Attendance to make sure to silent all Electronic Device prevent interpretations. Should you have documents to be included submitted to myself the clerk. Public comment will be taken on each item. When your item come up and Public Comment is called lineup to the west side to your right my left. And while not necessary to provide comment we invite to you fill out a comment card and leave them by the doors if you wish to be recorded for the minutes. You may submit comment in writing e mail them to myself the clerk at brent. Jalipa sfgov. Org. If you submit comment via e mail tell be forwarded and included part of the fortunately file. You may also send written comments u. S. Postal service to 1 dr. Carlton b. Goodlett place room 244, San Francisco, california 94102. Items acted upon today will appear on the board of proirzs agenda of may 14th unless otherwise stated. Thank you. And before we call item one i want to reminds everyone that for those item this is have budget and legislate itch Analyst Report we would like to have the City Department presentation and go with the bla report and then questions and Public Comment. And with that, call item one . Item 1. Is a resolution approving the Second Amendment with Hamilton Family and it is department of homelessness and Supportive Housing for family respectid rehousing services through the Housing Solutions program extending the term by 72 months. A total increasing the contract amount by 12. 3 million for i total amount 21. 9 million and authorizing any amendments or other modifications to the agreement. Do not increase the obligations or lgbts or decrease the benefits to the city. And necessary for the purposes of the agreement. Madam chair. We are Supportive Housing here. Im dylan snied Wert Department of homelessness and Supportive Housing. And wonderful we have slides up. I have buffer a resolution authorize hsh to enter in the Second Amendment to an upon Grant Agreement with hamilton families to continue the Housing Solution Rapid Rehousing Program and a reminder rapid rehousing is a time limited rental that decreases as the tenant stabilizes and finds housing outside the system. The items that have been before you the last few weeks rapid rehousing tenants live in private market and access Supportive Service including Case Management and housing retention service. This amendment was heard and, proved by the Homelessness Oversight Commission on april 4 of 24 and today i want to thank cloaks from hamilton families for joining me here. The resolution would approve the Second Amendment extending the term by 6 years from june 2024 through 2030 and increase the not to exceed amount by 12 opinion 3 amount for a total of 21. 9 million. And a bit about our rapid rehousing portfolio. Hsh has over 1700 slots of respectid rehouse nothing our portfolio. 900 serve families. Through this agreement provides rehousing for 35 families and Services Including housing location and cordination. Landlord liaison, Subsidy Administration and housing focused Case Management. In year 23 hamilton served 66 house holds. 61 women and 27 black and through the Housing Solutions Rapid Rehousing Program hamilton budgeted serve 75 familiesanualy. There are 35 the subsidies through this agreement. The remaining it a separate agreement fund through hud funding. The agreement buffer today funds Case Management and support for about this agreements begin federal funding is restricted rental assistance. Happy to take questions. Thank you. Good morning, nick from the bla. Item one a resolution approved an amendment to the hsh grant with hamilton families extend its through june 2030 and not to exceed increase. We detailed the budget on page 4 of our report. Eightyfour is funded by the general fundful 9 by hud. Emergency Solutions Grant funding and 6 by prop c. We reviewed the performance of the grant and noted that the program is performing within the requirements of the contract accept this there has been significant under pending on the guarantee in the past several years. That totalled over 940 thousand dollars the past 3 fiscal years. This year this grant will be under fund by 2 and 500 thousand dollars. Thats less than the under spending of prior years and recommend approval of item one. Thank you. Thank you. I do have just a quick questions about the federal grants subsidies. Roughly how much for the federal grant subsidies . For the agreement i would have to look that up im happy to thenned over for the total Grant Agreement. That would be great. Help me understand in proportion with in the city funding. Establishing, helping 75 families, which is great per year. I appreciate it and continue the support. But in rit i dont how much will that type of this time service the city on going in prosecute portion to the federal guarantee for subsidies and that gives us an understanding if we were to ever scale up would this mean allow the city to scale up for rental subsidies to that we could respect from the federal government . Absolutely. I dont have the total in front of me i can get this for you. I will say that the estimate annual cost for family is about 40 thousand dollars a year, which is in line with other rapid rehousing subsidies. To your question, because we are funding restrictions with federal funding that do emphasize the rental assistance instead of support services if we were to ramp up more slots of subsidies we would look at adding additional Case Management and support services to the city funds to support an expansion. Yea. Thats what im saying. You know in the ratio of if we were to invest 2 Million Dollars. In the Case Management for 75 families per year and how much of the federal rental subsidies the families could receive if it is 40 thousand dollars per year that is substate your name. That is great. I think this if we were to scale up and that our investments that means that help support families to be able to receive federal rental subsidies in the longhaul. I appreciate that work. Talk from the departments perspect you have about under spend when that has been going on there . Absolutely. Throughout chair i think as you heard from the bla we have been making press on spending down the contract there is projected under spends nothing general fund this is large low due to in early of 23 and fiscal 23 24, we had a learning influx come online of other permanent Supportive Housing options for families including 200 units at city gardens the large expansion of flexible housing, et cetera. We were able to transition 19 to 20 families enrolled and that need longer term subsidies in the options. At the beginning of the year we had a gap in subsidies as we were w to enroll more families in this program. So again we are catching up on this spending and i assume that the program is enrolled we see that continue to be spent down in future years. All right. Thank you. I think this is important and i would like to be add as a cosponsor. Thank you. Supervisor melgar. Thank you very much. I was wondering if you could talk about the continuum of housing. You know families who are homeless or housing insecure. Come from different points of the event rows in the system. And wondering what collaboration you ramp out your week up your capacity, what collaboration do we have with those different points . I am thinking about the San Francisco unified school district, we have the shelter but we have 2 thousand kids who are housing insecure or homeless. Sloping on aunties couch that has a profound impact on academic achievement. How we are thinking about the different ways andent row point and making sure that you know families are successful and dont fall further down rather than progress up in this Housing Market families tends to do. And like to be added as a cosponsor. Thank you. Why wonderful. Thank you very much. One thing that is important about the respectid rehouse is it provides another level of options and opportunity for families. For those family nas may be not stablely housed but inside shelter is in the the right option but this program that is for the