Good afternoon it the one p. M. This is the meeting on the San Francisco Community Investment Infrastructure Commission to the redevelopment agree for monday, august 4, 2015, welcome madam secretary call the first item the first order of business is item one roll call. Commissioners,. Please respond when your name is called commissioner mondejar commissioner singh is absent commissioner bustos madam chair rosales commissioner singh absent and all the other members are present the next order of business is item 2 announcements a the next regularly scheduled meeting of august 18th will be held at one p. M. At city hall in room 416 b announcements of the prohibitions of the sound providing phones, please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room meeting room responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar soundproducing Electronic Devices. C announcement of time allocate for please be advised a members of the public has up to 3 minutes unless the commission adapts a shorter period on any item is it so strongly recommended that any member of the public that wishes to address the Commission File ulcer out a speaker card and submit it to the Commission Secretary the next order of business is item 3 report on action taken at a a previously closed session meeting no reportable actions the next order of business is item 4 matters of urban finder business there is nun the the next order of business is item 5 matters of new business consisting of consistent approval of the minutes for the regular meeting of june 16, 2015, madam chair. Thank you. Do we have any speaker cards for this consent item. I have no speaker cards commissioners we have comments or edits motion thank you. Commissioner bustos made a motion been sent by commissioner mondejar please call the roll call. Commissioners,. Please respond when your name is called commissioner mondejar commissioner singh is absent commissioner bustos madam chair rosales i have 3 ids and one absent. Okay. Thats Consent Agenda is adapted please call the next item. The the next order of business is regular agenda item 5 b approving the Hunters Point shipyard August Community and commercial kitchenmanual final relocation plan for the studio apartment for the replacement studio building the Hunters Point Shipyard Redevelopment project area resolution number 452017 that item has been continued. Madam chair. Yes. Do we have any spshgd for this item. I did not have any this matter is continued until the future commission meeting. Thank you. Please call the next item your next item is 5 c adapting the Environmental Impact report pursuant to the cool Environmental Quality act for the combined concept and scenic design for a hundred and 42 affordable units one Management Unit at 1300 Fourth Street Mission Bay South Development Project area discussion resolution for 2015 madam director. Thank you mr. Secretary. Good afternoon to the commissioner and good afternoon to the members of the public thank you so much for joining us commissioner im going to turn it over to in mission bay an agreement with the informs he will under the key benefits there are socalled standing stand alone affordable units sites 6 thousand plus housing being built thirty percent is affordable if so the second stand alone affordable rvp 1184 already opened as you recall commissioners you selected in last december of 2014 Development Team head by t n d c be mrektd e. R. Selected them and this is a furtherance in seismic so with that, id like to ask the Housing Specialist to walk you through the project and joined by other members of the team. Im sorry our screens are going a little bit crazy forgot it were good. Good afternoon madam chair rosales and director bohe im pam a department suspect with ocii some background is as director bohe stat on december 17th the then San Francisco Redevelopment Agency approved the owner participation or o pa it required that 17 affordable units radio built in mission bay included in the o pa the Master Development must submit the Development Plans in the major phase of one or two blocks for the Public Infrastructure and parks included in the blocks of 2, 8 and 13 before you as long as Fourth Street pursue at this time the block parcels was permitting hundred and 43 affordable units and 10 thousand square feet of retail space a few words how we got her in may of 2014 occ staff released a project and july the proposal packet was deemed complete so the remaining applicants were interviewed and the response we are selected to develop the street other members include ms. Solomon and as as Architecture Team and t n d c and the Literacy Program and t n d c provides the property management. The 1300 Fourth Street is hundred and 42 affordable units plus one managers united hundred and 14 or 80 percent are rented to households below the medium income while electropercent the units will help the households t n d c about provide the Core Services plus the inclusion of van ness that provides the Literacy Program to School Age Children in a retail space to help to activate the attraction for the project the retail space in total is approximately 9 thousand 7 hundred plus square feet Development Team is using the Sustainable Team strategy and the parking is approximately 14 to one in compliance with the development i will now provide you with highlights the seismic design for the development it is one hundred plus square feet of residential over a concrete pronounced the concrete podium houses the Onsite Parking components and as far as Community Says that a Large Community room on the ground floor kwrld area for reading and the offstreet car parking it is in guidance inclines with the mission bay staff did review the request by the commission for additional Parking Spaces and determined that it will cost approximately 85 thousand or 3. 1 to another 37 spaces that provides a parking ratio that funding if it were going to parking would dpifrlt projects in the pipeline an important factor in maintaining the that concludes my remarks count it was wautsd 4. 99 million in sustainable funding which guess bans the green house emissions and benefits so, now to present the Schematic Design in more detail is dan sullivan. Hello commissioners and director im honored to be here to present the 13, Fourth Street to you on behalf of the team our collaborate oversees ill pass this toy around for you to play with after i show you a couple images the conceptual plan is barrel leg he will on your screen the basic organization of the project an e shaped building with split right now of town houses the e shape facboulevardt is. Facing. China baseline street that has all the services and the curb cut parking lot and the continuous retail loan Fourth Street. The perspective from the mission bay boulevard and Fourth Street the e shape planned is articulated into vertical segments and 5 stories of housing with the main entrance on the left an active use as Community Room and Service Spaces fronting into the street and a retail anchored on this south ante corner by a double restaurant space and outdoor parking with seating facing the park on this prominent corner from the looking from the north west at down the retails frontage on Fourth Street the retail continues down the street and vertically articulated an e shape continues down the street and the northwest corner chord by the use of van ness serves the project and the neighborhood the south end is this boldly articulated bar which is two stories well over than the 5 story remainder of the e shaped piece and it has this sort of bold color and strong taker over the columns which organ the utility and mechanic spaces that needs to face the street r street and the curb cut under the opening in the middle this is from the north from mission bay boulevard looking at the mid block and articulated town houses by our collaborate oversees and this is in the block a kind of complexity in the block we think that mission bay will benefit from town houses scombarnz on the internal walkway in the project and the upper floor units two floors are served by stoops in the mid block use ground floor plan shows the continuous retail north and south the main entrance on the west and the Community Lobby and the central core in the middle of the project served by a secondary entrance if the muse that is activated by people in the project using the secondary entrance to the lobby the 40 Parking Spaces occupy only a portion of the site leaving the remainder for retail and for landscape serving the town houses and the two courts. There is material pallet is spelled out in the packet and carefully assembled with the help of the agency staff a number of meetings were finding this pallet materials it somewhat for bid for the larger building except on the south there is this strong bar color subject and bar and then a more articulated playful pallet of materials for the town houses facing here so with that, ill go back to the main prospective and im available to answer any questions and ill pass the model around. Okay. So while youre looking at the lovely model ill finish up my presentation occ staff has spent the last several months working with the Architectural Team on the various design to insure the consistency the d for d and other planned documents the following represents the staff design comments or conditions of approval that must be resolved in the subsequent stages nonspecific landscaping the materials and building colors and architecture detailing for staff to review during the design phase and color and material samples will be submitted additionally the make ups are built on the construction sites and number two on the corner of mission bay and Fourth Street will be reviewed to refine the scheme on the rounded corner number 3 the design felt east elevation among first street will be dined for the retails to maximize the activation and transparency the design of the trash and recycling area concurs with the documents to insure entrepreneurial trash pickup for the bins on the street 5 building signage will be reviewed to the mission bay signage master plan 6 the project shall comply with the mission bay gold it addresses the extensive noise and when and what time of the day to dovetail on that the Development Team meets with the ike staff to talk about the hours of operation 8 the developer should design the outer childrens play area and finally, the developer will define the security of the residential, commercial and car share Parking Spaces. The mission bay cca has been involved sirens the selection of the team t n d c Team Presented that to its august 14, 2014, meeting for the cca was supportive of the project recently on sexual 9 the Architecture Design for the cca the cca was supportive of the design and the cca members voiced the security of the site and the play areas for the children those concerns as you heard were addressed in the conditions of approval to date the developer has achieved 52. 7 Small Business and neighborhood participation that exceeds the occ goal of 50 percent the breakdown is 42, 46 for San Francisco and 9 point one important mayor ed lee and 12 percent for another selection and to achieve the 50 percent participating before the construction dates schedule this project will be before you again in june 2016 to request the financing in july the Development Team will apply for tax credits and september the Construction Financing should close and 2018 the construction should be completed that concludes my presentation. Id like to introduce some team members that are here dan solomon youve met in addition to dan we also have Malcolm Harris from solomon and stephen and we have Christopher Roach and John Springer from studio, we have a. D. Deny and claire from t n d c and various consultants that are working on the professional services thank you. Thank you. Okay first, well see if we have any speaker cards. I have for corin woods. Good afternoon irregular commissioners im kroerdz i chair the mission bay cca were very supportive of this project we like it a lot, in fact, one the comments that was made at the last meeting we get the best architecture on the Affordable Housing projects and were very pleased with this and pleased with the program were also happy that our concerns that were mentioned at the last meeting are being addressed in the conditions of the approval i hadnt thought of that im glad to see interest is going to be car share space as part of the parking with 25 percent parking ratio it is really good if people have car share on site to be able to use for a car although were working on new transit groups for the neighborhood with mta all in all we like it and look forward to having is it built thank you. Thank you. Are there any other speakers that would like to come up . Okay Public Comment is closed. On this item commissioners do have questions or comments. I do commissioner bustos. Im not sure you may have gotten the breakdown whats the breakdown of the bedrooms in those units . There are 1, 2, 3 bedroom units at the development. Do we know sorts of one bedrooms how many or 3 bedrooms. I dont off the top of my head okay. It is about 1 3rd, 1 3rd, 1 3rd. So when we look at the car share process for that with the space whats the process how do the attendance how are they able to assess that Car Share Program. Im going to ask the clearing not a one for one parking ratio theres a lottery different methods but ill call the developers up. You know how we are on parking. Im a. D. Deny with t n d c your specifically care about how were working the car share. In my opinion theres not enough parking i want to know if you have a family that is in one the 3 bedroom units how they get to access the car share. There are a couple of Car Share Programs in the city we reached out to them in the initial rvp with inform dedicated spaces theyll state with on space theres a lot in mission bay currently were allocating two spaces go to two spaces that goes to one to support two and bum up to two at this point but well it will serve the whole neighborhood open to everybody in the building as well as the entire neighborhood and access to the other car share spaces in the neighborhood. Ill have a problem with that you know, like i said, were already not enough parking spots if you w have two dedicated parking spots that takes away from the opportunity for the tenants this spot is for decreases the chance arrest we can look at that our first task was to work with the established groups and work elsewhere in the city to see if they have another models we can eye. If you have families or parents or kids it is you know they need a way they need a parking spot a way to get around are the parking spots designated for the larger units versus the single or one bedroom. Assuming the larger like two or three bedrooms have families were going trying to support. Will they have first dibs on those spots. So how weve operated in the past we have a lottery for the spaces so we dont necessarily reserve them for you the larger families but not necessarily cant look at that. I would suggest if a person in a one bedroom a Single Person or couple it is a lot easy to ride a bike so; right . Hundred and 39 so it is easy for them to get on a bicycle but for families sometimes multi generations folks living in the united so grandparents and grandkids its harder to get a bike to go Grocery Shopping ill hope we look at that to make sure those in the larger units that most likely will house families they get first dibs on some of those spaces for the cars. Uhhuh. Im not sure how can we do that i mean that is something to talk about online or offline and you know having access to car shares similar to the what rec and park the they instituted a process that made people go online for a permit to use the parks and my concern if the person if it is a Single Parents not 27 to spare; right . Im not sure how much the Car Share Program works and how much were charging people were assuming that is access to get it; right . You know how to use it online when we look at things like this we need to look at how it works for an individual or family to be able to participate and take advantage of some of the things so im not sure how do we followup on this stuff but maybe you know ms. Sims or someone what report out basically, im thinking about the spaces for the car share for larger unites for families because it makes sense theyre probably going to need it the most and how do people within the unit use the car share spaces im not interested if you go out but people that live in that particular development having the access to the spaces so if we could report back on this id appreciate that. Thank you. Commissioner singh. June 2016 with the Gap Financing telling me what how much is the gap and how much financing were looking at. Thats what well the team will be working on for the next several months to finalize the financial plan, finalize any Additional Resources that be are coming in to the development and finalize the ticketing then well know what the gap is. Is it going to be ground or alone. Oh, alone uhhuh. Thank you. I have a couple of questions on the Affordable Housing units i know we dont have a neighborhood Preference Program yet but is it appropriate to ask the executive director to give us some background on what might be you know an opportunity for the commission to consider a neighborhood preference for Affordable Housing . Sure commissioners within the context of the existing preferences that exist within the mission bay plan and the agreement as many of you may know the preferences that exist for affordable unit certificate of preference is at the top and to the extent that developments have not executed ground leases the ellis act because youre a legal separate entity from the city should you choose to adapted a neighborhood preference the board will report to planning the planning is doing an analysis and there will be a report in the fall you could do you want certainly preferences related to neighborhood preferences but theres a waterfall to create the harm new although this body oversees 21 thousand units a third are affordable with the master unit we need to harmonize the existing agreements our existing preferences which may be different from the city it is implementing we need the time to analyze it and like to report book to you to the extent that analysis is done by the time the permanent loan and the ground lewis lease comes back to you it could be in the waterfall preference. With respect to the ellis act evictions remedy preference my understanding of the data when the budget analyst recorded to the board of supervisors in the south of market area there was significant displacement due to ellis act evictions in the mission is another area i guess id like to have you might not have it today but information on you know how many folks are taking advantage, if you will, of that program so yes, sir. R yes. Theres a preference but the impacts would be because were talking about mission bay and then transbay i think that would be important. We can followup with data and jeff white occ project manager has additional fvndz. Good afternoon jeff what did they housing manager i checked hundred and 36 ellis act housing certificates issued and hundred and 36, 9 from folks in describe codes some from bruno heights. Do we have any tloins why interest are so few im pretty much there were thousands and thousands of victims. Those are the folks that went through the process getting the certificates so, yeah i dont have the why the answer to the why. Yeah. The malice that will give us a report. Thats correct. All right. Maybe we can do a followup okay my last question i know its early about the retail concepts but interested in finding what the retail concepts we might be looked at or the process will unfold whether groceries amendments to the groceries Grocery Stores anywhere here. I know the developer has been working with mission bay specification brokers and an entity that works with the Nonprofit Developers but foyer specification id like to call a. D. Deny doyle up here. I can show you the retail plans. Oh, great. Lets pull that back up so if you see the pink area on the bottom of the screen there. Were dividing into 9 possible spaces uhhuh. But the thinking is that the two on the ceda and on the nesdz will be combined to be 2 separate spaces those 4 spaces who be combined into two and the four in the middle will separate individual so the two on the south side are being schneider as restaurant that is the one well open as the restaurant and the outdoor seating overlooks the mission bay courtyard and the two on the ned are start for van ness so were, however, designing that space so could accommodate a restaurant in future years so if they vacate in 25 years it could be converted back to a restaurant space the four interior spaces will be designed to accommodate lighter restaurant use so not the large restaurant use about accommodate a waxer shop Something Like that it will accommodate that range of what youre seeing mission bay now from our conversation with the brokers they think the restaurant spaces may go into the, a r buildings and morality by the time it opens up were designing it to go either way. No Grocery Stores. No, its not designed as a grocery at this point. Through the chair if i may commissioner bustos as many of you may know the beacon place the ancestor Grocery Store for the