Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20221102

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ah. hello, i'm roll matheson, this is the news, our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel's former prime minister benjamin netanyahu appears, said to return to power. alley results suggests his wife's wing blog has a slight bleed in elections. south korea's military responders after pyongyang, launches a barrage of missiles into waters close to the salve. kenya sends troops to democratic republic of congo to help fight an armed group. and we're live in sri lanka, we're security as high as anti government protest. get on the way against the wising cost of living. i'm trying to get your oscar with action from the champions league, denmark smell, cup midfield appear, and you'll find a lake when i asked to finish top, bakery. ah, we're going to begin this news. i with a possible political come back in israel, former prime minister benjamin netanyahu looks on cause to return as leader preliminary results suggest his right wing block will win a slim majority after a general election on tuesday. it was easy, longest serving prime minister and has been out of office for the last 16 months. bernard smith reports from the liquid party headquarters in western reserve. them it looks like a baby is back after 60 months plotting his return. benjamin netanyahu seems to pulled off his political resurrection. according to exit polls. the former prime minister is on trial for bribery and fraud. his critics fear that back in power, netanyahu will bend the legal system to avoid conviction. honey, because lamar piecemeal resume saw i haven't got a voice, but we have your voice. you're wonderful. thank you. i want to say to my friends from the hood, from the connected, the heads from the towns, the volunteers, those who have gone from town to town, neighbourhood to neighbourhood house to house, and afford the results. thank you. the far right jewish power party is celebrating a significant breakthrough. they'll be the 3rd largest block in parliament and will likely be king makers, their leader, it mar bank, their a man with a 2007 conviction for inciting racial hatred. wants to run the public security ministry, liberty, and i thought of florida. i'm glad that we want to make a total separation between those who are loyal to the state of israel, and we don't have any problem with them. and those will undermine our jill country . it will be the 1st time ultra nationalist. politicians have held cabinet positions. i believe that one of those people will be part of government. there will be either the challenge in the complexity of these youth and other they would have to realize that they're working under a li could lead government a low turnout amongst the minority. palestinian israeli community means their parties have lost seats a higher turn out might have tipped the balance in favor of incumbent prime minister, yale, or pete opposition parties if they will be that lucky, the guns are not as die follicle as nets. and yeah, meaning that then it's a no opposition voted against everything. even the stuff they believed in even, you know, extending a law to jewish citizens on the west bank. they voted against it because they believe they have to bring down the government. there was no sense of national good . it would have been hard before the election to find anyone who hadn't already made their mind about benjamin netanyahu either love him or logan of this election ended up being about getting the boat, particularly voters who haven't asked about in previous elections. and that seems to have words, but now there are hours days, maybe weeks of negotiations to go on before a government can before. bernard smith, al jazeera west jerusalem, stephanie deckers joining us from west to russell, him a lot of assumptions being made about who is eventually going to be prime minister . and the results are still coming in. yes, but with the 97 percent of the vote counted, i think, you know bar, there's a couple of min numbers that fluctuate here and there are a couple of seats, but the bigger picture has remained the same since those 3 main exit polls at 10 pm last night, which is that it looks like benjamin netanyahu is block, concluding that radical far right are going to take the majority. it remains a slim majority, certainly according to the numbers, but it remains a majority nonetheless. so what does that mean? well, it means that potentially we could see benjamin netanyahu meeting with the these ready prime minister, who will then tossed him to form a government. you will then still see negotiations go back and forth because it then goes about who was going to be appointed to watch ministry. and of course, benjamin netanyahu is the one who got these 2 parties to run together. one of them being been givers far right. jewish power party, which is now the 3rd largest party in the class, it in israel, parliament. and as you've been mentioning, we've been reporting since last night and really been given has become a character personality during these elections. and this is a very right wing ideology, a party with people that call for the expulsion of palestinians that those palestinians, atrocious stones need to be shot and killed, to annex the westbank of baton. giving someone who often towards the deluxe. the most compound quoting for the jewish right to prayer. so this is an extreme right wing. again, we're talking hypotheticals, but at the moment this is the way it seems like it will look like rob. so according to those numbers, i think, oh, unless