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Agenda via telephone by calling 888 2045987. And when prompted, entering access code 2858465. As seen on the screen. Then follow the system prompts. Youll be able to listen to the meeting as a participant. When you wish to speak on an item, dial 10 to be added to the queue to speak. Each caller will be allowed two minutes to speak. When your two minutes are up, we will move on to the next caller. Calls will be taken in the order of which they are received. Best practices are to speak slowly, clearly, and turn the down your television. Please allow for audio visual delays and 30second lag time during the course of the meeting. Item 1. Chair peskin go ahead and call the roll. Clerk commissioner. Supervisorfewer . Supervisor fewer present. Clerk commissioner haney . Hay supervisor haney present. Reporter commissioner mandelman . Man absent. Commissioner mar . Mar absent. Commissioner peskin. Chair peskin present. Reporter commissioner preston . Supervisor preston present. Reporter commissioner ronen . Supervisor ronen present. Reporter commissioner safai . Supervisor safai present. Clerk commissioner stefani . Supervisor stefani present. Clerk commissioner walton . Supervisor walton present. Clerk commissioner yee . Ie absent. We have quorum. Chair peskin because we are a subdivision of the state of california, the next item, which madam clerk will read, is noticed pursuant to state law and the governors executive order. Madam clerk, can you please read item number two. Clerk acknowledge and adopt meet notice and meeting conduct requirements pursuant to the governors executive order n2920. This is an action item. Chair peskin okay. Councillor, anything that you would like to add on this item . Thank you, chair peskin. Im tmy name is jill javy, council for the Transportation Authority. On march 18th, 2020, the government issued executive order n2920, authorizing policy bodies, such as the Transportation Authority, to meet by teleconference without having a physical Meeting Place for members of the public. Provided that the public may observe or listen and offer a Public Comment in the telephoneically or from other means. The orders requiring people to stay safe at home, the Transportation Authority requests that the commissioners acknowledge and adopt the remote meeting procedures, permitted by the governors executive order, to permit the Transportation Authority to adhere to these important Public Health safety measures. And not hold an inperson meeting or provide physical locations for members of the public to congregate during this Public Health emergency. Thank you. Chair peskin thank you, ms. Javy. Any Public Comment on any number 2 . Clerk there is no Public Comment at this time. Chair peskin okay. Well close Public Comment. Is there a motion to adopt, as described by our attorney, motion by supervisor safai supervisor safe. Chair peskin is there a second for that motion. Is that supervisor walton . Supervisor walton correct. Chair peskin seconded by the one and only on supervisor walton. Madam clerk, roll call, please. [roll call]. Commissionermar . Absent. Commissioner peskin . Chair peskin aye. Clerk commissioner safai . Supervisor safai aye. Clerk commissioner walton . Supervisor walton aye. Clerk commissioner yee . Yee absent. We have approval of item 2. Chair peskin thank you. Ill move on to the chairs report. Colleagues and members of the public, it is good to convene with you, albeit virtually, as the t. A. Again is back in session, as i mentioned earlier. Our last meeting was on march the 10th. And then we had to suspend. We are now meeting again and well continue to do so through this entire episode. And although we temporarily halted our meetings, staff and i have been responding to the daytoday business of the authority and continue to partner with our respective agencies. Were also monitoring Revenue Streams and coordinating closely with the city to assess short and medium term financial impacts. And obviously while we expect our sales tax and other funds to be significantly affected, going forward, im pleased to report that the t. A. s Strong Financial position ensures that we can continue to meet, sponsors cash flow needs for a multitude of needs across the city. The most immediate needs, due to the pandemic, have been no surprise for our transit systems and the riders who depend on them. I particularly want to thank the sfmta director of transportation jeff tomlin and transit director Julie Kirschbaum for the Rapid Response to the challenging conditions of the past month. And having the wherewithal to take tough decisions to restructure service to maintain as much access as possible for the public, while protecting operators and their health and safety. Transit operators, maintenance workers and other frontline staff here and across the region are working very, very hard to maintain access for essential workers. And others trying to get to workings get food, get to doctors and medical establishments across the city. And i really want to express our collective thanks to all of them here today. Id also like to thank and acknowledge Speaker Pelosi and our entire federal bay area delegation for their advocacy and leadership on behalf of transit procedures and their reminders. As we all know, on march 27th, the federal coronavirus aid relief and Economic Security act, commonly known as cares phase three, was approved, providing 25 billion for transit agencies to help respond to the impacts of the pandemic. The bay area will receive 1. 3 billion to be distributed by the m. T. C. , to the regions transit operators. And thank you to director chang and her staff for working with our transit partners and to m. T. C. Commissioner ronen to help shape the process, in a way that prioritizes the most transitdependent riders in the region. I know we will also continue to work with the city and the region to provide input on the next step of legislative initiatives to help further give relief to local governments and transportation agencies, including potential capital stomach lus funds at both the federal and state levels. In closing, i would really like to acknowledge that the needs here in the transportation sector, as with other sectors, far exceed the services. Ive asked staff to work with all of your offices and our Partner Agencies to see how we can find Additional Resources and creative ways to respond to the most pressing challenges. Staff will also be reviewing past funding and program actions, as i have asked them with sponsoring agencies to ensure and reevaluate that we are prioritizing things correctly at this time. Thank you, colleagues for your time today. And for your support going forward. And with that are there any members of the public who would like to comment on the chairs report . Clerk there are no public callers at this time. Safai is now exiting. Chair well, that must have been a great speech. Can we go to the executive directors report . Dr. Chang. Thank you, chair peskin. Can folks hear me . Okay, thank you so much, chair peskin, and to all Board Members for your leadership and caring for our city in these unprecedented times. I would like to thank you chair for being available throughout the period to advise me and guide us as we transition to the Virtual Operations of the agency over the last several weeks. Since midmarch, as chair mentioned, weve been operating as a virtual office, sheltering in place and complying with all of these all of the Public Health orders, suspending our outreach and really minimizing the Board Operations until today. So were happy to convene with you all. During this time we have continued to work to support Infrastructure Project delivery, funding as the chair mentioned, and longrange infrastructure plans. We do want to be prepared, for example, for potential Federal Capital funding bills and the like. And well continue to work with our partners to ensure that we are we are ready. We are hosting Transportation Authority Board Meetings at this time. And other essential public meetings. Our Citizens Advisory Committee meetings should resume in may and well consult with chair yee and haney to discuss reviewing our vision zero and Treasure Island meetings as well. In the meantime, we advise the public to please visit our cast at www. Sfmta. Org events to view our meetings and for the latest updates. Since chair mentioned the federal update, i just want to move to the regional update briefly. Since the fall of last year, as you know, theres been a regional effort to discuss the potential regional funding measure, commonly known as the Coalition Proposal led by spurberry, council and Silicon Valley leadership group. They were working with senator bells office on potentially preparing that for november 2020. And in this timeframe, they have suspended that effort. Senator bell may still be working on the bill to authorize a future ballot initiative. But no measure will be heading to the November Ballot at this time. Nonetheless, significant needs do remain for other regional measures. Housing advocates i believe are seeking regional potential regional measure for the november 2020 ballot and well continue to track that work. And finally there had been also authorization for caltrain to put a regional revenue measure and all of the partners to put that on the November Ballot as well. Earlier this month, the transboard of directors gave support for that, just to keep that possibility in place. But other agencies