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This is al jazeera ah. Is good to have you with us today. I am several than yeah, this is the news. Our line from doha. Coming up in the next 60 minutes, a former tie policeman, armed with a gun and a knife kills at least 38 people, including 23 children at a Daycare Center. The u. K. Electricity supplier warns of power cuts this winter while france plans to cut energy use by 10 percent. The w h o issues and alerts on for indian made cough syrup. After the death of 66 children in the gambia and any l noise awarded the nobel prize in literature for her work on personal trauma, as well as social inequality in france and in sport, lino massey confirmed me 2022. Well, cap will be his last very censure mans argentinian stars helping to win the tournament for the 1st time in car. Ah, so we begin this hour in thailand where at least 38. 00 people including 23. 00 children, have been killed in a shooting in the northeast. The attacker was a former policeman who was facing trial on drug charges. This happened at a Daycare Center in a long while. Im pu Fenton Monahan has the latest the aftermath of the nash shooting that shaken thailand. Dozens of People Killed childrens Daycare Center. Many children were among the dead. Some as young as 2 years old. Can do that way. The teachers locked the door, but he destroyed fire to shot. I was in the kitchen without the teachers. It was 3 of us. I climbed over the wall and run alongside the road. I crunched down and i saw a teacher who worked over there. The 3 of us run out. I didnt think that he could come in. The teacher who passed away was with the children. The gunman was a former Police Officer after opening fire in the Daycare Center. He returned home where he killed his wife and child before taking his own life. At this point, its time to really start looking at the issue of how many guns are in thailand. There are many registered n unregistered guns. The country is basically a washing them. And, and so its a bit surprising that only in the last couple years are we seeing these kind of mass shooting, incense, thailands Prime Minister, prayer, china, char, describe the attack as shocking. He offered condolences to victims and ordered Emergency Services to do all they can for the wounded questions, remain as to what led to this attack and what motivated the killer and parents grieving their loss will be demanding answers. Benton monahan al jazeera. Earlier i spoke to l. 0 tony. Ching, hes in on tunney at the hospital where some of the bodies were taken. There is a feeling here of shock. This is a busy border town, right on the, on the border with lough, usually very live, the very this will going on, people are passing by, coming back. Theyre looking at their phones, following avidly. The news was happened today. It is sinking in, but i think really a disaster on this scale. Something that thailand is not used to and what more have we found out . Where does the investigation stand as we speak . We understood from the police earlier today that this was the main suspect is a former policeman who had been let go from the 4th about a year ago. They just said in the last hour or so that he was actually in cold today at a trial facing Drug Trafficking charges, the verdict was expected to morrow. The conclusion of that child today, he went to the Daycare Center to pick up his son. Upon not finding his son there, he became agitated, and that is when the killing started. After finishing in the day care center, leaving 24 bodies, there. He then that a violent child towards his home. We killed his wife, his son, and ultimately himself. But we understand from the time Prime Minister that the, his motives at this stage is not clear. The Prime Minister said he suspect its a personal motive that may have been some personal problem. But the implication, i think at this stage is that drugs the Drug Trafficking, show child, possibly the use of drugs by this former policeman himself move, contributed to what we saw today. Tony, theres a very high rate of gun ownership in thailand. Can. Can you speak perhaps of the context around the shooting . Yes, there is. Guns. Were legal as this illegal sale of guns is relatively tightly regulated, but this is a country which has had active was owns on its board with decades. Guns have flowed in and out to thailand. However, where we have seen individual gun violence on a fairly common basis here in ton of these types of mass killings of very rare. Nonetheless, in 2020, we saw an active soldier who went on a killing spree in the city, of course killed 30 people this followed day by this ex policeman. I think there will be a lot of people asking questions about the easy access. These Service Service men have had to weapons. And the fact that this is happened twice in 2 years. Now. One former senator called for tighter control of gun sales and gun control in this country, but he said that would not be possible until there was a proper civilian government. And i think this is one of the issues here that the military and the police are hold a very high position in a very high profile position, anti life. And i think there is the fear that, that in, in some ways enables these type of things to happen. The call from that former senator was really for civilians would be taking over these roles in the hope that to this couldnt happen again. Ukraine is blaming russia for showing several residential buildings in the Southern City of zap bridger. At least 4 people have been killed in the attack. Rescuers have been digging out survivors from the rubble had our bill. Hamid is in me, bro. She saw some of the destruction earlier in nearby as aboriginal it was quite a terrible attack, and i have to say while we were there, we then, and while the rescue workers were going through all of that and people were in a state of shock, then there were 3 loud explosions. Again, we do think that this time it was infrastructure that was said, but certainly a rock, the city we so people running away tried to get to shelters. We actually saw also 2 ladies just hiding, cowering next to a tree. Not knowing what was happening. So certainly it is a city, an edge and separate area has been coming under constant missile attack. I would say nearly on a daily