there's any major change that is going to what we're going to see potentially by benjamin netanyahu returning to the seat of prime minister as you and a bonus. smith or other correspondence we've been covering this story, been telling us over the course of the selection benjamin netanyahu, himself, of course, a polarizing figure. how are people an issue of reacting to the return of a government led by benjamin netanyahu? well, it really depends who you speak to because people are very much divided on benjamin netanyahu, as we always say, it's a cliche, but it's true. love him or hate him. there are those that say that he is the only man to leave the country is something that benjamin netanyahu agrees on and has always reminded israelis off. he is the only one mister security as he's known, the only one to provide security. the only one who has the experience, the international contacts, and it to be able to, to lead israel, keep it safe and move forward. so there are others that say that it is, it's time to go, it's time to move, it's time for change and that he's actually held the country hostage at the last 5 elections. and 3 and a half years are only down to the fact that he hasn't been let, let go of. * power if you will. he actually said last year, the 1st time he was out it from the prime minister's position. he said, i'm going to do everything to bring down down this government in return to power in . it looks like that's what he's done. stephanie, thank you. very much indeed, stephanie decker talking to us from western loosely to honey, most of her as a policy analyst with the international crisis group. she explains how the election result is likely to affect palestinians. implications of this. i think the palestinians are cross their different scattered your claims. he's going to be a continuation deterioration of the status quo is ready. expansionism in the west bank, israel's continued refusal to reach a political compromise. consultation of land. peter piracy policy and taxes trigger happy soldiers, testing about support organized in onset diminishes roaming around the west bank. mean, is it, these elections or results will mean that we see more extremism from israel and continue to curation in the economical, quite security situation and increasing stress and tension in the territories? some of the figures who are likely to take control have made, i'm sorry, do you have any race, this politics and have made inflammatory statements and policy proposals in the past? and we can expect how to send in communities either in israel or the territories to have their right up held respected. so i think ultimately we should expecting that you know, erosion in their respective situations. we also have to consider an additional variable here, which is that we are experiencing a p, a crisis of leadership that's happening. and this is happening against the background of an extremely hostile what will be extremely hostile israeli government that's going to exploit any divisions and instability that it's use for its own interest. and we've seen that from previous israeli governments, we've seen the way that they've dealt with a split. they've used as an excuse not to engage in his process while continue to expand settlements in the west bank and isolate cause i'm under speech and i don't think this having an extremely right wing government. realistic streaming is world history is going to do anything to bring us towards positive trajectory. north korea's part at least $23.00 missiles into waters off. it's close to the largest number in a single day this year from young also farther on to 100 artillery shells near it's all the border. south korea responded with condemnation. missiles of its own robber reports from so this latest exchange of missiles comes a south korean and us planes stage joint air drills. the resumption of large scale exercises after a several year hiatus has infuriated the law, which has been conducting an unprecedented series of miss al launches since the start of this year. but this was a provocatively large number of missiles fired at once. with one of them seemingly directed south towards the south korean island of young dough. the air raid sirens were sounded for the 1st time there. and although the missiles fell far short, it landed 26 kilometers south of the de facto maritime border, known as the n l l. even if i saw this launch marks the 1st time since the division of the internet that a missile has landed in new york territory waters of the northern limit line. it is very rare and we can never tolerate as south korea as tit for tat response came swiftly. 3 add to surface missiles were fired, landing exactly the same distance north of the dividing line. north korea has escalated its short range, ballistic missile testing, apparently developing its tactical nuclear arsenal to the alarm of its south korean . and japanese neighbors was i came with that this was done. the recently north korea has been relentlessly and unilaterally escalating its provocation. its actions threatened the peace and security of japan, the region, and the international community. unlike the previous south korean administration that was trying to foster dialogue with north korea, the current government has shown it is willing to match each military escalation with an equal response. it's just sort of a slowly, steadily escalating threat that at some point could lead to a really serious outbreak. and that's really the, the concern whether this exchange of missiles will be followed by more is not known, but as a precaution. some colorado's used by