Second. Any changes . All in favor. Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carried. Item 4. Sure reason miwelcome. Good morning, commissioners, i am going to start with the federal update, and last week the dignity and aging act was passed by na unanimous act. The federal Older Americans ability expired september 30th which i have been talking about provides vital communitybased services to 11 million adults and care givers each year. What the house passed was to extend five years, two years longer than the prior authorization. They provided a 7 increase the first year and 6 each year, totaling 35 increase over five year. They included language to make clear that aaa could engage to expand services outside of the act. They provided additional funding to provide the native american aging programs for the provision of Supportive Services and Capacity Building training. They removed title three e cap on families and older relative caregivers, increasedded research and demonstration at the u. S. Administration on aging. They recognized the negative effects of loneliness and reinforced the aging network role in promoting engagement among older adults. That is good news. Now it moves to the senate. The senate has been less friendly to this act so i am sure, hopefully, we will see th increases, although we may not see these specific increases. I will let you know, hopefully, next month we will know more and maybe it will have passed by then. Good news it has bipartisan support. The questions are where will it land in terms of appropriation and Spending Authority . At the state level, the master plan for aging is chugging along. Of course, it is not chugging, it is on fast track to be completed by october 2020 and back on the governors desk for approval. There is no specific guidelines for budget proposals with this. It is reall really the frameworr moving forward in the next 10 years respect to aging. One of the things that is important it is a plan for aging in california for 10 years. It is really about people who are going to turn 60 in 10 years or turn 65 in 10 years a well as those there. San francisco has had participation because i have been asked to participate in a couple different ways. One is the Advisory Council which is the overall master plan Leadership Committee working with the state, and nobody in San Francisco, i think, made it to that. Although, there are some people on it who focus some of their work in San Francisco, but for the two stub committees research and Longterm Services, i was named to Research Subcommittee to help really shape sorry. I am looking at my notes here. It is about thinking about what data points to use. How would we measure success. What should we look at in terms of how to get at what we need to think about . For instance, should we think about all of the barriers to specific access to Nutrition Services, for instance, a road map for that . It is questions like that and also thinking do we use the aging disability friendly domains we use in San Francisco thinking about things like transportation, nutrition and domains that the public can understand . Should we frame things in that way . It is an important role. The Longterm Services subcommittee is thinking about the various pieces of longterm supporting services in the plan, and the state asked me to talk about our hub, benefits and resources hub as a model to think about creating at the state level. I think most of you know, because we have talked about this, we coordinate a lot of services in that hub, including eligibility for hss and medical and thinking about what Services People need, trying to take a personfocused approach to services. They might ask for one thing, what else do they need . The state wants to mirror that at the state level and think about having that at the county or aaa level. It is interesting to be part of that. Yesterday i was asked to come up to meet invited by the california food policy advocates to meet with state and local partners who administrator nutrition programs for older adults to start a discussion how coming together might help with collective impacts. What things do we need, what recommends do we need to recommend to the state with respect to nutrition programs, wait lists, the whole person approach, again, all of that. It is interesting to be part of that is i think the plan will start shipping up, hopefully, in the next few months and we will understand better what direction this will go. It has a lot of serious impact for our work in San Francisco as well as the work across the state. Then locally, i am sure Everybody Knows that proposition b passed overwhelmingly yesterday. What that means is the department will change from department of aging and Adult Services to department of disability and aging services. It will change the makeup of the commission to make sure there are people with disabilities and veterans on the commission. We are not exactly sure what this means. It doesnt change overnight. There may be something the board needs to do before it goes into effect, we are checking with the City Attorney to see the next steps. I will send out something in the next few days about where we are with this now and as soon as we know how we are moving forward, we will let everybody know and think about the Public Campaign around the name change. The Human Services agency is in rebrand and we are close to launching. This is great timing and will allow us to do an agencywide Campaign Including the name change here as well as rebranding for the agency. We werent sure if it would all work together. It