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Residents, a plan was developed according to which at least 30 million slavs were to be exterminated. Why is it important to recognize genocide specifically against the soviet people . Because this is a historical fact. This work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. Russia was the first to convey a resolution on the inadmissibility of the glorification of nazism. Mostly europeans abstained. The United States voted against it. A very well thought out attack in the information field on our historical selfawareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. It is important that everyone involved in Inhumane Treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. Are you used to watching videos online . Has it stopped working . Install, open. We watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, Educational Programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. Hello, the correspondents of the program will tell you about the main legal events of the day duty room. And im maxim movchan. The chuvash are investigating the circumstances of a terrible accident involving an ambulance, in which a person died and six others were injured. The accident occurred in the city of kanazh. The moment was captured by a video camera. The footage shows how the special vehicle flies through the intersection without slowing down. At this time , a car turns off the wide highway. Its drivers, apparently, did not have time to react to the situation. As a result, there was a terrible collision, after which the ambulance koryata flew to the side and turned over on its side. The driver of the sedan died on the spot. To others the participants in the accident needed. All the flags were visiting them, a largescale special operation in the leningrad region, the police exposed an Employment Agency that worked tirelessly to legalize illegal migrants. Not only did the Office Employees falsify papers, but they also imposed tribute on visitors, details to olga mazurak. The unexpected visit of the police took this lady by surprise at home; she clearly wasnt expecting so many men at home. It has been established that the structure of the organized the group included six people from a private Employment Agency; since march 2022, the criminals have legalized at least one and a half thousand foreigners, however, based on the analysis of seized documentation, this figure can reach several thousand. According to the investigation of the private agency , contracts were concluded with 19 Large Companies, as soon as at one of the enterprises. Workers were needed, the agency took over the search, and no one cared whether foreign specialists, say, had registration or a patent for work, if necessary documents were allegedly falsified and processed through various gray schemes, in order to protect Large Companies from troubles with the law, the stratum office processed foreigners at home, that is, formally they were employees of the agency, although in fact they worked at enterprises. This scheme also allowed the schemers to tax the migrants to denmark; almost 5,000 rubles were deducted from their earnings every month. So to speak, for services in preparing false documents. A simple check shows that none of the foreigners can remember their address registration, because he is fake. I remembered. What street . No, dont peep, you should know where you live. Investigators calculated the criminal income of the Group Members from illegal activities amounted to tens of millions of rubles. The police opened a criminal case under the article of organizing illegal migration. The investigation is only gaining momentum. It is possible that the number of defendants in the criminal case will increase over time. Olga mazurak, Artyom Grigoryan and khalimat kuchmezova, duty officer. Part of a competition in pedagogy mastery at the university of justice the third allrussian competition of professional skills of teachers of the Knowledge Society was held, the best of the best was chosen from one and a half thousand teachers from all over the country. We are very pleased, of course, that our university has become a scientific platform for the community of educators, teachers, social scientists, here they have the opportunity to gather and exchange experiences. Swearing in a conversation with the police, today he could have finally appeared in court, he could have, but he never did, instead he listened to the judge of the Leninsky District Court of tambov. Only a lawyer, apparently who had recently served as the acting minister of health of the region, decided that the matter was too trivial, administrative, and could be skipped, because we are talking about echoes of that very hunt, in this case a violation of the rules for storing and carrying weapons of cartridges confiscated after the famous meeting was considered with inspectors, such complaints, i honestly say, and so do you, we will not broadcast the entire conversation between the official and the police, especially since most of it still consists of those. Words that are not intended for broadcast. After this meeting , a criminal case was predicted for ovchinnikov, but then the story took a very strange turn. The former head of the powerful ministry of health is still at large. Investigators first opened a criminal case for insulting government officials, but then the Regional Prosecutors Office canceled it. It turns out that the experts came to the conclusion that the influential official did not threaten anyone, did not insult anyone, and did not swear at the police, but just like that, into the air. As for poaching, there is a criminal case, but simply based on the fact of the event. Ovchinikov until he became involved in it. The directors of Car Accidents have been detained in moscow. For a long time, series after series, they withdrew large sums from insurance companies, turning over the same simple scenario. Dangerous