Welcome, everybody. Present on zoom. Roll call. Please. Yes. Can you please yes. This meeting is broadcast to the public on sfgovtv open captioned in sign legislate intercepted if you need other accommodations or difficulty attending this meeting, please send an e mail to mod sfgov. Org or call 41555467ine. 89. Held on the third friday. Month. For more information about pastore upcoming meetings visit the mod website. Sfgov. Org mod. Our next regular meeting is for friday november 17th, 2023. From 1 p. M. To 4 p. M. We will reschedule because of the city events associated with the asian pacific, economic conference. Well send out an announce am once the rescheduled dealt is confirmed it will be hybridd and on sfgov. Org we thank you for joining us and welcome our new member patricia arack. If you would like to introduce yourself, patricia. Thank you. Happy to be here today. Im a retired member of the faculty at city college. Retire in the 2016. And in 2015 i was diagnosed with an incurable disease. I spent most of my life as an ablebodied person and become disabled has been quite a revelation to me about the challenges and the difficulties of being a disabled person in this city and country. Im interested in approving mobility access because i fully understand that is a great problem for many and San Francisco can do better in improving lives of people who have serious mobility issues. So, im looking forward to my tenure here on the council happy to be here thank you, patricia. We are looking forward to work with you and so can you please roll call. Yes. Roll call madrid. Here. Al bers. Why present. Sassouni. Here. Senhaux. Present. And patricia arack. Present. Thank you. Can we get a reading of the agenda. Yes. 1 welcome and roll call. Item 2 is roll call. And item 3 is general Public Comment. Item 4 is the cochair report. Item 5 is the report from the Mayors Office on disability. Item 6 is accessibility and Autonomous Vehicle in San Francisco presented by maddy from the San Francisco municipal transportation agency. Item 7 is the employment of people with disabilities in San Francisco. Employment voluntary Data Collection and reason accommendation program. Presented from the San Francisco department of Human Resource. Item 8 is a letter to the mt aboard in support of the no turn on right proposal. Item 9 is correspondence. Item 10 is general Public Comment. And item 11 is councilmember comments and announcements and 12 is adjournment. Thank you. Please, note that the presentation from department of Human Resources about employment for all people with disability in San Francisco will not ensure ing ability for employees and a Program Update had. So we are moving to item 3, general Public Comment. Please, open up Public Comment. At this time members of public may address the council on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the council. Not on todays agenda. Each member may address the council for up to 3 communities unless determined nain the interest of time, comments may be limited to a shorter time will when there are a large number of comments. With respect to todays item specific discussion items your opportunity to address the council aare forded the conconclusion of each item. Before the Council Discussion begins. A reminder the brown act forbids the council discussing items not on the agenda include nothing Public Comment. If you would like a response from the council, provide your Contact Information by e mail message to mdc sfgov. Org with the subject mdc comment reply or call 4155546789. If you join the webinar using tablet or smart phone click on the 3 dot icon and then the raised hand button. We will recognize you when it is your turn. You may use the q and a feature to make a comment on the top part of the video after touching the screen. If you are using a desk top or laptop, you can use the raised hand and the q a icons at the bottom of the video screen. Joining by phone dial star 3 to indicate you would like to comment. We will prompt you when it is your turn. So we start with anybody joining us in person. If you like to make a comment you can come lineup at the podium or have comment cards located at the front of the room or fill out your information in the nature of you were commentil wait to see if anybodiments to come up. There is then in person see if anybody joining via web exwould like to make a comment i see one member of the public has their hand raised. I have the call in user unanimous. You are unmuted and you may make your comment when you are ready. Thank you this is disability activism sf. I have a you tube channel documenting history, rites and problems with access in San Francisco. Thank you for having in meet informing will i lived in San Francisco as a disabled person for more than 10 years birch knew the meetings happened. They are not advertised or promote to the disabled public so people can be involved with our city. I bruthis up times overnight years i continue to be the only if not the only people making comment and participating in meeting this is is, gregious. Im really correspond this body does not address the growing calls for forced conservatorships of disabled people neurodivergent by the mayor and other Public Officials who dont have experience in the dangers and cruelty of a conservatorship and disempowerhouse our community. Im concerned the body never addressed sexual abuse of disabled parities at laguna honda brought up by lawsuits and other ways of public awareness. Im concerned this body does not address every the homelessness in the city which is primarily largely majority disabled people. Talking about vet republicans. People with physical Health Challenges lost jobs due to the challenges. And this is not discussed. It is in the discuss third degree most low Income Housing is based on ami. Area median income. Means it rules out all disabled people who live on Public Benefits like Social Security, pays the tiniest fraction of ami and only around a thousand dollars a month maximum. These are people force in the poverty and homelessness by this citys policies. Homelessness and disability are essential low go together if you near San Francisco and disabled, unless you have a special benefactor like a rich family member, you are going to be homeless. This is not how the city should be run. Should be unacceptable. Im also still awaiting an apology from dem racaplisten illegally with holding my disability records for a year. She fought me to get records and refuses to apologize i welcome the new member and hope we make changes and make the city safe for disabled people thank you for your upon comment. Do we have Public Comment at this time. I dont see anybody else withhold like to comment. We are going to go to general Public Comment. Now we are moving on to item 4. The cochair report. And september the committee met and agree our attention on the issue of city controlled sros and housing. That would be the primary topic of a meeting. Members of the mdc also met with the department of public w managing the better Street Project about the closure of morgan street. Similarly, similar of the recommendations regarding the and about communication with the public about accessibility issues had been adopted. This is my report and im going to move us along to item number 5. Report from nicole mo d director. Thank you. Nicole. Thank you. Cochair madrid. And i will adjust my microphone a minute. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. Everyone. Good afternoon. Thanks for being here and thanks for following along. I have this a busy month for the Mayors Office on disability and i have an extensive report. I welcome councilmember questions at the end. This hen sent to you and posted on sfgov. Org mod and mdc following the meeting if there are members of the public had wish to engage with the report, condition tact us at mod sfgov. Org or call us at 4155546789, we are happy to engage with you. So, a few legislative updates for the month of october. First the local resolutions and ordinances and files that passed. And moving. So, file first is file number 231020. Amending rowels of order limiting remote comment opportunity this legislation has passed. This legislation remutuals Public Comment and presenter participation opportunity remotely at the board of supervisors and the subcommittees except in reason accommendation. This is not change how nonboard of supervisors bodies are rivered to operate. Butt council may chos to continue to monitor this you know this , is an issue. Interest to the Disability Community and others. Also in october, file 231005 was introduced. Amending the Building Code dead lines for Disability Access improve ams place of public accommendation, any forward facing business serving the public. This legislation you heard before known as access beingly business entrance ordinance and the first piece of the legislation extends the compliance dead lines with the program. The file has been duplicated and additional amendments intended stream line the compliance with the program are under consideration and again, i encourage the council to monitor the goings on here of listed for your review and will post and submit electronically the we would appreciate the Council Assistance in monitoring resolution 23 where are 269 honoring the un plaza protest. How this is going and also number 211301 regarding shared spaces. The Permanent Program is now official low as of the end of september in affect. Regarding state legislation you will hear about the cpu c in a minute i will not go to detail about that. Except to say a Community Engagement group with sfmta around safety, regarding autonomous sxrks federal rally. Announce third degree left time of members interesting with Public Comment period. On discrimination on disability actiftds linked to the report you can call for information. It was the comments are due on number 13, 2023 and will be based hen touring and medical treatment. And nondiscrimination acts we encourage to you it if it interests you. Low low i will move to news and announcements. As was mentioned at the beginning of the meeting, the asian economic difference in San Francisco november 13, to 18th 2023 this is expected to bring 30,000 people to San Francisco including intermarshall everinitial media. Working with the sfmta Digital Services and 311. To enhance disabilitied access information relate today traffic and pedestrian routing impacts and as this information becomes visible from the state department there is, let this we can help in terms of information but the actual routing and routes are not up to us. The city stays accessible as possible. To that end, mod recommends this people with disabilities sign up with the majors office on disability distribution list going to our landing page sf. Gov mod and clicking subscribe to the e mill this is the best way to stay current. We will