Question and then we have a number of other presenters and we have a whole host of people from the community that want to do Public Comment. So commissioner collins . Yes, i want to put this on the record that i still have a lot of questions when we are looking at data. I had asked for data around sieft transfers as a sense of how we can see if kids are feeling safe. And the data that show shared with me showed that predominantly the number of kids requesting safety transfers were black students, is that correct . Or black and brown students were requesting more safety transfers than more races of students for violent related incidents . What is your sense . I dont know. The safety transfers are down quite a bit because we have more criteria that were looking at for safety transfers because a couple years ago, of course, it was just a tsunami of transports that kind of blocked the system. This year weve had less safety transfers this past year than we have in a number of years. So i guess that i want to put this out as a request more than a question. If were collecting data on students committing violence we should also be collecting data on students that are being harmed or, you know, targeted because we know i saw this at my Daughters School one student that was targeted was also then involved in targeting other kids. Its hard you know, kids that often are seen as perpetrators are sometimes targets of bullying and thats why they come to school with, you know, in defense of themselves or in conflict. So id like for us as a district to be tracking who is being when youre recording you say that you record this on the student profile. And theres other kids involved. Is it possible to Start Recording the other students involved in those so that we could start tracking if there are groups of students that tend to be involved in being targeted . Because i feel like the prevention piece is preventing it from escalating to where kids need to feel like they need to escalate it. And that means getting them services before it gets to that point. And then, additionally, the other question that i had is when we know that students are in conflict this happened also at my Daughters School when its resolved it takes time and they both have a right to attend school. But while theyre in school what i saw is that there were other fights happening after that because the school didnt have staffing to protect. So i want us to be making sure that while were resolving things through practices or through police or judicial system that we are separating kids so that because what i saw is that there was a conflict that happened offsite and we had several other fights on campus and the school wasnt prepared to manage it. I dont want Police Involved in those things and that is something that we should manage but i want to make sure that were staffing our schools and making sure they can attend school in locations so that theyre not, you know, while were fixing it that were not continuing to have other incidents. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner collins. So just to give a quick i will hand it back over to you, chair. I just want to give a quick update. So we have probably three or four more presenters and theres a lot of people waiting to do Public Comment. So what were going to do is were going to finish the presentations, i think a lot of the questions that we all have, some of them might be answered in the subsequent presentations. And then we will take Public Comment right after that. If we have questions for any of the specificking remaining presenters we can call them back up, okay . Chair haney. I wanted to announce that supervisor walton had to leave and supervisor safai will sub in for him officially. Is there a motion to have supervisor walton for the remainder of the meeting . So moved. I need a second. Second. Thank you. Okay, great. Commander lazar. Good morning, supervisors and commissioners and trustees, im commander david lazar with the San Francisco Police Department Community Engagement division. The School Resource officer program is within my division, so im joined here today by acting captain Elonda Williams who will copresent with me and i look forward to this presentation and also fielding any questions that you may have moving forward. In terms of my presentation today im going to talk about the m. O. U. Status, some of the issues and concerns that we have and the work that were doing moving forward and well talk about the School Resource officer program and i know that there were questions about that. And give you an update about know your rights and were proud of the work that we have done with both the School District and the department of accountability on that brochure and basically what our next steps are. One of the themes that id like to put out is that i know that today were talking about enforcement and what are the citations and arrests and things of that nature but we really see that as a small portion in our role as Police Officers. Our overarching goal and our value is how do we build good relationships with the students, how do we become better role models and how do we work well with the School District to accomplish the work that we need to do to make sure that the school is a very safe environment for our students to learn and things of that nature. So its one of points that i want to emphasize and make today. And the other thing that id like to say is that were working very well with the School District in our partnership in revising this m. O. U. And really on a daytoday basis we have a really good working relationship. And in terms of the m. O. U. Status, i know that we are moving forward quite quickly. The Police Department received a draft in may of 2019. Just last month we had some initial reviews and some comments and some