time limited subsidy with Workforce Development and help that family stabilize and move to independent living is the goal. This played an important per in our per foal i dont of family options for families. With sfusd we can work close low with them to make sure they know how to refer families in the programs and how to have them be assessed for whatever appropriate housing option might be available for them. Thank you. Lets go to Public Comment. We invite public who have joined us who wish to speak on item one now is your opportunity to address the committee. I will start your time. Thank you for giving us the opportunity will im frank delacampo the real estate manager for hamilton families. And so i over seat team the intake team and staff that do work on the front end of the clients journey through our program. I wanted share a success store and paint a narrative of the out come we find through our program at hamilton families. So, one common things we find. Our Department Works with the Case Management team. And so as we on the front end a rapid process of getting families houses quickly as possible. One family that sticks out this past year was the family that came in single parent, 3 small children. And came in to our program with quite a bit of distrust of the system in general they encountered in the past. Through the work with our program and case managers on hand with the Workforce Development team in house we noticed such a steady increase in terms of stability and longterm sustain ability and their ability to get back on a good footing secure childcare for children and gone back to Training Opportunity for finding employment and about 23 months ago case manager reported this one example, which is one of dozens and you know a lot of families that come through was able to secure full time. Am. We are on the right path in terms of planning. Because our program is short term and understand that the goal is within the 2 years in the program what we get them to transition off of our program and stay housed and prevent them from coming become to the system. That is one of men stories our team works through and the partnerships of the landlords we work with. Why thank you. Thank you. If we have members of the public who wish to address the committee . That completes the queue Public Comment is closed. And with this i like to move this item to full board with recommendation and i roll call y. On this motion to forward this to the full board with positive recommendation. Vice chair mandelman. Aye. Member melgar. Aye chair chan. Aye. Thank you. The motion passes. Call item 2. Item 2 a resolution approving the Second Amendment with conard hills and spicht housing for Supportive Service, Property Management and stewardship at mcallister hotel. Extending the grant term for a total term of january first through june of 26. Increasing the agreement amount by 4. 5 million a total not to exceed 12. 8 million of and authorizing hsh to enter in any amendments or other modifications to the agreement. Madam chair thank you. And with this we have d. Homelessness and Supportive Housing here good morning. Again. Dylan schneider with department of homelessness and supportive husbanding. Im back before with you a resolution authorize hsh to enter in the Second Amendment with conard house to provide support service, Property Management and lease stewardship for permanent Supportive Housing at the mc calfster hotel this was heard by the Homelessness Oversight Commission on april 4, 2024. And im joined today by my colleagues from conard house. I wanted take a brief moment before going in details thank mr. Americanard and their work and for the work on the high volume of items we had coming in and we appreciate your partnershipful thank you. Okay. This resolution approve the second am amendment extend the term of the agreement by 24 months through june 30 of 2026 and add about for you. 5 million for a total not to exceed of 13 million. Again, with the hsh entire portfolio of permanent spicht housing we have over 9, 800 units of site based Supportive Housing. Which is per of over all portfolio of over 13,000 housing slots. Conard house provide Property Management. Support services and stewardship at the hotel since 2004 the mc calster holing served 84 formerly homeless adulted in 22 similar celebrity 23 the house served 90 households. 41 of which were over the age of 55. 20 were lbgtq and 26 were black. Showing the drafks of matching the need on the streets and homelessness across the city. With that happy to take questions on this, thank you. Item 2 a resolution approving an amendment to the department of homelessness and spicht housing agreement with conard house this extends the agreement by 2 years through june of 26 and increases not to exceed amount 12. 8 Million Dollars. This grant funds an 80 unit sro hotel on mc calster street. We detailed budget on pages 8 and 9 of the report and evaluated the performance of the grant relative to the requirements in the contract and found conard house is meeting the requirements. This is learning low funded by care not cash funds and recommend approval of item 2. Vice chair mandelman . Thank you, madam chair. Talk about the 50 satisfaction with services how does that rank relative to other tshgs psh buildings it is low compared to other psh buildings. When i will say is there was also a low rate of response to that Tenant Satisfaction survey in 22 23 due to the reserved fire and impacted office space and community space. Since getting the results conard house taken steps to both address making sure more tenants are filling out that survey and addressing the issues that were raised dissatisfaction to tenants what were the issues . Some were related to safety and security at the site that had been impacted by the fire. Including like a fence on the roof. Security cameras, et cetera. Conard house applied for one time capitol improve am fund in thes 23 bash and hsh awarded over 100 thousand dollars this year that is under contract to address some of those issues. The other thing conard house is doing is they have month low Community Meetings with attentives at mc calster hotel. They will be setting up month low Committee Meetings with tenabilities to understand issues of dissatisfaction and address those as they arise rather than waiting for the surveys. And then this is i basic question. This is a cash hotel. Not a what is relationship with coordinated entry and care not cash . Care not cash is the one of the major Funding Source for this hotel. Coordinatedents rew would manage the referrals in the hotel as it is permanent Supportive Housing. How does that. Two different d. S hsa managing care not cash program and obligated to provide housing for people who are going on cap and dont housing or shelter going on cap and dont have it. How does that relate to coordinated entry that seems like a different scheme. Through the chair. I apologize you are correct we have additional cap placements that are happening i believe they do go through an eligibility assessment. I need to check with the team to understand how this works at this site. I would be interested general low in knowing. I want to im interested in the relationship with the two priorities. Care not cash and management of coordinated entries may be we can follow up off line of im happy to. We have good niche policy protocol do we have a sense how they are america up by that standard . Through the chair, we have Good Neighbor policy in all of our agreements not something i have looked at a have not on my end received concerns from naeshs around mc calster hotel. Nothing we standardly. In the list of things we check on for it is not a thing part of it now . Correct. I will say we have colleagues from conard house im happy to invite them to speak about conscience around the holing or Good Neighbor questioning. Yes. Im sandra daves i worked if everfor the associate directoror for Supportive Housing with hsa and worked around mc calster since 2004 and worked hard to develop good reps with neighbors including uc