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Strong neighborhoods and communities versus financial profit and taxes, the city makes taxes whenever we can. Im here knocking on the door of market rate rents. Overhead, please. 80yearold gal, her market rate rent went up 600. She moved to another building and stroked ten months later. Wonderful little couple. Both of these are the nicest people. This couple, i didnt get a chance to shoot the photograph of that. This is the second rent increase. One of our residents who is still living there, a long time resident, about 20 years, she worked for the giants. She has to continue working for the giants because her below market rate apartment isnt paid for by her social security. Section 8, any unit there in section 8 . Any seniors . Weve four different groups of seniors, seniors that own their own home and cant take care of it, seniors whose legs are broken. We need to move homeless and put veterans in. There are disabled and less fortunate people that are part of our community. A market rate rent is a disaster. We need people to be able to stay and live in their community instead of making a yearly hotel. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Good evening, supervisors. My name is karen. Im a planner and designer. Im here as a 25 year resident of the city of San Francisco. As a planner of some 40 years and many more than 40 urban waterfront projects including mission rock in the very beginning. Theres not one other project thats ignited the same passions and pride that mission rock has done for me. There are many reasons, but ill touch on three. The essence and value of the probably executive probably executive, the partnership forms and the leadership by the team for mission rock. Essence and values, from the day jack walked into our firm, the first days of this project, from that first day, we didnt have trouble agreeing on the values of what we wanted at mission rock, a place of interest and innovation, comfort, and choice and diversity that would have open arms to all. We agreed on that. That was the kind of think of the torch from the olympics. It was kind of the flame that has sustained us throughout. You will find that commitment to those values, the values of the public. Participation of this site in everything thats in front of you this evening. Community partnership was clear. Youve heard comments about that already, sharing, engaging, and partnering together to decide what should be in this project from the big picture to the small. Lip never been comfortable with a face value of things, but moving on with research and commitment to take the long look. As a result, this will be an extraordinary place to live, work, and visit, well worth the pride and passions that i feel for the project and all of its creators feel in the community, but also for your pride and passions as you take agency on on action on this project moving ahead. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Well, here we go again. Another gentrification of San Francisco. When this is it going to be too much . When is the congestion go to be too much for you people . If you let this project goes, it proves who you really are. Youre not thinking of the poor people that live in dog patch or down there. They cant park there overnight because supervisor cohen wont let them. Its just deplorable how you treat the poor people. Do you think poor people will be able to afford those units . Youre just creating urban blight. Herman got rid of it. You guys are creating it. Youre letting people chop up these houses, create all these expensive units that no one can afford, you know. Its more car breakins. Its more bicycle thefts. Theres more urine in the street, everywhere. I suggest you do not let the the giants need more power, a power out of the bullpen and more youth movement. They dont need this. Thank you very much. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. I thought this was the line for people who were in support of the project . Is this for people in support . This is Public Comment on the item total. Neighborhood activist. Let me tell you a story. It goes back to before most of you were born. The willie brown era, there was a gift horse the city got. It was the mission rock shelter. After a period of time when they built the stadium, they had to close it down, but when the shelter was there, you could actually see the visible homelessness in San Francisco declined dramatically. You could a person could imagine a solution to the homelessness. Thats the effect that shelter had. It was on that it was on the site were talking about here. You know, i would just say that, you know, this this is a good probably executive. Im not opposing the project. My comments are meant to be in addition to everyone elses. There is a huge segment of San Franciscos population thats being left out. Thank you for your comments. Before reverend townsend speaks, are there any other members of the public who would like to address the board on the mission rock financing district number two, the financing district plan and the bond issuance . Please proceed reverend. Thank you. Arnold townsend. I came to support this project with brief remarks because i would hope that supporting this project is as easy for you as it is for me. I will say this this project has been very frustrating to me on one level because one of San Franciscos favorite pastimes is picking apart projects like this. I really tried, and i just wasnt able to. Every time i turned around and i thought i had them, they got me. When i said there was something they were going to miss, i got a call about talking about workforce. When i thought there was some