suggestions and we may have some additions as well. Were going to have an internal command staff and a meeting with one of our Police Commissioners who is going to join us to discuss the m. O. U. Internally and that meeting will take place a week from today. And then ill circle back on behalf of the department with the School District and work on the language with our goal to finalize it in july at the latest and in early august in anticipation of having our new m. O. U. In place and ready to go for the new school year. In terms of the m. O. U. And our goals and some of our concerns, of course, we are going to reflect the work that came out of legislation and the administrative code 96c dealing with no interrogations of youth 17 or younger unless certain conditions are met and we will add language and make sure that its not only in the new m. O. U. But that all of our officers are complying with the new policies and procedures related to 96c. Were going to work with the School District to clarify the community outreach, that this section includes regular meetings to allow students and parents and Community Advisors to provide feedback. I am proud to say, as i stand up here, i am a product of the San Francisco unified School District. When i was a student, i specifically remember our s. R. O. , i remember their names, i remember the interactions with them, and it was many, many years ago. They had a positive impact on me , and i know that today, our s. R. O. S are doing the very same thing that our students that are in our schools wait now. So beyond just the enforcement as a mentioned earlier, what can we do to provide that experience for one, it is for four decades, we have been taking kids on backpacking trips. We take them fishing, we do a lot of things with our youth and our schools, and we continue to do that through the police activitys league and our wilderness program. We will continue to do that. Im not sure if folks know this, but 25 years ago, officers were teaching drug education in the schools as well. I was one of those instructors. So we definitely can make a positive impact. The last bullet i covered those last two, but the final bullet, is how do we do you mentioned with regard to maintaining a students writes about privacy when we are escorting them off campus, and im glad that this issue has been brought up because we are taking what happened at balboa very seriously. We know that we walked out the door and the media was president present. We know what the fallout was from that. We know we definitely can do better. We evaluated the situation and we already know what we would have done differently. Hopefully we do not have to do that again. I want to assure everyone that is in this chamber today that we are working closely with our s. R. O. In terms of training to instruct them on how to navigate that. And basically employs some commonsense principles to ensure that when we get a student from point a to point b, that we do our very best to protect their identities. I wanted everyone to know that we are taking this very seriously. All right. I want to briefly talk about the School Resource officer program. This is a National Program and there was a National Association of School Resource officers, and i want to let everyone know that they recommend three things. One, is to foster positive relationships with youth, help troubled students in avoid involvement with the juvenile justice system, and move them into resources. To the extent that the department and the officers can do this to steer away from the criminal justice system, we want to be about that. That is one. Secondly, act as a guest lecturer, provide safety guidance to the students and increase the feelings of safety among students and staff. That is what we want to be about and then also, commissions to have officers, but s. R. O. S should be carefully selected selected and receive specialized training. I know we have talked about strategies for youth and police and the teenaged brain, the Youth Commission, and the department of accountability have really taken the lead in this, and we have come right to the table, what we are all on board to do this work. The other thing i would like to mention, and i will really brief is that there is a twoyear study that came out of canadas Carleton University that founded the s. R. O. Program that have numerous benefits. It prevents or minimizes Property Damage to schools, it prevents student injuries and human death due to violence and drug overdoses, s. R. O. Programs reduce the need for schools to call 911, they lead to reduction of the likelihood that a student will not get a criminal record, the increase the likelihood that the students will get the help that they need from social services, and then also, lastly, the increase in feelings of safety among students and staff. S. R. O. Programs are good programs. We have 12 officers now with a goal to increase that number. At this time, i will have the acting captain williams come up and for the next three slides, talk about the resource officer program and also about some of our policies with regard to the m. O. U. Commissioners supervisors and commissioners. I just want to say, first of all , the School Resource officer s program is established to build trust and also to provide education and training to young people. We are also there to provide classroom safety presentations, Truancy Prevention and intervention, and when requested to do so, and to refer the students that attend the sfusd to Community Resources that their families and, of course, the school sites may not be aware of. We will also participate in the s. A. P. Meetings. We are also there to improve relationships and create a safer environment so the young people feel like they are in a welcoming and nurturing area so that they can