basis. Usually it happens Early Morning just like todays attack of the background to it brings up a rigid the Capital Region of this upper region region. Our half of it was 60 percent of it. More or less is now under russia control. Russia has a next that part claims that is now part within the borders of the russian federation, but it does not hold the capital. And when i spoke to people and asked them, why do you think this is happening in the city . Now, why is it more and more intense the attack and the attacks of the challenge on the city. Many said is simply because they want to scare away. They want us to leave the city because they want to occupy the city. That was l 0 hot bill, hamid worry challenge now reports on ukraines counter offensive in both the south and in the east. Now, a warning, some viewers may find some of the images in his report. Distressing ukrainian soldiers crouch ready waiting for the Armored Vehicle to appear, but it hasnt come to kill them. Whites clothing hangs from its gun. This recordings the ukrainian officials is a russian surrender. Whether or not it was coordinated, the ukrainians dont want any surprises. The b m. P. s crew are quickly bound a rag glimpse of ukraine swift counter offensive in cats on region. Like its other advance in the northeast. Large swathes of territory have been recaptured from the russians, but ukraines leadership is keeping Operational Security tight. Jailers, the muzzle naturally. I cannot disclose the specific issues discussed at the meeting. But most of the report adopted plans and approved documents will definitely delight ukrainians and they will definitely upset the occupiers because they will be held responsible for all their evils. Not done yet. Creegan in the northeast after months of occupation and days of fierce fighting lea man is back in ukrainian hands no longer forced a cow of from shells. Civilians must now q for 8, many have lost their homes. Others describe their prisons of fear, either to forward it as you rightly the street not paying attention to the russians. One of them, sudden the goals, a yard stop right here. What are we writing here for another i answer. This is my home language. I writes, as i will with additionally, i need to go to my parents, so he answers, believe me, i dont want to see you here again, the other, thats how i have to sit at home for 3 months and not go out. I have a holiday. Ukraines national guard, his release footage, it says, is the fight for the man. The date and location on verified. But the intensity of combat is clear. 3 days later, russian dead still lie by the roads. Flies buzz in the autumn air. You was keel near. Nearly 10 percent russian soldiers, when they are just running off from the counter offensive armed forces detroit column to throw in wiggle, dozens of rotten folders. Rushes military is searching for an answer for its battlefield setbacks. He if says some mobilized russian soldiers are already fighting in ukraine as many as 200000 of russias targets of 300000 men of already been drafted. Moscow is hoping that they can turn the tide of fighting. That is now firmly in ukraines favor will re talents out as iraq. If a still a had this, our israel reportedly rejects changes. Lebanon requested to a Draft Agreement on a controversial maritime borders. Im will your harding and jo. How, where can tar is hoping . The world cup can help tackle local issues like diabetes and obesity and sport. Far as covering max mer stop and gearing up the japanese ground, free targeting back to back world titles. More that when we come back, ah, and leaders are 44 countries, a meeting for the 1st summit of the european political community, the goal maintain stability in the wider region, despite russias invasion of ukraine. The summit, which is the brainchild of french president emanuel mack whole brings together in you members and 17 other countries in prague. Now there are tensions between several of the countries attending and that has raised questions about how effective this meeting can be. Step vaccine is at the meeting, and prox, that seems to be the most important signal that this for to, for lead us, e, you and not you want to, to show to the world. And also, especially to russia and the mo, the, the whole european continent is a present. Here the leaders are but not russia and not beller road. So thats the main aim of this says summit. So to see, and we dont also know what will be coming next. Its no official format of this summit. There is no official structure yet, but this was the very 1st me thing. And it was my cancer brainchild because countries like ukraine, but ultimate dover have been wanting to become part of the you become a member, but its a very long and complicated procedure. So this Community Gives them a way to be part of europe without being an official member. But as i said, there is a lot unclear at the moment and i just spoke to the Prime Minister of estonia kaya class. And she confirmed a still this uncertainty, although they feel there is some kind of unity here. Its a question now whether its going to work or we have a european union, but not so many countries are members of the european union. So the idea is to discuss their combinations that we have currently the Security Issues that we have on the european continent. And i think its very important that we have the same views while its armenian has also asked by john who are here. Of course they are in at war right now. Also turkey is here. So theres a lot of questions when this and if the 2nd the summit or will be held here. But as the president of lithuania, gitano no said, i just told me you said this is the United Nations of europe. So he is very optimistic and we hope to hear from other leaders in the next few hours. What they think. The french government is launching Energy Saving measures to get the country through the winter. It wants to reduce Energy Consumption by 10 percent. How less heating and lighting and more remote work for Government Employees or president the menu. And i cool does say that even the worst case scenario, there will be enough energy to get the country through the cold season. In the case of a tricity supply or warns that the nation could face power cut this winter. That is, if the government is unable to import