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Mr. Chair, i have not received an indication that a member of the public wishes to comment. Any comments, the hours from the august 20th meeting . Board members, if theres a motion to approve . Moved to approve. All those in favour say aye and item 5 . Communications, none, and Unfinished Business by Board Members . Other than addressing the lack of air conditioning in our meeting chambers which has been addressed, Board Members, any items of new or Unfinished Business . I jill say, i was at the opening of the chase center but to and from was challenging. It took me over an hour to get there and i had to hop into a taxi to get here because waited 20 minutes and there was no kt. So this cant happen and members of public to note, people like me are trying it out and ive been in contact with Julie Kirshbaum but its critical because we will have a lot of people going there start on friday and tonight, too, so it would be great if it worked well. Thanks. Any other new or Unfinished Business . Item 7, directors report. Mr. Mcquire. Ill start with a special recognition and ill go to the podium for that. We dont have your walkup music today but hum it to yourself as you get up there and get revved up to give a great award. Now batting, tom mcquire. [ laughter ] there i was like to ask the director of communications to join me. So directors, i have the honour to honour but the sad news to share that after six years as an integral part of our agency and key member of our executive leadership team, candace sue is moving on. Shes been responsible for communication, Community Outreach bubble relations, social media, Digital Creative services and during her time with us, shes redefined what a Communications Director could main for a Transit Agency like ours and leaves behind a great legacy of all of the endeavors hes undertaken. Im wearing my blue mta pin and prides herself on inclusive on values important to the way the mta does business and i can tell you she responses to emails and texts 24 7 and shes a terrific partner. While shes a technical expert in almost every aspect of communications, theyre full of experts like transit and engineering, shes brings a perspective to the team, and thats something we need to hear working tirelessly on your strategic priorities. Her idea of how our actions will be received and well miss that. I hope youll join me in thanking her and wishing her well at the university of california. applause . Well say a few nice things but maybe first well let you have the floor since youre the communications expert. [ laughter ] thank you. Im director of the communications and marketing and its almost hard to approach the podium and speak today but i have been deeply honoured to have had the opportunity these last six and a half years as role in communications and i remember the day that i stood before this board to be introduced all those years ago and i think i said that i was so deeply. Impressed by the people of the ssmta and i stand before you to say the same thing. Six and a half years in, the time of working with every aspect of this agency and you all as a board has been an incredible experience and such a pleasure to work with the people of this agency. I think that my family, when they came here as immigrants in 1895, and they landed and tried to establish themselves here never would have dreamed that their great granddaughter would have stood in front of this board, in this role at city hall to do the things ive had the great honour to do. And im proud of that and really proud that the lee family, which is my matriarchal name had the opportunity to represent in that name. And i want to say a couple of thank yous, because i cant of course, stand here without deepening thanks to ed risken too hoo took a chance on me andi came to him with no one spec of transportation experience and i never lived here. He saw that was an opportunity to bring a fresh perspective to the agency and we both took a huge risk to relocate, for me to relocate here and able to correct in the way i believe i have. I want to say a huge thank you to this board to your support for my ideas and of my team, for all of these years and just, you know, the council counsel, connn and friendships. Ive watched you make so many hard decisions in this room. As a San Franciscoian, im thank you. Those who are here today as well as those who came before, i cant not mention bonji, who extended such an olive branch of friendship on my first day. Im deeply, deeply thankful to my communications colleagues, many of whom are here today. They make it look so easy, even when its really not and they make everyday a pleasure to come to work and finally, i just want to say and express my deep gratitude to my family. My family, my husband rob who is behind me and my daughter, violet, who you can see popped out of school today. They were willing to pick up everything to move from new york city to here for me to take on this opportunity and for me to move back home and that has been so meaningful for them to allow me to make sfmta my second home in San Francisco. Yes, im moving on to another Public Service opportunity and i think i would not have even thought that i could make a contribution in Public Service had i not had the opportunity to come here. Im looking forward to doing some new things and other things at the state level, but San Francisco and sfmta will always have a place in my heart and youll always be able to count on