neighborhood and a series of other market hall concepts under is a market hall being proposed further up Fourth Street across the street from Fourth Street a block up the street a food hall like a style and ill ask my colleague to talk about the mission bay specific and the proposed warriors market hall concept a few blocks south, temporary uses from food truck parks that are going in and this is our Senior Development specialist and the interim project manager. Good afternoon, commissioners im so project manager on mission bay so theres a math hall concept the director mentioned that is in the process of getting tenant improvement permits and theres the promoted worrying retail the Fourth Street corridor spaces are largely designed as smaller this total retail is 10 thousand square feet for your grocery tenants are looking larger spaces generally speaking and coordinated with the various brokers and agencies for the market rate projects to Court Reporter what that retail is were a grocery is not going to want an over saturation of use were working with an emerging Retail Market that is really trying to get a sense of the build out as the market improves weve been able to attract a boarder range of retail but at this point with the market hall concept that serves the folks on this south side of the channel and bread and butterer, if you will, Grocery Stores the safeway in that serving that market shed for this up to this point in time okay. All right. Then. Okay. Thank you. Those my questions anyone have a question on the design . Comments . Okay. Good . Okay do we have a mansion. It would be nice to have a motion. Ill move it is coming back to us i think we can sort out the other things. Its been moved by commissioner bustos and seconded by commissioner singh please call the rely commissioners,. Please respond when your name is called commissioner mondejar commissioner singh commissioner bustos madam chair rosales madam chair, i have 4 is. Okay item is approved thank you. Please call the next item. 5 d. The next item is 30 years a Loan Agreement with the Housing Partners a California Limited Partnership nuchld of 16 million for the Development Activities related to the construction of 79 affordable units plus one managers unit at transbay block 8 as long as 250 fremont street and adopting the finding prudent to the California Air quality accusation and action resolution 472015 madam director. Thank you, madam secretary commissioners as you recall in april you approved the do so position agreement for block 8 with related n t n d c and approved the schematic were at final financing and the occ sources so with that, id like to introduce you to Benjamin Brandon the Development Specialist in the housing with an ininaugural presentation for the commission. Good afternoon madam chair rosales and director bohe and commissioners im ben im here to discuss the loan for the transbay affordable projects with 80 units of affordable units to low income families project is parts of a larger block 8 Master Development in a transbay project area transbay redevelopment was adapted in 2005 with the purpose of repeating 10 acres with block 8 that were owned by the state of california to generate funding for the tjpa to constrict the new Transbay Center and meet the Affordable Housing requirements Assembly Bill 812 is an combooshl obligation it requires the occ as the Development Agency to insure that 85 percent the new Housing Units are occupied by very low, low and moderate income households the project implementation agreements is another enforceable obligation to accept the to third partys for Development Including Affordable Housing in november of 2013 pursuant to the agency they issued a request are for the development for a high density mixed use on block 8 in june of 2014 after a competitive process we entered into the negotiation with related california as the Market Rate Development and the tenderloin Development Corporation and the nonprofits developer along with the office of metropolitan and architecture as the leads designer with the Small Business entrepreneurs as the architect to the low rise building on april twitter of this year it was approved requiring the purchase prize of 71 million for the block 8 and establishing the ocii maximum for 250,000 per unit the block 8 master project from Schematic Design was approved relayed will pay the Purchase Price coming in october a r as a reminder here is the site map affordable project is comprised of the buildings bound in red and what youre looking at is essentially two structures that comprise that project so today we are asking for your approval of the 16 million permanent loan the source of the requested funds will be the transbay Development Team on july 16, 2015, the citywide Loan Committee recommended approval of this request affordable project 80 Unit Development that includes one managers unit the project has 41 one bedrooms and 16, 2 bedrooms and 3 bedroom units with 3 roof decks and a laundry room 20 space in the underground garage is retired for the affordable project affordable project units will located in two midrise building one of 5 foot building is connected to the transbay twentyfour hour with two affordable units and one 85 foot tall with units and finally others that are connected to the building. And heres a description of the population in case restriction levels and the marketing preferences the 80 affordable units will serve families blow 50 percent middleincome a family of 4 earning 51,000 per year first marketing preference will the the certificate of preference and second the ellis act holders and next the San Francisco workers and the general public in addition to the ocii subsidize that will be fined with the tax exempt bond and other finances is a private bank loan and 5 hundred equity the ocii subsequence a consistent with the 200,000 maximum subsidize per units the sources for the anticipated is 51 thousand for transbay tax increments as stipulated ocii will not be obligated to have the subsidize in the Development Cost increases to the affordable project related california will be responsible for the cost overruns so for todays request i mentioned earlier t n d c are requesting requesting 16 million for the construction for the affordable project that loan represents the finance that enables the team to apply for tax exempt bonds in of all the trick or treat is 3 percent the staffer recommendations enabling the directors Mayors Office of housing to decrease the trick or treat to zero percent should the project feasibility require the loan is subject to the air rights and has a term of 55 years before i wrap up i wanted to give you the highlight of the early market work that happens in the affordable project those efforts as shown are required by the loan documents section 6 of the loan is the borrows and t one and two respectfully detail the protocols i want to give you an update to date the developer has achieved 55 percent Small Business enterprise participation and 18 percent minority participation and 8 percent womens businesses for the professional Services Consultant and 27 of the professional consultants are San Francisco sbes fortune the m b e are San Francisco firms next, i wanted to show you a couple of the affordable elevation the first picture is a view from the south along fulsome street that looks at the front of the entire block 8 the affordable project on the right of the screen by the reddishbrown and this is the northern elevation from clementine street looking at the back of the development here youre seeing the 5 town houses for the sustained alone buildings i also have a couple of renderings the first is the northeast standing on fulsome street again, the affordable project is comprised with the ground use and lastly we have a view from the north side vanity from the town houses is the render of the block for sale earlier in the prediction e presentation i mentioned the sale of block 8 the 71 million price that october and the Land Transfers to transbay 8 urban, llc which california is the sole member staff will be back in front of you to request the approval the air lease rights and since well own the land on block 8 occ owns the air rights it will be release to the limited partnership related t n d c will begin construction in 2016 and the Development Team must submit theyre operating plan the following month it will take two months and people can move early 2018 that concludes my presentation. We have representatives the related california and t n d c in case you have questions from related california hyperglycemia the Vice President and jonathan senior project manager and t n d c katie the director of development thank you thank you. Well take Public Comment from we turn to questions are there any Public Comment. Mr. Ace washington. Im a little bit late i see the procedures are Going Forward as normal we have an unusual situation ii look at the scenario with the now players players and developers and nonprofits are coming in here you go back to 2005 this is a 10 years lets rewidens billing witnessing i didnt, mr. Informational all the developers and contractors youre getting ready to do your new business with i have another story to tell the Community Reform it is what is needed in San Francisco everything is so corrupt ive said it the fbi in my community lets give you an example the western edition theres baptists and nonprofits and board of directors and l hunch and the planning that is in the western edition so let me speak on citywide t n d c in must community anothers rosa parks told r total violation related they do pretty good im in contract with them you all must understand your truly ace washington im so upset i mean my case lee load is this high i dont voluntary new staffers or budget none of that it is what god gave me, im here to say it t n d c needs to come to the table mr. Informationally decided respects me on the phone go to rosa parks and see if there are people working there from Treasure Island to hunters view all of that if i get this team of lawyers and go pass you all up to sacramento we might file for an injunction Hunters Point i found out i was documenting for the minority money some of the individuals i know some of the organizations changed mayor name to change the game it remains the same no mystery check our history and with the gentleman you the a wonderful job but works for t n d c read about it in my transcripts you cant listen ive heard ive been listening if the Hunters Point you guys are changing our staff like people change higher underclothes you have to respect our people im going to rewind the tape 10 years and bring it back to you i want corporation with those corporations my name is asia dam it ace on the case. I have mr. Oscar james. Oscar i wont say it but one time im a native residents of bayview Hunters Point shipyard i like this project i have one concern about any developer that comes in and talks about affirmative action all to have an negligent breakdown how many africanamericans and asians are participating in that we know females for for affirmative action the criteria of affirmative action but we have racist i i dont feel theyre given enough contracts like the architects professionals and i would like this to be looked at that the ethnic breakdown of the ethics i named i like this project and am glad theyre supportive but some of the Certificate Holders who are relocated from the Redevelopment Agency the occ were making less than 50,000 and some are still how do they quality qualify for some of the housing thats my concern thank you. Thank you. I dont have any more speaker cards. Okay questions commissioners . Yes. Commissioner mondejar. Questions. I want to ask the marketing requirements who would that be . Ask about that a you marketing requirement. Yes. Marketing requirements on one of our slides early outreach how does that work what are your plans. Im going to give the quick answer and go to jeff white weve gone through the process of remarketing the process and im sure some are coming before you in this project one month after the project closes on the final construction loan is developers is required to submit an early outreach plan that staff does an internal review and following that a marketing plan to staff and that plan gets vetted over time while the project is in construction by the time it comes around weve made sure that meets all the internal reminders and marketing to the widest scope of people to get certificate of preference to apply. When does this close again, after the closing of the project is slated to begin construction in theer part of next year and when the developer closes on the construction loan they have to summit the plan within one anyone month. The First Quarter of next year approximately. Thank you. Yes. Thank you. Good afternoon. Jeff white the project manager i want to follow up on your question so the marketing and early outreach pointing youre asking about maria from the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development presented in june essentially what were implementing now so we based on a lot of your feedback the occ has been working closely with the Mayors Office just to develop very clear protocol for how ocii early outreach and marketing is meant to be implemented and incorporated and documented into the agreement weve taken direction from the commission and essentially been implementing that i think you saw a fairly detailed version we further reif i understand and that version is what you saw in june. Thats what is being implemented. Yes. All right. And those are some of the things youre working on the counseling, the you know left turn landlord and the 5 or of a readiness agencies that the Mayors Office of housing has a memo of different agencies that developers can work with. Were going to get reports on that correct. Once we start that process after you know for example, this project after the construction loan closes that is the trigger so then well a month later we would expect to get the early outreach plan and report back after that okay. At that will be like a Quarterly Report a or at least we can ask the Mayors Office to report quarterly uhhuh. Okay. Thank you. Okay commissioner bustos. Yeah. So it goes back to the issue i raised a few times about a workshop how to prepare folks that are certificate of preference holders so i want to be able to say that this is a good thing for us to do so if we can work with stiff staff and well let you know one of the things that we are hoping ill say me is that people that lived in San Francisco should come back to San Francisco and so the certificate of preference holders are very important they were forced out didnt chose to leave forced out because of the redevelopment we want to fix what was wrong i have a great deserve so see those who have roots come back to San Francisco youll hear a lot of that so if we can somehow whatever we need to do that do that id like for us to do that theres a lot of projects coming down the pike so if we account get people into affordable units we can get people ready to be there so when the lottery happens they are prepared and well get them back so the next thing you, you have really good numbers regarding the sbe and w pe but similar to mr. Washingtons point you know one of the things that weve been asking staff is it would be great to get some sort of graphical information on the businesses the developers are using the reason i say that is because you know those programs were instituted to create a level of fairness and what happens or what were seeing what im seeing especially in the Mission District people are setting up shop with the disability e zip code you have businesses that do the great work they dont get the business to create a level of fairness you know people, companies and people provide Services Consulting companies and individuals they should be able to do that we should try to promote folks that are invested in the Community Get those opportunities to vie for those contracts; right . So some folks think to is another gold rush area theyll come in and get rich yet people are here for a long time one of the things ive asked some sort of bio gravel as you get the numbers ask the developers to get the information about who those contractors are were saying it is great whats behind the numbers we as a staff and commission and as a city let developers know that we want this to be fair for people who are invested here for a long time if we make it a priority then the developers will make it a priority so thats the power in the leverage we have; right . Again going back to try to make right what was wrong and we have an opportunity to do that so if somehow we can get that send it out as an email to the commission and we get a report but project specific. Bio gravel. Some information on folks and maybe in the power point if youd like that screen. So people know what were looking at for. Maybe speak to getting the commissioners that information. I just want to echo the sentiment weve heard in the past and echo that sentiment to the developers in terms of looking at San Francisco businesses and the importance to the commission and to the agency level of sb participation that is San Francisco m b e is important and the contractors on exhibit c to the extent we get Additional Information well do with that the developers theres a short biographical and 89 excuse me. Yes. Commissioner singh. Do you you know how many we are on the certificate of preference holders list. How many certificate of preference holders will be living in this building. Now how many is going to be there. I did not know the number of certificate of preference offhand but the project manager jeff white may know. I cant remember the total numbers. Sorry i dont have that it was approximately, six hundred and 70 that are active and that are you know on our the current list what weve been building at 1184 street we ended at 11 or 12 applied and some fell out we ended up with 6 that were housed out of the 9 did Units Available yeah. Do we notify them what is available. Pardon me. Do we notify them. I didnt thats what were implementing and part of the marketing process. Okay. Thank you. Through the chair commissioner singh jeff white was correct approximately as of 2013 and new data there were 6 hundred and 65 active cop holders on the list as you recall when mrs. Benjamin from oewd presented the information as part of the cop and affirm marketing to find new companies holders as you recall commissioners we engage under the former agency a consulate to refresh that list to make sure our list was correct theres a push to finds additional new active certificate of preference hollers and to make sure that every single from the ongoing workshops and the counteragency that are happening quarterly from sf d. C. To register readiness and the targeted outreach to certificate of preference holders and increase that active certificate list. Okay. Thank you. I have a question similar to the question i asked on the other item on motorbike i know that is early but every time i read this it sound great and then the added feature there is retail and it seems like San Francisco is apparently believed to be able to sustain a lot of retail my interest to make sure that the retail is offered and the right price point for a diversity so do we know how it will unfold arrest the related california has been working on the transbay block 8 i want to call the Vice President to address your question. Okay. Good afternoon Vice President with related your question scholz is weve been working on this actually over the last few months loousht the marketing to see what is available in addition, we have a requirement in our d da to provide the ocii body the a report for the Market Conditions and specifically to the grocery so weve hired a Research Specialists by the donate of analytic to talk about the types of facilities weve been supported in the area theyve conducted a study well share with ocii in the next day or two and actually team up with sort of the model a model for what type of tenants will be able to occupy the grocery and the ground floor were studying to figure out what that is being to activate the lane or that exists within the project there was not a great amount of retail but as you pointed out madam chair rosales it is actually important to be able to activate the area the study was focused on trading joes and organic like the whole foods and up scale such as a molly stone and independent they looked at the market share what would be attractive. What kind of revenues by the population and the market share per ive tussle have the tools the tenants will use to generate on a weekly b. A. s basis well share that with ocii the short answer were not decided and sharing our research with ocii over the next few months as this thing develops obviously the project is still yet to start the project it is a fairly large project that is ongoing it is difficult to get a tenant to commit that earlier for any of the retail space, however, were continuing to study it and i object to give us updates. And the only other question i have was one of timing am i maybe this is a question im not sure to whom it deals with the two projects back to back on the same calendar it is different areas but similar subject Affordable Housing and from what i can tell from the construction schedule am i reading this right theyre