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Keep . Are we in agreement . I think i agree with supervisor ronen that these are interrelated and if we do find some funding, either from this or from, i dont care, you know, to fund the civilianization, then i am in agreement. Chair supervisor mandle man . Ok. Chair so i think that we have said that we will cattleya academcut threeAcademy Classes e chief which Academy Class to keep and not keep any of the Academy Class on reserve. Lets get to the overteam. Theres been a proposal from supervisor walton to cut the budget to 75 and by supervisor yourself eesupervisoryee to cute 50 in reserve and then theres a use of the overtime money for some of the overtime money to civilianize the police force. Now, supervisor walton, you have put a proposal of 75 of the 17 million to be cut from the overtime budget. Would you comfortable with supervisor yees proposal of a 50 cut and 25 of that 50 being put on reserve . Yes, yes. Thank you. Chair supervisor ronen, are you comfortable by cutting by 50 and putting 25 of that 50 in reserve . Its related to my other proposal, so i dont i mean, ill be outnumbered three, but if were going to get to concensuconsensus for all of th. Chair yours is a monetary cut in addition to these cuts and thats why i want to do these cuts first and then we talk about your cut, ok . I know, but its hard. I do get it, except that its like if im agreeing to bend on all of the the cuts that i want to do and then nobody agrees with the further cuts, then, you know what im saying . Its all from the same pot of money. Chair so i think that this is not about if you agree and ill agree with you or you agree. This is about what you yourself agree that you want to do about this particular thing. Except i would have cut 50 of the overtime budget without putting any in reserve. I would have cut all four Academy Classes and in addition, i would cut, you know, hsoc, hot team and mounted horses. So i have now made a compromise where im only Cutting Three classes and now youre asking me to make a further compromise to cut only 25 of the overtime budget and from what ive heard so far. Chair its 50 . But putting 25 in reserve. Chair you can say no. Ill just say no. Chair youre saying no to the 25 reserve or 50 cut or all of it . Im fine with 50 cut. Chair but none in reserve. Is that correct . Thats right. Chair supervisor mandelman, how are you feeling . I am not comfortable and wont get comfortable and you shouldnt try to get me comfortable with significant cuts in overtime, that its just a flatout cut and it is not leaving time for further conversation about kind of where that is coming out of and what it does do safety. This is more than what im comfortable with but my feelings will not be hurt. I understand im outnumbered and i think you should move on. Chair i am comfortable with supervisor yees proposal and so, supervisor ronen, lets go now to your proposal because i think that i will revise it. Let me revise my proposal so were clear what it is. Ssince nobody agreed with my original proposal and if you could help me with the numbers, nick, that i would cut just 25 of the hsoc, Homeless Outreach team and mounted unit in year one and then an additional 25 of those three teams in year two. Sure, nick menard from the bla, through the chair. So the 25 of those three teams amount to 3. 5 million, approximately. In year one . Yes. And im assuming that the year one and year two costs are the same because thats the number that i have in terms of the salaries for those positions, because theres no pay raises. Right. So youre saying over the two years, its 3. 5 million . No, thats just for year one and for year two, it would be about 7 million. Ok. Chair supervisor ro income en, it is it your proposal, then, we put 7 million of the Police Budget on reserve . If we did a 3. 5 million cut year one and the justification there is to say, were serious about this, we are putting our money where our mouth is and we have a lot of work to do, right, as a city. And were starting that work and then, i would cover the 7 million in reserve for year two. But its less money in year two . So i propose a 50 in year one and then 25 in year two. And now im doing 25 in year one and 25 in year two, but youre right, i would put that in reserve in the second year. Thats 7 million in reserve. Chair so you want year one and two in reserve the second year . Right. Chair twentyfive the first year and less the second year, right . So the 25 . So its cumulative. Chair what i think is, is it 25 of the 50 . I think thats what im asking. Because youre cutting 50 and then you said i want to cut another 25 . So after the first year, youve cut 50 . I think its 25 the first year. I revised my proposal because nobody on the Budget Committee was with me, so im revising the proposal and im saying, could we put 25 in the first year, which is 3. 5 millions of the three teams, equivalent to what that would cost for the three teams and then cut an additional 25 in the second year, so that we would cut 50 of the teams over two years as we are putting in place a new system to deal with the unhoused population. I dont see the need for the mounted horses. But i also would be ok putting that 7 million in the second year on reserve since were going to be creating a new system and dont know what that will be. Chair so youre thinking so let me go to the chief. Chief scott, if we were to do these cuts, would they mean layoffs . There would mean layoffs, supervisor. Chair do you know how many layoffs that would be . Well try to get quick math while youre deliberating. Whats the total . The total is 3. 5. Chair thats not 3. 5 total, know, its 7 total. Is that right . No, the 3. 5 million in the first year, in addition to whatever we decide on overtime, is the cut for the first year and then in the second year, im proposing a 7 million cut, but in reserve, so that we can be working all year to figure out how were going to change the system. And so what i believe and tell me if im right, chief, is that in terms of lay dozeoffs, the fe were looking at is 3. 5 million. Am i understanding this correctly, everyone. Chair right. Probably about a dozen layoffs. Chair so im just going to say, i am not comfortable with layoffs. Supervisor ronen, i so appreciate the conversation that were having. I just am not comfortable with layoffs because i know i feel very mixed about it myself. Chair im sorry. Im not. Pair ai please stand by . Maybe some of these positions wont be necessary. I do not support layoffs this year. Supervisor walton, how do you feel about supervisor ronens proposal. We are hearing from supervisor yee and mandelman that they are opposed to layoffs but open to putting money in the second year on reserve. Excuse me, you are on mute. I am definitely open to putting 7 million on reserve for the second year. Again, it is hard for me at this point. Not an impossibility without knowing the officers it is an issue now. What you are hearing there is an appetite to put money the second year on reserve, not for layoffs. Chief, what you have heard now is that what we are saying is that we are thinking a substantial amount of money on reserve the second year. This committee is opposed to the layoffs. If we put reserves amount of money on the second year, colleagues, we would put it in budget and finance reserve, is that correct. Yes, that is. I think we have a proposal on the table. We are looking at supervisor ronen has a proposal. We rejected the first proposal. Is it to put 7 million on reserve the second year, supervisor ronen . Yes. Are you comfortable with that amount, supervisor yee . Yes, i will support it. Supervisor mandelman, are you comfortable with the 7 million amount on the second year in reserve . Yes. Supervisor walton, amenable . Yes. Me, too. Consensus. Thank you for bringing that up for 7 million second year in reserve. We have before us did we decide on a compromise . Do we have a compromise on what i am hearing is i think what we have an agreement among us is 50 cut in over time, additional 25 on reserve. Is that what i am hearing . I think we need to cut it in half. 50 cut over time pan additional 25 . That is not what i said. I know that is not what you said. I am asking. You said you would be flexible. Could we go there . That is my question to you. What president yee said was 50 cut in over time, 25 of that 50 would go to reserves. What i am saying is because supervisor walton wanted 75 cut in over time if we could get to 50 cut in over time and additional 25 in reserve. I think that is the question, president yee, you mentioned you could be flexible. That is what i am asking. I guess i will counter that to say can you be flexible with 50 cut . Okay. I see the chief has his hand up. Chief scott. I want to remind the committee. We are 25 into the fiscal year. We have had some ongoing costs, including response to the wildfires and covid that have impacted us greatly, and the civil unrest in july. That is to keep in mind. We are 25 . We would be left with very small budget for the rest of the year, almost nonexisting over time budget. How much over time budget have you spent already . Can i ask a question while we wait, supervisor fewer . Yes supervisor walton. What is your Wildfire Response . What does sfpd have to do in response to the wildfires. Request from alameda county. Coordinator. Our duties help with evacuation when communities get evacuated often times they have security or Police Officers to make sure that peoples residences and businesses dont get looted, which is common in this scenario. Those are the two main duties. This original mutual aid call we responded as we did with the wildfire in the past couple years. Supervisor walton. Our spending is 2 million already this fiscal year since july 1st. If nine months out of the year and you have a 17 million over time budget. For nine months you have a 12. 7 million over time budget. I think that what we are we are dealing with a two year budget here. Colleagues, we could have a compromise with supervisor yee in the first year perhaps doing cut and putting 25 cut and 25 on reserve. Second year of the overtime budget a 50 cut. If people are am meanable to that. Chief it looks like you are about to respond. We wanted to verify the numbers. It is 2. 4 has been spent since july 1st. Chair fewer. Who is that . This is supervisor walton. I cant take less than i would not agree to anything less than 50 cut for Police Department over time. They will have to figure out from a management perspective to work that. I will say, supervisor walton after being on the committee three years. When people exceed the overtime budget they come back for supplemental. Much of the overtime as the police said we have been trying to cut is that it is mandatory, also. When ever it is off the council that is over time and court time is over time. I understand that there needs to be an overtime budget. I actually think that we might want because this is an odd budget year and we are nine months into this already. I am wondering if you would be willing to look at this year with smaller budget cut and following year 50 over time budget cut . I can live with that. How abou about supervisor yed ronen. How do you feel about that. Can you say it one more time . We are nine months into the year. That is why i am saying a smaller cut this year and then more cut next year. This year 25 cut and next year 50 cut in the overtime. 