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Address the commission for up to three minutes on any matter within the commissions jurisdiction and does not appear on the agenda. Speakers shall address the remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or Department Personnel. Commissioners are not to enter into debate or discussion with a speaker. The lack of a response by the commissioners or Department Personnel does not necessarily constitute agreement with or support of statements made during Public Comment. Thank you very much madam secretary. Is there any Public Comment . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Item three, approval of the minutes. Discussion of possible action to approve the Meeting Minutes from july 10, 2019. On the item of approval of the minutes, is there any general comment . Seeing none. General comment is closed. Moved to approve. Second. Motion to approve by commissioner cleaveland and a second by commissioner. Four. All lives matter one favor San Francisco all favor. Item number four. Chief of departments review. Report from chief of department, jeanine nicholson. Report on current issues, activities and events within the Department Since the Fire Commission meeting on july 10, 2019, including budget, academic use, special events, communications and outreach of other Government Agencies on the public. Report from administration, deputy chief, jose velo. Report on the administered of divisions, fleet of, finance, support services and training with the department. Welcome. Thank you. Good evening. Chief jeanine nicholson, this is my report. Since the last commission meeting, i met with ive been meeting with a lot of different folks at the San Francisco General Hospital because it we so intertwined with the hospitals, in terms of specifically in terms of our homelessness call volume. I met with doctor susan ehrlich, regarding homelessness and other commonalities, trying to continue the conversation with all of them. I think i told you last time that i will be meeting with doctor grant colfax from dph and doctor coldwell who is the head of emergency at San Francisco general. To see what we can do together, to help address, not just the homelessness issue but the call volume that comes out of that crisis. We had labormanagement meeting on the 16th. We are doing well. Collaborating on some things and agreeing to disagree. So, we disagreed on a few things we are still. That is good. [laughter] we actually completed our station visits, and will begin again in september. I visited the last two stations, 32 and 37 last week. Again, in september we will setting up a schedule for the assistant deputy chiefs that work in the city to visit different stations. We do not want this to be a one and done. We need to king continue communicating with the field. Chief jose velo is getting ready to put out a video to the field talking about his role and what hes doing in the department. Chief hirsch will be coming out with a video shortly, as well, clarifying some operational directions. You know, this is a good way to reach out to them. We have met with several of the employee groups. We met with united fire service women. We met with the chief association which has started up after a dormant time. They are excited and energized to do some things with us. We met with the veterans association, black Firefighters Association and the asian Firefighters Association. We have not met with ems officers. Interviews for our support Services Assistant deputy chief are this week. Chief rivera will be leaving us in august, we have begun those interviews yesterday, today and we will continue through the week. We should have a decision hopefully very late, on friday. Once you complete that there is another position that needs to be filled in support services, the water officer. We will do interviews for that as well. I am currently working on i will followup up with you all on my Department Head performance plan. It goes to the mayor, they cant really do an appraisal of being over the last year because ive only been chief for a couple of months. I will let you all know what my priorities are moving forward, and what i think we could get done this year. We will get that to you shortly. I believe it is due by the end of the month. The budget; hopefully it will be signed in early august yet with the new positions we have gotten , we have already started the footwork for hiring those new positions. Once the money drops, we can be off and running with those positions. Strategic plan. I have been meeting with chief worship and chief jose velo, talking about the plan that came out a couple of years ago, seeing what has been accomplished, what our priorities are. Weve had a couple of good meetings. We are going to follow up with that, and really boil down to our most urgent needs, and then timelines and for of the other ones. So, that is moving forward. Our limitation really is, for many of those things, is financial, right . Its funding. We are doing our best to be creative. We are forming committees and workgroups to get things done. We are looking to do more inhouse training so that, you know we could train some of our members in a particular class or a particular skill set. Things like that we are doing our best to be creative. You know, i have stressed and asked for patients from the field as we are working on these new initiatives, it does take time for these to happen. Station 13, the new build that will go on their with the highrise that will go on with the highrise and the park next to it. We have had multiple meetings with public works on the developers, the architects, really pushing for our operational and logistic logistical needs at that station we were much closer than we were im