sends out information that will posted on web and other resources as well. The mod staff reallocated to ensure accessibility in city hull in use this week we appreciate the councils willingness to move the meeting to december as the steal be deployed during apeck. I want to, there are a now more things i would like to announce. Mod submitted Public Comment regarding a notice of rule making on nondiscrimination on disability. Accessibility of web information and services of the local government. Pertaining to how digital accessibility pertains to us and the disability user. And how the impacts should be as part of the next announcement. Part of employment month hearing more about later this afternoon. I will be presenting on disability issues that intersect with human rights. There is a lot of krsz over with Human Rights Commission and the Mayors Office on disability. And the Disability Council on the constituents we serve. So if you are i would be grateful i will move to Mayors Office on disability has a baptist staff news and thanks today. Serving the clerk. And also our Capitol Program manager and building inspector john, is moving on in october. Both moving to other departments in the city family and john applying in Disability Access and do good for physical accessibility for the members of public. We have a thanks to both of you for your dedication and service. Mod inupon tends to fill the positions and keep will council informed ending punishment we need to keep positions filled. And we welcome former Councilmember Helen mods grievance and housing coordinator. Mod is thrilled have you. I will and i will end highlighting again items you may want to think about in terms of future items with details and explanations that will be posted. I will list them. Suggestions are the mayors disability 202223 public report. At part of which i will present to Human Rights Commission and i did present to other staff in july. Accessible business entrance program. Refer to the legislative item and include office of small business, public works, dbi. Golden gate park way finding, dining reusable legislation related this as well. And the careerers office. Sro elevator audit and the asian disability friendly San Francisco implementation and with that i will conclude and ask if there are specific questions at this time. Thank you. Director bohn. Do we have councilmember questions . Im going to go from alex . Online first . Patricia did you have comments or questions . In, not at this time thank you, patricia and now we are going to with our cochair. Thank you. Cochair madrid. Director bohn, could you repeat the specifics for hrc meeting on the 26th. Sure. We have one microphone here. The meeting is i dont have the room location now it is in city hall. It is the thursday october 26 i am expected as of now i will be likely going on in the 6 p. M. Hour if you are available to join i will be pleased. Of course. It is optional. With the mdc and Human Rights Commission. A successful model a joint meeting with the disability and aging commission. And similarly to that, there is krsz over. So, okay. Something to consider. Okay. Thank you. Upon cowboys members has questions or concerns . Regarding seeing none, thank you nicole for your report. Thank you cochair madrid. Now we are going to move to item 6. Accessibility and Autonomous Vehicle in San Francisco presented by maddy ruvolo and mta. San francisco. Is she on the line or in person . This is maddy im online how, maddy, how are you. Are you ready to present . I am. And here with my colleague john from as well. Welcome. Please. I will share my screen. Of is this visibility for everybody. No. We are not seeing any slides. There we go. Okay. Great. Thank you all for having us. I believe this is the first hybrid meeting where i presented but i have presented men times before on line im maddy ruvolo the transportation planner. At the San Francisco municipal transportation sxaejs here with my colleague to speak with you all about the Autonomous Vehicles, thank you for having us, today. John paul would you like to introduce . Hi. This is my first time with transportation planner with the San Francisco county transportation authority, which mta for short. And the 2 it agencies in San Francisco. We play a strategic role to the transportation congestion management and local sales tax add administrator and we invest the funds we collect to infrastructure improvements, Transit Service improvement. Remember operational as well. We serve as the Treasure Island agency and serve as advisors to the board on all policy issues. Municipal transportation agency. I wanted draught sanctions. Sfmta is responsible for the management of all Ground Transportation in San Francisco over see transit. Streets and taxis. We are here to talk about Autonomous Vehicles and accessibility tom give background. Crew are 2 autonomous providers and providing autonomous Passengers Service and collecting fare in San Francisco. We know and many of you than the disability communities has been interested in Autonomous Vehicles for a language time there is interests from the will Disability Community because the hope what is they could money for increased independence and accessibility and transportationing options. California law gives permitting authority to the utility commission. And the department of Motor Vehicles state entities this have permitting authorities over Autonomous Vehicle in San Francisco. So we as San Francisco, done a lot of work around the and share this with you all now. As i said, because much of the authority is at the state we sent letters and the federal level to the national highway Traffic Safety administration. Urging specific bench mashes around accessibility and requirements including asking for wheel chair accessible vehicles autonomous waves. We participated in the puc working group. That was a few years ago and have the meeting and continue to meet with folks in the Disability Community to understand the variety of perspect itches within the Disability Community. We know there is in the a consense us and aye a lot of feelings and thar that are important to consider. As we cothis work. I want top share our priors and the priorities inform the experience and w we have done around accessibility the previous work at the puc and also of course the many Different Things occur friday the Disability Community. Avs dropping people off in the middle of the street this is not safe for can anybody especially with people with disabilities and understand while autonomous developments. And so that would mean having an option for standard wave service with response times so people with disabilities other mobility Devices Development time upon lines around vehicles. Users of the vehicles and people around the vehicle. We heard concerns we have concerns about Pedestrian Safety arounded vehicles ensuring when well is a wheel chair user or common who has a guide dog people with disabilities are considered as pedestrians. In proximity. With that im going to turn it over to john paul to talk more about the cpu c and regulation. The bmb drivers from the vehicle. You want in this case. But on the pu c commercial Passengers Services. So again, in the regulation of the commercial Passenger Service the puc is responsible for adopting the accessibility requirements and to that end puc did absolve a goal around disability but have not trans litd that to specific bench marks or requirements about the service prosecute vision or considerations about the vehicles, app or what you need to [inaudible]. It is basically just a statement of will. That leaves in the hands and the good will of the providers absence. Next slide. So, yes, why is it important to have more religions and credit we are very appreciative that crews will have each easier [inaudible] and we believe that the dialogue directly is important. We will appreciate the crews [inaudible] commitment toward accessibility. However, our experiences what industry broad low speaking, often dont upon consistent or [inaudible] prosecute visions unless they are subject to clear regulations. So for example, Transportation Network companies, retail and uber or lyft. And the challenges this you have face in the terms of having ways of service through the providers to the day and have been arounded for a decade. So, the, that we enter on is not only created requirements but having the tools to monitor whether those services are being provided so that is aim about transparency. Ensure compliance. And improvement and that requires that who is close so the demand, transpatient data reports and how the services are being implemented. We are more in a position of advocacy. So from that role we will advocate the policies that improve safety including Comparable Service requirements for use and data reporting. And to do so, well continue to work with our organizations to better amplify needs and recommendations. We expect that there will be a series of new rules. Both at the federal level with and national highway Traffic Safety administration. As well as with dmv and the pu c we will engage in those and flag them may be opportunity where your input will be welcomed. And again we will track legislative opportunity for us to advance change in that space as well. That would be all. That is condition tact information and our name. Dont hesitate to reach out. All right y. We are happy to take questions now. Thank you. When are you going to Public Comment. Yes. If you would like to make a comment joining us in person you may do so by lining up at the podium up front. We have comment cards can you fill out at the front of the room. If you are joining us via web exyou can make a comment by using the raised hand feature or q and a feature i will wait to see if anyone in person would like to comment. I dont see anyone who would like to comment. Now we are going to go on to councilmember comment or questions. We have go ahead. First i would like to thank maddy for her presentation. And i have a few questions. Put the camera on orchid not the interpreter. Control room well call you but if you can move the camera over to orchid . Thank you. I will start over. Thank you to maddy for your presentation. And also to about Autonomous Vehicles. With no drivers in the car and i have been think burglar this. And i i dont know if a common question. I think Autonomous Vehicles are wonder and will i have been think burglar how we can collaborate rit and collaborate with hospitals it seems like hospitals have been asking if there is accessibility problems. And another thing i notice side this they have very limited areas where they can go. It it is you know and times for example they are available late at night nice to experience Autonomous Vehicles if possible to make it if its it would be cool or very useful if they could have them like in the car, well is i way you