25 and then 25 in reserve. No, it is 25 cut this year, this fiscal year. Next fiscal year is 50 cut. I am okay with that. I am, too. Supervisor mandelman. I am sorry we cant bring you along. We have agreement. Before everyone changes their mind this is what we agreed on. First fiscal year because we are nine months into the year 25 cut from the police over time budget. Following full fiscal year we are saying 50 cut in over time, nothing in reserve. Is that correct . Okay. Then the academy, we said we would cut we will keep one of the academies and cut three. When one do you want to keep 1234. The fall. We will push it. To save money we will push fall academy to january. That is the academy you want to keep . I am sorry. You are not doing the fall 2020. You want to do the beginning of 2021, is that correct . We want to do it in january. Chief we will come back to you. It looks like you want to tell us something. Only when the committee is done i would like to reiterate so we know we are implementing correctly on your behalf. The question i dont be understand would be the chiefs preference regarding which class. Chief, back to you. The chief suggested class in 2021, am i correct, chief. That is the fall class, right. He would like to keep the fall class. Okay. Colleagues. I neglected to get consensus. Wait. Not finished. Where shall we take where do you propose to take that money from . Cut in the over time . It is the same money. Whatever you decide. 50 cut in over time. President yee is looking to find some money to civilianize out of the 50 cut. We dont know how much money that is. The civil linnieszation. It was in a budget at some point. No this is why these positions. Chief, how much would it cost to civilianize those positions ready. A little work for that one, chair fewer, to give you a number. We will work on it right now. We will come back to you because we have another decision before us, committee. We are doing well, we are on a roll. Bodyworn cameras. We heard from the Police Department they are calculating it wrong. We heard about batteries being expired. The bla is recommending a cut of 77,000 [ inaudible ] is that correct. That is correct, chair fewer. We did speak with the Police Department earlier today. They indicated they could in fact take a 600,000 cut to the bodyworn camera budget for 21. That was year one. That was what they thought was reasonable. 300 in year two. Okay. I looks like the consensus 600 year one, 300 year two. Consensus . Thank you very much. Please, controller, can you note that before we forget. There was another about supplies and uniforms. Were you able to come to an agreement with the agreement with the police on that one . I think we still disagree. What we agreed to do was to put 400,000 in year one on budget and finance committee reserve so that the department will come back and justify that spending. Okay. You were suggesting 400,000 in year one and 400,000 in year two. That is 400,000 on reserve in year one. 200,000 cut in year two. It looks like the bla and Police Department have consensus on that. Police department is agreeing. We agree with that . Okay. Thank you very much. Mr. Controller can you please note that also. The last thing pending here is on the chief and the cost to civilianize. In approximately 7. 5 million. 7. 5 million. We cant do that. Supervisor ronen. I am sorry. I thought all of this compromise including the civilianize issues. If it doesnt it changes my opinion on this. The think about the civilianize which i want to happen. If we add an additional 7. 5 million to the Police Budget, we have undone half of what we have taken away. Because those officers then go out to the street. It is all one budget. We have done it in pieces. We dont have control over any of this because it will all be the chiefs decision. I want to say we dont have to fund the whole 7 million. President yee, do you have a proposal . I would suggest 15 which would behalf. By the way the first year, i mean what they gave was full year budget for this year. It is going to be probably half of what is needed by the time they are up in these positions. I will go like 15 instead of the 30. You are asking 3. 5 million from our over time savings that we are cutting the Police Budget . For this year. If it is a full year, you know, one year of salary. They are not going to have to pay one year salary. They havent hired them yet. It would be a lot less than that, depending when they hire them. Where do you want to take this money from . Wherever the pot is that came out of the savings we made suggestions in cutting. Supervisor ronen. I cant support this at all. We have a list a mile long of over 300 million requests that range from subsidies for seniors, low Income Housing to violence prevention organizations that get in between the games to stop them from having a warfare. We will not get close to one tenth of that list right now. This goes directly to that. I cannot support this in any way and it will change how i have gone about this. Mr. Rosenfield, how much are we cutting the Police Budget by . Can you give us a total. I have to take a minute to do that, madam chair. I can give you an estimate. Mr. Bernard, do you have it . I just want to offer that when we the Committee Last year the plan that was approved which created positions throughout the fiscal year 2. 7 million at that time because as president yee was saying. The positions arent funded for the whole year. They start at various times throughout the year. It is low on the number. How much was used . Well this is for fiscal year 21. Those have all been deleted now or put on hold. Mr. Rosenfeld is getting us a number of the total money in police cuts. There is a minor cut i want to make sure the committee did not overlook. You may remember on the Library Budget that came up there was a policy recommendation to delete the work order with the Police Department. This recommendation is both in the Library Budget and the Police Budget because it is a work order. I think there was consensus to agree to our recommendation for the second year 100 cut and 75 cut in the first year. There were questions if that could be increased in the first year. There has been some discussion between our office and the library and the police based on what has already been billed in the current year. It is my understanding the library and Police Department both agree that the first year work order could be cut down to 15,000. I wanted to bring that to your attention for your consideration. The proposal with bla75 cut. Supervisor ronen 100 cut in 2021 considering we are into the year. That is why 75 . Are you in agreement, supervisor ronen . Yes. Controller, that is the recommendation number four that we are in agreement with. The controller is getting us the total money amount. Chair fewer, it is 3. 5 million. It is not 2. 7, it is 3. 5 million. Might i ask a question . Yes. There was money for civilia civilianization in the 1920 budget. Yes. Did that get fully spent . Chief, did that get fully spent . I will turn it over to director mcguire for details and questions. Supervisors, Catherine Mcguire strategic management. In 1920 we were funded for 25 positions. We had 20 still vacant. In fy2122, i am sorry 2021, we had 25 positions planned and cut from our budget. 45 positions cut that were related to civilianization. Is so i understand, the Budget Allocation we did last year was for 25 civilianized positions in that year and five got civiliannized . Five were filled, yes. Where did the rest of the money go . It went into the midyear cuts that we needed to do. Do you have a sense if you had the full year runway how many do you think you would have been able to fill . At least threequarters of them, but again, it is probably because we had 25 positions prior to that year that were filled. You did fill 25 . Right. 75 positions over three years. 30 of which have been filled, then another 45 we had to cut from the budget. The i am trying to get caught up. 3. 5 million that was taken out of the budget to rebalance at midyear. That was the civilianization budget . I would defer on the actual amount. I dont remember exactly what we gave back. What . I dont remember what we returned in the budget in 1920. But of your civilianization budget you said you were going to hire so many but it was swept up in the midyear. I am going to be honest. I dont think you can hire that fast. I dont think you can do it. I think there will be cuts. I dont think we need 3. 5 million. I think it is going to take time to rampup and do this. Considering that we have been talking about this for two years now and you have how many positions . President yee, i dont think it is about the money. They had the money in the budget and they didnt hire. It is going to take a while to hire up. It is takes nine months to hire in the position in the city and county of San Francisco. They might not need the 3. 5 million from the savings from police because i dont think they will hire that much. We allocated the money before and they havent hired. That is what i said. I dont think it is possible in terms of ramping up and everything else. It is not going to cost this much. What do you think. If they said 3. 5 million, what amount . I am trying to get to an amount we might think is realistic instead of the 3. 5, it might be less. Same cut. 30 that they were targeting, then 15 is realistic. 3. 5. The original figure was 7. That was for the the full year. This is not a full year. So i think what i am asking is what is the dollar amount for threequarters of the year and the following year. The number i am looking for. Supervisor walton, did you have your hand up . Yes. Thank you, chair fewer. I really agree with supervisor ronen. We shouldnt be giving this money back to the Police Department to invest. [indiscernable] why would we take the money . [indiscernable] thank you. Mr. Rosenfield an amount . Madam chair these are approximations. We will roll through the system. It is on the fly. Approximately 29 million in reductions over the two years between the academy reduction that the committee discussed. Over time reductions and b. L. A. Recommendations. That doesnt include money on reserve . That does not include reserves. Those worry deductions to the Police Budget. 29 million cut from the Police Department. What we had before to spend 3. 