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Their daily afternoon activation at the mini park at turk and hyde and we are also fortunate to have lower c. B. D. Who is overseeing Sergeant Mccauley playground in the afternoons as well. But that work was funded because of the tremendous organizing that happened in our neighborhood to ensure that we are putting our resources and eyes on the park and i thank the rec and Park Commission staff for working so closely with our District Residents to ensure that were not only improving our parks but also activating them so people feel safe utilizing them. I think that at this time i just want to appreciate, mr. Ginsburg, for coming in and answering many, many different questions and we all care so much about our parks and open space so it was great to actually have this presentation and update. And also to get a sense where rec and park is moving on the equity metrics and plan that this board had requested in 2016, under supervisor john ovolo as we move forward with a set aside for rec and parks, ensurinsuring that we adequateld our parks and open space that were also ensuring that we have an ecwitdy lens on how we do that because we know that certain neighborhoods have less parks, fewer parks, but much more Public Safety issues which inhibit our residents ability to enjoy their recreational spaces. And thank you again to Parks Alliance and rec and park has done a tremendous job in developing private Public Partnerships to improve our parks and we could not do it without the organizations that help us to raise money and help us to convene our neighborhoods which is also important as well. I know that this is going to be a continuing interest to this committee but at this time im going to entertain a motion to file the item, but im sure that we will have other hearings with rec and park and i do just as a plug for my own just look forward to hyde turk mini park moving forward because this is a playground that i have been asked to really prioritize since 2010 when i first ran for supervisor so i really look forward to the shovels going into the ground this summer. All right, supervisor peskin, any closing comments . Supervisor peskin i wanted to thank you for scheduling this hearing and i thank the general manager and members of the public who came out and who are invested in the stewardship of these 216 parks and most particularly i want to acknowledge the working men and women of the recreation and Parks Department for their work day in and day out. Thank you. Supervisor kim thank you. And i did hear from the community, we are going to make sure to push along with you the funding for the activation of bow decker park and thats a concern as money is winding down for that programming and our office will be advocating along with you and so we have a motion to file and we can do that without objection. Mr. Clerk, any other items before this board . Clerk no further business. Supervisor kim meeting is adjourned. And thank you to everyone who came to attend today. Good afternoon, everyone, this meeting will come to order. Welcome to the december 6th, 2017 regular meeting of the rules committee. Im chair of the committee to my right is vicechair supervisor sandy lee fewer and to my left is Rule Committee members. Our clerk today is alicia and madam clerk, do you have any announcements today . Silence all cellphones and Electronics Devices and copies of any documents to be include firstdegree as part of the file and items acted on will be on december 12th agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you, madam. Are there any initial comments please call item number 1. Item number 1 is an ordinance amending the administrative code to reauthorize the San Francisco Sentencing Commission and extend the date to june 30th , 2020. Unless theres comments from my colleagues id like to call brittney forward. Please proceed. Good afternoon chair and Committee Members. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to talk with you today and my name is brittney from the office of supervisor ma leah cohen and im here to request the Sentencing Commission which began in 2012 be reauthorized and i actually have a small amendment to the ordinance in front of you and were asking that instead of re authorization it until the end of june 2020 that instead we reauthorize it until june 2023. Whats the reason for that . The reason for that is instead of having this cumbersome two year extension for the commission to come back and reauthorize in two years they can get work done by extending this done through five years and we would have to overlook board rule 2. 21. So i just wanted to provide a little bit of background and i have the amended language here if you would like me to pass that to you. Sure. I have a copy for you too. Thank you. Thank you. So were only looking at page s 5 and 6. Or excuse me page 5, section 5. 