electricity from europe and struggles to bring in enough gas to fuel its power, plants Prime Minister liz trust has urged europe to keep Energy Exports flowing during the winter. In an article that she wrote the times newspaper, Charlie Angela has more from london where power suppliers planning for shortages this winter. The National Grid as it struck deals with 3 power companies, e. D, f drax and unit to keep coal fired Power Generators on stand by in case the needed is also going to incentivize homes and businesses to cut the energy usage at peak times. And with those messages, it thinks that the Energy Supply should continue uninterrupted. But it is also modeled a 2nd much more extreme scenario, and this is the one that is making headlines right now in this country. In this scenario, it says the conflict in ukraine could escalate the Energy Crisis in europe. And not enough gas would flow to britain. Now in this country, we use gas to produce a lot of our electricity. So if this happened, they would be forced to cut make power cuts to homes and businesses for predefined periods during the day. Know that roughly translates it up to 3 hours at a time. Now apparently those power cuts would happen at peak times. Early in the morning, early in the evening. Customers would be warned in advance and those cuts would be rotated around different areas of the country. So not wanting to be cut off at one time and hospitals would be protected from this. Now they say its an unlikely scenario to play out, but it is very worrying. And overall, the grid operator is saying that it is likely to be a very challenging winter for this country. Overall officials and sweden have confirmed last months gas leak from the north stream pipeline was indeed caused by explosions. And there are now concerns of possible russian interference in norway now the top gas supplier to the european union, and the u. K. Jonah ho reports from oslo. While european nato allies have focused on on being ukraine against russia, theyve neglected their own vulnerabilities closer to home until that is vast. Quantities of methane gas began bubbling to the surface of the coast of denmark and sweden, in the baltic sea last week, under water explosions. Caused damage to both north stream pipelines built to supply russian gas to europe, nato, called it sabotage. And despite a lack of hard evidence pointing to russian involvement, the alliance has warned that it will respond to an attack on allies key infrastructure. And there is real concerned that the next target could be norway. Now europes main gas supply in russias place. Prime minister jonas gas store has confirmed reports of an identified drones cited over key Energy Installations when russia is running out of options. They are. So what could they do to my mind going off to the infrastructure is, what are the things they could do at norways museum of resistance . Appropriately enough, we meet defense experts when hold smock, he spent years studying soviet and then Russian Strategic behavior. Russia is left to basically one my public lou weapon, and that is the export of gas to europe, which has been severely restricted. So it gives the signal of that. Okay, if you continue supporting ukraine as you do well, we have the options to actually cut your gas supplies from, from, from norway. If indeed it was sabotaged by russia that disabled the nordstrom pipelines and that may never be proven. Of course, it would be a traffic act of hybrid warfare designed to damage Critical Infrastructure with maximum deniability and limiting therefore, any direct response. No way is preparing for what may come next. Deploying its military, including f, 35. 00 fight patrols to protect oil and gas installations. Denmark, sweden and finland are also increasing surveillance. But nato allies will know that such hybrid measures are many and varied with potential targets, including not just orland gas infrastructure, but also computer systems, electricity grids, and thousands of kilometers of undersea internet cables. They cant possibly protected all go to whole al jazeera and the World Health Organization is warning. The death of 66. 00 children in the gambia could be linked the cough syrup made an india. The medicines are produced by Maiden Pharmaceuticals near new delhi, the w h o says lab samples show that each of the 4 syrup contain unacceptable amounts of contaminants w j is conducting further investigation with the company and regulatory authorities in india, dublin, georgia. Cummins. All countries detect and remove this products from circulation to prevent further harm to patients. While in india, the government in the state of ariana, where a Maiden Pharmaceuticals has a factory, a cent samples of the syrup for testing. It has been decided that before taking any action, we will 1st send a sample and check them all the samples have been sent to central drug, liberty, and calcutta after the report comes in. And if there is something wrong, then we will take strict action. Earlier i spoke with the director of the Gambia Health services doctor and was stuff a be tie theyre using, you know, the grid. Sure. Are they just address suspect that you suspended ops and then doing investigation . So we spent a lot of Work Together more than 22. 00 is one came out of one out to be the one was one we are waiting on the results. Then we can see once but for now while doing the investigation, we can made us to ensure that we stop any injured upon it. So we of course, need a warranty and the job that we suspected without any evidence. Im the one is that we have evidence, we have them and them from. Okay, well the, so thats very important obviously. Is there any, do you think any of this cough syrup left in circulation in the country that now even if nation way we are we are, we want to be on hold easy to 100. Now what weve done is to run to become a direct us where we have a lot of house to out, to call it any of you gave me an Authority Test this product before authorizing it before allowing it to be filled with plenty of british strong. So we can do all the somewhat of that so what were trying to stay in good working with or to ensure that this from here, that is what we do is to do random collection of some of these and send them what im trying to understand with