both to be completed around the same time in 2018. What you is a two. The transbay and mission bay. I cant speak to the mission bay. The 2018 and the complete in january 2018 this one. I can say that the transbay affordable project is slated to start this coming january and related t n d credit is supposed to have it done two years later reason i raise it i think this is into so the marketing question and excuseme. Insuring that there is enough notice that people who can qualify for the incentives we can reach out to them maybe we should look at the cooperation on marketing i dont know what the contrasts will be it seems to me if things come online the target populations are similar even in two different areas of the city theyre both you know south of market pretty much have we ever cropped the project the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development is rolling out rue out dalai. Well have a party what that happens laughter please invite me. laughter . Look at the calendar. So i think there is coordination the idea that you know people that are interested in Affordable Housing they registration with dalai and hfa as projects come out theyll be notified and have an opportunity to apply. Dalai is it not spring of 2016 . You im hearing it is early 2016. Homeownership first then the roll out then rental of which those are rental our point madam chair rosales is welltaken the projects are finishing in most of each other and people will be applying theyre both at 50 percent ami and then as you may know the related project as 70 Developers Fully subsidize the bmr from 40 to 50 percent ami thats hundred and 50 unions and then another in essence hundred and 50 units 3 hundred units in the protocol right there people will be applying and it is generally, the same income level so a coordination in market value efforts through tools or otherwise, it will be important so people dont have to keep politically e applying and the template procedures and our suggestions to make sure there is not a difficult hurdle for people to qualify for in particular building and not qualify in the other using the same income credit, etc. Thats exactly right it goes to the question it commissioner singh raised about the certificate of preference holders that make it i think we have a golden opportunity to you know achieve as much success with those two units and projects as we can because everything i hear about the lottery ive said this many times it is a lottery that set people up frankly in my opinion for disappoint we cant manage everyones expectations but have the ability to do so it is fair otherwise poem say why bother it is my humble opinion. Yeah. If we can coordinate it would be great. And any other projects that the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development has got we cant track them all it would be great. Okay yes. I dont know who to address this to but maybe to tiffany or jeff it would be great to have a presentation a general presentation of all the projects going on and what their finishing and the outreach and the update maybe you know so those two are next to each other because we receive our presentations project per project and nice to get a map on whats happening in the mission bay and transbay to get an idea of the Grocery Stores is theyre going to be a pharmacy and wheres the forewent a sense are we say that possible to do that. Ill take a stab at that we have the annual report we provided about a month ago and that is actually got a lot of great data and maps so is or it is in sections we can get a sense the predevelopment and what is the in construction so the dates are all the there that can be tracked youve seen our historic pipeline we try to get it out quarterly so this give us a spreadsheet format thats a good resource. I was at the ocii office it was great to see the you know visible we could see this is whats happening in transbay and mission bay you know the shipyard and what retail outlets or Retail Stores radio being proposed when it is going to be finishing it is sort of giving us a sense were so focused project by project and that would be nice you know were working on the Retail Consultants to help them so what eventually is it troekz or Something Else schedule that put that in our calendar what would be great your looking at tiffany. We spent two months in june getting the big picture and the 21 thousand affordable units of which 7 thousand are affordable and the inclusionary or the stand alone i think we have that big picture and part of the although the board just approved our budget in july well be review as part of our rock the b second half of the budget year ill suggest as part of the expenditures and the pragmatic work a mid year look in essence mid bucket look at where we are the pragmatic your sphere were focused on the 3 multi year major approved projects to honor the commenting commitments in the mid year recognized payment schedules weve review where we are. Where we are. In addition obviously how Many Companies holders get approved are modifying in and certificate of preference that would be. Certainly on a quarterly basis the detailed look on the deep dive in the marketing and the cop and not much as changed 2, 3, 4 a month but certainly on the equally and yearly the project is complete and absolutely what happened how the we fair . Okay great so any more questions or motions . Theres a motion by commissioner bustos and seconded by commissioner mondejar please call the roll. Commissioners,. Please respond when your name is called commissioner mondejar commissioner singh commissioner bustos madam chair rosales madam chair the vote is 4 is. Item 5 d is approved please call the next item Public Comment. Okay the next order of business is item 6. On nonagenda items i have to speaker cards okay. Mr. Ace washington and Willie Beasley and mr. Beasley would you like to address us . Hello, im Willie Beasley im an architect and designer and my whole thing people come and say they try to find 50 percent lbes and im one certified in the city im local my question why am i being picked over im from baby boomer, i submitted a proposal to lennar february no answer potrero hill x project saw it in march i submitted and emily she replied and said postponing the bidding process then ive been omitted and applied on the section phase my question is who is more qualified man me i have 46 years of architecture experience and two College Degrees and live in the area and have a micro Small Business so how can i can omitted now before i get before i get an answer when redevelopment in the 70s you could i come out of pg e and i go into private practice in 1975 with the redevelopment if you apply. A job for a contract they would somebody will talked to a Compliance Officer theyll call marquis and associates they have a contract in Housing Authority they said for me to come for an interview not to be hired but for negotiation i am local now here it is what 40 years later and you local you have all our credentials and your dot all the is and cross the ts and youll all omit i cant find a Compliance Officer to call somebody to an my on behalf of ive talked to mr. Bridges he said to me when potrero hill x project Emily Weinstein the project manager when they notified them he was going to do tell them my credentials it explicit happen i didnt get the contract so and this is going on and on and on i decided today after being convinced by my friend to come and tell you all that i want to know what can i do i see my time is up this is Public Comment so the commissioners are unable to respond directly from the public the subject matter is not annoyed so were hearing our comment and the im sure the staff will followup the commission cant respond directly on this question thank you, thank you for coming. Mr. Washington. Commissioners first of all, i want to thank director bohe for a nice meeting we had prior to the meeting we had about the edition and like to thank her for the meeting it is so well presented nice and slow the english was perfect i want to thank her for that as many of you may know ive videotaped that im up here i want to set a date and century and talk to the commissioners and director about the program id like to do for leroy king ive got footage that is when london made her presentation on his birthday 90th birthday like to make it an annual thing and the commissioners signed off for the car sale so were going to celebrate why he was alive but we can see the commissioners and good footage you know i have pictures that are historical we can use that for historical generations to come ill send a letter to century and talk about that we need some money to get it going the work is can you think and create other people to help us finance that the other thing about the edition i want to get information that was a listening section everybody complained and womdz came but ive got so much vision back then things were bad theyll come back but weve got to get our Community Together thats okay. Were moving forward and there are going to be goes up coming up here and saying their this and that but only one person in the world in the community thats ace washington that has more history currently im the only one employed in the garbage and good friend of mine going to accompany that place should be for the community eventually thats why im there to make sure we have operational components there now going back to the edition we know you guys have the key the city ocii already seeing on the screen advertising i talked a benjamin can i talk to the level so have weekly meeting oh, no, we carton do that how in the hell can you do that to other person open up a business across the street to used that for meetings there you go you got to find out what is going so a scale that everyone can use it im ace and im on the case im going to stick to the timeframe. Thank you mr. Washington. Oscar james first of all, i want to say to the commission you guys are doing a great job im glad you guys are sitting on the hot seat as many of you may know i served under the honorable person when the shipyard closed a lot of the this stuff were talking about the affirmative action and Jobs Opportunity for people in the community and when i Say Community i mean blowbyblow and western edition and the mission because those are the effected community when Hunters Point shipyard closes we had a lot of problems i had a lot of problems with another that particular time buyers was over the chamber of commerce when they were talking about all the folks coming in and little money and the percentage going to the community those are to letters i have one dated april 1, 97 had the letter i sent to him maybe you guys can get any letter i dont have no secretary oscar james you see a letter i sent to him and thats the letter in rip to my letter stating some things 1973 i wrote a letter about the shipyard the money they have now is going to the Hunters Point shipyard for the neighborhood and i dont know if you guys seen the oral sunday july 26th about the article of a hundred and 37 million the Community Benefits passage and people were not involved in things back in those times i have a problem and served as a commission and anytime you serve your Community First of all, im going to serve it you doesnt do nothing behind doors when our dealing with hundred and 36 million we always had Public Meetings where those funds were going to i dont know who is on this committee im not saying their crooks but i believe in public being aware workforce what is transing this money goes to the effected people in Hunters Point and in the city 50 percent communities and hundred percent citywide i want to make sure they have public mergers with the public comes and discuss that money where that benefits the Community Someone coming from 10 buck two today theyre not entitled to the money they were for the people in the 70s they were the effected peoples thats if if someone what show me theyre wrong this money is ours this money is supposed to help the people that are effected in Hunters Point shipyard a lot of people in hetch hetchy will say it weve got more work to do is not supposed to get it in the 1974 in dog patch and the areas like that in the communities moved on homes in the western edition their entitle to the same thing as the hvpd folks a lot of them were born if Hunters Point and moved to the western edition and even if they were their entitled to the money from side Hunters Point shipyard and others i want to make sure we benefit from this and like the commission to look at that and make sure that those become Public Meeting 37 million you can have a lot of crooks but i want to make sure we have it and another anything or thing i want to make sure we have a communities i know my time is up. We have i want to make sure that the programs benefit in Hunters Point shipyard get some of the money to develop housing for homeless and also turner kind housing and people that come out of the penitentiaries and jails and build homes im sorry for taking more time thank you. Thank you. Mr. Landry. Commissioners may and approach i have some documents first of all, id like to i represent a group called the new Community Leadership foundation and we were part of that Community Meeting that took place the last week in two weeks prior we want to thank the commission and tiffany bohe and supervisor president breed we have a 10 point Community Benefits prodigy that is inclusive that is well avoided and plenty of group sport as you can see in the benefits passage were proposing maybe over 20 organizations we feel that need to be front and center when it comes to the Fillmore Harris contribution while we are planning this 0 we are kept in mind some of the restrictions as well as the department of finance from the state level and some of the goals of the longrange plan as well as the community interests and now we them we came with a winwin with the support of supervisor and many other people whos been doing this in the past we have something that we can rally behind as well said by the gentleman before me whaechd in the bayview Hunters Point sometimes, it explicit trickle down to the communities we dont want that to happen in the contribution himself as many of you may know now like many im abolished born and raised and seen and witnessed a lot of things we think should go down to the impact of the Redevelopment Agency my mom moved 12 times in the 50, 60s and 70s i have a certificate of preference it will expire next year there is a conversation we need to redefine Community Benefits for the longtime as many of you may know eventually this body wont exist were going to have a communities meeting trying to preexempt supervisor president london breed coming back to the communities and we appreciate that. I have no speaker cards. Thank you to everyone that has spoken and given us food for thought. Okay. Please call the next item. The next order of business the report of the chair madam chair. I dont have is report. The the next order of business is item 8 report of executive director madam director. Commissioners in your packet and certainly available for the public and online we have our forward cleared up we are ancusing on the next two months ill directing your attention to september 1st, we have proposing although you and the board of supervisors just approved our budget were proposing a Budget Amendment that we are considering our agreements with the mission bay developer informs up i i will under the plan when theyre ready to finance were guaranteed to consider that request unfortunately, the analysis could not be done in times for the normal budget process although the product i budget was approved were proposing a Budget Amendment to provide Additional Authority for Mission Bay South tax allocation and new issuance to capture the value of the development and go towards the infrastructure, the park developments and sustainable streets the budget you previously approved includes 50 millions of new bond issuance and provides the gap funding youve seep for the Affordable Housing and the predevelopment for the 6 new stand alone rfps weep are issuing this year it is consistent with the Bonds Authority it was anticipated it is the financing tool so we have to pads under the state legislation it is your for the potential under the governors trail bill or sb 411 has made its way through all the legislation it is your and Assembly Side and come back after the legislation terror resolution and into the full floor the assembly and the department and theyre ready and willing to sign to two pads for the Affordable Housing your Budget Amendment shown and proposed in the forward calendar is separate and apart added for the Mission Bay South infrastructure president s report. I need to ask if there are any public speakers for this executive director report. Mr. Washington you never disappoint. It is also nice to speak pubically i was wondering is that from the Governors Office no, not her so, anyway what id like to do is possible given the ooeblgz staff along with the other participants want an update this is a listening session and notes and oewd said theyll get together we know this is a process weve seen over and over the process of r f d. If you want to comment on the executive director. Im sorry. Ill yield my time. Thank you. Okay please call the next item. The the next order of business is item 9 commissioners questions and matters. Madam chair rosales. Yes. Any commissioners have a matter and commissioner. We closed the agenda in the memory of the minutes. Okay. It may be that the members are still behind. The minutes for that its not reflecting yet. Okay sure that was a good point thank you. Yes. Commissioner mondejar. So i would like to get this is really for executive director bohe an update of the action items like a list of Community Spaces and the artwork we have in the properties i know youre under staffed so i want to get an update and may be added to the forward calendar and the other piece is i feel i think ill have this conversation offline about our communications i know that commissioner bustos initially i know he said we should let the public know what is happenings and we you know have a certificate of preference holders for housing on whether we have going to have a Communications Director over and over someone in charge of getting the news out there is housing crisis we have housing that is available i mean you have to apply and get qualified but i feel like we should be you know outreaching and putting the word out about what were doing. Okay. And i will add to the list of requests that is more directed to the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development communicating not a long memo but an update on the ellis act Housing Program like the victim remedy. Ellis act housing preference. I see e ah p program. But compare active view any recollection is clear there were thousands of displaced tenants due to ellis act evictions he have to building theres more than a hundred and 36 that meet the 10 year and 5 year rules ill be a little bit worried that not enough effort is being made with the communities partners perhaps or information or communications that have people understand that that is a potential upside for them to remain in San Francisco. Okay okay so we have that concludes our regular calendar we have a i should say our regular open. The the next order of business is item 10 closed session 10 a Legal Council leg pursuant to california got. O government code in regards to municipal derivatives anti you trust litigation, Redevelopment Agency of city and county of San Francisco versus bank of america et al. And 1950 docket federal be District Court of new york discussion and action approval of the resolution authorizing supplement agreement between Successor Agency and j. P. Morgan chase and company requiring j. P. Morgan Chase Company to pay approximately 12,000 plus to the Successor Agency based on its prorate share of damages the resolution number has been changed from 102013 to 4892015. Through the chair we need to clear the room for closed session and switch the tapes and the members of the public have left the room i dont expect anyone to leave thats lelefth t left. Okay. It is 317 were back on this record the commission has been advised by the council on 10 a we have a resolution 48 dash 2015 i need a motion for approval it has been there is a motion and a second commissioner please announce our vote when i call your name commissioner mondejar commissioner singh commissioner bustos madam chair rosales okay i have madam chair the vote is 4 is. Okay. The supplement is approved thank you. Can you, please call the next item. The the next order of business is item 11 adjournment. Madam chair. Yes. As 318 the meeting is adjourned thank you it looks at good and tastes good and it is good in my mouth pretty amazing. I am the executive chef ive been here as a chef at la concina since 2005 reason we do the festival and the reason we started to celebrate the spirit and talent and trivia and the hard work of the women in the la concina program if you walk up to my one on the block an owner operated routine i recipient its a theyre going to be doing the cooking from scratch where in the world can you find that im one of the owners we do rolls that are like suburbia that is crisp on the outside and this is rolled you up we dont this it has chinese sisterinlaw