Thank you, so much. I just wanted to welcome everybody to todays meeting. I want to extend my appreciation to uesf and president and her team. Dr. Matthews team with him and all those that supported the mou that well be voting on later today. I know it wases a lot o it was d i wanted to express my gratitude moving forward. The first item is approval of the board minutes for the meeting of july 2020. I need a motion and a second. roll call thank you. Thats five ayes. Thank you. First and foremost i want to welcome everyone back. We are so close to the start of the school year which is next monday august 17th. Our Student Learning will begin for the 2020, 2021 school year. You should know that our School Staff Members are working extremely hard preparing to welcome our students on monday. This past monday was the fifth annual Digital District day. This year was all online. There was overwhelming consent. When we needed to close registration on sunday night. Those that participated, it was thirst first time attending digital event. Teachers with a wide variety of other roles, including para professionals, substitutes, counselors, coaches, administrators, and Central Office staff. The day was focused on going deeper with Digital Learning and alignment with the districts work in promoting work with inquiry, assessment, and equitable access which is one of our four Distance Learning priorities. The key note speaker rounding the day and our commitment to anti racist practices from surviving to thriving through Emotional Intelligence and culturally relevant practices. Thank you to all of our team who put this event together. Student attrition services is committed to providing nutritious meals for students while schools are closed. Beginning august 19th news will be available to district students only. Mr. Steel is there a slide or no . Since march, our meal program has been open to all children under 18 but due to usda wafers, we can now only serve enrolled students. Five meals a day, is available at 18 pick up sites. Families will be asked to provide their students bar code or meal account when picking up meals. Each bar code will be mailed to households by august 18th. Fresh meals are provided to students who qualify. If a student is not eligible for free or reduced price meal, it will be charged to their meal account. The form to apply is available at sfusd. Finally usd will not provide supper and provide a break for our dining staff. Meal sites will reopen wednesday august 19th. Our big thank you to our s and s staff who have been working hard to provide meals to our students and families. Sfusd is funded far below what is needed for our students needs. We must work as a community to ensure adequate public funding we need to serve our students now. We cannot wait for public dollars to do all the critical work. Thats where our philanthropic donors come in. They will help us with both the immediate needs of the moment and with long term equity and innovation goals. The sun Land Foundation which has been giving to sf unified which will support devices, wifi, teacher training and tech support during Distance Learning. Granted 9 million during the school year. Its making it possible for the First Comprehensive prek through 12 curriculum. And enable middle grade leaders to envait through direct funding allocations. In addition to support to our private funders, 15 million for San Francisco unified to help alleviate the financial burden caused by the covid 19 pandemic. As well as funds for credentials educators at our schools. We greatly appreciate this budgetary support from our mayor which provided much needed Fiscal Relief for our challenging year. I want to thank you all and that completes my report for this evening. I want to remind those if youre not speaking, please turn off your mic. Thank you. Thank you dr. Matthews. Item three is student delegates report. Greetings. I have the student delegates report for todays meeting on august 11th. Our first update is the cabinet and committee orientation. Our meeting we discussed our cabinet rules, elections. Our goal is to provide and establish executive committees so our work load projects are vetted with oversight and recommendations. We had our meeting yesterday august 10th via zoom. We would like to thank our intern for providing a modern and Accessible Committee guide. Renaming of school task force. We nominated two passionate members of the task force. In the organization of crucial access to rei reindigenous valu. Wed like to thank deputy superintendent for speaking at our meeting and giving us an opportunity to speak at this project. Thank you for taking the lead on this new project. Our third update is the Digital District day panel. The topic is getting our teachers and staff trained to better support students tech knowledgtechnologically for the. The meeting was yesterday augus. In allowing us to express our student voice. Thank you and kudos to our student leaders. The student delegates for doing a great job at the event. We have the student led pod cast delegations. We wanted to find ways in which we could communicate student news to our constituents via tele broad cast. This project is still in its consideration phase. Our next step is to convene for more insight. Especially mr. Kevin who presented this idea to us at our lastour second to last meeting. Our fifth update is the august fifteenth Community Forum. Our goal is to provide students with information and engagement opportunities happening in our community. When, where is august 13th but we are unaware of the times. Our next meeting is the ss c public meeting. If you would like to attend, make a presentation or get a copy of our agenda, please contact our s c c supervisor. Thank you, so much. Thank you. All right. Thank you so much student delegates. You guys are reaml guys are reae ground running. Good