me to come back and testify at your podium for two minutes of my Public Comment time. Now. [ laughter ] thank you so much. Directors, director brinkman, may i call on you in. Ill miss you so much. Its been a great time working with you and your future employer and your future coworkers are so lucky to have you. Youll be great. I said hello to your daughter and his without realizing who they were and im so glad you could be here and thank you so much for sharing her all of these areas. These years. Violet, dont forget your home s an amazing woman and youre lucky to have it. I was so sad you were leaving. I was hoping it wasnt true and you would change your mind. Youve been a great asset to this agency and helped us think about communications in a way, i think, the agency had not and you helped us grow and helped to figure out how we do that well. One of my favourite changes the change from an l bus to a r bus, rapid. For those of us who remember the limited for a long time, thinking differently about transit and making it so were prioritytizing the right language, which is rapid not limited, which is negative connotation but makes a difference in market and people know this when they get millions of dollars. Youve brought that professionalism, that guidance, that voice and then overall skill to this agency that we were so lucky to benefit from. You are obviously a great Public Servant and im happy to you see you in Public Service. Im sad to let you go because we have benefited from all of your great work. So youll have tough shoes to fill. And the best to you and your family as you move on to your next endeavor. You and i have gone through a fair amount together, obviously, difficult issues we took on as a team, but for me, the image is not what we did here as city hall or at 1 south annex. Our daughters were in the same ballet class and we ended up riding the 43 bus together. When violet and gretta were small. I remember one time after my daughter, gretta had met violet and we saw her on the bus and chatted with her and her daughter and showed what books they were both reading. She said so, what exactly does candace do for muni and shes not driving the bus and dressed well like shes not riding the bus. Shes in charge for communications inbound and outbound and after a two or three minute conversation after what that meant and gretta looked at me and said, boy, that sounds hard. And she was right. You make it look easy. Not just easy, but through some of the most difficult times, you always handled yourself with poise and grace and professionalism and for someone who is the voice and the message of the agency, that calm and that class is really important and ive always appreciated that about you. I thank your family for sharing you with us and i wish you the best the university of california and i will note the last person we sent to the university of california sat in that chair and she came back. So just remember that little history point right there. [ laughter ] and best of luck. You have our deep gratitude on behalf of the board, the agency and the city of San Francisco. Thank you, candace. Thank you. Dr. Torez. Where are you going to in university of california. Im going to the university of California Office of the president. Well, give janet my best and i just swore in the new speaker and if you need help, let me know. I want to thank you for treating me with respect and i never thought you were going to leave, so im sad by your departure but i wish you all of the best and youll be working for an incredible woman who i knew as the university. Shes tough, a visionary and you fit right in. Thank you. Director e arakin. Congratulations on your new move. Im happy that you think of this as your second family and i hope youll stay connected to impart over your hardfought six years to whoever ends up being your sec cessor successor. You have helped people to take pride. My husband wearing his searc tr. You make people feel part of one team and thats vital work thats not always recognised. So thank you for recognising that work and i wish you the best of luck in your next steps. Thank you. Good luck, candace. Thank you. applause . So work on our central subway project reached an important milestone as of last week. If you have traveled around chinatown or union square over the last few year, you know stockton street is in various states of closure for over three years and were happy to announce that stockton street was open, completely to pedestrian, vehicular and transit. The first time its been this year in over three years. Restoring stockton street is a huge priority for the community and something we aim to get done this fall. Our new subway director and his team focus on getting it done ahead of schedule as in recognition how important for the communities who use stockton street. Were important to continue the dialogue by getting the central subway done. I was fortunate enough this morning to travel with candace to the new chase centre where director bordon was directing we cut the ribbon. I got a piece of the ribbon for my trouble. Its great to go there and see how integral transportation is to the mayor, devoted her remarks to thanking the warrio e warriors, as well as the partnership where once again, it was announced to the crowd and well keep announcing it through advertisements and messages that your chase centre ticket is your muni ticket. So excited about that partnership and watching the chase centre for the whole city today. We do want