continue on and graduate successfully. We are also there to ensure that we have positive communications with young people, and we provide them with the proper mentorship. As far as our response to the school site, we generally try and respond whenever we are requested to do so and we are basically there to assist and follow the guidelines that are established by the educational code. We are not there to provide Disciplinary Services and we have told, and we agree with the San Francisco unified School District that officers should not be called there to be strict disciplinarians. Disciplinary issues will lead to will be the responsibility of the school and their administrators. And as far as arrests on campus is, we have two stress that quite a bit, but i do want to let you know again, that the situation with balboa has created a Training Opportunity for us and, through the s. R. O. Program, we now have weekly meetings with our School Resource officers and we also have monthly meetings. We focus on the best methods of communication. We are speaking about things that we have learned in previous trainings that we had to enhance our communication and we also had discussed the appropriate measures that we would take at all times to protect our young people. Im sorry. I had to get down quickly. And the last slide that i do want to talk about is the know your rights. We have made sure that we are in the process of updating that no your rights brochure that we made sure that any young person that would come in contact with this, we added the language which is 96 c. Weve also added language per d. P. A. About language access, and we are also in the process of developing and working with the recommendations, which is to make sure that the language that is in the miranda warning is in such a way that young people will be able to understand what we are speaking about. Because we realize that young peoples brains are not developed the same level as adults and we are basing this on best practices of other Police Departments. Questions are often asked about, what happens if the m. O. U. Is not complied with, or what happens if there is a misstep on the m. O. U. . The m. O. U. Will be signed by chief scott and is a directive from the chief to the department as to how officers are to operate at the schools. And so if there is any questions or concerns by parents, students , or whom will their from ever, the route to go is the department of Police Accountability. I know they are here today and they are here to talk about it. On our website, this slide talks about how to file a complaint with the department of Police Accountability if someone feels like we didnt provide the service that we are expected to provide. On the last slide, i would like to conclude by saying, we are glad to be here today. Were looking forward to Public Comment and anything that the community has to say about the m. O. U. I will be here until the very end. I will be taking notes so that i can take in everything that has been said, circle back with the department internally, and then go back to the School District next month and finalize the document. We are also in the process of updating our Department Bulletin because of 96 c. And the change in questioning of young people. We need to update our policy. Of course, you saw that we are working on our know your rights brochure. We have added language there, and then last, we will be working on department general orders 7. 01, which is our approximate leaf 14 page policy on how to deal with juvenile crime, juvenile victims, to reflect all the recent changes in the City Ordinances and the laws, and things of that nature. This concludes my presentation. Thank you commander lazar. Next person up, we will call patty lee from the public defenders office. Good morning, commissioners, supervisors, and trustees. I am managing attorney of the public defenders office, juvenile unit. I do not have any slides today. I have actually been off for the week with my grandchildren, but i came in because this is near and dear to our hearts as juvenile defenders working with youth who are charged with crimes. I want to stress that the importance of our Legal Education advocacy program, many folks are not aware of this program. This program has been in existence for over seven years. It was initially funded by a block two grant, and it is such a successful model that it is being replicated across these other offices across the nation. So what we do is we provide a holistic representation where we have paralegals and social workers working with youth, clients who are referred by our attorneys, and he also work with nonclient, and we also work with the Probation Department to support communitybased organizations. We enjoy an extremely strong relationship with the School District. Rebecca marquez currently is our education attorney, and frankly, her caseload has blossomed to over 150 cases. We need to expand that program. I mention this because this is one of the ways that we have partnered with the community, frankly with the police, and the School District to keep youth in school. And when we have problems with youth, often times we receive calls from the school sites asking us to come to the school site and intervene and work with the youth and work with the administrator. So we have actually prevented youth from being brought into custody. We have been able to work out solutions with the School Administrators, and we have also made linkages between these organizations to provide more prevention for that particular youth, and for the families. So i mention this because i think it is very important that we continue this partnership, and i know that one of the protocols is having a stakeholder meeting, and i would urge that we consider having justice partners as part of the stakeholders, and