have deferred consideration of this item to at least may, pending further regional discussion. Moving to delivery, i just wanted to mention a couple of updates, some positive updates. Projects are continuing to be delivered. In fact, this is a good time to undertake some of the essential safety and Construction Maintenance projects around the city and the region. Caltran paved holloway to john n daly boulevard. The city implements the liability projects on 19th avenue, further up towards lincoln and even further up towards it park presidio. The state will repave those segments, again after the city completes the combined safety and other work in 2020 and 2022. Another update is caltrans of the bridge deck replacement project. We greatly the district 4 and director tony tavares for accelerating this project by over two months, to take advantage of the decreased traffic, amid our shelterinplace order. The project was slated to begin on july 5th, but will now come in on april 25th, with the goal of replacing the northbound and southbound excuse me, the goal of replacing the deck, the concrete bridge deck by early may. This entails diversion of both northbound and southbound traffic. Please stay tuned for updates on that. You may come to our website or caltran for details on the construction and detour plans. Finally, sfmta has completed replacement of its charlie bus fleet. An entire transit fleet in quarter three. We had been providing funding all the way through the last several years. This includes the electric trolley coaches, as well as the final electric motor coaches from new flyer. And, of course, today we have an item as well that is consent for the l. R. V. , the muni l. R. V. For the replacement fee. With that, i conclude my report. Thank you. Chair peskin thank you. Are there any questions for our executive director . I dont see any names on the roster. Is there any Public Comment on the executive directors report . Clerk there is no Public Comment. Chair peskin okay. Then Public Comment is closed. Thank you, madam executive director. Madam clerk, could you please read the consents agenda. Clerk item number 514 comprise the Consent Agenda. Item 614 were approved at the march 10th Board Meeting and are now being considered for final approval. The remaining items are considered routine. That does not plan to present on the items, but are prepared to present, if desired. If a member objects, any of the consent items may be removed and considered separately. And just a reminder, that Public Comment can be made by telephone by calling 888 2045987, entering access code 2858465. As seen on the screen, then follow the system prompts. If you wish to provide comment on a particular item, please dial 10 as soon as you hear the item called. When it is your turn to speak, you will hear an announcement that your line is unmuted and the operator will stay welcome caller, your two minutes begin now. Thats your cue to start talking. Chair peskin thank you, madam clerk. And before i ask for a motion, i would like to note that commissioner mandelman has been able to get on. Commissioner yee and commissioner mar, thus far, have not. So i would like to make a motion to excuse commissioners im sorry . Excuse me, chair. I think my name is on the roster for the Consent Agenda. Chair peskin im not at that yet. I see your name on the roster at 1026. Before we do the concept agenda, i would like to make a motion to excuse commissioners mar and yee from voting on the Consent Agenda, is there a second for that motion . Second. Commissioner preston. Chair can we have a roll call on that motion . Clerk yes. Commissioner fewer . Supervisor fewer aye. Clerk commissioner haney . Supervisor haney ay. Clerk commissioner mandelman . Supervisor mandelman aye. Clerk commissioner peskin . Chair peskin aye. Reporter commissioner preston . Supervisor preston aye. Clerk commissioner ronen . Supervisor ronen aye. Clerk commissioner safai . Satisfy aye. Clerk commissioner walton . Supervisor walton aye. Clerk commission we have approval. Chair peskin thank you, madam clerk. Before i call on commissioner fewer, any Public Comment on the minutes of march 10th, which is item number 5 on the Consent Agenda . Clerk there are no comments. Chair peskin Public Comment is closed. Commissioner fewer . Supervisor fewer i want to an item on the Consent Agenda. Chair peskin okay. Which item would you like to sever. Item no. 9. Chair peskin do we have a motion to balance 58 and 1014 . So moved. Supervisor walton. Chair peskin a second for the motion . Second, mandelman. Chair on that item, a roll call, please. Clerk i am seeing that we need to redo a Public Comment on item 9. This is jill javy. You may go ahead and make a roll call vote on the Consent Agenda, which is items 58 and 1014. Chair peskin on that item made and seconded, a roll call, please. Clerk commissioner fewer . Supervisor fewer aye. Clerk commissioner haney . Supervisor haney aye. Clerk commissioner mandelman . Supervisor mandelman ay. Reporter commissioner clerk commissioner walton . Supervisor walton aye. Clerk there is approval on the remainder of the consent calendar. Chair peskin can you please read item number 9. Clerk allocate 60,732,027 in prop k sales tax fund, with conditions for the laelj vehicle procurement. This is an action item. Chair peskin commissioner fewer, would you like a roll call on this item . Supervisor fewer yes, sir. Chair peskin okay. A motion, first of all, for item number 9. Supervisor mandelman will move it. Chair peskin made by mandelman, seconded by . Supervisor stefani self will second. Chair peskin seconded by commissioner stefani on that item. A roll call, please. Clerk chair, we need Public Comment on item 9. Chair peskin we do . Clerk thats what im hearing from the legal counsel, sir. Chair peskin counselor, please explain. Counselor, javy, the floor was yours. This was subject to Public Comment at the last meeting. But i will obviously we will defer to your guidance. I dont see why this needs Public Comment . Chair peskin, i recommend we go ahead and take Public Comment, because we severed it from the Consent Agenda. Chair peskin okay. Ill argue with you with this offline. With that any Public Comment on item number 9 . Clerk there is no Public Comment at this time. Chair peskin Public Comment is closed. And there is a motion. Roll call please. Clerk commissioner fewer . Supervisor fewer no. Clerk commissioner haney . Supervisor haney aye. Clerk commissioner mandelman . Supervisor mandelman aye. Clerk commissioner peskin . Chair peskin aye. Clerk commissioner preston . Supervisor preston aye. Clerk commissioner ronen . Supervisor ronen aye. Clerk commissioner safai . Supervisor safai aye. Clerk commissioner stefani . Supervisor stefani aye. Clerk commissioner walton . Supervisor walton aye. Clerk thats it. Item 9 is approved. Chair peskin finally passed. Thank you, madam clerk. Can you please reads items 15 and 16 together. Clerk yes, sir. Oh and another plug for the Public Comment. Just a reminder, that you can call in by you can make Public Comment by telephone, by calling 8882045987, entering access code 2858465, as seen on the screen. Then follow the system prompts. If you wish to provide comment on a particular item, please dial 10 as soon as you hear the item called. When it is your turn to speak, youll hear an announcement that your line is unmuted and the operator will say wisconsin welcome caller, your two minutes bin now. Thats your cue to start talking. Items 15 and 16, increase the amount of professional Services Contract with mns neuromusculars by 1,000,600 to a total amount not to exceed 4,600,000 and extend the contract through december 31st, 2020 for the Construction Management services for the Yerba Buena Island southgate road realignment project. That is an action item. Item 16, authorize executive director to exercise amendments to the memorandums of agreement with Treasure Island Development Authority for both the rightofway phase and construction phase related to southgate road realignment improvement project. That is also an action item. Chair peskin thank you, angela. We have eric cordova. Eric, if you would like to make a presentation on these two items. Eric, are you there . Okay. Chair peskin, my apologies. Can you hear me . Chair peskin yes, sir. Great. Here we go. Let me go ahead and get the presentation up live here. And let me start . Can you see my presentation . Hopefully you can. Chair peskin yes, we can. Thank you very much. First off, let me start by saying good morning. Thank you for approving item 13, which is the construction project for southgate. These two items are complementary to those. As we discussed previously, the item in question here is the i 80 southgate realignment. And the start of construction in that regard, what you see in front of there is basically a simulation of the finished product, which were about to start. Overall costs just under 64 million, funding by several partners, federal, state, tida and bata. Its about a twoyear construction. I want to say special thanks to all of our partners in terms of working together to get to this point. We have worked for a few years to get to a point of start of construction for this essential construction contract. Just a funding overview. Primarily federal funds with some significant match from bata, the state as well as tida. To the tune of 64. 