that question is, who authorized this and, and how and when i think we need information on that because even if it wasnt gambia, who authorize this and they delegate that to other countries, as youve just explained, somebody must have authorized medication before it was given to patients we have one recorded mixed control agency that has a system of study, drops out to be used in the country and they look at your record the company. They look at things before youre out to lunch. Ok, and you can about the track record, but you explained to us earlier that there is authorization, right . There is a license given to the medication, even if it isnt given by the gambia, its given by another country in that case. Have you been able to to track that down and figure out who authorize this . We are working with the with you on that we should do what dr. Now quinton treated and spin to death. Those things we are working on them us last week on, but the one thing have a lot of thats now the last 2 weeks or a little of the only we have houston. We have 2 pieces. What yes, we are going to operate that way. You were to do the cost of what the problem at least 17. 00 people were killed when their boat capsized off the coast of the greek island of less boss. Overnight. The coast guard says the boat was carrying at least 40 people trying to migrate to europe. And there was a 2nd incident that happened further south. Harry faucet has the details on that in darkness, to survive as of a shipwreck, clean to clear face, follow passengers try desperately to hold onto the rocks below. These terrifying scenes unfolding on the shore of the greek rescuers try to bring another man to safety with a life belt. But in rough season, with little purchase, he falls back into the water. Incredibly rescue was managed to save 80 people in the dark in 70 kilometer now winds the survivors abroad to a nearby school to welcome shelter and rest. Several had travelled from afghanistan, they said the captain had lost his way. The boat swept on to the rocks. It was a small ship, not for all these people to be there about month 5 pupils. But the ship thought just for the woman young man couldnt do anything for them. We thought just how the hundreds of kilometers to the east on the island of les both. There were similar scenes and dinging carrying around 40 people capsized in the heavy seas. Images from the hospital showed some of those rescued young women from africa. The greek government praised emergency crews for saving so many and for bush 40 kind of people who it is run by senseless smugglers into the raging waters in the g and c on both that do not make any safety standards, such a responsible behavior. And at the same time, the misdemeanors of turkey are from who shows these boats. City style, unfortunately lead to tragedies with years of cathedral on thursday. Grim evidence of the overnight tragedy among the wreckage, a number of bodies. The turkish government has recently accused greece of using its ships to turn back migrant boats, endangering lives after shop reduction in recent years of Asylum Seekers sailing from turkey to grease. The numbers and the risks are beginning to rise once more. Hurry, faucet, al jazeera Israeli Government has rejected revisions requested by lebanon to a u. S. Broken plan to end their maritime border dispute. Thats throwing into dell years of diplomatic efforts to enable both countries to extract gas from the mediterranean sea. John hendrick reports from west jerusalem. Ah, its a lucrative deal made between enemies. Israel appeared on the verge of signing an agreement for natural Gas Production off the mediterranean coast with lebanon, which refuses to recognize the state on its southern border. But both sides had agreed. The u. S. Brokered pact is too profitable not to sign, but on thursday, israeli Prime Minister, your la p rejected last minute changes requested by lebanon, sending both sides back to the negotiating table, where each has strong incentive to come to an agreement. Zoe scott this is a deal the strengthens Israel Security and economy for la pete, starting production on the carriage oil field as soon as this month would mark a much needed economic and diplomatic victory ahead of november 1st election and bring israel closer to Energy Independence for lebanon splitting revenue from the neighboring conic gas field would mean desperately needed income for an economy so devastated that banks have closed after cash strapped customers resorted to carrying weapons to forcibly withdraw their own money. Earned tremendous economic good popping the moment. And we want to have hospice, naples, not naples on the, on the verge of bankruptcy. There is an unofficial 3rd party in the mix hezbollah, the iranian backed group, and lebanon, whose leader has spoken favorably of the deal. Thats a dramatic change from the high tensions of june when the israeli Prime Minister threatened to begin Gas Production without a deal. And hes bella sent 3 drones to the carrier site, all shot down by israel, adding to a growing possibility of an armed confrontation with production platform, sitting idly in the mediterranean sun. Repeat has little time to afford you deal in time for it to help his chances in the november 1st is railey election. I think its a good chance belgrade, nevada began doing the only thing to do now is to turn on the tap, turn on the spirit and let the guess. Well, if the 2 sides can agree that would clear the way for natural gas to start flowing from the israeli lebanon border in a matter of days, proving that economics could well bring a grudging co operation where diplomacy has not john henderson, al jazeera west, jerusalem. Still ahead on al jazeera balancing Economic Growth and the future of green energy for africas Largest Oil Exporter and in sports. This spanish world cup winter wastes little time getting stuck into his new job. With details on that later in the show do stay with ah hello, welcome to look at the international forecast. The weather remains quiet across a good part of the middle east, but a very different story farther north, pushing up towards grace and the care. You can see the strong and so the pile the way in across c, a, g, and c choppy waters here. Easing into that eastern side of the mediterranean, the