254 the sunset clause. What page . Page 5. Oh, ok. Line 15 and 18. Here you go, alicia. Thank you. So the Sentencing Commission which begin began in 2012 brings together San Francisco criminal justice agencies with experts in sentencing reform, reentry and research. To collectively advance the way that we approach criminal justice policy. Three to four times each year the commission looks at criminal justice data and learns about innovations in the field and at local state, national and Even International levels. The members then generate policy and program recommendations. These recommendations have yield ed concrete changes to our Justice System at both the local and state levels including proper 47, which was approved by california voter in 2014 and reduces drug related offences from fell knees to felonys ex miss da meaner and a Young Adult Court which has National Attention as a new model for justice involving young adults age 1825. The replication of the seattle Law Enforcement assisted Diversion Program lead program here in San Francisco that will divert in to services and instead of the Justice System and improving San Francisco facility to collect Justice System data and measure out by establishing Research Institutions that amplify our local capacity to give this critical work done so theres much more to be done. The Sentencing Commission has established itself as a proven incubator for this work and a model for criminal justice innovation and original original ly supervisor colin introduced the legislation with the intent of extending the sentencing date until 2020 but is now asking that this body in lieu of board rules 2. 21 extend that sunset date until 2023. Given the commissions proven track record for the reform of criminal sentencing strat goes the supervisor feels that extending the sunset by five years will permit regular review of the purpose of the commission on a more practical time line so with that im happy to answer questions. Thank you, new questions . What has this internationally come up with in terms you said that they come up with policies and ideas and how to improve the system, what have they done . What are some examples of that . Interview for the most accurate report out i would defer to Terry Anderson who can give that information if you dont mind. Sure. Hi, im ter a anderson for the San Francisco District Attorney office and the Sentencing Commission so in addition to the accomplishments that brittney identified in her overview of the Sentencing Commission, i would say data sharing is a significant outcome from the Sentencing Commission and last year we were awarded a grant from the Mac Arthur Foundation an Innovation Award to invest in data sharing across multiple criminal Justice Systems to come up with a resit vism dashboard and just this morning we saw preliminary reports on the findings from combining data from the sheriffs department, adult probation, our District Attorney Case Management system and looking at the points of re arrest, rearraignment and re conviction for a 2013 cohort for the city and county of San Francisco. This is the first time such an analysis has been done for San Francisco so its one concrete example of the value that the Sentencing Commission has provided and also, just News Headlines today from the bart news letter, the lead program is now in full implementation and is San Franciscos ability to divert individuals at the resource thats they need to make them whole as imposed to the criminal justice. Interview thank you. Any other questions from colleagues . Any member of the public wish to comment you have to minutes to speak, please clearly say your name. If you have any documents. Public comments closed. Entertain a motion. I would like to make a motion to forward this to the full board with a positive recommendation. With reauthorizing Sentencing Commission. Id like to make a information to adopt that amendments. Yes, oh, yeah, im sorry. So motion to positive recommendations this ordinance amending the administrative code p Sentencing Commission extend this date to june 30th, 2023, is that correct . Yes. Ok. With amended. As amended. So move without objection, congratulations. Item number two is an ordinance amending the administrative code for certain city jurisdictional transfers for Affordable Housing from appraisal requirements. Great. Thank you madam clerk and unless there are any initial comments from Committee Members i guess were going to, i know we have ms. Amy chan but also we have supervisor aaron so would you like to speak first lee. Interview sure. This legislation before today please identify yourself. Thank you chair and members of the committee and the legislation before you today is a little bit of trailing legislation and relative to something that our office persuade in 2016 and that was a piece of legislation that revised the policies around appraisals and appraisal reviews for certain city jurisdictional transfers acquisitions convey ances and leases of Real Property and the legislation before you today would hopefully expedite the provision of Affordable Housing in the city and county of San Francisco by exempting from those appraisal review requirements in a jurisdictional transfer of Real Property for the purposes of providing 100 Affordable Housing to the city and county of San Francisco. That is about all i have to say i hope that amy chan and director john updike from the department of real estate can better address the impotence for this legislation and the scope relative to its impact Going Forward. Thank you. Thank you, ms. Amy chan thank you from the Mayors Office, please come forward. Good afternoon, chair and Committee Members. Amy chan from the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development and im also joined here by director updike. First we want to thank supervisor passkin and lee heppner for their sponsorship of the legislation and their work on the legislation. So currently as lee has mentioned, chapter 23 of the administrative code requires a appraisals to be updated within nine months of seeking board of approval for purchase. The city has followed chapter 3, 23 requirement force the real estate but we are requesting this waiver of this requirement for inter departmental or jurisdictional transfers between departments for two reasons and first, our office acquires sites at no cost and when these are transfers from nine enterprise departments like d. D. W. For example, doing anna praiseal for the sites value would not really add value to