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Only good on northern senegal. Ah, hi there. This is al jazeera and these are the headlines. Tens of thousands of people have launched and francis capital to demand Government Action on the cost of living and on climate change. Left us politicians are calling for a general strike. Natasha butler has been up those demonstrations. We can talk to some people and i have to say though, one of the main things that comes up again are peoples concerns about inflation. One man told me that his next maybe says that unless temperatures to well below 0, she really put a heating, hes just too scared about having to pay very high energy bill. So those are some things. The people that you, its been called by a is in this crappy hide with really across the spectrum of the metal. So even some intellectuals, recent undergo price window for literature. And yall, normal approach people to come out with full time right now with the u. S. President has been accused of inciting chaos, terror and destruction in iran. The comments from irans president abraham racy followed joe biden praising protest. His courage since the death of masa. Many brazilian president jaya, both scenario and challenger louis janasia alluded to Silver Holding their fast to one on one debate. 2 weeks before the president ial run off. Vote lula says boston are as negligence during the coven. 19 pandemic lead to preventable debts. Boston arrow accused lula of lying. Russia has opened criminal investigation. After 11 people were shot dead at a military Training Ground near the ukrainian border. The shooting happened and the belgrade region and southwestern russia, russian officials, theyre labeled the shooting a terrorist attack. Meanwhile, rockets have hit the Mayors Office and the russian controlled city of don. Yet in easton ukraine, separatist authorities blamed the attack on Ukrainian Forces president. Shes in being has defended china 0 cove policy and back to military growth. He made the comments at the communist Party Congress taking place in beijing. Well, those are the headlines. Ill have an update for you here on al jazeera after inside story to stay with us. Ah, how has she jean pings, leadership of shaped china in an unprecedented mood . The communist party is set to extend his tenure as later. But what does it mean for chinas future, both at home and abroad . This is inside story. Ah. Hello and welcome to the program. Im emily angland. He is the most powerful communist leader in china since mows the dong now the communist Party Congress, which is held every 5 years is set to extend at president shadeen pings leadership for historic 3rd term. This will of course, have Significant Impact on the worlds 2nd largest economy and the region at large. She used his opening speech to declare beijings global power had increased while warning of dangerous storms ahead. He called for faster military growth and defended his governments 0 close that approach. He also raised the issue of hong kong, saying it must be ruled by what he calls patriots. The new leadership lineup is expected to be revealed in about a week from now. Well get to our guests in just a moment, but 1st this report from adrian brown, jim o president , she jim pings, grip on power, would now appear absolute. If he has enemies that theyre hidden, or unknown, or both. But some of those who chronicled, shes curious, say you dont get to the top of chinese politics without eliminating rivals and making enemies. He does, but it needs to be said that the congress has an active state pageantry. The fact that this congress is happening means that these rivals have already been largely pushed to the sidelines. After becoming communist party chief a decade ago, she vowed to root out dishonest officials, both high ranking tigers and low level flies. The campaign went down well with the public, especially when it in snared powerful and wealthy figures. Bocce eli was the rising star of chinese politics, even tip as a future president. But within months of he becoming leader bo was serving a life sentence for corruption and abusive power. No one was untouchable, including joe young kang, the man whod be in charge of state security. Hes also serving a life term for corruption and disclosure of state secrets, and the purge is not over and more than 4000000 people have been caught up in it. So its been a very effective tool to fijian paying to both in still discipline with the communist party, but also clamped down on his rivals. Other analysts say the continuing campaign against corruption ahead of this congress would ensure that she strengthens his hand over appointments to key Decision Making bodies. She has let china per decade now hes expected to end precedent by being appointed to a 3rd term as party chief. So having seized control of the Chinese Communist party, since you bring, then sees control of china and china has become a lot less free, a lot more oppressive, far less open than it was 10 years ago. Its an accumulation of power unseen. Since chairman, man, oh, ive only to since him has built a personality cold. How strong adrian brown al jazeera. Ah, lets bring in our guests sin badging. Victor gow is the Vice President of the center for china and globalization in hong kong. Andrew lee, young and international, an independent china strategist, and in, in albany in u. K. Steven vines, the author of the book, defying the dragon, hong kong and the Worlds Largest dictatorship. A very warm welcome to each of you, andrew. Id like to start with you. Shes power remain strong inside the c. C. Pay that certainly not in doubt, but what about outside it . Are the tides turning against she domestically and internationally . Well, this is a natural, almost development and even you. Ready a panda would become a 1000000 pounds and then your