parts of the community they would leave out and wouldnt touch, i got a call about, can you help us talk to local pastors so we can explain the benefits of the project to them. When we talked about the diversity in the housing, they said, no, its not going to be only affordable. Were going to have deep affordability, not the affordable that many of the folk that we serve in our church and community cannot even afford that affordable housing. Were going deeper than that. Then we even talked about the potential for affordability and diversity in the commercial facilities that will be there, in the retail sites. They will be small and broken up. Just at every turn, they met they have met the need and i think its absolutely essential to finally let me say this. The giants are partners with the city. Even when they got turned down for stadiums, they didnt abandon the city and move to santa clara. They stuck it out and shrugged it out. They deserve this approval, but more importantly, the people of San Francisco deserve your approval. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. President breed, supervisors, my name is shelly carol. Im a neighbor in south beach and ive been attending meetings since jellies years and years and years, and people have said everything that i would like to except i would like to reiterate, support the project. Im a season ticket holder. Are there any other members of the public who would like to give Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. This hearing has been held, and is now filed. This matter is now in the hands of the board of supervisors. We will reconvene as of board of supervisors out of the committee of the whole. With that, i would recognize supervisor kim. Thank you so much, madam president. I want to thank again our project sponsor and all of our city departments for their work on this project. It is really something that were all incredibly proud of. Again, the giants set the standard for all of the other developers across our city, particularly for large projects and its really heartening to hear the supervisor is also working on a project that will hit 40 . Its really the leadership of the giants coming out in front for building for our city. And then one final note to reiterate supervisor fewers comments to our Planning Department and mayors office, we want to make sure it includes a robust discussion on children serving facilities. That is to come this year and so hopefully we can have the conversations before then. All right. Colleagues would love your support on the remaining items both item 35 and 36 and then after those items, we will call the rest of the associated ordinances associated with this project. Thank you very much. Thank you, supervisor kim. With that, i would like to entertain a motion to excuse supervisor safai and supervisor cohen. Moved by yee. Can we take that out objection . Without objection, they are excused. And on the items, items number 35 and 36, madam clearing, please call the roll. [ roll call ] there are 9 acyes. Ayes. Item 38 and 39. Add the mission rock special use district and make the appropriate findings. Item 39 also known as the cbbc for pier 48 with a rent of 55,000 per month and approximately 3,000 per month from october through march. Item 40 is the ordinance to approve a Development Agreement for 28 acres of Real Property known as seawall lot 337 for the proposed mission rock mixed use project and suspend the administrative planning and codes. Item 41 is a resolution to approve a disposition between the port and seawall lot 337 for 28 acres of Real Property known as the seawall lot 337. Item 42 is a resolution to approve a memorandum of understanding between the port and other city agencies regarding Inter Agency Cooperation for the proposed mission rock project. And item 43, is the resolution to approve a memorandum of understanding relating to and appointing the Port Commission as agent of mission rock special use district financing district approving related matters as defined here in and to approve the adopt the appropriate findings for items 39 through 43. Colleagues, can we take these items same house same call. Without objections they are adopted unanimously. Congratulations. Madam clerk, lets go back to roll call for introductions. We have that madam president. Ill move to supervisor fewer. Thank you very much. Today, colleagues, its my pleasure to introduce this with the department of environment and the Planning Department to prioritize city wise biodiversity goals to for the c. We all depend for food, health, clean air and clean water. Preservation of our Natural Environment, city departments developed policies that pertaining to the conservevation of natural resources. There is an Inter Agency Working Group who have met to create a citywide biodiversity vision which includes biologically rich ecosystems, equitable access, awareness and experience of nature, community and ecological stewardship. Ecological planning and design. The department of environment and the Planning Department have worked for many months on this resolution with 13 other relevant city departments to articulate goals and develop next steps for making a bio diverse policy real in San Francisco. Urban areas we do not always prioritize our Natural Environment or think about how to preserve and nurture sustainability. Were lucky to be surrounded by Natural Environments. Not all neighborhoods are surrounded by the same, we should be working to make sure Environmental Protection for the benefit and enjoyment of all our communities. I would like to thank supervisor jane kim who has committed to environmental preservation and also represents a more dense district