feeling really good that we were going to come to an agreement, on thing again the next couple of weeks. To be able to replicate the amount of space, and you know, the things that we have right now in our current station 13. We are having an internal meeting tomorrow to follow up with the latest proposal from the developer. Chase center. The mayor came out today, when you buy a warriors ticket, you can get onto muni free. We did a video today to show mta and our partners what our response looks like in that area, but what our challenges are. The drill has ended. Im waiting to follow up on that. That is where chief wirsch and chief cochran are tonight. They are all really involved in making sure that we have access not just to taste, but a rounded as well. Dph was also taking part of it by sort of driving some vehicles , in the area, as if they were trying to get to, you know, to get a kick to the hospital, or something. Im looking forward to what they have to say about the traffic issues in that area when we respond with a full assignment. The academy; h 2 will be in september. After myself, and chief velo and wirsch met with over 100 candidate and we chose about 30 people for the class, and ten alternates. I know there is 54 in the class, some of those by the previous administration. When you offer a job to people, you have to make sure you have some alternate in there as well. So they can go through the medical and background and theyre not be any delay. And then we get 12 from station 49. So, they are currently going through background and medicals. I know we are also working on the h3 level one class, and the interviews for selecting those positions. Chief tom and her folks over at station 49 have been working on that. That concludes my report. Thank you. Thank you very much chief, nicholson. At this. Because im going to ask for Public Comment off the chief report first, then we will have comments from the commissioners and then we will go on to the deputy chief. Is there any Public Comment off chief nicholsons report . Seeing him. Public comment is closed. At this. , commissioner, commissioner cleaveland . Commissioner cleaveland than k you for your report. One quick question on the guardians of the city, any update there that you can report the commission sent a letter to them a couple of weeks ago and we gave them until august 2 to respond. We are waiting on that response for the counting of the funding in two different account. We are waiting on that. Commissioner cleaveland good enough. That is all my questions, thank you. Commissioner alioto veronesec hief, thank you for the update on the visits to the station. I think that is really important. I think it is really cool youre doing it. Just from my conversation, various conversations, from members they really appreciated too. It certainly out there that they appreciate that. Tran28 is being made clear to me in person, actually. Commissioner alioto veroneset hats really nice. I know its a different style of management than the previous administration. I know it has been appreciated. In regards to your concert conversations with the department of health do you feel like those are going well . Yes. With director colfax, doctor koufax, yes ive had a couple of conversations and again, i will be meeting with him, i cant remember when it is scheduled for, and doctor cole. I can see if we can brainstorm about sort of what our roles should be in terms of dealing with the high call volume, and dealing with us and up stamping staffing the hospitals by waiting for a bed. The hospitals are overwhelmed, a lot of these people do not need to be transported. What is dph role, what is our role in what is the hospitals role. I want to troubleshoot with them i brainstorm come and see, do we do some kind of pop up tent . Do we do out in the field . Do we do a, you know, para medicine van, with some from the Fire Department and a social worker . These are conversations that ive had with each of them individually. Comm. Alioto veronese we are in the educating phase which i think is important so they can get a better sense of what we are seeing out there . Yeah. We are bringing the statistics, the percentage of our calls and, you know, doctor cole sees it in his emergency room. Yeah. Comm. Alioto veronese i mean, im sure he sees it in his emergency room, but i think these conversations youre having is important, because it tells me youre getting those numbers out in the field because some of those people are not seeing the emergency room because they are being treated our people. Those of the conversations we going to have. Where the funding can come from for these programs that will benefit all of us. I think thats really important. In regards to other hospitals, are there other hospitals that arent under dph, right . I noticed driving up post or bush, on the side of st. Francis, now our ambulances are being parked across the street from the hospital, as opposed to in front of the emergency room entrances. I am hoping that is not to make room for ambulances that are at in the entrance and further up staffing at the hospital. Keep your eye on that. I will look into that. Comm. Alioto veronese there being parked not on the hospital side, but across the street now. Leaving that white zone in front of the emergency room open, which i thought was interesting. I mean, it could be that that is there staging. When they get released, when they are in service. It just depends. We will look into it and see what it is. Comm. Alioto veronese thank you. In regards, one kind of new thing i wanted to bring up to you to see if the department is doing, i know a lot of the technology that we use today in what we wear, helmets, hats, turnouts, you know, the pants and the boot. A lot of that technology