and a little bit of entertain sprouts and we love it here. There are 6 Grilled Cheese grilled to the crisp on the outside outstanding salsa and a lot of things to dip it knocks you out and its spicecy and delicious i was the first person that came here and we were not prepared for this every year were prepared everybody thinks what theyre doing and we can cookout of our home and so the festivals were part of the group we shove what we do and we w we tried to capture the spirit of xrifs. And there from there to sales and the hard part of the sales is 250 assess our market and creating a Market Opportunity giving limited risks and sales experience to our guys and good afternoon today is july 24th, 2015. Welcome to the local Agency Formation commission. My name is john avalos, the chair of the lafco, and joined to my right by vicechair cynethia crews and commissioner eric mar, madame clerk, could you share with us your announcement. Please make sure to complete all Electronic Devices and speaker cards should be submitted to the clerk. That is our clerk, alisa somera and our meeting is broadcast by sfgovtv staff. Bill and jesse. I would like to ask for a motion to excuse commissioners breed and campos. So moved. And that is seconded by commissioner crews and well take that without objection. And madame clerk, if you im not sure if we need to call roll call or go to what makes more sense, 1 or 2. All right 2 is approval of the lafco minutes from the may 15, 2015 regular meeting. Okay, colleagues, any changes or comments on the minutes . Okay. Nothing forthcoming. We can open up the item for Public Comment. Any member of the public who would like to comment, and seeing none come forward, well close Public Comment and also announce the arrival of commissioner lindo. Welcome. Thank you. And if we have a motion on the minutes. So moved. A motion from commissioner crews, seconded by commissioner mar, and well take that without objection. Okay. Item no. 3, please. Item 3 is Community Choice aggregation activities report, a, the status update on cleanpowersf program and timeline for program launch, b, status update on the proceedings at the California Public Utilities Commission and c, status update on state legislation and d, the civil grand jury report entitled cleanpowersf at long last. Thank you, we dont have barbara hale, but we have michael here to present on our cca activities are going in San Francisco and i know they are Going Forward in a way that well be very happy about. Look forward to the report. Thank you, good afternoon, commissioners. Happy friday. Michael heims, San Francisco. So i think what im going to do, last time we met, there were a number of questions about the Renewable Energy market. And we made a commitment to address those today. So im going to do that and i do have some slides, but before i go to that, that portion of my presentation, im going to kind of go through the agendized update. So with respect to the cca Program Status update, and timeline, weve been making steady progress with the implementation of the Community Choice aggregation program. Since we last met, on july 14th, the sfpuc adopted an update to our Community Choice aggregation Implementation Plan. This is a plan that is required under state statute for filing to the California Public Utilities Commission. The city already has a plan that is on file and has been certified by the cpuc, but because of some of the Program Design changes, and slightly new direction that we have taken with the program, we have made some updates to that plan. And that has been submitted to the cpuc submitted this week. And well be concurrently submitting that to the board for review as well. Also, earlier this week, we announced the results of our request for proposals for c cca back office and Customer Care services and well bring the results, the rfp and recommendation for an award, enter into an agreement to our commission at its august 11th meeting. And we will be recommending the highestscoring proposal, noble america. What is the name of that. Noble americus. Are they from rome . They are from san diego. And they are also the provider of Similar Services to the other Community Choice aggregation programs in california and sonoma and lancaster. That is for the back Office Administrative function . Yes, for meterdata management, billing services, and to support our initial Customer Care activities, call center support. With the launch of a program like this, were going tospect expect a large volume of calls and they will help us bridge to the point that the city can take on that service and run the Customer Care service on their own. Will they be working on our web interface . They have been doing that with the other ccas, yes. We do have a web page already up. So the next major milestone in our schedule is the release of the request for offers for power supplies. Were i can say that were ontrack to release rfo in early august and targeting august 3rd, so that is very soon. I would also like to note some communications, websitetype activities. On june 30th we hosted community aggregates engagement meeting at the puc, to talk about our communications and outreach strategy and Commission Crews attended and provided some great feedback. We have also hosted a followup meeting with advocates at the puc, to discuss sort of targeted Community Organizing activities. We, the puc attended its first sunday streets a week ago or so in the tenderloin, including information about the cleanpowersf program and were also onschedule for next sunday in the excelsior district. Related to that, we are setting up a number of internal meetings with broader puc staff, to help educate puc staff around the cleanpowersf program. So that folks attending Public Events like the sunday streets, are as informed as they can be and can engage in citizens to help educate them about the program. So next sunday is that jerry day . Sunday streets in excelsior is later in august, but next sunday august 2nd is jerry day. Jerry day. Where we enjoy the music of the grateful dead and jerry garcia from the excelsior, could be a place for outreach. Yes, could be very nice a couple other things that were working on in this area. Were planning on issuing our first enewsletter to volunteer list that we have developed over time for the program. So were really trying to get the message out that were going to be ramping up cleanpowersf. Were very close to finalizing a new brochure. We are making website upgrades. And were going to have some swag pretty cool tshirt to distribute. So with that, im going to shift gears, unless there are any sort of followup questions about the schedule. Commissioner crews . Thank you so much. Every time every time [laughter ]are you also doing some meetings where the department of the environment as well . We are. We have met with the department of environment recently, principally focused on energyefficiency programming and were the department of environment is developing a proposal for us for a number of different potential efficiency programs. We do i think as we mentioned at the june 30th stakeholder meeting we do intend to engage with department of the environment on the outreach strategy, once we finalize on our end our enrollment approach. You mean having the department of the environment either staff or interns or someone doing part of the outreach and communications to potential yes, to support the Program Outreach and education. I would really support that. I think that is a great idea. Their outreach efforts have matured a lot in the last years. So i think their ability to do that on behalf of cleanpowersf would be a great asset. Yes, we know they have a lot to offer and we look forward to having that cooperative relationship with them on that. Thank you. Okay. Okay. So im going to address regulatory proceedings at the cpuc and get into the slides that i have. So there are really two things that i wanted to note with respect to regulatory proceedings at the puc. The first is the green tariff proceeding. Last time i was here we talked about that and the city filed a protest to pg es advice letter, implementing the green tariff program. Just a couple of things that i wanted to highlight from that. One area that we took issue with was pg es proposed bill presentment for the green tariff. They have collapsed a number of charges for the program into a single line, which we think sort of obscures the ability to make comparisons between green tariff and our cca program this. Is an issue that we didnt raise alone. Other ccas raised this issue as well. And the other is that pg e had proposed some customer switching rules on their terms. Such that if a customer deenrolled in green tariff, they would not be able to reenroll for a year. And the issue that we raised there is just that during the cca enrollment period, there is a chance that pg e customers that have signed up for the green tariff will be pulled out of that program. They may want to stay in that program, and so the rules shouldnt inhibit them from reentering. So we didnt want a draconian policy that could hurt customers here that want to be in the green tariff program. Those are the two principle things i wanted to flag for you. Also in june, the cpuc issued a decision on residential rates, electric rates. And that decision implements Assembly Bill 327, which was put into law in 2013. And the decision sets forth a number of changes that are going to be implemented over several years. But among those changes, what residential ratepayers will see is an increase in minimum bills. And what that is, if you if you havent used a certain amount of energy, you are subject to a sort of minimum bill. So they are raising that amount. It also compresses pg es current fourtier rate structure into two. And what that is going to do is increase the total cost of electricity for lowusage residential consumers. And decrease the cost of electricity or highusage residential consumers. That makes no sense. Well, its been that problem has been raised by particularly the Environmental Community that likes this increasing blocktiered structure. [ inaudible ]. That is right. The argument against that is that the current rates arent consistent with costs. And essentially what is happening the hightier users are subsidizing the lowertier users and the reason for that really is that the state legislature in the early 2000s set a cap on the lowtiers, basically froze those rates during the energy crisis. That has been in place until 2013. So for about a decade. As a result, pg e hasnt been able to increase their rates for that usage. So theyve had to assign the cost to those highertiers in order to recover their costs. So now the design should be more in line with our costs. Of course, there are going to be fewer tiers and its going to res did reduce the incentive for high userers are rooftop solar energy. That is a concern. The flipside is that the lowtier users will have a greater incentives more so than they had before. So its going to be interesting to see how it plays out and its going to be implemented over time. But it may in San Francisco, because we have so many apartment dwellers on average were lower than the average pg e user and could provide incentive to do more efficiency in San Francisco, but that is something that needs to be looked at closer. Is there greater impact on energyefficiency for the lower income users versus the upper income users . So i cant really speak to the correlation of usage and income. I misspoke. I didnt mean income. For the people who use less electricity, is there greater opportunity and greater impact for energyefficiency versus people who use more electricity . I would imagine that people who use more electricity have greater opportunity for energyefficiency and you get the bigger bang for your buck by creating some incentive for that tier to be more energy efficient. Yes, that is correct. The large users have larger spaces. They have more heating and cooling requirements. They may have more appliances. So there is just more opportunity. That is true. But the increase could provide could make certain investments in say led lighting or anything like that for the lowusage customers, more costeffective. One critical point, aside from the efficiency and solar issue, we dont expect this to have an issue on cleanpowersf, because what they are doing it in rearranging or collapsing the tiers, they are reassigning the transmission and distribution costs. So the generation costs, which is the portion of the pg e, the current pg e bill that cleanpowersf would be providing in the future, is a flat charge today across all of the tiers. So it is indifferent to how much you use. Thank you thank you. So with that, unless there are any other questions, im going shift to addressing the Renewable Energy market. Some of the questions that came up last meeting. Could i get the thank you. The way that i have structured this, we tracked all of the questions that came up at the last meeting, and so the content of these slides really just follows the questions that were asked. So the first one was what types of products are available from the market . And what i wanted to do was just sort of set the tone for my response by putting it into context with our upcoming requests for offers. So what we intend to be soliciting in that upcoming request for offers for cleanpowersf are Energy Supplies required to meet a demand that is at least 30 megawatt in size and that will include Renewable Energy requivalent to 3350 of our default or standard products and 100 of our premium product. And in all of the Renewable Energy to supplied to meet that portion of the portfolio and the premium product demand will be sourced from bucket 1 resources. So this is the energy that is delivered directly into california, and is principally resources located in california. And then finally well be asking for other electricity products that are required by regulation, and that by that, i principally mean something called Resource Adequacy capacity, is which a whole topic in and of itself, but requires loadserving entities provide a capacity reserve to the grid in case of demand and supply are out of whack, or there is greater demand than expected and for some reason, there is less supply than expected available. That reserve is 15 above the peak forecasted load. And you do that contractual with generators. We expect that well get some of that capacity from our renewable contracts. Some of that capacity may come from the hetch hetchy system. So well be looking at a mix that meets our cost criteria when we do that. Im going to focus some of that will come from nonrenewable sources . It could. The capacity could be with instate natural gas facilities, and really what you are doing with a capacity contract is you are ensuring that generator is available to the grid operator. Were not transacting to buy energy, but its sort of like a reserve payment; right . And i should just be clear that that capacity can come from any resource. It can come from hydro, and renewables. There are certain requirements about attributes. We have to have local capacity and we have to have a certain amount of it, but what we do, we will report to the california iso, so that they know all of the different loadserving entities have secured a sufficient amount of capacity on the system in case and that well, to meet forecasted demands plus 15 , but also to manage variability on the grid. That is the only reason i mentioned the natural gas because the iso, is required to have these natural gas facilities today to help balance the Renewable Resources that are increasing on the system. So i have sort of started to get into this a little bit, but so the types of products that are available on the market california is equipped to supply a diverse need. And that includes Renewable Energy supplies to meet our expected cca demand, but also as i was just referring what we call conventional resource, those resources ineligible for the rps and that is required to meet system balancing requirements. The suppliers of this product include power marketers. And project developers and owners. So an exemplar of a power marketer would be a company like constellation or energy cal pine. Some of these entities overlap, some of them own power plants. Others are just contracting with power plants and they bring Energy Supplies to a retailer. And then project owners can be public utilities. So one thing that were hearing is that utilities are some utilities are currently long in their Renewable Energy purchases, meaning they have excess. So they may be in the Market Selling some of their excess energy and that could be at a competitive price. The good news sort of this is probably the message i want you to take home or take with you is that were receiving reports that Renewable Energy rfos are receiving ten times the bids than they are asking for in terms of energy volumes. So there is a lot of suppliers out there in the renewable space today. Would we call that a buyers market . We would call that a buyers market. Yes, its a favorable time to get into the market. Which wasnt the case four years ago, when we are first doing our rfp for suppliers. That is right. I think its a testament to californias program that it has worked. That utilities are out there in the market, buying Renewable Energy and they are asking for new capacity to be built. And its happening. And its really revved up the market. Where is shell on there . Shell, i would put in the category of a power marketer. So they are among that category. Do we expect it in terms of our rfo, they would be responding . Im really not sure. They would be free to get into it. So you also asked where would you supplies come from . I sort of addressed this aly little bit already, but were asking for bucket 1 resources. The resources by definition under state law have to deliver into a balancing authority. That is what this map here shows. The california iso is the biggest balancing authority in the state and the balancing authority that the cca will be part of. Under state law the energy could be delivered into any of these other balancing authoritis that are identified here. So ladwp is another example of a california balancing authority. Isthese are principally instate projects. A bit more on the issue of where the supplies might come from . To give you a couple of examples, this map here was produced by Marin Clean Energy. Now mce. Its a little data, its a couple years old, but identifis where their resources were located in 2013 and where they were developing Additional Resources. You will see that there is similar biomass, hydro, located in california, and there are also resources in the pacific northwest. So the bucket 1 resources here are the ones that are in california. The stuff in the northwest is either bucket 2 or bucket 3 type of resource. I do want to add, too, actually, because this is a little dated, that marin has really been ramping up its procurement of instate projects. I think since this was posted, they have signed contracts with the Cottonwood Solar projects located in kern and king countis to 24 megawatt solar project. A project called Recurrent Energy kansas, another 20 megawatt project. They have also contracted with cal pine for output from their geysers geothermal project and another Recurrent Energy project called the Mustang Solar project, where they are procuring 30 megawatts from fresno county. Recurrent is a project here in San Francisco . They are the developer of the Sunset Reservoir project in partnership with the city and they are one of the major Renewable Solar project developers in california. Just a question about that. I think might be apropros, even right now. The recurrent contract we set up, so we could look at it within i think it was seven years and i think were close to the seven years now, as to whether that could be taken up by the city . And we gave the city opportunity to be able to purchase the power, Purchase Agreement from them. Im not sure do we do we have the ability to have that explored through the offering . Its certainly on our radar. Were aware of that. I think the issue will be tradeoffs. About what we put our capital towards . And whether we want to use that capital to build another new project, versus take over ownership of the sunset project. That is sort of a debate for another day, but its certainly an option. And the Sunset Reservoir has been a great project for the city and really a milestone, i think, sort of urban energy, Renewable Energy. I did want to show you this, too. This is a map that Pacific Gas Electric produceded that shows one of their recent solicitations for projects that are sized between 3 megawatt and 20 megawatt. This is from 2013, but they have conducted similar solicitations recently. This is the most recent map i could find. Really i want to show you sort of this, because it gives you an indication of where the bidders are locating projects in the state. And they have moved around over time, with these bids. But the other piece of it is that pg e has been getting 1020 times the number of bids than they have been looking for. So again, its a competitive market. And that has been reflected in pricing. You also have two of the other players in the market that we would be competing with, obviously pg e is one of them. They sort of range from utilities are the biggest segment, but it