offer our services to participate in the stakeholder process. I think what is really important is to look at what happened with the balboa incident, and also to think about the language that we used when we talk about that incident. I know that supervisor safai, i appreciate you sponsoring this. You mentioned that there was a School Shooting at balboa, and actually what i said was, even if there were i misunderstood. I do think that when a gun goes off in a school, that causes great alarm and consternation for everybody, and especially for the police and the School Administrators. Actually, what happened in that case was a gun was discharged in a backpack, and then when we look at what transpired after that, i was actually involved in that process because i was contacted by Tracy Gallardo to provide some consultation to the mother who was on the phone, and i was talking to her. She was texting her husband, her husband was outside of the Principals Office while there son was speaking with police. This transpired four, at least a good halfhour, if not more. So Lessons Learned here, we are talking about the new administrative code, 96 c. , and we have been, our office has been handling attorney consultations since january of 2018. We have handled approximately 130 calls. When this administrative code was passed, and actually became effective in april of 2019, we handled a number of calls since then. It was about 17 calls, and in speaking to the Police Officers on the streets, and i see captain williams, the officers have informed our attorneys and myself as well, i have asked the officers that call us, are you aware of the new administrative code that this applies to all youth 17 and under . And the message that we have learned from the line of Police Officers on the street is that they werent aware of this. So i think it is very important to implement this policy, but also to issue a Police Bulletin to advise the line officers that 96 c. Applies to San Francisco Police Department. And since then, we have seen some youth who have come into the frontage of Juvenile Hall where they have been questioned and interrogated without a call to our hotline. I am happy to share those cases with commander lazar, captain williams, because that causes us great concern. That is one lesson learned. Recently, i learned that some officers went on to a school site in search of a client of ours regarding an incident that did not occur on School Grounds. I do not want the schools to be the defaults for police to find the youth. Although that youth was not at school that day, the police did contact the School Administrators, and we are talking about disproportionality here and this was an africanamerican youth. Information was conveyed by the police to the School Administrators, and we hold dear the presumption of innocence. And when a Police Officer goes on to a youth at school site looking for that youth, not for a School Related incident that occurred weeks ago, that really stigmatizes that youth with the administrators and it labels that youth as a criminal. The family was very upset about that. And another thing that i wanted to emphasize is that we recently dealt with a case as well where there was a Police Officer who was with a representative from the Conservation Court and our client was suspected of an incident, and there was a workaround miranda because the officer used the Conservation Court councillor to ask questions of that youth, which were incriminating a nature. I think it is a training issue and i know that in the letters that we have submitted to chief scott, we have offered to participate in that training process, and i really appreciate commander lazar mentioning that they youth have teenage brains. You have to have language that we use because so the youth understand what their miranda rights are. What i want to say is that also part of 96 c. , and i would ask that we had this in the m. O. U. , that the youth also have a private space during the attorney consultation. Our consultations can take anywhere from half hour we have to ascertain whether that child really will understand. Many of the youth that we work with have educational and Mental Health and Behavioral Health disabilities, and so it is difficult to really have and engage that youth in a conversation if that youth doesnt have a project space. And what we learned through our year and a half of miranda calls , generally, the officers do provide the youth with a private space if it is available i appreciate that. I would like that written into the m. O. U. I think it is easier to provide a private space for that attorney consultation, and i will say that it we are available, and we are close to a school. We will come to the school site. Great. One other thing i wanted to mention is that i have the approval of the new public defender. I asked him yesterday. I wanted to offer our miranda hotline. We have a dedicated hotline. I believe the d. B. A. Is including that in the m. O. U. Modification which lists our hotline, what i would like to offer our hotline to the School Administrators so that we could troubleshoot, provide advice. Many of the school sights already contact our office so that we will send our group of social workers or our attorneys to the school site and we can help deescalate the situation. We really have dealt with crisis situations where we have presented the necessity of having the Police Called and it has been a very, very productive and successful relationship. We will offer our hotline to the School Administrators, and this hotline is available 24 7. We have an attorney on duty every single day. Thank you. If you could just submit your recommendations to the working room along with the board of board of education, i think that is some good ideas. Thank you so much for coming here on