is older technology. Im wondering if the department is looking at what other departments in the world are doing as far as updating that type of technology, maybe turnouts for wildland fires that do not have the chemicals and that type of stuff. I noticed when i met with the fire ambassador from france, who is around, his helmet is very different, shaped a different than ours. I am wondering if our department is looking at that, what is out there. I know tradition is hard to break your in San Francisco, the leather helmets and things that are historically a part of our history. I wondered if our department is looking at that . Yes, we are looking at speaking with manufacturers about different turnout gear, and having some of those chemicals removed from the turnout gear. Yes, we are. Our support services has been doing that. Comm. Alioto veronese thank you, chief. Thank you very much, commissioner. Commissioner hardeman . Commissioner hardeman thank you. Good report. Brief, i know youre busier than your report indicates. Good job. It was very disturbing, these reports since the last meeting, 10,000 people considered homeless on the street streets. A lot of people have been out there, 25 years now. They are not homeless, they are just panhandlers. In my neighborhood i have a few that go back over 20 years. They get their loot and go back to where they are living. And then oakland, they are staggering statistics that just came out. Maybe they are staying in oakland and of coming over here. It is mindboggling, these reports are. Seems no matter how much money we throw at it, it doesnt change. Its wonderful, in your review, local 798, they try to get this out there leadership in San Francisco so they could see the stats. Cant help, when you look at this one graph of the population , in San Francisco since ive been on the commission has gone up 10 , probably over 900,000 now, this is 897. The commission, in august of 2010, and the calls for service are up more than 45 . That is a staggering number. It is obvious, with all of these service calls, 45 , it is a staggering nine year increase in call volume. I can see why our members have their hands full the staffing and all. Anyway, good report. Thank you. Thank you very much. Commissioner cleaveland . Commissioner cleaveland than k you, mr. President. Just one followup question, chief, that is regarding, you mentioned Community Paramedic fans. Can you elaborate more on that, it sounds like a way to serve triage, treatment, not in a hospital was somewhere near the hospital . Is it legal to create Community Paramedic fans . So, there are all sorts of conversations going on at the state level in terms of Community Para medicine. We currently have a Pilot Project which is ems 6. We are hoping to make that Community Para medicine be able to do more, i know they are voting on some stuff at the state level. Right now, currently, it is not. We cannot do it unless we do a pilot program. Ems 6 is a small slice of Community Para medicine. It could also be going into someones home who calls 911 a lot, and seeing what resources they need to not be calling 911 all the time, keep them in housing. Ems 6 only deals with people who are frequent callers. Community para medicine is much broader than that. There are other cities that are doing all sorts of different programs. Some do where they go into peoples homes, who do not have family around. They are calling 911 a lot and figuring out what resources they need. Some do a physicians assistant, and a social worker in a van and go out into the field, and the physicians assistant can do stitches. They are funded partially by the hospital. There are all sorts of Different Things going on in the u. S. We need to have more of those conversations here, and figure out a way. Comm. Cleaveland thats not happening here in california . Do we have to change state law . They are voting on it. Do you know what they are voting on or when they are voting on it okay. I know, because our assignment runs msx going up to testify in sacramento, for this bill and another bill, as well. In terms of the para medicine as well. Comm. Hardeman is giving us more flexibility that we need to address the problems on the street then to divert, if you will, people that call 911 but dont necessarily need to go to the hospital and can be treated on scene perhaps. When you say Community Paramedic fans are not talking about a different type of man youre just talking about the amulets rarely have in our fleet . Tran28 could be, but it is not going to be a transport unit, a unit where we can, you know, bring people in, park at turk and taylor, or whatever, people can come in and bss by us and be assessed by us. I am just thinking out loud. The possibilities and where i see a lot of departments moving. Comm. Cleaveland is there a model youre looking at . There are several different models throughout the country, you know, and its really, you know, why you need to have conversations with the director of public health. Comm. Cleaveland all of us on the commission are very encouraged and enthusiastic about this kind of approach to treating our, you know, onslaught of the services we provide on the street now because of so many People Living on the street. This would be a big help to our department, and to everyone involved. Again, it will take some time to get it up and running. Comm. Cleaveland i am very encouraged by this. We need to do something different. I know our Quick Response vehicles have certainly helped in terms of changing our response model. We need more. We need some other options. Comm. Cleaveland fewer times at the hospital means fewer weights for our personnel and they can be back on the job. Vice president covington tha nk you. I also wanted to mention that i thoroughly appreciated the book from the union the retrospective of the last calendar year. I thought it was very good. Thank you for your report, chief i wanted to mention something that you did not mention, and that is the earthquake safety and emergency response. What we call the. [inaudible] there was, as you know, ceremony on thursday july 11. Our mayor has set to put this bond on the ballot for 2020. 