Network evolution toward high frequency spectrum technologies such as millimeter wave and sub-terahertz not only quench the thirst for more communication bandwidth, but also for higher sensing fidelity. Integrated (joint) sensing and communication (ISAC) enable hardware and spectrum reuse between sensing and communication functions, allowing dual-function green networks to be built on cost-effective hardware. In the April issue of CTN, Profs. Kaushik, Eldar and Dobre take a multi-layer snapshot of this burgeoning area of research, highlighting impacts of emerging technologies such as reconfigurable intelligent (or holographic) surface, energy-efficient beamforming, and novel multiple access schemes. The multidisciplinary nature of ISAC is amply illustrated by the diverse applications it has found itself in, as well as the comprehensive up-to-date references. Read on, savor the prospect of novel applications that are emerging, and some that have not yet come to pass. As usual, your thoughts and feedback are most appreciated.