your time off. My little granddaughter is probably waiting. Thank you so much. So the next person that we will call up is newton. I will have the trustee who will be taking my place. I want to thank you for calling this hearing. It is also very close to my heart. I wish i could stay for Public Comment but i have another commitment. Thank you for your time this morning. Thank you. Please keep your presentation to five minutes or less, that would be helpful. Of course,. Good morning. I am a staff attorney at the department of Police Accountability. Thank you for having us here today. I also want to thank commander lazar and captain williams for the hard work they have done on this so far. We know they are doing their best to find a balance between a Law Enforcement objectives. I want to first take a moment to remind everyone what d. P. A. Is. We have a lot of members of the public here. I want to take the opportunity to remind them of what we do. The d. B. A. Is the citys civilian Oversight Agency where you accept complaints about police misconduct. We have investigators and attorneys on staff and civilians who will investigate any claim of Police Officer misconduct and come to conclusion and submit it or the Police Commission for discipline or in some cases, for policy changes. I have complaint forms here today along with other information also, if anyone wants to remain anonymous, you can make an anonymous complaint nor do you have to witness the incident. If you hear about peace officer misconduct, if you learn about it through a friend rethink an officer has done something wrong , make a complaint and we will investigate. Moving to the m. O. U. , the d. B. A. , we have a number of recommendations. I want to highlight three here. The first one is that a position of Police Accountability, the m. O. U. Those need to be put into the memorandum of understanding. Need to be put in there that officers are required to have the hotline that mr. Lee was discussing. Nec put in the m. O. U. That the officers need to arrange for language issues. And finally, the other one i was looking at was it needs to include the Police Department. They cant just rely on the School District to do it. They have to ensure this has occurred. We need all that in the m. O. U. To make sure it is clear to officers what their requirements are and theres no confusion about, does the m. O. U. Take precedence here, or just general order take precedence here. I think we all agree that all the orders need to remain intact but. The second issue is we would like to see additional training regarding the psychology of youth and adolescence included on the School Resource officers. It has been kind of discussed about the training that the Youth Commission has suggested that the strategies for Youth Training would support that. We would also like to make sure that there is training about issues affecting children, being ostracized, issues at home, poverty, fear of deportation, all these things that would affect children in a way with Police Officers interacting with them. The third tuned i want to mention here is which was touched on earlier, it under those changes, it started out and it was broader and now it has been there and the d. B. A. Recommends the definition that recommends officers entering School Grounds without notifying School Officials where there is an immediate threat to the safety of the public or officer. If anyone has any questions, im happy to answer those questions. I will stay after if anyone has any questions for me here. Thank you. If you could just submit your recommendations, that is fine. I also have copies of the recommendations of anyone wants them. The next presenter is josephine. The vice chair of transformative justice. You have five minutes. Good morning, 20. My name is josephine. With me is, sorry, were getting the presentation ready, we have our Community Partnership specialist here at the Youth Commission. So today we want to share with you about the history of the San Francisco Youth Commission with the m. O. U. , our priorities, also some of our recommendations. Weve also share this with you in a packet. Cant fit this all into a five minute presentation. It also give acknowledgement at the end. In terms of history, we have been a key stakeholder in the m. O. U. Since 2014. We have also participated in the sfusd sponsored input session and also hosted our own. In march, we hosted a roundtable where we brought together as if p. D. Officers, s. R. O. S, Community Members, students and elders to really discuss all of their needs and grievances. And we submitted for the recommendations which you have in front of you. We also met with monica, to talk about how to get more youth input into this hearing a couple of weeks ago. Thank you all again. Our main priority and our main stake in presenting this hearing is to make sure that there is accurate accountability and transparency from the School District as well as the Police Department to the community, when a case is being reviewed and updates to the legislation. This hearing is held in late june. We often want to have positive consequences. It is not like as if p. D. Gets a flak for everything that is happening, but also with the administrators that are taking the calls and bringing them in as well. What we want to have is we want to have a mandatory push for the sfpd to hire entrylevel s. R. O. S with a trauma informed lens that centers on youth as well as their healing and voices throughout the entire process a pill. We highlighted strongly believe in bringing Community Voices into the language of the m. O. U. So justice and equity lens is honored throughout this. It is about clarity and the legislation. It is about having clear examples and clear procedures. So because we dont have enough time, we were broke down all of our