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Protests is accused live in apologies, of neglect, set foxes, and i is home. Most of the city was destroyed in slots gloves. I am not without montague or new yorks border with the wrong and have more on the agreement between the neighbors. It is our code despite the we begin with a diplomatic route between india and canada. The Indian Government has expelled the scene, the canadian diplomat over the killing of a prominent seat leader the expulsion as seen as retaliation off the canada, expelled an indian diplomat. Thats off the account of the site, its investigating credible obligations, but link the Indian Government to the mother of how deep seemed the job and British Columbia in june. The dallas rejected the charges absurd to have her time say, reports kind of this, the community accused the Indian Government have been behind the murder of seek activist. How deep seeing the job he was killed by 2 must come in there, seek Cultural Center in june. Now in an urgent statement deposits kind of his prime minister, has revealed an investigation into a possible involvement by the indian states. Over the past number of weeks, canadian security agencies have been actively pursuing credible allegations of a potential link between agents. So the government of india and the killing of a canadian citizen har dave sing, major. A kind of this foreign minister announced the expulsion of an indian diplomat, described as the head of india, the intelligence of canada as a result of the obligations. If proven true, this would be a great violation of our sovereignty and of the most basic rules of how countries deal with each other. But could i get government is not released any evidence . The announcements and expulsion rates. Several questions, not least if these are still early allegations and the canadian government is asking the Indian Government for itself and quite getting to the bottom of what actually happened. How is it the canadian government already felt a deposition to be able to expel the india diplomat for st. Cadinas you need is also was action was welcome. I think that at the moment, uh, we have no idea. Like as an like of adjusting system itself has been kind of, i think, failed in these moments in the past were trade deals and diplomacy and all these types of things come into play. So human rights, if its actually at the forefront of our agenda, then i would say like the, just the system to do it to where it gets jobs. Find the people that actually bid this india account of the relations have been tens for some time. In fact, theyre under moody was reported to have complained to, to do at the recent g 20 about the political space kind of, it gives us to seek separatists. Now to, to says he raised the allegations of indian involvement into drugs, killing quotes in no Uncertain Terms of the summit as well. She ever time c, l g 0 on terrier. How tosh bylaws, the executive editor of the loan, from politics and culture magazine, the counter that he says, a violent sick separatist movement has been virtually non existence, a decades on the carlos dining moment, has a long history. And, and during the these dead was a while in the military moment on indian side. What ever since, at least in india, in the state of punjab. But the success of majority of the time is fun. Movement has been what you mean on existence enjoys. And hopefully, taking support and goes up and down depending on the attention of the Indian Government based this attention has gone up considerably since the multi government came to part in 2014. It does have strong limits both in canada and they use it better. Seems like it for in terms of the head. But given that the vast majority of 6, so dont indian story and on north park has been some of the stuff in them. These would have ideally be easily ignored, but the more the government has consistently hype the Congress Findings said to india, i think again, because it suits them domestically to talk about security threats to the indian nation. Rather than at the activity measured of that on the ground from the move when they call lodge it, i be all as you can vision of the artist as the fed and body. But right, we, in the national, this organization that what to me drives the media be, which is a parking part of the 6 out of pocket, the larger the can do for it. So they cannot demonize them in the same way they demonize most mips. In that sense, the one the stand, why the 6th continue to be a post with the more the government is it might be on the different problem that is then often put in the context of it is the color funny is making problem using the 6 us pick, while both 2 things are entirely separate, the Indian Government would like to see them to get as well. 5 american citizens jailed in iran, c is are on the way back to the us release follows a deal maybe a 2 by kata as part of a Prisoner Exchange. That requires us to free 5, arabians under the agreement, 6000000000. 00 of the reigning funds for them in south korea, off the us sanctions with funds for the banks in caught up and run called reports from dell up to 2 years of intense negotiations. A 2 hour flight from tyrone to dough has brought an end to a no deal for 5 imprisoned americans. The 2nd year, those negotiations will cast, re mediators shuffling between hotels and dough. At no point in the american and iranian policies meet face to face. The free to prisoners included us around in your national seemed like there was an image chucky as well as environment list were at the above. Theyve been accused of spying and held for several years into her own. They were released as part of the prison. This wont deal that included 5 iranians also released from us custody. The deal with kathy orchestrated and began with 6000000000. 