also includes private and nonprofit entities, businesses. So for example, the university of california is in the market. Kaiser permanente and safeway and marin, sonoma, cca programs and the municipal utilities like alameda. And this graph here i included i wanted to sort of give you an idea of scale. And also the renewable content, the current renewable content of some of these portfolios that utilitis have. And so the way you read this is the bar underneath the entitys name, or the bar underneath the entitys name applies to that entity. The number the first number that is not in brackets is the amount of renewables that they have and the number in brackets is their total average sales. And these are in megawatts. So you have entities as small as alameda, and then of course, with the big investor utilities in the state, at the bottom there. And the green coloring represents the renewable portion of their portfolio. Just seems like kaiser and safeway are very different from all of the other ones. What are they actually providing . Seems like smaller amounts clearly. I dont have their data. Utility data tends to be public and Customer Data is confidential. So we do know the kind of transactions that they have entered and they have press releases, but i wouldnt know how to do that against their total usage. Yes, kaiser safeway is in the direct access market that. Is how they are engaging with the market. As is the uc system. The ucs have become their own service provider. Safeway i believe contracts out with another Energy Service provider. Kaiser is unique, because they are doing sort of new types of transactions, where they are entering into longterm agreements for Renewable Energy credits and these are within the state. But these their contract helps support the development of a new project. So that energy isnt necessarily delivered directly to kaiser, but their commitment to buy the Renewable Energy credits over a longterm from a given project, is helping build new projects in california. They also do cogen as well. Cogen . Absolutely, an entity like kaiser is doing cogen within their facilities and that is sort of thing that is behind the meter; right . I know too that kaiser has done a lot of rooftop ppa for solar and how they got for comfortable with this. Okay, my last slide here excuse me. Through the chair, can i ask, i see Marin Clean Energy and la department of water and power and sonoma and at the top of the chart, looks like very new renewables and city of palo alto. Great question, i will apologize to the city because the way i lined this graph makes it hard to read. But i should say this data is based on the 2013 power content labels. So it doesnt reflect an incremental growth that happened in 6789 2014. Those constant labels havent been filed yet. I dont know specifically what their mix is. I know they have some small hydro, and they have some wind. I think they probably have some solar, but i cant speak really to all of what is in that. The city of palo alto, here i think its just they are over 20 . But i have heard that just over the last year or so, they have really ramped up. So i think they have a number of projects that have come online. So i do apologize for the slight little stale data, but to give you an idea of the scale, too. And that a lot of these entities still have a long way to go to build the renewable content in their portfolios. But palo alto has issued rfps the last few years for new supplis, and we have been talking to them about their experiences and have learned a lot from that. And im going to take a bit more about that here with respect to the size of contracts in terms of production and capacity. So this past year, palo alto issued an rfp and they requested 30,000 to 80,000 megawatt hours of energy. Starting in 2021. So they dont have a nearterm need for renewable and they are sort of asking the market to develop new stuff for them to come online down the road. To put that into perspective, its 1545 megawatt of solar is what that range encompasses. And nce has an annual open Season Program for procuring energy. Each year they sort of post what their forecasted need, and this year they posted forecasted need of 40,000 to 50,000 megawatt hours, starting a little bit later as well in 2019. And that is equivalent to 2030 megawatts of solar. So put that into context, our upcoming cleanpowersf rfo will seek 150,000 megawatt of renewables beginning in 2016. To put that into something a little more concrete for you, that is about 85 megawatt of solar. I wrote out the math there, in case you were wondering why 85 megawatt is out of sync with 30 or so Megawatt Program . And the basic answer to that is that its related to solar, the solar sort of efficiency in production relative to its capacity. So that is the end. If you have any other questions, im happy to answer them. Otherwise, ill turn it over to the executive officer for his portion of the report. Okay, mr. Lindo. Thank you, chair. Thank you so much for the report. And i know our director will touch on the legislation, and civil grand jury report and i was wondering perhaps if you are going to discuss it and we can reserve it for your time and the tone at the puc on those particular issues . I will let michael hyams. Thank you. For state legislative updates recently Assemblyman Phil Ting got an originally tax and revenue code bill and turned it into a bill about Greenhouse Gas reductions not reductions but how we report Greenhouse Gas. There are several different formulas used by different organizations. I believe that the theory he was going for we should have one set standard that everyone reports the exact same way and that should be reported out to the general public, so they aware of what Greenhouse Gas are . Unfortunately the way it was written it was created a lot of opposition from marin, sonoma and lancaster ccas have filed that we currently dont like what you doing, but we like the concept that you are going for. So they have also submitted and in your packets you will see the letters that they have submitted. One thing, once i became aware of it, i reviewed it and there are some similaritis to that bill that are in the ibew. And so i have had some very basic discussions already with the assemblymans staff to talk about what this means for cca and behind the meter generation, rooftop solar and they are taking comments right now on that. I dont believe that the sfpuc has come out with an official view. They also have the general utilities side of their Power Generation to worry about as well. So its going to take them a little longer than the other ccas to generate their position on it. So as of right now, i dont believe that they have a position that they have officially taken, but still working on that. What i would be recommending for us today to support the fellow ccas across average, and take an oppose unless amended on similar stances that they have in their letters, should and when the sfpuc come out if they have issues or concerns or changes that they would like to, very with incorporate that into our comments and finally, two things i would add in that arent necessarily in the letters that you see in front of you, one is the discussion of the behind the meter generation and how we should be making sure that whoever is doing whether its the cca or iou or public utility, whoever is doing gets credit for the generation as part of how they do the calculations, because i dont want to discredit the small, you know, rooftop solars hot being ghgfree for some reason and also add in there, since its an extremely technical area, normally bills are completed by the end of august, beginning of isnt that in next month we would get everything right, but to see this as a twoyear bill. Its brought up one year and worked on and not completed and everyone understands that. It becomes next year at the legislative session that they will bring it up and well have the chance to have the discussion. Since this didnt become a Greenhouse Gas bill related item until it went through the entire Assembly Process and got to the second chamber, we didnt have the firsthalf of the year to have the discussions about this, which i think would be have been needed. Those would be the two things i would add on top of being supportive of ccas and whatever sfpuc position ends up coming out, once they issue it. Would be what i would be recommending to lafco and staff could write the letter and work with the chair, because unfortunately by the time our next meeting is, the process will be over and done with. So we need to get a letter out within the next week or two to have any real influence on the process. So i would encourage you to let staff write and work with the chair and finalize and send that out accordingly. I can continue on to the civil grand jury. Mr. Lindo. A couple of questions and i had another question on the report. Sorry i didnt get to it. The bill sponsors staff, how open are they to the idea of a twoyear bill . I dont want to comment i told them what it was and they listened to what i had to say and they were not committal, but to check with the Assembly Member. Since its coming from San Francisco, it probably carries a little more weight than coming from somewhere else. Great. As far as beyond the letter, is there anything else we can do to support to make sure we are in line with the other ccas and knowing this could be an important bill for us, and the other ccas that are around the area . There will be but the letter is kind of opening part of it. There will be Committee Hearings in sacramento as it moves through the process. You know, potentially meetings with staff and other key people, in coordination. I would assume there was agreement that we wanted to do something on it, i would be doing all of that coordination and if there was a hearing in sacramento, i would let all of you know, in case any of you were available. Because a lot of hearings will be happening in august and you may be around and available or you may be out of town and cant get to sacramento. But i would make sure you with aware, if this body took a position, and if anyone wants to join me in sacramento to participate in the Committee Hearings and everything else. So we can definitely take that very active role depending on what the Commission Decides to do today. Thank you. Last question. Im going to bring you back to the report you gave, but you mentioned the size of the contracts. I noticed ours is requested much sooner than the other two you mentioned here. Mce is for 2019 and palo alto for 2020 and ours is 2016 and asking for nearly double what they are asking. I was wondering of an issue potentially of acquiring that amount of energy . A hope i hope not. In the perspective of the market, this is actually not a lot of energy and, in fact i think what the other entities are doing that i have identified there is sort of each year they are adding a little piece and that is also a riskmitigation strategy, you dont want to overcommit to a given period of time, because the market could move. And then you may be out of market. So there is sort of layering in a little piece into their portfolio and staggering it. And so this will be our first piece, but of course, there will be much more to come as we phase in the rest. It might be a lot of energy just strictly from a solar perspective, but well be looking at a number of different resources and trying to create a diverse portfolio of resources in the first phase. Thank you. Thank you. Commissioner crews. Thank you, mr. Fried for your report. I would actually move that we take an opposeunlessamended stance, if you can incorporate any comments that you get from the puc, and also just keeping in mind that we want to credit the behind the meter efforts for ghgfree and to talk to Assembly Members ting office about becoming a twoyear bill and that you write the letter along with chair avalos. If you need my help and support on that throughout the break i dont know if you have vacation plans, but i will be around in august. I would make that motion to make sure that we keep an eye on this throughout the break. When is our next meeting . September 24th. So this could be something that could potentially move while were not watching it, so i want to make sure that we have our finger on the pulse here. Okay. Can we all concur on that . That sounds great. Okay, in that case i will go on to the final item, which is the civil grand jury report. Last week, the San Francisco civil grand jury issued a report on cleanpowersf called cleanpowersf at long last. Its actually for the most part an extremely wellwritten, welldocumented report, it gets into all of the issues and all of the questions that have ever arisen around cca and why it hasnt gotten launched yet and why were moving forward now . It goes into a good discussion of what renewable credits are and how they can be good and they are a positive thing for the environment as a whole. I encourage people to read it and really digest what is in there. Its written in a very simplified language on a very complex issue. There are three bodis that they requested comments back from, and lafco is not one of them, but to respond back to them on five specific topic matters in the document that are part of the pack, et cetera. We do not have to make any comments on this, but one of the things that we do have the ability to do is write a letter either to the board, mayor, puc, and or the civil grand jury. There were a couple of very technical issues that they didnt quite get right in the report. Particularly they referred to some of the stuff lafco did that i dont agree how it was stated. They also make reference to the commission on the environments stance, which they had a very heated and lengthy debate at their august 2013 meeting about what their position was . But they didnt actually change their position at that meeting and the way its written in the report makes it sound they may have taken a position other than their official position, which is something that they did back in 2012. So there might be some ability for us to write a letter, expressings they issues and maybe explaining them a bill better toes its on public record, so people have a full answer to that. That would be, if the commission wanted to, i could write that, once again working with the chair or the commission to do that during august. Not a major rush as far as the legislation goes because the hearings at least on the board side wont be occurring until september. So we do have some time to put our thoughts down on paper, if we wanted to do so. That is my updates thank you. I can be available to help with the letter and my signature is only a few hours away during the month of august. Okay. Any other questions, colleagues . Okay. Thank you mr. Hyams and mr. Fried for your presentation. Well open up the item for Public Comment. Any member of the public wishing to comment . Good afternoon, commissioners. First to start with, kind of second to last item, ab 1110. I want commissioners to be fully aware that scott the very powerful lobbyist and representative of the utility workers unions including ibew on the 13th of this month was sidebyside with the bill author in committee promoting the bill. So its clear that not only was ibew involved with the local ballot measure, but also with this bill. That is not to say however that we cannot work with the a ssembly member, californians for energy choice, which im also a cocoordinator, the Coalition Last year that successfully fought off ab 2145, scotts previous attack on Community Choice on behalf of pg e, basically. We have engaged with Assembly Member ting and spoken with him. He seem like he is going to work with us. I think the 2year bill is looking like probably the right option, because i discovered by talking to analysts that the behind the meter issue is a little complex, in that if we made it so behind the meter solar, et cetera, was access accessible to allow pg e and their territoris to suddenly count all of those resources. And actually make it easier for them to compete against us. So we have to be very careful how we do that and that means 2year bill should definitely be in your ask. Other specific asks that we have been asking from the Assembly Member, he seems open to them, but it would be help if they were reinforced that new Community Choice programs like ourselves to adjust at the beginning of launch to any games that pg e plays with rates and things like that, or shortages of hetch hetchy power. We need the flexibility for our first few years a Community Choice organization. And i think director fried is familiar with the other points that need to be asked for and could probably bounce those off of you. Finally there is a problem with the rate case at the cpuc that could be a big issue. Those rates are going to come into effect in in a couple of years and will dramatically reduce the rates for toptier users. They will see before we roll them in and sign them up for us, that pg e lowers their rate and pg e will say that to them. This might be an incentive to them, to think i better stick with pg e, especially since their incentive to do renewables and efficiency will be so much lower, because their bills will be so much lower. Thank you. Any other member of the public who would like to comment . Seeing none, well close Public Comment. And this is for information item. Although we did express actions that we would like to take. Lets go on to our next item item no. 4. Item no. 4, amendment to the Legal Services agreement with miller owen until the merger are Renne Sloan Holtzman Sakai is completed. We approved the extension of a contract for our Legal Services with renne sloan Legal Service because at the time we had thought that miller and owen who have merged with them. Unfortunately due to some other complications outside that have nothing to do with lafco, the merger has not occurred yet. During the period of last meeting and today, chair avalos instructed me to sign an extension on the theory that we wanted to keep ms. Miller and her service and it wasnt the new law necessarily we were looking for, but to retain ms. Miller and her fine work she has done over the years for us. This is more a report to you that were doing that and you could take an action that simply affirmed that the chair was correct in the actions to retain mismiller and we should continue down the path what has already been started by the chair and staff of this commission. That is all. Okay. So yes, i had written a letter to the clerk of the board, that would extend the current contract until the new merger is finalized. And i think it just made sense that we could actually ensure that ms. Miller was able to provide her support for the work of lafco in the interim period. So i think its pretty consistent with what our goals are. So before we actually if you folks want to comment, or members want to comment . Well do Public Comment first and then make a decision upon whether we want to actually make any action item . So why dont we open this item up for Public Comment. Any member of the public who wants to comment . Seeing none, well close Public Comment. Colleagues . Commissioner crews. Thank you. I think certainly we want to agree that chair avalos was acting in the spirit and intent that we would like to retain ms. Millers services. I think that perhaps i should make a motion that we are in agreement and we would like to extend that until the merger has been completed. Okay. And we have concurrence from the commission. So done. Very good. Item no. 5, please. Item 5 status update regarding the study on the implementation and opportunities for undergrounding wires and expansion of Fiber Networks in San Francisco. Executive officer again, earlier this week you received from me a final version of the report we did. We have gotten we did get feedback. I took all of that feedback and made edits. Its my understanding that supervisor tang and her office are satisfied and happy with the work that was completed. What i would say at that point, what i would request that we accept the report and have it be completed. There might be some next steps that come out of this in future. But the next steps in some ways are sitting with the city and county at least and we might come back to these items later on. On the undergrounding utilities side, one the next steps that im recommending to the city and county of San Francisco that they put together an Implementation Plan and the costs for street resurfacing and sfpuc work underneath and fiber expansion and if they also incorporated undergrounding of utility wires with a real cost estimate. At that point, somebody would figure out where do we find the money to pay for that . There are several options in the report that could be available for folks, but at this point is, i would consider lafcos work on that side to be completed. On the [kpapbgs ] of expansion of the Fiber Networks, what would be my next steps recommendation is something that supervisor farrell asked to look at a Business Model perspective of what would it take . Would it be smart for the city potentially to use the fiber that we have and expand it and create its own Fiber Network system that it sells or has some sort of Publicprivate Partnership . I would recommend that if lafco wants to get into this to wait for that report to be done to give us the next steps to move forward. That would have been what