than i for her cosponsorship on this resolution today. In closing, i would like to say that february 16th is the Lunar New Year and this is the year of the dog. So i just would like to say, for people listening or watching this meeting today, everyone a happy year of the dog. Thank you, supervisor fewer. Supervisor kim. Thank you so much. I have two hearing items that i would like to introduce today. The first hearing is for the first report of the safer School Sexual Assault Task Force which my office called upon exactly a year ago. The task force has completed. The report and we would love for them to provide a presentation to the board so we can hear about the work theyve done. As a reminder, we know that recent High School Graduates who are on their way to college have many exciting changes and adventures to look forward to. However, the unfortunate grim reality is for many americans, particularly young 18 and 19yearolds, they fas stats that are scary for many young parents. One in four women are sexually assaulted while in college and 84 of College Women report a Sexual Assault and experience during their freshman or sophomore year. 85 of the victims were assaulted by someone they knew, usually a fellow student and 63 of college men who admitted to committing rape or attempted rape admitted to committing multiple offenses averaging 6 each. The reporting rates for campus Sexual Assaults are very low and on average only 12 of student victims report the assault to law enforcement. Just as disturbing is the aftermath. If a student is sexually assaulted, there is little to no support from college administration. As a result, we see that survivors are violated for a second time as they try to navigate the on campus sis tim testimony as well as system as well as the criminal Justice System which is the worst experience in a persons life. We have been working with many grass root advocates including survivors, faculty and graduates who are immobilizing to raise awareness and create resources and support for survivors who may not know their rights or how to navigate reporting their assaults. These same people commit a years worth of their time and energy to serve on the safer schools Sexual Assault task force with the department of womens status. And this task force provided a vehicle for experts on the ground especially our direct Service Providers to weigh in on what the city and its educational institutions in San Francisco are already doing and what we can do better to support these efforts citywide. The first major report including findings and recommendations of what we can do better, we want to make sure that members of the public and the full board get to hear what these recommendations are as we work to implement them. I want to acknowledge by cosponsors, supervisor ronen, tang, and stefani for cosponsoring our hearing and i look forward to hearing from our task force which included San Francisco Police Department, our San Francisco district attorneys office, and members students and faculty from usf, San Francisco state, and city college of San Francisco. Second, im calling for a hearing on a Behavioral Health Justice Center and court. It was talked about earlier in roll call today by president breed, but we know that San Francisco Police Department receives 20,000 calls for individuals in Mental Health crisis every year. Our General Hospital Psychiatric Emergency Services are unable to accept any new patients for more than two months in 2016 due to lack of capacity. Of the almost 5,000 incarcerated individuals seen by Behavioral Health services between 2014 and 2015, 15 were homeless at some point in their lives and 31 have been homeless in the last year. Of the 77 incarcerated individuals housed in psychiatric housing and jail, 1100 were charged with 100 were charged with a felony and the most common was assault with force likely to commit greater bodily injury. This is an a tenable situation where our residents, visitors, and workers in San Francisco dont feel safe and the individuals in the greatest need of treatment are pushed through a criminal justice revolving door and no one wins. Im calling for a hearing on the Behavioral Health court which has remarkable outcomes. We want to scale this citywide. For those unfamiliar with the concept, the court is part of a system designed to identify people who are in the criminal Justice System was of an untreated Mental Health issue and send them to treatment. The outcomes are noteworthy. After 18 months, 26 of participants are less likely to be charged with a new offense. 55 are less likely to be charged with it was reduced by 40 which is great for the participants and for taxpayer dollars. This Behavioral Health model is a concept that i believe is worth exploring with our experts from department of public health, pd, da, and public defenders office. We want to be able to talk about how we can scale this model so its able to accept more individuals in need of treatment regardless of their involvement but also regardless of their contact with the criminal Justice System. You shouldnt have to commit a crime to get the services and support and housing and shelter that you need. With dont want to continue to promote a system that isnt working. For the families of the individuals suffering from mental illness, we know that this isnt safe or healthy for anyone. Colleagues, we look forward to hearing both of these hearings at committee and the rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor kim. Supervisor peskin. Today im introducing a Ethics Reform measure with regard to disclosure of contributions by major donors, independent expenditure committees. I would like to thank supervisors, and