00 of funds of frozen iranian oil money initially seized in south korea being sent to switzerland and then to tow the rony and farm industry confirm that transaction would be the charge with the have on see in the framework of our active foreign policy. We have unlocked our frozen assets in south korea today, god willing, these funds will be in the hands of our government and people. And this government will spend it accordingly to the needs of the people whose so it was a short walk from that plane through the terminal building, but its dont quite over for them. Yes, theyve been met by a sorry delegation. The business ive been met to now by the u. S. Embassy, unlimited. The state department. Theyll want to get them to the United States as quickly as possible, where theyll be given a medical evaluation and a security debriefing. The full, my cast, reimbursed to the, to the you and said that this was a good deal for all across the plus 2. The 2 parties of the go to his is a cuts out. And that live just as the ending as the box. You know, for the past 2 years, wouldnt be observant, cut the offer shows movies back and forth between the washington dc. And the outcome is good for both kansas especially that people who are, you know, having to, we envision, and they have time for this and is also good for our, the dont. Because the more we saw it for problem or problem solve the problem. And as the more our vision become more stable, there was a visible sense of relief is afraid, prisoners voted the flight out of to air on a monday to catch all this has been a successful outcome to a very difficult negotiation process. But this is far from over for the iranians and americans who remain at all over several issues, including Irans Nuclear Energy Program and issues such as that will require both sides to sit down and talk face to face. And were on con, which is 0 though. Well that spring and harvey joe casto is waiting for the freedom americans at washington, dallas apple. So i do want happens once they land the well sammy, we expect that to be the dramatic and final conclusion of this delicate deal that we just heard about between the ron and the us. That is also complicated in nature. When these 5 you running americans arrived, they will descend the tarmac and that will be their 1st time stepping on us soil for among some of them. 8 years after 8 years of imprisonment. In iran, they will be offered medical services. Here us Officials Say they believe the 5 are in good medical condition. Nevertheless, medical services will be available and in particular Mental Health services, and they will also receive that security debriefing. Uh nope, there play should be arriving in the Washington Area within this coming hour. And as i said, this is part of a very complicated deal and just hours earlier, we saw on a ronnie and state Television Images of those of iranian prisoners that was freed by a, by the us arriving into ron. 2 of them arriving to a heros welcome, the 3 other iranians who had their charges of sanction violations dropped by the us federal government, those 3 choosing to remain either in the us or in a 3rd country. And of course, theres that final part, the 6000000000. 00 in iranian assets that have been unfrozen. You heard the running government there say that they will have access to that money for the wrong young people. But us officials back to differ saying that every withdrawal from these accounts will have to be approved by the us. And that this money can only be used for the purchase of foods and of medical supplies. And that this is a deal that was carefully crafted over years of negotiation. Now approaching its conclusion, once we have pictures of these americans back in the us, realizing with their families, is that gonna impact some of the criticism against the steel . Or perhaps sammy, i mean, we know that president a bite and really emphasized the humanitarian nature of the compassion that was required to prioritize the lives of these 5 americans. And also of 2 family members who were not allowed to leave the ron until this deal was done. So really southern you, ron, and americans on board this plane thats about to land. Will that appease critics hard to say, given that present bidens republican critics have been calling this deal america negotiating with, by paying hostage takers around. So thats how they see the 6000000000. 00 and now unfrozen iranian assets. And also taking issue with a few of those iranian prisoners who have now been freed in the us choosing to remain in the country. The white house has emphasized that these 5 iranians that were part of this hostage deal were either convicted or faced charges of non Violent Crimes of trying to evade sanctions against iran. And certainly even the white house has a has thought to downplay, if you will, the significance of the steel in terms of what it means to the greater us iran relations. This is a long front relationship between these 2 nations. And while this of course is a sign of where communication between the 2, both sides have down played it as saying that this does not mean that a, a returned to nuclear talks, for instance, is just around the corner. Of course, the setting could be right for that to happen as the Un General Assembly is about to kick off in new york. And of course, we know that not only will us present bite and be there, but you runs president , will be there as well. All right, well leave with that. Thanks so much. Hi, the jo, cost stress or not just that on saudi is the side splitting soul cost. I was following the street and advises the prime minister. He says the 2 year negotiations for the Prisoner Exchange was challenging. At many points, there was no light at the end of the tunnel, it comes to the said mediation. However, in the past 2 years, and in the past months we flew a lot of the visits to both dc that on and in direct and negotiations and direct negotiations that will help in various places around the world. And with our 5 megs the in the south end of uh for mine and they say send it on we worked along uh, finding a solution to this. And i think one of the main difficulty that you were able to get through with making the technical side of this deal at the, at the right time. So all the things can happen at the same time and make sure that everything happens with that thing which both sides during the negotiations went through a lot of difficulty to get the find the language that was the approved over the financial humanitarian channel. And also about the Business Exchange and the way to get place and that there was a lot of very clear guidelines on what should be done and what it was done and did this is what we have seen here today. And therefore, we will not, thats what he, thats a last minute thing might happen. And uh, you know, sabotage the whole deal. However, we do understand of course that it was not an easy task and that to and both sides. There are lots of questions about it. I do believe that the, the agreement that communities is quite