i would have actually recommended what is being put into the report or at least what i understand is going to be put in the report and wait until that is done. At this point i would request that we accept the report and wait to see what the city and county does on the report and the undergrounding of utilities once we get that information back, at that point to come back to the item as individual, separate pieces. Thank you. I thought we had a presentation on the undergrounding of utilities, poles, at one of our last meetings. But we didnt really go into a summary of what was explored in fiber, is that correct . We did the entire report at that meeting and so i didnt bring a powerpoint with me today. But can i talk about it if you want i can go into a little more detail. How is the report being used at this point . Well, its my understanding supervisor tang has it and is reviewing it. On the fiber side, what i would honestly consider the next steps, is there a potential Business Model that the city wants to get into a full Public Ownership or privatepublic partnership and how do we use it throughout the city . They are doing that report and i would wait for that report to be done because that would have been next step i would have taken. I dont want to repeat work that they are already doing. In terms of supervisor tang, and her office, have you been given clear direction on what to do next . She had requested the utility pole undergrounding effort in the report. I believe the report covers what she was looking for at this time. I believe in terms of fiber undergrounding that was supervisor mar, commissioner mar had discussed that and commissioner mar, if you would speak to that . I just wanted to say that im supportive of mr. Frieds suggestion that we accept the report and take a waitandsee for what the budget and legislative ao whether its municipal broadband or Publicprivate Partnership. I wanted to thank eric brooks and bruce wolfe from various Community Groups for raising the various issues and thanking jean glenen one of the activists from our neighborhoods for continuing to bring the issue of undergrounding. Hi mope whether its lafco or budget analyst or any effort that involves organized groups work on this issue. I want to say that with supervisor farrells office and others and senior organizations who are working on a Digital Inclusion task force that would look at how the economic and tech boom doesnt believe behind lowincome communities and that there is always a process where we engage our communities so that the city is doing everything that we can. So that the Public Institutions that we set up are really serving our communities and not just the various departments that set them up. So i wanted to say that we always have people from the various organizations speaking here and my hope is that even though were accepting the report and looking at a budget analysts report that were always seeking that input from the community entities. I wanted to thank you, mr. Fried. Okay. Very good. So we have had Public Comment on this item. Any member of the public who would like to comment . Good afternoon, im jean glenen from the San Francisco coalition to underground utilities. I mainly wanted to thank mr. Fried and the commission for their attention to this item. And i think its going to go a long way in our pursuit of this goal. And i hope we can count on your continuing support, as we try to put into place a plan that will actually rid our city of these ugly telephone poles. Thank you very much. Thank you. Good afternoon again, commissioners, eric brooks, San Francisco green party, our city San Francisco and also, cocoordinator of Public Access San Francisco. So i just want to thank lafco for geting this rolling. What is happening with the budget analyst sounds like its an exciting nextstep. Its a little funky because it sort of sounds like they are deciding werent we should do a public broadband system. I dont think where we are at. The issue is clear especially because of underserved communitis that we should do a universal citywide broadband system owned by the city and not a Publicprivate Partnership. I dont know if director fried can speak to it, but supervisor ammiano, when he was on lafco got the city to commission a very good study, i think back in 70 2007, i may have the year wrong, but scoping out public broadband in San Francisco if the budget analyst and others who are not looking at, should look at it and as soon as whatever word we get from the budget analyst and the others working on this, the next step for us should be to drive hard to get the ammiano study renewed. In other words, spend a little money to bring it up to date with current times, which shouldnt cost very much and either have the board or lafco do that. So that we can get this thing rolling and instead of discussing whether or not we should do it, discuss how were going to do it . So that is what i would recommend is making sure that we do an update of that study, either through lafco or the board of supervisors. Thanks. Thank you. And see nothing other member of the member of the public come forward, well close Public Comment. Well move on to executive officers report. Madame clerk. I. 6 executive officers report. Thank you, jason fried, executive officer. First i wanted to introduce the person sitting next me, jabari, who has been interning with us over the summer, and lives in the east bay and we got him through james tracy, for those who know him, sent him to us and he has done an excellent job filling in random questions on various subjectmatter and he has been and able to do the research. He likes to study nonviolent direct actions as something that he has an interest in. So i know that fits well with a lot that goes on in San Francisco. I wanted to thank him for his work and introduce him, if you havent met him yet. Very smart, intelligent and has done a lot of very good work for us. First off i wanted to give a status update on the open source elections. As of kind of taking a step back and remind you, this was a report given to us through the board of supervisors. When we originally talked about doing this report, it was actually something that we were not going to be starting until right about now. Because we had so many other things going on, but we were able to find a very good and talented intern out of ucsf, who did her cornerstone project and she passed her cornerstone and was so talented she was already hired after graduating. So we no longer have access to her and brings me where we are now. What i am look at this point is probably taking the next probably next couple of months, i dont have a lot of spare and free time to work on it. To put in a little time and effort and recirculate it again comments. Because there were a lot of comments. The thing is to remember its a very technical item and you had myself and angie, the one who helped us do this report, starting brandnew and fresh. So i wanted to take some of the technical comments to figure out how to merge into a document for a nontechnical reader, for lack of a better term, because that is actually who the audience will be for this. Right now we have the comments that i will come back with you in future, once i have had a chance to get all of the comments put into place and recirculate it out, nor a second round of comments from everybody who gave us comments on the firstround for that report. The other item, the cal lafco conference this time around they have an afternoon session on one of their days and they have two breakout sessions. One of them is on Climate Change. The other one is on broadband and i felt that fit very well within our purposes. I mentioned this at our last meeting. And there was some interest of possibly wanting to go. Just for that afternoon session. Its an expensive conference to attend fully. But what i got back from cal lafco if we wanted to attend just the afternoon session they would charge us 100 per person. Its 265 if you attend the full day, including meals and other things that are going on as well. If anyone is interested in attending, please let me know. If no one is attending, im planning to go and can reportback. But im planning on going and i will reportback, if no one else attends with me. If someone else wants to attend, i would be happy to carpool. I might go the full day, because of the items relevant to staff rather than commissioners. If folks are interested, chime in; commissioner lindo. I wanted to thank jabari for coming and doing a lot of work and helping director fried. I know sometimes he is running out and pulling his hair out and having an extra set of hands im sure is appreciated and the work you have done is highcaliber. Hopefully we can discuss going, im very interested in attending the conference and that is a conversation that i would like to have. That is all i have. Thanks. Great. Commissioner crews. Thank you. Director fried, i spoke with him earlier today and let him know i have a work commitment. So i wont be able to attend. How to i thought it was really interesting to see that they are covering more of the special reportstypes of areas that our lafco is involved in. So i would be very supportive of you going and reporting back to us what you learned on the Climate Change and also the broadband areas. What is the date again . Date of those particular sessions is september 3rd in the afternoon; its in sacramento. So if anyone is interested, we would probably have to leave late morning if we wanted to carpool or to go on our own, i would get you the details commissioner crews. Chair, thank you. Just going back to the study on open source elections. I just want to echo the importance of having a pipeline and having studies in the queue. I think that was very important that we had that lined up. And whenever we have the opportunity to work with interns that are going to help you with those types of reports, i think we should very much take advantage of it, and have things in the queue. That is sort of leading into another agenda item. I dont want to get on that, but i do want to say that we should back up to agenda item 5, chair avalos. Okay. Yes. We need to make a motion to accept the report. So can we do that now . Commissioner crews. Just to accept the report on undergrounding and finalize it, so it can be released. Seconded by commissioner mar. Colleagues, can we take that without objection. Mr. Chair, that motion was under item 5, not item 6, correct. Correct. Do we have any Public Comment on the executive officers report . Hello, commissioners. My name is brent turner. I wanted to first start off by thanking mr. Fried, and also angie, who did report on the open source voting. I just wanted to mention to you that the speaker earlier talking about the Community Work for the electrical aggregation mentioned the words well, he didnt use the words green washing. But the nuancing of standards is something that is also topical to our issue here regarding open source elections. And since im here, east even though were rolling it over to a later date, i thought it would be a good time to mention that the main thing for us to remember here there are intellectual property groups coming into the conversation, purporting to be open source groups. The main thing for you to remember when we get to the point of looking at the report, there are National International standards attached to open source. The people that are adverse to open source will try to blur the lines and say, that this will no discernible standards. I would encourage you to take a look at what is called general public license version 3. This is what the open Source Community per open Source Initiative has defined as the standard for open source. Particularly in the application of voting systems. So we have good Information Available to you on this, and want to make sure there is no confusion coming in from the proprietary intellectual Property Community on this issue. Because were seeing them show up now. Also, i dont know if the commissioners noticed, but the the u. S. House of representatives recently, upon years and years of urging by our groups and groups associated, has now embraced open source for their internal systems. Which is a major step for us. Because this proves up the argument that of course, open source is a good security environment, and also, there is an economic driver attached. We are currently, when i say we i mean California Association of voting officials, are currently working with the White House Office of science and technology policy, making sure that they are aware of these issues. What we call open washing. Which is akin to green washing, but in the open source arena. So we want to make sure there is clarity for you on this point. Were glad to provide that clarity and evidence and make sure that you, like the u. S. House of representatives, is wellaware, as we move towards open source there are welldefined standards per open Source Initiative. If you want to look up that website, that is open source. Org. Were available for you for all of these purposes. I just wanted to also mention that the timing of this is if we started now in San Francisco county, working with the current secretary of state padilla, we could have a system put together. Unfortunately not by 2016 for the president ial e election, but likely within the next couple of years. The amount of money necessary to do this project were estimating at approximately 5 million. Whenever that money comes from well figure out, but the idea being that were also seeing the same groups that are trying to bring forward Software Code that is not technically opensource. They are also spouting numbers like 18 million, 20 million. And we reject all of those figures and just want to again add clarity to any attempts at confusion. Thank you. Thank you very much. Any other member of public who would like to comment . And seeing none, well close Public Comment. And go on to our next item. Item no. 7, Public Comment. Now we have general Public Comment for anything relate the to the lafco work, and seeing no member of the public come forward, well close Public Comment and go on to the next item. Item no. 8, future agenda items. Okay. Commissioner crews. Maybe i should turn this over to director fried. Jason fried, executive officer. At the last meeting there was a request by vicechair crews to create a list of potential items that we had talked about in past, that had not actually gone into any deeper action on. In your packet, you will see a document that brings up two items that we have had discussions about in the past. One of which is the Municipal Banking idea, which is still an open thing we can work on today. There has not been much activity on that as far as lafco is concerned. I know there is a working group working through chair avalos office and supervisor, putting this together. They are trying to finalize stuff, according to supervisor avalos staff, we got a couple more months before we would potentially be active on that. The other item that i think is more directly to what commissioner crews was looking for was there was when we were talking about how vacancies for elected offices get filled, there was kind of a second part to that discussion that we never got to, which was how do Commission Seats get appointed and what does that process look like in we never got to that part of the study. We stayed to the first part and at the time it was completed, there was an interest in folks notice looking at that just yet. So that was an item brought and discussed as a potential future item. I thought those were the two that fit this item. Two things to keep in mind looking at future agenda items, i think its always good to have items in the pipeline. As commissioner crews mentioned earlier, one thing to keep in mind that anything that we take now, because im going assume that cca continues to be my toppriority and its going to be an extremely busy topic for the next several months, but not to stop talking and looking at future agenda items. On that caveat, the work that we did with the usf and the intern from that program, they have sent me a name if we had another item fiting in that Program Scope would be interested in potentially working with us. At the time when they sent it to [pherbgs ] i didnt have items pore them to work with at, but, but they are look for someone to do a cornerstone paper much like angie did. if there was an interest i could check if there was an interest and it become a lot less work on my part, managing a person, but that is something that i couldezly manage within my scope of work. On that, i will leave that and the other thing to keep in mind we may eventually come back and talk about undergrounding of utilities and when the city or bla report comes back on Fiber Network, those items could come back, but i wouldnt consider them current right now, but things to think about moving forward. With that, i will yield back to the commission. Commissioner crews. Thank you. I really like the idea of having an intern work on the report for how Commission Seats get appointed. I think that is something that we should set on the agenda to discuss as a new study, especially if we will have help for staff, and that we do so with the thought that cca will be your priority until and probably immediately after launch. But as along as were looking at things with the priorityrating and timingrating, where were taking into consideration what the commissions priorities are . I think that is shing something that we should move forward with. I would certainly agree that Municipal Banking is something that we should look at. I would like to work with supervisor avalos and his office, and see just in terms of the working group and what the status is on that . Whether you think that its something that is viable to have on the lookout, or if we should be looking at it more in terms of putting it on the agenda for a future meeting to get something going on that . And then the last thing i would say is that i would be interested in whether or not a special study could include Something Like transportation . Something that was floated by me was looking at the impact on Public Transportation in terms of Delivery Services. And how apt Delivery Services are impacting transit corridors, bike corridors . Whether or not it would be something that we could look at in terms of congestion pricing . So that is something, if that would fit into a special report under the jurisdiction of lafcos. Pretty much and if im getting this wrong i will yield to Legal Counsel to correct me on it. Pretty much we can study anything that occurs or happens within the city and county. We have no power to implement anything burk we, but we can study the heck out of anything. Do i have the expertise and is the Data Available to be all able to do that had . That would be the big question and to create a work plan and budget around that work burb its definitely something that the general concept is yes, we could do that. I think they are great topics to address. When it comes to looking at our streets and congestion management, we do have an organization that is part of the Transit Authority that does a lot of those studies. Have they done a study on that . We havent. There was discussion about looking at certain parts of the city, but not, like, particular transit corridors or anything like that. It seems like that is kind of purview of that organization. Sure. The public bank, i think would be a useful effort of lafco, and i would welcome that level of work from lafco. I think that there are also my office has done a lot of work on the notion of a public bank and we have gotten very far and not so far on the effort. And i think having another entity within City Government and county government to be able to help could be useful. Im not exactly clear what that would be at this point . But im open to lafco playing a role. I have been open to lafco playing a role. My concern is there were a lot of structures within City Government that are not necessarily open to the idea of doing this kind of work. So we hit natural barriers, but that is the kind of work that we have seen with cca and with building a Fiber Network and other things. But there is also issues, i think, that are real external to the city that get in the way of public bank and that is the whole Banking System; that i think were up against as well. That determines how we as a city will seek bonds, or other financial tools to be able to accomplish what we want to accomplish . And starting to muck around in that world, creates a lot of resistance. Im not sure if it make a lot of sense for me to be saying this in lafco, but i am saying it. So i do welcome it. I just dont know how far he can get with it. Maybe that is my own bias after working a number of years and feel like we have done a lot of work on it and not getting very far in the effort. So i would love to hear my fellow commissioners. Do you think that could be our next tenyear fight . [laughter ] its quite possible. Hopefully it wouldnt be longer than that. Were dealing with in the case of cca, were dealing with the electrical generation and history and in particular, the local monopoly of pg e. And in the public banking arena, well be dealing with an industry that is more oligarch ial and the influence on cities and counties and states being able to assert their own financial tools, that they have