commercial jets off the korean peninsula. east coast have been close temporarily. with airlines. we routing that play for fear of mall launching. rob mcbride, i'll just era. so can you deploy troops to democratic republic of congo to help fight m. 23 rebels. the un missions with jon its troops from acute military base, the east, where the rebels are trying to advance. protesters set fire to un vehicles in the city of gama, saying the missions failed to protect them. the rebels launched a new offensive tobar and seized control of 2 large towns and saturday. on the violence in the eastern province of north keyboard has broken months of relative, calm, more than 90000 people have been displaced by fighting between government forces and the n. 23 rebels. kinshasa has accused neighboring rwanda of supporting the armed group by the rondon government has denied any involvement. markham webs. johnny is not alive from nairobi. what's behind kenya, sending troops to democratic republic of congo. well, the democratic republic of congo joins the east african community economic block in march the a few months later, east africa and had this statement here in robi. and they agreed to put together a for the regional force to go into easton congo offensively, to try and bring security and stop that violence between 2 groups and according to many and $23.00, back by rwanda, or they were one to deny that. and the congo leave military as well. you got to and so just already in eastern congo time, burundi and troops of sin and to the south key the province. now president william bruce has just spoken at a parade here in here in ny robi out of barracks where hundreds of soldiers prepared to go to the congo and on display with their equipment. and he said it's spoken to the un secretary general in the last couple of days and had given tacit approval for this mission said it was necessary to confront the groups. and he said that the canyon forces would support only forces in disarmament. and in for purposes of securing civilians, we're waiting to see what the actually mean, where the canyon forces will go. and if they will actually engage groups. and in particular, and $23.00, which is widely seen to be a proxy of rwanda, where they were one that does deny it. but right groups, some international analysts have expressed concern that bringing more foreign forces into eastern congo might make things better. but it could make things worse . it was 25 years ago when neighboring rwanda and gotten the invaded eastern congo prompting to region a was that both those countries have been accused of meddling and luther loosing minerals ever since. people are waiting to find out if bring in more foreign forces is going to be part of the problem or part of the solution. now can we, we mentioned before that protest is a set fire to un vehicles. what more do we know about that attack? according to local residents, a convoy of un peacekeepers was traveling from the town of k one into the regional capital game. the following that withdrew from that base in one just followed the n 23 rebel group taking control of the town just 4 days ago. the connelly forces that also withdrawn with a few shots being fired. the un conway was passing through a camp for display people. many of them recently displayed by m 23. they see it is being displayed essentially by rwanda. so they formed the roadblock to try and prevent and 23 entering the regional capital of goma tensions iraq did the peacekeepers fide in the air and ended up with one or 2 of those un vehicle being taught the people at least in congo, particularly around of expressed anger in recent months, both against rwanda. what they see is it's ongoing military, aggression and east in congo, and also against the un for failing to protect them. un peacekeepers have been there since the 2 thousands at one point it was the largest peacekeeping force in the world is still among the largest the peacekeepers really engage with any of the groups and many civilians. a tied of that malcolm. thank you very much. indeed, monica was talking to us from nairobi study more ahead on the news r, including brazil's president john wilson out of bricks. his silence after his election lost his promise to respect the constitution. but he hasn't conceded and possible changes coming to twitter, social media platforms, considering charging or verify the camps were gorgeous. oh, and canadian fans get world cup beaver's. their team prepares for a long awaited return to the final ah, brazil's president's broken 2 days of silence following his defeat in sundays election. jar ball sanara refused to congratulate his rival. president philips loose enough, eluded his silver or admit that he lost. also narrow had also a message for his supporters who have been blocking roads asking them not to impede transit our latin america editor, lucy newman reports from sal palazzo after 2 days president jade bull. soon out of finally came out to speak in public. but he did not use his address to the nation to clearly and unambiguously concede defeat. rather he talked about the protests that have blocked many of brazil's roach was not toys. more real pope was the current popular movements are the result of indignation and the feeling of injustice about the electoral process. in a short address, he said nothing about losing the election. although his authorized his chief of staff to initiate the transition process as the law demands or to vote will glue, i will continue to fulfill all the commandments of our constitution. as he spoke to the 2nd day in a row, brazil's main thoroughfares