5 million of the 29 million into civilianizing positions in the lease department. Supervisor yee. I am suggesting we further reduce that number. To less than that. Maybe 3 million. Again. This is about ramping up. 3 million out from the 29 million that we have. We have reduced the Police Department budget by. Supervisor walton, would you consider that . I think this is one we have to go forward without my agreement. I cant see reducing the money and giving it back to them. Supervisor ronen, we collected 29 million in reductions from the Police Department. Supervisor yee proposed 3 million to restore it to civilianize. I cant. The four things off the list, that 3. 5 million or how much are we talking about . Renatle child care for black teen moms. Child care vouchers for teachers. I think that the great need, we have a list of over 350 million of ask, you know. Where are you, supervisor mandelman . I am with president ye yee ai would like pressure to civilia civilianize and that wont happen if we dont give them money for the upcoming year. I would give 3 million back to civilianize because i have been on them to do that. I understand supervisor ronen and walton. I am sorry we cant have full consensus on this. We are running now and i know supervisor ronen has to leave. I want to put this to bed before she has to leave. I want to say that i am proud of this work. I have been trying to cut the budget for many, many years. Every year we have had tens of millions of dollars in increases. This is remarkable. The fact that we are all sort of still not fighting each other that we are good. I want to say and thank the chief, also, with a lot of this was compromise so i thank the committee and the hard work. I want to propose we take baby steps now. I want to say, mr. Controller, take note of the intention to accept recommendations agreed upon by this committee today. I will do so, madam chair. I will assume for the 3 million restoration that 1 million in the first year of the two year budget and 2 million in the second year given president yees discussions. I think i understand the committees intent. President yee, is that okay with you . That was not my intention. At this point i understand that we are not going to be happy with this. I will accept it. Thank you colleagues. Supervisor ronen. I am sorry, colleagues. I have a family emergency. I have to take a flight out. I am not going to be here. I wanted to say in terms i know i am not going to have a vote because i wont be here. In terms of the firefighter budget, i am in agreement with the fire chief. I think we should give them the vehicles that they are requesting so you know my position. I want to say i had a discussion with fire chief and i think that will be next wednesday. Thank you so much. I would ask then that i make a motion that supervisor ronen be excused from the rest of the motion. I see president yee second. Roll call vote, please on the excuse for ronen from the Committee Meeting. To excuse supervisor ronen. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Chair fewer. Aye. Supervisor ronen, take care. Thank you so much. I want to say before i go. You are a remarkable budget chair, supervisor fewer. Where you got us to on this point was nothing short of extraordinary. I appreciate you. You take care. Colleagues i am going to propose we take a 10 minute break. It is now 304. Come back amount 315. When we come back i dont remember which department we are going to hear. I will announce when we come back at 3 15 p. M. Thank you very much. The budget and appropriations committee. After our discussion we are now going to hear from general city responsibilities. Is michelle here . Hi, chair fewer. Hi, lisa. Are you joining us instead of michelle. I am representing for us right now. Committee, we are here to discuss and finalize the Committee Positions on the recommendation regarding the reserves. As you might recall that the bla said that we could actually take 500,000 from each reserve and still leave it intact with 99 of the reserves intact. That is up to us if we would like to take that money. That is the bla recommendation. Could i have a little. Mr. Goncher would you refresh our memory. We have been through a lot this afternoon. About your recommendation. Thank you. Yes, i will bring this back to wednesday. We went over the general city responsibility. This is page 14 of the report from wednesday. This recommendation was for 1. 5 million per basically reducing existing unappropriate reserved 1,500,000. Recommended reductions include use of 500,000 or 10 from the Housing Authority reserve of 5 million which would leave 4. 5 million or 90 in that reserve. The mayors Budget Office did inform us on wednesday that i believe that the Mayors Office converted or shifted those funds to covid relief. I dont want to put words in her mouth. 1 from the Affordable Care act 49,500,000 or 99 for this purpose. 500,000 or 1 and a quarter percent from the reserve. 39,500,000 for that purpose. The action is considered policy matter for the board of supervisors. Inappropriated reserves which require agreement with the mayor to increase the 2021 budget. Further use every serves would reduce amount available to reduce your budget 270 million dependent on renegotiation of labor contracts. 300 million a business tax ballot measure in november. State reimbursement of covid19 expenditure and impacts of the covid19 emergency. Okay. It looks like the recommendation has been modified a little bit. We are no longer considering taking money from the housing authorities budget. That has been taken. Before us we have a 1 million without the Housing Authority. 1 million without the Housing Authority. Onetime. How do you people feel about that . We will take it. Supervisor mandelman. Sorry. I just popped out what is it . Supervisor yee said yes he would take a little bit of the reserve, leaving 99 intact. I think that we will direct our questions to michelle. Would this give you heart burn . No, not at all. Thank you, chair fewer. As i said before, this is up to the mayor to grow the size of the budget for you. I do have heart burn given the revenue revisions i am seeing from departments for the current year and where we are ending the last year and the amount of uncertainty out there and the fact that we are doing better, but the opening we had relied on earlier in the summer when we prepared the budget has not materialized. From the controllers perspective maintain reserves adequate to the challenge you face. Ms. Rothbergger. I concur with michelle that this is a major risk. We have many, many risks we are tracking and others we probably arent tracking on the horizon. I cannot commit to growing the budget. Of course, we are happy to talk to the mayor as we work through the next few days. At this time, i am not recommending to the mayor we grow the budget. Supervisor mandelman how do you feel . I will follow the chair. I understand the desire to free up money for our period priorities. This is not a huge amount but not terrific fiscal policy or financial policy. I will be a good soldier on th this. Supervisor walton. I am definitely supportive as we also have an opportunity to address all of the cries cease anotheof the crisis thatexist i. Do we have a tally where we stand and what is available to us at this moment . We all have different numbers. We dont. Mr. Rosenberg, do you . We have been implementing reductions and we should have one later this evening or tomorrow at the latest which we would be happy to provide. I will go with my president on this one. I also would think that i am comfortable taking this money. If it requires the mayor to grow the budget, i think we can make the decision but it is up to the mayor. President yee, i agree with, supervisor mandelman, does this persuade you at all . Sure. Mr. Controller, can you please take note the committees intention to accept the bla recommendation number i forgot the number. I understand, madam chair. The item is not in front of the board unless the mayor grows the budget. It is contingent. That act by the board would be contingent on acts by the mayor. We are requesting the mayor to consider the appropriation. Thank you very much. Thank you. Juvenile probation. Chief miller. Good afternoon, everybody. Chief, i understand under consideration today is your asking at the last Committee Meeting we decided 50 of the second year of your budget for Juvenile Hall on reserve. You are requesting 25 instead of 50 the second year on reserve. Supervisor ronen has agreed. What say you . Are we agreeable, supervisor yee. I can give it to her. I think supervisor mandelman is in agreement. Anything else, chief, you would like to talk to us about . The only other thing is i dont know when they need to provide information about the position that you are taking back from her. We are in agreement with that. She has generously provided us with additional positions, three positions. Do you have an estimate how much those position savings are. Yes, in the first budget yearsty mated 5 82,000 666. Second budget year 423,322. This includes a slight decrease to the savings because they are giving up basic positions. They need back in the savings as well as the addition in the second year of what was taken out of the budget. I see consensus with my colleagues. Controllers office please take note. Their recommendation from the chief juvenile probation. Thank you very much. Okay. On to i dont think fire they are coming back to us on wednesday. We will see them for a very, very short meeting. Now we have the Sheriffs Department. I believe that we are continuing what was proposed by supervisor walton for putting money for cbo on two year reserve and talking about over time, is that correct, supervisor walton . That is correct. I will prefer for you to lead the conversation. Continuing with the condition very session from the other day, i still ask that we put the Community Funds in the reserve until we find out where they are going to go afternoon th and thr them as well as 7 million in overtime. The overtime budget, sheriff . If we are talking over time the budget is in the neighborhood of 8 million. We can verify numbers. The proposal sounds like 100 over time budget. That is what i was trying to get to, i apologize. 8 million. That is the entire budget. 