hastings and developing a rep with the cfo there. We work diligently with the restaurant in our building. We and they would say you are a Good Neighbor . Im sorry they would say you are a Good Neighbor. I would hope so. I think we try to meet their need its is difficult to be a restaurant and an sro. But i have not had any complaints. We have not had complaints from any neighbors do you have a sense how coordinatedent row relates to care not cash placements in the building. So, i do. So, we work closely with the team called Housing Access team. Who also works with they get referrals from coordinatedents row and the Housing Access team sends the referrals. We had a 20 year relationship with the Housing Access team. And they are the 1 who is managed all those referrals this come to our site we do a pretty good job of handling that our vacancy rates are very low im not concern about that, i think in the care not cash seems like a basic you get you have this benefit you are entitleed this thing we gotta find you a thing and now go in this hotel. Coordinatedent row looking not the benefit as the like you are in need your level of need based on a set of things we are looking at. Have has coordinated entrys sort of being brought in this framework how you are receiving residents, do you feel it impacted the population in your building . I have to honestly say the acutity level has increased and a huge impact on the satisfaction levels we are see negligent surveys. So, i there are a lot of sicker people. There are a lot of people with more people with Mental Health and Substance Use challenges than we ever experienced and behavioral challenges as a result. That you know have impacted things like our Elevator Service from vanld limp or fires. We had a fire in 2022. Cause 100 thousand dollars over. Worth of damage. Really made it difficult for residents to you know live in a building is full of remediation blowers and all of the stuff that come with a water damaged building. And has there been comment increase in resources from the city as we sends you a more challenging and population of residents. If we change how weendz you residentses and the way we change is make them meatier and the building hearder to manage, has there been a conversation about that with the city and is the city providing Additional Resources to help manage a population with greater need sns i would say and thank our hsh partners for introducing the facts team like i apologize i cant remember the acronym. Nurse this come out pharmaceutical who come out and do bedside prescriptions for folks who have Substance Use disorders. They have amped up their training so we had a series of oppressed trainings that helped us provide information on how to work with folks with Substance Use disorders and engage people on that level. And most recently a training that talked about with corporation of Supportive Housing that talked about the first year of house when somebody come in and you know what needs to be done put in place to help with stabilization. I would thank them for that. And the executive director. Nice to see everybody. Thank you, sand ramp i addon i think the [inaudible] increases i think helped and also the setting of 30 of minimum of peoples mack income going to rent. I will say the mc calster was initiated with a budget deficit years ago. I think there is need for an aadditional staff and we near conversation with hsh during a difficult budget time to see if we increase funds to the contract moving forward n. Meantime there has been a partnership on one time only funds to address the urgent needs. Thank you. Thank you. May i clarify on the referrals you heard from conard colleagues but confirming that 84ed nayed entry does determine and upon ensure this folks are eligible that are on cap hsh Housing Access team makes the referrals to the hotel. And will im calling a friends here upon wanted correct the record in terms of Tenant Satisfaction surveys 50 respondsed the survey. Of those 50 84 were satisfied. It was still below when we aim for which is 90 of satisfaction but of the 50 the satisfaction rate was fairly high. All right. I have been exploring this with contracts coming before us. I do think that having gone through this massive expansion and psh it is important tong about how it is work negligent challenge this is we are asking the providers to manage. It looks like we are going in a period we will not have much money to do new psh with exceptions. And may be a good thing in giving us an opportunity to look at the existing stock of psh and how to invest resource. We do have quite a baptist built up unspent Mental Health dollars from prop c this may be changing. Seems like providing Additional Resources if we use the buildings for severe Mental Illnesses and addiction i think that would be an interesting thing. I know you are already doing it. With that lets go to public upon comment on this item yes. Members have joined us today wishing it address the committee on item 2 now is your opportunity. I would like to share a few Success Stories why this program is a critical part of the Supportive Housing portfolio. Our success has been meetings client needs transferring residentses to independent housing or meets health challenges. This fiscal year alone our Supportive Service staff and hsh has transferred 13 residents. Folk who is are unable to maintain housing due to complex medical needs or physical needs, avoid averification or poor health out come. This means more folks without housing or shelter can find homes. Most residents move for Health Reasons we had many who do to the housing ladder rented studio apartments after move nothing one studio apartment a grateful resident stated upon he was grateful to Supportive Service. And stated, i feel like a regular person. Despite the moves and therefore vacancies our Property Management worked quickly to over turn units and staff processed new move in is ensure low vacancy rates and high unit. Public comment is closed vice chair mandelman. I want to thank the Public Commenter. And i think it is encourage to here this people who are no longer promote for psh you are w to get them in other units. So, thank you. Id like to coresponse this. Thank you. I would like to move this item to full board with recommendation and a roll call, on that motion to forward this to a full board with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. Aye member melgar. Aye. Chair chan. Aye. The motion passes. Call item 3. Item 3 a hear to consider the release of reserve fundses to the San Francisco puc commission placed on the budget and finance reserve ordinance 413 in the amount of approximately 2. 4 million to fund the transition line 78 upgrades project. Madam chair and today we have our puc commission here. Thank you. Why good morning, chair chan shalling supervisor melgar and mandelman im with the puc im Division Manager for hetch hetchy water in moccasin, california. Thank you, chair chan for scheduling this hearing on the release on Budget Finance Committee reserve for the transmission line 78 upgrade project. In january 2013, the board of supervisors approved ordinance 413 that authorize said the puc to enter in mitigation agreements for projects to impact the puc power assets and required future funds in xhesz excess of within00 thousand dollars for mitigation agreement on budget and finance committee reserve. Just to be clear, these are not city general funds or rate payor funds they are mitigation payments we are receiving from other Renewable Energy developers for impacts in our system. The sfpuc identified 3 cost totalling 20 active generational projects that would affect the pucs transmission line 7 and 8. Lines extend from approximately 12. 6 miles from warny bill substation near oakdale to modesto. The puc is using the mitigation funds for the transmission line 7 and 8 upgrade. Construction began this 2022 and scheduled to be complait pleaed by june 20 tor. Contract close out by december 31, 2024. A portion of project costs funded by the hetch hetchy water and power Capitol Program. In past years the puc requested and the budget and finance Committee Approved refunding release for the transmission line 78 project totalling 28. 