seems to work well and it will be good timing so we wont do things, you know, in shifts. We will do it all at once that is very exciting. I also want to give you a quick presentation on our reframing aging campaign which i am excited about. We launched a couple weeks ago. We have some great media bytes and some of you have been involved in the social media piece and we will go through it so you can understand it in case you havent had a chance to hear those. I will ask rose to help me out with the powerpoint. As you can see, we have a bunch there is a problem. Are we good, bridgett . Thanks. Okay. We created this design basically by asking the community for older adults who really represent the diverse city of San Francisco and have Great Stories to share. We got great candidates and chose five older adults in San Francisco and have different stories. It was hard to choose because people really had Great Stories. We have a wealth here of older adults with experience and wisdom and all of those things. As you can see here, what we ended up doing with the help of our Creative Agency with the take, the older adults eyes and paired up with a younger face to give the impression this is your future self. The first part of the campaign is aimed at 30 to 50yearolds because they are the people who might be thinking about aging, also, caring for parents or grandparents and also caring for children. They are a caregiver generation that can be won over to helping fight ageism. We have these faces throughout the city. Is it four or five . That is four of the time right there. Four of the five. We hope you have seen them in the city on wall scapes or outside of city hall. Here are some more images where they are across the city. Cal train station. To get to what people have been excited about. Buttons and postcards and posters that we are sharing with all of our Community Providers and staff, but we also have buttons today on the table if you want to take them home and put up a poster at your residence or somewhere you go to hang out, it would be great. What we hope to do is get people to click on the url and ageism. Com and really learn about what ageism does and learn about the five people and stories and then take the pledge to end ageism in San Francisco. How to get involved . There are six things. You can add the logo to your email signature. You can announce any of the we can give you materials for your newsletters if you have a newsletter you are part of a club to do it or if you have a newsletter at your residence or anyone else. Social media if you are inclined to use social media you can use the hashtag end ageism sf. You can like our facebook page, which we would encourage you to do if you use facebook. We want to get as many likes as we can. You can share printed materials and posters. If you dont pick up any today, you can get them from kate at Community Living campaign. Wear buttons around the city. I wear mine as much as i can. I have people ask me. Part of the reason they are small and the reason is to get people to look closely ask it and ask you about it. I have had a lot of people asking me when i have been wearing my butt tons. Sign up for weekly emails to stay uptodate. You can sign up online and hit partner with us in the bottom left of the web page to get those. Just quickly moving to the results. We have had 1. 7 we have had 1700 people share the reframing pledge on social media, 41 page followers on facebook. We would like to get that up. Mailing list 175 people signed up for reframing. Another 70 on providers email. We distributed tons of buttons and posters. Those are doing well. In the paid social media it is starting to scale on facebook and linkedin. It is Building Momentum for sure. We have had a higher engagement with things we post. I post on my own page hsa and our partners. We have gotten a lot of engagement with that. If you are somebody who uses social media and you can use your own channels to do this, it helps this whole campaign or if you want to encourage others to do it. Hopefully ultapart in that. That is it. We have a number of partners who took part in this. That is the list right there. Particularly, i want to thank the meta fund and Community Living campaign, who has done a ton of work on this. Our team within Human Services agency, rose and joe were instrumental in moving this forward. It has been hours of work. We hope it will take off and people will pay attention. One of the things i have heard when i have been traveling statewide but also i have heard from the National Partners that people are superexcited what is happening in San Francisco. This is a piece of it. We are definitely getting our name out. Thank you. Any comments or questions from the commission . Just it is so terrific. I had heard about it, obviously, seeing the posters. People were looking at them so it is a very, very effective campaign, i think, and i saw people laughing and loving it, that kind of reaction. I wanted to let you know that publicly. It is a great hook so i hope we, you know, this is great. We are going to hook people in. If they learn about services and get integrated into all of the things that are out there for them, that is even better. It is just congratulations. It is a great start. It is empowers is a good word for it, i think. Thank you, commissioner. I think your point about a great start is true. Iit is the start. We have other phases and definitely a lot more work to do. It is exciting. On the Older Americans act, did i understand correctly when you said the senate has bipartisan support in the senate