cool wind as well. And normally blast few showers there in kia anchor. Around 21 celsius on friday. Cool, a still as we go on into sad day struggling to reach a 14 celsius with a good scattering of showers. There. South of that. Well as a steady state, try and find that a celsius here in doha. Try and find too much of north africa. Some live the shower still in place across Northern Areas of algeria were system where to weather, just lurking around at western side of the mediterranean, rather valley eric pushing into eastern parts of spain. Plenty of wet weather. Those easily ways driving across central africa, more wet weather coming across sir garner pushing across towards liberia and sierra leone. Kept on seeing some lively showers along with cameras and those showers starting to sink a little further south was over the next couple of days. Southern africa is generally dry, we still have that heat wave, therefore, janice bird, good 10 degrees above average and still very warm. But a little less warm for couple. Renee ah, bangladesh is move in tens of thousands of hingham from the Worlds Largest refugee on to a remote island. When east investigate with a new lives. Outages in ah, al jazeera in with sample, its time for a memorable holiday with pegasus. Its time for turkey. Set sail for new discoveries, enjoy. Have new experiences, hit the shops, make wonderful memories. Travel to turkey with pegasus, and with direct whites to is stand, bowl and tribes a book your ticket now for a memorable holiday. C y p g s. For our best prices, lou ah, youre with al jazeera, a reminder of our headlines this hour. At least 38 people, including 23 children, have been killed and is shooting in northeastern thailand. It happened that a child care center, in long while im to the attacker fled the scene, then went home and killed his family and himself. Ukraine is blaming russia for showing several residential buildings in the Southern City of zapper regis. Their regions governor says 2 people have been killed. The World Health Organization is warning the deaths of 66. 00 children in the gambia could be linked the cough syrup made an india the w h o says lab samples show the syrups contain unacceptable amounts of contaminants and french author, n e l no has won the nobel prize and literature for her works, blending fiction and autobiography, the author was recognized for her courage in writing about subjects. Other writers wouldnt touch, such as undergoing an abortion or rece reports from stockholm because this was a low key, 1st appearance by any al, no. On the day she received the highest honor in literature, a brief wave outside our home and a parish suburb. Just after she had been named b 2022 laureate, by the Nobel Committee in stockholm. The laval clothes in literature for 20, for the 2 is awarded to the french author unknown for the courage and clinical acuity with which she uncovers of the roofs as strange months and collective restraints of personal memory. Her books such as a mans place and happening, deal with her working class routes, relationships with her parents and an illegal abortion she had in the 1960 s. And i will continue to fight until my last breath so that women can remain free to choose to be mothers or not because contraception the right to abortion are metrics of women, 3 down her willingness to deal with difficult subjects was one attribute cited by the Nobel Committee. Shes so frank and direct and honest in her way of expression. And also that she writes about themes and topics that no one else touches on. You know that she is. She is courageous woman and that we have also no motivation. And though its just the 17th womans received this prize alongside a 102. 00 men, but the door is being opened to more female writers. The Swedish Academy has given itself the task of awarding nobel prizes to a wider range of office, fewer to the western world, and more to women. When they get on the statistics, historically, you pay catastrophic, but we cant put right what happened in the 1900s. There werent many female researchers seen, but now were on the way to a balance, and we dont have to strain ourselves. Its natural to go in that direction. No, come now expect to sell more of our books, at least here in stock home, where there was a rush on for the works of last years winner comes in, is up to rush. I could go now. Now to the sales go up. Well, you could say a 1000 fold because they are often a no authors when. So its from 0 to 100. 00 orders. As soon as its a noun at age. 80 to know is the 1st french woman to receive this prize rewarded at left 48 years after her debut novel poorest al jazeera stock. And you know, as a prolific author, shes written more than 20 books and they chronicle events in her life and the lives of those around her. Her 1st major award came from her in 1983 novel, a mans place, which one frances p. Her no do. It describes changes in her relationship with her working class parents in law or shame. L no explores a childhood trauma, tiny sample. The book starts with this line quote. My father tried to kill my mother one sunday in june in the early afternoon. Live in law or happening was about her abortion when it was still illegal in france, in the 1960 s. That book was made into a film and won the golden lion the Venice Film Festival in 2021. L knows most critically acclaimed book is liz any or the year its published in 2008, which describes herself and wider French Society from the end of world war 2 to the 21st century. Ruth crookshank specializes in contemporary french fiction at Royal Holloway University of london. She joins his life from exile in the u. K. Roof. Thank you so much for being with us. I hope i did justice to l knows work with that little presentation because, you know, i think like most of our viewers, i have not read her work. So i would need you to educate us today. What stays with you after you put down one of her books . Wow, thats a brilliant question. I am his writing is as the no bell jury explained is incredibly clear. And it seems really simple, but it is incredibly vital and impactful as well. So shes a, in a way, shes a very literary literary writer. You get straight to the emotion, the impact, and the context of whats happening. And she has an incredible talent. And this is