three main themes. This really comes from balboa for us where one of the students was arrested in front of their classmates with guns pointed at them. That is definitely not a private that is not some thing we want. The m. O. U. Does not provide any guidelines. We want the next m. O. U. To specify where the location is, who might see it, and we hope that all sites can have a designated site for youth to be arrested if that does have to occur. Number 2 is to make this document accessible to community and include community oversight. Personally, i have been an sfusd student for over 11 years. Every single year, ive signed the form the student handbook that acknowledges that i know and understand every sickle policy. I would have to go on the sfusd website, find it, especially if a student doesnt fully understand english, it is incredibly hard and inaccessible while this doesnt actually relate to the legal language of the m. O. U. , i really want to see this m. O. U. Within the student handbook so students actually have it accessible to them. Also, in section 25, only the sfusd Student Advisory Council has the power to really submit grievances about police and any conduct within schools, however, we want to expand this power to all students. My students dont know who their stuff representative is, and if they are in middle or elementary school, they dont have a representative. Our final one is to prioritize grading a safer School Climate for students through Police Conduct and procedures. Our main issue is urging s. R. O. S to not include weapons in their everyday uniforms. These can be incredibly traumatizing to students and i know if i was taking a test and i saw an officer Walking Around with a gun or a baton, i would not be able to fully focus on my studies. Instead we would really urge s. R. O. S to use Restorative Justice practices like our sfusd teachers. Again, this was a brief synopsis of a recommendations. The final list of our recommendations is included in the packets and have already been submitted to you as well. I want to thank you first and foremost, as well as you for coming out today. Thank you so much to supervisor walton as well as safai for calling this hearing. While this is a document between the sfusd administration and sfpd, we hope this document puts youth first and ensures that they all have a Safe School Environment that they can learn and grow in. We also hope that sfpd and sfusd can provide us with a very transparent timeline into when the community can get this update and still provide further insight. Thank you. Thank you both for your wonderfully precise and direct presentation. He did a wonderful job. That is a point we will end with in talking about in terms of when the m. O. U. Will be finalized, and what more Community Input there would be and what opportunity there will be to present it back in a public setting. I think we will be asking for this item to be continued to the call of the chair so we can actually have a final presentation on the m. O. U. To the entire body. The last presenter we will call up is kevin. From coleman advocates. Did i say that wrong . I work at coleman advocates for children and youth. Thank you for inviting me to present today. I wanted to start by greeting the trustees, commissioners, and supervisors. Thank you for not letting this issue fadeaway. The issues we see in our schools are mirrored in our city. Black and brown bodies are punished disproportionately by our systems. I think that is something we want to acknowledge as we enter into this conversation. I wanted to start for a personal story. I attended sfusd and city college. When i was in middle school, there was a fight on the bus that needed a Police Response. The police came, me and a couple of my friends were walking away from the scene of the incident where the bus had stopped at and kicked everyone off. The Police Officer drove up onto the curb, jumped out, made us lay down on the ground, i feel like the Police Officer pulled out his gun on us and that is something that still sticks with me today. Clearly the officer wasnt trying to traumatize me or harming me, he was trying to respond to an incident of an assault or violence, but that left a lasting memory. It burned into my mind, something that is still with me today. When we think about the situation at balboa, theres a lot of different responses that we wish we would have seen, and hopefully in the future we can see. I think we know this is an emergency type situation, but we want to see a slower response we want to see the School Community be prepared for what will happen so that school staff can play a role in making sure that students rights arent violated, and we can have many supportive and responsible adults around as possible. Not to forget that we also have similar instances at june jordan , and when i was someone who had recently graduated, we had a incident at Thurgood Marshall where the police came to the school and some students were assaulted, and students were arrested. We have had these incidences, and it is not because the police are trying to go somewhere to start trouble or cause problems, if theyre going to deal with an emergency. We do not have the right tools in place to deal with what is actually happening at the school site. At coleman, we really want to see the city as well as the rest of the different represented bodies here, the College Board, the School District, identify additional responses for emergency crisis is that dont meet the level of a Police Response so that we can have more control and prioritize the overall wellbeing of everyone in the space and be the ones that are deciding when he said happen in that moment. Some the recommendations we have specifically to what happened is an annual walkthrough of an Emergency Response plan with the school and