to see. Next is item four. There is none. Item five is none tonight. Mean white putPublic Comment iswe ask that you refrain from using employee and student names. If you have a complaint about about an employee, you may submit it with accordance of public policy. They did not allow us to respond to comments or attempt to answer questions during Public Comment times. If appropriate the superintendent will ask to followup with speakers. Thank you. To reiterate, please raise your hand if you wish to speak on an item not on the agenda this afternoon. [indiscernible]. We demand the district makeestablish [indiscernible]. We demand that you make a conscious effort to hire more teachers of color. Dedicated toevery student receives an equitywe would like to see the district keep record of all the complaints made against administrators, faculty, and staff. Hold on one second. How many folks have their hands raised . None. If you wanted to go on, its a two minute time for Public Comment for each person. At the end if you wanted to add anything, you can. That will be awlg and all ane can just continue. Hello, michelle. Hello. Here is the list i currently have. Beyond keeping records of explaintcomplaints filed. Hate speech as a hate crime at the state level. Impacts should be acknowledged. We demand that every individual undergo extensive bias training. It should be continuous during their time in the district. Be trained on anti blackness and anti racist. Cultivate a safe environment. Alongside these measures we hold perpetrators accountable. An office solely dedicated to these just practices. Clear pathways to report incidents of discrimination and interpersonal violence. Provide all the students with accessible documentation of title nine projections. We also request that the mandate for title nine. Hi. I will now be continuing with the specific demands for the school of the arts. We demand that the school of the arts allow families to petition for acceptance out of district so they can pursueensure it is equity focused. Students of color are included in all efforts for said audition process. Recruit and retain students of color. Dedicate time and curriculum of students of color. Undergo the same hiring process. Along with this, we ask that residents are not given teaching positions solely based on referrals from their peers. Hire Department Heads and residents of color. Ensure of curriculum in all of the art disciplines are from people of color. Jesse are you there . Im reading the lull demands. [indiscernible]. We ask that this process includes equity centered application process. Retain students of color from under represented middle schools. We demand that lull work with the Equity Task Force for acreate a system for racism and Sexual Violence led by students and for students. Develop bias training led by professionals and students. We demand that lull extend training thatwe demand that they establish a Advisory Committee and work for Equity Committee and provide input on decisions made by admin. Develop an inaugural program for under represented students during the summer before their freshman year. More resources and funding for Better Mental Health care. Thank you. Thank you. Hello, caller . Yes. Can you hear me . We can. Two minutes. Yes. Hello. My name is meg fause. Ive been a school bus driver. I understand the School District is experiencing a financial crisis. I cant go without Health Insurance in the middle of a pandemic. There are at least one hundred School Districts including la unified who see the value in paying school bus drivers. You cant just stop everything and be ready to go on short notice. If School Resumes in october it will be a short period of time. For me, it will mean a gap in my Health Insurance that i will never get back again. I will be forced to apply for medicare pan b or pay a penalty for the rest of my life. Please dont do this to a diverse Work Community that has served the community for years. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Hello. It says web meeting organizer. Sorry. I couldnt rename myself. Im also a school bus driver. Ive been a driver for the last five years. Yesterday, we were informed that the wages and benefits that are kept on members will not continue until in Person Learning resumes in the next few months. Many School Districts are fully funding their fleet. This cut off will mean a shut down of our yard. Not being ready when full person School Resumes and this concerns us. Even more than that. This will be recalled, it will mean that we will all lose our health care and during a pandemic. The likely loss of coverage and the stress it places on our workers, we understand the district has been on a budget crisis. Millions have been provided to help the situation. If San Francisco will not support the drivers and workers we are asking that at the very least is cover our Health Care Benefits while we wait to return to service like we have done for decades. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Hello caller. 