could audio captioning or something or way to text to them. Or do you have to speak. Im not sure. If it is accessible to deaf people or not for that. Thats again a wonderful possibility for that. With the new technologies and i know that you know, there are hiccups long the way when you have these and thats understandable. In the process. But i thinking about with the hospital and also like taxis have a ticket this for a Voucher Program for paratransit. May be that could be allowed. I dont know if that is possible. Thank you for your presentation. And i give it become to the cochair. Thank you. Orchid. Now we have cochair madrid. Do you want to gift presentors an opportunity. Do you have response to orchid . Sure. Thank you orchid. For your comments and ideas. I want to encourage to you we are not the folks who would be able to put those idea in practice. It would be others and i know than i expressed interest in hearing from the Disability Community. And so i would encourage to you connect with cruz and waymodirectly to share this with themmism think it is important for them to hear from the Disability Community. Thank you. Now we are moving to councilmember albers. Thank you. Cochair madrid. Hi, maddy. And nice to meet you john paul. Thank you for your presentation. This seems to be the hot topic these days. I would just like to thank you for your advocacy and your support and sharing the same concerns we have. I think we are on the same page. And i would like to extend know invitation if maddy you have not got it already; this is a shameless plug i would do it the end of the meeting. Lighthouse is going on have a forum on november second. This is lighthouse for the blind on San Francisco at 2 p. M. They will have a representative and it will be a discussion with our ceo and will be a Pedestrian Safety and transit safety forum. Open discussion. Tell be hybrid. And like in person at headquarters upon 1155 market street. And available we dont know what the Online Platform be yet. It will give you an opportunity to ask directly to the representatives of the Autonomous Vehicle representatives and everybody here to and anybody listening. And you can contact to r. S. V. P. To communication lighthouse. Sf. Org. I always thank the sfmta for getting it with us. Thank you so much. Thank you, appreciate that i did raft invitation. Thank you very much. Thank you for sharing the information for everyone else exit will try to be there. Great. Thank you, now we are going to denise. Thank you cochair madrid. I want to piggyback on my comment fist the fellow council members. Thank mad competence john for being here this is one of our hot topics. I appreciate that you are working with the different segments of the Disability Community with regards to safety as far as the procedure and drop off and pick up. I have been concerned in the past and i do see the advantages of the av cars. One of my occurrence you mentioned is Pedestrian Safety. For all pedestrians in San Francisco. But people that are low vision or legally blind or deaf or hard of hearing. Im ignorant to the av process have you to take me through a sum row for dummies here. How does the process work when we talk about safety concern in pick and up drop off if you have a passenger with a disability . Because there is no driver there and im used to talking to member. The car i understand has an artificial intelligence. How does this work how do they know where to go and what to do. If well is a problem with regards to safety and where to drop people off from access ability issues, take me through that if you near that process. I dont know how far along weer this. If you can give me a brief sum row and the last thing, i agree this is exciting and look forward to working with and you addressing the safety concerns. As well as accessibility issues. Thank you. To ensure safety this is something where the California Utility Commission has this is under their purview to set requirements and standards to ensure that safety for people with disabilities and ensure that as you said the details of pick up and drop off and Pedestrian Safety are in place. So unfortunately this , is not an area we are able to exercise authority. But i will let john paul jump in. Not too much to add but speak also to the app. We cannot speak to the detail of the accessibility provisions of the separate apps. I think that is how highlight this fact. There is no regulation and they dont have specifics to the apps. Provider may build them with no direct guidance. May i ask another question. Yes thank you. In that process, who has been selected dot design . The apps the artificial who is actually working on this and are than i directly working with you going to the community to address the occurrence as they build the apps . From accessibility and safety standpoint. Thank you. Thank you that it is a good question and unfortunately we are not privy to more information than just the companies are presumablely working on this or you know we hope they would be working on this. And we are not the interim per with the community we are encouraged them to engage with the community. And get Community Feedback on make sure products work and safe and accessible for the Disability Community. Please. Thank you. Hi. This is sherri again. Not that im an expert, but prior to october 10th, 12, whatever the hearing was with the cpu c when they were the av companies were begin their license to fro free rairn they were in a Pilot Testing like beta testing phase. Where people were signed up as testers with the app. Application. And so this was the press where the app was being tested and especially for the blind community, for accessibility, for sure. I know for sure, a let of lighthouse employees were signed upon. For accessibility specifically. And that was part of that Pilot Program. To make sure it was working. In an accessibility upon stand point. Thank you, sherri. Thank you, sherri. No , im done thank you. Thank you. Do you have questions . Yes. I do. Can you hear me okay . Yes, go ahead. Why this is my first meeting im getting used to this. No worries. Im not a fan of Autonomous Vehicles. I have to be honest thank you for your presentation. They the details the devil in the detail and we are not getting detail and i have serious mobility issues. I would never get in a ride hail taxi or any commercial vehicle like that without a human driver. It is just far too dangerous. It is very possible that i could stumble and fall get nothing or out. There i am a heap in the street or on the sidewalk or wherever. What does the nondriver do drive away . I just shutter at the thought of a person with series disabilities in my case, mobility at the mercy of a hunk of metal with no human being to help. Will i just find it crazy. To consider doing Something Like this. This is my opinion and thats im coming from the position of myself. As a serious low disabled person. I dont know how the companies or the whoever puts this driverless Accessible Vehicle Program in to operation. But i just see really insurmountable problems and a quite dangerous situation for disabled people. Thank you. This is has been the role of a human being besides driving the vehicle taxi drivers or paratransit drivers are well to assist people with disabilities and we have point the out that the role phenotype evercannot be replaces. This may be good for the bottom line for uber and lyft but not good for people who need job in San Francisco that is an commercial. We should consider. The fact is the partnership with sfmta are running small pilots in Treasure Island. It looks different from the vehicles we were discussing today a purpose built vehicle. The vehicle includes and has like an attention to help folks get in the vehicle. It is like a different prop to how we believe that the service could be slowly impmrements and bruin the more complex environments of San Francisco. It is a counterpoint to elect the analysis and commercial services that are able to and highlight before where influence how the service are deployed. Prior and not. Nonexistent. Thank you. Thank you. A short comment im hoping and i remember a few decided to park the driver got out in the middle of the road. I hope this changed. I was really concerned and shocked hear this they were dropping people off in the road is that still helping or has that changed. Um we dont have data for every trip. But we have heard it is happening for at least a portion of it. Operating prefer for anybody but for people on disabilities. Yes. In i may. Thank you. One suggestion than i can address the questions that you have around the details of their services as well as how they worked with the Disability Community. Thank you. Now we are going to move to denise. Thanks. Il make a quick i dont know if this is a good suggestion. With regards to and trishia made comments about jobs going away and safety occurrence men one of the accommendation requests may be because the car cant think on its own weep dont have perfect drivers i rather trust that then and there a machine cant judge a situation we heard the problems in the trials going on in the complicated areas. Because want to make sure other vehicleers safe on the street. People that provide emergency service, First Responders want everyone to be safe. May be i dont know if it makes sense to have a driver there. I dont know when that would electric like and have somebody in the car if the situation presents its where there needs to be a Human Interaction in making a decision if something guess wrong with the car and im in nowhere and cant see what is happeningil not be happy. So i think a lot of the safety and i understand this is out of the realm. But as far as giving feedback they are concerns from a safety perspective. Thank you. Thank you. So may i jump on before i move to the staff i have a couple of comments. And questions. One, comment is that before you guys proceed on going access ability. I think of are really this and they continue having issue stopping when it come to like just stop going to i think should consider having them fix the issue. Before testing this accessibility. Before having people with disability start losing. I think consider having if i can that. Issue. And then i just for when it come to testing and and any issues this you see right now or on you dont have any information or not . John paul . Of course. Thank you, i think it is relevant and could have provided the frame w for understanding the challenge special that there is no data that is available for us to make assessments. Knowing more of the details the puc is reporting tht puc than i donteen receive dataasm so we are on the public you puc or dmv prosecute voiders to provide details about the locations where the vehicle stopsful from a policy perspective we are willing to try to point in square one we can make the assessment. Much