funds to do. But the banking industry, i think will try and do everything that they can to inhibit that from happening. I believe just the effort that we have had so far in creating a public bank in San Francisco, that has seemed to happen. We provide lots of different pathways to looking at the mortgage crisis that is external for the most part to all of San Francisco. But within certain communities of San Francisco, that is an issue. And there really hasnt been, i believe a lot of support within the Mayors Office of housing, within our financial structures that we could create to deal with the local manifestations of the mortgage crisis. And i think that is just one part of the work we have been doing on looking at how we can assert local, Financial Measures to support some of the functions of a public bank. And so, i think it would be great to maybe, if we have a report, and summarize kind of where we have come so far . And what are the difference barriers that were seeing in terms of how we move forward . I think that would be one aspect of the work. Just separate from actually how do we actually create the public banking entity . Because we already have a report that suggests that, but now were shopping around and getting support within City Government is kind a challenge. Thank you. Commissioner lindo . I will give a few of my thoughts. Im glad commissioner crews you brought this up. As far as the Municipal Banking topic goes, the way i see this commission, its role is to look out for issues, or topics, that after doing Diligent Research could potentially help the city and county of San Francisco. And i dont see how doing a research on the Municipal Bank could hurt, but with deference to the chair in that lets have it be strategic in type of research that we are doing that hasnt been done already. The research that perhaps your staff isnt able to do, whether its because of timing or whether its because of information, Additional Information needed. That our staff could reach out to, could look into, and has the capacity to find the tools or information that could really help us understand and help the city understand how Municipal Bank could be incredibly beneficial to the city . So im actually quite in support of it. As far as additional topics having in the pipeline, i think its a great idea. I think i have a topic in mind as well, having gone outfield some concerns from Community Members. One that continually comes up is that of voting access in San Francisco. Especially to communities of color, especially to lowincome communities, and while San Francisco has a practice where it has extended voting and physical voting here at city hall, there are a number of people who just arent able to make it. And looking around at different municipalities that have some innovative approaches to accessing the ballot for those communitis and seeing if there is a better for for us to do it, if at all . Is one that i fielded, but in that process of fielding this topic, it kind of raised a light bulb for me is perhaps getting more engagement from the community could be sought through the process of having an online issuegathering platform for Community Members to say here is some ideas that perhaps you could research . I know you may be scared of that idea, jason. You thought the caveat that you wouldnt be tasked with every single one of them, because there might be quite a few, but giving us really a pool of topics that we can pull from. And identify, hey, this is a great idea that we hadnt thought about, because i dont want to leave us in a vacuum discussing amongst ourselves what are good topicks to cover, but seeing some Intelligent Minds out in community with topics that we might look into . That is what i have. Commissioner mar. I really appreciate and like the recommendations made by commissioner lindo. I know with supervisor avalos work with the Youth Commission to extend democracy for younger people, i think to me, everything that he said about equity and voting, its about Voting Rights 2015 in many ways, what are new key strategies . Not necessarily for example, tech workers or the techsavvy to be able to snarkly comment about Committee Meetings or board meetings, but to engage disenfranchised communitis to be able to lou allow them to participate more and utilizing lafcos abilitis to expand not only what supervisor [aofrs ] avalos is doing to communities that have been historically locked out, purposefully, based on race and so many other reasons and to look at strategies for how we change that and point it out and think about what we do as a municipality to address that . So i really support that. Commissioner crews. Thank you, commissioner lindo. I want to echo commissioner mars statements on looking at voting access as a whole. I think that there is a number of things that could be under an umbrella of access in voting. You know, if its, say for example, extending the voting days, the times, sameday registration . A lot of looking at how do we make democracy more open to san franciscans, of all, all types of people, allaccess to voting mechanisms . So i think that is something that we should certainly put on the agenda to look at. But then just also echoing commissioner lindos thoughts on opening up to Community Groups. I would love to see the two of us go on a road show, you know . Were the public seats. I would love to see us talk to communities and really get a sense of what the community is looking for from lafco . Maybe they just need a lafco 101 on what it is that were doing in this room and the value that we bring to other legislative bodis in San Francisco. So maybe the two of us can do that. Thank you. Jason fried, i just wanted to jump in on one of the issues that commissioner lindo brought up how if there is a better way to do a voting system. I have worked on political campaigns across the country and what they do in clark county, where they have Regional Voting Centers 30 days out of its a bigger county, much larger than San Francisco, but the major mall and major areas where people naturally go, they have voting booths and anybody can show up during that period and vote. They have what i refer to as the roving voting booths with to two days its in front of a library and then moves to another part of the area and have a group of them. So there were 15 of them that moved all over the county and every two days they were in different spots and was welladvertised, so you know where they were going be and people who couldnt gets to the centralized voting ones like city hall, but new and more innovative ways. Im talking about clark county in nevada, but to look at state laws that dont allow for us. So to balance what can you do now and what you might want to promote at statelevel to change the law to do it similar to another area . Im happy to bring up whatever items that you like and look into them. A lot of times what has occurred in past, someone has come to me and i have because i happen to know enough people in the city and said someone is already doing this. So i dont want to repeat work, but to check back before it gets to this level of discussion here. There have been several items occurring behindthescenes and said here is what is happening and if you need more, let me no and they havent come back because there might be a natural home for it already. Im one that doesnt like to repeat work. I think you are absolutely right. We wouldnt want you to do that. I think you exactly the right idea and to understand the options that we have within the parameters of the state law. So we can figure out what is available . What needs to go to the statelevel . What can we do here locally . And after doing research and hearing a number of people comment to me, what really triggered with me is the demographics are changing dramatically and the number of absentee ballots being filed are exponentially higher and the demographics of those who file absentee ballots are not usually the ones that go to the polls and physically cast their ballot. And using those are ones that of communities of color, lowincome communitis or is or communities working two to three jobs that cant make it off work for the hours that we have here at city hall or that tuesday. So i think as a discussion and i appreciate commissioner mar bringing and the topic of equity. There is a lot of equity discussion that can be had with voter access and i think availability of voting places is a great avenue to look into. But its also what can the city do with respect to having it when you submit paperwork dmv, perhaps you become a voter at 16. I dont know what the city can do, because there is federal that could potentially preempt, but it would be great to have a great guideline of what is available . So what i would recommend at this point, and i have taken notes on this is that we bring back to the next meeting in september these as the physical items. So its properly agendized. And we can then make a decision whether or not we want to have them on our list of things to work on. What ill do in the meantime is see if an internal intern is available to help. I have that and the Commission Appointment being two potential items to have as official agendized items on their own and have the discussion. Determine if anyone has any other ideas . There was some stuff talked about, but i wasnt sure if it was necessarily asking me to bring it back to the next meeting agenda. If anyone come up with an idea between now and the next agenda, we have time that i can add them in and have a more fullfledged discussion about a work plan going into what i would call at this point 2016 work plan to start working on that. In all likelihood, if i dont have an intern doing it, we wouldnt get started on those items until 2016 either which way. Great, thank you. So to summarize what do you see you will present in terms of subject areas for next meeting. Two subject areas that we have right now are the Commission Appointments and how that process works . And im still figuring out what the exact title, but around how our voting booth and voting access to elections works . So Something Like a clark county model and what we can and cannot do around expanding access to polling locations . Beyond just election day, but can we create polling locations out in field for longer than just the election day . And how people can access more than just votebymail, but access an actual physical ballot location outside of just city hall and the 30 days prior like they do right now in the city. Sound like a Fair Assessment . That sounds great. Can we add to it how to maximize the volume of voting by mail in San Francisco, as well as part of that . Because i think that is also another area that we probably can maximize as a city. We can make it about how do we increase voter turnout . What are the various avenues and various ideas . Part would be how do we increase people that dont want to go to a polling location, to increase their voting my mail . Maybe those who want to go to polling locations and to increase availability . Were talking about a very large subjectmatter, but its something that can be looked at. Great. I would also think at looking at what is the voting call, when you submit a ballot when you vote not in your own voting precinct . Provisional ballots. Provisional ballots. I think it would be good to explore how that is being done and if there is a sense of how accurately that is being done in San Francisco . I do recall in 2000, when i was doing a lot of work on the election i wasnt able to get to the voting booth and wasnt voting by mail and my provisional ballot wasnt counted and so its on the record that i didnt vote that election when i was actually spending months working on the election for certain candidates at that time. So it would be important to see as were looking at expanding voting or looking at how we can do that, how well were doing right now with the kind of ways that we provide greater access for voting in San Francisco. Okay. I will definitely be following up with each of you, because i think there are some technical questions. But definitely question do the biggerpicture thing. There might be two or three parts to this, because its becoming a pretty large one. It might be two or three parts based on availability of either interns or staff time to put together that information and perhaps voter election might already have that information. Ill come back in the september meeting with a work plan. Im not in favor of exploring public bank, so if you want to work with jeremy and my office and with commissioner crews as well to see what ways that lafco it would be relevant for lafco to do that work, that effort . Ive been check in with your office, seeing anything that is coming up that we should be aware of. It has always been the outside group is doing stuff and needing to complete work before it come to the lafco side, but i will incorporate that into your discussion at the next meeting. Thank you. That was a good discussion. We can open up this item for Public Comment . On future agenda items for lafco . Good afternoon again, commissioners. Eric brooks with all of the groups that i mentioned before. So first a quick note on mailin voting. You need to be careful with that one. When i first moved to the city, i i was living in southroom occupancy hotels and i had moved, but voted with my old address. In my second reelection, i had discovered when i went in to vote that someone used my absentee ballot. So to secure and ensure there is no corruption. I have a feeling i wasnt the only case. So one more future agenda item, but dont wore its Community Choicerelated. San francisco Clean Energy Advocates have met with the general manager and the agms at the sfpuc about making sure that we continue the local buildout and jobs track of cleanpowersf. They are interested in doing that, a little bit hesitate. Hesitant. We were told because of staff limitations it is was difficult to focus on that. That seems a little bit hard for me to accept. So San Francisco Clean Energy Advocates would like to ask that either lafco or the board hold a hearing, where we have the Mayors Office of workforce development, the San Francisco development of environment and sfpuc and lafco staff come and report about their progress on planning for the final plan for the local buildout and jobs piece of this thing . Because if we dont have that as advocate its hard for tus to us to go and sell the program to the whole city. We need jobs and a break on their energy bills and that kind of thing. You need to be able to adopt in the lower income communities such as much solar as highincome communities. So that buildout piece is important and i think we need a hearing about that either at lafco or the board. I want to chime in on public bank. That, if you look at what is happening in greece right now, it becomes really clear that the Global Private financing and Banking System is becoming so incredibly powerful that they can literally hijack a country and go against the will of over 60 of the voters in that country. Lets not forget back during when gerry ford was president and president ford basically said, sorry, so we need to be able to protect ourselves in the case that the global banks become even more powerful and even start trying to leverage San Francisco. We need to figure out a way to have a public bank available, so we can avoid the kind of thing that just happened to greece. Thank you. Thank you, commissioners. Again, very quickly, i just want to reiterate, that i appreciate the conversation with mr. Fried about moving forward on some of these more general voting issues. Its our opinion that the more places to vote, the better. Im not really clear on the roving part, because i think if somebody is going to think that a voting booth or availability is one place, it probably shouldnt then evaporate. But aside from that, i like the idea as many places to vote as possible, precincts, of course the mailin issue has to be secured. There is some Security Issues there. We are seeing a trend towards mailin balloting. I think that also gets into some equity issues that we need to recognize. In the everybody is a homeowner with a constant address. Also, i want to just make mention that i think first and foremost, when we talk about voting we have to get the System Security in order, which i know were focused on doing here in San Francisco. I want to mention to you that is leading the country right now. Relying on the eac or the feds is not smart, because of course, in speaking with the eac, the current commissioners and the chair there, theyre also looking to california for leadership on this exact issue of open source voting. Interestingly, we know that california is looking to San Francisco county. So everybody is looking at each other. The project that is going on in Los Angeles County may seem like a fairly good one, but the report coming out of lafco also recognizes that there are issues attached in Los Angeles County. We dont know if they are going to use general public license or not . And by some of their solesource contracts it appears that they may go down a bad road. So were hoping that they selfremedy in Los Angeles County. Right now in your our estimation, San Francisco county is the one with the fresh slate and the one that really looks like were going to lead the rest of the country towards proper voting systems. Once we get that far, we can consider the surrounding circumstances and a lot of this work has been done. When we talk about this equity issue, i dont want to marginalize myself and im not speaking for California Association of voting officials. But as far as access goes, there are there is technology now available that will enfranchise the youth and the masses. And this is just to say as far as studies go, we probably need to include smartphone voting for those studies, if we get the security proper with the google android, that that people will be able to vote easily and that will eliminate the running around in circles looking for a place to vote and the masss will turn out simply. That is not an opinion to reflect any of our other work. I just wanted to mention it to you, because it sounds like were dancing around that. Thank you. Thank you very much. See nothing other member of the public come forward, well close Public Comment. And i believe we have no other items. Is that right . Yes, that concludes our business for today. Okay, colleague, we are adjourned. laughter . Thank you, scott so equilibrium everyone to the presidio it is traditional summer day in San Francisco the sun it shining not a cloud in the sky and traffic is undergoing easy. I want to equilibrium everyone here it is an amazing today to be here here in the presidio in building 211 if so the center of press over the last few years here the doyle drive presidio Parkway Project that is such an amazing project that is decades and decades in the making. There is a Service Safety reasons. It happening so much visualizing over the past decades in San Francisco and to think that now we have the Presidio Parkway in place it is the gateway to San Francisco and will be for generations to come an amazing piece of art and transportation infrastructure hub for our bay area but simply more than anything or anything an amazing asset for our bay area region when you go out to the Presidio Parkway which you look 30s 30s thorough this is you can vision to the parks over to the freeway onto the beaches simply a vision that is crafted over decades and im so proud were here like supervisor wiener i want to take a mom to thank you, supervisor wiener certainly as charged i have Transportation Authority for to project in particular make no mistake supervisor wiener was critical in his role with the executive director and thank you, supervisor wiener i want to thank our home team the Transportation Authority thank you tilly and jose and someone that retired a few weeks ago has sense moved to austin, texas lee thank you for youre under arrest hardy want to give a round of applause clapping. lee promises hell continue to have sf giants in the back of his pickup truck well hold that you i want to thank hearing officer and others for working on this clapping. and to caltrain, to gotten link and the golden Transportation Authority and thank you to everyone from of the government prospective there are a few people individuals i want to thank first and foremost the person when is the driving force behind had vision thats michael i dont know where michael painer is michael clapping. for those who dont know this is michaels design this is michaels vision and we had a chance of run into each other with the tour to meet i there in the middle of construction thank you for your hard work make no mistake this is your project to the many members as supervisor wiener mentioned a circulation of the fables to our Citizens Advisory Committee and all the people that tricked to it i live on on behalf of the many district 2 residents that picking up put up with the late night beeping and the hoptsz a few years ago were finally here this is the construction not ended yet a lee low to clean up and a time to celebrate and finally i want to thank the mayors in particular mayor newsom and mayor ed lee who is sick but on behalf of the board of supervisors to the sfmta and the Police Department aid the Fire Department and members of laborer and the other mr. Mulligan and to the