as well . It does have bipartisan support, yes. The issue is going to be what really goes into it . Is there an increase . Do they put the provisions in the house put in or not . Any other comments or questions. Thank you. Next item on the agenda is the longterm care coordinating council. Welcome, sandy. Thank you, commissioners for accommodating my schedule for today. I am sandy and i serve on the Long Term Care coordinating council. We had a meeting in october and this meeting was included an update on the dignity funding. As you may know, we have an additional 3 million added to the dignity fund, and within that there are Certain Service areas that are funded. In the area of Case Management, we have evaluation systems and care navigation r. F. P. Released. In the area of Community Connection and engagement, we have a neighborhood based open bid r. F. P. Released, and we have a programming for transgender seniors r. F. P. Released. This will be the first time in San Francisco that we have this particular population being targeted. As you heard, the master plan for california is on a start and i think the fact that shireen is visible is very important for San Francisco for her to be visible on the body. The governor is serious about that. As you know, this is the first time that i recall a governor in california has made aging a priority in his tenure. I know most of you were there, but we had this session where the master plan on aging in california was highlighted, and your own commissioner spears gave opening remarks, and we had a panel that included your director sure reason mi state sy man, jane Parker Martin and the president of the supervisors yee. We had over 1,000 people and also they were connected through the media. It was a very a lot of people came and were engaged. This whole area of attention to aging in the state of california will continue throughout the state. I think San Francisco can be a model for programming that perhaps the state will look at seriously for, obviously, more funding for San Francisco. At our meeting we had a presentation on Palliative Care. They are working on that subject matter, and in the areas of legislation, we have health, behavior health, housing, nutrition, social engagement, transportation, work force development. All of these particular areas the longterm care coordinating council will be dealing with subject matters or policy matters related to those subjects and bring it to the attention of San Francisco. That is the report. It is short but it is a lot of things going on in San Francisco from the areas of aging, and i think the fact this particular campaign that you are sponsoring on the reframing of aging is very important. It raises visibility in the public. It makes people think about it, talk about it, discuss it and have a positive impact on peoples image of aging. Thank you for your support for this. I think the department will be doing a great job and congratulations on prop b winning. I dont know who voted no. That is interesting, but the fact that your commission will now be called disability and aging Services Commission is great. It reflects the true population that you are serving. Thank you, andy. One observation regarding the Palliative Care both ucf and kaiser embraced it. Us f has a division of Palliative Care and kaiser supports making it available to those interested and helping explain the difference between Palliative Care and curative treatments. Neither one refers to hospice. There is a lot of confusion about that. There may be some resources to help get the word out. It is a growing field. Great, great. That is true, commissioner. U. C. S. F. And kaiser are both members of the Palliative Care and active in it. I have a question. I know laguna has a representative to longterm care. They lost the executive director. Do they still send someone to the meeting . Yes, they send a representative from laguna. You cant recall the name of the person. He came to the last meeting. They should be part of it. We have two representatives from the health department. Thank you. Any other comments or questions . Thank you very much, sandy. The next item on the agenda is employee recognition. The daas commission and executive director will honor lauren mccasland from the daass Offices Community partnerships. [applause] congratulations. This is exciting. Just because i havent done this in a while. If everyone from the office of Community Partnership could stand just so everyone can see who you are. I know not everybody is here today. [applause] is office of Community Partnership is an essential office within the department of aging and Adult Services. I did announce we have changed the name from office on the aging. We serve people with disabilities and older adults. We thought the office of Community Partnerships speaks to that and also speaks to the fact that the focus of this group is to work with the community, to engage with the community partners. It just sounds much better so i am glad we finally got to change it. The work that everyone in this office does is so essential. I think they do it with such grace, working with our Community Providers, you know, is great, and sometimes challenging. They are really innovative thinkers, always thinking how to work really well to provide the tools our Community Providers need, not just funding but other tools and support. They are thinking how to serve people in the best way possible . How do we engage community to have these discussions to put out the best requests for proposals we can think of and the Program Design is really solid. I