customers to know that starting on september 13th, the cable car will be shut down ten days and this shutdown will take place to enable us to finish the last gable car box. Bus shuttles will be serving all lines and the gear boxes that have been in Continuous Service since they were rebuilt need to be overhauled and we rehabbed the other ones. So this is the final one, but this gear box is used by every cable car line and the only way that the each of the cars can get back to the cable car barn. Weve done outreach to district supervisors, residents, merchants and tourism groups. This is an important investment that will enable the kabul car r to run for decade. We have the rehabilitation of the l tire ball and this is between mta, public utility commissions. And its a project that i know intent quitwe spent quite a bite talking about. Because of construction staging turned out to be an important issue to the Sunset Community and supervisor marr, we pulled the community, actually, about where they were prefer to see the equipment laid down and gave options, gave an option whereby we would stage the equipment and take up as many as 96 Parking Spaces and gave another option to take 16 parks space buzz have to remove a lane on the highway. While there were strong voices on both sides, the Community Voted to take less parking and taking away the travel lane. Network is underway and you can see crews replacing the sewer line between 45th and 46 proceeding and its a longterm project. We will be announcing bus substitutions passwordcallsubstd well make sure to let customers know those changes are coming. Two exciting upcoming events, september 7th and 8th will host the muni heritage weekend. This is a collaboration at the Market Street railway and an opportunity for customers to ride some of the oldest vintage vehicles. I know people travel from all over the state and all over the world to ride some of the vehicles from 11 00 a. M. To 5 0y at the San Francisco Railway Museum at 77 stewart street. The highlight this year is an opportunity to ride cable car number 19 which was built in 1883 and has not run on our streets for 77 years. We have rehab ed this cabl rehad run a car that hasnt run in most of our lifetimes. Community heritage weekend is the kickoff of transit week, september 13th, a weeklong celebration by the sanfrancisco transit riders and a groups annual event to reach out to riders and operators and thank them for the choices they make to ride muni and the work they do to help us build a more sustainable, livable city and were pleased to be a partner and that concludes my report. Very good. Thank you, aremcguire. Any questions . Director torez . Do we have any idea when the central subway will open from your perspective yet. So we plan to bring an item to this board for action later this month and well be fai wonr to give you a completion date. Im tired of receiving all these letters and referring them to you with no response to the agency to the subcontractors who have not been paid. A lot of Small Companies will go under because were not paying them. I thought we were getting close to a resolution on paying some of them. Just want to reiterate again, that these subcontractors, im talking about the folks that are doing the subcontracting work, Small Companies and theyre getting hurt. Thank you. Thank you. I do have one question. About the cable cars. I saw ed is head of travel and i dont know why the information about the kabu cable cars didnt to him and he had all of these people calling because its a number one tourist attraction. So whatever we can do in advance, as much notice as possible, because this is one of our big tourism things to make sure i think Laurie Armstrong is the person on the press side and joe, the president s office, jessica richardson, just get those people just because they do call them specifically wondering whats going on with the kabu kabul cable cars. Thanks, well fix that right away. Mr. Boomer, Public Comment and how many cars do we have . For this topic, one speaker, this is an opportunity for members to address the board on items addressed only by mr. Mcguire. Two minutes, please. The speaker. Terry mamude. Good afternoon, directors. Stockston street traffic flow, crossing Market Street to fourth street, you have created such a pain. Every time i go five, seven, ten times from that route route, i d my teeth. Theres a threecar space to turn right and the second lane for the bus and taxi to go forward is blocked. For the people who are waiting to get into the right, they cannot. And the left side, one lane used to be a small narrow lane to make a left and so the spaces which are left in front of cole hardware, you have to remove them. So the right lane can become eight, ten cars, not two, three cars. Where there are ten cars every minute. You have made such a mess on that one block that literally five minutes is one block. Can you imagine that . You have a staff who go there and check it i . No. Because millions of dollars is spending. Do you see how much pain is there . I went through 500 time and i have a horrible, horrible pain from you just not fixing that shinning the wathe way you open. Any Public Comment . Seeing none, public item is closed. A scheduling issue through the directors report, if i could. I will not be able to be here most likely next week and i know that excuse me, next meeting. I know, miss kirshbaum, the plan was to present on the uni service and the issues i raised last time. So if i mai may invoke perfect privilege to move it to the first meeting in october and if they are agreeable on agreeablee any fellow Board Members throwing things at me. So if possible, to pull that off, i would appreciate it. Theyre nodding at each other. Thats great communication. Item number 8. Mismr. Chair, there is to report today. Item 9 . An opportunity for the members of the public to decreasaddressthe board on matte jurisdiction but not on today agenda. Mr. Chair, you have five, at least five speakers. Well go two minutes. The first speaker . Nancy arbuckle. inaudible perfor. Mr. Camude, the floor is yours for Public Comment. Good afternoon, directors. Taxi driver. So recently, i started driving a new meter, flyway taxi meter and that is a havoc on the taxi drives. Toudrivers. My metre started at 3. 