4 million. Total project expend tours year to date are 31. 9 million. With pengsdz tours funds bide hetch hetchy program 3. 55 million. Puc appropriated 16 million in Capitol Program bond funding for this project. As mitigation funding becomes available, it is reimbursed and used for the Capitol Program funds. Since the left time we reported to the budget and finance committee in may 2023, the estimated project cost decreases 1. 9 million. And 88 . As now developers add generations to the grid the puc will continue to evaluate the affects on our facilities. We will continue to execute and collect funding for mitigation agreement and up grid the assets as necessary to ensure over all reliability of both the assets and the electric grid. Hetch hetchy water and power request the release of 2. 4 million in reserves and accrued interest for transmission line 78 project. Thank you im happy to answer questions. Item 3 is a request of to release reserve funds of 2. 4 Million Dollars. These are mitigation payments and accrued interestoed to the puc as infrastructure Power Infrastructure owners connect to the electric grid. Regulations require they pay existing ordinance of that infrastructure near by. To pay for mitigation upgrade. So that the grid remains stable. This funding will be used to upgrade 2 transmission lines in the valley for on going project this will be scheduled be come least in june of 24. We detailed the budget on page 13 and recommend approval of this request. Thank you. Congratulations. I think a Job Well Done i know it is final congratulations due by the end of the year and impressive you have a contingency budget saving that is impressive and congratulations like 80 done. With that we will go to Public Comment and thank you for all your work. Thank you we are opening Public Comment if there are members in the chamber wish to address regarding item 3. We have no peeshgs Public Comment is now closed. I would like to have this item heard and filed. And release funds a roll call. And on this motion, that Committee Approved release of 2. 4 million in reserves not puc and the hearing heard and files mandelman. Aye. Member melgar aye chair chan. Aye. The motion passes. Item 4. Airport commission to a grant therein million and additional amounts up to 15 of the africanamerican grant for i period of october first of 23 through september 30, 28 that may be offered from the federal Aviation Administration for the implementation of the h vac improves. The federal Aviation Administration for the implementation of the h vac improves. Offered from the feder Aviation Administration for the implementation of the h vac improves. Thank you we have sfo good morning with sfo the airports seek approval to accept and except 31 million in federal guarantee from thes federal aviation airport terminal program. The atp is part of the prushth investment and j. W. s act of 2021. Included 5 billion to address the aging product of the airports. Sfo applied for funds for h vac improvements for the International Terminal project will repair the h vac system and new filtration units and volatile organic compound senseors improve Fire Life Safety compliance and maintenance costs and resilience. A requirement for receiving funds the airport will provide matching funds of 20 percent of grant eligible project costs totalling 7. 75 million. The bla recommended approval of the resolution and im happy to answer questions. Item 4 a residence lougs approves the airport to receive 31 Million Dollars in grant funds from this faa terminal program. This funding will be applied h vac Improvement Project the budget we detail on page 16 of our report. Total costs is 52. 5 Million Dollars. This grant providing about over half the funds. Remaining will be by airport Revenue Bonds match the 20 . And i dont any other questions lets go to Public Comment in dam chair we are opening Public Comment for the item 4 Public Comment is closed i would like to recommend to full board with recommendation. Supervisor mandelman. Aye yoochl member melgar aye. Chair chan. Aye next two items 5 and 6 together. Item 5 and 6. Five is a resolution approving modification number 4 of the bay hanger lose with American Airlines and city through the Airport Commission extend the term by 2 years special extend the rent. And execution of modification number 4 by city and item 6, a resolution approving modification number 3 of the hang are lease with United Airlines and the city and county. To extend the term by 2 years and rent to 5. 5 million to commence on the Effective Date of the lease term. After approval of the board and execution and modification 3. Madam chair. Thank you. Good morning. Sfo the items before you today seek approval to modify leases with american and United Airlines to extend the leases annual rent for american can maintain the rent for united the super bay hang are leased by united on the west and american on the east am aircraft maintenance, employee parking and equip storage. Modification number 4 increase americans rent 4 to toll 7. 24 million a year in line with the fair market appraisal by the citys real estate department. Proposed modification number 3 main taint rent for united at 5 Million Dollars alternate fair market was 2 lower. Pursuant to the lose the annual rent for any roar in the lower than the preceding year. Extends both leases for 2 years. The first month after full city approvals. Both lease are on month to month hold over the airport focused on executing the lose and use agreement and need time to execute the super bay modifications. The total rent is 26 million overnight new terms of the loses. The bla has approval and im happy to answer questions with my colleague from the aviation management. Thank you. Items 5 and 6 are 2 resolutions approve modifications to existing leases. Between the airport and American Airlines. United airlines lease is 4 hang are space outside the terminal used by the airlines to maintain their planes. And we detailed the incoming revenue on page 21 of the report and recommend approval of the items. Thank you. Thank you, we dont have questions at the moment and lets go to Public Comment on the two items. Members of the public joining us wish to address the Committee Regarding the items 5 and 6 now is your opportunity. We have no speakers. Public comment is now closed. Welcome all the students coming in the chamber. Which school are you . Welcome and with that we closed Public Comment. And we will colleagues i like to move two items. To full board with recommendation. And i roll call, on this motion to forward both resolutions in items five and 6 to the full board with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. Aye member melgar. Aye chair chan aye. The motion passes. Welcome to the budget and finance committee this is where the committee and the supervisors discuss about citys budget and so with that mr. Clerk call the next item. Item 7, a resolution retroactively office of cannabis extend a grant in amount of 2 million from april second of 24 through october 31, 25 from the govern ors office of Economic Development for the Grant Program for local jurisdictions. Authorizing the office cannabis to execute the agreement with the goners office of business and Economic Development and the amendments are subsequent on behalf of the city and indem nifighting the governorors office of business for liability arising out of the performance of the contract. Madam chair thank you we have the office of cannabis here. Good morning. In dam chair and supervisors. Im associate director, office of cannabis im join boyd my colleagues Deputy Director Jeremy Schwartz and assistant [inaudible]. Today presenting for your approval an accept and extend resolution in the amount of 2 Million Dollars from Governor Office of business and Economic Development. For the local equity grants program. Thank you for your consideration. The grant term