Jan. 8, 1931
The Cadillac public library has been showing a steady gain in popularity with the year 1930 exceeding all previous years by a wide margin. During that year there were 11,796 more book exchanges recorded than in 1929 with the daily circulation highest in November, which showed an average of 202 books a day, according to the records of Mrs. Mary Ramsay, librarian. There are 3,032 cards now in use. A year ago in September a re-registration was begun as there were many cards taken out in the first days of the library and no longer used. The holders had moved away or perhaps died. So the card record now is up-to-date, the 3,032 having taken them out within the last 15 months. The increase in circulation is attributed to three causes by the librarian. More leisure due to unemployment conditions, less money for other amusements and last, but not least important, the increase in the number of late books being added to the shelves. There have been more new books put on the shelves in the regular way. The rental book system was inaugurated the first of September and this has proved extremely popular. As soon as one of these books pays for itself the volume is put into the regular department and the money used for another new book. Three have already done this and several others have nearly paid their way.