Stetson posted about the incident involving the flag on the store’s Facebook and Instagram pages after making a report with police. Shortly after the posts were made, members of the community stepped up and provided a new flag to Stetson for her business.
Pride Month is celebrated annually, in June, in honor of the 1969 Stonewall uprising in Manhattan, a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States.
Stetson is expecting more Progress Pride flags to be delivered over the weekend and is accepting donations for more flags through her store’s website. Others in town have been showing solidarity with Stetson by hanging up Progress Pride flags as well, including Skowhegan Free Public Library Director Angie Herrick, who unfurled one next to an American flag at the downtown library on Thursday. Herrick said she began flying the flag Monday, in response to the vandalism of Stetson’s flag.