotiations stalled in the afternoon before details were ordered, and after the announcement of a new israeli offensive, they seem to have stopped. There doesnt seem to be much hope of them gaining strength again while this offensive continues. Among the military successes last night was the liquidation of two highranking hamas officers at once. Abu rakaba led the air group of the movement and participated in planning a raid by armed paragliders on kibbutz 7 october. The naval commander coordinated the initial unsuccessful landing attempt on zequim beach. I have completed a daily assessment of the situation, the results of our efforts on the most important lines of action, military, hostage rescue efforts and humanitarian efforts. We have moved to a new stage of military operations, tonight the ground in the gas shook, we attacked above the ground and underground, we attacked terrorists at all levels everywhere. The instructions to the army are clear, the operation will continue. In others sectors we are ready to protect the citizens of israel, we do this in the north, in the center and wherever necessary. The reaction to a fullscale invasion of gaza from all other parts of israel may be unpredictable, while clashes with the army are taking place on the west bank, 11 people involved were detained there overnight, as israel believes to be hamas, and the idf is carrying out new strikes all day on southern lebanon. All previous raids on gazuhal were carried out after dark; it is at night that israel now most of all awaits news of new steps of its army, and waits and blows in response. Rockets from the sector most often arrive in the morning. We are from 8 to 10 pm, in 3 weeks almost 8,000 of them were released, the total hamas arsenal is estimated to be twice that. Alexey konopko, konstantin pionov and anna lvova, lead israel. In the completely deenergized gaza sector on saturday night it was as bright as day from the flashes of hundreds of israeli bombs exploding on the territory of the palestinian enclave. Both sides of the conflict claim that this was the most powerful bombing since the beginning of the escalation. Already, for the most part, they have been turned into ruins and residential areas in the sector were subjected to unprecedented blows. And again , there is no need to talk about the selectivity of these strikes, despite the israeli sides statement that it is attacking only military targets and hamas infrastructure. It is reported that several bombs fell in the immediate vicinity of an indonesian hospital in northern gaza. There is evidence of Israeli Air Force strikes on houses located in several refugee camps in the enclave. According to the Palestinian Ministry of health, only lost ones. 377 civilians died, and the total number of victims in three weeks, since the beginning of israeli strikes on the sector, is already almost 8. 00 people, several thousand more are listed as missing, most likely buried under the ruins of bombed buildings, rescued from the rubble, which only a few succeed in raking with bare hands in the absence of fuel for heavy equipment. In the healthcare system. There are already 110 honey workers, but patients continue to arrive in the hundreds, every day, there are already more than 2000 wounded, most of them women and children. I woke up and i discovered that i was in a hospital, wrapped in bandages and connected to tubes. I hope i get better soon. We were sleeping when the rocket hit our house. Hamza was wounded and his younger brother was killed, as were six family members, including his mother. His father was also wounded, the house was simply razed to the ground, and we were miraculously pulled out from under the rubble. To all the possible types of balakat, in which the gas sector is already located, an informational one has also been added. The night before , the internet and wireline stopped working throughout the enclave. Connection. The israeli strikes knocked out the Sectors Telecommunications facilities. The only means of communication remained loudspeakers, through which the call to prayer is usually broadcast, and now there are also messages like this. Now the internet has only been partially restored, because information from the conflict zone is still fragmentary, and journalists take every opportunity to convey a message to the outside world. Now we are. In the hospital, we will broadcast live via satellite as long as possible, so please, if you hear us, tell the whole world that we are here in gaza, in a blockade, now there is something to tell correspondents about, last night, for the First Time Since the beginning of the escalation of the conflict , Israeli Ground forces, with the support of tanks and armored vehicles, entered the territory of the gaza strip, in the israeli army itself this called a largescale raid, but reconnaissance in force, apparently, did not bring the desired results, according to hamas representatives, the enemys plans. Were thwarted, and the attempt to attack gaza from three sides failed. Israeli units were ambushed and were forced to leave the territory of the enclave. At the same time, according to the palestinian resistance, the enemy suffered losses both in equipment and manpower. If these data are correct, then they indicate that the destructive strikes of the Israeli Military on gas have little effect on the combat capabilities of hamas and such news, of course, raises the morale of the Lebanese Hezbollah fighters who continue to fight. In the footage of the destruction of the israeli merkava tank at the beginning of the conflict, the Israeli Defense forces have already lost three dozen such combat vehicles, and half of it is right on the border with lebanon, the territory of which it continues to shell with artillery and strikes with aircraft, but these attacks cannot