presence and your influence, or of course raise concerns of and then psyche and your labor or your Challenger Overseas rival. But i think that the c s is taking this seem to be taking china. Ready to a higher plane, a lot of the, the western media is concentrating on certain specific aspects like the cold with the. Ready alex 0 policy and complete control with mark. So i want, but actually in speech is much more than that. It is no less than a decoration or a strategic stage in child development. Because if you look at how china, for all, over the past decades, you know, trying to start the form of a poor country. And then it was actually have to, hi is like under the show. And of course have to keep the local bar because trying to simply does not have the comprehensive part of the defense of interest. Now john is under the tutelage all the time is under spotty and regain chinas national so called to project a. Ready play and thats what this conference is all about. Its not about a presidency is holding on to power because i highlighted that the, the problems and challenges china was based in this channel that actually. Ready an international, a domestic because of the demographics and i need to grow. So lives in that knowledge is subject to us sanctions and so, so and, and, and its sort of a star like so the consensus about the parties that see is, didnt do the job. Speaking of shaping the man to do the job, steve. And i wanted to ask you, just how popular is he among people in china . Are they happy to see him stay on for a 3rd time . Well the, the simple answer to that question is, we dont know, because there is no freedom of expression in china. The impression is, the people ado supports him, but the reality is because you live in a society where nobody can be say what they really feel unless like, you know, mr. Long, who just because the party like this, theyre doing that. Its very difficult to know what we do know, and its very interesting is that in the wider world, you have the survey or the peer institute, which measures popularity of various World Leaders and countries. I mean the outside world, the popularity and appreciation of the peoples republic of china has declined very rapidly in practically all countries of the world. Since the accession of general secretary, she like to go, i want to pick up on what stephen just said in terms of the censorship. We bombarded with images of strength and the power of the si se payne and the censorship of china is, is no secret. But doesnt that also highlight the insecurity of the party and she given theyre afraid of even the slightest criticism . Well, 1st of all, please allow me to remind our audience that china has the most dynamic and very sophisticated internet system. Everyone is wary. A speaker in front of him, arrow, and talks about things at his will on the mobile phone in the internet for example. And i think this is the reality in china. Now, china does have says issue. There is a short list of things that people are not around to talk about. For example, hawaii independence, hong kong, independent to better the, the banners we go independent. For example. These are couple issues and china and the challenged people. So all the Government Inc stamping out these very controversial issues for example, and we all united together to fight against the separatist double bonds in taiwan or originally, a couple of years ago. You, hong kong, this is not to dissent. This is really people getting together for, for the same direction of maintaining sovereignty and territorial integrity. If anyone believes that china does not have freedom of expression on the internet or your mobile phone, then come to china and see what exactly is happening on the ground. Now i would say the chinese consumers spend more time on internet and on their mobile phone, probably them people in many other countries. Part of the reason is because the broadband system is very good. 5, g is very popular, and affordability of the smartphones in china is very popular. So she, you should remind everyone that china is one of the best connect into countries in the world. A raw talks about every being on the internet except that short list of couple issues. I want to get to that list in just a minute. Then stephen, i noticed you are shaking your head there in disagreement while la andry you were nodding. Well, i mean, the facts of the matter and this is well known to both the guess is that there is not a limited number of subjects which are 2. There is a very vast number of subjects of who and just lets take one example during the cove, it crosses, which is still raging. Access to the internet was shut down to people who criticize the authorities for the way they were handling the pandemic. Its also the fact that chinese citizens cannot legally access the world wide where, i mean, astonishing that this hasnt just been mentioned. All of the internet is very tightly controlled. China does not have access, for example, to apps such as google, such as walks. All of these search engines, and all of these communication apps are developed independently in china and the very stability control. And if youre a person whos known to have said anything loosely on one of these devices, youve got shut down. Its as simple as that. Lets bring the conversation, i guess back to the congress and to shoot him pings ladyship and andrew, what impact has the draconian 0 coded policy had on . Shes a leadership and also hes popularity. Well 1st of all, i like to address the perception that somehow the Chinese Communist party is unstable, or the society seems a bit of a backlash against the party. Well, this is a complete travesty of the truth. And im referring to the Harvard Kennedy school study, which came out 6 or 9 months ago. And its a long to, to, to, and that is not just the one all is