remained blocked by truck drivers who support him, radical or buried up there. i support this movement because we need to get lula out . we need to do something, even military intervention. o. hi, wade. police whose director is close to ball seattle has been slow to enforce. the supreme court ordered to clear the roads, and so thousands of cars and trucks remain stuck. oh, good store would look to some of us are in favor. others not? well, i'm not. but i'm trapped here trying to deliver my cargo, and there's a growing belief that the paralyzed zation of brazil's main roads or highways was not spontaneous. and that the hope was that it would trigger hundreds of thousands if not millions of brazilians to take to the streets, to demand a new election that has not happened. but it is a clear challenge to this country's democratic institutions. and it doesn't bode well for a peaceful transition of power. president elect lula. the silva has named vice president intellect. it, i'll go out mean to head his transition team. but there's concern if the hint of i thing in the morning and his other these more so now supporters will remain very organized with the ability to create chaos and not respect the law. that's val, your son. here in brazil, we are going to have to co exist with this event for some time. and judging by both sort of metals vowed to keep his dreams more alive than ever. it will be a rocky road for the next government to see a newman al jazeera. so paolo, thousands of people have been gone. gathering for a rally in sri lanka is capital to protest its own going economic crisis. there's a heavy police presence in colombo ahead of the protest. march shalaka is facing its worst economic crisis in a decade. their patients rising and many people have been pushed into poverty. arab leaders are making for the 2nd day of a 2 day summit in algiers, as they look to find common ground in an increasingly polarized region. during the opening ceremony, chin is he in president case said, handed over the council's presidency to the algerian leader. delegates will discuss regional, political and security issues in context of the war in ukraine. for the album was founded to promote unity across the region, but for years it's been marred by division. the group has $22.00 members states from the middle east and africa, that includes egypt, saudi arabia and libya, as well as somalia sudan and morocco for decades. the groups being committed to establishing palestine as an independent state, but its response has been fractured and other issues such as iranian influence, the civil war and syria, and a decision by some to normalize ties with israel. recently, it's been united on reducing oil production with some members accusing the u. s. of politicizing. the drop in supply was in a hot as joining us live from the summit in algiers. with so many members of the, the are of some of the arab league at odds with each other. it is difficult to imagine how they would be able to find any unity on at the anything. what are the issues that need to be addressed? well, the algerian president has country, of course, hosting the summit, made it very clear that the summit is being held against a backdrop of exceptional international and regional circumstances, as well as crises in the arab world. yes, there is a lot of differences, but there's also pressing issues like food security, something the arab league secretary general talked about saying that millions of people in the arab world are hungry and there needs to be joint arab action. do un secretary general, also touching upon this issue and raising concern by russia's decision to suspend participation in that internationally broker deal to export grain from ukraine. many countries in this really a region rely on wheat from ukraine, wheat, of course bread being the main stable staple in the arab world, the un secretary general saying that this could lead to instability. so you have food insecurity. the fall out of the ukraine war rise and food prices rise in in energy prices, and it's not only the economic impact of that war. arab leaders have had to make political calculations as well. where do they stand in this war? they've come under pressure from the united states to take sides. the arab world has so far opted neutrality in their final communicate, which is going to be issued in the coming hours will de stress on the neutrality of the arab world. if they do that, it, that means they don't want to burn bridges with russia, which means in one way or another, it is a diplomatic win for russia. it's going to be difficult in order to achieve many of these goals isn't that if those divisions still exist, there must be questions about how best to overcome that and provide some sort of unity or at least cohesion to get some sort of a results from the summit yes, they tend to put divisive issues on the side, one of them, for example, a serious membership or reinstatement in the arab league. algeria was pushing for this to happen to return syria to the arab fold, when it realised that there are deep divisions among arab countries. it just put the issue on the side, of course is also the issue of palestine. since the last summit was held, a number of arab states signed the so called abraham accords, normalizing relations with israel. how are they going to frame this in the final communicate? will there be condemnation of israel unlikely? and then of course, is the issue of other non arab regional actors like iran, like turkey. in the past summit, there was condemnation. this time around. will there be diplomatic language? the