be compared with what is now happening in the gas sector, where it seems that the most acute moment has come, first of aggravation conflict. Experts and journalists are now arguing whether the events of the last 24 hours in the gaza strip can be called the beginning of a fullfledged ground operation of Israeli Forces in the enclave, but one thing is clear, the confrontation has entered a new stage escalation, which will inevitably lead to even more victims of this conflict. Alexander bilivov, Sergey Eliseev and maria balatvina, lead african bureau. Israel recalls all its diplomats from turkey for consultations. This is how tel aviv reacted to the tough one. Statements by recep erdogan. At a rally of solidarity with palestine, the turkish leader called out israels actions in the gaza strip. Quote a war crime and accused the west of complicity. About erdogans speech. People came today to the territory of the former ataturk airport in istanbul to a rally of solidarity with palestine organized by the ruling justice and development party. These figures were announced by turkish president erdogan. He arrived at the rally with his wife mine by helicopter. The turkish leader, as a sign of solidarity , came out on stage wearing a scarf in the colors of the palestinian flag, in his speech he said to support palestine, the head of state also said that ankara would declare israel a war criminal, according to erdogan, such work is already underway. Every country has the right to selfdefense, but where justice . There is a massacre in gaza and we will declare israel a war criminal. We are already working on this. These illmannered people tell the residents of the gas leave these lands. When asked where, they say to the desert. And when the wounded are forced to leave, they bomb them, because all they know is to kill. Erdogan, once again spoke sharply towards western countries, note that they do not even call israel for a ceasefire, according to the turkish leader, it is the west that is responsible for the massacre in gaza sector, he called the quote a pawn in the region that can be sacrificed when the time comes. The turkish president also compared the attitude of western politicians to the situation in ukraine in the gas sector and accused them of double standards. Western countries those who yesterday shed crocodile tears for civilians killed in the ukrainian russian war, today silently watch the death of thousands of innocent children in the gas sector. If you shed tears for those killed in ukraine, then why dont you talk about those kids who are dying in the gas . I note that immediately after recep Tayyip Erdogans speech, the head of the Israeli Foreign Ministry Announced that he was recalling all his diplomatic representatives from turkey to reassess relations. Earlier, the National Security council of israel called on the countrys citizens to immediately leave the republic due to the high level of threats. Israel will also sever all contacts with the starling company, said minister of communications shloma carrie, if elon musk provides Satellite Communication Services in the gas sector, and besides, the minister threatened to destroy this connection by all available means, referred to the fact that hamas could gain access to it; musk had previously promised to provide staring terminals to an international organization. Providing humanitarian assistance in the gas sector. After the israeli strikes, the enclave was left without internet and telephone communications, even ambulance teams have no way to contact dispatchers. The russian Foreign Ministry emphasized that a new stage of escalation could lead to a large number of civilian casualties. Called on the International Community to stop the bloodshed and restart the negotiations process. In addition, Sergei Lavrov stated that october 7 was committed. An acceptable terrorist attack on israel, but emphasized that it is impossible to destroy hamas without destroying gaza with the majority of its civilian population. Evgeniy nipot, about the most important of lavrovs interviews, belta agency, russia maintains contact with israel, sending it signals about the need to look for a peaceful solution in gas, and not to complete the scorched earth strategy Sergei Lavrov emphasized. If the gas is destroyed, if 2 million are expelled from it residents, as some political figures in israel are sending abroad, well, this will create a catastrophe for many, many decades, if not a century, so of course, we need to stop, and we need to announce humanitarian programs to save the population that is under blockade, no water , no electricity, no food, no heat, none of this, the parties. The conflicts are fierce, inflamed, right now they are unlikely to sit down at the negotiating table, but the continuation of hostilities will only lead to new casualties, primarily among civilians population, and even when the hot phase subsides, without taking into account the interests of the palestinian people, the region will face a new explosion. We have repeatedly told our israeli colleagues that without the creation of a palestinian state through negotiations , this situation will not calm down, they will constantly. Live surrounded by unstable palestinian territories, in the absence of this state, the palestinian territories will constantly. Pose a threat to the state of israel. A military solution to the issue with the full support of the United States is futile, o what the wests selfish position in the field of security leads to can be clearly seen in the example of ukraine; it has been turned into a neonazi instrument of aggression against russia, which eventually goes beyond the control of its curators. The west is now even beginning to be a little afraid of what kind of monster it has raised, given that zelsky and his associates are