less recommendations and we are not even. Part whf we have been advocate to the puc for a number of months now the program should be deployd and expanded in increments of performance in a manner allows you to assess and smaller areas of the city not as complex. How the vehicleers operating and tracking data close low to understand where the performance meet certain bench mashes including how they provide services to people disabilities before we grant expansions to the companies. And that was this was our position in a number of filings dating back to last year. However, the cpu c aware of the issues decided to grant the companies permits to provide Unrestricted Service in all of San Francisco 24 7. Again. No limits on the vehicle fee. That was a clarification i wanted make and a point i would make. At this point in theory can provide Service Throughout the city they may restrict the people aluto use the apps or services but if you are able to be one of their active users. Pick a service from anywhere in the city and all times. That is it is tension we believe in that incremental prop for the prop that i believe that the chair is suggesting. But we were not heard in our recommendation by the cpu c in approval happened in august. This year. Okay. And on that second question i have is that im not sure if you heard me but im going to ask again. John paul. Or maddy. Testing by now are there issues you are aware of or none at this point . Im sorry go ahead. John paul. Go ahead. I spoke enough. To clarify to make sure i on the other hand you are asking about testing and. Issues. Let mow ask a clarification question. Did you say, john paul, or maddy, that you guys Start Testing on now . Or no . Treasure i lands Treasure Island. Sorry. Yes. Okay. My question is, are there any issue you see or experiencing when it come to testing on that when it miss to accessibility . So far nothing i can report. But i feel double check this with the manager for the Treasure Island program to confirm that. So i think it would be goods. I think it would be good to know the information and good to i think the public would be now at the time. So im going to ask um go ahead. Just one comment before you close. Encourage you to use the Treasure Island shuttle and share feedback with us if you encounter access. And then just the second spot again i mentioned you might invite and you could invite commissioners from the puc and the regulators one of them they could answer some of the more specific questions requirements and standards and i think that might be a good way to get these really important around accessibility addressed. Thank you for having them. And i know our item is running long and next presenters are here. I want to say, thank you but always i really support mad and he judge pauls thoughts around the council. The council has an opportunity here to decide how you would like to engage as the next step. And sometimes the cpu c comment process can be complicated. But i encourage to you think about how you would if you mean with the understanding now that there is irrelevant is not a lot that the city has krell over regarding how the companies are proceeding but still voicing and hearing the issues in Public Forums like this, really do help us in the city. On the advocacy so we really know you know the perspectives and toward that end the things that mod is hopeful for we Work Together to bring the Community Together to hear all the different perspectives not everybody is alined on on the issue and there is a lot of occurrence around transparencies. I wanted say public low that i will support in the council and how you determine you want to move forward knowing this but i encourage you to take action. Because it is of such concern and frank low also because you know we are doing innovative thing in San Francisco. And a let of folks are watching us initial low as well and so the actions that we take on behalf of Disability Community here are going to be heard and learn friday and other states. And potential low federally. I want to encourage us we need to continue to come together and listen to each other. And also take action together. Thats all thank you, maddy and nicole and paul. For the presentation and look forward in the near future. Thank you very much. Thank you. Now we have a moment to take a break for 10 minutes. We will come back at 2 26. Welcome back. Im alex in drid. Cochair. Today is october 20 and we are going to item number 7, it will be people with disability in San Francisco presented by mawuli turnonned. San francisco h r department. I dont know huto pronounce your anymore this is toll low fine. Thank you very much we will get the presentation. Control room could you put the presentation up on the screen, please. Im in person with my colleague the senior e, o specialist. And joining us virtually. Andien if he is on. And to support answering questions that you all may have, he is the Deputy Director of policy and external affairs. Present. Wonderful. We are all very excited to be here today. Thank you for inviting us to the pace and today i will be presenting on dhrs efforts around Disability Dataa collection and yaz min on our accommendation process. So. Move to the next slide. There we go. We in late september in collaboration with the Mayors Office of disability and director bohn and deb are cap listen we launched disability Data Collection effort a voluntary self identification disability questionnaire. And launch in the late september. With the support of the Controllers Office. And helping us get that up and going in the employee portal. Our goal in this effort was to really build to begin building a strong are foundation for inclues itch data set. We can understand the needs of employees better. If we go to the next slide, it gives an example of what it looks like in the sf employee portal. Well is a link that folks can click on. For filling out the question and so in this process, we sent information out through our news letter roaches over 34,000 employees telling them about the effort. And if we look at the actual form, which is on the next slide. It draws from the d. Labors self identification of disability questionnaire. And we were sure to include a preface of why we ever asking employees to fill this out x. We wanted it to be clear this is voluntary. And it also references the california code of regulation. Upon 11 very 65e constitutes a disability. We are very early in the process. So. We have just started this process. And and hope tell feed in exploring the data to on to the press great if you could read we got folks that are not able to see the slide content. We will apologize for that we will fix it. We will fix the slides. But for the purposes of now if you could read the questions at least that would be really helpful. Thank you. Yea. So i can i can start read the preface and i mentioned originally. Providing the information voluntary. Disability like race issue genteder identity and Sexual Orientation is part of our culture. The city of San Francisco is implementing methods to collect Inclusive Data we are collecting Disability Data to better understand the demographics of the workforce and the next piece, how do you. Slow down a bit. Sure. Helper interpreters. How do you finish you have a disability. In california disabilities are conscience that limit a major life activity. Including physical and mental disabilities as well as medical conditions cancer or hiv. Defined in california code of regulations title 2 section 11065d and individual with a disability may, have a physical or mental impairment limits a life activity. Or have a record of or regarded as having such an impairment may have no present disabling affect but may be a disability or impairment requiring special education or related service. Note, major Life Activities include, seeing, hearing, breathing, walking, speaking, learning, working, caring for upon oneself lifting and other physical mental and social activities. See california code of irrelevanting lagz title 2 section 11065 d for the full range of physical and mental conscience qualify disability under california lu. Select one response and press submit to referred your answer. Do you identify as a person way disability or as a member of the Disability Community . Yes, i identify as a person with a disability or as a member of the Disability Community. No, i dont identify as a person with a disability. Or as a member of the Disability Community. I dont wish to answer. So, the that is the form. In the entirety. And again i want to thank deb are and nicole for helping move this along. We there was a lot. Learning curve and we are excited we launch in the september and with that, i will turn it over to my colleague to go over reasonable accommodations. Excuse me. Sorry for interrupting but could you make this the slides show available on web ex it is not full screen. Im not sure are we submitted it or is there manage we need to do on our end. One moment. One moment. Please hold patricia. Thank you. Is it okay . Sfgovtv needs to do that. Please, hold. Thank you. Hold on one second. It is visible to us im not sure why it is not available via web ex. We will definitely make sure have you access to the slighted deck and sure, as the presenters move forward if you could just slowly read any content this folks needs to reference that would help us now. Thank you. Why thank you for your patience. Technical. Need you to speak directly in the microphone if we bring it down a bit that would be great. Thank you for helping us meet our access needs of course, thank you. So the accommendation processes available for applicant and employees a bit closer to you. Microphone, if you can. Thank you. Better. Thank you. So the accommendation process is available for applicants and employees. And so the equal Employment Opportunity division at dhr assists city departments providing accommodations for applicants and employees with disabilities and accordance with american disability act and the california fair employment and housing act. Applicants and employees can request accommodations orally or in writing. Form on the department of Human Resources website under reasonable accommodations. The applicant request for reason accommendation form is located at sfdhr. Org on the department of Human Resource website under reasonable accommodations. Thank you for being patient with our feedback. Speak slower that would help us air great deal. Thank you. Im nervous. Thank you. Why you are doing a great job. We have a reasonable request for reasonable accommendation form, and the form states exams at the city and county of San Francisco may require to you do one or more of the following. Sit at defects and chairs for a long period of time. Speak in 41 of panel, like an oral examination. Fizzical activities. Read, exam material and fill in circleos a bubble sheet. For