415627. Hello. Good afternoon to president sanchez for commissionersladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. I want to thank the lord with our students having devices and just as important food. When you are a parent its hard to have hungry children in the home. Of course, they cannot learn. As we all know this is the third day in the country, in the world, when president noshe isd African American woman to be nominated for such a position. For the two young ladies who are student delegates and all the students in San Francisco unified School District. Were grateful. Thank you. Hi. Good evening. I want to speak about the districts ride share. The transportation of School District. This company illegally miss classified drivers. Received no benefits, and receive no minimum wage. The labor[indiscernible]. Yesterday, increasing contract exploitation of low income workers and continue to erode jobs in the process. Were concerned about the districtrecent transportation resolution put forward by the board one of the stated goals is innovative. There are many ways to be innovative in solving School Transportation problems including costs, utilizing legally Union Workers is aggressive, not innovative. One further point while the word innovative is repeated and cost savings. The word safety does not appear once in this resolution. Thank you for your time and consideration. Thank you. Hello. It says c ft zoom five. I was unable to change my name. I wanted to speak very much in support of the school bus drivers. Im not going to repeat what the speakers said. They spoke eloquently and to important points as they have over the last year. This is a pandemic. They need their benefits and we need a bus fleet. Workers who are trained and we need a fleet that is ready to go when our students are. Please consider what they have said to you. Thank you. Thank you. Hello, dan. Go ahead. I would like to read something for the board of education. Its from the brown act. The legislative body of a local agency shall not prohibit local criticism programs or services of the agency for acts or admissions of the body. I was provided testimony on what i felt was a violation of my civil rights by the board of education. I was rudely muted and kicked off the zoom call. Talk about a violation of civil rights. The ninth circuit of court ruled in his favor. Theres more. Profane, insane, and inaccidentt speechesyou think theres a budget crisis. Let me warn you. Im that a hole and president sanchez, should i permit the speaker to continue . Ill defer to council. I would caution the speaker that we do not permit profanity and permit him to continue for the duration of his time. I heard that. Youll have one more minute. I am the person that will sue the sfusd in the middle of a pandemic. Youre not dumb. A judge and jury will rule in my favor. The First Amendment is the First Amendment. They paid michael hunt over two hundred thousand dollars in damages for First Amendment violations just like this. I dont want that to happen. Youve been warned. The school bus driverse driverse of the best people ive met. Everyone has a story about how the School District has screwed them over. I cant believei believe youre do tdoing it right now in the me of a pandemic. This is das disgraceful. Hello, paul. This will be my 50th yoa yeaf driving a school bus. This will be the first year ive not had health benefits. Well be laid off without Health Insurance benefits. At the very least this will lead most of us with a gap in coverage. It would be extremely disruptive and complicated. Many people are having difficulty in getting employment benefits. Having this in the midst of a pandemic. Most districts are finding it difficultplease consider providing these interim benefit funds. Thank you. Im the president of the local tw 21 protest year at sfu. Ive been listening in and also sympathize with the bus drivers. Theyve been with us for a long time and i thinki really would not like to see their benefits cut off, particularly during this time of pandemic. Becausewere going to see some more spikes. I urge that their benefits resume. At least their benefits. Okay. Thank you. Thats all i have to say. Thank you. President , sanchez that concludes Public Comment at this time. Okay. Thank you to the public for joining us today and speaking. Section d is Advisory Committee reports and appointments. We have the Parent Advisory Council. Do we have a pa c representative with us today . Yes, we do. We have myself, the coordinator, and parent representative. My name is michelle, im the parent of two former students. A former member and the current coordinator of the Parent Advisory Council. Im joined today by thank you. Hi. Im a parent of a seventh grader and an 11th grader. Id on my third year under wonderful leadership by michelle. The role of the Parent Advisory Council is to represent the parent voices and perspectives in order to inform the board of education policy discussions. This report were delivering today is the work were doing over the summer and work as we prepare for the next school year. The pa c wants to appreciate everyone thats been working so hard over the last few months. The leads and participat partic im sorry. Would you go a little slower. Yes. I would love to go slower. Im trying to speed up because i dont want to take up too much airspace. Were here to represent the parent voices and perspectives to better inform the board of education policy discussions. This report will provide an update on what work weve been doing over the summer and next steps for the next school year 2020 2021. The pa c wants to appreciate the work that everyone at the Central Office has been doing over the past few months to thoughtfully rethink what the return to learning will look like for all of our students. In particular the leads and participants of the three working groups put together this summer and for all the staff and student Family Resource lines and everyone who has made sacrifices to their schedules, they continue to work for all of us this summer. We really appreciate it and know that was a big amount of work. This summer, our pa c members strive to represent parent perspectives that are simultaneously taking place. Parents involved in the three working groups, logistics, teaching, learning and staffing personnel. We participated in the town Hall Meetings and shared out and responded to the sfusd family surveys. A special thank you to pa c members for their participation in the working groups. Also our leader, michelle over the summer participated in a variety of various meetings, trainings, planning sessions to support the work of the district. The Community Partners and the parent leaders