no longer listening enough. They are listening more and more, they are making claims to the west there is not enough money, there are not enough weapons, what do you think there, thats the causes irritation to oneself, cultivated hatred towards everything russian is called upon to divide peoples from a common history, in order to make it easier to pit them against each other, they encroached on everything russian, on our history, we are already accused of being almost more guilty than hitler in starting the second world war, on our language, on our education, on our media, on culture, they are destroying monuments to those who created and developed odessa and other cities in novorossiya. Russia ran out of patience when, to the detriment of its security, a military infrastructure was built in europe, in which ukraine is assigned the role of a springboard for a strike, but this project of the United States and its allies is doomed to failure, i am sure, he emphasized, moscow is interested, the world has changed. In many countries, they began to think that they should also take into account the interests of others, and not promote only their own in a blind american way. Evgeny nipot, ivan kuznetsov, lead. Ukrainian drones attacked the Kursk Nuclear power plant. One of the drones crashed into a Nuclear Waste warehouse, damaging the walls there. The other two fell on a complex of administrative buildings. Mid russia called the attack of the kyiv regime. An act of nuclear terrorism. There are no restrictions for the criminal kiev regime, up to and including committing acts of nuclear terrorism. They could not help but realize that the consequence of a uav raid could be a fullscale Nuclear Disaster that would affect the territories of many countries. No other objectives were initially set for attacking a Nuclear Power plant, a purely peaceful infrastructure facility. By bombing the kurdish Nuclear Power plant, the kiev regime. Put itself in one along with the most odious terrorist organizations. Of particular concern is the fact that this crime could not have been committed without permission, possibly on the direct orders of its western handlers. The russian army repulsed 12 attacks in so, zelskys formation lost over 600 more soldiers and mercenary officers. Two tanks were destroyed, including a german leopard and eight other armored vehicles, as well as four galubis, an american. Su25 attack aircraft, and another 36 combat drones. About the situation at the front, margarita semenyuk. Alligator crews are already famous fighters helicopters are ready to destroy enemy trenches and support Ground Forces on the line of combat contact with fire. The crews gain a given altitude, approaching the positions of the ground vehicles, and cover them with dense rocket fire. On my command, the maneuver, in the yuzhnodonetsk direction, four brigades of the armed forces in the areas of novomikhailovka, katerinka, vodyanoy, ugledar, zolotaya niva, harvest and staromaiskaya came under attack at once, without losses, the russian pages returned to their point of deployment. You need to avoid going over the line. Control your actions, understand be aware of the withdrawal line that exists in our country, do not enter the enemy zone and carry out all antimissile maneuvers. On their professional holiday, they gain altitude, fire support, landing and cargo delivery, reconnaissance of special missions, army aviation. The Russian Space forces celebrates the seventyfifth anniversary of the formation of the first squadron equipped with helicopters. In the naval team with our combat comrades, we understand everything, duty is duty, we will fulfill it, and then we will celebrate all our holidays in the family circle. Fpv drones our fighters operate along the entire line of fortified Ukrainian Armed forces. Here kamikas drone tracked the enemy in the trench and dived straight into the dugout. In the artyomovsk direction, the paratroopers are definitely striking. The personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, wherever the militants were hiding. Accumulations of enemy manpower and military equipment were hit by artillery fire and heavy flamethrower systems. Two platoon strongholds of the 70th Airborne Assault brigade of the Ukrainian Armed forces were destroyed in the artyomovsk area, the enemy lost up to 50 military personnel, three armored combat vehicles cars, two pickup trucks, a d30 artillery gun in the areas of the settlements spornoe, artyomovsk, kleshcheevka and pobeda. The fire defeat of oporniks in the sports artyomovsky district is recorded by our copters, paratroopers and fighters of the Southern Group of troops are pushing back enemy positions, occupying new lines and taking militants prisoner, they say that the mood in the armed forces of ukraine could not be worse, there have been such cases. For failure to comply with an order, i force you to go to the position if you dont want to, because if you dont obey any order, he could shoot you. Drugs, extortion, threat, humiliation is the norm for the kiev formations, large senseless losses , all so that he can please his western partners, the ukrainians themselves are for him. Former Vice President mike pence dropped out of the race for us ambassadors. In the Republican Party he was one of the main supporters of ukraine, traveling to kiev twice. Well, besides, pence criticized trump a lot, as a result his rating dropped to a couple of percent. After traveling around the country for the past 6 months, i came here to say, now is clearly not my time, i have decided from today i will suspend my campaign for president , but i promise that i will never give up the fight for conservative values ​​and the election of principled republican leaders. Well , then, the work of front aid volunteers is a special report by catherine sanders, immediately after a short advertisement. Dont put it off right away, buy, divide, divide , divide, share from alfabank, pick up your purchase immediately for a quarter of the price, pay without overpayments in equal parts, choose stores for sharing. 