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On december 3rd, 2019 in city hall room 416. The announcement of sound producing Electronic Devices during the meeting. The ring of a cell phone, pagers and similar soundproducing Electronic Devices are prohibited. Please be advise the chair may order of removal from the meeting room of any persons responsible for the ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager or other similar soundproducing electronic device. C, announcement of time allotment for Public Comments. A member of the public has three minutes to make comments on each agenda item unless the Commission Adopts a shorter period. That is strongly recommended that members of the public who wish to address the commission fill out a speaker card and submit the card to the secretary. The next order of business is item 3, report on actions taken at a previous closed session meeting if any. There are no reportable actions. The next action of business is item the next order of business is matters of unfinished business. There are no matters of unfinished business. The next order of business is item 5, matters of new business consisting of a consent and regular agenda. First a consent agenda. Item 5a approval of minutes from the regular meetings of october 1st and october 15th of 2019. Mr. Chair. Do we have any speaker cards. No speaker cards. Anybody wish to speak on these items . Seeing none, ill close the Public Comment. I move approval of the minutes. We have a motion. I second that motion. Thank you. Madam secretary, please take roll. Commissioner members, please announce your vote when i call your name. Brack t is absence. Commissioner scott. Here. Vicechair rosales. Yes. Bustos. Yes. The vote is three ayes, one absent. Thank you. Call the next item. The next order of business is the regular agenda 5b approvalling a variance of the bay view industrial try aungel redevelopment plan to apply the Light Industrial or commercial land use category to a portion of property designated as Light Industrial. Conditionally approving the design of a sixstorey mixed use building comprised of 85 dwelling units including 17 affordable units and ground floor commercial space and adopting violence and bay view discussion and action, resolution number 282019. Madam director thank you, madam secretary. Commissioners, this item is before you as a recommendation from staff. As you can see the developer is seeking approval for the proposed project. Its been in the works for months and they have had Extensive Community outreach process. Weve worked with the city agencies including the District Supervisor to get us to this point. Were happy that it includes inclusionary housing up to 60 a. M. I. And it also has a retail space of 6,000 that will be on the ground floor. And its going to incorporate all of our local hiring goals and policies as well as contracting. With that, we have laura schiffly, who is going to present on this item. We have an extensive representation of the Development Team and during her presentation, shell introduce them. With that ill turn it over to you to give the presentation and id like to thank the staff for all the work on this item. Thank you. Thank you, director and good afternoon commissioners. Again, im laura scheifele an owes at planner at ociii. Can you hear . Is that ok . Today we are seeking Commission Approval of the schematic dough sign of a sixstorey mixed use building with 82 units including 17 ra forward abl17 affordable y view industrial triangle Redevelopment Area. As well as a variance to the redevelopment plan to law receipten residential uses acre site. The bay view industrial Triangle Project area, circled here, is one of seven Redevelopment Areas in San Francisco where oci has lend its authority. The bay view industrial triangle redevelopment plan was adopted in 1980 and ocii will maintain Land Use Authority until the plan expires in 2020. The project area is comprised of six city blocks withi within thy view neighborhood. Its on two parcels on the west side of third street between ennis and gerald avenues. The parcel area is about 19,000 square feet and its currently fenced and vacant. This is a photo of the existing site. Looking north across third street. The vacant lots include surface parking, a onestorey vacant building on lot 45 and a onestorey former fast food drive through on lot 48. And another view of the site looking south on third street. The project site is situated in very close proximity to transit with convenient pedestrian and bicycle access as well. The Main Building entrance proposed along third street is across the street from the money t light rail stop and its a oneminute walk to the 54 bus and a five minute walk to many other bus lanes. A neighborhood amenities within a fiveminute walk of the site include cafes, restaurants, churches and banks. The Commission Also recently approved a number of commercial spaces in mixed use projects along third street adjacent to the site which hasnt been built. Per the redevelopment plan map there are three land use districts in the project area. Most of the project site is within the Light Industrial or commercial strict shown here in pink. This designation permits residential uses above ground floor commercial uses and the Light Industrial district shown in blue does not permit