50 and thathen it was 22cents. This is a meterimposed on us. I dont know if this will turn up on the screen but you will see from the point, ive trimmed it and can it show on your system . No, its not. And i wentu will send you a full video of six minutes. Im trying to download it on youtube. So let it start again. So this meter has ten other problems. You see, for example, 7 16, 8 02 and now reversing, 7. 85. Can you imagine this kind of meter . I trimmed it 20 seconds to show you this portion. Let me put it back again, 7. 85 first and to 8. 27. This is this meter and hundreds are crying and this is creating a havoc for us. Thank you, that was helpful. Hi, good afternoon. Im here today to address the number 9, the infamous number 9 bus, particularly the service on sundays which is haphazard. I travel on the 9 all of the time and 9r, my favourite bus, thank you. Put the problem on sundays, though, is often a bus will be out of service or call out of service unbeknown to customer. We have a lot of houseless people on the bus, cyclers on the bus and the bus driver had to say no to two different people with wheelchairs. So i would like to ask the ffmt board to approve Weekend Service on the 9. Imost of us work on weekends. Were not all 9 to 5, monday through friday workers. This is a tourist with a lot of hotel and retail workers and so thats my pledge to you or my urging is to please improve the 9. I would like to see the 9r on weekends, the larger bus or the 9 be a larger bus on the Weekend Service. Thank you. Thank you very much. Just noted also services sf general, clients and customers, as well. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Herbert winer by tom calberti. Mr. Winier, welcome back. What i want to discuss may be a muni secret and correct me if im wrong. Because with muni forward, you have deleted altered bus stops but as far as i can see, amount of coaches on the runs have not been increased, so, basically, what you have, people walking alonger distance to watch the same amount of buses that travel slowly anyway and so theres actually less service. Instead of being a zero sum solution, its a minus one and, basically, what it amounts to is planning and some deception, similarly disguised as transit first. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Tom gilberti by rowan gadeu. Tom, welcome back. Thank you. Ihardwoodgood to be back but loh away. Nice to have you back. Its nice were all here. Wheel locks, i dont understand why were not putting wheel locks on the new buses. All of the old buses had wheel locks. A certain amount of security in knowing that my chair wont fly away helps. Now, wer some of the buses have spaces for wheelchairs but not straps for them. I dont like the idea of asking our drivers to bend over, awkwardback positions to try and unlock a wheel, unstrap, unstrap. It Takes Minutes away from travel time. Were all trying to get buses going faster and Takes Minutes to be unstrapped. We need to put wheel locks back on them. Were getting rid of the old buses. Lets take them off of the old buses. All of the old buses had wheel locks. When i say i dont want to be strapped in, i get, youre riding at your own risk. I dont think i want to play that, if you know what i mean. I dont want to be saying, i am now riding at my own risk. Muni platforms, please, i ask the door on the powell station to be washed a year and a half ago. It still has not been washed. Muni has to take care of the platform, both the walkway, and frame. Signage, i hope youre working on Traffic Signals in the future, dedicated righthand turns and also vanesse, we want a twostop system, alternative buses that can pass each other. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Gilber electrician. Ti. Are rowan catea rbgs. I live on garry close to vanesse. I hope i will be less old than the cable car that was mentioned. But that leads me to what indianapolis said this week. Some of you may have heard that a new brt line opened up in indianapolis today. It has 23 stops, more than ten miles long, which is more than n both brt projects combine. Its done. Its operational and running. We have concrete centre islands. New buses where the lug nuts dont stick out and bits of sixtsingle track and one lane we buses go both ways. Indianapolis is putting us to shame. Were work on brts before, but weve also been work on v ar are spawvanesse brt. Why cant we do this for the next project. Lets learn some lessons from the folks in indianapolis who is clearly figured out how to do something we havent figured out yet. Any further speaker speaker c comment . None who have turned in a speaker card. I will close Public Comment on item 9. Thank you, mr. Chair. If i