8 million entire budget for over time. You would like to put 100 of over time budget on reserve, is that correct . Correct. So lets take the Community Organizations under now the budget of the sheriff. What we heard is that there is 8 million in Community Based organizations pretrial that are under the Sheriffs Department. Supervisor walton proposed to take it out of the Sheriffs Department until we can decide where the home should be for those cbos. Yes. Go ahead. What did you say . I am sorry. Supervisor yee and supervisor mandelman, what do you think about this proposal . I guess i am not understanding exactly what it would mean. There are current programming going on getting administered under the Sheriffs Department. Those dollars need to go out the door, i think. My concern about doing this. I can see doing this for the second year if there is a proposal or some other agency to run these programs and it is the sheriff. My concern in the first year i think we need these programs to grind to a halt right now. There wouldnt be the money for them. I have concerns about that. Maybe i am not understanding. Talk to the sheriff. What do you have to say about this proposal . To the timeframe i do not have a lot to say. This is near and dear to my heart, not just to me but the Sheriffs Office. We are a National Leader and innovatester in programming. In terms of what we are doing here and the construct of the taking the money away from us and going somewhere else i am confused. This is an area for the Sheriffs Office historically a leader in reform, the attitudes about Public Safety and Law Enforcement as relates to justice. This is an area of our attempt where we have been leaders and innovators. We have part of the forefront. We understand that there is a nationwide move for police reform, defunding. I just dont quite understand why we are defunding the things that are successful and work and hope a pathway to success and including a Sheriffs Office in the process to do positive outcomes as opposed to stigmatizing and leading to devissiveness. I have been here 24 years. This is around for 30 years. Progressively under every administration. We have done nothing but support and expand programs and implemented and moved for wart to support through the years. There is never a time when we have not moved forward on these things that make us an agent of change. We are setting an example. You want to talk about the types of things we do. I will say at the time we had slides to present in the short timeframe we had turnaround on the information. Supervisor walton, you asked about which cbos were affected. We shared the information on the screen. 10. 3 million. We have worked towards increasing funding for pretrial or increasing funding for the partnership that we have. This really leads to us talking about and i can go into the history. Due to the partnership and collaboration towards Public Safety. Nothing to do with Law Enforcement. It is putting people out on jail operations wide or Court Operations wide. This is about providing services to people and managing those Services Based on the needs. We are talking about multiple government innorvation. We are talking about Kamala Harris gave us an award in 2017 for our work. There is a list here that you will have. There is a listing of some of the things. That is a partial list of the things we have championed and moved forward with. It is the fact we instituted these things because we felt the need as Sheriffs Office involved in the process to take it out of the equation in regards to the management of the programs. I am at a loss to understand why. When we talk about the safe guards already in place to ensure the fidelity of programs, we are talking about measurables and compliance through staff dedicated that are Program Service coordinators that are boots on the ground the outcomes to make sure these are successful. We have connection between in custody and out of custody alternatives for individuals. More importantly we have the pretrial which i mentioned earlier, a huge chung what we are talking about here. ThaT Partnership was established before the 30, 40 year margin. We started that in 1976. It is an incredible amount of time and energy we use to make sure we have success and dedicated to supporting it and mandates. We are really mandated to be part of that process with the reform. We are complying with that injunction through the work on Public Safety assessments with pretrial and ability to provide them with a path to getting the information to make the right assessments. I am trying hard to keep this as short as possible. There is a large amount of information here to talk about in terms of success and the need for us to be part of the process and not separated out. It would challenge me to decide who else could possibly be in a position to make sure there are successes. The most important thing is the management of these programs, beyond management of money. We engage with those cbos. They are part of the committee we are talking about. The most important thing that happens with our partnerships is that we get buy in from the staff. We decreased the potential for decision for us versus them mentality. We decreased stigmas attached to us but to people involved that sometimes people dont really understand are nothing but stereotypes and labels. When you get to know people through the use of programs and participation and management of the programs and services we provide, it is humanizing the situations to bring us together to set reset button for people in our custody and care is a huge, huge piece of what we do. I think i have conveyed to you all the mandate as Public Safety office served by us being able to provide programs through our methodology. I really am scared. If we dont provide this support and are not part of that process we will be enforcements without opportunity for change. What we dont want to see the narrative about reforming Police Agencies and Law Enforcement agencies. We will start from the beginning, you know. The philosophy, the reason i ran for office as elected sheriff was to continue the philosophy and maintain all of these partnerships. I am getting emotional i apologize for coughing. We want to move forward with this and not take this backwards. I am open to answering any questions you have about our participation in the programs. If there is any question about our ability to do so, please feel free to ask now. Supervisor walton, maybe you can give clarity. Thank you so much, sheriff, we appreciate you coming on. I definitely agree the Sheriffs Department has been innovative leaders and these recommendations have come up before. This is not the first time we had this conversation as a city. I am 100 not proposing these programs be eliminated at all. We are saying we want to hear more from the community. Some organizations truly feel threatened and bullied by the Sheriffs Office at times. They have been told if they advocate too loudly, say things that are deemed out of pocket by the Sheriffs Department then are threatened to be defunded. Only a couple of weeks ago we saw employees by the department they have been on the news. They claimed intimidation even during this time of Law Enforcement reform. My question is really have things changed . Intimidation is alive and well. We should hear from community about resources and have this conversation. What if you believed me by your statement, they have been, if we do this your department is going backwards and that you will become the department we dont want to see. I dont know how to take that. Supervisor walton. I dont mean we want to go backwards. We will be moving backwards on what we moved forwards on. I dont want us to be in the position where it doesnt feel a sense of collaboration. You mentioned about the fact that there is litigation which i cant comment on. It is litigation regarding people who have alleged that they have been bullied at work. That is why it is important. I have a slide to talk about the move forward we are doing right now as we speak. Some of this is our efforts to make sure people have voices beyond just workplace environment. A seat at the table for formulating policy and moving forward. That is why we have the sheriffs lines for equity moving forward. The guidance given by the office of Racial Equity that is the kind of guidance this department needed to set foundation for it. We have started moving forward with these things. It is based on peoples interactions with one another. That is created of the things we want to reform. We want to be part of that. When you reference what you said about the people who are putting out the allegations of bullying, we are addressing that right now, not just through that civil process but looking into that internally. It reflects what we want to do moving forward to have dialogues and have the ability to have people bring things up outside of the workplace but at a larger table. That is what w we are working towards. We are looking to move forward. We believe, if i may reemphasize the point. By taking away the programs management from us, that we are going to lose part eve part of T Partnership and that is what we dont want to see move backwards. I hope that helps. I appreciate your comments around working together and partnering. Putting these resources in reserve while we have those collaberative conversations. We need to bring the community to the table, bring your department to the table for these conversations. If everything you say is right and correct and community is excited as you are about the work that is happening and happening with your department, then i dont think we have anything to be concerned about. Colleagues, anyone else. Do we have any supervisors, any questions supervisor mandelman, president yee, anything to ask about this proposal . I just think i am k9 of clear. I i am kind of clear. Right now there these budget amounts are pretty much what the programs that were listed that the sheriff put up there and you want to put that in reserves. Is it the total amount for the year . You want to put it on reserves or is it just part of the amount . These organizations are paid for some of the work right now . That is one thing i want to make sure that the contracts or the organizations will not get paid for what they are doing . The reserves gives us an opportunity for a discussion to see if we want to continue supporting these under the Sheriffs Department or another mechanism is that what you are saying . Yes, definitely, president yee, you are in the right direction. One thing i would say as we talk about justice reform. We obviously need to move Community Programs to the appropriate department. I do understand your point about where we are and the nature of the typical fiscal year and the programs up and running. I would be okay with putting the portion of the dollar amount in year two in reserve while we have these conversations with community. Whatever the amount would be to finish off the year make sure organizations stay whole while we have community conversations, put the next years amount in reserve, whatever that amount would be for 2122. Thank you. Sheriff, i see your hand up. Thank you, chair. Yes, i am very concerned about what was raised by president yee there about we are under contract with these organizations. They are providing the services as we speak. One of the bigger concerns was making sure people who partner with us are getting paid through this process. I am not as well versed on this process. If that is under reserve for the second components of the fiscal cycle and we have the ability to pay people for the good work right now. I understand that, but what does that mean . I understand that we have the ability to talk more about this. I think that given the most freshness of this issue to our agency and organization i would like to make sure we are clear on what things are. Again, as we have done since th inception of everything we do. Make sure we work together. You