a multifull choice examination. Pen or pencil for esan exam. Listen to strugzs borrow teston tent. Watch a vo related to test content or administration. Read and answer exam questions on a computer. And so the section at the bottom of the form is to be completed by the applicant and say if yous are disabled have a physical impairment major life accyst by the california fair employment and housing act and or americans with disability act and wish to request reasonable accommendation for an exam due to be disability. Name in print. Signature. Date, recruit. Id number the title the exam. And it says the following are test, comeidations maybe public. Check below the once you are requesting. For visual influential learning a marker machine to mark answers. Reader, a separate room. Extra time use a wheel chair. Special seating. Americaer someone to mark answers. For hearing and interpreter or separate room. Well is a box located at the bottom which indicates that the applicant may describe other accommendations that they would like to request. After the front and back sections of the former completed the back section does not need to be complete federal you are disability is obvious. You should return the form to the analyst who scheduled your exam. Look for the analyst name in the e mail you received about the exam. The second page of the request for reasonable accommendation form, says note if your disability is obvious it is in the necessary for you to have this side of the form completed. This section is to be completed by a medical did, School Psychologist. Learning consultant as appropriate. Exams with the city are administerod basis of fairness and equal opportunity. They are often high low competitive and ranked on score reports based on test score. The applicant who signed the other side of the form is take an exam and requesting an accommendation during the exam. When possible, reasonable testing accommendations that can be supported are provided to applicants with disability. Review the medical or educational history as appropriate. If you support the applicants request for the reason accommodations, complete the information below and returning the form to the applicant. Asks to print the candidates name and asks the medical provider certify the named individual is disabled by the california employment and housing acts. And or americans with disabilitys act. I recommend following to be provide to the individual and provides a box for the medical provider to fill in additional accommodations they believe in. The bottom portion asks the medical doctor or individual to print as appropriate the name of the medical doctor, School Psychologist or learning consultant. And asked for the signature as appropriate of the name of the medical doctor, School Psychologist or learning consultant. The street address. City. Phone number. Certificate or license number and state if applicable. The individual and the date signed. The accommendation process for employees employees can submit a request for reasonable accommendation form to a designated Human Resource representative, manager or supervisor. The employee request for reasonable accommendation form is on the dhr. Org website and it is titled employee request for reasonable accommendation. Pdf. The employee request for reasonable accommendation form asks for information such as name, the dsw number. Class or title. Address, city, state, zip code. Contact, personal e mail, department and states it is the policy of the city and county of San Francisco to provide reasonable accommendation to individuals with the disabilities in accordance with the federal americans with disabilitys act. Ad a and the california fair employment and housing act. You may be rivered provide documentation and support of your request for reasonable accommendation. Please note that the information will be maintain in the a separate file from the personnel file and access limited only to those with a need to know. Reasonable accommendation requests. Devices removal of communications barrier, job restructuring. Purchase of Service Removal of barrier. Modified reassignment or other specify. It asked to describe the accommendation special use sheets if needed. Duties of your specification, identify the essential duties dont include marginal duties of your position which you are requesting an accommendation. Health care. Asks for options. And Health Care Provider. Provide us with a name of your health care provide are assist with this request. Name, the provider, address, phone and special team. Also, it asked for Additional Health care provider on the second page. And fr name, address, phone and special. Major life accysts check the majority or major life activity activities you believe to be limited by your medical conditions. Walking, breathing, seeing, caring for objection, working, talking, hearing, learning performing tasks, other. Describe how the above activity or activities is or are limited. Is your medical condition temporary. If yes state the duration. Are you currently working . Yes or no. If no, specify the leave approved and the duration dates. Have you previously applied for a reasonable accommendation with the city . Yes, no. If yes, explain the status circumstances. The bottom states i certify i believe im a qualified individual with a disability as defined by the lu. I have received and reviewed the information and require an accommendation to perform the functions of my position. I understand this a details review of disability status may be required. And i agree to cooperate fully in this process. I further understand this if my request is granted im obligated to report change in my disability status may require a rievaluation of this q. Granting of does in the signify approval of future reason acomeidation requests for any other and position within the department or other department within the city and county of San Francisco. Employee signature and date. Accommodations may include. Modified exam schedules. Accessible likes. Readers or sign language. Technology. Equipment and furniture. J. W. Restructuring. Reassignments. Each request is evaluated individual low for eligibility, need and reasonableness. And if anyone has questions im available. Thank you. So much. Thank you. Now we are going to councilmember questions. Public comment questions yes. To the public, you may make a Public Comment. If you are gin nothing person, lineup at the podiumer fill out a Public Comment card. If you are joining via web ex today you can use the raised hand feature or the q and a feature to make a Public Comment i will wait to see if there is anybody in person withhold like to make a comment. Upon doesnt look like temperature well move to web ex. Anybody anticipating web ex, raise your hand now so we can acknowledge your Public Comment. Great does not look like any members would like to make a comment at this time. Thank you. Now we are going to councilmembers questions. I see sassouni has a question . Can we make surety camera is on orchid . Okay. Thank you. I have many questions. Because im a Community Staff sxrn with you your department the department of the dh r department in the testing and the classifiers and the testing. And my experience with dhr has been humiliaing i asked for specific interpreters and tell me i dont need those interpreters, are they question why i need an interpreter. They act as if i dont know anything and try to make that decision for us. And it happened me more then and there 3 times and very frustrating. And on that form, i wonder, who made all those choices, did you have someone who had experience in the disability world to make the decisions about the form . Because i shuttered look at some of those. I think it needs more work. Faring a reason accommendations and interpreters they dont go together exactly. A reader or a sign Language Interpreter they dont go together they are different. You have to use as well interpreter that is one category. And that does not have anything to do with readers. On another point, the form you used the word, disability. You referred to can you you need to reform the form a bit i feel. For its not done quite accurately in my opinion. And there is some flus, for example, we who are not great fans of the department of Human Resources at the San Francisco, i have to be honest, i will let other people who might want to speak for themselves but thats my comment. Thank you orchid. Thank you orchid. Do you have any thank you. Thank you for the question. And we do appreciate your feedback. I will have our Deputy Director molly provide a response. Thank you. Hey. There. [inaudible]. The director at the d. Human resources. Thank you for the council for having us present this afternoon. On our new disability Data Collection narcoticive and presenting information to you about the reason, commendation process. I think what i can say in response is one this is your [inaudible] experience councilmember and i think we work close low with the Mayors Office of disability. And if there is feedback on the form, we are happy to receive it. I know there are certain regulations we are working under from the state. As well as the federal government and so i some of what is included on the form pro forma if we can improve it and the regulations we are more then and there happy to do that we will gladly take your feedback if you want to sends us recommendations specifically, we are happy to receive it. If you want to go line by line. Thank you. Now we are going to denise. Thank you. Cochair madrid i thank our presenters for being here today. I appreciate you taking the time to listen to our feedback. Oh. Excuse me. No. Sorry. Can you hear mow. Again thank you for being here and listen to our input. For the sake of time i have concerns around the language. With regard to the self identification around reasonable accommendation. Im going to pick one in particular. With regards to description of our member obvious. For educational purposes, not all people with disabilities not all disabilities are obvious. Some have dependsoth language you use hidden, none apparent. Intellectual disabilities. Not all disabilities can be seen. Noose the first thing with with regards to the language around that description. If i understood you you talked about you are using the Data Collection for i lack of a better word a paira phrase to better help the workforce as people self identify under the reasonable accommendation process. And the first question i have i understand employees with disabilities are potential candidates had questions around this process. What is the Data Collection being used for . What do you do with the information once you collect it . For an employee that is already employed through the city or interested. Had happens after the process when they go to self identification . And second low this is over lapping are