i also want to thank president breed for agreeing to waive the 30day rule. Simply, this would apply to individuals who make contributions of over 10,000 to any committee. They would have to disclose that within 24 hours, and they would also have to disclose what their business interests are in San Francisco above certain thresholds which will allow voters and the public and the media to know what is motivating the individuals to contribute. I look forward to passing this legislation. I also want to thank our interim mayor who has agreed to sign it if we are able to put it on his desk. Im introducing a resolution opposing as well as our Assembly Member and former assessor by way of a brief explanation in its current form, it would essentially exempt from local controls regarding density, design height limits under 85 feet, any Housing Development within one half mile of a major transit stop or one quarter mile of a high quality as defined in the legislation transit corridor which amounts to 96 of San Francisco. I waent to thank the San Francisco Planning Department for their analysis of this legislation, which fundamentally undermines work that we have done, whether its the neighborhood plan, the rincon hill plan, our housing programs, home sf, all of these could be undermined in our collective efforts to advance the same policies that senator wiener seeks to advance would be restricted on the local level. I spoke to him today and im going to send this item to committee and not put it on the adoption without reference calendar because he is getting ready to make apparently significant amendments to the legislation and we will see what those look like at the end of this month. Finally i would like to thank supervisors for their cosponsorship of the resolution opposing sb827. Finally, the city has taken unequivocal stand against senate bill 182, which passed last year. I want to thank our City Attorney who has initiated litigation, which expresses San Franciscos charter sovereignty. This is a piece of legislation which not only exacerbates our congestion issues but under cuts our local tax regulations and i want to salute our treasure who has been on this issue. Weve been forced in litigation with uber and lyft. In the meantime, its really unfair to Taxi Companies and lawabiding tnc drivers who have registered with the treasure and Tax Collector and this will temporarily give relief to those individuals as the litigation is being pursued by City Attorney, and the rest i will submit. Thank you, supervisor. Supervisor ronen. Madam president , that concludes the introduction of new business. Thank you. Read Public Comment. At this time, the public may now address the entire board of supervisors up to two minutes on items within the subject matter jurisdiction. Pursuant to the boards rules, directly as a whole and not individual supervisors, nor to the audience. If you would like to display your document, state such to sftv and then remove it when you would like to return to live coverage of the meeting. [ unintelligible ] as a homeless advocate, im here to talk about mr. Donan. He lives in house number 17. He has new manager. He and the four other people has been evicted only for one thing because they are black. I am against that and i dont allow anyone to have discrimination against us or anything or anyone in the city. Include him and other people. We must see how we can stop that discrimination. The color is not discrimination. The discrimination is the people who make it that we must stop them. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. I regret not going to city council in san jose the month leading up to 91 is 1 because 911 because i could have had it on record. The 6th trumpet can be narrowed down to the year, month, and day. If you know when jesus was baptized, you can know with the 6th trumpet is. You can actually know when the 6th trumpet is because theres a chronology that leads back to the destruction of the jewish temple and the command by king cyrus to restore and build jerusalem later. Its really strange that more christians dont understand it, but i do. I did. I regret that. Im not going to make the same mistake of coming down here before. Tomorrow is 6,000 days from 911. Its 8,000 days from the jubilee of christ. Its the 70th real jubilee, but its the 40th from christ. Tomorrow will be 8,000 days from then. Now, its not as easy to calculate when judgment day is going to be. Okay. It really isnt. But once again, its very, very simple. I havent proved my point because i have two minutes. I really wish i could get ahold of john macarthur. He could understand it if i could dislodge his thinking. Most people think the temple was destroyed in 587bc, but the prophet didnt say that. Will judgment day be tomorrow . Well, you say you hope so. Somebody said that. But this is no joking matter. I mean, if you dont know jesus christ i was trying to convert the muslims. Christians dont have homophobia with the homosexuals. I talk with the homosexuals and try to convert them. I speak with the muslims on islamophobia. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. President breed, ladies and gentlemen of the board. I ask for your resignations. You violated your oaths of office. You swore to defend the u. S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Yet, you continue the operation of citywide Case Management focus. A joint project with the San Francisco campus of the university of california which city and county funds at the rate of approximately 100 million per year. Citywide is city and counties Assertive Community treatment provider. Its responsible for performing involuntary medical and surgical procedures upon residents of the city and county. Citywide is able to do this only by denying the patients life and liberty without due process of law guaranteed by u. S. Constitution amendment five. Citywide denies the patient freedom of association and the right to petition the government with grievances all guaranteed by u. S. Constitution amendment one. Citywide perpetration unreasonable searches and seizures in violate of constitutional amendment 4. They deny the patients the right to citywide denies patients the right to jury trials guaranteed by amendment 7. Cruel and unusual punishment and violation of amendment 8. They deny guaranteed by constitution a end in amendment 9. Citywide uses medicine to unnecessarily control the patients because it offers no avenue of complaint. It violates u. S. Constitution amendment 13. Citywide denies the patients equal protection under the laws guaranteed by amendment 14. You are knowledgeable of these vie layings. You do nothing to prevent them. You have violated your oath of office. I ask for your resignation. Back to you, madam clerk. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. The citys obviously broken. Its not functioning directly. Its never been more unlivable. Theres never been nor misery more misery in the streets anded board has done nothing to alleviate this situation. The first good decision you guys have made was making my political enemy the mayor. Thats the first solid decision you guys have made. I say that because of the mad cow stampede that ensued afterwards. That was a disgraceful exhibition that was a total disrespect to those halls and to the democratic processor what were supposed to be doing. I digress. I want to get back to all this you guys worrying about trump and the sanctuary city and all that stuff. You dont care about all that. If you did, you wouldnt let these poor immigrants walk through filth, people shooting up, selling crack, going to the bathroom in the streets. I suggest you start doing your job. Put out a couple more out houses, maybe a public bath, a needle place where people can shoot up or put their dirty needles instead of leaving them in the street. This is a total ruin. You guys are presiding over it. So i suggest you get out of the developers hip pocket and start addressing some of the issues that are facing us. The Placement Center, what good is a Placement Center when the public, the homeless cant use the bathroom. They have to go in the alley in the back and use the bathroom. Or, you know, they cant go in the front because people are selling crack out there. 600 feet for a pot club . Everybody is selling crack anywhere they want. This is a disgrace. Are you guys have you guys been outside . Have you walked up larkin street or hyde . Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Auto duffy, neighborhood activist. Historically going back, you know, about the time i was born, the golden post warriors, there were a lot more jobs and those jobs didnt require extreme Academic Skills or any other india of great skills the average person could find a way to raise a family. I had a neighbor who drove a milk truck. Part of our problems is those jobs are gone. Theyre gone. I know about the time i moved here there were two people on every bus. There was a driver and a conductor. They all made incomes good enough to raise families on. Then, you know, so thats so thats the problem with the housing right there. You cant what i think is that, im representing a demographic thats below the demographic this project recent project we just talked about is made for. Maybe the upper third of the people i represent might have a chance to get into that housing. But, you know, probably not. Making it worse is that the people who are in that 100 of Median Income range, 125 , theyre taking up the housing that the lower demographic used to live in, for instance, the president of the board of supervisors. So what im saying is i want to put a marker out there and say if were going to do things like mission rock project, we have to do more than that. The Behavioral Health component that somebody mentioned right now, thats kind of what im talking about. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. If there are any other members what who would like to address the board, now is your opportunity. Were pushing the limits. Overhead, please. Timing is almost everything. I may have blown the time. Tell the guys at the giants thats me in 1955 after they won the i was all decked out. You might say i was baptized a giant back in new york. So im partial to them. Heres another photo. Thats the health club. They were a mom and pop Marijuana Club that got knocked out four or five years ago when the last feds moved in. They were the oldest club. Thats the love shack. Thats where i can go and i can get weed out of a jar. Its not its not packaged in a package like this. It is fresher. If you went to the building and you bought all of your ingredients in plastic wrapped in plastic, thats the difference of what the feds are doing. So basically, growers that like to grow their weed and make a gift of it cant do that anymore. Were losing moms and pops. The brothers have been doing brownies for 10 or 15 years. They may lose out because of the new ingredients. I brought in a couple of joints last time. Those joints would last me two weeks. They cost about 20 each. A cigarette is smoked within ten minutes, 40 minutes later you need another one and its destructive. We need to take marijuana away from its being a radioactive. Its a help to living. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Madam president. Thank you. Are there any other members of the public who would like to provide Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Madam clerk, read the items for adoption without reference to committee. Items 46 through 48 with being considered for adoption without committee reference. These may be approved by a single roll call vote. Otherwise, a member may have an item considered separately. Okay. Madam decker, on the item, supervisor peskin. I would like to sever item 48. On the remaining items, madam clerk, call the roll [ roll call ] there are 9ayes. Madam clerk call item number 47. Item 48 is the resolution to designate michael rios of the city and counsel ameritus. Apologies. I neglected when we honored mr. Rios. Supervisor pes kin. Thank you supervisor ronen. Can we take this item same house same call. Its adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, read the in memorium. The late dr. Jack mcconnell, on behalf of supervisor cohen and supervisor safai for jeremy gordon. And supervisor breed. And president breed. On behalf of supervisor cohen for the late mr. Jeremy gordon. Thank you, madam clerk. Is there any other business before us today . That concludes our business for today. Thank you, everyone. We are adjourned. They tend to come up here and drive right up to the vehicle and in and out of their car and into the victims vehicle, i would say from 1015 seconds is all it takes to break into a car and theyre gone. Yeah, we get a lot of breakins in the area. We try to i just want to say goodbye. Thank you. Sometimes thats all it takes. I never leave anything in my car. We let them know theres been a lot of vehicle breakins in this area specifically, they target this area, rental cars or vehicles with visible items. This is just warning about vehicle breakins. Take a look at it. If we can get them to take it with them, take it out of the cars, it helps. Hello and welcome to public works tv. My name is natasha reed and im a Structural Engineer for public works and today ill be your host. Before we get started lets take a quick back look at this past week. Chinatown sidewalks are really starting to look good thanks to the hard work of a new crew of street works who are sprucing up the historic neighborhoods. Last week we started on the pedestrians bridge who will connect the mondscone campus north and south. [ inaudible ] to find employment with the homeless and help them get off the streets and into howstion. We also celebrated black History Month to recognize celebrations and achievements of black americans here in the United States and in public works. The third street bridge is located near at t park. It carries thousands of vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists over Mission Creek tunnel every day. We at public works are proud to be the caretakers of this classic draw bridge, keep it in shape while raising it and lowering it for public vessels. Today, well give it its chance in the spotlight. See you on the other side. Its become somewhat of an eye sight. Its had some hollywood moments itself. Some people might think its not beautiful, but to me, it really is a beautiful thing. The third street bridge, it was opened in 1933. Its one of the four draw bridges operated by the city and county of San Francisco. Designed by joseph straws, it is listed on the National Register of historic places, and it has been designated a San Francisco landmark. There was a time in the early 1900s where this was a major part of the port of San Francisco, and there were big ships that used to come in here. Originally, it was a double draw bridge, like so, that it had to be rebuilt to handle all the traffic, and the heavy train that used to run up and down the embarcadero here. The railroad said hey, well kick in some money if you rebuild this bridge, and that was good for everybody, so thats exactly what happened. The third street bridge is a major arterial for those who are trying to get downtown, the mission bay and back. It also makes up part of the bluegreen trail. It supports five lanes of traffic as well as pedestrian and bicycle use. The bridge is approximately 200 feet long and 86 feet tall. Its lift span weighs approximately 700 tons. Thats balanced by two concrete counter weights at the end of the bridge that weighs a combined 1100 tons. The bridge is closed to traffic approximately three times peryear. In 199, the third street bridge underwent a major seismic retrofit, bringing the bridges performance to modern design code. At that time, a new operator tower was construct tor while the historic watch man and guard homes were redesigned. It can go up really quickly. Ive seen it lift up in 30 seconds or less. It does no lifting. The purpose of the counter weight is to provide, if you will, a counterbalance for the bridge so that the motors and the brakes to have to work so hard to lift the draw bridge. The bridge has been in service for nearly 85 years now, so if you can imagine, a number of issues have developed over the year. Were currently working on a major Rehabilitation Project for it. We recently completed repair work on the concrete counter weights. Later this summer, we should kick off a much larger project, which will include replacement of the open bridge steel decking, clean coat much of the existing below the existing bridge deck, and much more, all whilepreserving the existing look of the current bridge. It really is a marvelous example of elegant engineering in in a functional way. I hope you enjoyed this weeks episode. If youd like to learn more, visit our website and follow us on twitter, instagram and facebook. Im natasha reed and thanks for tuning into public works tv. I am alejandro the board of education. The board of education,

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