final communique will have to be carefully crafted in order to claim success. but like you mentioned, unity solidarity, joint arab action. really, that's the old regional order, even though it's a new middle east, it's unlikely to come up with concrete solutions on how to solve the different crises. zenato talking to us from ology is at the summit, as in a thank you. stella had on al jazeera then as well as president welcomed columbia as new leader. as the 2 countries worked to re establish diplomatic ties up to 3 years. advantage philly's jo has action has team edge closer to the 3rd row. see title against the asteroids ah. smelling a bit more like november with every pass. these fronts are coming from the atlantic attempt drops bit. it's a bit more wind bit more clan a bit more rain. so that's how we sit at the moment. this is a general march of dropping temperatures, but ahead of you told, still settled. folk was a problem yesterday in poland. equally in the boss source. it's foggy, settled conditions, and temperatures are still high in the southeast of europe, crossing turkey to some degree and back and measuring them. but this is definitely looking wet and windy, in fact, coming up in the flow and look behind me now is a hurricane currently for me in the middle antiques that will be one of the proper autumn storms at blue cross the u. k. eventually, you'll know ahead temperatures are still in the teens, and the sun is still out. in fat in athens, we're at 27 degrees fibiger, above average, at only dropping slowly as a cloud increases by the start of the weekend. macros, north africa, the picture of the seasonal wind is increasing the obvious. that means dust storms for new j for example. but the still rain in southern nigeria is not as heavy as it was, but it's still there and it's still coming round back of the head of west africa. but again, not as much as it was. the rains are going sack ah, that brute is she? rocky journalist who's visualizing complex statistics and a simple art form, i think the office of sabrina excites opportunities to break apart from those systems of power and to collect data in a way that back to represent different communities. challenging mainstream misconceptions. hope the fi create content for ministration. a unique people it doesn't make people feel like i'm not mind on the sense booth truth is it anyway? on al jazeera, we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others cannot. i wouldn't done but own here guy by that pretty. the only purpose i did 0 had that time in the programming and go live on the on the go live the were another boy that may not be me. cream is happening in fires. i said, i'm going out with the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference lou ah, you're watching out 0 reminder of our top stories, this our former israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as thank to supporters saying he's close to electoral victory. exit polls predict his white wing block will have a slim majority out of the countries 5th election in 4 years. north korea has fired at least 23 missiles into waters, off it's coast the largest number in a single day this year. young young also find around a 100 artillery shells near its southern border. south korea was on the was condemnation and missiles of its own in is deploying its troops to democratic republic of congo to help fight against m. 23 rebels and comes after the un mission withdrew troops from a major military base in the east with the rebels of trying to advance to care says russia is going to allow for the resumption of green exports from ukraine. moscow says it has, has been suspended or had suspended its involvement in the deal over the weekend after an attack on the its feet in the black sea aside, beg has more than south of ukraine. this used to be the home of sir gates. uncle. he was killed when russian forced his fight a rocket that landed on his house. mister poker and welcome lever, the rock. it was very big. the explosion destroyed the structure and the kitchen door on my uncle was in the kitchen. she was wondering. the head will pull him out and took him to the hospital, but he was too late. russian forces had taken control of this village and stationed themselves at the local school. from here, the fight across the open fields until they were forced out by the craniums. but the damage remains. the situation across southern ukraine remains tense. in the city of nika, pole, shops remain closed. some try to do business out on the streets, but they live under a constant, deadly and imminent threat. people here are trying to continue life as normal, but nickel poll isn't normal. we had to have special accreditation just to get access to the city. we're not allowed to film freely and we're given a minder. this is a country at war, and this city sandra, opposite russian forces station that europe's largest nuclear power plant authorities here say the russians fire from the nuclear plot, but ukrainian forces can't fire back because of the risk. we're told we cannot film the river even go anywhere near it. authorities here are afraid it may give away ukrainian positions. mr. live russia. so the most difficult thing is live in durant, constant shelling of civilian buildings, no one the fact that the lives of citizens are at risk. also the fact it can happen at any time i wish, i don't have to go far to find destroyed buildings. unless it is, this is nikolai shows us to rocket that hit this apartment block. so you know, it's part spread all over the house. he tells us others are trying to do debit for the war effect. these