residential uses. As you can see, the project sites zoning is split between the two uses and the smaller portion of lot 48 shown in blue is located within the Light Industrial district which does not permit residential uses. The split zoning of the site reflects the former parcellization at the time of planet option in 1980. And lot 48 is the result of a lot merger and covers the extent of the former fast food drive in fronting third street. The redevelopment plan expires junjune 30th. The underlining zoning will apply and the Planning Department plans to rezone the planned area. The Community Workshop addressing the zoning update will be held tomorrow evening at the bay view offer house. Planning staff recommend zoning the main third street corridor as m. C. T. The proposed rezoning alliance with this project proposal. The bay view industrial triangle, designed for development, assigns the development controls. The Redevelopment Area boundary is shown within the blue over lay here. The entire project site lies within district 3, the third street corridor Design District which allows for greater Building Heights and densities along and oriented towards third street. Section 9 of the Row Development plan outlines procedures for discretionary agencies variance approval. Including demonstration of unique hardships or unreasonable limitations. Any variance must comply with the intent of the plan. A stated goal of the plan includes quote the removal of impediments to land disposition and development through the assembly of vacant and under developed land into reasonable sized and shaped parcels end quote. A description o that applies. The split zoning of lot 48 is a unique circumstance as compared to the surrounding land use districts and parcels and it convicts mixeduse development on this site. The project sponsor studied developments and areas including separate buildings and different configurations of mixed use buildings such as a narrow, single loaded corridor building. However, these configurations render development economically and feasible on this site due to the added cost of structural redundancy and inofficial building late out and circulation. Staff has determined the strict compliance with the planned zoning creates unreasonable Development Limitations and render a mixeduse development on these two parcels. A variance to allow mixeduse Development Across the entirety of the site would make the plan zoning consistent with the area plan, the general plan and the design for development. Because of the sites unique development hardships and zoning inconsistency the owner is requesting a variance from the redevelopment plan to permit dwelling units across lot 48. The building is comprised of five residential floors above the commercial ground floor. 17 of the 85 residential units 20 are below market rate distributed across the building. 4 1 ratio and height of 65 feet. The proposed development meets the Building Height and setback requirements and the project meets the residential parking and open space requirements and provides four times the required bicycle park to go align with San Francisco Department Current recommendations. The proposed development complies with these and all other design for development requirements. This highlights some of the building and including public street i am provements. The 6,000 square feet of ground floor Commercial Area is divided into six separate spaces and a flexibility of size to serve a variety of commercial and retail tenants. The commercial spaces will be marketed to local bay view businesses. This rendering illustrates the proposed project and the architect will present the building design, program and materials. Good afternoon, commissioners. Commissioner, chair bustos. Im mark from workshop one and im the project architect. Im joined bit rest of our team, which is andrea baker who led the outreach and shell talk about that towards the end of the presentation and will millard and chris hearny. Thank you for the opportunity to allow me to walk you through the proposed project and its design evolution. Our projectory reflects let me see where im at. Our project reflects a threeyear design and outreach process we started in 2016 and with significantly informed by Community Input. As you may know our project site has been under utilized having been operated as a fast food drive through restaurant for decades. Its location next to the third street muni metro line makes it an excellent housing opportunity site. This image shows the site from the corner of ennis and third street. Our site is unique that it bookends a city block it has two corners unique from one another because of third streets angle. This angle inspired the projects most prominent visual feature a arctic lated. Solid and transparent panels, and anna burneddens of decks and it breaks up the length of the building and reduces its perceived scale. This is emphasized by the top level setback and continuously broken roof line. Its animated in that it looks different depending on ones vantage point. The transitions at the street level to create that individual or tall commercial storefronts. We felt it was important commercial having this articulation would help to promote a pedestrianfriendly experience creating better opportunities for distinct businesses and you can see that the