want to take the time to talk about what the office does. What we also have in the office is nutritionists who work on our food programs and ensure that there is food safety, that we have Nutrition Education across the community, and that, you know, that everybody is getting the best Nutrition Services that they can. Lauren is one of those people who has really stepped up. You are a star for the month. I want to read what your coworkers said about you. It is great. Learn has kept the Nutrition Team and programming on tract during the time of transition. She eagerly took on more grants and was dill get in learning about the grants she acquired. In rent months she played a rolling to the plow shares. From one meal to the other without disruption in services. This increased client satisfaction. She is planning to launch a new meal site in the next few months. Her diligence is crucial to the process. She developed strong relationships with communities partners and provides that support that they appreciate. Her passion for health and wellness with excellent communication skills was critical to fine tune the grants with the partner unlock and ensure the clients receive Quality Services and provide the support needed to build and sustain the program. We are thrilled she is a member of Nutrition Team and office of Community Partnership. On behalf of the department of disability and aging services, congratulations. Thank you so much. Do you want to say anything . applause . No. applause . Thank you. Next item is Advisory Council that is in writing. There will be no presentation. Same is true with joint legislative committee no meeting. No meeting of tacc. We have had the ltcc. What is left is the case report. Good morning, commissioners. Greg moore, cochair of case. Our primary focus over the past month and currently is our advocacy work for next years budget. We have five adhoc committees furiously at work crafting the language and amount of funding for our formal requests in the areas of adrc aging Disability Resource Center around salary equity, outreach, which would include funds for individual agencies, outreach efforts, citywide efforts and funding forgetting there together 2. 0 or next years getting there together event. Efforts to reach isolated lgbq seniors. A very, very important and highly vulnerable population. The third area was around fourth area trainings for a genesee staff. We have a list compiled from our member agencies that will help them i in doing the important wk they do and Behavioral Health support as we have an evergrowing and everaging population we are serving. We are seeing ever increasing challenges in terms of Behavioral Health that our Service Center staff are not equipped to deal with. We will be outlining funding requests for clinical support staff at the Service Centers as well as trainings in how to best deal with those situations. Our goal is to get that formal request to director mi direct mn early december. The last Office Brought them together for annual talk, if you will, chat with case members. We got some very good informational updates and robust q a sessions. It was very informative and well received. Our case cochairs myself and so sue myself and sue are continuing our efforts to formalize the plan for case cochairs and Dignity Fund Coalition cochairs to take over leadership of the provider work group. We will meet this month in structuring that and give a more detailed report at our next meeting. At this months meeting we will have Chris Flannery back. He is an outreach specialist, returning to present on the very Important Health homes program. He presented earlier this year, and we felt it was so very important that we wanted to invite him back to give him additional time to present on that, and also to offer it as a Training Session that agency staff could get continuing education for. We look forward to that on the 21st. Note for those that might be interested in attending the november meeting not on the second monday but on the third monday, november 21st. A save the date notice to you the case annual Holiday Party will be next month on the second monday from 4 30 p. M. To 6 30 p. M. We will get a formal invitation to you later this month. That is my report. Any questions. Do you have any idea why there is increased Behavioral Health issues with adults or adults with disabilities . It is a combination of two factors. One, the population is increasing. We are serving more clients. Two, they are aging. Some of the symptoms you see are dementia and alzheimers which can result in very significant behaviors. Thank you. Any other comments or questions . Thank you very much. Item 5. Old business. There is none. Item 6. New business. We have a presentation on the age and disability San Francisco effort. Welcome, valerie. Good morning, commissioners, i am valerie program, a Program Analyst with the department of disability and aging services. I am here to share our age and disability friendly report. You should have received a copy in your board packet. Some of you are familiar with this, some may not. This report highlights the age and disability friendly work going on in San Francisco, including a brief background, development of our Baseline Assessment, our action plan and current implementation. I will provide a much abbreviated version of the report in the background. I encourage you to review the report, reach out to me with questions, if you want to get involved that includes commissioners and the general public as well. The Age Friendly Movement has really gained some significant momentum in