women gather every day to so close for the military. oh yeah, no i this is, this is my home town. i was born here and i don't want to leave. i want to be a part of what is happening with every one. my home was damaged, like many others. all so many of my friends have left the city, but i want to stay here with the air raid siren goes off and those that can make their way to bunker's. mom. yes, when you call, my son sleeps here every night. we stay here every day. we have been staying here for 2 months. we don't want to leave. we don't to, we are waiting for everything to be. oh val. outside, they're growing roses. despite the wall, the empty parks and the sound of rockets, this hope that they'd be able to enjoy their gardens. once again, i thought, beg, i'll dedira south ukraine. ok, let's bring you more on those anti government protests in sri lanka. thousands of frustrated about the rising cost of living. michelle fernandez is joining us live now from colombo. well, once again, people are out on the streets. yeah, that's right. it's just that the anger and frustration seems to be bubbling over once again. we did have a few weeks of a sort of a higher test where the government launched a sort of an over the top crack down. people were yanked off the streets were dead to question and challenge the government. but having seen that and having bad this sort of course, and the great difficulty of the economic crisis with people finding it difficult to put food on the table, people are once again angry, frustrated, and speaking out. if you just look over my shoulder, i mean this is a part of the march, which is now coming to end people have actually, if i just move along just over this side, if you see the marches have moved on, they gathered here for over an hour now they are walking towards the main realization of the country. now this despite a massive crack down by the government, dire warnings. in fact, this is a 3 page letter fired off to a number of senior figures that were involved in this march trade union. people politicians, a warning them that under a number of regulations, the penal code, the police ordinance that getting together and protesting and causing a public disturbance a was something that would bring on should have legal action against them. but people have brought that up at the moment here that is a kind of an open area where people have got to get in that march. but further down the road, closer to keane's relations as a massive, massive military and police presence. we saw police ready with tear gas. uh we did see military, the air force as well on waiting. if the protesters crossed certain boundaries, then rob gibson indication manella though for life is like for people in sri lanka, because we've, we've seen problems with fuel supplies. we've seen problems with power supplies and song talkers through briefly how people are living their lives in the moment. with great, great difficulty at the moment. i mean, essentially, it depends on who is reality. ah, you actually listen to, for example, people on the streets of parents are not how ordinary sri lankan are finding it difficult to put food on the table. as i said before, because inclusion has galloped to a beyond a 90 percent. i mean, officials, statistics just the other day said things had peaked and were beginning to come down, but it certainly doesn't feel that way when you go to the shops and you try to purchase your basic staples with things having gone up between 3 and 5 times what they were fuel is more expensive than the government though. yesterday. in fact, even the cabinet briefing, the spokesman for the government said, look, what are people protesting about? we have a sort of rationalize fuel supplies. there is fuel. now we're beginning to bring down the cost of goods, but to be really honest, these are short term plasters. people are basically, in a dire situation with the food, a fuel, electricity, water utilities, and massive tax increases. the government says that's the only way out of the economic crisis when our fernandez talked to us from columbus madell. thank you. the president of columbia and venezuela have met for the 1st time since re establishing diplomatic relations. 2 months ago, alessandra revamp yeti has more from borgata. if you think that would have been unthinkable just a year ago. but there they were the precedence of columbia and venezuela speaking together in a car cast. the simple fact that this happened means a new chapter has started in the regional and global approach to the venezuelan crisis after a coalition laid but by the us and the previous governments of columbia failed to house. it's a 100 degree, turn for colombia, and there's a new left is that ministration of gustavo pay through who has insisted he doesn't see eye to eye with my daughter, but also said that having no relations with its neighbor, would it be suicidal? if not, you've done natural and against history to separate columbia and venezuela. it has happened in a bad moment and it shouldn't happen again because we are the same people. blood ties unite us when i saw that the president say they spoke and a number of fundamental issues among them, increasing border collaboration on border security and the flow of trade between the 2 countries. after the reopening of that border and pinterest trying to present himself of sort of a mediator that could help venezuela a return to a full democracy. if you want to essentially saying that he's open to help with getting venezuela back into the n d and community which would help venezuela economically in exchange for me to