based on a track record of similar studies in the past using the kennedy schools. But prior to the search tools which compiled the companys Party Government is the most of. Busy the bodies people compare with other countries. Ready many other countries including western democracies. Ready in the United States, in fact, multiple ranks about the United States as much as 80 or 90 percent of the people support the Companies Party because the lives have changed the recklessly and those 2 h over so many years, regardless of the regime regardless of what type of government, you have, i think the test of the putting it whether, you know, people have experience, you know, better lives, you know, better likelihood and the expiration. So all these metrics, the child is going to spot this but highly supportive bodies people. So this kind of rhetoric about differences in freedoms, because each countries have different political, historical, and, and various other differences. I mean, just like, what is it in family, you know, the way i read my family is very different. Go your ways, your family and to expect that there is a one dimensional thing. I think that this is a travesty show. But coming back. Yeah. Question about the 0 kind of policy. What impact is that had on his leadership and Going Forward on his popularity because we have seen protests, i mean, even a few days before the congress party, they weigh images of ban is being put up on a bridge in the, in the north west of bay gene, well, that was a long kind of thing and as i said a lot change the reality of every joint of the, of the times people support the part about coming back to the fact that its, i think the best of the see also explain that of course, the light all the time is people who are on much higher plane compare with. If you look at the rate of the pandemic United States, 1000000. 00 people buy in the United States because of the pandemic, as population is 4 times the speakers United States. So if you adopt the similar kind of measures in the United States and then those, the risk that china would pays for with that. And these cars in that scenario impact most on the most vulnerable groups of the elderly. Ready or the, the less privilege. So this is completely unacceptable because one impact that we can all agree on is the impact on the economy. And if i can address the question to you, victor gal, whats been the impact on chinas economy as a result of the 0 coven policy . And will she soften his approach Going Forward . Do you think . Well, 1st of all, talk you about the call. The 19th pandemic, china has the highest success rating fighting of this panoramic. And i agree with mr. Leon in terms of the death raise infection rates. China has the lowest rates. That means china save them all people from infections home from vets, from the chinese perspective. Heard immunity is really an indication of the completely competence of the governments involved to, because they cannot save their old people. They cannot prevent the wide spread of the pandemic. As a result, the people become victims, they lose their lives, they get infectious. They go to ice, yours in china. We want to do the other way and allow me to emphasize was again, every contrast there, i did come up with his old way to deal with the pandemic. And channels way is to prevent as many people as possible from getting fictions of dying from rack the cove. It meant a panoramic. Now, you talked about economic costs, allow me to man emphasize that china has made its choice completely and fully aware of economic costs. That means after weighing all the costs economically, the charlies god was still decided to save as many people as possible. Because we do believe saving peoples lives, including elderly people, is very much part of the human rights for the challenge. People, we want to prevent as many people from dying or infections from the pandemic. And this will be the continued focus. Now the dynamic 0 call the policy does not mean it will not be changed or modified originally. It was 2 weeks plus one week, 21. 00 days in total. Now its 7 days plus 3 days. And i truly believe that after that had the Party Congress, it probably will be reduced down to 5 days or 2 days either one day example. So it is being modified and eventually we all want to have life going back to normal, but much on the pre condition, the more people get infectious and more people in china died. Brian infectious victor guy, you mentioned human rights, which brings me to my next issue that i want to address stephen, ill address this to you. A human rights report from the un said china was responsible for serious Human Rights Violations in the shin. Young province is shes continued tenure as later a disaster for human rights. As Amnesty International has described it. I dont think theres any serious question the human rights in china, which were already the very low level her to, to rated and of the period of teaching things rule in, in john, in the regions of china. Of course that has become a very dramatic situation with the ledge genocide, with literally hundreds of thousands of people being in turned with mass sterilizations, weaker females, et cetera, et cetera. And of course, i mean its, its not just in engine jang. I mean, in, in hong kong, a free society, which was guaranteed on the International Treaty to be able to maintain its way of life, has now found most forms of freedom, most forms of liberty extinguished, and the jails are full of political prisoners. So if the question is, has there been anything other than a deterioration of human rights in china . The answer is very emphatic. It has got worse. And i think the longer you have not only one party rule because obviously thats what we have in china. But one man rule the toleration for any form of descent within the borders of the p r. C