5 million. Lets talk now specifics about the contracts in front of you. The mnf engineers contract, theyre a Construction Management and inspection team. Weve had them on since july 17 to go ahead and work with our designers to take a look at the constructability of the project. Lieu that effort, what we realized is that construction duration was going to be longer than the engineers had originally anticipated. So in that regard, we changed the contract documents to reflect basically roughly about a twoyear construction window. They are they are meeting and actually exceeding the goal. Theyre targeting 24 with subconsultants listed there. Whats important to note here is they in essence will be our eyes and ears on the construction project. Theyre making sure and ensuring compliance and enforcement of the covid19 requirements. So the action 15 is to increase their contract from 3 million to 4. 6 million and to extend it to the end of 2022 and to authorize the executive director to negotiate and modify the agreement and Payment Terms. Were going to move on to the tida amendments. As you know, weve been working in Close Partnership with tida and the there are two moas that are in play here. One of is the rightofway phase, which has been in place since the First Construction ramp for yva ramps. This is amendment number 2, where we are changing a specific clause to accept fee title directly from the coast guard. We think thats in the best interest of the Transportation Authority and of the project overall. And then, secondly, the construction phase were amending the total construction phase costs and funding to update the funding that has now been allocated for the project in its entirety. And in that regard, we want to authorize the executive director to execute amendments to both moas right away in construction and negotiate and modify the agreement terms, et cetera. So that concludes my presentation. Chair peskin thank you, eric. Are there any questions or comments on items 15 or 16 from commissioners . Why dont we open this up to Public Comment. Are there any members of the public who would like to comment on items 15 and or 16. Clerk there are no members of the public. Chair peskin we will close Public Comment. And is there a motion for items 15 and 16, commissioner haney . Clerk sir, we have to call them separately. Chair peskin oh, okay. So commissioner haney, is that a motion on item 15 . Supervisor haney yes. I move item 15. Chair peskin is there a second on that motion . Supervisor mandelman mandelman second. Chair peskin on that motion made and seconded for final approval on first appearance, a roll call, please. Clerk on item 15, commissioner fewer . Supervisor fewer aye. Clerk commissioner haney . Supervisor haney aye. Clerk commissioner mandelman . Supervisor mandelman aye. Clerk commissioner peskin . Chair peskin aye. Clerk commissioner preston . Supervisor preston aye. Clerk commissioner ronen . Supervisor ronen aye. Clerk commissioner safai . Safai aye. Clerk pardon me, sir, commissioner walton, would you mind repeating your vote. Supervisor walton aye. Clerk commissioner that is all. Item number 15 passes. Chair peskin all right. Is there a motion to hello . I move 15. Commissioner mar just joined, sir. Oh, yee. Im sorry. Should i retake the vote . Supervisor yee yeah. Chair peskin you can just add yee. Clerk okay. Commissioner mar . Supervisor mar aye. Clerk and commissioner yee . Supervisor yee aye. Clerk we have approval. Final approval on first appearance. Chair peskin okay. Is there a motion to approve item number 16, made by commissioner move item 16. Approved. Chair peskin a second for that . Supervisor mandelman mandelm an second. Chair peskin seconded by vice chair mandelman. On that item, a roll call please. Clerk on item 16, commissioner fewer . Supervisor fewer aye. Clerk commissioner haney . Supervisor haney aye. Clerk commissioner mandelman . Supervisor mandelman aye. Clerk commissioner mar . Supervisor mar aye. Clerk commissioner peskin . Chair peskin aye. Clerk commissioner preston . Supervisor preston aye. Clerk commissioner ronen . Supervisor ronen aye. Clerk commissioner safai . Supervisor safai aye. Clerk commissioner stefani . Supervisor stefani aye. Clerk commissioner walton . Supervisor walton aye. Clerk commissioner yee . Supervisor yee aye. Clerk we have final approval. Chair peskin thank you, madam clerk. Can you please read items 17 and 18 together. Clerk yes, sir. Items 17 is authorize the executive director to execute a memorandum of understanding, with the transbay joint powers authority, tjpa, the metropolitan Transportation Commission, the peninsula corridor joint powers board, the california highspeed rail authority, and the city and county of San Francisco for the establishment of a new organizational structure that will support the efforts of the tjpa in the development of the downtown rail extension to a readyforprocurement status. That is an action item. And item 18, allocate 11,906,558 with conditions for downtown rail extension, phasing and partial 15 design and appropriate 2,636,109 in prop k sales tax funds for rail Program Oversight and project development support. That is also an action item. Chair peskin thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, i think we are all very, very familiar with these two items, that have been bounced around for getting on to a year. And that led in some part to the expert study and the recommendations that rolled out of that. But i think have now been embraced by all of the different transit agencies, that are named in item 17. With that, i would like to thank our staff, particularly tilley chang, who has been very, very dogged about getting this done. And i understand the tjpa has already approved entering into this mou. With that well turn it over to eric cordova for his presentation. Great. Thank you, chair peskin. Let me go ahead and get my power point here. Hopefully you can see that. And thank you, chair peskin, and commissioners. Yes, definitely been working a year plus on this item. Were very excited to move forward. Just a refresher here in terms of the background. This implements the Transportation Authority Expert Review Panel recommendations that were brought to the board in october of 2019. Also refresher on the terms of the recommendations, which were major recommendations to reposition the rail program, to regional, state and National Significance to truly evaluate as much as possible an initial operating phase option, develop a viable funding strategy and plan, evaluate governing entity and organization options. And evaluate a project delivery method. Thank you to all of the partners for working with us here in the details of this m. O. U. And in particular the transbay joint powers staff and mark and his team, as well as all of our partners. Much appreciated. What you have there is attachment 3a of the m. O. U. It is basically a depiction of in essence the Organization Chart that we are in essence working with the team on here. And it shows in essence executive Steering Committee and whats called also an integrated Program Management team. And then the different, what i call silos of work, that are continuing here as part of this overall effort. And you cant forget about our state and local partners. There have been interest by them to make sure we properly coordinate with them and get them involved when it comes to the Bigger Picture rail solution here in the bay area. Im going to go through really just a little bit more details on the structure. Each of the Partner Agencies is assigning in essence a Senior Executive responsible for delivering the activities of the program. Supported strongly by the innovative project management team, with representatives that have experience in the large projects like this one. The ipnt will be led by new project director, tjpa employee or consultant or a consultant by the partners. We established a summary of work program, thats part of the m. O. U. We envision this as a threeyear term or to ready what we call readyforprocurement status. This agreement may be extended by the partners. As you indicated, chair, the tjpa board unanimously approved the the m. O. U. At the april 9th meeting. Much appreciated. We received an executed copy from the executive director of the peninsula of the j. P. D. , caltrain and other Partner Agencies are looking at the respective approvals. Let me move on now to the next item, which is really related to the allocations, the tjpa and the appropriations of the t. A. Weve gone ahead and actually worked with tjpa staff, specifically in terms of how to proceed or recommending 11. 9 million allocation. Weve actually divided the work into two call it distinct parts. One as were what were indicating as notice to proceed, number one, which focuses on the opportunities for phasing of the project and like i mentioned before, development of initial operating phase. And in essence, bringing that back to the respective boards, including this board for acceptance of the project phasing and strategy, interim budget and schedule. And then being able to move on to ncp2 work, which really gets into much more Detailed Engineering for design of the tunnel and the street station, risk assessment, updated cost estimate and reexamination of the project delivery options. This in essence this allocation covers the first 18 months of the work program. I want to focus now on the appropriations of the Transportation Authority. This is in response to your interest in terms of enhanced oversight and project development support. There are certainly areas that we will lead, the Planning Efforts work, colead the project lead and analysis efforts. And playing a key role in terms of coordinating the decisionmaking on the overall project, working with the tjpa staff and their board and all of our partners. We believe this complements and enhances not only the ongoing oversight, but is something valuable in terms of being able to bring to the table the funding solution and working with our partners to get there. So the two actions in front of you, as indicated, are item 17, authorize the executive director to execute an mou with the partners. And then ten 18, to allocate 11. 