the process and then second, they have to acquire sites at cost when the transfers are from an Enterprise Agency and like m. T. A. For example and we will get anna praiseal to value the site and in our experience, the appraisal is typically taking the process to get the approval to the board of supervisors is typically longer than nine months because of a result of having to go through a process to also get Department Commission or board approvals and so currently under chapter 23 rules, we would have to come back and get an addition al appraisal or updated appraisal when were going to the board of exercises foray approval and because it would not typically change the purchase prize of the site, based on its original a priceal appraiseal would not add value to the process and this change would benefit Affordable Housing by the cost of the arraysal and then it also would mean saving about a month s time in the process for us to get this new appraiseal review completed. What you would also mean a cost savings for the project and there are two projects in our pipeline that currently would benefit from this policy change that needs jurisdictional transfers and that is 735 davis and the upper yard projects. So that we ask the committee to please recommend the legislation to the full board and im here with director updike to take questions. Im going to ask director up dike to comment on this item as well. Good afternoon chair and members. Azzam said were looking to streamline a process please identify yourself. John updike, director of real estate. Were looking to streamline the process in a way that does not impact fiscally or your Decision Making processes that you need to make where you need to be sure you have all the information you need and its just been determined in these departments at in cost we had a process that didnt add value and thats why the supervisor was good enough to entertain this and something to put forward and we would appreciate your positive consideration. Great. Ok, so, any questions before we do Public Comment and ill save my questions for after Public Comment. Supervisor yee. Thank you. Quick question, in regards to this provision that would expedite things, how much time how long does it take to do anna an appraisal . Are we talking years or months or what . Interview supervisor, on average appraisals will take 30 45 days and 60 in its complicated contracting. Often our port projects are complex and those often take 60 days and the day we make the request for bids the day we have a product and the review has to follow after the product is completed so that adds another 15 to 30 days depending on that so its streamline and its as fast as we can get it in socom plying with all our procurement regulations. It seems like the time that you save is its it doesnt seem like a lot in the grand scheme of developing a project. Im just curious, there are some negative piece to this where does the public really want to know the, i guess the what something is worth . Im just trying i cant think of anything but it seems like this information that we wouldnt have then in terms of anna praiseal . Your question is exactly what . Is there a down side not having a commission coming from a prison . Given it will apply in the case of a jurisdictional transfer when its a general fund asset that is already mandated by voter approved Surplus Property processes, none enterprise must be conveyed at no cost for Affordable Housing purposes or sold and the revenue received go towards Affordable Housing purpose unless for some certain the board uses to use the funds for a different purpose which happens so given we already have that policy and voter approval, supporting that policy theres no transfer of funds so securing the evaluation is an Interesting Data point but i dont see it provides value or helps you in your decisionmaking process and we do think that 30 to 60 days or 90 days total, every day is money and Construction Costs right, escalate right now at a ridiculous space so that is a savings and the cost itself of the appraisals and the reviews thats five to ten thousand dollars every time and that money can be put back in to Affordable Housing instead of towards the appraisal document itself. Thank you. I guess im going to ask director updike before you go away, sorry, ive got someone to ask my questions now just to add on so, just so were clear we talk about Surplus Property and these situations were only talking about vacant land or a physical building . Is it on the vacant land . Interview in thur it could be a building with improvements but the same rules apply under the code unless the board chose by ordinance . That part i understand and whether its a land or building at some point having anna praise al is advantageous if its 100 Affordable Housing and event at some point anna praise al is advantageous to the process whether its tax credits , whether it is conversation with the bank so at some point its owe proseal and you are brought in to the conversation or do they, when its transferred to that different department, there will be anna praiseal in the process or will it not . It could be a Development Effort or entity that needs the report because theyre securing. They would pay for the report and produce it and right now we take advantage of that when the occasion arises where the developer can provide us with a report we review it and were looking that the before the board now that was just approved yesterday where it was a developer commissioned report and we did the review of that report. I just wonder there are those occasions. The reason im asking is because certainly the transfer from the Mayors Office of housing is advantageous to move