for key shareholder input. In addition, to the sfusd responssponsored events non part focused events over the summer including Community Forums run by parent leaders and the ptas 411 Facebook Live sessions. Our own childrens individual school communities. Common themes that emerged in these events and from Public Comment include the following, michelle, do you want to read those . Why dont we tag team. Ill read the first. Great. The first desire for families. I worked with my colleagues in various capacities at the district. I want to say this is across demographics. The desire for clear, consistent, timely, and standardize communication from the district and school sites mplet especially isitesespecialy what learning will look like for students. We know some of this has hung up or slowed down with the teachers union. This is understandable. Families are still feeling really left in the dark and School Starts absur starts on m. Greater transparency and clierity about exactly what the unmet need is. All students and families have the technology and access to reliable connections needed to engage in Distance Learning. Parents to best support their schirtheirall of us on the cals take for granted. Theres a lot of parents, sometimes i cant even help my seventh grader with some of his tech issues. Thank you. We are aware that the department of technology is helping with technology learning. Were reflecting what were hearing from families. Ill read the next one. The desire by families to prioritize access for whatever necessary supports are needed for our students especially who have struggled the most with Distance Learning which including our students with ieps, our black, brown and Pacific Islander student nz particular. S in particular. The willingness and desire for parents to collaborate and plan and support teachers during the pan te pandemic. Parents know what works and doesnt work with their kids. Parents have a wealth of knowledge and skills they are willing to put to use during these challenging times. Thank you. We encourage the board and district to really hear these messages and to respond to them in a timely manner. We request that our city agencies and all employers of sfusd parents be especially supportive as families navigate these next few weeks of Distance Learning with their children. Work with our Business Partners to request that employers be flexible with parents as they support working from home. Whether their jobs are something they have to do from home or they have to go out side of the home. Im going to move onto some other areas of our report. Recruiting pa c members. We have some other folks interested in. We wanted to continue to put the word out there that were looking for more pa c members. Were trying to represent the diversity that is present with our School District and families. It will be a top priority for our meeting coming up in september to come up with a Clear Strategy on how to increase our out reach. If anyone out there right now is interested, you can get more information on what we do including applications in establish and spanish. If you would like to ask any questions, want some more information, or request an application in a different language. You can email me at pa c. Our next meeting is coming up. Wednesday september second at 5 45 p. M. You can email me. Im happy to share that link. Our pack meetings are open to the public. I encourage everyone who is interested to attend. I would like you to note that we have moved our meetings from the second wednesday of the month to the first of the month for the 2021 school year. I would especially like to extend an invitation to the board commissioners if youre available. Ill send something via email, reach out if you are interested in attending. Translation and interpretation are provided at our meetings. If its something other than spanish, its helpful to let me know ahead of time. This month well be focusing on how to best leverage positive change in the year ahead. I wanted to just respond to the one point that the student delegates brought up which is the Community Forum thats happening on wednesday. It will be at ten a. M. 10 00 a. M. They werent sure of the time. That is our report for tonight and thank you and let us know if you have any questions. All right. Thank you michelle. Can you remind me of the wednesday september second meeting. The official start time is six pmg. Thank you so much. Lets see if theres any Public Comment on this item . Raise your hand to speak on this item. We have one more. Ms. Fisher. Hi, everyone. On behavior of the Advisory Committee for special education. I would like to thank the pa c on their hard work. We appreciate everything youre doing to elevate the parent voice. Thank you. All right. Comments or questions from commissioners. Hi. Thank you for your work. For your continued support and just overall, we understand that we as a community cannot do this work without parents. Thats the message ive been trying to share with everyone. When were talking about any model that were using if we can provide the support for you all, well find many families for the platforms. I did want to apologize, i know weve been trying to connect around getting people on board with you and just doing out reach in general. Ill be sure to followup with that. I know its been a bit of a crazy time. I did want to respond to naomi what you shared around navigating the platform nz general. Thats work weve been doing right now. Ive been offering mini workshops in person for families to just be able to navigate parent view and sign onto look at the platforms were using and understand how to use those tools. Know where to turn in homework and where messages were received. That is all online and countless vaicountlessvideos. Weve been trying to share and offer these workshops mainly weve reached Spanish Speaking families