situation, gasfloor, climax and monetary outcome. Word to denis vaskovsky. The Police Special forces knock on the door twice, without hearing a clear answer, they warn that they will open it forcibly. One, two. People who have made it their profession to deliberately provoke road accidents, in which they are always the victims, were ruined by greed. Insurance companies sensed something was wrong when accidents involving the same cars and drivers began to happen almost every day. The accidents were serial in nature, they were intentional, which was proven during the investigation. Relevant automotive technical expertise, most of the subtly orchestrated fake accidents occurred at roundabouts, where visibility is limited, either they spur you on, urge you on, flash their headlights, or they provoke you and distract your attention, noticing that the victim begins to change lanes to the right, the main auto support literally rammed his car, they sneak up and make a jerk, it seems to be the fault of the one who, not making sure that there was no interference, began the maneuver, although in fact. And this was established by the investigators, the cause of all collisions was a deliberate increase in speed by the formal victims, he was standing , stood there, pretended to let him through, and then jumped sharply, well, essentially it was my fault, as a rule, drivers of commercial vehicles were chosen as victims, they were persuaded to sign a european protocol and send it to the Insurance Company in order to start quickly repairs, he says that the electronics there broke down there and so on, as soon as i hesitated that we would call the traffic police, he immediately left, in fact, the money. Up to a million rubles received through asaga was immediately cashed, and the junk car, looking like a prestigious foreign car, after a garage repair in an ambulance, it went out on the road the same day, in some cases the scams were executed so. Filigree that the criminals were not embarrassed even by the arrival of the police, they misled the state traffic inspectors and entered into roles metz victim of an accident. An insurance fraudster, he did not change the trajectory and directly provoked the collision. The tricks of pavel korovin, the leader of the autoswindlers, who were detained today, are like a carbon copy of the art of another serial accident worker, evgeny afanasyev. Afanasyev and koroin are related; they previously worked together in the same criminal group. Afanasyevs comrades caused an accident. Throughout moscow, until 2 years ago they were caught with a sleeping bag. Now individual episodes with fake accidents will be combined into one production. The investigative authorities of the Moscow Police have opened 48 criminal cases on the grounds of a crime provided for in part four of article 159 note 5. Afanasyev, and now korovin, is behind bars. Six accused of fraud on an especially large scale will await trial in a pretrial detention center. New victims of the Siberian Ripper. Investigators continue to follow the terrible crimes of a maniac who killed children and women in the midnineties. The monster has been on compulsory treatment for a long time, it looks like it will never come out. Therefore , despite the next sentence, he does not face a prison sentence. Details in the material by ekaterina lekhamanova. 30 years later, the walls of this staircase still remind us of the horror that happened here. Last name spesivtsev greetings from the children. Such inscriptions are left today by local residents. The apartment of one of the most terrible maniacs in the nineties, which is located right in this entrance of an ordinary residential building in novokuznetsk , is still avoided. It seems like he is still registered in this apartment. With this apartment they cant do anything. Apartment 357 was a real torture room; at that time, a twentysixyearold lived in it. Spesivtsev, a former patient of a psychiatric hospital, was nicknamed the novokuznetsk monster and the Siberian Ripper in the media. Shes as tall as i am, as tall as you, yes, her hair is light, dark, light. Long, short, short. In the midnineties, a cannibal killer began hunting people; the exact number of victims is still being determined. After many years , investigators managed to find a witness to the terrible events, thats all. A child who managed to escape from captivity. All this time he remained silent, but now he found the strength to testify. Meanwhile, investigators, together with geneticists, studied the remains of victims that were found many years ago. And they came to the conclusion that what they considered to be fragments of the bodies of four people was, in fact, evidence of a much larger number of murders. Thanks to modern research methods, it was possible to obtain expert conclusions that the bone remains belong to fifteen different people. The investigation established that the man. Chose victims who were weaker than him and would not be able to fight back, these were women and children. As the investigation established, under various pretexts, the maniac lured children and women to his apartment. Moreover, his mother, lyudmila spesivtseva, helped him with this. He mocked his victims for several days, and then hid the remains on the banks of the aba river. An exchange of posture was detected, without muscle. His mother also helped him get rid of evidence. Neighbors remember the family always behaved. Releases him from criminal liability, he will remain under the supervision of doctors to apply a compulsory measure of a medical nature in relation to Alexander Nikolaevich in the form of compulsory treatment, a medical organization providing Psychiatric Care in an inpatient setting. Apparently, spesivtsev will remain on compulsory treatment for the rest of his life, no sane psychiatrist will ever will not release such a monster into the wild, but the terrible story of the cannibals is not. Over, a new sentence and 15 more people