may, are mcguire, i suspect maybe theres an answer as to why there arent wheel locks on the new buses but given the steam with which we hold mr. Gilbertu, i appreciate you coming down. Everything you say i listen to closely and appreciate the input you give us. And then on the taxi cab issue, which is near and dear to me, mr. Mamudes video was alarming, maybe the word for it. But thats not the way a meter should behave. Not for the customer, not for the hardworking driver. I dont know the answer but thats something they should know about and care about and look into it and at least deliver him and answer. If theres a bigger problem, deliver you and us an answer. We will follow up on both issues, thank you. Thank you. Mr. Chairman, directors, youre on to your consent calendar, members of the board and public. Mr. Chair, no member of the public, nor a member of the board has indicated that an item should be severed. Ok. And i dont see anybody making a move to sever. Motion to approve . Approve. All those in favour please say aye. All right. On to your regular agenda, item 11, presentation discussion regarding project on vision zero. Directors, so you have asked us a few times over the course of this year about the progress were making at vision zero and the fact that even this year, even five years, we still have lost 22 people on our streets and so weve brought the staff who have been leaving the Vision Zero Initiative since we adopted this goal in 2014, to talk about the way in which we have been focusing, some new ideas to further focus resources and well talk about the mayors announcement this week and weve got neithers from the department of Public Health and the Police Department here to answer any questions have about the presentation. With that, i will turn it over to our Vision Zero Programme manager at the mta. Good afternoon, board and chair. I am just sweating up here, ill start there. [ laughter ] it is hot in here. So you al on the hot seat, literally and figuratively. Im the pedestrian Programme Manager and the Vision Zero Task force cochair. I am joined my colleague megan weir and ill trade the presentation with her about halfway through. And im joined today by a dozen of my colleagues who support me in vision zero and im truly just a figure head today, report on the progress and work of so many of the staff of mta and not the least of which is the sustainsable Streets Division, delivering the majority of this work. Touwe watch our fatality numbers the same way you do and our media does and the attention is important to us because this work is important to us. So today, this is a brief overview of the presentation ill go into today. I know we have some time and so, we will be taking hopefully a good discussion afterward and taking questions then, but overall, well talk about where we are in terms of our goal and our recent trends. How we work across the city, so not just with the mta but across the city to deliver the goal of vision zero. The strategic actions that we agreed upon earlier this year in our Action Strategy and how were working on and making progress on many of the different actions already. Some of our metrics and beyond our strategic actions both as a city and also to ask you and those who are watching in sanfrancisco in general to support and help us to build momentum to get to vision zero. So we staff a task force and we take a minute to centre around the lives lost. Im take a minute to both read the names of those who have died in our streets in 2019. But before i do that, i wanted to take a moment on this slide to share the story of one of these names. Saylaenriguez. Just after 1 al oshe was on a ly home from babysitting when the driver crashed into her car, killing both and 26yearold lyft driver aleem before fleeing. The 49yearold good morning was left dead from the house she bought. Shes remember as hardworking, humble, loved and special. I want to acknowledge a name not on this list. My colleague pressi morale, ha was filled by a trolley five years ago. See worked for years in the room just below me and i worked with her on a project to improve the citys property tax processes. She, too, was a grandmother and was a pleasure to work with. So these two lives are too many to have lost and we have lost many more. Ill read the names of those lost and join me after i finish reading to remember these people, their families and lives they lead. Your slides are not showing for us or for the public. I have a hard copy. I do, too. Give me a second. Lucy morales, nancy ing, chou gogn, jose gosko, teth rostein, mark swonk. Darrin travis, alexander rayes, alexander norton, michael evans, Benjamin Dean and wu ying. moment of silence . We off adopted vision zero across the city and thats the route goal. It elevates the dignity and sanctity of human life and theres no reason to accept human life from traffic. This policy is partnered with our department of Public Health because every one of these fatalities is treated by the Public Health system. We work this with a suite of policy tools, we need to treat traffic fatalities with the same regard and ill use this to centre myself. This is our sooning the trends page. So this is our Current Trends and i think we need to back this up. How do we do that . So here we are, and so, in 2017, we had a citywide low of 20 fatality and last year we had 23 and currently we have 22 recorded traffic fatalities and, you know, our prayer is that that will be the last this year. And we watch these