is going to actually continue to move downwards. Andrea, why didnt she mention singe young specifically in his speech to Congress Today . Well, i think that this is highlighted, of course, by the west all the time. Ive been doing the, the past couple of months or year, which is course, as i said, a complete travesty. Because you know that the accusation, of course labor you would look at the, the way that for example, court is collected is completely mechanized. So what is the post labor and of course. Busy theres no doubt that a lot of the m, as in jan activities or separate them have been arrested or this is a factor like any other country nationalist, it would be simple. But the say, the say this general side, i think over the pulse. But i think that this is a very important part of this province and host of a strategic position. So this on the west stations are completely bonded as part of this imitation of china. Thats why i called, i knew the un human rights report, the United Nations human rights report is inaccurate. Well, it is a, at least in a sort of partially, its not completely inaccurate because they stop a. The accusations are based on evidence of even always, single certain cases. I mean, you can look at the prisoners and what color will bay for example and say, the whole United States is i think, the polio a country like was, im not saying that that as part of a suspect, as in jack. But it was not official of extent, so every country has. Ready has its own National Security and is most important imperative. Right. But i think a lot of accusations that completely over the false. Speaking of the u. S. L. Direct this question to victor, victor. She is called the military growth. Thats obviously coming in mid tensions with washington. How the relationship with the u. S. Play out during shes 3rd 10. And you very much before i answer your question while timely us relations allow me to very quickly talk about she and john. You may know the United Nations Human Rights Commission defeated a draft resolution proposed by the United States on many western countries accusing chinas Human Rights Violations. The change are and if you read the numbers, most of those countries which defeat the u. S. Sponsor, the resolutions are actually are countries. I wasnt conscious that beings, they support chinas position. And they believe that the false accusations wrought by the United States and western countries about human rights situation in change are completely fabricated. And i think i agree with mr. Leon, in his assessment the situation and king john will remain part of the chinese territory. And the way go, people will always remember our brothers and sisters. And the false accusations will really not be generated or turned into any concrete actions. Because china sovereignty overseeing joe will be i in class, mr. Gal, we are solar time. So if you wanted to respond to my question about what he has in that would be great. Exactly trying. The u. S. Relations are really deteriorating. Ad United States has not come to terms with the fact that china will soon surpass bag of the United States as far as the size of the carbon is concerned. And the also worried that was travis of houses, that all the United States, china will replace the United States as the top dog in the world. Childless view is just the opposite channels. Economic development will continue adding less than 10 years time, probably much less. Their badge china size will be calling me will be that bigger than that, ill deny the states. However, china sees no foreign of becoming the next top dog, although why . Because china wants to cheat every country because boy, in the world as a me call and child there will never impose its ways. Its views and its way of doing things on to any other country in the world. Well, its certainly a conversation which has ignited a lot of passion and i appreciate all of you for taking the time to speak with us. Unfortunately, we have run short of time so we have to leave it there. But thank you to all of our guests, victor gao and julie young and steven vines, and thank you for watching at home. You can see the program again any time by visiting our website al jazeera dot com, and for further discussion, go to our facebook page. Thats facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside story. You can also join the conversation on twitter. Handle is a inside story for me, emily anglin, and the entire team here. Bye for now. Ah on november the 8th americans will vote all the seats in the house of representatives at 35 percent of the senate will be contested. Americans are expected to split on strict ideological lines with abortion and the economy named as the key issues. The result will to find the rest of jo bidens presidency and put americas democratic principles to the test. Special coverage of the midterm elections on al jazeera. Oh, well that is going blind from a rare genetic disorder. As the sun beholds the beauty of the world for the 1st time, robert maybe seen it for the last. Ah, but has this genetic disorder been passed on to his son . Witness a sky without stars. Analogies, ema, there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media a on al jazeera government, shutoff access to social media. A British Political Party at war with itself lay the talking is a criminal conspiracy against its members. Newly obtained documents reveal members silenced, suspended, and force that might go on. This is unbelievable, and free speech was shot down an exclusive investigation. The labor files hot 3 on al jazeera. We know whats happening in our region. We know how to get to places that others cannot. I dont fear guy by the police on purpose and said, im going on with the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. Lou

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