153 million will be for emergency firefighting water system. And there may additional monies for fire stations, 275 million to fund retrofitting, and resiliency projects by neighborhood fire stations and support facilities. That is very good news for us. The fellow citizens of the city and county of San Francisco have repeatedly supported these bonds, and the monies that have gone to First Responders come im fairly confident they will support this bond and continue the good work in the city. I wanted to make sure to mention that. Did you want to add something about that . No. V. P. Covington thank you, that is all i had. Thank you very much Vice President , covington. I know chief nicholson you will give us a briefing in terms of the drill. We will be anxious to hear that report. Thank you very much. At this time report from deputy chief, jose velo. Welcome, chief. Good afternoon. Here to give my report for the month of june since last meeting, as well. I want to highlight some of the things that are contained in the report and if you have any questions im here to answer for you, too. A couple of things that i am working on, stations 13 will be going to meetings, when members apply for the committee, we selected the chairs. Based on the qualifications of the members they selected the members of the committee. We came up with a list of the members. By friday, we are publishing the list of the meetings and the workers we selected. After that we will have meeting with the chairs to determine the scope of the work. We also want to start working on the manuals they need to be advised. We are expecting to do work, expecting to produce good products and we are excited to have all of our members participate in this process. Im also working for the chief to produce the new chief of Health Safety and wellness and what that is going to entail and what responsibility the chief is going to be. Im working on the Behavioral Health unit, or if the stress unit, the peer support teams working together. We are working on having the Doctors Office work in conjunction with that. We are bringing back the health check for the members we are going to come with a good product and good policy how were going to do it. In the past, members not showing up where the information is going. With a good process that gives us good data to know where the trends are. But also allows the members to talk to their i think we are going to agree with that. [inaudible] it is going to have a lot of programs going on under this umbrella. Working with the facilities and support services to make sure they address the issues of contamination. [inaudible] the academy graduated and they are on their first assignment, and with their first training officer. Continuing their one year testing. They will be done by mid august. Im looking forward to the 126. Theres a lot of work. Also, we just completed last week, i think i mentioned to you last meeting, the tech class which was part of this committee. We have 24 members that attended. They are all very excited about this class. The picture you see there is quite impressive. We had 120 members apply for this class, so the interest is there. Start having those instructors, to be able to teach. Were going to bring more, like the chief said, more members to be able to ditch that inhouse which will save us money and become more proficient. We are excited about that, and with that process. We just finished the live fire module that went from a couple months. This is a new process of training our members. In the past there was a propane prop that would gas fuel fires. Now we have regular wood pellets that we can put there and create a more reallife experience for them to go through this. We have some containers that we purchased and they learned about fire behavior, dog behavior ventilation tactics. All of the academies are going through right now. They really appreciated the difference that they have, its more like a relay fire than before. We continue in the future as well, too. July 1, we started with a new module of active Shooter Training. Every day we have two engines, a truck, a fire chief and a captain going to ti for the training. The patrol officers come in to learn what we do and how we do it. Its been a long time for them to Work Together so its great. We had a recent drill a couple of weekends ago. It was very useful, there was a day before it open, we were able to use it, its great exercising, we learned a lot from that exercise, too. There was recently some trainers from Huntington Beach that came and gave a class on living, shelter, disaster mode. Without their houses being able and how can they create shelters from tarps or whatever. How do they have a way to cook without having their kitchens available. It was really helpful. They were interested. We are hoping to promote to the folks here in the city. We might not have portable water for a long time. To be able to learn techniques to make that water safe is critical. A couple of things we are working on recently planning. We are going through a bouncing tour project. Which means, currently the way the shifts are working, we have some unbalance. We have some days we are over 12 firefighters, and some days we are under 11. We are going to Work Together to get a ballot so there will be less mandatory overtime in many occasions and only a couple of