Department Heads educateod this press . If you run into request this is might be may be specialize in the the request the federal and state law under disability who is all involved in that press and determining this the decision . Long with the employee the employee or potential candidate know what is they need to be successful on their job. So, take me through the process once i self identify who had is involved with that . The over all goal is to serve all employees city and count and he give employees or potential applicants with disabilities and even playing field. So, take me through that process if you can. Before we receive a response i want to make sure that as part of the response we clarify around the self identification process, is not linked to the reasonable accommendation process. Okay. I want to make sure that everyone understands that. And with that i will hands it offer. Thank you thank you. Director bohn my first point we want to make sure we talk about the 2 things spritly reasonable acomdagsz process long standing in place process. The Data Collection is new. That we launched with the supportive mod. And this is really for us to better understand who our workforce is. They have some data on the individuals who have requested reason accommodations but as you noted, not everybody who has a disability is not visible and may not have necessary low gone through the reasonable accommendation process. We are trying as a first step, understand who our workforce is better and this is also an educational exercise for us and for our employees. So that i would say there is no real plan intention for you data. At this moment. We are went first month of this. We know if you are not count today is hard to get resources and things we want to do a better job of count who is identifying thejz visible or invisibility be sdalth. Thank you. Thank you both for the clarification. I see orchid. If you dont mind make a quick sherri . Thank you. Thank you for the presentation. Im glad you are here. I was not sure what this how this presentation would go or the content. And im really glad im seeing the forms now. Before im in a position if i were to apply for a job with the city. So i would be warned. [laughter]. With this said, has the form for either the Data Collection or the reasonable accommendation pdf whop has test today for accessibility . I will just a quick on the Data Collection. We we worked with both the City Attorneys Office as well as the Mayors Office of disability on developing the survey. So, those are the 2. Developing but in terms of screen reading. Digital accessibility. Why digital accessibility. I see. Thank you. Nicole. All right. The Controllers Office i can check with them. I know they have certain requirement in place. For digital accessibility. But i cant answer that at this moment. Okay. If i were to go on the website and pull up the form, being a city run entity i would hope and that i could go on the form and have it read to me by my Screen Reader thats what i mean by digital accessibility. And if i couldnt that will be a problem. So i would suggest make a suggestion that finding someone either that one of your employees or finding someone may be in the Disability Community to test that out before you go further. The second thing is i never, there was so many things. I dont i still dont understand the why where the distinction with an obvious disability or not. Where this would be asked for the forms were going so fast. I can come become to that. The next thing is when you are asking me for my doctors name, address and information, to prove that i have a disability; im concerned about what are you going to. What are you going to ask, you dont say, well is nothing here to sign a release. I dont see what information you are going to ask my doctor. I want to know what you are going to say because i dont feel comfortable having my medical records sent to the city of San Francisco. It is okay if you sent to my opthatmologist if i legally blinds or not does this make me w have a disability but i will not put down my doctors name just to and ask for my medical records. Thats a concern. So there is more. But i just feel like im not comfortable with the forms the way they are and with the language like orchid was saying, also. Thank you for your feedback. I think that the language around obvious disability is may be confirm for me i than is language from the state or federal government. May be pass it. Thank you. No , i can understand how that may seem. Concerning. With the language my understanding those forms, is this if a disability is obvious we dont require them to fill out certain forms. Because we dont need to have cert ifkdz they require certain conscience or not conscience accommodations, right . And the disability is if intb come in with a wheel chair special asked to be seat in the a space that requires more space to accommodate for the wheel chair we will not require them to you know get certification from their doctor than i require this accommendation inform this situation that is meants by that. If the disability is obvious they are not required to fill out items on the form. Right. But what you are not understanding is not all disabilities are seen. There are so many hidden yes. Thats had im trying to and denise was trying to say. And may be would you mind pointing out which form you are speaking about exactly . If i may, i think and i i am hearing both sides and i bit worn figure there is miscommunication happening. So it is around i think the question is around when we are require to provide documentation and not. And the feed backs is the way that is is worded now it is unclear how the stealed determine what an obvious disability is or is not. Am i understanding correctly. I have a problem with the whole issue of being able to the issue of determining obviouslies or not. There should in the be a determination it should be a question. Thanks for clarifying. Do you have a disability if you are trying if this is when you are trying to get at dont make an sufrjz or not it is ask the person or dont ask the person but not up to the city of San Francisco to look at me and determine whoa i have an obvious disability or i dont. Thats what i take exception to. Excuse me. And thats what i was trying to say around. Obvious does need to be in there the person self identifying knows when they need. In the past when i need to self identify, through my employers i provide medical information in relation to the particular disability that i was asking for a reason acomdpagz. I know that is in the part of this process the sake of education and language on this form. To me obvious does not need to be in there you are disabled or you are not this. Is when you need. Et cetera. This is my opinioning. Thank you dwlchl is debbie. Deputy director. Fimight clarify. I think there are confusion between the self identification questionnaire and then the reason accommendation. Form. The self identification does not make distinctions between a visible or obvious disability and one that is not t. Is all simply whether somebody identifies themselves as a person with a disability. As i understood it from the presentation, and i think it might have been just difficult to perceive it all because we were reading a lot of text. That pertained to the form that are people can fill out if they are requesting an accommendation. To the test. If than i are an applicant for a job and requesting a reasonable accommendation to be able to take the test, Civil Service exam. Thank you and then if the disability is obvious they dont have to submit a medical certification. But if not visible or obvious the medical certification is required. Is that accurate . Yes. I hope this helps. Yes clarify. Essential low we dont want to credit an extra barrier if obvious this they valid to go back to a medical provider for that to get the accommendation if obvious of course, we understands this there are many different types of conditions that are not obvious. And for you know certain accommodations we want that certification from the Health Care Provider it is not obvious. And so for that reason, yes , i agree with that you said that is why we do not want them to if it obvious to us we dont want them tick an extra step in the press and have this certification we can allacor tain that for a fact. Thank you. Im going to ask patricia if there is a question . Yea it is heard for mow to comment on this my disability developed after i retired from city college. Although my last year i got accommodations from the college, which were a reduced teaching load and ability to stay in one class room instead of walking from class to class which is when teachers normally do. I can see think the Data Collection is very important. Looks like a lot of time and effort has been put into this. I think orchid and sherris comments are verivillid. I would like to see if you are an applicant or an employee who has a disability that they can ask for accommendations that may not be available for an example, Restroom Facilities that are adequate. For a person with mobility problems. And which stroms are not adequate in spite of the ad a laws. So thats i really since i did not w as a disabled person it is heard for me to chime in too much on this issue. Thank you. Patricia. Before i go to i want to ask a couple of questions. And i try my best to speak when accommodations and collective data collected. Let me start with information collection. I dont know with people who are applicants for city and county to do answer those questions like are you person with disability . Or are you x, y and z . Now, my question is that is this qualify as the Data Collection or separate from this . Um and feel free to chime inform thank you that is an excellent question. So right now this is only available to our existing employees. Our we do intends to expand this to applicants. But it requires a bit more of technological stuff beyond my scope anding. That is needed. That is a part of our plan to integrate this to our smart recruiters. Application system. I dont know if you would like to add anything there . I think that is accurate. I think this we also we have the ability to turn this on we want it tob judicious how we roll this system out. We did not want applicants who were applying for a job with the city for the first time to have the impression that identifying themselves as somebody who has a disability would count against them this is another reason we held off on that phase of the Data Collection. Okay. Thank you. The question when it miss to recommendations for people who are employed the city for my education purposes about when someone asks recommendations do they ask the supervisor or can they go to hr directly. Just want to clarify on that. And second, once am the employee asked for recommendation, what the process and how long it