trend and were very careful and thoughtful about what they mean and how our work impacts these trends. And as the vision zero lead for sfmta im presented when you talk about my work with a personal experience that relates to the cause of these trends and i just want to say, it is a constellation of factors that contributes to the graph that were looking at. And so, you know, there are so many things that are impacting whether we see another fatality on the street, but i think well talk in this presentation about the ones we believe as a city are most impactful and what were doing to stem those particular trends. Our work is based on the best information that anyone has nationally and this is created through our highinjury network and its a predictity tool because it shares hundreds of data points about where we have seen injuries and fatalities in the fus past five years and incs Hospital Data in addition to the police records. We focus on the High Injury Network because it allows toss look at corridors which contribute to the interventions that are most imimpactful and we really worked at the intersection level as we would see a severe injury or fatality, traffic engineers would consider what do with that intersection. But because were seeing these in terms of line, we know that something that happened at an intersection that has a fatality might duplicate one intersection over because that looks similar to the one we experienced this loss at. We want to think about these things in a network format. This is not so abstract. All of you sit here, meeting after meeting and you see us come with this slide and with this information and we say, this project is on the highinjury network. So you have seen sustainable staff come through with projects on corridors saying this directly improves and works towards our goals of vision zero and here is why. So here it is in total and when we did the math, weve worked, weve brought something to this board on the 170 miles of highinjury network in the last three years and youll see more coming. In the next board session, youll see projects on mission excelsier and it is here on this line. Just to discuss the fatality trends theyre in our fiveyear data sets and the most information is that the trends were seeing are the ones weve seen in the past that our fatalities are on a High Injury Network, a community of concern, that theyre seniors who are impacted and that the types of causes related to these are the two that always come up at the top which is unsafe speed and drivers failure to yield. Just looking at the vulnerable population trends, the things you see here are people walking, disproportionately impact and that is true every year and people with disabilities is an area were exploring because the data is hard to feig find and ct record someone has a disability but our hospital can and were exploring how people are disproportionally impacted by traffic. Cyclists are impacted in terms of their current mode percentages. So youll talk about motorcyclists in a second but motorcycles represent 5 of our mode shift but maybe up to 10 bras10 of injuries and fataliti. Something every single started to grapple with and we got an mauemail where five cities talks about homelessness and this is just the citys number one issue of homelessness, that any one will till is their deepest concern and here it is insecting with our own traffic policy and we are not a policy unto an highland. Whighslain. Island. Onefifth is were those who had no known fixed address. We are talking about how these actions are addressing these issues and ill hope you keep those in the back of your mine. The newspaper one palestinian we held is that forward speeds save lives. Because of all of the factors that contribute to me, im more likely to survive and that is not true as i age and so, we all know that all of us, went we are older, when our parents are older, when they get hit by a car, things are dramatically different, so we use this. But when we think about 20 Miles Per Hour maybe too fast if you are older. And so we have to think about how were reducing speeds. Truly mile per hour matters and when the populations hardest impacted by speed. So as a city, weve committed to addressing vision zero and that is no small feat. It takes a lot for us to organize ourselves. We bring the projects on our items and hoping to solicit feedback on how to move forward together. We have a dozen agencies committed to vision zero working in big buckets of work, including safe streets which is improving our infrastructure and safe people which is the education enforcement piece and safe vehicle, ensuring every vehicle to regulate on San Francisco streets is safe for a user. And then we also support this work through or improvement and continual improvement of the data systems that both inform our inputs and discussion or outputs, as well as and this is critical a legislative agenda. Because San Francisco cannot do this by ourselves and we need to change at the state and we need improvement at the federal level to support getting to zero. In march of 2019, we issued an Action Strategy and that is on the web and i encourage anyone to look at it and these city agencies are tackling the work that were doing, which is a strategic action ill talk about in transformative policy, complimentary goals and well talk about those briefly but i hope we can have a broader conversation about those items, as well. So that Action Strategy was not just me at my desk writing away. It