the last five years, as we see most recently from state legislation exciting a ab1118 initiates the process of california becoming an agefriendly state. It will be one of five. A number of trends have contributed to this movement as commissioners and guests are aware, we have a growing aging population. Not just baby boomers, it is also folks with disabilities thanks to the Disability Rights Movement and advances in science. Folks are living longer. We are seeing a population to urban settings for family, transportation and policies and legal practicesna really emphasize communitybased living which we are familiar within the contracts and partnerships we do as opposed to institutionalization. This important idea of the ecology of aging, which was awareness in the late 1970s that was phenomenal at the time that environment has an impact on how we age. This is all culminating in this agefriendly movement. Over 400 communities in the u. S. Are age friendly, including pretty much the entire bay area, the city or county level. All of these trends are local, national and global. The most commonly used framework is World Health Organizations, Age Friendly Cities which was developed a little over 12 years ago. It was initially piloted in 33 cities globally and portland was the first and only u. S. City at that time. They definitely have the longest agefriendly effort in the u. S. Here. This framework that three characteristics. It was intended to be thank you. In a nutshell, this framework has three characteristics that are important. One, it really is a flexible placebased framework that is easily adapted to reflect different communities. As we go through you will see the aged and Disability Network in San Francisco is an approach to planning to encourage communities work with Different Community members and universities and things of that nature. It really is longrange planning. Because of that it needs to be dynamic. This current plan is only the beginning. The goal is to ensure that San Francisco is accessible and inclusive 10 or 20 years from now. To achieve that means each year we build on the work we are doing. It has been a grassroots effort. Around the need for longrange planning was initiated by advocates proceeding the World Health Organization model as early as 2002. The first work group was in 2011. They made sure that San Francisco was designated a global age friendly city in 2014. Or had expertise in the different domains. They met for a year and all of this stuff is available online. What they came up with on the baseline created our action plan. San franciscos effort is unique to our community. It really reflects our priorities. We are to date the only age and disability friendly effort. When i refer to age friendly it is a broader movement. Age and disability talks about the work here specifically. You can see our target population in addition to older adults and folks with disability we include dementia and care givers. We make sure that the concerns or challenges of the ways it overlaps with care giving are included in the work. On the righthand side are the eight domains or areas of focus. These eight areas provide the framework for the planning effort. They are loosely borrowed from the World Health Organization but specific to San Francisco. At the time the world health created it they didnt have the emergency domain. That is a big part of the work that San Francisco departments are doing. That is to best meet our needs. In a nutshell, when you agree to be an age and disability friendly city you agree to losely these four ideas. A Baseline Assessment, spending a year determining where the San Francisco assets and gaps are with regard to aging in San Francisco. So that as well as where the partners, key advocates and based on the assessment we developed an action plan and in this report that outlines the plan. The task force had no shortage of ideas. We came up with two 20 actions 220 actions in three years. We had a process of prioritizing that and including smart goals and partnerships and looking at how to bring that number to a manageable this first year. We have 24 recommendations which is three for each domain we are currently working on. Implementation. We will this lasts three years. January 2020 will be the time year of implementation for the action plan. A reminder this is a dynamic process. I think in the Baseline Assessment with the task force we realized we were not able to capture everything. This is not the perfect plan. We hope that it gets better and more specific to the community we are serving. 2021, i will focus on how to evaluate all of the great work we have done. Implementation, that is what i spend a lot of my time on right now. The action plan and our approach has been focused on incorporating the considerations and deliverables. Our project types are all across the board. Some are policies, some are local, some at the state level, from are pilot programs and education. It depends on the domain. Some are short term and some are longterm. That is important to make sure we have momentum. All of recommendations needed to meet certain smart goals. We wanted to make sure these were measurable and addressed the gaps, identified partners and things like that. You can see more about the smart goals on 21. It was that combination that helps us bring down from 224 recommendations to 24, which is what we are working on right now. Additional considerations that are important to the work is developing partnerships that are relevant to the different recommendations. With lomuniversities, city local