on the list of his victims, this is still an incomplete story of the serial killers, in the late nineties , 40 pieces of jewelry and 82 sets of womens and Childrens Clothing with traces of blood were seized from the apartment by torture. Who owned many of these things has not yet been established. Ekaterina likhomanova, lead Duty Department. Security officials, bailiffs and rosdrovnadzor crowded near the Plastic Surgery clinic of timur khaidarov. Everyone needs to go inside, but the doors are closed and sealed. By a Court Decision in a highprofile case. After an operation , a patient died within its walls and now the case seems to need to be investigated, but something went wrong. Report by alina skachkova. And again, at the clinic of the scandalous surgeon timur khaidarov, there are people in uniform and masks. Apparently, the Security Forces may be interested in some documents that are now in the office of the institution, but not the task; a legal conflict has already arisen on the threshold. The clinic is not only closed, it is sealed for several months by. Court, that is, it is necessary to get into it, but you cannot formally enter. For several hours, three departments at once, bailiffs, police and rosdravnadzor were looking for how to approach a piece of paper with almost magical powers, they negotiated, wrote protocols, called someone, and for a reason, they continue to look for the answer to the question of why one of the patients, producer pyotr gavrilov, died here in february of this year, and what it was, accident or medical error. The operation to lose weight, specifically to reduce gavrilovs stomach, was performed by two surgeons ilya ilagin and tamerlan kadzaev. After the procedure , the patient was discharged and returned home, but soon fell into a coma and died without regaining consciousness. The court sent the doctors to home detention arrest, and then interesting details emerged. Kadzaev, for example, was expelled from the medical academy for poor academic performance; in the clinic itself, rosdravnadzor employees found many violations, including expired medications. However, the star doctor himself is khaidarov. Insisted, the patient was his friend, everything went at the highest level. The patient was examined, we did everything to the maximum in terms of equipment, you know, there, ah, consumables. The clinics lawyer stated that the medical examination was like an autopsy, allegedly no one did it, and even to prove medical malpractice in such cases is not easy. Lyubov uspinskaya and the singer slava, for example, also complained about khaidarov, allegedly he made italy look crooked and have disproportionate breasts. When i took off my bra a month later, i just. I lived in stress for a year, and then it turned out that immediately after the operation, slava allegedly started dancing with glasses of champagne, that is, she grossly disregarded the rules of rehabilitation, and who to believe now, over the last year, khaidarovs clinic, of course, has suffered enough; cosmetic surgery wont hurt her renovation, one of the glass doors are simply shattered, whether these are the consequences of searches or the revenge of dissatisfied patients is unclear, but it is clearly visible how a once popular institution is turning into an abandoned one day after day. The window sills have been chosen by spiders, everything is covered in cobwebs, here nearby you can see the window of khaidarovs office, there are dolls in the form of the surgeon himself, and also a lone bottle of expensive champagne. Meanwhile, the fight with the Security Forces with closed doors has come to an end; the piece of paper, that is, the Court Decision, has so far turned out to be stronger. Go to legal now the basis, only or suspension of the decision to terminate the suspension of the clinics activities today. Was not presented, so a legal basis was never found, so the authorities left with nothing, but promised to return, perhaps they will receive a separate Court Decision for this, or maybe they will just wait a little, because khaidarovs clinic is opening again this summer. Alena skachkova, mikhail devyatkin, lead the Duty Department. Overtime training, a highprofile case in britain, they are preparing to go to jail a young teacher who encroached on the innocence of a fifteenyearold schoolboy, and more than once. The teenager himself has no complaints, he even boasted to chatty friends and intimate photographs. But his parents and police are sure that the young man became the victim of a disgusting criminal. About the ending of the forbidden novel, daniil sukhoruchko. Hiding her face from the camera, her eyes downcast, Rebecca Joines, a former teacher accused of sexual relations with her students, appears near Manchester Crown court. Shell be out soon. From here already to new status, the jury found rebeca guilty. The british lady began a whirlwind romance with teenagers several years ago. Lonely thirtyyearold rebekah taught at a manchester school, where she liked one of the students. He was 15 years old at that time. The age difference in the cavalier was exactly half the size of the seductress, and rebecca was not embarrassed. A math teacher seduced a teenager. She gave him rides in her car, gave him expensive gifts and regularly played pranks with the guy, even the second one. Center, this novel was clearly not one of those that could end in a wedding, in the end the schoolboy showed naked photos of rebeka to his friends, soon the parents found out about what had happened, and then the police, the teacher, the seductress were detained. Soon she was released on bail, prohibiting her from communicating with minors, but the hot becca could not restrain herself, she found herself a new lover, also fifteen years old, from him rebecca even became pregnant, so another victim appeared in the criminal case. Rebecca joines is a sexual predator, she was their teacher and they rightfully trusted her. We we welcome todays verdict