Highway Patrol and state mash and thank you for your support the final sign is ouch thank you. laughter . Ill end with this ill say about two years ago i had the future of waking up in the morning joining jose and tilly and my parents i grew up here in the marina we took a muni bus starting owe Golden Gate Bridge we were the 1 people to drive across the one part of the presidio we plan to do with molly first a big round of applause for molly back there clapping rightfully gets the loudest round of mrous applause weighing well do it this morning but low and behold thanks for the hard work the reside opened earlier i came with my daughter and jose and tilly and parsons and others to take a tour to be the 1 people to drive on the Presidio Parkway it is an incredible experience for those who who didnt come i hope you leave here do create a traffic jam it is unbelievable makes it amazing a different experience and something that we will all be proud of to all involved on behalf of the a grateful city this is a product for generations thank you all for your support clapping thank you supervisor farrell and supervisor wiener for those wonderful remarks that captured the moment mayor ed lee and supervisor farrell mentioned was unfortunately unable to come he felt ill he called our office and he sends his congratulations to all of us and we are pleased and effort to have the mayors partnerships of the office of Economic Workforce Development will be telling us a little bit more about the roll in partnering to create jobs and Economic Development as a result of this project ed mulling begin the new director mr. Michael carr joining us to say a few words clapping . Actually pat is still the director of the city of city build system changes in the last few weeks the mayor is sick and sends his regrets San Francisco is a city of innovation im sure youre aware of and it is a place where inspired people turn great ideas into realty as you look to the leaflet they say an infrastructure is not sexy but it beautiful and it is vital to our city this project is special to the oewd it a great collaboration between caltrain and the plazas sector in the city of San Francisco we participated introduce the city build group and put a hundred percent of our folks to work this project created jobs for the local San Francisco bay area residents a partnership between oewd and ta one last things id like to congratulate the many Community Members and planners and engineers and construction workers that worked hard and long to cooperate this project all the partners here especially g lc for hiring the workers thank you very much on behalf of the mayor and the city of San Francisco Job Well Done thank you very much clapping. thank you michael im sorry, i didnt mean to get that wrong id like to mention our fell highway theyre providing critical funding and coveted a long time federal financing were fortunate to have the california administrator inconvenience vince to represent the administration and represent mr. Kim that that a family issue please help me in joining my guest on his thoughts of thank you. I appreciate thank you for the opportunity to come today greg immediate our acting administrator is prepping for his nomination hearing later this week i get to play and saw mr. Kim he apologized for his family emergency hes a native xalg living californian first congratulations to everybody i wouldnt point out, too many groups here but some struck me when we walked in the door they would can you see the project and someone looked at this and said no, thats the point you cant see the project you cant see the project from here thats why this project is where it is at a beautiful and expressive view as you come through youre not seeing the construction im from the east coast i have a brother that will be flying out here in a couple of weeks im going to bring him by bring him into this room if you can leave a couple of sandwiches hes a big guy other thing we had 12 Funding Sources we have recovery act money 83 million in recovery act and 46 money that medians if theres 12 there are 12 eyes look at this i want to thank the eyes Janice Williams and poppa john can you raise your hands they were part of the team clapping. and i know ive heard malcolm say thank you to the people that live around here for your patience to allow us to do this type of work but . The type of innovation we at federal highway one of our job is look dont be front yard of taco an aon a project it takes a village but it strikes me in california the leadership in the bay area this great coordination a lot of people focusing to get the work done so on behalf of the acting administrator greg immediate and secretary antonio fox thank you and keep up the great work thank you. clapping . Thank you so much benson and thank you to mr. Foxs leadership next to the next transportation were fortunate to have representatives in the California Transportation Commission the cpc one minute bob one minute let me say a few nice words i want to sorry the cpc prioritized funding for the transportation cross our state and a few folks thank you for being with us the funding and the oversight doyle drive is the First Partnership on the Highway Network and focuses on taxpayers investment and insuring this investment benefits our local community im pleased to recognize the hard men and women of the building trade from local 261 to the 4ru7 and local 377 and local engineers on local 3 and 6 theyre the ones building this project from the ground up and deserve our premeditation please join me in welcoming all businesses and labor mr. Bob. clapping . Thank you and you know it theres a lot of thanks going around i want to take a moment and give a special thanks to the men and women of the Building Trades theres michael came up with this beautiful idea and vision to replace doyle drive but it takes the men and women someone to implement that vision and dreams with two of those one of those and a whole love of this that is a pleasure to be here to celebrate the opening of doyle drive California First c3 Publicprivate Partnership to be approved by the California Transportation Commission i wanted to be here to celebrate as a key gate to the heart of San Francisco this project is a significance it will have a positive input on the commuters and the visitor that use the bridge the commission has a longstanding interest in seeing the state and local and federal partners to deliver the partnerships those partnerships are important and we must continue to Work Together to make the projects a reality on behalf of the California Transportation Commission i want to thank caltrain and the Transportation Authority, golden link and all the other partners for in their dedicated efforts and contributions and congratulations and thank you for letting me me be a part of this and on behalf of the men and women in the Building Trades thanks for making the last couple of christmases pretty good to go clapping. thank you very much vice chair alvarado now continuing with the rule we turn to caltrain the owned and operated of doyle drive San Francisco has been fortunate to work with the caltrain in the region led by our project manager and others we have a great team dan and others calling names im sure im missing many, many folks at district 4 i hope you feel proud as headquarters we have our partners led by malcolm and tom and also cit teen from the headquarters thank you for your hard work and partnership earlier this year the department was recognized by the green roads Sustainability Certificate Program for the orchestras think the doyle job this recognized the green methods and materials sweethearts the Sustainable Design of the project as well as the exclusive communitybased process that came up with that decision to id like to thank build f this alternative our joined team have the discover of the plan youll recall this plant was considered extinct it was excited to find it a preserve it for our management felt program in envelope governor jerry brown pointed out the director of caltrain and since then lead a push towards Sustainable Design at the Department Today in secretary kellys leadership the team as led critical support to the aspects of our project i want to acknowledge the former secretary of housing who at the time served in governor schwarzenegger and was instrumental in securing the funding for the p3 that led to the final close of the project thank you all for your strong aspirin now malcolm to share his thoughts on this happy day clapping. thank you tilly im glad to be here i want to express my prediction for all of you this is a good today, the good news tilly thanked everyone ill probably repeat because some folks deserve to be expressed by my appreciation for their work youll agree there are few locations like the Presidio Parkway it is second to number in california and the bay area and likely in the entire country therefore it calls for a project that is a unique project and one of a kind project that is what were delivering here today, we confused shefk safety in phase one and now phase two weve achieved the mobility but still not done and weve got a long ways to go and escape work will land a dramatic improvement not only on mobility but a positive for the connection of the Presidio Park and thus, the presidio to the waterfront ive mind recently you can do a transportation project but if that transportation project is a negative to the community or negative to the businesses or negative to the sourndz then tonsillitis thats not the right project it is the right project for mobility as well as the context of being here great location of studio presidio we celebrate this significant e significant milestone thank you to everyone and after another extended closer that was completed of the 79 hours that recommends me of the 55 hour closer we have traffic on to ultimate reside and it is a drastic change if youve not a had a children. To drive on it i want to thank iron and hewitt on the concessioner for the work ive been talking to peter they went into the weekend with 8 hours and i want to thank flatiron and keeping you informed witness and all the men and women who worked with that organizations for theyre successful work for the past weekend if you could give them a round of applause clapping. several of my team members have been highlighted and i certainly want to thank b june and his entire staff but i always want to put a point on the team in our organizational of public and private partnerships christina and express my appreciation for the former secretary without those champions we couldnt have done it without you as a publicprivate partnering partner when caltrain and the San Francisco Transbay Joint Powers Authority were tasked with replacing the drive we wanted to have a design for Safety Standards but rehabilitate the communities needs and reduce impacts to the local environment and if all all possible many improvements that was accomplished and ta that challenge met weve improved the Traffic Safety but it made a contribution to the beautiful Presidio Park we were initiative in delivering this project its our first publicprivate partner and not create challenges because of the complexity of the challenge of the work it happens to the ingenuity in every speaker talked about the partners and the partnerships are from both sides public and private and there are financing advantages to the deliver but access to streets and incongruity of all the folks ultimately Traffic Safety is our goal but improving the surrounding area happened it was talked about this project having 12 different Funding Sources i want to reiterate the number of partners it is not easy managing a project are that many financing mechanisms and contributions afrofrom funding but not that easy to navigate through all the partsd involved it this group came together and certainly the San Francisco tangle, the federal how administration and the prurd trust California Transportation Commission department of Veterans Affairs and this department of the Golden Gate Bridge and the Municipal Transportation Agency and the city of San Francisco and local community i cant get a project done without Successful Partnerships well continue to reconstruct streets and replace skaipz but as we drive in the new tunnels id like to remembered us all public and private perspires got us here thblgs you make meaningful investments in transportation and infrastructure and i want to congratulate you for a Successful Partnership and thank you for those who had the patience during the construction that was referred to not only in the counties to the north but San Francisco congratulation to you all and thank you for coming from congresswoman nancy pelosi please welcome alex lazzaro to say a few words clapping thank you tilly Ambassador Congress is in session and she says this is a great moment for San Francisco as we complete the transformation of doyle drive and open the new Presidio Parkway that parkway insures safety in a earthquake and eliminates the proximate causes for the offer 1 thousand vehicles this represents the best of our city our initiative thinking and imperial spirit the respect for the Natural Resources and beneficial partners between the public and private sector i was proud for this fight in congress to carry one hundred and thirty in the act and others and an initiative hundred and 50 million for this alone for the publicprivate partnering as we enjoy traveling along the new Presidio Parkway construction continues with extensive landscaping and restoration that will integrate the roadway into our magnificent presidio connecting the post with the field and establishing 13 acres of new Presidio Parklands as the Congress Races towards the Transit Trust Fund on july 31st this remind us how our infrastructure creates jobs and improves of quality of life for all the harding families that commute over our roadways we must make long Time Investments locally and nationally to achieve better paychecks and better infrastructure for oil hard work america families thank you to all who made this project a reality clapping. thank you alex thank you for leader pelosi leadership on the grow america act i hope in their successful in delivering a dedicated long Time Transportation doyle drive was to there the access for nancy pelosi another project it was a treasurer plays if the start we partnered with the Presidio Trust to expand assess while preserving its Natural Resources now is where he a direct offramp from Presidio Parkway and the tunnel tops that provide more opportunity to expend the biking between the presidio and marina thank you to superintendent of the Parks Services and your staff and id like to acknowledge Greg Middleton who recently retire today, were honored to have the Presidio Trust planning programs michael to say a few words on this historic occasion. clapping . Thank you tilly welcome to the presidio everyone its a Beautiful Day youre right the sun does always shine here i have the great pleasure of talking about the future of the presidio in particular the Important Role this project plays in troovrment this army base into one of the greatest parks in america think back to the moment the presidio transition from presidio to a National Park a Hundred Acres of hard packed dirt and asphalt and it went from an army office it was about 15 or 17 years ago and look out the window how this has pan transformed it is a vibrant park full of thousands of people you come to here on sunday and off the grid and enjoy a beautiful picnic with our families and the rich history but regardless of those improvements doyle drive is a barrier between the two park experience so this project by transforming the intermediately zone creates the opportunity for us to create and urban park ensemble on the waterfront it is unlike any in america were grateful to all of the organizations that got involved in this were grateful to caltrain and the Transportation Authority and were grateful to everybody who worked to build this road the g lc and others but mostly grateful to the community the Community Worked for decades tirelessly to make sure that was not a freeway but parkway it honored the rich history and ecology and came up with a vision i think will set a new standard for design in National Park settings and any settings frankly it is won into that features that go beyond the tops we say see were to the other set of tunnel tops and the christie field that allows us to expand this to meet the bay this is a project that has myriad benefits to the presidio i want to know or think this will be the cherry on top that makes the presidio the would have park my hats off to everyone in the room that played a role thank you very much for our ongoing roll in the presidio thank you very much. Thank you very much michael thank you, michael were looking forward to see what happens your final speaker the ceo of the consortium peter is the private entity that build and will operate and maintain the project just as cultivates before them g lc keeps the traffic moving while constructing their portion of the road our trpt said this is like doing surgery on a tense player while shes playing intelligence folks worked around the clock and congratulations to the entire team please join me in welcoming peter on this wonderful accomplishment clapping. thank you very much tilly this is a very special moment for all of us on behalf of the gotten lincoln in their and our contractors trans field id like to thank the agencies that support us during the 71 hour closer specifically caltrain sfmta, Golden Gate Bridge, and not c h b they were there ever minute of the day and the tdr trust and all other agencies i forgot to mention when the golden link began in project a little bit over three years ago there was only one very duct and one tunnel we installed 3 additional tunnels between 8 hundred and 50 and one thousand foot long and a second 50 feet high and 12 hundred feet long viaduct you know structure and an improved highway 101 to the scombaj and roads to the beautiful Presidio Park we get a lot of questions why did you need to close the are road for 74 hours this was necessary from richmond and the marina and Golden Gate Bridge obtaining and the tunnel and the other tunnel a massive undertaking as youve seen on tv and photos we worked krunl that tie together i know weve recognized them before i want to recognize flatiron that orchid 10 thousand manhours in 70 without a single injury and thats worth a round of applause clapping. now for all reasons theyre not not room their sleeping and getting deserved rest not only the 71 hour closer but the weeks and months leading up to the closer then the 3 hundred and 50 construction workers their managers and others again without a single incident they excavated millions of dirt and placed 28 tons of asphalt and removed almost that much and put down concrete and placed 7 thousand feet of cable and striping all in 71 hours not to for the Software Engineers and not to forget the state fire marshall that working or worked around the clock to get state of the art systems working commissions and made safe and worked the way they were supposed to work thanks again for that and finally id like to recognize molly graham for responding to all the media, responding to the public your outreach efforts is second to none anyone else ive missed thank you for your support were proud to be part of this one of a kind setting and one the californias project the tlc will continue to be part of this beautiful project for the next thirty years while we operate and maintains thank you for the achievement of that major milestone clapping. okay thank you passport now i hope you and your team can rested and sleep for the next 71 hours this project that the result of several of individual many large and Small Businesses i want to recognize our expert advisors of the joint speaker hearing officer and others thank you for your principle support and advise to our project team and local Small Businesses and women and minority owned firms did amazing work julie from cal pumping they provided the pumping services and rooftop of both tunnels and from solutions im not sure if dot is here they provided the monitoring to help us carefully around Historic Buildings only a couple of examples of small and minority owned firms that helped i want to thank our hard work spokeswoman molly again for leading the communication molly youre amazing and were grateful to you to our hard work and finally id like to thank our aids staff and the ta led by many and my final thanks to our Transportation Authority led by jose who dedicated himself to this project and led the organization through many stages from planning and approvals and designs lee saga our fearless project manager carried the project introduce and the task force so many members jackie and others and we also had support from spur i saw jim and others thought that process our staff and as planning deputy work hard and Deputy Director who is here and anna and cheri and bob from our staff thank you very much well with that, on behalf of caltrain at Transportation Authority thank you for joining us for our celebration now time for the Ribbon Cutting practical stay for that ceremony and enjoy our newly Presidio Parkw presidy our newly Presidio Parkw presi. Y good afternoon it the one p. M. This is the meeting on the

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