the process over in an ex pa dieted matter to bring Affordable Housing online but if theres an instance where you need anna praiseal maybe it could be done after the transfer do you think thats important because if it is, we could amend this in such a way that anna appraiseal happens . I dont think it provides value to our office and our decisionmaking and not to the elected body either. Ok, thank you. Ms. Chan. We do do appraisals for all of our projects and we do appraisals for applications for tax questions and i think the value do you go to the department of real estate or higher a third party hire a third party . The sponsor will do the appraisal for the tax credit applications and in this case because of the requirement this is chapter 23 the department of real estate is required to do the because of the transfer. Because of the transfer. But that appraiseal is not used at a later date by at forward able housing developer and in many ways what im trying to say, i want to be 100 clear this appraiseal is not used in the future for the development of Affordable Housing because if it is, we can require it after the transfer so it doesnt slow down the process but if its not helpful, then im 100 in agreement that eliminating it all together because its a required step thats no longer necessary. Interview it varies depending on the timing between the transfer is happening and the project is applying for financing so if the appraisal is outdated than the response sorrn update appraiseal and the value is in order to move forward with the transfer, we dont, we wouldnt want to do updated appraisals when the value of the actual transfer is either zero or its a ready set based on an easterly year appraisal so as director updike has mentioned, the point in doing this waiver is this requirement is not adding value to our process and its not changing the price of the actual transfer. Right, i understand the value im concerned more about the application for Affordable Housing because then if they come back later and it could have been a point that would be helpful in the conversation for the application for funding or debt if you are telling me that thats not the case and its not used in that manner then we wont put an amendment in there to say after the transfer please proceed with the appraisal. If you are not adding value at all then im 100 in agreement with this. Interview thats our perspective. Yes. Great. Thank you. So in eye members of this body have any other questions . See none, open up for Public Comment. Any members of the public wish to comment on this item come forward. Seeing none, Public Comments closed. And i entertain a motion. Im making a motion recommendations to the board and id like to say that this is helpful in many ways maybe this is eliminating a few situations where we approve items and we have to accept appraiseals retroactively and we cut that off. Right. Without objections that item is ordered. Question, supervisor, are the folks here for item number 3 or should we ok. She with do the appointments. Ok so you want to stay in order then and not do four, five and six. Ok, is that ok. Madam clerk please call item number 3. Item number 3 is the hearing on the newly established infant and toddler Early Learning Scholarship Fund and presentations on the needs of infants and toddlers including the rules, eligibility of criteria and Selection Process foray warding grants in funding prioritizeation. Ill hand it over to supervisor yee. Thank you colleagues for hearing this item. As you know, its important item to me and something that ive been working on for several the lowest percentage of children in any city in the u. S. And unless theres a population of two and theres no kids but you know, in comparison like i said in new york its 23 and once upon a time San Francisco had a higher percentage than currently what new york has in terms of children and living in San Francisco and much of us on the board have been concerned about this and weve been talking about ways to keep our families with children in San Francisco, housing has been certainly one major issue and now the board has always incorporated a family issues around housing and when we discussed housing and whether its affordable or market rate and the last year i have to say back up a little bit, San Francisco has been fairly decent when it comes to serving our children and in fact, we as a city traded the preschool for all programs many years ago and which we were first in the nation and that was really to serve the fouryearsold and we were trying to make it as universal as possible and were almost there, not quite. And then what were finding is the 3yearolds are beginning to be served but theres still a big gap but a few years ago when i came in to be a supervisor i realized one of the it wasnt until the head start folks from the federal recognized that, wait a win, kids dont just start learning at three or four, i mean, we used to have this same sort of discussion about 25 years ago, children just dont start learning when they enter a kindergarten and people start realizing the research thats been done around the Brain Research for children and much of their development happens before five and when you look at it much of that even happens before three. Yet, as a nation and as a state, weve been pretty bad about trying to provide for those children and their families and what i started doing as a supervisor a few years ago was trying to bring more resources for their age bracket and a lot of it was through what we call the digit out backs and i realize that we can do this and were getting a million here and million there to serve a few more families but there wasnt any program or any