and found a number of them dont know what parent view is. Thats a barrier because we understand that if we want any log in that our students have, it lives there. If you dont know what the password is, theres no learning. You cannot log in. Im sharing that because theres a creation of this information in a concise, digestible way. Im getting support to provide it in vietnamese, cantonese, and other languages as well. I know not Everyone Needs support but were trying to extend it. Were trying to use as many of the resources as possible so you all can see how its going to function moving forward at least during the pandemic. Ill also followup to offer that support. Thank you for the time. Theres a lot of good things happening. But the chains of communication get broken or dont connect. Anything thats going on, you can send it my way and ill help get it out there. One thing that is successful in this area is these groups are smaller. They can ask questions directly. Its similar to what we can do with our students. If you are offering this to just making sure that it stays within these little groups so that you can maintain that communication. All right. Any other commissioners. Superintendent matthews. I want to thank the pa c and appreciate these comments. When we receive these comments we believe they are making us stronger. What we are focusing on is similar is consistency, making sure were having consistent communication loops and consistent ways were communicating so families can look for and understand and know thats where its coming from. One thing we continue to push is the wednesday digest. Were going to continue to do that. Thats the main way, the best way to get the most up to date information. Were looking at consistent, clarity, communication, and connection. What youve highlighted is exactly what were focusing on. The mou both from the districts perspective as well as the labor partners perspective, what you see reflected in that mou came directly from parents speaking to us saying this is what we need. This is what we continue to hear, we need clarity, consistenty, and communication. During this pa pandemic, what yu just said when talking to commissioner lopez, its the understanding that its more difficult to communicate or have the regular type of communication but that doesnt mean its a hurdle that we cant get over. Were go to go try ting to try e information out to you in as consistent manner as possible. If you have specific, you know, ideas about improving the communication loops or improving how we communicate, i think that would be helpful. We understand obviously and this is what all districts are going through right now. The anxiety the parents are going through. The mou being modified. Some of that anxiety will hopefully be abated tbhai. By that. The more specific the requests are, the better well be able to address them. Thank you for tonights presentation. This was very helpful. You answered our question that the Community Partners forum will be at 10 00 a. M. That was very helpful. Thank you. Thank you for taking the time last night in speaking with our sac representatives regarding of the questions we had and how to crab wait with you all. Were looking forward to collaborating with the department in the near future. Were looking forward to Building Partners is especially critical during these times. One of the parents that stepped up and taking this role and, you know, basically helping create sfusd and making it better than it already is and helping out. I really appreciate every single one of your insight. Thank you very much. It was a joy to attend a little bit of the meeting and how excited you guys are and what youre looking forward to in the up coming school year. Thank you for that. Both in terms of what families need and also how to partners can help support the district in that, because, you know, were all in this together and we can Work Together a little more effectively to reach all corners i think. Thank you. I know Vice President lopez wants to go again, but any other commissioners want to chime in. Vice president lopez thank you. Its regarding this communication piece. I just wanted to follow up with superintendent matthews or anyone who is able to answer this question. When were thinking of communication, especially the digest that will continue and providing them in a variety of languages, but in order for us to communicate, we would need familys email or phone, correct . Well, in order to communicate through the digest, no, we dont have to do that. You dont have to have email or phone. We dont have to have that information for you to get the information from the digest. Vice president lopez thats what i wanted to make clear. Its available on our website. If people arent signed up, they can still have access to that information. That is absolutely correct. Vice president lopez any other communications that go out, if we are calling or texting or emailing, that was in the parent view account . They have the update yeah, they have to update the parent view account. I was saying this yesterday at a community meeting. Its very critical that we you have the most current information up to date so that we can get the information to you. There was just a story, a parent who actually called in a few days ago to say they hadnt received information about their students schedule and then it turns out they hadnt updated their information. So the information was going nowhere because the phone number had changed. So we just want to make sure yeah, we have to have current information to communicate with you. Vice president lopez absolutely. I emphasize that because again parent view seems to hold all the most valuable information including students emails addresses and passwords, but many of our parents arent signed up, so were supporting them getting the activation key. But im wondering