firefighters on a daily basis. Also working on station 49 with chief tom they are working on that. We had multiple assignment changes for those folks who have been working hard on that as well. Chief rivera is on vacation, going with me to all of these meetings, making sure again, he was very focused to make sure that what we have right now we can still have it and move forward with that. At this. Because, once on the ballot we can start going to meetings unless they come to us. Thats good. Another project we have been working on, is the effects of mobile warming, especially water rising into an infrastructure that we have along the pier and the bow. That will have an effect in the future so we are working on mitigating out on how to change that. Thats interesting. We are finishing up with appeared 26 fire board, removing 35 from the boats. The structure is gone from station 35 so we had to adopt 26 for that. Theyre almost completed with that. It is predicted to be at the end of next month, then they start demolition of the current for the boat, so thats moving along well, too. Just to say that we talk about for the last couple of meetings, we are also working on the specs for the new host. Writing down the specs that we want. They went through the staff, as i mentioned, the last meeting they went to the factory in louisiana where they were looking at. [inaudible] so thats good. The midpoint expection for the new trucks will be coming inspection for the new trucks will be coming in mid auction. With the new budget, we are getting more apparatus i believe six engines and five trucks. A couple of the highlights of Community Events, we a few of them that really stuck out this month. One of them was operation genesis. It combination combination of youth from the city and a group called double pop switches a marine sons and daughters of marines coming into hell. They came together to d. O. T. And learn some drills and worked some drills together. It was a great experience. Our retro Association Work with them, too and they really enjoyed it. The members that participated, and also our members really enjoyed that, it was a great collaboration. They went through different phases of Public Safety careers. We also have Public Safety with our friend lucille who was there with all of the distinguishes and all of that. , many of you were there at the pride parade. Great Community Event for our department. That concludes my brief report for the month of june. Any questions . Thank you very much, chief. We will take Public Comment on the Chiefs Administration report. Any member of the public . Seeing none. A Public Comment is closed. At this. , commissioners . Comm. Cleaveland thank you for your report. A couple of questions, you talk about the new chief of health, safety and wellness. Is that a new position within the department. It is not something that will be promoted from within the department or where you go out of the department do a global search, or how it is going to work. A position that was created for the new budget this year. We were asking the mayor, and the chief, and the board of supervisors, we were able to get a battalion chief. It will be promoted within the department. Comm. Cleaveland its not replacing any current position . No. Comm. Cleaveland that was my question. On the Shooter Training exercise , i was in contact with the general manager for 333 bush and he was delighted to have been the subject building, if you will back in june of active shooter. On the lot of the department for the professionalism on the job and carried out, the police on the fire working together. He was very impressed, all of the people that work in the building were impressed with the professionalism of the department. I just wanted to relay that back. He said he is willing to have his building be a demo building any time for future exercise area. We like that. Comm. Cleaveland on the host tenders, you mentioned. Dot the specs you are currently putting new specs together. How long will it take before we have our specifications . We are a couple of weeks for being from us to the shelves,. Only a couple of weeks away from doing that. I trust you read the grand jury report suggesting we have what we asked for. We need 20 tenders, and that was to adequately protect the west side of the city. I think that will lend a lot of credence to our request, moving forward. Thank you. Commissioner hardeman . Comm. Hardeman again, good report. Im going to refer to the firefighters and 98 review book, which i think is extremely well done. Very grateful i got to analyze this and read over it. Right now we are in in midst of the car fire and mendocino fires from last year, tragically for firefighters lost their lives. Then we get back to us, which is earthquakes and it gets us thinking about this, you brought up water being critical and that was one of the things they showed watching the news was the bottles of water coming in, that is one thing we have now that we did not have in 1906. Its amazing how they got by in 19 oh six. Ellipsis 1906. I didnt hear it repeated, heard it once on one channel half of the very damage facilities, homes basically that people lived in. They couldnt get out the earthquake kit. It was not reachable after the damage. One of the newscasters was saying that somebody suggested probably the safest place to put your supplies, for an earthquake right at the front door. Assume to be the place that is easily accessible. That is something we have never heard talk about. My wife keeps me up on that pretty good. I am taking class. Anyway. I thought that was interesting. Half of the people cannot reach their supplies. That was a staggering statistic. That is something that will probably have to come out in the future. We have much