something that always stays with one after an hour, reading an outlet, she has an incredible talent for rooting the, the extraordinary life events that she speaks of in everyday detail. So thats really relate of all the and she takes as i understand it in a near forensic look at the life of the french working in middle class. Yes. In fact, whats specific about what she does is that her, her background as a working class child in a family. Normally in rural france, her parents around a cafe and grocery store, she had a sense of being between 2 classes if you like. So the being, being always inflected by her working class past and bringing that into the present and exploring the tensions of that being between 2 places. So some of the forensic idea that you, that you refer to there is actually born of this extraordinary tension of being between the working class background. And now part of the book, rosie, i guess, and given it so much of a deals with middle class and french aside, see, and the last half century in france, do you think that her work can speak to a wider audience . Oh, absolutely. I mean, one of the things that i showed me about what else does is that shes in the background of her novels. This is the changes that are happening in society. Those particularly related to consumer culture, to, to, to modernization which, which speaks to everybody. But most importantly, i think is that that sense of, of change happening within a life and the effects of the past in the present. Im talking about life events as i say, or its story the written an extra re way to to people the world over the death of parents and mothers dementia. Im her abortion. Wonderful. Last phone. Not always successful. Love affairs. Well, yeah, theyre not always successful. Are they you, ill remember that line the sense of change happening within a life. You know, you want to address the significance of a prize going to a female author this year. Yes, absolutely. I mean, but so jill is always joy, isnt it . When a woman wins a prestigious prize and it doesnt happen often enough. So as your report mentioned, you know, i was one of very few women to, to win. But shes the 1st french women to win this price as well. And its particularly wonderful that its a french women whose address so many experiences that women can relate to in her writing. And shes also not part of the kind of french literary establishment. And, and so thats also a really significant thing. I think ruth, just before let you go one book, if somebody has to read just one book to start on the path to and you know what . Should it be . Oh, wow. Well, i mean, most people would say lisa anita, yes. The one that shes most famous for, but for me it has to be a girl story. Meanwhile, does she which works in the 1st person and in the 3rd person, and is her returning to automatic sexual experience in her teens. Im looking at it out herself and trying to come see to, to talk about this event, which is in filigree. Is the venture say, oh video fan throughout all of her works is absolutely extraordinary. And its in a glorious translation as well. Or ruth crookshank. Thank you so much for speaking with us today. Appreciate your time and k, i think. Okay. All right, well that was with crookshank specialists in contemporary fiction, at Royal Holloway University of london discussing the work of Nobel Laureate any l. No. Now at least 20 people were killed during an attack me mexican state of guerrero. On wednesday, the mayor of the city and his father, a former mayor, or among the dead. The state is seen, arise and violence in the past decade linked to drug cartels. Manuel repulse reports. A facility feel the a town hall peppered in bullet holes the like. This is the scene following a violent attack against Public Officials in the small town of san miguel total upon a safely, at least 20 people have been confirmed dead after gunmen stormed the local government offices only among those killed during the attack was the mayor of the town, colorado, mendoza, alameda in a tweet, the governor of the mexican state of ghetto, called for a special investigation. And promised to bring those responsible to justice, mexicos president under his manuel lopez over to the old spoke about the attack during his Morning Press Conference on thursday. Give you an, in the day of what the us, in the case of the follow up on these organizations that have been around for a long time. They did not emerge, didnt, is government. And were trying to address the causes while the state of get little has some of the highest incidences of violence, homicide in mexico, authority, se wednesdays attack was particularly shocking me. The latest violence highlights how there are regions of the country where Mexican Security forces are outgunned by criminal groups. Monroe up a little al jazeera and the Prime Minister of the solomon islands. Man, i say savari has been Holding Meetings with australian officials as the 2 pacific nations moved amend relations. Theyve come under strain after soak of our government struck a security pack of china in april. The agreement rates concerns both australia in the us. Sarah clark has more on the talks from brisbin. Honestly think of our i did it to a strategy has been preaching, but is considered significant. The 2 countries held by, lets talk in camera. Me growing tensions. 20 our side of security packed with beijing. That security deal triggered concerns from countries like australia, the beijing would set up a military presence in the region. The civic nation says thats not the type that relationship with china continues to strengthen, challenging Traditional Partnership between the on nation and the us as well as history on the agenda for talk in canada with key issues like climate change, defense, security, and humanitarian i. But most importantly, this is a public show of unity and a chance for a strategy to reaffirm its commitment not just earth, but also the pacific nation. The talks come just days after the United States and 14 pacific on a nation issued a joint declaration to strengthen a partnership with washington. The law to meditate took a bar. I met at the albany. The face to face was back in july in fiji. At the pacific and the race to green energy is going to fast for some oil rich developing