is informed by national research, including Transportation Research board in effective practices at reducing traffic fatalities. We work wid our peer cities over a dozen of which have adopted vision zero and called them to make sure what they were doing they were pursue background to make them effective. We work with city staff because there are people who are working on vision zero everyday and what they want to contribute in the next two to five years and we reached out to the entire community of San Francisco through coffee talk and workshops to ensure that the goals we have are aligned to the goals we have and were not working this a vacuum but making sure we and the community are working together. If we werent aligned, we would not maybe any progress. So these strategic actions reflect all of those things together, both national research, our peers and our community and our city staff and what we can reasonably expect we can did to make a dent towards zero. So now im going to talk a little bit about the safe streets portion. So the most important bucket that we sort of tackle, because infrastructure really leads wait in vision zero, is how do we engineer streets for safety using the proven high impact tools on the trees with the high northeasts . Needs . Were focusing the vast majority of energy on those streets because theyre the most in need. So ill talk about the four booklets in the next four slides. So number one, and this reflects really the depth of work that our sustainable Streets Division does, which is to install highimpact Sustainable Travel lanes. And so the reason these are important because for most of these, which is a red lane muni project or protected bikeway or widing sidewalk, they come with the benefit of being a road diet and so thats the best tool we have in our corridor toolbox to reduce speed. Whats nice about this is that they have the cobenefit of increasing our goal towards mode shift, of making muni more reliable, of bicycling a safe choice for anybody on the street. And this mileage is really ambitious and its going to take every single project we have in our toolbox to come to this board and be approved for us to meet this goal. And you already approved almost all of the these projects, which is why i listed them, but youll have a lot more coming your way. So know these projects are routed in this goal. We need to see all of these meet success. Really important, and i think its a cornerstone is that transit will drive that. This is a huge number of miles and they will vastly improve the safety on those streets. If you live at the corner of vanesse and garry, the city is sinking millions of dollars into making your muni choice excellent but your safety a priority. And this includes so many projects that youve seen at poke, second, sixth and taylor and the subset of quick bill projects that ill talk about in a second but our fifth, sixth and seventh would be good expects of quick bill projects that were doing to improve safety for all mows. Modes. I was going to highlight which is hard to read, but we are spending annually and i have do this at the back, because its hard to tease out how much im spending on all projects were doing, but 25 to 50 million. We called or colleagues in new york to see whether were comparable and the verdict is still out but i think were exceeding new yorks expenditure on these types of projects. That tells me were investing our money where needed most but as a city, were prioritizing these dollars and ill personally very grateful to the taxpayers of San Francisco that have prop a, the general obligation bond, sales tax, all of our regional funding sources, including one bay area grant, new starts. These are all of the things that are piling in and when i flip through the next slides and it may be hard to read because were working on paper, if we add up all of the strategic strc actions in total after this, they will not hit this number by bifolds. This is where were putting our money and its hard with one line item, but this is the vast majority of the work that vision zero is doing. please stand by . Of sustainable streets in the quick build projects and we committed to five quickbuild corridors and you told us to do it faster as did the mayor so we funding in the sfcta who is now funded more projects faster. Were now going to do 10 corridor. I estimate weve reduced the time lines of each of these projects by seven months through the delegation of the traffic engineer for the quickville projects to having a funding pool so which no longer have to go individually to the transportation authority. The large Infrastructure Project you approve we immediately go out and do an improvement on the street with what we can do with paint and post. It happened on Taylor Street and that will be coming on fifth street which hopefully this board will approve in two weeks. So, this is about 6 million annually and currently really supported through the sales tax from the ssta. Again, to reflect the request of this board, weve heard loud and clear, you want to see a quick bill projects on Market Street as well. As we legislate Market Street, we will be immediately following up with the turn restrictions on Market Street to improve safety on Market Street as fast as possible. This also reflects the huge desire that i heard and my colleagues have heard to think about carfree spaces in this city. So, this is the current action but i dont think this is

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