Student Leadership so they can know what is supposed to happen in those moments. The ability for parents, for students to text or call their parents before being questioned for there to be a walkthrough of the protocols for arrests for minors under the age of 14, which is something we would hope you never have to see happen. We would have to see the expansion of the rights for legal advisement, prereading of the miranda rights to all students within the Public School system and not just students who are below 17, just so everyone knows they have that extra protection. Additionally, we would like to see the sfpd take part in a restorative process with the school after these incidents happen to repair the harm and to repair the community. Is Community Members who participated in that process. We are advising versus playing a direct role. We would love to see the city and county of San Francisco and enter into a partnership or m. O. U. With the School District and maybe even the College Board to really address how do we get the services that the city has into schools, and for the students who really need them to make sure that people are getting the things that they need to be supported and be successful. I think we can all agree that whenever a student or young person has to be arrested, we all fail and the system has falling fallen short of meeting the needs for them. I also want to highlight the materials we gave out with you, showing the connection between school push out and gentrification and how it is not just a San Francisco issue, but it is something that is going on both nationally and throughout the region. And finally i would say this. We cannot rely on the m. O. U. With the Police Department and the School District to solve all of these issues. We have to figure out something that is larger and more overarching. It will bring in Public Health services, physical Health Services and everything that our families and students need to be successful and not just wait for an emergency to bring in these resources. Thank you so much for the five minutes. Thank you, cabin. That is the end of our presenters today. Thank you for the public for all of your patients. Thank you for this. If people want to line up, we can begin to take Public Comment each presenter will have two minutes. You can approach the mic. Hello. My name is griffin schmidt. I attend the school of arts. I think the changes made in this m. O. U. Are very much for the better, and with the right modifications, will make our school safer for our youth. A couple points i feel need clarification is how the school s handle how the schools handle the aftereffects of the incident like what happened at balboa. To elaborate, many students and parents were led to false accusations against a student in question. So how will schools further ensure the proper information is spread among their communities . Additionally, i think that teachers should be aware of the criteria required to call the police before suggesting the call to school admin. Lastly, before i started my internship, providing revising this m. O. U. , i had never even heard of an s. R. O. They have never been to my school, i have never met one. I think they should have a much more active role in schools. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning, my name is jennifer. I go to John Oconnell high school. Pulled the mic a little closer to your mouth. There you go. There we go. I have some recommendations for the m. O. U. I feel like this should be they should be no arrests made if it is avoidable. The communities insecure with Police Presence at schools. The m. O. U. Should require stricter Office Guidelines for officer conduct. Reducing Police Discretion in situations in reducing the chances of misunderstanding and disagreement regarding the procedure. I dont feel comfortable with police around because, you know, i have been having bad days at school and they feel like they are going to push me against the wall or something. I dont know. When we need the police, they are not present, for example, we had a big fight at oconnell where the mom was involved in the fight and there were no Police Officers. If we are going to have police at our schools, they should be working with our security so they know when they should be there and when not. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning, everybody. I have a couple of questions to ask about the s. R. O. How often are s. R. O. His required to visit theyre assigned schools, and what hours do s. R. O. S work . I will also like to ask because we do not have any s. R. O. S at galileo, and if they were there, after school and at big events like Football Games and basketball games. Some students dont feel safe without someone with authority being at the school, so i feel that if there are more s. R. O. S at the school, we can do a lot more events without a fight breaking out for someone getting jacked or something. S. R. O. S should be there so students and teachers can feel safer. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello, supervisors, commissioners, and trustees. My name is charlie, im also on the San Francisco Youth Commission and im here to read a couple of Public Comments from individuals who couldnt be present today. James who is an sfusd student said the thought of a Police Presence on my schools campus puts me on pins and needles, not that i see school as a safe place, but the presence of police restricts the extent towards which i feel calm, relaxed, and prepared to engage in academic and social activities. It will always be a part of me that will be nervous and overly cautious in the presence of police. I remember when i was in third grade, i was coming out of class and there were three Police Officers standing outside my classroom and all of the black and brown kids ran away from them. Years later, i still remember this moment and it is a perfect example of why police should be limited in school areas. It takes away the feelings of safety that all children at school should get specially for black and brown students. And makes school a less safe place. Our own commissioner said that students deserve to feel safe in their schools. The sfusd, as fpd m. O. U. Should reflect the student first values that all schools should have and the students voice and School Safety be the transformative Justice Committee of the San Francisco Youth Commission urges you to make sure that the m. O. U. Is valuing the voices of the students in the sfusd and is contributing to an environment where all students feel safe to learn. We also encourage the School District to invest in youth Cognitive Development trainings for all s. R. O. S and officers to interact with students frequently. This m. O. U. Is just the first step in ensuring that San Francisco schools are safe zones for all students who attend them thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Having police on campus and arresting adolescents, these are kids. They are not adults. But having police around and police being called by someone, whether it is a teacher or s. R. O. S, someone who is working there that is part of the Police Department is outrageous. You are treating little kids like criminals. This is the first step which starts to process start the process of a kid being tied up in the juvenile Detention Center , which we just shut down. The Detention Center is supposed to be for little kids, and anybody that has experience can look at that place and tell that is a prison. That place looks like pelican bay, which is a maximum prison for convicted convicts who commit crimes and convicted for crimes such as murder, rape, strong arm robbery, et cetera. Violations of the california penal code. When there is a kid that is misbehaving, you should call the parent, and have the parent come address the issue immediately. If you have to, suspend the kid for a day or two so he can get counciling from his parents. We all know what it is like to have the Police Called. A lot of times you are calling the police to help and you thank you are doing the right thing, and next thing you know, the police is shooting their guns at the person that you are trying to help. That just happened in walnut creek where a person had a mental disability and his grandmother thought she was doing the right thing, and the police ended up shooting the guy several times and murdering him. Then you catch it on tape and you look and see that the person was running away from the cops. The cops stood up there and lied and said they felt threatened and that he was running towards them. That is not a situation where the police should be involved. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. My name is denise. I am from Huckleberry Youth Program and also a member of the jj p. A. Thank you for holding this hearing today. I would really like to remind everybody that being arrested for a young person is a crisis. And that crisis is elevated extremely when they are arrested in schools. I hear that there is a review process that happens as a result of the arrest. I would like to ask that that review process include Community Members. It feels like it is currently an inhouse review process. I would i was part of a safe schools Resolution Committee years ago where we reviewed every arrest that happened in school to make sure that the school administration, as well as as fpd were following the guidelines of the m. O. U. I think that that should be added. I also want to include in this statement, but i am not sure whether requests where the request came from probation officers to be placed in our middle schools to do groups and cbt training. At least this is the information that i got. I just want to remind the school board that there are many providers in the community that offered those services and would be more than happy to come into the schools and provide it for our young people. I would also like the s. Fpd, as they are reviewing theyre know your rights bulletin and the department general orders of which i was a part of creating four years. That they also include the community in that process. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning, supervisors, commissioners, representatives from the School Department and the Police Department. I speak today for the School District in the Police Department to listen to the concerns of everyone here when you update the m. O. U. , which is presently lacking significant sections. For example, when it comes to policy around bus stops during afterschool hours, which are important places where this can occur. The current language of the m. O. U. Should be revisited to outline policy and procedures as specifically as possible. Whether it is using the word shall instead of showed, or simply putting out a more comprehensive policy. This m. O. U. Should aim to cover the totality of Police Interactions between places in and around education because i think it is seriously lacking. The m. O. U. Should be constantly reviewed and updated, especially given significant unease about Police Conduct amongst members of our community. I appreciate the update presented today. By no means should the document to start the departments ability to keep our schools safe there was, for example, a murder suicide when i was at ucla, and of course, we wanted nothing but the police to have all the power to secure the situation and keep us safe. With that in mind, i ask the School District and Police Department to provide a significantly more comprehensive m. O. U. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning. I am a school

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