a robust. It has taken a lot of time and effort. A lot of uh, you know, discussions over this to make sure that we have an agreement that can stand, that can withstand the, the criticisms and deb, this is what we have seen right now. Said i had an al jazeera, we have an exclusive report from north, and the rock way could have gone through, saw withdrawing some positions, the rounds board as part of a Security Agreement y. Mollys move, the leadership is one of a high risk of, of tax in and around the capital, the in depth analysis of the days headlined 1000000 euros to help choose your address migration, is it gonna ease the migrant price . This will make it worse. Informed opinions, we need more investors and more people that make the decisions and regiments put for frank assessments. This balance between the toe and zone reassurance is a teacher leads to the volume missing destruction inside stored on al jazeera. The heres from my elders here on the go and need tonight out is there is only mobile apps. Is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think . Is it the, the, the welcome back youre watching. Ill just see you at the time to recap the headlines now. India has strongly rejected navigations by kansas 5 minutes to that it had any role in the death of a canadian seat lead to both countries have expelled diplomats as the route was since 5 americans jailed in the wrong. So he is on my way back to the us. That release follows the media to find caught up spot of a Prisoner Exchange. That was by the us to free 5, arabians and on freeze 6000000000. 00 of the rain in funds. The hundreds of people have pro tested in libyas eastern city of data that demanding accountability one week off. The devastating floods killed thousands of people protests to set fire to the mans home. They wanted the Public Prosecutor to speed up investigations into how to down the collapse of the heavy rain residents, blame officials for not maintaining them properly. The 1st of all, we pray that all the montez will have rest in peace. And i hope this is the end of all catastrophes. We just ask that if there will be any rebuilding efforts that no Libyan Company be ever involved. This is because everyone in go now from the head of the municipality to all the officials are corrupt. During rush, either be left as it is or a Foreign Company should be involved. It could be some groups in those new rock of stuff pulling out from areas near the border with the wrong spot of a Security Agreement signed between the 2 countries to disarm the groups and remove the ministry camps. Moved up to the wall i had, has this exclusive report from out. How good near the rock here onboard . Throwed up to montague. Good to know that you walk is dangerous. These are we read. You include this fighters known as coma law. Who have been battling your arms a government, the few they get tied together to attack and instructions. There are lots of drills were conducted a few kilometers away from airlines army positions. Before the pulls out in response to recent Security Agreement between either one, any rock. The commander is um did, but now he was one of the airlines most of wanted men because it says 2 of his brothers were executed for up for the ation with the could just all the group you one has set september 19th, the deadline for them today down to the weapons. But dont you know to have done it uh, we will not lay down to weapons. We are temporarily repositioning away from the motor vehicle. We do not local, but since iran declared war against us in 1979, we have had to take up to defend ourselves. And though people go to google, as among 7 n t, one groups which have been an operating, getting your rock to send me your turn, them is good. Just region. For nearly 40 years. There are concerns as to why the code just Regional Government allows these fighters and their camps and its 2 to 3. When it says its looking for a peaceful solution. You want has repeatedly bond with the fight, those locations saying those sites would be used to launch attacks against it. Of these flights. I would say the warranty on to become a secular multi s and the country that guarantees the rights of both cruises and iranians. Equally but the wrong accused them of being separate, seeking to undermine National Unity and feuding last years mass demonstrations. Its been one years since the death of a mess. I mean, e, i mean dont get uranian could its women who died in Police Custody unspoken. A nationwide unrest. It and they who were supported the demonstrations politically and thats our legitimate right. But i run, you know, Security Forces have killed many of our people and put too many authors in jail for allegedly, for mentioning violence. Button top of that. You want to accuse them of being manipulated by israel to carry out attacks inside your on including assessing nations and those the target its nuclear facilities, probably much. I mean, i dont have a lot of that is really suddenly back in these groups with training and advanced equipment which they used against our military and sensitive facilities. This has been also admitted by their opportunities, who was sent and directed by israel to insight on the insurgency, sabotage of state facilities, and to most of our security individuals. We captured them even during last is demonstrations. And we have clear evidence to know why not many of these fighters claim the fled from here on working and hiding from that uranian army 4 days. Before joining these training comes, you rocky officials with the Central Government and best daddy insist the lands cannot be used to launch attacks against the neighbors. The we, i thought i laughed and jumped up in head. What our Border Guard Forces havent been deployed and coordination with the original Kurdish Administration to prevent infiltration and attacks inside iran for this, this occurred to committee hasnt been forms to relocate. Their cam is away from the border. Isnt that . Asked cutty. And that is the uranium could display to say that abandoning their locations in order not to give you one a reason to launch more attacks inside a rock. But not the weapons which they believe are the only guarantor for their safety. And that could put iraq, you will for shift spoke to him about that and in the know the could just region at also with the iran would have to do. I hate a just eat off at the mountain top. Good. You know your