would take for them toy get an answer and then, the last question regarding on that is that, 25,000 employees it is hard to keep on track on who has what. And curious on how the department can say or not to kinds of follow up on standing. Recommendation. And make sure that the employee is recommended. Are you getingly at wlo accommodation is working or whether or not the city followed up on their application to accommodate the employee . Both. Im sorry. Good. You are good. Thank you. Im sorry, so there were 3 questions and i think one of them sorry the other 2 are i forgot other one was that you asked yea they can request an accommendation from their supervisor, interest supervisor, manager, any manager does not have to be anyone they report to directly all managers and supervisors are trained to report requests for accommodation to Human Resources and they can also request for Human Resources and again this does not have to be verally. Can be in writing. They have various avenues that can i request. Once they request an accommendation, the reasonable accommendation coordinator will roach out and engage them in the process. And i cant say exactly how long it might take. It depends on if a case by case bases depenning when they are requesting. If than i are asking for devices if we have it in stock it might be sooner. If it is something this we dont have in stock or specialized this we have to go outside of our city contractors for this may take a little time familiar it has to be shipped. If it is something that requires working with a manager figuring out the functions are where things are located. Do we have to move something right. Men from a higher level to lower level. Do we provide assistive devices but technology as well we might have to ensure that it is compatible. And work you know that way. It it is case by case. And some situations we receive medical certifications that are vague in nature. And so for this reason we do ask individuals if they are comfortable to provide us with the information from their Health Care Provider. We have a medical authorization and release form we did not include this in our presentation. We have a medical authorization and release form. I believe it is. 4180 days and expires after that. The information we ask from the Health Care Provider is never anything related scams or diagnose that is never information we ask for and i really appreciate your feedback because that could be manage we are clearer about. I know any time i engage with the. Eyes when a was a coordinator or the coordinators i trained; i have asked them to make sure you tell that to the employee or the applicant. Because we understand this there is this concern, i welcome that feedback we could be clearer on the force. That said, we will only ever ask the Health Care Provider for information about the functions of the positions. We create an essential function guide. Next time well if there is a next time we can be more thorough. Thank you. Thank you. Of course. We provide them with essential function guide can they perform the functions with without an accommendation with one or im sorry. Without an accommendation. Thank you. Yes. And ask them to provide information in terms of you know what accommodations they may need. We might ask create a separate questionnaire for them to get that Additional Information when it is vague. So for this reason it mitake long are sometimes to accommodate the individuals. I hope i answered the questions im not sure if i missed one the last one is what i know this is possible low touchy subject but i will ask. You anyway. I know this with 25,000 employees that recommendation can be through the officer. I am curious on with one Department Like do you guys follow up on standing like recommendations or some like something that must be needs follow up. How do you guys go about that . Um. Im sorry if i my knowing. I think once somebody has been approved or received the accommendation, if they transfer departments. The accommendation go with them. No. The department we have 25,000 employees. And some of them already asked recommendations. Now. My question is are they any quote, unquote, pending recommendations or any existing recommendations that you guys the department follow up miles an hour and say, okay. This is when you have and it takes tw months im followingum. I think it would be helpful to if the dhr can comment on what happens in the inter~im time. Between the, commendation request. And the, commendation the accommodations that were approved for the employee are working in that circumstance. For the employee. They can be fest in functions. You are welcome thank you, both. No , i appreciate that question. We in case where the individual is not able to there are different options for individuals who i they are waiting to receive their accommendation requests. So in individuals may be placed on a leave of absence if there are no modified duty assignments that would accommodate work restrictions and other individuals may be placed on a modified duty assignment, right. Similarly than i may be placed in light duty assignment in their own position. If there is something we have part of functions is to lift certain like box of paper and they cant lift more than 5 pounds we break down the box so they are a managerable weight. Or we may take that function away from them so they dont further injury themselves while we wait for the acompidation or type of accommendation. Assistive device. Regular while if in assistive device. Case depending when the work restrictions are depending when their functions are. And then also depending on what assign ams might be available. I hope that was helpful. That was. Pretty much what i wanted clarify the upon ensure that. Or stay in the job. Had is orchid. Put the camera on orchid, please. Im waiting for the camera. This is very short. I understand dhr is trying to accommodate people but for people who talking about people who are high and working. People who are already employed are classified workers. I know you are concerned about cheating which i understand. But it is sometimes dehumanizing people are accused of that, dhr very careful how they use that word. When someone applies for accommendation, a reason accommendation and fill out a form. Concern certed something to help or you know you dont want to make a ready decision like before when it happened before covid. For example now i dont know things have changed i person who applied i heard than i had to wait a long time like a year or 2 years and not hear back. And no one was in touch with them. And im talking about deaf people who applied for jobs and very frustrated and did in the understand how the system wd and it was difficult to navigate within the system. So i wanted give advice about this. Group of people who were frustrated and also dsw is another under dhr i know the all of the city dsw does not have options that for accommodations. People who work in the dsw dont have access to that. Im wonder figure dh r thought about a backum plan for that . Dsw Disaster Service worker. Yes. Again. Thats right. Yes. May i ask for clarification on the dsw issue with when you mean . Dsws are we covid is the perfect example. The only time we used the dsw program. At least in recent history. Can you clarify the issue there . Im sorry. So with dsw, it was messed up. We were required to go to different places and i know there was a checkup but there was no accommodations. Meetings were left minute and people were required show up. Or and there was no they were not accessible meetings. So mystery places people were in the dark or for example had a meeting without interpreter there was not enough time. It was last minute. It was impublic to get an interpreter because of an emergency. I am wondering, i know they are required dsw has requirements and also to they need to make those meetings accessibility. And we could discuss this more in another time. This is nicole. One thing i will add to orchids comment being someone deployed in the beginning and most of the way through, covid, we learned that we did not have an effective reason accommendation request process right away with the dsw. This is something that came gradual and in terms of after okay reporting the recommendations that you know should we have a citywide deployment again we want to make sure that press in place and the other thing we learned was that just in Time Communication access. Was will difficult and fringe low something the city is challenged with. And needs to continue to work on. Yes. Um i will just respond to this i than the city put together very lengthy after action report and many, many things we did right. To save so many live and moving quickly and there were many things we could have done better i remember seeing something to the affect when you are referring to. Can i go become to that after action report and see if this is included and i think that it is general low a living document that we can update. With this. Feedback. And no , im going to attend to the staff. So this is nicole again. First, thank you to my colleague this is yvette weathered a lot of questions very well and thank you. It has been i long time since the council heard from department of Human Resources outside of the program. Thank you. For your time and wellingness it take all of the feedback. I will a couple of thing this is came up in response to the discussion, first, the mayor Disability Council has employment subcommittee. I highly encourage the council to meet and and. Debrief about mystery things you learn and the feedback you gave here today and determine how you would like to follow up on some of these item this is you have very wisely elevated as concerns and the things that you appreciate. So i would appreciate seeing what you would like as council the city to be focussed on and with this feedback. I will say that mod happy to provide feedback after we received the council recommendations. On the content. At least in my time here that opportunity has not been available yet. We would be happy to collaborate rit on that. And i will say that, Digital Services is available. And i support albers suggestion about use are testing and Digital Services is also available to make sure that all of our forums are accessible digitally. And then finally i will say that i take to heart looking at how the city might be able to explore how employee acomplications that are in place i then and there would be a significant under taking but im glad it was eli haved. Today is per of the conversation and as always we are happy to continue to work with you and again i encourage the subcommittee to you have a lot to work with. Now. And hope that you do choose to follow up as well. I have a question. Thank you very much for your wellingness to stick with us as we barrage you with lots of questions you all know it is complicated