906558 to the tjpa. And the 2 million plus, as indicated on your screen there, to the Transportation Authority for us to Work Together. That concludes my presentation. Im open for any preparations. Chair peskin thank you, mr. Cordova, any questions or comments from members . Commissioner walton . Im on the queue. Chair peskin i thought that was from item 11. My bad. Commissioner fewer. Supervisor fewer thank you very much, chair. Item 17 and 18 are setting up the next steps for one of the Largest Networks funded by San Francisco. I want to be assured that the project adheres to the contracting laws for San Francisco, that require participation of small and local businesses, promotion of local hire and compliance with 12 x and 12x2. My response. Chair peskin mr. Cordova, i believe that commissioner walton has the exact same issue that you just raised. I believe that there is language that has been prepared by ms. Chang and mr. Cordova to address that. Eric . Yes. I think i will defer to the executive director chang. Yes. Thank you, commissioner fewer and i believe commissioner walton was also going to make a similar request for us to ensure that the funds for item 18 are comprised the conditions on both funding items to the tjpa and ourselves to follow the citys policies on local and disadvantaged Business Enterprise procurement policies. Okay. And if i may, through the chair, 12x. Just a reminder to commissioners to please turn on the camera when youre speaking, thank you. Im wondering if executive director heard my question about 12 x and 12x2 . Chair peskin miss chang, can you hear . I cant hear you, im so sorry. Please unmute your mic, katie. Chair peskin tilley, unmute your mic. You got it. Chair peskin you did it. Refurbishment . Are you sure . Yes. Yes, commissioner, fewer, i heard. And we will convey that to both of our project teams and ensure thats captured in the condition as well. Supervisor fewer thank you very much, i appreciate it. Chair peskin thank you, commissioner fewer. Commissioner walton . Supervisor walton thank you, chair peskin. And thank you to executive director chang. As you already know, i share the same concerns as commissioner fewer. And i do understand that the tjpa operations typically follow the city and county of San Francisco policy around w. B. I do want to make sure that for item 18, that we add a special condition to both the tjpa and Transportation Authoritys request, to require consistency with the citys local and disadvantaged Business Enterprise policy and language to adhere to San Franciscos local hire policy. Chair peskin you have language that we can insert into item 18, is that correct . Thank you, chair, and commissioner walton. We captured commissioner waltons language right now and we can add a local hire as he and commissioner fewer have both raised. We should say these are item 18, as amended by the direction on local hire and lbe policies, following the city and county of San Francisco. Chair peskin is that acceptable, commissioners fewer and walton . Supervisor fewer yes. Supervisor walton yes. Chair peskin okay. Commissioner haney. Supervisor haney thank you. Chair peskin, i was going to raise the same issue. At the tjpa meeting last week, im glad that we have some amendments to address it. Also just wanted to thank you, chair peskin, for your leadership on this. And director chang and mr. Cordova. This is obviously a critical project for our entire region. And it involves stakeholders and agencies from across the bay area and beyond. And this sort of approach that is creative about how we organize phase and fund the project, is essential. And i think we do have, even though it took a little bit of time, the right approach here. Im looking forward to continuing to support this Regional Partnership both here and at the tjpa. Chair peskin thank you for those words, commissioner haney. And thank you for your service on the tjpa. Ms. Chang, do you want to Say Something . Yes. One thing i want to add that staff have reminded, on the dbelbe your camera. Okay. Can you see me . Chair peskin no. We can hear you. Okay. Chair peskin to the left of the microphone button. I know. Its almost like opposite day with my buttons here. Chair peskin there you go. Okay. Since you can hear me and now see me. I want to convey that the staff have reminded that according we will apply these policies as applicable, because the federal procurement of using federally funded sources for contracts reincludeds local precludes local preference. We intend to attach the condition as applicable, where theres nonfederal procurement involved, if thats all right . Chair peskin duly noted, madam executive director. Commissioner mar. Supervisor mar thank you, chair peskin. I actually had the same pretty much the same question and point of my colleagues that fewer and walton have raised. Obviously maximizing opportunities for our local workforce and also our local businesses through this critically important project. [ please stand by ] yes. I said that, too. Thanks. Dully noted. Seeing no other names on the roster, are there any members of the public who would like to comment on either one of these items 17 and or 18 . Yes, chair, there are some members of the public on the line. This is a reminder that if you would like to comment on this or any other item, you press 10 as soon as the item is called. When it is your turn to speak, you will hear an announcement that your line is unmuted and the operator will say welcome, caller. Please wait to hear this. Your two minutes begin once you hear that. Thank you. First speaker, please. Operator you have five questions remaining. Welcome, caller. Caller hi, there. Im a Small Business owner in San Francisco and i praoernlt the comments that we heard about enforcing our contracting rules so i wanted to make sure that this new structure is going to maintain our contracting laws and i walls want to make sure these laws are enforced on future projects, not just this one. You know, Small Businesses will be at a huge disadvantage based on who enters these contracts in the future, including this one. So i just want to reiterate that we should be following our rules, even as other agencis are involved. It should be our rules that were following. But i do appreciate the conditions that were made and thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you for that comment. Next speaker, please. Operator you have four questions remaining. Welcome, caller. Caller my name is markey. I work in San Francisco African American chamber of commerce. I want to thank the commissioners for including the l. B. E. Amendment. I do want to say that while we understand that any [inaudible] invested by the feds makes the project a federal partner and you have to use l. B. E. Since the city is going to be funding most of this project, i would ask that you consider the [inaudible] that you just [inaudible] to the standard and give up the local Small Businesses. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Operator you have three questions remaining. Welcome, caller. You have two minutes. Caller thank you, supervisors. Im a Community Advocate in bayview and i just wanted to say that appreciate, and we appreciate the additional language that you included for Small Business. In these times of uncertainty, every opportunity can meet survival for Small Businesses and community workers. So i want to tell you i appreciate the amendments that youre making and i want to make sure that there is strict compliance and adheres into all of the amendments and, again, thank you so much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Operator you have two questions remaining. Welcome, caller. You have two minutes. Caller good morning, supervisors. Very briefly, [inaudible] said yesterday, im asking that you strive [inaudible] on page six of the m. O. U. Which has to do with [inaudible] ceqa, which is a friendly recommendation regarding [inaudible] to be consistent with and not require any material modification to the existing [inaudible] documentation. The reason is as follows the current committed funding is 1 billion. [inaudible] offer to deliver both the [inaudible] and p. X. Combined for less than 1 billion. With regards to ceqa, ceqa reform is on the table and will be accelerated. With regards to [inaudible], the High Speed Rail Authority has secured the assignment from the authority. This [inaudible] of 5 billion could be rerouted to other critical project successes and [inaudible]. On the transparent i si, id like you to recommend that the [inaudible] Steering Committee should be made open to the public and im also hoping that the c. A. C. Will have the opportunity to revise and to review both items [inaudible] for approval. With regards to item number 18, they are emerging technical issues, which are somewhat complicated [inaudible] before next weekend. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Operator you have one question remaining. Welcome, caller. You have two minutes. Caller good morning. Commissioner, executive chan. My name is bruce. Im the former chair of the tgpcac and member of the high speed Rail Community working groups and member of the friends of d. T. X. Advocacy group. Im speaking in support of the San Francisco peninsular rail program m. O. U. Ive been following and involved with the project since 2013. As with most large public projects, this project experienced issues around cost, quality and scheduling. [inaudible] along with other key agencies work diligently through the challenges and we now have a worldclass transit center. However, it is missing one key, critical component and that is rail. I applaud this commissions october 23rd, 2013 action to initiate a positive project and allow is sfcta and a host of other agencies to manage a review of the alternate oversight governments models for the management and delivery of the [inaudible] work program and a developing the m. O. U. Although at the service, the m. O. U. Proposes a very complex structure, the complexity of the project, the number of agencies involved and the ultimate cost of this program necessitates a very thorough, robust oversight in governments model. It will ensure transparency is, availability of extra resources and proactive, timely decisionmaking which will ultimately rebuild the publics confidence as well as the confidence of our elected leaders. Time is of the essence. When the work was stoped in 2018, i was anticipated to restart in the in a handful of months. Were now out approximately 18 months. With your approval of the m. O. U. , the initial [inaudible] of the approved work plan can restart. Please authorize the approval of the m. O. U. And the funding requested in item 18 and thank you for the opportunity to provide Public Comment. Thank you, sir. Are there any other members of the public who would like to testify on either or both of these items . Chair, there are no more members of the public. Public comment is closed. Is there a motion to move item 17 to authorize the executive director to enter into the m. O. U. With tj pa and other entities, motioned by commissioner . So moved. Commissioner haney. Seconded by commissioner walton. On that item, a roll call, please. On item 17 [roll call] we have approval. Ok. Do we have a motion to allocate the 11. 9 million for the downtown extension made by commissioner sir, we have to take a vote to amend the item. Oh, excuse me. And then the thank you very much. Thank you, sir. Right. So, is there a motion to amend item 18 with the special conditions that were described by director chang and requested by a number of commissioners, including commissioners fewer, wallton, marr, haney and others . Motioned by walton. Walton, seconded by fewer. Fewer. There we go. And can we take that without objection and then the item as amended . Is there a motion for that . I think we still have to take roll call. On the motion to amend. Really . Yeah. All right. On the motion made by commissioner walton and second by commissioner fewer, the roll call, please. On the motion to amend [roll call] we have approval to amend item 18. Thank you. And on the item as amended, would the same first and second like to do that again, commissioners walton and fewer on the items as amended . Yes. Yes. Ok. All right. Now you wont let me do same house, same call. We have to have another frigging roll call. Ok, roll call, please. Thank you, sir. [laughter] on item 18 as amended [roll call] we have approval of item 18 as amended. Thank you, madame clerk, and thank you for your indulgence, colleagues. Could you please read the next item . Item 19, award a twoyear professional Services Contract to w. M. H. Corporation in an amount not to exceed 3 million for engineering and Environmental Consulting services for the u. S. 101 i280 express lanes and bus project. This is an action item. Mr. Cordoba, a good day for you. Yes, once again. Thank you. Let me go ahead and get the powerpoint up and running here. Let me share screen. My apologies. And i think i can get that there. And hopefully you can see the screen there. Thank you. We can. Great. Happy to present the 101 280 express lanes and bus project. Weve gone through solicitation to get an engineering and Environmental Firm on board so i want to give you and start in essence with a little bit of background here. Weve been working here for the last two to three years on working with our partner to the south. Related to in essence an extension of the Regional Express lane network and so over the last yearplus, we just went ahead and completed what we call a project initiation document thats required by the state of california since it is on a highway facility, announced and approved back in october of 2019. We brought the item to the board at that point in time. I want to talk more about that since october, what weve been doing is honing in on potential early start project, what were calling phase one northbound, h. O. V. Lane, high occupancy vehicle lane from roughly the 23rd overstreet crossing touching down to 5th and king and proceeding all the way and tying into the red bus lane on third street. Phase two in essence is the look at the entire corridor in both directions for what were calling an h. O. V. Hot threeplus lane. This project timeline gives you an indication of what we completed and where were heading in particular, moving forward on a subject of this item with preelectromagnetic their engineering and environmental documentation and we heard loud and clear from the board its important for us to take a look at equity and that is one of the early studis that were going to complete as well. And we have to do a full traffic analysis here for the corridor and then ultimately get into traffic and revenue forecast and concepts of operation. This overall timeline indicates that from an environmental standpoint, about a twoyear process in that regard. But we envisioned coming back to strategically here over the next year to update you on Equity Analysis and the traffic analysis. Just specifically in terms of the contract, the primary tasks are pretty pro forma, engineering,. Managing, what we call technical reports and then on the environmental side, the equity study traffic ops. All of the different required environmental technical studies and also very important our Public Outreach in Communications Work that we will continue moving forward. The estimated cost is 3 million. If you recall correctly, this was these funds were approved propk via resolution 2016. We have structured the solicitation with an optional taofk complete, in essence, the entire environmental documentation phase because right now 3 million is not enough. In order to complete that effort. So the list on the screen shows the different paths that would be completed with an a additional 2. 4 million which were right now currently seeking. Lets talk about the procurement. The r. P. U. Was issued in early february of 2020, proposals were due in early march. The goal was 12. 8 for disadvantaged Business Enterprise efforts which also includes local business. We received two proposals. The committee had unanimously indicated that they felt the w. M. H. Was the recommended firm to move forward. They are commiting to close to a 25 b. D. E. , Small Business target which well make sure they make. So our recommendation here is to award a twoyear professional Services Program to w. M. H. For 3 million, not to exceed 3 million for engineering and Environmental Services and authorize executive director, negotiate contract Payment Terms as indicated in the packet. That concludes my presentation. Im open for any questions. Thank you. Thank you, eric. Are there any questions from members . I see you commissioner safai. The floor is yours. Thank you, chair. I just you know, theres so many things on the agenda today that are capital related and i think that theyre extremely important work that should continue during this time of covid and during a time of uncertainty economically. Im not sure that everything on the dading today, i certainly wasnt briefed on this today. But i dont believe this particular item in this particular work should proceed under these Economic Times of uncertainty. I think that the amount of traffic, the amount of economic recovery, the amount of work that we should be doing overall in terms of the amount of money that we spend should be spent on things that are going to be putting people to work in terms of capitalrelated work. I dont think that this is a priority project in these Uncertain Times and i would not with supporting this today. All right. Are there given those comments anybody else want to weigh in from the authority, from the commission . Other commissioners . Madame executive director, i see your name on the roster. Thank you, chair. And thank you, commissioner safai. Apologies that were unable to brief you for this item part of the meeting, but i appreciate your comments and your sentiments. I think we understand your concern that this were not yet at the construction stage. However, in order to prepare the project in order to be eligible for even near term grants that the state is planning to do some funding rounds in the near term. We wanted to be able to clear these projects environmentally so they would be ready. I should note that the near term opportunity is simply a northbound direction and it would be an h. O. V. Lane and using