structure to this and so you can say oh no i have money you can spend it and it cant be a contract so this is a voucher or something and one of the things that i learned as chairing the initial development of preschool for all was that you know, we cant just have Early Education taking care of the quality and we cant have good quality and we started looking at preschool for all. If were going to bring in resources for the zero to three, i also want the same elements that weve seen at the Program Level for preschool for all and i want us to start thinking as a system in San Francisco not only to help individual babies and toddlers and their families and also as a system how we can improve this, how can we make sure that the quality is there and how can we make sure that the quality that includes teachers are being taken care of so, i asked the office of e. C. E. Last november what we started doing was taking steps to where we are today one year later and i offer our legislation to create the funding mechanism or the Scholarship Funds so that basically as we bring in more money we know where to put it foreign for infant and toddler. I say lets create the program around us and lets develop this program and get the concepts together and try it out with the additional 4 million that i was able to get with supervisor asie e and see if we can actually smooth out the program as much as possible because were on the verge, the time is right, the time should be now that we start taking the zero to three age category much more seriously than we have in the past and were hoping in the future for next year to make that happen but today its not about next year today its about setting it up, making sure this Pilot Program that were implementing this year is going to be what we want out of the fullblown program so today is a hearing about what is this program and how was it created and whats it for and whats the benefit . And its labeled as the toddler Early Learning Scholarship Fund program and i looked at the preliminary report on that we will get the resources necessary they need help and i want to bring up the director of the office of early care and education to present this new program and were in capable hands and lets just let it go. Good afternoon supervisors, again im september jered the director of the San Francisco office of early care and education and i appreciate the leadership of this body on an infant and toddler and its an honor to stewart the resources we put together an update on what the program has implementing that ill go through quickly. I want to just remind us this is all about the children and families start with population information, tell you about the funds, the rules and the impact and take any questions. So its about the kids. Just a quick reminder we had a low percentage of families with Young Children in San Francisco but a big number, almost 45,000 Young Children under the age of five growing up in San Francisco our young child population is very diverse. More diverse than the Adult Population and nearly nine oust every ten households of Young Children are growing up where adults are working and half of our households afford some challenge of affording quality Early Learning and childcare for their kids and last but not least, infant and toddler years, where Brain Development is forming is in high demand and high cost and its stretching our San Francisco families. I did want to share one graphic that i think paints the picture, San Francisco as we know your chargeed with affordability issues and personally and professionally some days and this graphic really shows you that of our households with Young Children and theres good numbers of low income or eligibility for assistance from state and federal courses but that blue bar represents working families that have affordable charges for whom previously we didnt have assistance and another half of the population where theres more resources or access but fully about half of our Young Children really struggle with difficult choices between what they can afford and what they can chose for their kids care and education and thats a stressful challenge that this measure and program is brought in to address. This a little bit of a challenging table and im sorry the members of the public this just simply shows that the orange bar shows you our estimated number of Young Children or households by page group and income strata and the blue shows you what were serving today so that first orange bar labeled wait list shows us we have roughly 1800 low income households of infants and toddlers that are eligible for state and federal assistance which theyre not enough money to meet their needs. Beyond that theres a great number of need above that. Up to families at most income levels theres an affordable challenge when it talks about finding and paying foreign foreign fant and toddler care and its a category 4 pund in the budget which creates the opportunity for Publicprivate Partnership and creates a vehicle to invite private sector partners in to help this city meet the challenge of affordable all the infant toddler care for our working families. The fund offers Financial Assistance to parents and caregivers who live in San Francisco, work or attend school part or full time and low and moderate income. Its not enough this guideline is important and it takes households above what state and federal rules provides and allows families that have economic mobility to keep their Financial Assistance to childcare up to 110 of air and Median Income and an example in current terms families earning 116,000 for a family of three it sounds significant outside of San Francisco but it is a working familys income here and these