and now wait for jones to face the consequences of his actions. I would like to thank the Police Officers who worked closely with the victims. And their families in establishing all the circumstances of this case, as well as the Investigative Team for their hard work and dedication during this investigation. Such cases of adult teachers seducing Young Students are by no means uncommon. More recently, a similar story took place in the United States. Alice mccom was suspected of molestation of a twelveyearold student. As the police later found out, the number of children affected by the loving mrs. Mccom goes into the dozens. The married woman was detained, but was soon released under arrest, because she turned out to be pregnant. From a twelveyearold boy, but soon mccom went to prison again, the woman could not resist and began to write and call the young father of her unborn child. Mccoms actions are appalling, the Police Department is concerned about this apparent violation of her bail conditions, and due to the nature of the report, we are concerned that that she may have contacted other victims. However, this story will take a long time for Law Enforcement to figure out, but with Rebecca Joines everything is much clearer. She tried to squeeze the studio out of pity and showed her childs cap, but the math teacher. She miscalculated, it had no effect on the jury, she will soon be sentenced, and most likely she will go to prison for several years; it is unclear whether the child will be given to his young father, but it seems that the High School Student will definitely remember this lesson for the rest of his life. Daniil sukharuchko, news part. A terrible dream for the rich and corrupt officials. More than 3,000 collectible watches were seized in the capital. They all look like chic handmade chronometers, but in reality they are ordinary fakes. A loudly ticking counterfeit warehouse was discovered. Prestigious brands, but all these are fakes, they were sold through an online store, as well as a popular marketplace, one of the counterfeit dealers was detained, his probable accomplices are now being sought. The owner was unable to provide contracts or license agreements with trademark owners, as well as other documents confirming the legality of your activities. In addition, Office Equipment was seized. Means of communication and other items of evidentiary value. The police are working, dont offer candy, the most principled and strict inspector has taken over the service in the moscow region, checks everything thoroughly, and they wont let a fly slip through, and doesnt take bribes. Alexander polivka will tell you who he is. The drivers of ramensky near moscow were clearly not expecting such a traffic inspector. A fighter for driving according to the rules. The boy was good on the roads, stopped drivers, i got hold of a form somewhere and started keeping an eye on it, asked for documents if they were allowed, even inspected the car, to all dubious offers, the reaction was immediate, well, maybe a bribe, guys, hes offering me a bribe, what are we going to do, the real police are right there became personally interested. The young impostor, it turned out, the schoolboys name was daniel, soon he and his parents ended up in the Police Department, it was inevitable, since the boy so wants to become an employee in the ministry of internal affairs, it means he deserved a tour of the offices of the traffic Police Department of the city of ramenskaya, in order to get to know your future colleagues in advance, while you still have to study, when the excursion ended, daniel was solemnly accepted into the detachment of young traffic inspectors, now you know that your friends ramensky traffic Police Department are always nearby, the young inspector was presented with a model cap. The car is a real whistle rod. Now in the yuit detachment he will help road inspectors in preventive work. Alexander polivko and dmitry manyshev, lead the Duty Department. And now for truly incendiary footage of how disputes among prominent figures are resolved street show business in mexico. There, a dozen wandering musicians decided to teach the fakir a lesson for luring away their entire audience. The hottest mariachi was the first to jump into the fray; in a matter of seconds, each of his friends also decided to give the defeated illusionist a good kick for good reason, quickly the lysophranic fireeater returned and staged perhaps the most spectacular fair show in his life, and here mariachi was no longer amused, the result , several burnt guitars, severe burns from mariachi and a twicebeaten fokir, and also happy zivaks who were on such a street the performance was not even planned. The entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the Duty Department and an honest detective, subscribe, also our investigations and daily releases on the platform look, go to the etherova tab in only to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we they were storming, they entered, for the first time there they got tired, they wounded me, all the bullets were out, one was the root, i had no more strength to graze, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, he i didnt even notice where it came from. I will still be grateful to the unfamiliar guy. Stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs. Im adam, why adam, and not adam, chechen, i, artist, white rose, you can, i can, youll sing somehow, brusley, alive, we dont need names, its not a trosh, or what, not a trosh, not yours , well, you little bastard, little ray of god, what should i do, commander, call sign passenger, i suggest changing the call sign passenger to the call sign rebin, let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. The artillery of the center group of troops suppressed the firing points of the Ukrainian Armed forces on the route of advance of our assault detachment. Goals in avdeevsky

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