storefront itself has an inverse creating saw tooth with unique indoor and outdoor retail spaces. Im going to run you around the rest of it. They have a simple architect actual form that is connected by the same material pallet and a similar architect actual language and this is looking at the project south on ennis avenue and towards the backside. And again looking at the project stabbing in front of gerald avenue. My partner will deliver a 3hd model to help explain the project. Thank you. It had metal panels to reflect the sites contact. Base on Community Input over the past year, this approach was changed to include highquality wood Texture Panels and warm tones offset by crisp, white panels and contrasting black windows. The result was something more reflective of the residential context across the street and the eastside of third street. And those are the materials samples that you have before you. Theyre all pre finished and require no maintenance over theroverovertheir lifetime. Before i walk you through the buildings floor plans, i want to cut discuss the evolution ofe program. Last year the project consisted of 100 residential units. Because of Community Input, the number of residential units was reduced to 85 which increased the average unit size by over 100 square feet. We did this while providing 17 Affordable Housing units 20 of the project total at 60 of the area Median Income. Additionally the owner has agreed to dedicate 1,000 square feet of commercial ground floor space to bay viewbased businesses rent free for a term of 10 years. As you will see, the commercial spaces shown in red, front all three streets. And can be easily demise able, perfect for small or new businesses. The entry is centrally located along third street as shown in yellow. And the rich street scape design was developed by the San Francisco based outerspace Landscape Architect actual who developed the landscaping for the rear yard and the roof level. If the residential level building wraps around a second level landscaped rear yard, a unit size of 818 square feet includes a nice mix with studios, shown in white, one bedrooms, shown in yellow, two bedrooms shown in light orange, and three bedrooms shown in dark orange. Onethird of the units have private outdoor space. Either as a deck where in the landscaped year yard. The floor plan maintains the same layout on all the residential levels with a top back at the upper floor used as a terrace for those adjacent units. The roof level contains a large shared landscape open space which can host a variety of large and small activities for both groups and individuals. The roof also contains some non accessible large planted areas to meet the Stormwater Management requirements. The Landscape Design at all areas follows the d for d guidelines including the specific plantings shown in this slide. This slide highlights the team that we assembled for the project of highly experienced consultants and although its premature for us to select the projects general contractor we do look forward to discussion its construction with San Francisco and bay view base builders. At this point im going to hand the presentation over to andrea baker who will walk through the history of the projects outreach. Thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners. Andrea baker for andrea Baker Consulting and as mike shared with you, we were primarily responsible for the outreach for this project. I wont take much of your time. I will say it is reflected on the slide, that we have seven Community Meetings over the course of almost three years. As mike indicated, this project started at 145 units so it took a lot of Community Conversation to get us to something that today i think we all feel really proud of. Also reflected on our slide is the fact that we went to the bay view cac on six different occasions. What is not reflected on the slide, are numerous small group and individual meetings with bay view stakeholders, key bay view stakeholders and that addressed issues like concerns for our Small Businesses and the neighborhood and how would they be accommodated as a real concern that our Small Businesses not be gentrified out of the neighborhood as those changes happen. It also involves the color and materials. We talked about spaces at the group floor level and with that i am going to be quiet and im here and can answer any questions that you might have regarding outreach. And it has all other controls and the. This is including a notice of special restrictions for the b. M. R. Unit and Development Impact fees and designer view protocol. The sponsor has volunteered to market all commercial spaces to local neighborhood serving businesses. And finally, ocii staff recommend the commission conditionally approve the variance to the redevelopment plan and the schematic dedine at 4200 third street. Thank you for your time and we can take questions. Thank you. Madam secretary, speaker, cards for this item . We have one speaker oscar james. Oscar james. Resident of bay view Hunters Point. From the presentation they made today and also ecstatic about them doing a 10year free rental for community residents. I havent heard of that type of Program Since the early or the late 50s. When they first built the Produce Market and gave those produced market people the 50year lease. I 100 i have a problem