where we can get to the point in the initial in the introduction that our families have with sfusd if they could make sure theyre set up so we dont continue to have this as a barrier. There is another story that a parent shared with me because they didnt have access to their students password, they didnt log on in the spring at all. They didnt even know how to get on the platform to learn and thats another thing that i know lives in parent view. So if there is a way to emphasize the importance of it. I understand this is where they update information, but if they cant get on because they dont have an activation key, there is no way to connect with them. Right. Okay. Thank you so much. Its really helpful as we move forward starting this new school year off. Its coming so soon. All right. So section e is consent calendar. We need a motion and second . Mr. Chairman . Are there any board Advisory Committee appointments . President sanchez good question. Any out there . No . Thank you. Sorry, my oversight. We need a motion and second for the consent calendar. So moved. Second. President sanchez thank you. Any Public Comment . Please raise your hand if you care to speak Public Comment on the consent calendar this evening. Seeing none, president sanchez. President sanchez any items withdrawn or corrected by the superintendent . None. President sanchez any items by the board of ed . No . Okay. Any items severed by the board or superintendent for discussion tonight . So we need a roll call on the consent calendar. Thank you. Mr. Cook . Yes. Ms. Lam yes. Vice president lopez yes ms. Norton yes. President sanchez yes. Thank you, thats five ayes. President sanchez thank you. Just for everybodys knowledge, commissioner moliga should be joining us soon and commissioner collins cannot make it today. Section f. Suggestion and vote on consent calendar severed for separate consideration. G, is special order of business. 20811so1, memorandum of understanding, with the united educators of San Francisco regarding crisis Distance Learning. We need a motion. So moved. Second. President sanchez superintendent matthews . Superintendent matthews tonight we have presenting the memorandum of understanding with united educators for your approval our chief of Labor Relations greg john. Before he presents, as you said, i just wanted to thank all of the members of ue and their leadership and executive board under the direction of president Susan Solomon for their hard work and dedication through this time. And also the team from the districts who, as you mentioned earlier, spent many hours and including a pretty long vigorous session about a week ago until 1 30 in the morning when they were able to reach agreement. So were extremely proud of this work and it really does reflect listening to parents, hearing from our students, hearing from the entire community to move forward with the dedication to improving upon what we were able to deliver during the spring. With that, im going to turn it over to our chief of Labor Relations, greg john. Thank you, superintendent matthews. Good evening, commissioners. The recommended action this evening is to ratify the moument moument with united educators of San Francisco regarding crisis Distance Learning for the 2021 school year. Memorandum of understanding. President sanchez all right. So the language itself is in the board docs. And we have all gotten that language last week. And hopefully the public has had a chance to look at it. There is a summary and then the full body of the language. So, mr. Steel, can you see if there is Public Comment on this item . President sanchez. If you care to speak on this item, please raise your hand. Hello . Sure. Im virginia marshall, again, i would like this join the masses and the president of the board and Vice President of the board, commissioners, to thank usf on behalf their document. Thank you for your long negotiations. It reminds us with the board meetings in the middle school that were over in 1 00 or 2 00 in the morning. So well be prepared to go forward and teach our students monday, august 17. Again, thank you to the District Team and the uesf team. Have a good day. Thank you. Hello, joan . Yes, good afternoon. Im joan, coexecutive director of the United Administration of San Francisco. Usef are looking forward to working alongside teachers and usef members as described in the m. O. U. Thank you. President sanchez, that concludes Public Comment on this item. President sanchez Vice President lopez is stunned. She texted me. [laughter]. Vice president lopez im no longer going to text you. President sanchez [laughter] fair enough. Any questions, from delegates as well, of course . All right. Go ahead. Around the m. O. U. . President sanchez yes, were going to be voting on the memorandum of understanding. What about grades . Like grade were brought up. I know president sanchez mr. John, can you speak to that . Yes. This m. O. U. Does not speak to grades at this time. President sanchez can you give us a sense of where were headed with that . I know there is conversations going on. I feel as if i should defer perhaps for updates on grades on the document . Hi. I do not have an update on grades. Its not an h. R. Matter, although my yeah, i dont know if deputy superintendent wants to speak, but its my understanding if its not in the m. O. U. , we revert back to status quo. So that is what my belief is. I know the deputy superintendent is having trouble logging in. Pass, no pass. That would be going back im sorry. I cut you off. Go ahead, superintendent. Superintendent matthews the status quo would be the a through f. Okay. So there may be more discussion on that, but until and if that happens, were relying on the preexisting grading preshelterinplace last spring. Okay. Any Vice President lopez . Vice president lopez this is regarding in the m. O. U. The section