larger buildings in San Francisco. Any rate, wonderful report. Thank you. Thank you very much. Commissioner alioto veronese . Comm. Alioto veronese thank you, chief for your report. Very insightful. On the issue of meeting with the department of Health Giving them what the state of the citys health is from the eyes of the Fire Department. This leaflet that we have in our packet here today. I asked for, and thank you for giving that to us. It appears as though in the First Six Months of 2019 we administered 786 doses of narcan in the following so the year prior it looks like the year prior was 1410, it appears as though we are consistently at 700 or so every six months. I think these types of statistics, and maybe even a dozen more that come off the top of your head that you see every day would be very helpful along with the homeless population, the rising calls and the rising population, the 40 rising in calls on population that commissioner hardeman was talking about earlier. All of these paint a good picture as well as the rising and the amount of time on call and the up staffing at the hospitals. All of that is very helpful to paint a picture of what you are seeing on the street. It may not be a bad idea to maybe send the department of health a report every 36 months about what you are seeing on the street so at least they can get an understanding of what is going on here at the Fire Department. Chief jose velo, you mentioned this new assistant chief position and commissioner. Five asked if that was coming from within the department. How does this new position relate to the existing doctors within the department . Is this a chief that will be managing those positions . If so, this is a question, would it be better for that person to be a doctor themselves or is that a qualification that is required and necessary . When i said they would be overseeing a big collaboration with the doctor for everything that relates to firefighter and health and wellness. The commission obviously. They dont have to be a doctor in my opinion. They have to understand the culture of the Fire Department. The main goal for them is to come with initiatives, policies and procedures that will reduce two things. Right now rising to the top, Firefighter Health issues. Cancer prevention and mental health. Collaborating with peer support teams, collaborating with the doctor for the Health Check Programs which we are addressing. What i meant is that if you start with the Health Check Program again addressing those health issues, for example. If the accounts from the Health Checks says there clusters of issues that we work with the doctor. This chief will work with the doctor addressing those, identifying those trends and issues going on. Being able to make policies and work with them and address that. Comm. Cleaveland that gives me a better idea of what this role will be doing. Doctor yeh would be working with this individual, correct . Okay. That is really helpful. I saw on page 21, you added to your packet the departments position, and the count of various injuries sustained by members of the department. Do you know in what time. These numbers are . This is for the month of june. The information i get, my report is always the third and fourth wednesday of june its always for the previous month. This is data from june 2019. Comm. Cleaveland i think comm. Alioto veronese i think what would be helpful is if his new chief, i dont know if its readily available, if this is going to be something that will be part of our packet, but to actually get a month of june count, and then, you know, same time last year, some cumulative stuff so we can see whether or not they are trends. In a vacuum these are interesting, but there may be some outliers in their testator to us, we have a problem over here. I can tell you for one thing when i look down on page 21 and i see the number 3, under next to the word stress, i can guarantee you that that number is infuriating low. This is what the members report as their claim when theyre doing a report of injury through the system. I believe you that its more than that. Comm. Alioto veronese im not making a judgment on you, or any member of the department. I am just telling you that number is so inaccurate that it tells me that either members are not reporting it, so what can we do to make sure were doing that, or, this particular department is not paying attention. I dont know which one it is yet im just saying, when i see that number it throws a really big red flag up, because it tells me one of those two things. Whether its one or the other, we need to fix that, i think this new chief that youre talking about will go a long way and i appreciate you, and the chief for making this a priority. Putting new eyes on this, Department Eyes on this i think we will start pointing out that type of nonsense and fixing it. Really important. Commissioner, the chief of health and wellness to follow their lead. That would be on my report, too. We will definitely start getting trends and comparing year to year. Like i said, the health check will also show us trends and what is going on with the members so we can start addressing those issues on a more global basis. It makes a lot of difference. You are on the money for that. Comm. Alioto veronese im wondering if the members of the department feel as though the department of the physician is the appropriate place to be reporting that, or if that information is gathered from the stress unit, which is probably where that information should be gathered from not this particular department, because people are either going to go directly there or theyre going to go outside of the department. I can tell you for one i received one call in the last week from cal fire about a member of this