did mention one thing i was curious about. Community programs. Is it specific to all outside things we do when people has justice involved out of constructive custody and back in the community is that what we are talking about . Culmination of all of the above, but basically the work you are doing with the communitybased organizations and folks contracted to provide services with the Sheriffs Department or through the Sheriffs Department. I would love to partner with you to make sure we open up books to let you see what is going on. That is what we have to do when we manage these programs. There is absolutely transparent processes we can provide for you. Glow thank you. Thank you. Take the amount 2122 fiscal year and put on reserve. Make sure the organizations can finish this year and work on a plan for how things may work for next year. Thank you for that suggestion, supervisor roman. It is a limited timeframe at the conclusion of that discussion. If the conclusion is to sever the nonprofit or whatever, it has to be done several months before the beginning of the next year or otherwise you will be stuck. I want to point that out. Sy love that program. I visited it twice, the charter. How inmates we act to that. I just want to put a plug in for that in the jail itself. I just want to say that i am reluctant to make the change this year without hearing from all of these organizations where they think that their home should be. I think this year and i really appreciate supervisor walton for making the suggestion because i think to give you a year to plan. What i would suggest is that perhaps this is a working group that these organizations actually we can hear from them or the board. I dont know if i will be here when it happens. A practice where they can come together to see where they would want their home to be and if they need to go to the same home or some would like to be placed in another organization and so what i would suggest is that we could also, speakerrua speaker , legislatively we could have a working group and get together. I would say then we have a proposal on the table to keep the budget for this fiscal year, the nine months, for the second fiscal year 2122 to put that remaining money in reserve, is that correct, supervisor walton . Thats correct, chair fewer. We have that on the table. Lets get rid of that item first. Supervisor mandelman, jose you on this proposal . I am okay with that. President yee. Good. We have consensus. The controller please take note of the exit committees intention to keep the money in the original budget for this fiscal year to the end of this fiscal year. To for the money for fiscal year 2122 will be in reserve. A practice to determine where the organizations home will be will be conducted during this fiscal year in time for next fiscal year. Thank you very much. Next to the point of over time. I see that the sheriffs over time budget is 8 million. We have a proposal to put 100 of those funds into the reserve account. I probably suspect the sheriff or mr. Holland has a comment to accompany this proposal. I would like to give them an opportunity to speak on it if they should so choose. Thank you. I was not aware we were going to be talking until recently about this. The proposal to cut the overtime by 100 or put in reserve for 100 will be very challenging for us. Regardless of the fact we are a Public Safety agency, we are also unique, not just in the fact i am elected but the fact we have mandated things through state agencies in our mission and what we do. Not just through collective bargaining staffing level but through the needs of minimum standard in correctional facilities. We have a staffing level that needs to be maintained. We have a court staffing level that needs maintained to complete our mission there. Our level of mandated b by charr and entities. That leads to overtime challenges. There is a slide here regarding the overtime expenditures. I would like to highlight the fact that and put the elephant out there. Elephant in the room in terms of the recent article that highlights the fact that a number of our employees were on the list for most highest paid civil servants. That is a reflection of systems where we have not been staffed to full needs in light of these mandated positions and staffing level. We had a csa audit last year which highlighted the need of 238 f. T. E. Short of the actual workload. We met some challenges with making sure we have adjustment for over time and number of people who made an increase in overtime for their salaries because they were filling positions that are needed and mandated. Two, because we have so much over time throughout the system we have people involuntarily drafted, people that are held over from work hours and made to work additional hours because of that need to maintain minimum staffing level. Some of those people voluntarily take the place of those individuals involuntarily drafted to make sure this happens. That reflects that article. The last thing i want to say about this without too much de detail is the fact that we have the closure coming up which we look to as the ability to move some of the staffing into areas to backfill the areas of need where we have unfilled f. T. E. This will reduce over time expenditures significantly in terms of operational ability to do so. You will not see as much over time. That is part of our reduction process to advocate for the further reduction of over time to 100 . I dont quite understand and welcome to understand through your explanations why we are looking at that type every deduction. Colleagues, any comments or questions . I will say personally that i think 100 . Having been on this for three years i know the problems with over time. A lot of the overtime is involuntary. They must because they must keep the staffing. They require the deputies to work overtime even if they do not want to work. We have been working hard to have adequate coverage. The sheriffs are at city hall, at public buildings. To get their level up so that the sheriffs dont have to involuntarily work overtime shifts. The problem is that it is not like a regular job. They are also within the building, too. When you are working double shifts we heard many complaints from deputy sheriffs that it would mean that they are doing long shifts inside the jails. Having said that, supervisor walton there may be a compromise for the first year and second year similar to the Police Department. If it is the intention to cut 100 i am going to propose to you that you be amenable to something we did with the Police Department is cut the overtime 50 or put it in reserve. Supervisor walton, what do you think . Thank you, chair fewer. My goal is to avoid a mess like we saw this past year. Also to think about any of our workers and the danger of being over worked, particularly to your point during the pandemic. Our county jail system i would rather did not read an article that shows and demonstrates a plan about over time but get something in place in the Sheriffs Department aboutover time plan to make conditions better for workers especially during this crisis. I am definitely okay with reducing a certain percentage and hearing the plan and putting some in reserve because i think that it is something that we need to do. Is there a proposal perhaps my colleagues might want to proposal to supervisor walton or do you have a proposal yourself . Supervisor mandelman or supervisor yee . I dont know that it is reasonable to expect the Sheriffs Office not to run over time in this fiscal year. I dont think they are able to do it and do the things they have to do. I think it i it is reasonable wh the closing of cj4 and reducing over time to have a second years worth of over time held in reserve and provide that to continue the conversation. I support that. I wouldnt support a consult or putting this coming years over time on reserve. Are you proposing year two 100 in reserve . Yes. Supervisor yes, what do you say supervisor yee, what do you say . You are on mute. I would be fine with that proposal. Supervisor walton, what do you think. That works for me. Great. It looks like we have consensus. We put year two 100 on reserve. Please take note of this committees intention to put the second year of over time for the Sheriffs Department on reserve. Thank you very much. Mr. Clerk. Any other committees before us today . There are lay items here. I believe we did. The Fire Department is coming back. Hold on one second. You are right. There is one more thing with the Sheriffs Department. The bla recommendation on the general Management System and whether or not. I believe the bla recommended. Can you please refresh our memory . We have had such a crazy day. My pleasure, chair fewer. Yesterday we discussed the policy recommendation on the sheriffs jail Management System replacement. What our recommendation was that the board should consider whether to fund the initial deployment of the jail Management System replacement p. 1. 8 million for the five year i pp plan starting in fiscal year 1920. Initial testing completed by the sheriff apartment 250 at 250,000. The total remaining project cost increased to 2,319,422. The elimination of the funding for the two budget years, the sheriff is to cover the first budget year cost 687,720 in reduction in other general Fund Operating expenses. No funding is identified or secured for the second budget year. Given the anticipated savings or replacement and the sheriff has not identified funding for 50 of the total development and implementation costs, without additional funding the project is at risk of delayed the simultaneous licenses in the new jail Management System 550,000 in total. We did also note the replacement has been recommended by the jail work group. Would support the sharing strategy in 8020 regarding closure of county jail 4. The department of Public Health indicated it would allow integration with their system. We also note the replacement is necessary savings of 140,000 per year once fully operational. Chair fewer, and supervisors, the bottom line with our recommendation is that if you allow this to go through it would allow the upgrade to continue. We are not saying that we disagree that upgrade is needed but then you and the mayor basically the city is going to be on the hook for 1. 4 million. We would have to come up with 1. 4 million in the second budget year to keep this going. That is why we wanted to bring it to your attention. Thank you. I think we all appreciate this is a good thing in that advocates photo have the data aligned. The sheriff is in agreement. What i am hearing from you is that it is a concern about the fully funding of the program at 1. 4 million in the second year where there is no current funding strategy for that. I will say myself and if my colleagues speak, this is something after the jail advocates have come to me and said this is extremely importa important. The bla, too, i understand the concerns. This is a really important project. We have made 1. 