on accommodations, number 12. Im assuming this is for educators . Correct. Vice president lopez and i just want to make it clear for educators who need a space in order to teach, you know, must be provided one, or the work around is in order to provide them one, if we could further explain how to go about that. That is commissioner lopez, that question is coming to me im assuming. Ill give it a shot. The section in the m. O. U. , its article 13 that speaks to, i believe youre referencing a conversation that we are beginning as of this week about educators indicating they would like classroom or a place to work in. So that provision actually goes through in detail where were beginning this week. And we will have a much more solid answer by the end of this month, after the conversation is completed. But i know that were working with president solomon to begin that conversation within a matter of days. Vice president lopez okay. Thank you. Thats good to hear. I just, you know, educators are sharing how to make this work, they cannot accommodate it at home. And if theyre left with to options, it becomes a financial strain. So im happy to here that. I could jump in a with a little more detail. By the entered of the end of the week, were launching a survey that educators can complete to request a work site. Were going to look at that to make the assignment by the end of the month. Vice president lopez so this survey will be from the union . We need to meet with president solomon about that, but the point is to get a survey out by the end of the week. Vice president lopez thank you. Thats all i had. President sanchez any other board comments or student delegate comment . Thank you. I did make my comment at the start of the meeting and i want to reiterate my appreciation to the superintendent team, Susan Solomons team, working so diligently. I know there has been a lot of, obviously, frustration out there and anxiety from folks in the community and i hope this helps to ebb that to the extent it can. And then we have part two of the m. O. U. Around the hybrid learning and so that will be those discussions will get going soon. But for the first m. O. U. Were voting on, and if i dont see any other comments or questions, were going to go to a roll call vote. Thank you, mr. Sanchez. Ms. Collins . Mr. Cook . Yes. Ms. Lam . Ms. Lam yes. Vice president lopez yes. Ms. Norton yes. President sanchez yes. Thank you. Heinz foster yes. Yes. Thank you, thats five ayes. President sanchez all right. Thank you. And congratulations, all, on getting this. Congratulations. Next item is 208 11s0 adoption evisions to the fiscal year 2021 adopted budgets for the San Francisco unified School District and San Francisco county office of education in accordance with the california Education Code section. We need a motion and a second. So moved. Second. President sanchez thank you, superintendent matthews. Superintendent matthews this evening we have our chief Financial Officer Meagan Wallace presenting. Good evening, commissioners and superintendent matthews. We have revisions for the 2021 adopted budgets for sfusd and the county office of education. As a reminder on july 1, 2020, the board of education approved our budget. However, the Education Code, 42127h, schools are permitted to send in a revised budget 40 days from the annual budget act. The district recommends a revised budget. And i do want to point out that this item includes a presentation, a memorandum for writing all of the [inaudible] changes as well the resolution itself. Im happy to walk commissioners through the presentation or take on questions. Which ever you prefer. President sanchez i dont have a preference. Anybody else . All right. No preference. Okay. Well, then i think im happy to answer questions if you have them. President sanchez okay. So before board comment questions, well look to Public Comment. President sanchez. If you care to speak on this item, please raise your hand at this time. Revisions to the budget. Looks like there are about four people right now, president sanchez. President sanchez all right. Go ahead with two minutes . President sanchez yes. Hello, jen . Hi. Yeah, im the president of local 21 protest for the sfusd and we are glad to know we will not be facing we are not facing concessions but we know we arent in the clear until after december. We still dont understand the budget and we are hoping for more timely responses for our r. F. I. S. We hope to Work Together over the next few months as we continue to bargain contracts and m. O. U. S. Thank you. Thank you. Hello, ms. Fisher . Hi, again, justin. So thank you, all, everyone, for all the amazing updates and the hard work. Really appreciate it. Im here wearing my hat as a member of the africanamerican Advisory Committee and the parent of three africanamerican sfusd students. And weve all been talking a lot about equity. Weve all been talking about how black lives matter. But i dont see that reflected in our budget. This year as part of our budget cut, in order to balance our budget, we reduced the africanamerican achievement and Leadership Initiative budget by, i believe, 38 . So if we really believe that black lives matter, and this is a relatively minor line item in the budget, we owe it to our families to reinstate that funding and really support our students. Thank you. Thank you. Hello, deborah . Deborah, are you there . Hello, julie. Oh, yes, go ahead. Julie, could you hold a moment. Of course. Thank you. Go ahead, deborah. Hi. Coexecutive united administers of San Francisco, aflcio. Funding increases from the city and local donors to the district [inaudible] and we want to see how specifically these funds are going to be invested in our students and how the dollars will support other funding categories. We also hope to see some support for our bus drivers medical coverage and for the teachers who are going to implement the crisis Distance Learning as described in the m. O. U. Were pleased to hear were getting closer to the proposed budgets without concessions and layoffs and were closing down the deficit of the 22. 