when people say low rent or below market rate rent, we have people in our community who are older and have no rent or below low so they look at something that and i do look this project and the building and at one time st. Johns church owned their property. At that particular corner so thank you very much. Thank you. We have dierdra smith. Ms. Smith. Good afternoon, commissioner, president and all commissioners thats present. My name is dierdra smith and im born and raised from the bay bay view community. Im excited and ask for your support to be passed. As oscar james stated, if a couple of units could be available for our homeless families in our communities and we do have by the school a family of families living in their vans that would be excited to be able to have first preference or an opportunity so just asking on behalf of this community for your support to pass it. Thank you. Thank you. No more speaker cards. Is there anybody else wishing to speak on this item . Seeing none, im going to close Public Comment and ill turn to my fellow commissioners for any questions. Just to thank laura, mike and andrea for such a wonderful detailed report and im impressed. Especially with remarks that have just been made. Thank you. I want to acknowledge for the record that we got letters of support in your park et. Packet. I wanted to read that into the record that you have that in your packet. Thank you. My comments are i love the design. I like the color pallets. Before the word warm was introduced thats the feeling that i got which is very nice. Just from a look and when just seeing the model of how its articulated on one side its very handsome is the word that comes to mind. I had a couple of followup questions and it might have been covered in the presentation. The b. M. R. Units, are they going to be studio, one bedroom . Do we know . Who bedrooms . Theyre an equivalent mix of all the other units. Ok. All right. And in terms of how the selection of the bmr households, is that something that since its a private project project,t in collaboration with the city . I will let pam answer that thank you. Pam sims, Development Specialist for oci. Actually, we will consider this an inclusionary project and the units will go in through lottery. Those are my questions. The only question i have and im not sure how to mitigate this is we have a church across the street. We also have bay view mission that is run by deacon and other organizations around there and theres been a trend when new housing comes up, the new neighbors tend to have a problem with existing organizations and there is a recent example in oakland where a new building was built and a church was there for 85 years. The new neighbors all of a sudden were upset that there was the music, the gospel music rehearsal dates evenings and and so i dont know how we can mitigate. Maybe its through letting people know that there are existing organizations in the rental agreement and so you are asking to do it and so i would ask something maybe staff could work with you to look at putting something in the leases to be able to say that there are organizations that exist that are serving and have been serving the community for a long time. In the mills i see new neighbors coming in and not wanting us to do carn a val when weve been doing it for 50 years and they leave after two or three years and those of us that stay do our culture events. I would ask if staff can work with that i am not sure if our City Attorney can weigh into make sure we let people know. Thank you for being considerate and thinking about the 10 year Lease Agreement for local businesses. One thing i think that this commission has shown time and time again is that projects that lift the community and grow the community as well are the most successful projects that happen and the most impactful and thats part of your legacy, right. Not only you are just building a great building but you are also lifting the community up and you cant put a pricetag to that. This is a great project and im glad you have community support. With that, madam secretary, can we take roll. Can we get a motion . Yeah, im sorry. Motion by chair rosales. Second it. Seconded by vicechair scott. Commission members, announce your vote when i call your name. Commissioner scott. Yes. Vicechair rosales. Yes. Chair bustos. Yes. The vote 3 ayes one absent. Great, motion passes. Thank you. Madam secretary, if you can call the next item. The next order of business is agenda item 5c. Workshop on annual Housing Production report fiscal year 20182019. Discussion. Madam director. Thank you, madam secretary through the chair, this item is annual can we excuse me, maam, were already can someone let her know were starting the next item. Thank you. Madam director. So, this item is annual Housing Production report. As you know, just about two months ago we presented on the 20172018 and weve now completed the 20182019 and were pleased to report that the number have improved considerably but im going to turn it over to jeff white to give the overview. Good afternoon, commissioners and director. I understand that time constraints so ill try to go through this in a good clip. So, jeff white, Housing Program manager. And im here to present the results for fiscal 1819 of the Housing Program and for ociis Major Development project