from april 2 of 24 through october 31 of 25. The purpose is to advance Economic Justice near communities impacted by cannabis prohibition q with costs of cannabis Businesses Office of cannabis neither received grant or extended them pursuant to the award. The economic of development to date office of can combis dispursed 11 million indirect guarantees to 60 businesses result in the 52 equity business permits. Equalization rates prior continue exceed 95 . Survey result cohort indicated funds reaching Ethnic Community demonstrate instead chart. Expense categories extend over time. There are 13 total categories. Prior Grant Programs dem strited the improvements the preponder lawyer categories of expenses. Current social Grant Program cycle is through a cohort of grantees. Eligibility criteria with public input and recommendations from the cannabis committee. Each is eligible for [inaudible]. Office of cannabis grant is flexible and allows reimburse am of expense or advance am of grant funds happy to address questions or occurrence. Thank you. Vice chair mandelman. Joy would like to be added as a coresponse. Thank you. Eventual low not today but i think we will circle back closer to the day we look forward to look at the economic report. As currently we do have a moratorium on new permits. I think it is coming up in 2025. So in a few months we appreciate that and with this go to Public Comment. Member of public who want to comment on item 7 now is your time to prop j. We have no speakers. Public comment is closed. And with that clothe i like to move this to full board with recommendation and the roll call. On this motion to forward to the board with positive recommendation vice chair machine man. Aye melgar. Aye chan. Aye. Thank you the motion passes. Call item 8. Item 8 a resolution authorizing the Office Contract administration to enter in a fifth amendment agreement between the city and county and Sunset Company doing business recology. Golden gate dispole and recycling dba recology golden gate and recology San Francisco for refuse Collection Service at city facilities increase the contract im amount for a total not to exceed of 43. 8 million. And extending the duration 4 months july first of 24december first 2020. We have office of Contract Administration here. Good morning. Chair chan and supervisor melgar and mandelman. Thank you for having me im [inaudible] procurement manager with office of Contract Administration. Im here to present the fifth amendment to the city contract for refuse Collection Services with recology. As you may be aware the city held a contract for refuse Collection Service for city facilities through Contract Administration since 2004. The last longTerm Contract approve in the 2014 for 6 years. Oca brought a contract and no action was taken. A contract covering december 2020 through november 2021. The original contract nt e an initial 5. 6 Million Dollars and one year duration. It was amendmented to 9. 9 million and came back for an extension in november of 2021. The board did approve to extend it to june 30 of 22 and a new not to exceed amount of 15. 6 Million Dollars. During this time the City Attorneys Office advised that the city refuse ordinance did in the present the city from competitively procuring service. To allow time for you to slitis City Services and enter in a new contract the board approved in june of 22 to increase the not to exceed amount to 39. 6 Million Dollars and extend the contract to june first of 2024. Oca did amend it again in june of 23 to adjust the rates authorized by the board at the june approval. The amendment to the current contract to ensure continuity of service the city negotiates and executes a new contract. Request is for a 4 mont extension to october 31, 2024. And to increase the contract not to exceed amount by 4. 2 Million Dollars for a new nt e of 43 Million Dollars. No changes to the scope. Or to the rates. Recology agreed to hold the rates and did in the increase while we negotiate the new contracts. The projected expend tours you will see how we got to 43. 8 Million Dollars. We used the amounts and average of the month low spend it project through october 31. I like to mention we have requested a 20 contingency instead of the 15 to ensure we have sufficient funds to cover through end of october. We are being extra call your attention. I like to mention that the bla has agreed. For the solicitation of the new contract, i like to go throughout time line of the new solicitation process. In john of twoot city issued a new solicitation for new city refuse service. Now contract. Two firm submitted proposals. One by recology in jan of 23 notice of intent to award to allied waste service. In february of 23, the ceqa process and official 24 the Planning Department concluded the ceqa process and issued an addendum once completed ocait someday the new contract with allied to the board for approval. As you recall in march of 24, allied waste with drew proposal following the board of supervisors budget and finance committee. Unless we commence for extension of the current contract. Which is why we are here today for this propose the amendments next steps. Step one amend the contract with recology. Proposed fifth amendment. Step 2 to commence negotiationos new contracts start this month. Step 3 we conclude the negotiations and finalize the new contracts no later than august 2024. And it is possible this we may complete the negotiation sooner but as you know the board be on recess in august. So we plan on submiting august to the board. But dont anticipate having the contract heard until october of 2024. Thank you. Im happy to answer questions you may have. Item 8 approve an maam to the agreement with recology this is for recologys collection of city refuse from city facilities. This metropolitan is a short extension through october of 24. And it increases in spending by 4. 2 Million Dollars. We detail on page 25 we think that is reasonable. While oca negotiates with recology on a longer Term Contract we recommend approval of item 8 thank you. We want to really thank oca the Office Contract administration for the heard work you have done for the request for proposal. You know through that process. With recology special allied submitting their principle and as a result to regrettable this alli was through. But here we are. And i appreciate the on going effort and i appreciated it is not an easy task. Thank you. And with that go to Public Comment on this item. Members of public who wish to address regarding item 8 now is your opportunity to approach the lect urn. We have no speakers Public Comment is closed. And colleagues i would like to move this item to full board where wouldation and a roll call on that motion to forward this resolution to the full board with positive recommendation vice chair machine man. Aye joovm machine melgar. Aye chair chan. Aye thank you the motion passes. Please, call item 9 and 10 together. Item 9 and 10 are resolutions designating the follow are advertising for the city for fiscal year 2425. Item 9 Clinton Reilly dba the San Francisco examiner the official newspaper of San Francisco. Item 10 the follow to be the out Reach Community neighbor based weekly periodicals. And provide out reach advertising for neighborhoods. Bay area reporter and Transgender Community for the bayview, mission, Bernal Heights neighborhoods. For the Mission Excelsior and potrero. Hen row Society Journal for the noe valley voice for noe valley and Diamond Heights. Potrero view for potrero, dog patch mission bay and eastern south of market neighborhoods. San Francisco Bay times for the castro. Noe valley and dubose neighborhoods. San francisco examine are for the sunset and pacific heights, mission, haight and richmond. Financial district. Tenderloin, eureka valley. Russian hill and forest hill and marina neighborhoods. Daily for the china town other richmond and sunset portola valley. Excelsior tenderloin. Small Business Exchange for the entire city. Nguyen newspaper the out reach nieshgd everneighborhood monthly periodical for the china town, sunset, richmond port tolla, tenderloin out mission and the out Reach Community based periodical for the chien hes Community World journal for bayview, china town, mission. South of market. Tenderloin and western neighborhoodses. And madam chair . Thank you and with this we have office of contract add registration here. Im a manager with oca and here to do a presentation for the official newspaper and out reach periodicals. Oca provide recommendation for thes designation award of the out reach advertising newspapers. Note this we will present first on the official newspaper and out reach periodicals. To start in 1994 voters passed prop j mandating the board to designate each fiscal the official neighbor and out reach for publiccasion of official city notices. Code sections 2. 