rocks boulder with your lawn. Mollys minute freely the ship is wanting of a high risk of attack in and around the capitol bama co. A new wave of fighting is broken out between the army and 1200 rebels. They know the molly, the group said it sees control of 2 on the basis of the town of let a violence in the west african nation has increased since you and troops announced that was cool in june. Now its about how much the vile, whos in bombing carries in speaking with a man. It may actually, what are they saying about this fighting of the yes, some of you, the military have issued a statement yesterday youre giving some details about whats happened. They said that on the 17th at the groups a related to a as a lot movements pop a talk to army bases in libya. And lydia is near the border with motor atanya. And they want me to access to that some fighting took place and they said the they pushed those at rebels to away from those 2 bases and talked about some details. Said that 5 on me. So just wait till 20 injured and 11 missing. They also talked about some material damage that is still being assessed. On the other hand, they said the, the attack, cuz last 7, at least 7 can find people who, who is bodies, why left behind and a vehicles were destroyed that the, the other side, the as a lot of movements have also confirmed that they took the basis for some time and then they left them after about 24 hours of complete control. They talked about the results on their path to continue this war until they, they get to the months from the, from the mount in on uh, what about the rebels and that escalation . What are they saying about what prompted the escalation . So right, sammy, uh, this problem between uh the molly and government uh, the allowed movements goes box decades. But we know that the 2 sides signed an agreement to in 2015 in august. And that to agreement, to create, to the situation of call for some time, it was never completed implemented. And the existence of the un in molly was a part of that arrangement of the peacekeepers. Now that the peacekeepers withdrawing from body, there is a huge difference between the 2 sides of molly and the government. And that apples, they said that the location is not well under the control of the of the us about the movements before that you and came tamales have to be to be, to be maintained. They have to stay in those places the mountain on you should not take those places, but the mountain is assisting voltage is going to take every location in the north and control it. So this is a huge difference between the 2 sides. And remember, this is just one of several fronts. Thats the money in the government is having to deal with now they have, they have tribal fighting in the center. They have the siege of 10. 00. Tools im is nobodys jihad is. Groups are trying to take 10 bucks and they have this new conflict patients between them and the also a lot of movements in the, in the, in the, in the framework of that. We have seen this a talking larry. All right, well leave with that. Thank you. So much for how involved north koreas data came, juggling is arrived back home from a 6 day trip to russias far east. North korean state media said kims train cross the border on monday morning, joining his visits and a lot of all still came met. President Vladimir Putin and offer them full and unconditional support. The north Korean Leader also visited several minutes re sites. His trip phrase can sun shone young may provide weapons to moscow for its war in ukraine. At least 2 people have died opposite the rental rain hit southern july on monday, 55 has been searching for people trapped in debris following a line slide heavy rain during the weekend last more than 11000 people stranded. Thousands of houses destroyed pedo whos president has declared the state of emergency in 3 districts, officer, a spike, and crime scene. A blog stay says the measure allows the ministry to in full security and help police fight organized crime. The number of crimes being reported in the capsule. Lima has increased by at least a 3rd since 2021 debris for the missing f. The c 55 to jet that crashed in the us states of South Carolina has been found. It was discovered also the minute 3, all the public for health to find the 100000000. 00 jet. Its pilot managed to reject over the city of north charleston. The jet was on the old a pilot and was sold to be in stealth mode when the pilot bolted on sunday. Thats it for me. The weather is next then inside story, well look at the rise in code 19 cases and one that poses the the, the had a lot of this very Stormy Weather has swept into your knocking down temperatures. Im bringing some sundry down, pulls a very what weather to the likes of spain fronts and the u. K. Weve seen some flooding from that heavy rain and as you can see on tuesday, theres more to come. But weve also got some Wind Warnings out for the island of island, particularly coastal areas, seeing those very gusty conditions and some of those sweeping across into central parts. Germany has got some red warnings out for wind as well on choose day the west. So whether im on several conditions plating more northern areas, well see that heavy rain roll across scandinavia and also a line of heavy showers across the baltic state. Stretching down into the balkans, we are expecting some sundry conditions in places here and it is set to gets cooler. The west of the rain on wednesday, affecting eastern areas of spain, we could see some flooding from that in the unsettled conditions. Continue around the ble, eric islands, but still a story of heats in the very south. Well see things cool down in places, certainly across the spain as we go into wedding stay, but the southern pots of it to be what was so clinging onto the heat. Here, below most seen the temperature well above the average through to 1st day the from intimate moments to majors, social changes from mans impact on the planet to the impact of mine on himself that he has with depression. And its really attic to give you self love, the witness Award Winning films from around to out to 0. I told the cases are rising again along with variance of the virus. The World Health Organization says that once its expert to return to the china to find out more about the origins of the disease. So how much of a danger is this . Wait, this is inside store the

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