nations. A jury is africas biggest export of oil, and it isnt ready to let go of its huge reserves which have fueled its Economic Growth for more than half a century and interests reports from port the cool. This off shall rig pumps, oil and gas off the coast of nigeria. For more than 60 years, petroleum has been the pillar of its economy. And for men, here live without oil, is simply unimaginable. We know for sure that even by 2050 i wasnt where i was still a count for my 50 percent of energy and production. And you were not me. That wasnt well, its not going to go away. But to going to be combated to much more cleaner enough. Well, and that is really our focus. Petroleum contributes more than half of nigeria budget, and more than 90 percent of its sporting its jeff jennings, expert, se ditching, it could devastate the economy. The World Bank Says now years dependence on oil is greater than that of many other major producers. More than half of africa, 1300000000 people have no access to power. Here in nigeria, the figure is more than 45 percent of which is the us and they want to increase access electricity as virtually by holding the countries, oil and Gas Resources encourage growth. Industry expert, se africas oil will still find a ready market on the continent, even if the rest of the world shuts its doors. Africa needs energy. We are not selling energy outside because we dont need it. We are selling energy also because we, i miss, we have misplaced priorities. Nigeria wants to be seen as playing it fought in reducing Global Warming 2 years ago. The government declared 2020 to 2030 as a decade of gas, a 10 year period to shift focus from oil and more to natural gas as a cleaner transition fuel. But that doesnt mean the country will abandon its 37000000000 barrels of crude oil reserves. Altogether. Poverty, trees al jazeera pot. I cut less still ahead on al jazeera, all your sports news with a massive announcement by one of the all time greats. Details coming up in just a few moments. Stay with us. Ah ah ah ah ah ah. Ah. All right, is my bro. Youre sports news with far, sir, ill thank you so much. Lena massey has confirmed this years world cup in katara will be his last. The 35 year old argentinian star made the announcement about his future on thursday. The paris centureman forward is set to play in his 5th world cap. This november, nancy has only 11 Major International trails, even when he lifted the copper america in brazil last year. On joining us now from miami is football broadcaster one a wrangle. Why did missys announcement come as a surprise . A for so high vow, or you and a 2nd of all a kind of didnt because many were already speculating that little messy was going to not be with argentina after the 2020 to walker. He had also speculated a couple of interviews, both exclusive interviews as well. Busy as post match interviews that he had given during world of qualified life. So there was a possibility maybe that he was going to have a jazz at 39. 00 to end up in, in the walk up. Oh, in north america 2026. But of course he started question that he mentioned the fact that yet he does feel older. He does feel that see this era, at least for him, is coming to a close. But at least from a positive standpoint, he feels at the pre season and the work hes been able to put in during this reason off season as helped them to be sharp going into guitar. Well that brings me to my next question. What are masseys chances of making his final world camp aint triumphant. One pretty good. I mean if you look at what argentina been able to do is not just him and, and obviously he is a major plus when it comes to any team that hes on. But you do have a more sense, 018. You do have lawyers that have stepped into responsibilities that have said, hey, you know, and its not just about him. I what can i do to help little messy be able to get to that when it also went with myself in the, in the, in the process. So you, you do have a team that is coming in with a 35 match and beaten st into the work up. You have eat not only 35. 00 matches, but matches in which theyve been able to dominate at the competitive level. Going back to work of qualifying play, the final look of america. They havent lost in 3 years. And more importantly, you start looking at a team that has a philosophy, any way, a plane that each and every one of the players that will be called of understand and know the respective rules. Unless he is already considered one of the best players ever does winning or not winning the world cat changes legacy at all. You know, thats a great question. And if you ask me, i would say no. Based on what hes been able to do in his professional career, all theres people that do see that the only crowning achievement that the only thing that he has left is to win that woke up. If you want to put him in that football olympus, alongside berlin, madonna, et cetera, in you, you might not, you might have a good argument there. But when it comes to what hes been able to do throughout his entire body, his entire body of work, theres very little doubt that hes going to be amongst one of the greatest of all time. If not the greatest alter. Okay, football a broadcaster, one ranko. Thank you so much for your time. Talk to soon. Nearby leverage his coach shabby alonzo has already gone to work as he looks to rescue the german clubs season. The spaniards has taken his 1st Training Session of turn taking over as boss. Its his 1st senior appointment after working with youth teams in spain. Leverage to cerner struggling in the german league, 2nd from the bottom with one when all season. Alonzo, a player with liverpool around madrid and byron munich says it was the right time to take a step up in coaching brawley in the past, i had the chance to to pay god. I would team as well. I stopped him, but they felt that they need to prepare myself on to, to find their i moment. And i feel ready that her dishes there, i moment more goals from argentinean strife. Gonzalez, gwen has zeroed a Major League Soccer playoff spot for inter miami. The david back and own franchise, lead orlando city for one. The teams, 4th street win. 34 year old way and scored twice in this victory. Hes announced that hell be retiring at the end of the season. To time world cup winner, meghan repaint