universities, neighborhoodbased groups, there are fantastic things like vision zero work and things that are likeminded to partner with those. Stewardship to make sure they are at the decisionmaking table to help us push forward this work. A constant remain beder this is ongoing effort rather than comprehensive which is not realistic in this work. We wont get everything perfect. We hope it gets better with each draft. These are our primary champions. We have a diverse range of project partners. While some projects overlap with dos, we have to talk about the acronym. The dos priorities, some live squarely within the dos world. Others are much more in transportation or housing or small business. A lot of the work that we do is actually broader than the work that dos does inside. What they staff the initiative, we have made sure the body reflected different departments and organizations and agencies. Our cochairs are nicole from the office of disability and kelly from the public authorities. This is important because this is truly a citywide effort. These are some of the projects on the left, things that we consider completed, things are on the right we are working on. The getting together celebration which is fantastic. Also, the citywide marketing campaign, which is exciting. We are busy. With each project we work with different partners, departments or Community Members or nonprofits. My next steps our group meets quarterly. So much of the work is roll up your sleeves to do things. The quarterly meetings are checking in, who needs help and support . It is open to the public. I will be finishing implementation for 2020. After that i will think about how to evaluate and measure our work. I will come back to share results. This is how we did. The goal is to update the action plan with as much involvement as possible and go through the process all over again. That is our website. Hsa and age and disability friendly sf. You can find the report, meeting, the memos that led to this work is in there. That is all i have. Do you have any questions . Thank you, valerie. I have one observation or question and another comment. Now that you are in the implementation stage, have you found many surprises from the original plan, things you did not anticipate for the better or worse . Absolutely. Thank you for bringing that up. I should add the action plan is listed at the back of the report 43. So much of this work we knew there was a gap and we knew we wanted to address a certain issue. Folks with disabilities around employment. It is not until you Start Talking to the departments and people experiencing it that you can understand the nuances, and while our recommends say to identify and develop recommendations to address discrimination are what we work towards, the actions are changing. The more we learn about it or hear experts or consumers, it changes our direct action a bit. I would say more than half of them have had to shift to better meet the context and the needs on the ground, which i found really exciting and a little stressful. It is commendable. It shows flexibility in the approach. Rather than being rigid about the original plan. That is a good thing you were able to manage the surprises. Second question in the project partners. Mts is listed and vision zero. The m. T. A. Has important goals about speeding, bus service and getting more people to more places more quickly. They have eliminated stops and made a lot of things more difficult for seniors. Designs of the new metro cars are for people standing, not sitting. How do we address those who have to ride muni . Great question. When i present on this work i am often asked about transportation and housing. Those are huge things we experience on a daily basis. With m. T. A. What is great about the work is that i have developed partnerships and Close Relationships with the staff and advocates within the transportation world. In the areas of that, what i have learned is also ways to plug in our people. This provides a communication bridge so whereas advocating for bus stops or that work may not fall within the world of dos, i am familiar where to plug our Community Members and cb os that are concerned about it. Another thing is that i think one of our communitybased organizations we work closely with has also started an effort to really look at the safety of streets. The Community Living campaign with jennifer leading that. It is great to know about that work and share it through my network, age and disability friendly. The last thing to say there are a lot of ways to plug in for folks passionate or have concerns about the different areas, transportation or rec and park or the planning code or whatever. Everybody has a Community Engaging and they have an advo cassie body to some degree. Vision zero is a great way to pull together folks with disabilities and older adults. There is a vision zero Pedestrian Safety work group that we are key on. While we havent focused on that, we have focused on things that are really important like we created this group created the first fully accessible bike lane proposal. To us that may not seem like a huge thing, for Public Transportation and engineers, this is a big deal. It lays out best practices to make sure bike lanes are accessible for everyone and they do not become a challenge for folks with disabilities. There is a lot of efforts and initiatives. What this seeks to do is help Better Connect and open communication between the different departments and areas, if that makes sense. That does make sense to have as many people plugged in as much as possible. On some