80 through 814 govern the requirements for selecting the periodicals pursuant to the code. Oca issues for selection of the official newspapers and out reach periodicals. The solicitations based on code man datd evaluation requirements. Upon commraigz mreegz oca makes recommendations and award to the board. The board by resolution designates the official newspaper and authorizes award. Designates the official newspaper and authorizes award. The board by resolution designates the official newspaper and authorizes award. Commune based out reach and neighborhood based out reach periodicals. Upon receiving and revowing the proposals oca makes recommendation for, ward to the board who by resolution designates an official nooirp nature and the nieshgd based out reach for nafiscal year. Historically the city used a competitive Clearing House for the Central Point of contact with the city and publications through which advertisements are placed. The Clearing House receives and coordinates the placement through the selected publications time low processes, payments to each and then bill city on their behalf. This ensures publications mall ones are paid timely fortunately and reduceings burden on city staff inform 2425 and consistent with the practice described boom each awardee add as a subcontractor with the city. Rather than signing an agreement with the city. This will reduce burden on oca as well as publications almost all of whom are small operations with little capacity to enter in and manage a direct contract with the city. The daily official newspaper is required to be print in the San Francisco on 3more day in i week. They are also required have i circulation of 50,000 copies per calendar week. Communities are defined as the les bia, gay, bisexual. Africanamerican, hispanic and the Chinese Community. The board of supervisors may determine different communities from time to time. Community based periodicals are also required to be print in the San Francisco on one or more days a week with a primary circulation in the out Reach Community proposed. Neighborhood based periodicals are required to be printed on one or more days per mont with primary in the neighborhoods proposed. Note that neighborhood is not defined in the code. The codes prittive as to the evaluation methodology. Criteria and scoring system i will not go in detail but i point this out to note that must facility requirements and evaluating and making recommendations for designation and award. I will summarize the solicitations and recommendations made by the office of Contract Administration in regards to the official and out reach publications should be noted oca can make recommendations based on proposals as directed by the San Francisco code section 2. 80 through 1 the board has the option to authorize other month low based neighborhood oust reach periodicals that may have been deemed unresponsive to ensure addicate out reach. The solicitation for advertising for the city and county of San Francisco had 2 proposals the San Francisco examiner and the chronicle. Chronicle was unable to meet questions of law a recollections for the code they dont print locally in San Francisco. Therefore it is recommended this the San Francisco knap inner the sole responsibility awarded for the official advertising newspaper for you city and county of San Francisco. Out reach advertising was posted february 20. With prepole Conference Schedule for february 27. The proposals were due march 15ful our teach conducted out reach via e mail to potential bidders asking them to submit bids in tonight we received 18 proposals for community and out reach neighborhood out reach periodicals. 13 oust 18 were deemed responsive and met all qualifications. Oca makes recommendations based on highest proposer who met all requirements as set feather in the codes 2. 80 through 81. The week low Community Based out reach received 5 bisd the same as last year. One was the lbgtq community. And the bay area reporter and oca recommends the redeemed responsive bidder for this community. The Chinese Community received 2 bids one was nguyen newspaper. Oca recommends award they ranked first and the world junior cannot they were ranked second for this community. Hispanic community per transfer cannot than i did in the meet minimum qualifications and nonresponsive. All San Francisco communities the San Francisco chronicle applied for this one this year. Cannot recommend this periodical did not meet qualifications and nonresponsive. Monthly out reach based neighborhoods. They received we received 13 bisd up 7 bids from left year. The first is the castro noe valley dubose received two the first was San Francisco bay times. Oca recommends, ward they ranked first for the neighborhoods. The second was the bay area reporter. Oca cannot they ranked second for the neighborhoods. Bayview Hunters Point. Mission and Bernal Heights. Bid for this oca recommended than i were responsive bidder for these neighborhoodses. Bayview Hunters Point and visitation valley henry Society Journal. Recommends, ward they deemed to be only responsive bidder for these neighborhoods. Bayview Hunters Point. China townful mission, south of market. Tenderloin, visitation and western edition the World Journal recommends award they deemed the only responsive bidder for these neighborhoods. Noe valley, Diamond Heights noe valley voice recommends, ward they were deemed the only responsive bidder for these neighborhoodses. Potrero hill. Dog patch, mission bay and east so manyasm per contrary view recommends they were the only responsive bidder for these neighborhoodses. Sunset, presidio heights, excelsior, pacific heights, mission, haight, richmond, financial district, tenderloin, eureka valley, russian, forest hill. Soma, marina and north beach the San Francisco examiner bid and recommends award they were the only responsive bidder. Chaina town, richmond, sunset. Portola valley, excelsior. Outer mission. Tenderloin, ocean view. Engle side and merced todd daily recommends award they were only responsive bid are. China town. Sunset. Richmond. Visitation valley portola, tenderloin and outer mission. Nguyen newspaper. Oca recommended only spnszive bidder for these neighborhoods. Mission, excellsoror potrero hill. Recommends, ward they were deemed the only responsive bidder for these neighborhoodses. All San Francisco neighborhoods the small Business Exchange and San Francisco chronicle both applied recommends, ward to small Business Exchange they ranked first for these neighborhoods. Oca cannot recommend the San Francisco chronicle they ranked second. In years past the boards selected other periodicals to supplement the unrepresentatived neighborhoods this is concludes my presentation and im available for questions thank you. Supervisor melgar. Thank you. So much. So, thank you for the over view of the process. No questions about that nor concerns. My questions were about the basic criteria. For periodicals. And you know printing. In San Francisco. Dm you know i think things should be produced in San Francisco but i would say i hope people dont get mad at me folks, you know under an age dont read printed newspaper anymore. And a lot of folks now get most of their news on line. And in fact the social media of a lot of local publications are what sort of informs peoples feed and i am wondering is that a separate contract that we have on social media. I know this many departments use social mode why a bit. Is this attached how we thinking. Can you talk us through that . Sorry im not knowledgeable about this. Thats fine. Last year my first year doing the contracts. So a new set of vibes. We had the assistant director assisted this year as well. New eyes for her. We locked that the and get a lot of questions about the digital form it is specific and requires print nothing San Francisco for the official and the out Reach Community periodical. We dont havely way. That was a prospect j in 1994. That was voter initiated. So a let changed since then. Obviously. We do get a lot of questions and are exploring and terrible low dig at that time depending on the board. We like us to do for the neighborhood. We have the flexibility to direct oca to do digital solicitation for the neighborhoodses. We dont have the flexibility for the community or the official newspapers. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. With that, keep am go to i dont have more questions i appreciate this years process. And the end result and with this i dont see other name on the roster, we gallon to Public Comment on these 2 items we invite public joining us today who wish to speak on items 9 and 10. Now is your opportunity. Am i in the right spot. Hi, im [inaudible] from California Common cause i wanted to take this opportunity to speak to the importance of the citys dollars for Small Businesses and nonprofits prit nothing San Francisco im speaking part of the Bay Area Independent Community Media Coalition locally owned publications push for media policy solutions to sustain the city and ensure communication and information on city programs are accessible to all. We have appreciated the conversation today. The legal notice system a part of the Advertising Program for a time. And we are not take issue with official advertising. Will being reds lugzs today. Butch to encourage the city to think expanseively when we think about promoting the citys programs and services through discretionary advertising budget with the rise of ai and information. San Francisco Community and ethnic elements are more important now than ever to citys democracy many ethnic and low mead why outlets are left out of city advertising opportunities. And in attorney Many Community members are not being reached. There has been a bl, report this shows this and we as an organization and common cause did research around this. Local news is the public good to a healthy inclusive and multiracial democracy. San francisco local publishers are ino have aing, improve ams to the city taegz process ensure that marginalized community are getting information out roach from the city. Our Research Show this is now because of where the city puts the dollars critical information about city programs is in the being reached. We can fix that. Thank you. Thank you. Monopoly dam chair this completes our queue thank you. Supervisor melgar. Sorry. Let mow close Public Comment. No more Public Comment and it is closed. Thank you. I wanted to thank her for her comment and is think it is worth thinking through what we advertise begin new technologies and not with standing something voters passed in the early noinlts. I think this in order to reach the communities we want to roach we should revisit the way we do it. I also. Ed take a moment to welcome the students from sacred heart cathedral. Go fighting irish. Thank you for being here. All right. Thank you and then with this i will like to move these two items on the agenda. To full board with recommend sxagz a roll call. On this motion to forward both resolutions 9 and 10 to the full board with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. Aye. Member melgar. Aye. Chair chan. Aye. We have throw ayes motion passes. With that mr. Clerk do we have other items before us today that concludes business. Thank you and our budget and Appropriation Committee will be schedule for today at 1 30 p. M. The meeting is adjourned. Clear clear im San Franciscos first drag laureate and the first one in the world. The drag Laureate Program and the position is one this celebrates an artist for being the best in their craft and im proud to have received that xroel it it is afternoon ambassador role. A role that represents the lbgtq community in San Francisco the focus on the drag performers and transactivists and performers in San Francisco as well. When i heard the city was creating the drag laureate role i was so excited because it did foal like they were paying attention to us. And cared about when we gave culturally and economically to the city here is your new drag laureate for the city and county of San Francisco im getting the call from the mayor i was chosen was fantastic day. I will always remember. I thought that it would just be about the bay area. Because of what happening in the world it became a national story. I hope it can shine a light on San Francisco and how they take care of the drag community and the lbgtq community. I hope that i can help carve out this position and create a role with programs and events this can be passed down to future drag laureate this is come after me and can set a stage and standard for what this program is in San Francisco and national low and inner nationally. There is a rich history in San Francisco. That the drag community has been part of. Im very proud to follow in their footsteps and able to maintain what the drag community has done in the past and move forward with creating a bright future. My job is to elevate and celebrate San Francisco is known as a city filled with diversity culture and progressive ideas. Our ever changing city and the people within in. But it was not always this way, women struggled to have one of their own on their life until 2021. It would not be until 32 years later that the mex women clarissa mcman served in the board of supervisors. Since then women have continued to make significant contributions to the board of supervisors. So who are these women . And what impact have they made with their time on the board. To be honest it came as a surprise when i became as a supervisor. I was working as a Deputy Director in the Mayors Office and there were some challenges with the then supervisor and mayor gavin newsom at the time removed that supervisor from office. I was asked to serve on the role. It was a quick transition, but i got into Public Service because i really believe that government is a place where you can create opportunities and level the playing field. Madam clerk, would you please call the roll. I was on the board of supervisors from 2001 to 20111. I have been involved in working my community, there was scheduling to be a Redevelopment Area plan and as African Americans we knew that meant, that was usually a removal of certain kinds of people. So because fs path, there had to be a Committee Formed of all the people that lived in the community. Everybody had to be involved in this committee and there were certain rules and regulations and we had to get neighbors to vote for us and so we did that and i did that, and i won the seat on that committee and that kind of started everything. Supervisor kristenson. I think having women in the board of supervisors and legislative bodies all around the country have meant that some of the issues that have traditionally called family issues are now raised. D i think San Francisco and the rest of the country here is very behind and i think that you know, many mothers, they dont have a choice about whether they get to return to work or not. Having individuals who are women in all of these places helps to create, a more rich dialogue around what policy choices actually mean and what the impact to people and family and lives would be. So sing having women on the board here in the city has been impactful in that way. Supervisor kim, kim presentation. Democracy is about representation, how can you leave off over half of the population. A lot of