5 million. However, we would like more transparency and understanding of the district budget and how to leverage funds for our school site communities. Therefore, were fully committed to continue to participate alongside other unions, the board, stakeholders in joint meetings and trainings in district budget. We are appealing to the district to keep those budget conversations going and public, especially when the impacts of transitioning to hybrid learning and inPerson Learning are imminent. Our goal is to make sure every child is healthy, well, has connectivity and equitable access to high quality learning opportunities. Thank you, all. Thank you. Julie, are you there . Yes. Im julie, im testifying with my family union hat on. And asking that the board amend the current Budget Proposal to restore the center that every school has a fulltime social worker. Im looking at the revisions. It would take i believe 17fte to ensure that every school had a fulltime social worker, which is about 2. 5 million. With the 15 million from the city of San Francisco and 39. 6 million in learning loss funds which can be used for providing integrated people support to address barriers to learning such as the Mental Health counseling or health services. We should ensure that these crucial staff are at school sites, not in september or october, but in the year when were in danger of losing students. Very concerned that if theyre not able to connect to the school in the first couple of weeks or months, we may lose them for the rest of the year. With the news today were getting a new 10 million grant from sales force and have received 10 million from u. B. It looks like we can amend this budget to make sure that every school site gets a fulltime social worker that they need. I think we also need to be looking at Health Insurance. I do not want to see sfusd remove Health Insurance from any of our staff in a pandemic for the bus drivers. And finally want to let folks know that as far as i can tell classroom assignments were not mailed to families. I was happy to get a text message, but i want to remind us that paper is the best way they communicate and we need to make sure we dont lose families in the assumption that everyone is online. Thank you. Thank you. Hello, susan . Thank you. Im back to being Susan Solomon, president of usef and i wanted to echo what my union sibling said. While its good to know that concessions are being held at bay at least through december, we need to know what the plan is beyond that. And what well be seeing in the budget and the budget process as we believe that the money that we need is there and can be found. Secondly, i wanted to say im sorry that i was offline when the m. O. U. Vote happened. I was changing my identity in zoom. Im glad we have this m. O. U. Ratified and passed by the board of education. And now we can all continue to work hard to make sure our students have what they deserve. Thank you. Thank you. Hello, kim . Hi. [inaudible] president sanchez were having a hard time hearing you. Can you hear me . President sanchez no, not much. [inaudible] why dont we try later . If you can go on another phone or a land line . Okay. Hello, dan. I just want to say i support most things in the budget. I want to echo what julie said about the bus drivers and pretty much everything. She got it really she said it really well. But for me i really want to stress the bus drivers. Thats something that ive seen a lot of other School Districts, theyve kept that in their budget, kept the contracts open in preparation for returning of Distance Learning. And you know, things that come up again, like remember, not all students at sfusd pays for go to sfusd schools. There is a lot of kids in private schools funded by the School District with transportation by the School District. Iep. And those schools want to reopen more than the School District does, public schools. Theyre going to need transportation. Please keep that in mind. The other thing. Zoom. That doesnt count. Thats not transportation. That sucks. Thank you. Thank you. Hello, ms. Marshall . Thank you. [please stand by] when i see the sign black lives matter, i dont want to see the sign. I want to see the action. This is a very rich city. Put the 30 back in the Leadership Initiative program. Thank you. Thank you. Hello. Are you there . Just seeing if your connection is better . Is that better . Thats much better. Thank you. Good evening. Field representative for s c iu. Im grateful to hear that the teachers have a tentative agreement on how were going to go forward in the fall. One thing i want you all to remember is theres a huge component of sfd workers. Our custodians. The student Nutritious Service workers who have been feeding the students all through the summer. We also have something to contribute to the school and site going forward. I want to ask you to have an open and and remember there are other components to the School District. Please keep the budget talks going. We need to know what you know and when you know it so we can help our members move forward in the fall. Thank you. That concludes Public Comment. Thank you public for commenting on this item. Commissioners, any comments . Just so we can respond to some of the Public Comment some of the maybe we can team up on this. On thei think there are probably three very positive developments that fall under this general heading, commissioners. The first one that ill comment on is the 15 Million Dollars in the proposed budget that was referenced in dr. Matthews opening remarks. That is an item thats in her recommended budget t w

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