are for services for kids who are under the age of three. We issued guidelines in july 2017 that we were advised on, theres a new Program Providing Financial Assistance and fair reimbursement rates to programs and were constantly making this system work best for parents and programs. Its supporting Parents Choice and offers Financial Assistance to programs that meet Quality Centers that might be Childcare Centers or Family Childcare homes and they receive a higher fair reimbursement rate to meet the cost of providing quality infant and toddler care and Financial Assistance is for eligible children and families that are served and its paid to the programs that are doing the education work on a monthly basis and again the kids are under 36 months lower moderate income and work and attend school parttime. Theres a share of cost for parents. There is a share of cost for parents that follows existing policy where 10 of growth towards to income toddler cost and thats capped no matter of the number of children enrolled to promote affordability and through this find we have promoted and San Francisco state so the program was approved in 2016, launched on july 1st, and i want to tell you about impact, 1,869 San Francisco infants and toddlers received some kind of Financial Support with local dollars, the taxpayer dollars that weve steward in San Francisco. More than 450 actually, 451 quality Early Learning spaces were made available foreign fans and toddlers with local with the fund created and an additional 1,418 Early Learning spaces were enhanced to make sure the quality and pay were fair to the professional where San Francisco dollars close the gap. With this new pilot and fund on infanttoddler focus well report to you as the board of supervisors annual leon the impact of this opportunity and on services to the community and we plan to report annually Going Forward no later than september 30th for the prior fiscal year and to provide more detail. With that, i have a member of my team with me Graham Dobson who can help me answer any questions if you have them. Thank you. Any questions so far . Not yet. Why dont, i actually have some questions but why dont we have some Public Comments at this point and ill call you back up. So if theres and i see that commissioner Christine Johnson is here, thank you for being here, i know this is an important issue and then other people that want to make Public Comments lineup on this side. And you have two minutes each. Good afternoon, thank you for having me this is an important issue and one that is close to my heart. I am a San Francisco Planning Commission and the mother of a 2yearold son and i know the tough choices that working parents and families have to make to be able to work, provide for their families, maybe be civicly engage and provide for a developmently appropriately environment for their children and im so excited to be here today to see the movement of this Program Forward that will help. I focus on land use, the physical availability of spaces. I have helped to structure local legislation to make it easier to have childcare in all of our directs and advocating for state wide legislation as well and im super excited about that but thats not the end of this, funding is the second part. It will go to low and moderate income families and really it will help everyone. It goes to childcare providers and they will have more funding so they can provide for more staff, for more programming, and hopefully for more actual spaces in to be able to open more locations and that is something that as a mother when i got pregnant, i went to various childcare providers, not very many of them in mission bay where i live but i went to them and everyone said oh you are not on the list already, too bad, you might have a space when your baby is threeyearsold and i had gotten pregnant two months before and i though will change that for parents in the future. Thank you very much and im excited to hear about the progress today. Thank you commissioner. Thank you for having me my name is tony tyson im the San Francisco childcare planning and Advisory Council coordinator and im here representing cpac today im going to resubmit the letter of support that was submitted prior to the legislation passing that was supported by our 25 person council. Cpac continues to support increase access foreign fant and toddlers knowing were took looking at the amount of available spaces and infants that theres a huge gap in what we need to do to be serving all of the low income and moderate income families in San Francisco. So with that i once again want to give San Francisco childcare planning and Advisory Council approval and support full support of the scholarship and hope that there will be more local investment, both from the private sector and from local government. Thank you. Thank you. Anyone else. Good afternoon, supervisors, i want to introduce myself and im sarah hicks killday representing the San Francisco childcare providers association. I want to speak on behalf of providers of early care and education and just let you know how much we appreciate you as leaders thinking comprehensively about the system of the delivery of our education. As experts in the field we want to know how much we appreciate your recognition and supervisor yee your longterm battle for learning starts at zero the need for support starts at zero and building a system of quality early care and education depends on making sure funding is accessible throughout the system from zero to three and on to three and four, the delivery of the system shares the cost of each age group and if you dont adequately fund each age group and you are serving three and fouryearolds and that moves those children in to programs leaving others serving just zero to three the system falters. So that is one of the reasons that providers have for a longterm been saying we need to recognize the importance of support right from zero. As providers were also directly involved with parents and we know parents need help right from zero and it doesnt start later, it doesnt start at three and working parents need support right from the start so we really appreciate this comprehensive thinking and building out a system that can serve our children. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon, im from Compass Family Services and i want to thank you for the presentation and compass we serve about 5,000 parents and each children year we strongly believe in the importance of highquality education for families and prioritize childcare throughout our various programs. As been said before the age between zero to three is crucial in development and of the homeless population, 40 are children, 06 and the e. L. S. Program has a huge impact on creating more access for these children in the system. So we hope that you continue to support this program and effort as well as the providers very much so and the providers provide education but for these families the consistent, safe, supportive, environment makes such an impact. Thank you. Hi maria. Hi my name is maria im the organizeer of parent voices here in San Francisco and i really thank you for this opportunity to share with you our experience advocating at the state level and today i had three parents who were supposed to come here but i told them 1 00 and the children were getting antsy so they had to go back to work, one of them mia owen they run a Family Childcare provider Church Street and they serve non subsidized parents but they want to serve subsidized kids but theyre not qualified for the e. L. S. And they have one child who is in their program. They have a waiting list of 30 parents who cant afford to pay yet they want to open it up to children under this program, however, they are experiencing the difficulty of just doing paper work and all of that and the rate is still much lower than what theyre chargeing for market rate and so we hope that as we go deeper in to this program that really you consider covering the cost of doing care and we know infant toddler care is very expensive. I myself have had to be on the waiting list for a long time and i found out its like, i was on welfare im qualified for transitional care and when i started working, they took it in and so my kids were actually able to use subsidized care and they were able to use i was able to have my options when they were babies, they used care and when they were preschool they went to Childcare Center and then when they were school ageed they were back to life and system care so its really good that this Program Provides parents options and im glad that we actually are doing 24month eligibility because at the state level we worked four years just to make sure theres continuing care for 12 months and finally this year the governor approved it and im glad San Francisco is the front line of really creating this policy that focuses on our early care and education. Thank you very much for all your work and i really appreciate it. Thank you. I know you represent parent voices represent a lot of parents and theyre all in this category where this can be very helpful. Thank you maria. Thank you. Good afternoon, im here today wearing my eastern neighborhood c. A. C. Hat thank you supervisor yee for this legislation its very important for parents and i just wanted to mention from our experience at the easter neighborhood c. A. C. One of our first projects we were able to fund was a Childcare Center in the Central Waterfront and one of the questions that will came up was a desire from our Advisory Committee to have Childcare Centers that serveed that 03 age and what we heard back from the providers and from dcyf at the time its very difficult and impossible because of the constraints around adults to child ratios and so fourth and so just to present sort of an addition to this continued need foray additional spaces for figuring out how we can do what weve done in the financial district in having developers actually create childcare spaces but making sure that they serve the full range of children from 05 before school. Thank you very much. Foray is there any type of committee that would how is it going . I wonder if theres any type of committees or any bodies that would monitor these programs, local homeless coordinateing board. We have bicycle committees and all this stuff i wonder would anybody create any policies and monitor how these systems are programmed and going and you know, infants and their learning is important so i figure like they would since statistics and meet monthly to talk about these issues, does San Francisco have one or is San Francisco willing to create one . Thank you, any other public by the way, i will ask that question in a moment. Any other Public Comments on this item . Chair. No, i just want to thank you any other members of the public wish to comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comments closed. Director jerred you know, again, i have to reiterate and many of us believe this that the quality of Early Education is not a luxury but a solution to many facets of peoples lives in San Francisco. Were talking about not only the child that can benefit with quality education and Early Education, the families can then put some food on the table by going to work if its that need. Theres also the benefits that this program would actually provide for our

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