areas. You probably recall just a few months ago you saw an annual report. We were delayed due to changing the format of the report and we should be back on track. Keep in mind the results that you are seeing are for as of june 2019. The report is in draft form so to the extent you have comments or suggestions, were open to hearing those and when we get incorporated to those comments well get the draft circulated to interested parties and then post that on our website. Thank you. So im going to go through in the same format report so overview of the Housing Program and the projects areas and the fiscal 1819 results including marketing outcomes and then more specifics on housing completions and starts and projects and construction. A quick overview on sir tive kit of preference highlights. And then the Small Business enterprise and workforce highlights. Here is a map just as a reminder. Im sure you know this well of the three major projects. Starting in the north youve got trance bay and then mission bay north and Mission Bay South and then Hunters Point shipyard phases 1 and 2 in candlestick. This slide is a overview of all of ociis Housing Production. It shows both market rate and affordable and over all there will be more than 21,000 Housing Units of which 32 will be affordable. Which serve all the way from extremely low income to moderate income san franciscans. I have the income for a fourperson household on the slide and the rents for the two bedroom unit for those households, for example, would be 1386. I want today give you a quick update on some changes in the funding environment for ociis Affordable Housing. I think you have seen in the past the typical funding instructionture includes low Income Housing tax credits and tax exempt bonds. They come through the state Tax Credit Allocation Committee and the bond allocation comes from the california debt limit allocation committee. So, the change in the environment that is happening that were seeing is the state is now finding the over subscribed for the bond allocation 31. Theres about 10 billion in demand and theres about 3 billion in allocation available. So, as a result, the state has decided to in 2020 to go to a competitive allocation process. Before, through the end of this year, it was like over the counter meaning when you are project was ready, you just go submit an application and would get the allocation, assuming everything is good with your application. So, what that means, and this is kind of moving and changing daytoday. In terms of how were understanding how thats going to impact the projects in San Francisco, that will impact the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development projects and ocii projects. The takeaway at the moment is what were concerned about is it could end up having a really severe impact on our funding because the part of the competitive process includes the high cost component. San francisco, we tend to be extremely high cost. To the extent projects throughout the state have an application and they tie, the tiebreaker, as it existing now is basically something that would disadvantage San Francisco projects. So, were watching it closely. Were working really closely with mocd and our Advocacy Partners to lobby to have some emergency regulations put in place that wont disadvantage our projects. So, nothing else really to report at moment. We are lucky with one of our projects get on application in last friday for the last over the counter application period. So that project, we hope, will be fine. So, im going to jump back into the report itself. So this slide as well showing this showing thehousing productt area and shipyard phase 1, 31 of the housing is complete and at build out 29 will be affordable. In shipyard phase 2, 3 of the housing complete today. 31 will be affordable at build out. All three percent is complete are affordable project is alice griffith. Ok. In mission bay, over all, 89 is complete and over all 29 will be affordable. Mission bay north is complete. Mission bay south is 80 of the housing is complete today and 34 will be affordable. In trance bay zone one, 40 of the housing is complete today and build out 43 in zone one will be affordable. So this is just a visual representation of our housing completions in fiscal 18 and 19. We had 1,072 units that were completed and 152 units started construction. And funding activities, we had 51 million that included a Pre Development loan for shipyard phase 1 and a gap loan for the project in Mission Bay South. This is repeating what i just said but i want to highlight its fiscal 1819. Its a strong year with housing completions. So more than 1,000 units and it is low income housed. Im not going to go through them one by one. You have those in your report. One of the takeaways is and it is 89 of what we have completed to date and all three project areas is family rental. I will just jump through these. In fiscal 1819 we had one housing start and this is 152 units and some units to help coming from sunny dale. And weve got a lot of projects in construction. This slide shows weve got 1266 units and six projects and 536 of those are affordable. Theres one smaller project in shipyard phase 1 and two in Mission Bay South and three in transbay. So im going to jump to an overview of our marketing ocii Affordable Housing. We had the