the strength shoulder of the existing 280 quality. Were not proposing in the northbound direction near term project to toll or to take any existing traffic lanes. So, those opportunities for the near term readiness of the northbound direction as well as the ability to clear this project operator unknown participant is now joining. Stimulus funds would argue that [inaudible] be in a better position than if we were able to advance the studies and environmental clearance of the project. Noting the equity considerations and the operational studies that the board has previously directed us to conduct. Mr. Chair, i would just say, to finish my thought, i dont think weve taken enough time in this time of crisis and time of Economic Uncertainty to really take a step back and see what pools of money that we have. [inaudible] someones typing really hard on their computer. So i dont think [typing] just a reminder for everyone else, please mute. Whoever yeah. Whoever is hit the mute button while youre typing away on your key board, please. Go ahead. Sorry. What i was going to say is i really think we need to take a step back. I got a call from our city librarian yesterday telling us that certain projects that they had in the queue were now Capital Projects that were going to be put on hold because of the budget shortfalls that weve had. I dont think weve had enough of a conversation in this body to have a determination on what projects need to proceed, which ones dont need to proceed and prioritize those, given the amount of tax revenue that were going to be facing in terms of loss over the next year and a half. I think that many of these items, maybe not the ones with the off ramp and i respect the vote that we took on those, those were years in the making. This is not years in the making. There has not been consensus on whether or not we should go forward with this. In times where we have a lot of economic we have a lot of Budget Surplus or moneys that we can tap into, it makes senses to proceed with some of these studies and professional service contracts. I have to say signing a 3 Million Contract when millions and millions of people are out of work and we have so much Economic Uncertainty, i think that it would be a terrible mistake on the part of this agency to not take a step back and have an overall conversation about the Economic Security of the Transportation Authority overall. Thank you for those comments. And before i call on the next folks on the roster, i do want all the members of the authority, as well as members of the public, to know about the early conversations that i, as your chair, have been having with our executive director and first staff. At a high level. One to really talk about through what lens on the capital side, on the operating side we evaluate each and every project and we evaluate projects that we had longterm commitments to. And at the same time, the financial landscape is still very uncertain. And we i expect our c. F. O. Is going to be able to come to us in june. There is no question that we are going to have to revise our initial budgetary projection and i want to do this if a uniform lens and go through this in a policyconsistent way and all of that is still being developed. But i take commissioner safais points to heart and after hearing from the other commissioners on the roster and taking Public Comment, one suggestion that i might make, as we are developing that lens is to continue this at least to the next meeting of the Transportation Authority commission. With that, commissioner walton. Thank you. Im just going to say or add what would be the ramification of continuing this until we get more detailed information on our economic picture . Yeah. And i think what you heard from our executive director is and you saw on mr. Cordobas timeline, is its a minimal delay, given if you go back to that slide, youll see that environmental clearance is still a ways away. So, i mean, our looking at this through a policy consistent priority lens, i dont think a few weeks is going to matter one way or another. Ms. Chang, would you like to weigh in on that . Hello . [inaudible]. [laughter] sorry. Youre still muted oh, god. Here we go. Yeah. I agree, we can take certainly the next couple of weeks to take a closer look at that. I will note that m. T. C. Is preparing its recommendations for the state fb1 Gas Tax Program called solutions for congested corridors and we were hoping to put forward the northbound h. O. V. Lanes which would be a 30 million Grant Application to those to that program, to be endorsed by m. T. C. And to be endorsed by cal trans for the fall. I believe m. T. C. Will take that action in may. Ok. So we have a couple of weeks. Mmhmm. Yes. All right. Commissioner fewer . Thank you, chair. I was just going to suggest to continue this item. So thank you for the suggestion. Excellent. Great minds. Are there any members of public who would like to make Public Comment on this item number 19 . Chair, there are no members of the public. Ok. Public comment is closed. And commissioner safai, would you like to make a motion to continue this to the next full sfta meeting . When is the next meeting . You mean next week . April 28th is our next scheduled Board Meeting. Ok. So that would be ok. Two weeks. Ok. Ill make a motion to continue this item to the next scheduled meeting. There a second second. Seconded by second. Second by fewer. Fewer second. And i guess you guys are going to make me take a roll call on this. Yes, sir. Thank you, chair. [laughter] all right. To continue item 19 to the next scheduled Board Meeting [roll call] commissioner ronan . Hillary . Commissioner ronan, are you still there . Commissioner ronan, absent . [continuing roll call] the item will be continued. Thank you. Next item, please. Item 20, approve programming priorities for up to 3,794,003 in San Franciscos estimated fiscal year 20202021, state transit assistance county block grant funds. This is an action item. Ms. Leforte. Good morning, commissioners. Nice to see you all. Nice to be with you all. Im the Deputy Director for policy and programming at the Transportation Authority. Going to bring up my presentation. Ok. So, this item before you is a Block Grant Program that comes to the counties through the metropolitan Transportation Commission, state transit assistance funds. The revenues are generated from a sales tax on diesel fuel and these have been bottle source of funding even before covid19 and we expect to receive the actual revenues that we have already programmed to projects and ill get to in just a moment for fiscal year 1920 before we get the revenues in the fall and we expect to receive updated projections for fiscal year 2021 in the fall as well and we expect that those will be lower than current estimates, which are based on for the upcoming fiscal year on the governors budget as it was originally introduced in january of 2020. The metropolitan Transportation Commission requires that counties by may 1 to be tier, submit the distribution policy for the funds that are for the upcoming fiscal year. As i mentioned, this is a Block Grant Program that started in 2018. So, the first two years of funding for fiscal years 1819 and 1920 are programmed as follows. There was a 7. 8 million that was projected to be received in the two years. The board previously directed 40 of those funds to the sfmta for its transmit program. And that was based on the amount previously these funds had been distributed by m. T. C. Through its regional Paratransit Program and regional lifeline program. So, the 40 was based on what m. T. A. Would have received under that former Regional Program at that point in time. And the board also directed 60 of the funds to a new regional lifeline Transportation Program that San Franciscos t. T. A. Administered and the program of projects were put into place to address needs of lowincome populations and m. T. A. And bart transit. These are for transit operating projects. The s. T. A. Funds can be used for capital and operating projects so we prioritize projects, operating projects that benefit communities of concern as you see on your screen before you. For the upcoming fiscal year, we are projected, as i mentioned, from the january 20 budget, were projected were projected to receive 3. 8 million. We given that we expect these revenues to be lower, we are conservative in our programming recommendations, only recommending to one fiscal year at this time. And giving First Priority to backfilling the projects that were funded in the prior cycle. So, that program of projects was shown on the prior slide. And also funding the latenight owl service on the 44 and 48 bus lines. Should there be funds left after backfilling any decline in revenues from the prior cycle, our second priority would be to direct any remaining funds to sfmtas Paratransit Program. So t next steps following the board action that we are recommending today would be to submit the priorities to m. T. C. And then return back to the board in the fall with an update on how revenues are looking from this actual program. They could be, you know, half of what are estimated at this point and [inaudible] the spring, around this Time Next Year to recommend options for the fiscal year 2122. And at that point in time well recommend funds for paratransit or to create [inaudible] program once again. And with that, i can take any questions and we also have the m. T. A. s para transit program. Operator now exiting. Available as well. Vo, there any questions for ms. Leforte or Lynette Williams at sfmtas Paratransit Program . See nothing names on the roster, are there any members of the public that would like to testify on this item number 20 . There are no members of the public. All right. And Public Comment is closed. Operator is now exiting. Is there a motion to approve the programming priorities for the aforementioned 3. 