50 years of improving clothing and labeling so that we can be born here again. Norrtland born of the alps. The comfort of azst boil is now in a convenient application, quick registration everything important is on the main screen. Your status, number of points, as well as many pleasant offers that you will enjoy. Everything is now in the application. 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Thought on the topic for whom translations are an opportunity take care of those who are far away, they always remember us, we came up with the vtb debit card and the best application for ourselves, so that your life becomes more convenient, switch to vtb right now, everything for the front, everything for victory, our cats help our sappers for decontamination , which are mined, well, a week ago i sent 865 of these probes , in a week i will send another 600, our grids go in Different Directions along the entire front, mostly, of course, this is the leading edge, free time from work, and sometimes instead her, they develop technologies, create things that help save the lives and preserve the health of participants in a special military operation, we make special transport for the most difficult conditions, rear fighters, who are they, why did they decide to help the front line of donbass and do not take money for their volunteer work, what there really are things that prolong and save lives at the front, they need to be used, they need to be scaled up. The creation of things and technologies that can save the lives and health of soldiers is one of the main directions in which many volunteers work. Leonid vasiliev works in his workshop, here he has several machines, a laser, milling, turning one 3d printer. At the moment , we are printing elements for sapper inspection probes, namely the inner part of the handle, the tab where the pin will be directly attached. In principle, every sapper has one. There should be such a thing, when they go to the graveyard, to clear mines, or just for humanitarian aid or the passage of a column, they poke these chupas in front of them, before the start of a special military operation, he says leonid, was mainly engaged in advertising, produced custom signs and other products, for example, wooden houses are still unfinished , the master does not have enough time for them, helping the front is more important for him, yes, i and weekends and holidays, sometimes place of work, uh, that is, when necessary, the work moves away, i contribute something of my own, uh, my wife helps, collects for plastic, she fully provides, that is, i dont buy plastic with my own money, that is, they help her accordingly her friends and comrades, he is an engineer with a higher education, a graduate moscow aviation institute, he makes the blanks himself, if he has time, and also assembles the products, until they are completely ready caps, tourniquets, capsules, cases for detonator capsules, housings for mines, parts that are in boxes on the workbench elements of a medical tourniquet, a modern analogue of a hemostatic esmarch harness, straps, fixing buckles, plastic platform, rotary handle, a model that has been successfully tested in real conditions is a readymade turnstile. Here we cut platforms from pet sheets, handles are milled from sheets polyethylene or polypropylene, these are the same horns, here it is a buckle, and then you twist it around four turns, when its tightened, thats great, well just test them, it came to us, well distribute it to the medical technicians, but the opposite they will provide us with communication, i think it will be the most positive, you are with us, we are with you, victory is ours, the measured noise of continuously working equipment is a guarantee that soon the next batch of those needed there will go to the front line of donbass, as they say, for ribbon of things, this miniworkshop assembled. In one of the rooms of an ordinary residential apartment, with the support of his family, ivan smirnov purchased and personally installed 3d printers at home, and so for a year and a half, without holidays and weekends, around the clock, my homeland gives me everything, and i am ready to give it to her too , well, and then there are our guys, that is, its kind of the same, i kind of cant afford to stay on the sidelines, in this case it all started with one single copy, which he acquired several years ago, as he says for the sake of interest, he printed toys for children and components for his motorcycle, and with a special military operation he took it off the shelf and reprogrammed the equipment for new strategic tasks. At the moment he is printing parts for caps, this is part of the initiating devices. Well, then i bought another printer, then another and another, now he has six printers on the way, a recently ordered seventh, all purchased mainly at personal expense, ivan explains, like plastic, a necessary consumable, this thing costs, well, Todays Exchange rate is 15,000 rubles, well, some buy more expensively, some can afford it, some buy cheaper , he decided that he would help the front in the spring of twentytwo, when he was looking for thematic channels and groups on social networks, and ended up finding volunteers who do 3d production. People also work on printers at home in their garages at work, some around the clock, some there only during the day, some only at night, completed their first task for several weeks, remember that they made about a hundred socalled ponytails and a dozen caps, both use v

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