topic. And lots of aspects to it. One question i have has to do with the effectiveness of the digital tools. If an employee come to you with a request with respect to systems and the internal tools that they need to use. To do their job. What is your process when you have already figured out that the employee has all of the technology that they might need. But the system that they are interacting with is in the compatible with the technology because it is in the accessible. How are you handling those issues . And this is especially i think irrelevant voluntaries to us now as you know. Because we are working with coit. The committee on information technology. And Digital Service around the digital accessibility inclusion standards and how that should apply to employees as well. Yea. I will turn it over to yaz min if there is anything to add or comments. Sure. Thank you. Im sorry but it is case by case. If a Social Security is not compatible with the software the individual is or have to use, we see if there are ways to work around it. If possible. Depending when the issue is. I think at least one of my cases awhile back. The individual had a rough time fill nothing certain text boxes. Because dragon was not dragon speak was not compatible with that line. So as an accommendation, we or a work around, really, we asked the individual to then speak that whatever needed to be filled in into a word document and copy and paste it in the that system. But again it depends i than is manage this we are interested in trying to figure out because there issue systems that are not necessarily compatible with off the Voice Activation Software that are used. But we try to see if there is i way to accommodate the individual and some situations if if it is a software that might be you know like i think well is a compatible im thinking out loud. I think toward Department Directors point. Mods preference the work directly with the software yes. When possible, to correct the barrier. Yes. That we are not in a position of need to come up with creative w arounds but rather using software and i am be working we are having the discussions part of our Digital Equity and diggal accessible and inclusion standard but we want to do as much as we can to make sure that departments are approaching the provide are of the software with the barrier. There. Yes. Right. Gi think rather than prosecute longing that, i think we want to say, thats our preference and you know lets continue to Work Together toward that. And i appreciate that. No. I missed a crucial step thises only the last step when we could not find help from the software or the yes. First step to work with them and see if there is i way we can work with them. It hen a bit since i have done accommodations. The first step is it work with the individual that prosecute voided the software and see if there is i with try to may be not work around but make sure it is accessible and perform the function. And my situation it was difficult. And we were not able to that was a language time ago. I dont know now they have worked something out. But our first step is to work with them and accommodate them. We are beginning to discussions with procurement so we have better language in our contracts so it is easy to go back to the venders and say, our contract say its needs to be abscessable. I love hearing that. Because sometime its is doyle go back and word smith them and sometimes they ask for. I thank you for and how it is going. Ending on a positive note. I hope. I do not have data to share at this time. But we do get results from our clicks from the news letter we sent out and do believe there is a few clicks that happened with the communication so we hope to have something. We would love to hear more and thank you. Thank you very much and i want to say one thing. And i hope this is the first not the last that we go and see each other. I hope in is a start on work to get in. The beginning of the month and talking about the importance of recognizing employees with disability and again see the data effort as the first step and understanding who the workforce is and i like to our ability. And that is going to be at the m discussions will feature some employees who have disabilities. Employees and then the second half will be a career fair. Focused on getting people in the door who have a disability and talking about what that process looks like for them. If you dont have it already we can send you the noticer. But i think we have just about sold out. The events. But there is always for you if you would like to. Just focus how much and every morning and apply for the city [inaudible]. No nows to bad news. I want to again say, thank you very much for coming and i hope to see you soon. Thank you very much. Thank you. Now we are going over to the item 8. Mt aboard in support of the no right turn on red. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. Cochair madrid. Good afternoon everyone. This is a topic that we have had a lot of correspondence at the mdc. So, i dont know how many people know about this. But there was a Pilot Program in 2021, by the sfmta and no turn on red campaign in the tenderloin. And it was a total of 50 intersections were involved. And here are the results. 92 of drivers complied with the no turn on red. Close calls decreased by 80 . And drivers blocking cross walks decreased by 72 . So over all, it looks like that people are comply with this no right turn on red ordinance. Now, since then, recently, the San Francisco board of supervisors unanimously passed a resolution in favor of this no right turn on red. And policy. And has sent that to and urging mta to approve this right turn no right turn on red policy. Now this was supposed to be addressed at last tuesdays mt aboard meeting. But unfortunately did not make the agenda. We here at council, i as cochair, believe that this implementing make it safer for period of times. On in streets. No warning and half the time they dont make a full stop which i believe this is the law. Make a full stop before the right on red. If it is allowed at that intersection. And i also can scooters and bicycles and that so therefore i am making to council. With the public and the councilmembers. Before we vote on it today. So yes. Thank you. The public to do a minute for Public Comment. Please open up the Public Comment. So the Public Comment was not noticed in the agenda for this item. Correct. So00 eye believe the question of hand is whether or not the council would like to support this initiative. The discussion needs to happen. Correct. Thank you, director bohn. In the event we dont put Public Comment on the agenda. I know we had numerous mod, i do know that the consumer of Blindness Organization that i belong to is in favor. It is like the National Federation of blinds of federation in favor of this proposal. In fact than i will be sending i letter of support in the as well. This is a very worthwhile and step in the right direction. To. To clarify i was asking, we received Public Comment on this is that correct . She said we received 160 letters of public support. Perfect. Okay. I just want to i think a motion to have this motion of support. Can i get a motion. Motion would be motion is the mdc send a letter of passport to the sfmta in favor of a no turn on red policy. In the city of San Francisco. Again if a motion on this . You want to looking for a motion of what. Get a motion to support the. Usually had we do is you vote person by person. Okay. I will can you please, supporting a letter to sfmta board in support of no right turn on red . Yes. I alex madrid. Yes. Yes. Yes. Sherri albers . Yes. Denise senhaux. Yes y. Patricia arack. Yes, but can i make a comment about the letter. Sure. I would like to see added any 2 or 3 wheeled vehicle. In addition to cars and trucks. Bicycle, motorcycles. 3 wheel vehicles. Scooters any kind of wheeled vehicle. Manual or battery fuel powered. To make it clear. That people with disabilities are in grave danger from not just cars but anybody on a bicycle or any kind of wheeled vehicle. You can be hit and killed by a bicycle just like you get hit and killed by a car. Yes. In favor add that to that later. And i want to note that cochair sassouni did have an engage am at 4 and so we should check about her but sounds like well is support for a pass. So yes. Pending councilmember sassouni. Now we have im sorry you need a majority vote it passed we have 4, yess. I want to thank the council and i will get wing on the letter. Why thank you. Now we have other member thank you for corresponding. As mentioned earlier the council received 160 letters in favor of no right turn on red. And this is all of the correspondence received in the past month thank you. Now we will move to item 10. General Public Comment. Police. Please open the Public Comment at this time. Yes. At this time we invite members of public to make comments on items of interest to the this are within the subject matter jurisdiction of council not on todays agenda. Each member may address the council up to 3 minutes unless the cochair determine this is in the interest of time. Comments may be limited to a shorter time when there are a large amount of Public Comments. And as a reminder to the public if you like to make a comment if you are joining person, you may do so liningum at the front of the room. Or filling out a comment card located at the table. At the front of the room. If you are joining via web ex make a Public Comment using the raised hand feature or q a box available. I will see if there is anybody in person wholled like to make a Public Comment. I dont believe this their is anybody and i see well is one member of the public like to make a Public Comment. So, the call in user 4156550001 you have permitted unmute and may comment when you are red. Why yes. I tried web ex at the beginning of the meeting i raised my hand why was i not called on . And imented make Public Comment about the employment. You sayings i cant make Public Comment about the employment issue. And you did in the have this employment comment. I think you are violating the sunshine ordinance but should be Public Comment after each item on the agenda. How i apologize, sir you we did have a Public Comment period and i did not see members of the public joining. I had my hand raised. Go ahead you can make your comment now. Go ahead. Im in the employment i wanted to say i w for the city for 26 years. And i had a hidden disability. And they never asked for accommodations and the worse part was the when i went to the department the port i asked for, commendation and i had to sue city college. Other thing i wanted talk about in the Public Comment was that mta is taking away blue zones without replacing them. Well is one on mcallister and vaness and 4 on fulton by the main library for the

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