department that needs help. It is interesting. Ellipsis to cal fire when it should have been internalized. That is what we are therefore. Im really excited about this new position. As you know, whatever members they are treating is confidential. Theyre not sharing that with us. This is the reporting of injury, clearly there is more, but that is confidential. On that issue, i appreciate you bringing that up. I have been going to the stress unit meetings up until the last two. I know this commission had asked the prior chief for a description report as to what a stateoftheart stress unit would look like. This is not to reflect reflection of you chief, you had just gotten this job and getting your feet wet. Im it is not a reflection of you, or the new leadership. Eventually we should get that. The reason i stopped going to those meetings was because i felt like i was running those meetings, and i dont want to. I did not want to insert myself into it. I want the department to be able to do it. That unit is overwhelmed, as you know. This new position, i think, will go well. I know you guys get this issue, so im really excited about that particular unit. I look forward to get things to come. I also do expect, at some. , what you guys get, you know, you get up and running, which i know you already are. Once you get your hands around the stuff, the commission should get a report at some. Of what that stateoftheart support unit looks like. At the last meeting i did go to which was a couple of months ago, i did mention that unit should be tracking how many calls they are getting and how many unique individuals that they are calling on to help. I think that information doesnt reach a any confidentiality and is extremely useful. I can tell you that number is not 3. Great, thank you so much. I think i may have one of the thing in my note notes. That is it. Thank you, chief. Thank you very much, commissioner. Vice president covington. V. P. Covington thank you for your report. I also had some questions regarding the new chief of health, safety and wellness. You said that you have already begun conducting interviews . No. We have to wait until the budget drops on the funding drops. V. P. Covington you mean the end of the fiscal year . Correct. We expect that funding to come mid to late august. I am really looking at all of the things that that person is going to be working on. Ic. You dont yet have a description of what that position entails . Not yet. I have a draft, and i can finetune it. V. P. Covington when you have it finalized, if you could please share it with the commission, that would be helpful. That would answer a lot of the questions that i was going to ask you. The host tenders, we need 20, how many are we getting . Five for the budget. V. P. Covington is that within this years budget, and another five jik the next fiscal year . For sure we will be asking for more. The five are a one time, there is no guarantee of getting moore when the next budget. One of them we got from the state honey. We were able to reach out and get some state honey for it. No, we will be asking again next year and we will have the civil grand jury report. V. P. Covington is this the department the first time the department has used state funding . We have not gotten a new host tender in 2527 years. Im not sure. The host tenders that we have are really old. We cant do all of the things these new host tenders will be able to do. V. P. Covington okay. These five, will they all be in the same place . Or, is there going to be some kind of yeah, we are looking at where to place them. The west side we are definitely looking at, because it lacks a water supply system. We will be looking at that sort of strategically where we want to put them. V. P. Covington the host host tender, did the wraps also include the hose themselves . Yeah, it is 1 million for each hose tinder. 6,000 feet of hose. It can pump as well. Our current hose tinders dont have that capability. Fourwheeldrive, and also comes with a portable pump that we can drop into a pool, or a bay, or whatever. So, chief rivera really worked hard on determining, you know, what would be best to outfit these things with. All outfitted, they are 1 million apiece. V. P. Covington thank you. I think it would be helpful to have a photograph of the hose tinders for our next eating, if you could . Thank you for that. Lets see. We need 20 . That would be another 15 million. Okay. I think this is going to be a topic of an ongoing discussion. I wanted to know, how long has it been since there was the the chief of health, safety and wellness, that you are proposins other entity that you said had gone dormant for a while. The health check we stopped doing it three years ago. Again, there was issues with information transferred from the unit and the agreements on how that information was there. We are bringing her back again with the benefits of members, knowing what their issues are. V. P. Covington those issues where privacy issues . Yes. The information when they received it they would go to our doctor, or did . In our opinion what we need is raw data. What types of issues, stress or whatever it is we are experiencing so we can address without having to be in by invading the privacy and all of that stuff. They need to address it with her private doctor as well, too. We will have a meeting on how we do not come up with a good agreement on how we are going to function this. V. P. Covington very good. Thank you for responding to that. I am also glad to see that doctor to roz is regarded in your report. Have a question about activity. I see the largest count in any category is miscellaneous consultation. Can you tell us what comprises miscellaneous . Il

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