8 million approximately operator hillary is now joining. Mandelman . Is there a second . Chair peskin, we can see you. [inaudible]. Seconded by commissioner yee and on that motion made and seconded, a roll call, please. On item 20 [roll call] can you hear me now . Yes. Thank you. [continuing roll call] the item is approved. Thank you. Next item, please. Item 21, allocate 580,000 in propk sales tax funds and 383,776 in propaa vehicle rent separation fee funds with conditions for requests. This is an action item. Thank you. And before we go to ms. Leforte, as with the discussion that we have on item 19 at a high level, i had the same discussion with regard to this item 21 with staff so i think what supervisor safai and others brought up with regard to item 19 is something that you might want to address and recall some of the or im happy to recall some of the questions that i asked in our conversation when i was briefed on this item before you put it on the agenda. So with that, the floor is yours. All right. Let me pull up my brief presentation that im happy to address with additional comments. So well go through the presentation first and then address the comments, although in summary, the comments are the new lens that were looking at projects and funding requests that are pending and that were presenting to the board is to ask the agencies if these projects are still priorities in light of the Current Situation facing the trans operations and facing the capital programs at the different agencies as well as ensuring that there is staff available. And to perform the work and these are being done as essential work program items. This is for the design phase of the second phase of improvement. [announcement in background] or essential construction [inaudible]. Sorry. Could other participants mute their audio, please . Ok. As far as deeming this as an essential construction contract, this is not for construction, this is operator unknown participant is now exiting. This is for the design phase of improvements to position the Capital Projects to compete successfully for discretionary Grant Programs when design is finished and so this request is for 480,000 in sales tax funds and a project segments to be designed are circled in red on your screen and so the recommendations would be to produce a continuous and accessible and safe series of pedestrian pathways in this area that is known as the hairball. It will connect the community and various different parks and transit Regional Transit stops and different hospitals and Education Centers and food markets and so the scope of work includes design for five new concreteraised [inaudible] blocks and bicycle and pedestrian lanes, flashing beak beacons and accessibility improvements. The next request also from the m. T. A. , sfmta is for Bicycle Safety and education and outreach classes and this would find about 45 classes over the course of about 16 months. And the list of classes that are offered are shown on your screen. These classs are offered in english, spanish, chinese and filipino and each year a minimum of two classes are conducted in multiple languages and education and promotional outreach material are also translated into various different languages as well. The current funding that the sfmta has in place for contract with the Bicycle Coalition is right now the classes, several of the classes have been canceled. But they will be rescheduled onces the shelter in place is lifted. There is one class that has been offered online that does not involve the [inaudible] bike instruction. And several of the outreach and other events that have been canceled, i think that the plan would be to continue to do that outreach once the world resumes in some state of normalcy following the covid pandemic shelter in place. So what the impact is having is simply pushing up the schedule of the existing classes rather than resulting in any cost savings for this program. So instead of the contracts for this funding request starting this december would likely start more like in november or december for the next year of the classes. And this next request ms. Leforte, doesnt that ultimately result in a cost savings . I mean, if you delay something and youre pushing something for the next fiscal cycle, doesnt that i mean, by definition mean there is a cost savings . It extends the links of the project as opposed to if it were to end, if we were to say that the rescheduled classes would be reborn by the next phase of funding, then there would be savings. Right. By mean so far and im not taking on this particular contract, but this is just a way for us to view these things. In so far as this is ongoing service, and we Fund Services for periods of time, generally a fiscal year, and the service is not provided to the full extent in one fiscal year. Yes, it pushes it out. But it means that there is a cost savings in that particular fiscal year when the service is not provided. Right . Yes. Youred noing your head. Youre nodding your head. I see you nodding your head. Sorry. I cant see myself. [laughter] as commissioner safai said and we heard from commissioner fewer and others, this is not going going forward, it is not going to be business as usual. Well have like a lot of very hard decisions to make, so its better to make them sooner rather than later for whatever that is worth. But please proceed. And the board will see this next month as well. We have a bunch of requests from public works for their annual programs for curb repair and Tree Planting and equipment and other annual programs where, you know, its a similar situation. What we are seeing is staff at the agency is that sfmta and public works are requesting funds actually earlier than usual, before tend of the fiscal year in order to be able to set up the accounts and the job orders at the agency and funds are available when they do run out for this currently run out and they do start again for the new cycle that there is no gap in service. Theres something anecdotedly that weve been seeing. And the last request is for the safety improvements. And according to m. T. A. , they are still proceeding as if this according to the current schedule in the request materials. This is the second phase of work along this corridor and it has many Transit Service benefits as far as infrastructure for the signals that would be in [inaudible] taking priority to transit. With that, i can take any questions. Ok. Are there any members who have questions on item 21 . Yes, i do. Commissioner yee . Yeah. This is really a quick question. And it involves buying the smallest amount of money dealing with today. But in terms of the bike Safety Education outreach, how many people are they reaching out, the average sizes are classes. Im a little bit technically challenged with having multiple systems up. But in the allocation request materials are evaluation of past classes that have been offered and im just pulling this up on my screen now and so in your packet of materials, lets se see here. The numbers of classes and the numbers of attendees are actually shown in the materials so over the past number of years and they averaged attendees in 2019 over 27 classes and in 2018 it was about 400 over 26 classes. And that was for the adult bike train and then wheels for more of the novice training, there were nine events and there were 307 attendees in 2019. And in 2018, there were 780 attendees. And one thing i would like to say about the classs that have been canceled is that the m. T. A. Is following the Controllers Office guidelines on payment contractors, so interpreted by the city attorney. So sfbc is still being paid at a reduced rate for the classs that have been canceled because of shelter in place. So, that reduced rate is six per class and refund number of hours [inaudible] of the conducting of the class. Thank you. Does that satisfy your question, commissioner yee . Yeah. Certainly for the younger folks, it is like pretty good numbers. It sounds like for the adult classes, there are about 15 in each class. But if that is the norm, im wondering if that is with the [inaudible] better or not. By increasing nose numbers. Without resupporting it. Thank you, commissioner r. There any additional comments or questions from commissioners . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment on this item . Chair, theres no Public Comment. Ok. Then is there a motion to allocate the 580,000 in propk sales tax funds and 384,000 in propaa funds . Mandelman moves. Vice chair mandelman, seconded by [inaudible]. Seconded by walton. On that motion, a roll call, plea. On item 21 [roll call] the item has been approved. [typing] thank you, madame clerk. Colleagues, is there any introduction of new items . Seeing none yes oh. Go ahead. I have something. This is commissioner hani. Sorry. [inaudible] my camera on here. [typing] whoever is timing away, put your phone on mute. Colleagues, ive been working with sfmta and sfmca staff and i want to take a moment to make a formal request here. As many of you know, weve had to make necessary but painful cuts to our m. T. A. Service, our muni service and especially our latenight bart service which has had an impact on our essential workers. Ive heard from folks who work at Homeless Service providers for whom that latenight service is essential for them to get to and from work. Many of them live in the east bay and rely on bart in order to get into work. Obviously right now we need them more than ever. Were asking them to do more. Some of the providers have told me that up to 30 of their staff are liing in the east bay and rely on bart. Uber and lyft and companies y like that have, in some cases, provided free credit. I think it is critical that we have a Public Program in order to support our essential workers right now. Especially those who are providing Services Like at our hotels, where people who are homeless will be staying and people who are working at other Homeless Service providers or hospitals, etc. And they created a Taxi Voucher Program for essential workers that are impacted by the recent cuts. I dont know if staff is aware of this request, but i wanted to put it formally on record. I think this is essential for us to be able to continue Critical Services during this time and that there is adequate transportation in place to do that. Thank you, commissioner. We will have staff respond to that between now and april 28. Commissioner safai . Thank you. Thank you, commissioner haney. On a very similar vein, because of the massive reduction in barts excuse me, in sfmta service citywide, there are certain areas of the city, in my district in particular, lakeview that has been completely cut off from any service in the city. Theres a lot of seniors and a lot of lowincome families and a lot of individuals and we have been in conversations with the sfmta about the Taxi Voucher Program as well. If we could also make that a priority where there are individuals that are just essentially completely cut off from any form of Public Transportation. So id like the t. A. To work with the sfmta dhurg time of reduced service to focus on not just the [inaudible], but pockets of the city that have absolutely no Public Transportation access and youre talking about seniors and disabled individuals that cant get around. This is a Critical Service at this point. Thank you, mr. Chair. Thank you, commissioner safai and i know that our executive director will follow up on both of your requests under introduction of these items. Is there any general Public Comment for the s. F. County Transportation Authority . Yes, chair. We do have two people on the line. Operator thank you, madame clerk. First speaker, please. Operator you have two questions remaining. Welcome, caller. Your two minutes begins now. My name is Francisco Decosta and what i am seeing is that, as has been mentioned in general, some areas my name is Francisco Decosta. And what i wanted to state is, in general, some things have been mentioned about the pandemic and the areas where there are no services. But what i want to mention is that it is really despicable when you see on some of the lines that the buses are jam packed. And i think you supervisors have been i have at least tried to contact yall, but you all should do something about that. We cant [inaudible] innocent people in our muni buses jam packed when we have a pandemic. While the mayor and dr. Grant colfax and some others are talking about this, that and the other. Its the same as the navigation center. So, our board of supervisors that we have elected have to learn to represent us rather than, you know, just talking in generalities. This is a pandemic. And in a pandemic, every life is important. Every life has to be taken care of. So supervisors, dont be talking for the sake of talking. Represent the constituents of San Francisco. Thank you. Next eke spaoer, please. Speaker, please. Operator you have one question remaining. Welcome, caller. Your two minutes begins now. Caller thank you. Supervisors, thank you for the opportunity. Id like to bring to your attention that none of this mornings presentations are on the website and i would like to see all these presentations, including the any presentation for [inaudible] on the consent calendar to be posted as soon as possible. And i would like to remind you of government rule section 54957. 5, subsection b which can requires that all these presentations, if at all possible, should be posted on websites at least 72 hours before these items are heard by the board. Thank you very much. Thank you for that comment, mr. Lebrun and im hereby asking the staff of the sfcta to do that to the fullest of that you are ability. Your comment is very well taken. Are there any other members of the public for Public Comment for the sfcta meeting for today, april 14 . Chair, there are no more comments. Thank you, madame clerk. Thank you, colleagues. We are adjourned. At 62942 Work Together we can support your children. Its been my dream to start is a Valley School since i was a little girl. Im having a lot of fun with it clapping the biggest thing we really want the kids to have fun. A lot of times parents say that Valley Schools have a lot of problems but we want them to follow directions but we want them to have a wonderful time and be an affordable time so the kids will go to school here. We hold the classes to no longer 12 and theres 23 teachers. I go around and i watch each class and theres certain children i watched from babies and its exciting to see them after today. The children learn how to follow directions and it ends up helping them in their regular schooling. They get selfconfidents and today, we had a residual and a lot of time go on stage and i hope they get the bug and want to dance for the rest of their 5, 4, 3, 2 , 1. Cut. We are here to celebrate the opening of this community garden. A place that used to look a lot darker and today is sun is shining and its beautiful and its been completely redone and been a Gathering Place for this community. I have been waiting for this garden for 3 decades. That is not a joke. I live in an Apartment Building three floors up and i have potted plants and have dreamt the whole time i have lived there to have some ability to build this dirt. Let me tell you handout you how to build a community garden. You start with a really good idea and add Community Support from echo media and levis and take management and water and sun and this is what we have. This is great. Its about environment and stewardship. Its also for the we implemented several practices in our successes of the site. That is made up of the pockets like wool but they are made of recycled plastic bottles. I dont know how they do it. There is acres and acres of parkland throughout golden gate park, but not necessarily through Golden Community garden. We have it right in the middle oit. Shop dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges resident to do their shop dine in the 49 within the 49 square miles of San Francisco by supporting local services in the neighborhood we help San Francisco remain unique successful and vibrant so were will you shop dine in the 49 chinatown has to be one the best unique shopping areas in San Francisco that is color fulfill and safe each vegetation and seafood and find everything in chinatown the walk shop in chinatown welcome to jason dessert im the fifth generation of candy in San Francisco still that serves 2000 district in the chinatown in the past it was the tradition and my family was the royal chef in the pot pals thats why we learned this stuff and moved from here to have dragon candy i want people to know that is art we will explain a walk and they cant walk in and out it is different techniques from stir frying to smoking to steaming and they do show of. Beer a royalty for the age berry up to now not people know that especially the toughest they think this is i really appreciate they love this art. From the cantonese to the hypomania and we have hot pots we have all of the cuisines of china in our chinatown you dont have to go far. Small business is important to our neighborhood because if we really make a lot of people lives better more people get a job here not just a big firm. You dont have to go anywhere else we have pocketed of great neighborhoods haul have all have their own uniqueness. All have their own uniqueness. San francisco has to all working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrant and dynamic city thats on the forefront of economic growth, the arts, and social change. Our city has always been on the edge of progress and innovation. After all, were at the meeting of land and sea. Our city is famous for its iconic scenery, historic designs, and worldclass style. Its the birthplace of blue jeans, and where the rock holds court over the largest natural harbor on the west coast. Our 28,000 city and county employees play an Important Role in making San Francisco what it is today. We provide residents and visitors with a wide array of services, such as improving city streets and parks, keeping communities safe, and driving buses and cable cars. Our employees enjoy competitive salaries, as well as generous benefits programs. But most importantly, working for the city and county of San Francisco gives employees an opportunity to contribute their ideas, energy, and commitment to shape the citys future. Thank you for considering a career with the city and county of San Francisco. role call . Directors, you have a quorum. There will be no such announcement with sound devices today

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