specific issues have you seen any results. The vanness Improvement Project not only taking longer than anyone anticipated for many good reasons, it does not seem to have mitigated the concerns of residents concerning the distance between the bus stops or design of the buses. It is very difficult for seniors with or without disabilities to ride the buses when they cant get a seat or to walk two or three extra blocks to get on a muni bus. These concerns have been raised frequently and repeatedly. I am glad they are continuing to be raised. I dont see any change in the m. T. A. s approach to these issues. Do you anticipate getting any response from them to lead to some changes . We have already. I am not working on the same issue that is a priority and concern of you. I know that is a concern. With this age and disability friendly effort what is really important in developing partnerships and finding ways to compromise is really working closely with them and understanding the context and constraints they are working with. The vanness is a deeply complicated project for ropes that i barely understand. Between underground utilities and no pedestrian deaths goal there are so many challenges and Different Things you are trying to serve. I know there was a proposal of bus stop removal on a certain block and that was changed. What i am really proud of with this vision zero subgroup we are working with is that this group worked hard to highlight to the m. T. A. And planning around the better streets market plan how certain areas are particularly dangerous for this population. It took so much hard work to have them come with us. We understood their priorities. We did our homework and brought them on a tour and brought folks with different abilities and challenges and walked intersections and had conversations. Now they have planners to tell us about upcoming changes to anticipate. They are trying to adjust their fresh work and policies based on our input. That is more information than anyone needs, but i think that is the type of work that this has the potential for. It is slow and really understanding the nuances. If i asked m. T. A. To change all of this i better understand the cost associated. Coming to the table really showing the experience of folks with disabilities and to come up with solutions to work with budgets and improvement. Thank you very much. Any comments or questions . Is muni represented in your community . Yes m. T. A. Has an Accessible Services. They are going to be the Accessible Services doing a presentation at the longterm care coordinating council in december. Between the shop around and the van go and there is a lot of great resources. Iny a lot of folks dont always know about. How about park and recpeople . We are working with park and rec. Our department has been working with them on a number of projects. That is one of the departments we will work with more in the coming year. A step back. I want to congratulate all of the people involved. It is a beautiful report. Congratulations i know what goes into this. It does help with a framework. It did reflect my world as it is and as we live in a very urban center, a number of our commissioners do, that transportation component is important to see that is reflected in housing and everything else. I see it as a hook. It is a way to articulate how that is an issue to people who are aging and disabled in the city. It is relevant that we have that. I think that is helpful. I am talking about it in such a broadway of tackling the issues that i hope we include this as we rebrand and we let people know what is out there. This is a great way to describe our goals and objectives. It would be very helpful to get that San Francisco adopted this scheme for planning and is implementing it. It is a great vehicle to adopt here. Congratulations. I know these are steps, but it is a good step. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. My question i hope they were in no way intended to be critical of what is going on. The fact you have done such a good job invites more questions and raises expectations. I would once again like with the consent of my colleagues recommend that m. T. A. Come to our commission and speak to us about what they have heard from adults with disabilities and seniors regarding the trainings in chanceportation, restate their own objectives and figure out how everybody comes out ahead and no one feelings left behind. If we can make that happen, it would be very beneficial. Bridgett can work on that. Any other comments . Thank you very much, valerie. Item a requesting authorization to enter into a contract with Resource Development associates for the provision of consulting versus for Case Management systems assessment during the period of december 6, 2019 through june 30, 2020 in the amount of 124,679 thereabouts plus 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 137,147. Welcome melissa mcgee. Good morning. I am melissa mcgee, Program Manager with the offers of Community Partnerships at the department of disability and aging services. I am here today to enter into contract with Resource Development sociates or rda for the provision of Consulting Services to conduct a citywide Case Management system assessment for older adults and adults with disabilities. The 2018 dignity funds Community Needs assessment highlighted the importance of Case Management in the community. It clearly noticed Service Providers identified a need for increased capacity and consumers provided difficulties of the navigation. Th

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