Housing Preference and well be starting to apply the neighborhood Housing Preference. That only gott got adopted in al of 2019. So as a marketing overview of the results, we had 359 affordable units and four different projects that reached 100 occupancy during the reporting period. And of those units, we had more than 20,000 applicants. And they went through the process. So of the lottery units we had, 13 certificate preference holders were housed and they were households that returned to San Francisco and they had been living outside of San Francisco and this is the marketing outcome by project. Where going to have the cop workshop just following my report and as highlights, you can see over the past six years, the trend and a higher number of cop applying for housing, which it reflects the extra outreach weve been implementing over the past four or five years now. This slide shoes some highlights of the Small Business program and workforce. The developers are working cooperatively to meet the 50 goals and 30 of the contracts or 30 million were awarded to sbes in fiscal 1819. 52 in professional they performed 300 hours of work. And just to highlight the housing accomplishments that were reporting, it is a result of everybody at the agency a big Design Review and real estate folks. And the housing team, elizabeth, kim, pam, and annie wong. So a big thank you to all the hard work for the housing staff. With that, im happy to take any questions. Thank you. Do we have any speaker items on this . No speaker cards for this item. Anybody wish to speak on this item . Mr. Washington. How are you . Blessed, dressed but im still looking for success. How is everybody. Im glad to be back. This is my first appearance at the ocii. Ive been east in baltimore. My daughter has a nice bar and grill. A nice establishment. You see i gained weight. [laughter] yes, you did. Im back without a fact and ill be going back there. I just wanted to stop by and make a cameo appearance. I see things are just moving along as usual. Quoteunquote. But primarily one of my main objectives is the filmore to baltimore. Ill tell you about that later. So, my primary objective is the filmor and its primary involvement that when its going to go down and now that we have a new super supervisor in district 5 for one year, theres a lot of changes. Its so complex. Its a big game changer. So im going to but, because of all the changes, in the last few years, its time for us, me the community and residents to have a sit down. Its not going to be complex. I know the Holiday Season so dont worry about november and december. When the smoke clears, in politics here in the city by the bay. Were going to go over some great changes in our community. Weve got the migration going on and then that toolbox, which we have the new office of rare raciaracialequity and we put thn for Justin Herman and we have a few tools. My name is ace and im still on the case and its good to come back and i rehe respect the time i got 30 minutes, can i use it up. Im just back. There was a time went wronger and this is forever. I remember times i used to rush all that stuff in there but i got sick. Thank you very much and ill be back. Ace is on the case. Make it an announcement and i might bring way pack back. Who knows, how about that. Thank you mr. Washington. Always good to see you. Anybody wishing to speak. Seeing none, ill close Public Comment and i will turn to my fellow commissioners for any questions or comments. I dont have any questions. I just want to commend the staff for a very thorough report and just kind of lays out i think in just easy to read and easy to understand but the impacts that come back i think are, we have great collaboration with our City Partners and private partners and i mean, on local hire and Affordable Housing and on production. It seems like were meeting our milestones. I know the work, the staff is working very hard so i want to say thank you. Thank you. I just want to echo the same things. You are working very, very hard and the fruits of your labor is definitely showing and its also Second Nature for this organization to keep doing all the righteous works so i want to thank you for that. I too want to thank you, jeff, and pam, the full team. Especially for this report. The full report. It was in lightening more than i would have even asked for. Im impressed. Thank you. Thank you and maybe madam director if theres a way we can share this information with the mayor and the rest of the board of supervisors so they know the great work that is happening by our staff and the local partnerships. Thank you. Madam secretary, next item, please. The next offered business is agenda item 5d workshop on marketing and outreach report. Fiscal year 20182019. From the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development. Discussion, madam director. Thank you, madam secretary. Through the chair, this item again is a continuation from the prior item on the annual Housing Production report this is specific et and the fiscal year 18 and 19 and housing and Communities Development and we have team team here with us and introduce the mayor of housing team led by benjamin. Hi, im pam sims. Im a a senior Development Specialist in the housing division. Im here to talk about the fiscal year 1819c. O. P. Annual report. As you know, eligibility