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SCCs Phi Theta Kappa chapter is expanding exponentially | Community :
SCC's Phi Theta Kappa chapter is expanding exponentially | Community
SOMERSET – Somerset Community College (SCC) has experienced something of a “brain gain” early in its spring semester, with the emergence of a number of top scholars.
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New South Wales
Jeff Harris
Hannah Ritchey Eubank
Tatyanna Blake Albany
Heather Zimmerman Richmond
Kenlea Norton Richmond
Gumm Somerset
Shaylin Estes Somerset
Nicole Flannery
Kenneth Chadwell Barbourville
Lukus Chaney Russell
Gavin Fowler Ramsey Hustonville
Natalie Elam Monticello
Bryan Whitson Somerset
Amanda Waterstrat
Christopher Henderson Ferguson
Jentry Mcgarrah Somerset
Scottr Maynard Brodhead
Josette Pitman
Flores Eubank
Jesse Cravens Liberty
Alyssa Rodefer Rockcastle
Clint Hayes
Lakyn Taylor
Ruth Dismuke Richmond
Melissa Adams
Brittian Williamsburg
Maria Fuentes Russell
Johnna Atkinson Bigelow
Haley Mcalpin Somerset
Kendra Wethington
Boswell Corbin
Karleen Howard
Gavin Slone Corbin
Kaylee Fitzgerald
Annam Wilson Somerset
Ethan Meggs Somerset
Somerset Community College
Academy Of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Outstanding
Phi Theta Kappa
Omicron Zeta
Orthopaedic Physical Therapy
Kentucky Press Association
Senior Vice President
Allyson Holman
Alyssa Rodefer
Annam Wilson
Scottr Maynard
Savannah Stapleton
Gavin Slone
Tyler Robertson
Issiah Brittian
Ethan Meggs
Kenneth Chadwell
Maria Fuentes
Russell Springs
Haley Mcalpin
Mackenzie Sizemore
Spring Phi Theta Kappa
Tatyanna Blake
Dawn Boswell
Macy Brown
Lukus Chaney
Peyton Coots
Jesse Cravens
Ruth Dismuke
Natalie Elam
Shaylin Estes
Israel Flores
Gavin Fowler Ramsey
Sydney Gumm
Bengail Hammons
Christopher Henderson
Nancy Jones
Science Hill
Richard Land
Jentry Mcgarrah
Kenlea Norton
Aubrie Popplewell
Hannah Ritchey
Destini Wesley
Bryan Whitson
Bryan York
Heather Zimmerman
Easter Dinner
Kimberly Land
Chool Systems
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