4 million short on this. I am going to depend on colleagues who will be here in the next fil fiscal year to find funding. I am open to comments. Supervisor mandelman, do you have a comment . I am nodding with everything you say. I agree. How about supervisor yee. That is logical. I support what you just said. Thank you very much. Supervisor walton. We have a consensus, madam chair. Thank you very much. I want to thank the bla for the work on this and thank you, sheriff and the advocates who pushed for this. Our consensus can the controller please note that it is the committees intention to not accept the recommendation on the policy matter recommendation. Mr. Clerk, any other committees before us today . We do not, madam chair. That is very good news. Colleagues, we recess this meeting. We will be back on wednesday. We will have a discussion with the chief. I would like to recess the meeting now. Thank you, sheriff for joining us. I would like to recess until monday amount 10 00 a. M. Where we will have a full day and possibly full night of Public Comment. Colleagues get a lot of sleep. There are a lot of people to tell us what they are thinking and feeling. Thank you, mr. Clerk, we will see everybody at the meeting. A motion to recess. Yes. Second. Thank you very much. Roll call vote, please. To recess the meeting until the august 24th meeting of the budget and appropriations meeting. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Chair fewer. Aye. We have four ayes. Thank you, colleagues. The commission president. Due to the covid19 Health Emergency and to protect im sorry. Entertainment Commission Member cities and the members of the public, city meeting rooms are closed but we will be participating remotely. This precaution is taken pursuant to the various local state and federal orders, declarations and directives. Commission members and employees will attend the meeting through Video Conference and participate in the meetings to the same extent if they were physically present. Public comment will be available on each agenda item. We are streaming the number across the screen. Opportunities to speak during the Public Comment period are available via the zoom platform using meeting id8489880745 or by calling on the phone let me share the screen here. Using the zoom platform to speak, raise select the raise hand option when its time for Public Comment. If calling in by phone, dial star 9 to be added to the speaker line. You will be unmuted when its your turn to speak. Please call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. When your item of interest comes up, dial star 9 to be added to the speaker line. Alternatively, while we recommend that you use zoom audio or telephone for Public Comment, you may submit a written Public Comment through the chat function on zoom. We want to thank sf gov tv and Media Services for sharing this meeting with the public. We will start with a roll call. Commission secretary stewart, can you do the roll call . You have to take yourself off mute. Not working . Okay. Okay, i will just go through, then. [roll call]. Okay, thank you, we have a quorum, and commissioner perez is absent. All right. The first order of business is general Public Comment and for items not listed on the regular agenda, and well take this slow, but were going to ask is there any Public Comment for items not listed on the agenda . I would share your screen one more time with that callin number, just in case. I do think theres a number of people who are preparing for Public Comment, and a number of them are emailed. There is one hand raised in the attendee list, so i will allow this person to talk. This certain has themselves muted. Aria sorry if im mispronouncing your name. No problem. Can you hear us . Yes, i can. Can you hear me . Yes. Thank you so much, Entertainment Commission, for taking this time. I am here representing all of the small and mediumsized bans in San Francisco and bay area. A great deal of us have found success in using some resources. We play near venues such as near bottom of the hill, neck of the woods and the milk bar. A report published by the Brooking Institute cites that [indiscernible] have been lost due to covid19s impact on the arts. In addition, the arts make up 504 billion dollars of the u. S. Gdp. These numbers are staggering. As a result, it is my humble respectful request of the commission to consider these three items. One, not all performing arts should be in the phase four of sf reopening plan. Large indoor venues, yes, but the risk and conditions for the majority of performing arts are not as high and should be assessed differently. Number two, outdoor performing arts are already safe and managed in accordance with the protocol. Outdoor performing arts should be permitted now. Number three, the rainy season is coming in november. If we do not use Public Events to test before the rainy season, artists will be forced to wait until spring of 2021. That is unacceptable. Im here to support the Entertainment Commission in reopening the performing arts industry safely. Im also here to invite the commission to support all forms of artists. Thank you for considering my request, and lastly thank you for Holding Space for yourselves and for all of us during this time of change. I conclude my comment. Is there anymore comment . There is nobody with their hand raised in the Public Comment. So the answer is no. All right, then were going to close general Public Comment and move on to the next agenda item. The next agenda item is no. 2, which is the approval of the minutes for the august 4, 2020 meeting. Im going to ask commissioners if we have a motion to approve the minutes [indiscernible]. Ill move. Ill second it. Is there any Public Comment on the approval of the minutes . Im looking in the list, and no one has their hand raised. So i do not see anyone. Okay, well close Public Comment for the minutes and we can go ahead and do a vote. Commission secretary, youre still unaudible. It could be the earpiece. [indiscernible]. Can you hear me now . Yeah. Okay, all right. Sorry. [roll call]. We also have commissioner wang. Im sorry, commissioner wang. Im here. And als on too. Aye. All right. I heard unanimous approval, so we will move on to the next agenda item. Oh, im supposed to say the minutes have been approved and then gavel down, virtual gavel. The next agenda item is the report from our executive director, and i just want to remind everyone i forgot to say it before that Public Comment today will be two minutes per item per person. Thank you. Thank you, president blindman, and good evening, commissioners. Audience, please forgive us, were still learning how to do this virtually. I think were all much better in person. So my update for the commission this evening are pretty minimal since we did a bigger update a couple of weeks ago. I have some updated figures in terms of the number of investigations and triage work that weve done within the community, education and response team. I also and i can share those with you all via email. I also have been working very heavily along with Senior Analyst rice on the Economic Recovery Task force within our arts culture hospitality and entertainment Staff Support group. Weve been focused on writing the actual draft proposals in which our group worked with all the Task Force Members on over the last several weeks, and so were pushing this further along in the process. And after this, were going to be doing secondary and tertiary reviews of all of our own efforts, and that gets further assessed by the erts. So were excited about that. Thats moving along. Some really great ideas in there. Some of them are more immediate, and im hoping to share some of those with you as they are definitely relevant to our work. One of which i definitely foreshadowed on in our previous meeting that ive been working on for several weeks with the full Entertainment Commission team and president blindman has been aware of this as well, just trying to find a pathway to permit and enforce or regulate the entertainment activity that is already allowable within the health order and outdoor guiding guidelines. To essentially just be able to provide a pathway to ensure that whats already happening out in the community can be done with respect to the health order and ensuring that its compliant, just because we do continue to receive complaints, and when we go out, some of the time its not compliant, and what were more concerned about than i mean, sound is important, but what were most concerned about is ensuring that, you know, were not spreading transmission and that folks are not, you know, they are distanced from each other and not using a brass or wind instrument, at this time not singing. Those are not allowable activities within entertainment. So i do not have an update. I have pushed that up towards the Mayors Office, and im hoping to hear a bigger update within the next week to share with you all, and i do note that some folks are probably going to comment on that idea after my directors report. And i just wanted to share what president blindman was saying. We received nine letters today for the commission that we tried to and im not sure if we were able to get all of them uploaded in time, but okay, great. So they are in your folder now, but it was very last minute that we received them, but essentially members of the public, artists, musicians saying, you know, please let us activate outdoor spaces with arts and entertainment programming, and so you may hear from them tonight. Aside from that, i do not have any other big updates, but i am happy to take questions. We do have someone with their hand raised, a caller for Public Comment. [indiscernible] any commissioners have comments or questions first . Yes, id like to actually ask a question. So im looking in the folder and i only see one letter. So you mentioned that there were Nine Communications and that some folks are going to be speaking during Public Comment. The people who are not going to be able to participate in Public Comment, can we have their Communications Read on record . They are twopage long letters. So i can try my best. Again, they are not really organized because i guess an update we havent shared is that we are moving this week. [please stand by] they would not allow it. If you had protection around with a microphone in the screen, that wouldnt be allowed either, right . The Health Department has not made any confessions yet on allowing singing in another form. So at this time thats a no. Did they make any recommendations or suggestions to them . We can, if we hear from our industry, from our subject Matter Experts with ideas, absolutely. Thats what we do, and we are always floating up ideas for adaptive reopening that is not prescribed in the current reopening phase. Okay, so i guess whoever is listening today should really especially musicians you have any alternative suggestions i mean, instrumentals are great but we need on to hear the singers especially if theres science that backs up that argument, thats