c. O. P. Holders were displaced in the 1960s and 70s with Agency Action in the western edition. The Hunters Point areas of the city. Currently there are 950 active c. O. D. Holders with Affordable Housing that me might apply to that said they dont need to satisfy all of the resident criteria for units being offered. For fiscal year 1819, o. C. I. Has mr. White said, we had four rental projects leased up for a total of 246 available water units. For those units, there were the c. O. P. Coordinators, zoni soniak daniels and they be engage and apply for Affordable Housing. Shes responsible for cop mailings confirming eligibility, issuing new certificates, obtain subsidies for under income c. O. P. Holder applicants and responding to questions c. O. P. Holders have which often means, oh no, i am so sorry. Which often means c. O. P. Holders may have, how do they prove residency . And assist c. O. P. Holders through lease up and sale processes. As of june 30th, 2019, there were a total of 950c. O. P. Holders engaged. 1,815 are housed in Affordable Housing units in San Francisco. 1,618 are known deceased and unfortunately we dont know the status of 200, 2,500cop holders. Of the 950 holders a total of 314 have used their certificate ones and 427 individuals have never used their certificate and holding on to them for that special opportunity and 209 applications are received for housing in fiscal year 1919. Of the 209 applications received for housing in the last fiscal year a total of 24c. O. P. Holders were housed and 29 were weight listed and three holders were denied for credit, criminal or another barrier. 14c. O. P. Holders were over income and five were under income and 134 withdrew or there was no response from them. This is group were interested in and will focus on in the next fiscal year. Outreach accomplishments for the last three years shows that in fiscal year 1819 while we had more c. O. P. Holder applications for the number of housing the number of c. O. P. Holders that were housed was down a bit in comparison to the past couple of years. This could be due to the fact that oci had 247 units dont to lottery verse whats we had seven projects or 350 units go to lottery. Also, in fiscal year 1617oci only had three projects go to lottery or 186 units, however, of those, one was a very popular and 100 subsidized dr. Davis Senior Housing and one of the others was the Pacific Point development in the shipyard at 50 area Median Income. I think its fascinating. Quickly, i want today review the information we learned in the 2017 survey of active c. O. P. Holders that was conducted by Lake Research partners. From the 114 respondents, we learned that c. O. P. Holders tend to be seniors who have smaller households, living rental housing in San Francisco, who are interested in Senior Housing. They often need assistance and are interested in rental and Home Ownership opportunities in the western edition and the mission bay area. Additionally, they are primarily black females who are older than 50 years of age and most comes under 30,000 a year. Or 30 of area Median Income. As a result of the survey, oci is requiring income chairing above and below 50 of area Median Income as mr. White pointed out. A mix of unit types in comprehensive services to all age groups and all request for proposals and annually providing a list of coming soon units in the western edition and ensuring compliance with early outreach requirements and annually meeting with housing counseling agencies to determine effectiveness and continue to inform, educate and educate cop holders about using dalia when applying for housing. Assuming available funding, new outreach efforts would like to complete include preparing for an investigator to search for additional individuals who may be eligible for cop. Especially individuals who were living inhouse holds we know were displaced. Using social Media Resources to locate individuals. We will be preparing for the design and implementation of an interactive map to assist individuals who think they might be eligible in better determining their eligibility for cop. When we reach c. O. P. Holders we want to engage with these individuals. Early outreach notification allow c. O. P. Holders the time to think about living in a particular community and to address any issues for instance, credit, that they might be facing. Were very excited about the launch of the c. O. P. Holders club to provide support networks for c. O. P. Holders to stay engage by attending workshops and applying for Affordable Housing opportunities. So, in the audience today is the c. O. P. Coordinator, sonia mack daniels. She will take advantage. O. C. L. Will continue income in all Affordable Housing being developed and we will find out what made an opportunity attractive, why did they stay engage or why did they decide to withdraw from the opportunity. Maria benjamin, sonia pack pack the coordinator and Sonia Delgado the b. M. R. Rental housing manager are all here and were happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you so much. Do you have any speaker cards . We have oscar james. Mr. James. Oscar james again. First of all, i want to say, the certificate of preference office that puts the information out i have a card that comes and i get five of these car

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