women are not just taking care of children but taking care of parents and working so all of those lifes experiences are part now of our policies of our city policies and throughout the country supervisor breed. Here. Breed present. Supervisor maxwell. We saw two of San Francisco female mayor having originated from the board of supervisors as well. Thats where people are seen as leaders and get exposure and have the influence to influence policy. I think its important to see ourselves in that. Supervisor cohen. Cohen present. Doris championed rent control. Contracts for black women, women of color and Small Businesses, he will a was really really special, she was really who motivated me. She worked for the lawu, she was a switch Board Operator and then secretary. And then founded an organization cofounded with somebody called congress of Racial Equity core. So the lin she came with was about equity, about young women, seniors atrisk youth having jobs. It was about more police guided. Those three women to me left their legacy. Supervisor elliot. When you think about the legislative and women legislatures, i think the tendency is to find a women issue that would otherwise won be covered. But so many of our legislatures women included have touched on so many faucets of policies. Its important to be seen through your Life Experiences how you identify and for a young girls, i think having women on the board is important because you get to see that you actually changed seat yourself in that power of decision. That concludes business for today. There was one where the fellows, at the time, they were arguing and i was the only women and only africanamerican, and im sitting there, thinking oh my god, its a room full of people because its a board day and im thinking, what can i say to stop this. So the universe gave me the words, gentlemen, let us be about the people of business. And of course all the people started clapping. And they had to do what . They had to act like gentleman, that one for me, showed the importance of having women, having the importance of having africanamericans and the africanamerican women. To the women of the board, past, present and future, thank you for your strength, grace, and commitment to changing San Francisco for the better. Lets continue to make history. Were here to raise awareness and money and fork for a good accuse. We have this incredible gift probably the widest range of restaurant and count ii destines in any district in the city right here in the mission intricate why dont we capture that to support the mission youths going to college thats for the food for thought. We didnt have a signature font for our orientation thats a 40yearold organization. Mission graduates have helped me to develop special as an individual theyve helped me figure out and provide the tools for me that i need i feel successful in life their core above emission and goal is in line with our values. The ferraris yes, we made 48 thousand they were on top of that its a nobrainer for us. Were in and fifth year and be able to expand out and tonight is your ungrammatical truck food for thought. Food truck for thought is an opportunity to eat from a variety of different vendor that are supporting the mission graduates by coming and representing at the parks were giving a prude of our to give people the opportunity to get an education. People come back and can you tell me and enjoy our food. All the vendor are xooment a portion of their precedes the money is going back in whats the best thing to do in terms of moving the needle for the folks we thought Higher Education is the tool to move young people. Im also a College Student i go to berkley and 90 percent of our folks are staying in college thats 40 percent hire than the afternoon. Im politically to clemdz and ucla. Just knowing were giving back to the community. Especially the Spanish Speaking population it hits home. People get hungry why not eat and give. Welcome to the heart of diversity and night San Francisco celebrating too decades of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Celebration as we reflect on the path and look towards the future at the craze roads of moving forward together. Welcome, everyone to city hall peoples palace the first celebration at month of may is asianamerican Pacific Islanders heritage month may 4, 1979, when jimmy caterer to commemorate the electrification of asianamerican and for the first years was one weeklong to the entire month of may in 1991 it was watched in it 2005 when the idea of a collaborative a establishment of a community celebration. The action consideration community the opportunity to showcase the uniqueness of at the same time strengthen the Apa Community as a whole. There we go clapping. apa heritage month is special during which we pay contribute to those who that paved the way. It is great to be here to celebrate the many of may and for many reasons why our city is zoned spi3 and have a great welcome to all of you to start the celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage month for everyone and the activists continue to inspire change a celebration of unite and the deliberations or trunks that help to shape our city that welcomes. All for the an occasion when this has not took place im dlptd to continue it moving forward he together. Very descriptive of what has been occurred not city over the years. The great benefits of this city has weve seen it culturally, Climate Change and in every way from the participation of asianamericans and californians and Asian American Pacific Islanders, it is just been frankly incredible the city would not be what it is and not the state without that incredible contribution. The journey to building a Stronger Community not without challenges by the covid pandemic and the rise on a anti indianamericans when the community has continued to experience from asia from the 1800s and a desire to build a Strong Network of support. One of the main pumpers of this years animal celebration to bring the communities together. In 2018 the celebration was a milestone Asian Art Museum and San Francisco Public Library joined the apa Heritage Foundation as official celebration partners. It is this is a were spider all of us continue to make our Community Contributions and inspire the next generation this dream and create and to continue to make a difference. With each year celebration programs and this year as was celebrate the anniversary of the nonprofits organizations have joined no celebration by promoting Public Participation and what are we celebrating apa and a voice of ethnic and oh, the togetherness of this Diverse Community known as the asianamerican and Asian American Pacific Islanders community. What a joy to be with the asianamerican Asian American Pacific Islanders from all over San Francisco we talk about moves forward he together that is moving forward in communities. Thats moving forward by celebrating and sharing our diversity which convict always been part of San Francisco great heritage cwp join us join ace. This year we celebrate the tradition we want to invite everyone to join in in on the celebration and happy 20th anniversary. Moving forward he together. And. Appreciate the diverse and focus what we have no common. speaking foreign language. continue to build and strengthen community and apa heritage month is community, resilience and support within our culture community. To be sharing the cultures together as one and the districts are similar and programming together. Moving forward together. Moving forward together. speaking foreign language. lets celebrate assistant chief david lazar, chief of operations for San Francisco Police Department and i like to welcome you on behalf of mayor london breed and chief of Police Bill Scott to our quarterly officer of the Month Celebration. This has been such a beautiful venue to honor our officers for their work. I want to thank you mayor and chief for continuing these programs, so thank you very much. Round of applause, yes

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