us, as players in the United States are angry and exhausted, all is a report that found there were systemic abuse in the us womens game routine. Oh is with her National Team in london to play a friendly against england . An independent investigation concluded that Emotional Abuse and Sexual Misconduct were impacting multiple teams. Coaches and players. Reports had been commissioned after allegations by former players were made last year for the future of the lead for players going forward. For players playing right now, its essential that we know that were being taken care of and supported and all of the right ways. And everybody thats working in and around the league has the same goal and the same understandings, understanding of what the level is and what the responsibilities are. I think without accountability and without you know, people, you know, specifically who did the wrong thing being gone. Thats assist us if nobodys really hearing us. Englands players have said theyll support their United States counterparts in any way they can. Or, and beth need gave her back into the us team, had a friday sold out match at wembley stadium. Its a worldwide problem book. Women need to be taken seriously. A lot more very proud of the victims actually stood up and said, said, and yes, people need to start doing, but the u. S. Government embodied needs to be doing worldwide. We need to be doing max for staff and heads into this weekends job japan graham, pre with the chance of securing a 2nd street world title. His red bull car is powered by japanese made honda engines, f one is back in the country for the 1st time since 2019 after the race was cancelled for the last 2 years due to co with 19 restrictions. If for shop and wins this race with the bonus point for fastest lap, hell be crowned champion. It would make it the limit, you know, extra special because of our relationship with home that i think was already a shame that we couldnt be here last year. Already, you know, in a title 5. So thats why were really looking forward to, to be back here. And then well see what happens. We need a perfect weakened thats for sure. They carry us as through to his 9th quarter final of the season. The wimbledon run, a rob came from a set down to meet camille at my shark. Im hungry at the japan open. Is the 37th when and whats already been the best season of the australians career. And coming out by shot, curious, would have been proud up, sorry, as mere american span of edge st. 6 match points in his account. Her with dan evans at one point producing back shot from between his legs. He went on when in 3 sats and joined curious analyst states that his eyes were pronounced 0 back to you. No. All right bar. Thank you for the coverage and it is the final days before the world cup. But football aside, officials in kotor or hoping that the tournament will inspire better mental and physical health. The people who live here in the gulf states were hurting, has more from do ha, olympic Gold Medalist mo, far us long road of International Competition sites has brought him here to could tar where hes champion. The Mental Health through physical fitness is about we can go back to the community or to younger, younger kids, to help them to live, a better lifestyle, to be active for, to get moving whatever that theyre doing. Thus, or we can do this years World Innovation summit for health in doha, is meant to highlight how major sporting events like the olympics and world cup can inspire countries to build Better Health care systems. As part of guitars, initiative, a country wide network of bike paths and parks have been built. And world cup visitors will have access to free Emergency Health care. And we realized that it wasnt available. It was creating this awareness that se forth is an agent for change. You have the people who are believers on the people who are known, believe as you need to change those minds. While katara is trying to be a leader in sports by hosting Major International events like the world cup, its dealing with a Health Crisis of its own. The intense desert climate hired house help and a lack of pedestrian facilities often mean people dont get enough exercise throughout the day. According to the International Diabetes federation, 19 and a half percent of guitars population is diabetic. Ranking it 14th globally. And another report says, 46 percent of adults here are overweight. The burden on the Health Care System as we move forward, is going to be unsustainable. You want to teach people how to take her of the health, going to a doctor should be your last quote of coal leading by example, is she ha hinde bent. How mother fanny, the sister of guitars, amir, she competed in her 1st olympic distance triathlon. Last year. Sporting a knee injury from her race. This is her most popular Instagram Post to date. We need more brave women in the arab and islamic world. We need the crazy ones. Thats what we need, the ones who understand that sports movement, whatever one wants to quote, it is good for your body and your mind with fewer than 40 days to go before the world cup. Many here hope the worlds biggest sporting event will inspire fitness and guitar. Long after the final whistle, Leo Harding Al Jazeera doha. And thats it from me in the team, in doha, next 1000000, the mozy has your news needs from london. Ah, [000 00 00;00] with ah, ah, ah, ah jump into the street when no topic is off the table. I dont think that anybody should be borne to privilege to them in the rest of the day. We are the subjects of Little Family plus one persons opinion, but whats yours . Amplify your voice. The judicial system in mexico is incredibly weak and it is not just corruption. Where a global audience becomes a global community. Those scariest part of those moment in my country is this toys for more weapons the stream . Oh, now g 0, a British Political Party at war with itself. Labor party is a criminal conspiracy against its members. Newly obtained documents reveal members silenced, suspended, and force that my god, this is unbelievable. Free speech was shot down an exclusive investigation. The labor file parked in on al jazeera, unprompted, and uninterrupted discussions. From a london Broadcast Center on al jazeera

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