what the Health Officer would be looking at. Especially if there are other cities that are already doing it in another way. And thats something that we are going to be able to look into as well. But, again, it means a lot more coming from the industry. Right. Okay. Thank you. If i could add to that too, so we have made attempts to have representatives from the department of health here at the hearing and thus far we have been unsuccessful in having them join us. But we will continue to work on that from because i personally would just love to be able to ask them ourselves what what science theyre using and how we might be able to come up with Reasonable Solutions that are healthy and safe that can also preserve things like playing a trumpet, for example. Exactly like you said, commissioner lee, if you are 30, 40, 50 feet away from any humans and you have a shield in front of you, is that scientifically okay . Or is it not . And these are questions that i think that are really legit, especially for our industry. Also for the people who rely on the commission for permitting so those are questions that we ask. We will just continue trying to have somebody or some response from the department of Public Health on this matter. President bleiman, i cant get my hand to show electronically. Id like to make a comment. Commissioner lee the other thing that i want to speak to is that i dont agree that the most compelling arguments come from the industry, so if thats truly the case, i question why we exist as commissioners. I would like to think that all of us in our own field are subject Matter Experts to some extent. And i would like to suggest that theres a difference between i mean, i think that if we want to make recommendations to the Health Department that we absolutely should be doing it and could do it. I agree with our executive director that science helps support that. But i think that theres a difference between advocacy and then sciencebased advocacy. I just think that there might be a place for both. So i personally dont think that we should silence our fellow commissioners. I think that if we want to make recommendations as a commission, i would argue that is exactly why we exist. If we get the support of people from the industry i think that is wonderful. And, obviously, it adds weight to it. But i dont think that we should not do something if we feel compelled to do so. Thats it. I dont disagree either. I think that we need to play dual roles just like ourselves dual role. Maybe to regulate sound and entertainment and we promote sound and entertainment. I think we have a duty to do everything in our power to figure out some sort of path for healthy, safe, responsible, outdoors at this point with entertainment. And i will say that executive director wylan and her staff are hard at work on that every single day. But, you know, the realities of the pandemic are that, you know, for whatever reason and i have no idea what reason that is it doesnt seem that the Entertainment Industry is being prioritized or considered in the plans. And im personally very concerned about that and trying to help and our staff is. And i think that we all have a role. This is laura can i please. I mean, can we call a hearing on issues related to public performing arts and music on this . And get the d. P. H. I mean, i dont know that d. P. H. I mean, i adore d. P. H. But i dont know that they necessarily have the science on this. How do we get the how do we make the science available so that d. P. H. And the Entertainment Commission and the industry and patrons are all on the same page regarding what is and isnt safe and to make sure that were maximizing entertainment access as much as we can, while also keeping everyone safe. I dont feel that i know exactly what those lines are. And i would like that to be and an evidence and scienceformed decision so that we can move as close to that line as possible in terms of making entertainment available. You know, and i think that is a great idea. What we try to do is to say, you know, can we get a representative from d. P. H. Come in and to give us some help on this. And theyve not responded to us. So we havent heard back from them, including a letter that i wrote and a letter that a request through the various channels. As a Public Health ill follow up with director wyland and you and see what i can do to help. Yeah, i think that it would be really be helpful. Theres a lot of questions that were getting yeah, no, these are super valid questions that people are asking. Just the question that commissioner lee asked, you know, how far away does a singer have to be in order for it to be safe. We know that theres a certain distance that is fine and we have seen it in speeches, events, people have removed their mask and its been okay. And the science may not be there yet but that doesnt mean that we cant try. Meanwhile, you know, the tonight we have the independent Venue Alliance which will be potentially the exact people that would be able to put on events outdoors, here to tell us about the state of their venues they actually have. And i think that it will be an interesting conversation tonight. Maybe not a particularly happy one. So, you know, i think that personally i think that the path forward is figuring out safe ways to have outdoor entertainment. People are outdoors anyway, why couldnt you entertain them while theyre out there . And so these are great questions. And commissioner thomas, we would love help on this. Its just been difficult to do. Probably for good reason. You know, people are very busy and they have a lot going on. But we have an industry that is really suffering here. So, thank you. If i could just add president bleiman, to your point, this is why this commission exists to give this community a voice. I think that we are in a position to do something and i encourage us to do something. And i would just add as far as the singing component, im not sure why a singer couldnt wear a mask. I mean, if thats what allows them to do their profession like everyone else is doing, if i could do it, if i had the voice, i would wear a mask. If i had the looks and the voice, i would do it. Im done. I mean, i think were all in agreement here and i think that theres a place for advocacy here and i think we can be thoughtful and take into account all of the factors that are going on. But also i think that well see tonight, and i think we have seen that we are, like you said, we are a voice. And we are not were not nothing here. So its worth its worth advocating and trying. I have one more comment. To add to that, wer there are l businesses out there that are hurting. We know that the schools have priority. We know that, you know, just people in general with safety being important. But the Small Business you know, we have everybody has been patient and theyre really running out of time because were losing them one by one. And whether its musicians, that could be handled with shields in front of us and maybe, you know, like you say, maybe 10 feet away from the first customer audience. I mean, theres ways i mean, managing a band for i managed a band for three years and i dont think that i got spit on once. Even in front of them. But i see the problem. But there are ways to shield that. And even singers, like you say, you could sing through a mask. That keeps the airborne stuff out. But i kind of understand. But its time to not be on the bottom of the priority list anymore. I think that its time that we move up. Along with the other bars and the lounges and the other Small Businesses now that are just kind of being patient and trying to figure this out. President bleiman anymore comments from commissioners . And i will just add at the very end here, that im trying to be very diplomatic about this because i do understand that it is hard through a pandemic. But my patience is notched up really high right now and its kind of wearing thin on this. I do think that we need to take steps to advocate respectfully and thoughtfully. But firmly for the industry. And i hope that each and every one of us considers that moving forward. President bleiman, if i can let you know that were getting chat and there are actually questions. You might want to explain what Public Comment is so we dont disappoint these people that we dont answer. Go ahead. President bleiman they all everything will be put in the Public Comment record. And director wyland you can explain it. I did say at the beginning of it, but theres multiple ways to do comment and one is through chat, is that correct . But theyre actually asking questions and i want the public to know that were unable to answer them. In the chat theyre putting questions. Theres a couple things. You as the commission always have the ability to answer questions if you want. You are just not obligated to. And the Public Comments that you are seeing come in, one note that we should say to any Public Commenters that would rather be verbal, please do not write in the chat because you are limited to one Public Comment per item on the agenda. So just keep that informed. So president bleiman, i would read the comments and questions in the chat and take those as Public Comment and then we can take people from dial in. President bleiman and my personal feeling is that its not a great Public Comment is not a great venue for q. And a. Anybody with questions, please ask in our Public Comment. So im seeing one here about whether its [broken audio] bad connection. President bleiman [broken audio] youre having technical problems with president bleimans audio. Clerk president bleirman, we cant president bleiman can you hear me now . Clerk yes. President bleiman so if you have a specific question email, call, ask staff, this is not the venue for answering [broken audio] but if you do have comments, please do provide them in whatever whichever way that works for you. If that makes sense. Everybody hear me okay still . All right. So this agenda item i would like to open things up to Public Comment and please help. Clerk yes, president bleiman, someone had their hand up with a phone call. And they were the first one. And then we can do the chats and several other hands up. So lets get right to it. Hello, caller, you are unmuted and you have two minutes. Oh, now youre muted. Okay. It looks like they have their phone muted. So we can move on to the chat comments. President bleiman do you want me to read those or do you want to read them yourself . And i would just recommend that you share the screen one more time with that callin number. President bleiman so lets start by sharing the screen and read the chat comments. Clerk so we have a chat comment from jen katz and the question is, will Film Screenings and dance be okay for outdoors sooner than singers and wind instrumentalists . We have another chat comment from spacehouse arts. The question is, are there any details for the small venue meetings tonight . Im going to go to mute. The caller can speak now. So im going to let in albert g. Albert, you are unmuted and you have two minutes. Caller am i unmuted now . Clerk yes, you are unmuted. Caller very cool. I cant see myself, but you guys look so tired. Is this the post office . What can i say . You know, the world is what it is. Andrew would ask me to speak regarding the International Arts festival and they came up with all of these Amazing Things with the Art Student Society and how much money they bring in and what they mean to the culture and the kids. Artists have a right to earn a living. I think thats the bottom line. And, you know, they pay mortgages and rent and they take care of their kids and they have a right to feed them, just like the Health Commissioners do, the people on that panel. They have salaries and they get to do that. I think that people have a right to it. They have approved outdoor restaurants. There are chefs, there are souschefs and theres waiters and then you have the patron sitting around without masks. And im assuming that they dont have plastic shields between them and their pastrami. I think that they can actually eat their food. Theyve allowed all of this to happen. An outdoor venue where people are socially distanced and singers cannot sing with a mask on. It cannot be done. For the singers its a really taxing profession. For somebody that is really a performer. But theres ways to get distance. If they can have a distance and they can allow that, they can allow a socially distanced performance where the audiences have masks and theres enough distance between them and the stage outdoors. Theres a technical term for this, and its called nobrain nobrainer. And thats all i have to say. Thank you very much, i really appreciate you allowing me to do that and to tell me you guys youre my heroes. Thanks a lot. Its really terrific. So, bye. President bleiman thank you, albert. Clerk all right, the next caller is judy chutani. Hello, judy. You are unmuted. Caller okay, can you hear me now . Clerk yes, go ahead, you have two minutes. Caller i am tha naomi judy chutani. Im an artist and i would like to ask for outdoor arts performing arts. And its safe, theyre managed in accordance with the citys own safety protocols. They should be allowed as permitted use now. Arts are important because they unify communities, this is an important issue right now. 72 of americans believe that arts unify our communities regardless of age, race and ethnicity. 73 agree that the arts help you to understand other cultures better. This perspective is observed across all dem gravic and economic categories. These statistics help to demonstrate that its very important that the public can be expoabsed texposed to performin. The arts help to us see the world from different perspectives and give us empathy and to understand people and places and periods of history, issues which we may otherwise be unfamiliar. They comfort us in our grief and energize in celebration. They are important because they can act as a catalyst for change. They can start a revolution. I have been involved with the japaneseamerican group psuedo for solidarity that connected japaneseamericans whose families were incarcerated during world war ii with other groups that support the Central Americans and Detention Centers and black lives matter. As an artist i would like to have my dream installation of largesized drawings of children and a healing ritual for people to acknowledge children in prisons in a covidsafe manner. Wed like to support you and we are looking to open the industry safely. Thank you. Clerk thank you, judy. Next comment is from lisa grafiano. Hi, lisa. You have been unmuted. You have two minutes. Caller im lisa with the band for nomasari. Im a performing musician, with bands like us need to perform live music. Its an important part of the event. A band leader can spread good mood by talking in between songs and getting people to feel at home. Live music creates a welcoming atmosphere, a warmth of spirit. Store owners and cafes know of the positive effects of Live Performances for their businesses. So i think that outdoor Live Performances go handinhand with phase three reopening of the stores, public parks and other spaces. Performing is part of my income and part of my band mates too. I sell more c. D. S at Live Performances than online. And earn tips just like waiters and cabdrivers. Which i share with my band mates. I dont really want my band to go rogue and Start Performing without a permit or even rehearse during this pandemic. We need clear guidelines with checklists from the department of Public Health. Specifically made for outdoor performing arts. San francisco International Arts festival would like to help the department of Public Health to create these guidelines and to support the Entertainment Commission in reopening the arts industry safely. This can be done through a prototype outdoor festival at fort mason on october 2425, 2020, just before the rainy season starts. This event can be a way to test operations, guidelines and procedures for outdoor performing arts. Thank you. Clerk thank you, lisa. Going to screen share for one moment. All right, the next person in line to speak is a person named shau shau. Hi, sasha, you are unmuted. You can go ahead and speak. You have two minutes. Caller can you hear me, can you hear me now . Clerk yes, we can hear you. Caller im sasha higby. I have seen the way that arts can feed our spirits, both individually and communeally. Im speaking this evening to ask the city to advance the priority of outdoor performing from phase four of the reopening plan to phase two or phase three. There are many kinds of performing arts and artists that can perform outdoors safely. You have heard this already, in accordance with the citys Health Care Protocols and guidelines. It is important that we get to test outdoor performing arts events been the onset of the rainy season. Otherwise, planning for these type of events will fall behind another six months. But after months of essential activity only, our spirits feel dry and the spirits of our children also feel this thirst and frustration. For months essential activity has been outlined solely as buying food and hardware. In this process, it seems that fewer restrictions have been laid with these activities because they are deemed essential. However, these essential Outdoor Activities involve more Serious Health hazards than the opening of outdoor performances, which is what we are proposing. We need performances now. We have to experience the essential activity of art to flourish. Permissions for these events can always be withdrawn if necessary. The arts help us to survive during the hardest of times whether people have been deprived of all else. For some, the arts is their life and breath. The art provide a mighty distraction for which the soul may climb and look forward, gaining perspective and patience. It often seems that the arts are the first to be cut when it is one of the last elements that stay with us to the end. In addition to the spiritual importance the arts create jobs, and economic benefits. So take the outdoor performing out of phase four to bring our city back to life. The benefits of doing so will be immediate. Two minutes are up, yeah. Clerk thank you, shasha. We have a phone caller. Caller, you have been unmuted and state your name. You have two minutes. Caller hello. Clerk hello, caller, you are unmuted and state your name. Two minutes. Caller i am joshua bye and im the associate director of safe house arts and one of those impacted by covid working with andrew wood and the sf art festival for reopening arts events this year. There are few compelling arguments for not pursuing this. It should be in phase four of San Franciscos reopening plans. The plans focus on large indoor concert halls. The risks and conditions for most other types of performing arts are not as high and should be assessed differently. As said, we need to stage a public event on october 24th 25th, to test the guidelines and procedures for outdoor performing art small outdoor performing arts before the onset of the rainy season in november. Otherwise, the next opportunity to do so would be spring 2021. Creating and implementing procedures such as reduced audience sizes and Contact Tracing and social distancing, not for just outdoor events, but to be tested for ethicity before the broader rollout. And to create an opportunity to help to support and sustain the Arts Community in a time of unprecedented catastrophe and to provide avenues that will help the public deal with the unmitigated stress of shelte shelterinplace about allowing people to feel comfortable about gathering comfortably. This is not the first pandemic that i dealt with. I have brought knowledge and expertise in what it takes to navigate these catastrophic times. I hope that the commission is open to listening and exploring what the options are. Thank you. Clerk thank you, caller. You have another caller in line. Caller, are you there . You have been unmuted . Are you there . Okay, this is the same call tary werthat we had before that is sl muted, unfortunately. Maybe they should do a chat. Okay, next person in line to speak is miss tilley dumar. Miss tilley dumar, can you hear us . Caller i can hear you. My name is tilley, and i along with my premiere Dance Company have been at the art festival since 2015. In addition we have frequently performed at the ethnic Dance Festival since the 1980s. We would like the commission to address the request for a safe presentation of outdoor arts events from september to november of this year before the advent of the rainy season. Which is likely to curtail all such events until spring 2021. Unlike large indoor concert halls, the risk of performing in an outdoor setting with social distancing protocols in place are minimal. We are open to the idea of having a prototype presentation that helps to develop the guidelines for such performances. These events will greatly assist in providing the musicians and the dancers with affording them to perform their art and earn some compensation that is grossly decreased by this pandemic. It will also be a faith value in promoting the social and Mental Wellbeing of the audience. It is our earnest desire to support the Entertainment Commission in reopening the performing arts industry safely. We would greatly appreciate all efforts that the commission puts in place to support the endeavors of the performing artists. In doing so, the artists will be able to bring meaningful presentations that will provide solace to communities, and sustaining their artistry and means of livelihood. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to speak to you today. I do want to let you than you cannot dance with masks on. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Next person waiting is nola mariono. Nola, can you hear us . Nola is muted. Nola, if you could unmute yourself. Caller can you hear me now . Clerk yes. You have two minutes. Caller okay, sorry about that, technology glitch

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