swear, le, returning to the inter american human rights system that the country abandoned back in 2013 an inquiry into the world's responds to the qu in me, and my last year says more sanctions need to be imposed in the military john to the so called international parliamentary inquiry was set up by politicians from several countries. and they say they were polled by what's happened to the country now recommending that more money be given to the armed and civil society and groups opposing visions and more humanitarian aid provided on the border. the military leaders should face more sanctions and be banned from meetings of the un and the regional block assay. and they want the national unity government in exile to be recognized as the legitimate authority in me. and while joining me now is heidi hotel, she's the vice president of the european parliament. and she's also chair of an international parliamentary inquiry into that response. thank you very much indeed for being with us. they. they recommendations that i listed there are recommendations that have been fast or necessary. one would imagine have also be fairly obvious for the duration since they just took over. why do you think that there seems to be such reticence among many foreign governments to actually take the kind of action that you would like to see? well 1st of all, i think that then there's a limit of then time interest to each of the conflicts in the world. and now we have seen that the atrocious and murderous hunter has been did arising the civilian population already for 19 months. and things are just getting worse. so indeed, i think that is the reason. and then of course, in in asian countries, perhaps there is more the idea that there's a principle of interference, which we think is completely flawed and wrong. that needs to be more interference, more and more recognition to the magnitude of this crisis which spins over the borders of non mar it's, it's one of the geopolitical crisis we have at the moment. one of the situations of one would imagine that that's arising is that you're coming up against the need for action that you're recommending against the need for trade, that people do with me in law. how do you sort that balance out? how do you encourage people that actually the need to take action is more vital than the need for trade with me and mar? well, in fact them, they can still be trade, which is not feeding the treasuries of the home of the army. so for instance, very private garments sector, which is providing a vital jobs for hundreds of thousands of for women. and we're not advocating to to withdraw from those. but then there is a business that directly is, is making the army more equipped to continue the murder. that's why we need international sanctions. we need a better coordination of those sanctions. and the international community has not done that so far. so one of our key calls is that better as a strength and coordination of sanctions so that we can isolate the hunter and that they are not able to to continue their activities against the very united civilian population. there have been reports that, of course the, there's a hunter, the military rulers, as they stand at the moment and me and mom are getting equipment from russia and china, no doubt from other countries as well as how much pressure can be brought on those countries to try and try and reduce the amount of support that they're giving to the military rulers in me. and mom i must say that the a big disappointment is that the u. n. has been so powerless in again, yet another crisis like this one. we can see that the un security council is not able to, to introduce weapons embargo. so we call on the, on the friends of the people of me on mark to, to do that in other ways. and of course, to put pressure on the you end to try to overcome the veto of russia and china in the security council, which is that really stopping, meaningful action for the benefit of the people. heidi how to lot, we appreciate you being with us and i'll just, i'm, i'm thank you very much indeed for your time to his new owner. since the social media platforms going to charge $8.00 a month for users with verified accounts, it almost said the move was essential to defeat spam or scam. he criticized the previous method of what's called up blue check verification as being lords and peasants. system mosque bought twitter for $44000000000.00. santos trial is the head of research. men hocking venture partners'. he says the move might allow, must have sold twitters reading problem. what he wanted to do was open up the whole system. he felt that it was, it can discriminated against. it wasn't a fair system. he just wants to script the script rather and open it up. he wants it to be a free speech haven and he wants to verify as long as he can verify. anybody can come on board one wild ation and you'll be kicked out. but he's going to have some gadri of around there. but overall, he believes this is the right way to open up the system to everybody, all the very 5 users and get the thing. and his main thing is to just going to get, let it be a free for all town square. one of the problems with twitter is it's a great service for everybody except for the company. they're not making money, it has a revenue problem. it has a monetization problem. so i think the money needed to be made somewhere, and this is the right approach. he needs to see if they work and people will come back. it's a very powerful black wall. people who matter, people who wants to stay and engage in a dialogue. i think they will come back. so initially, i appreciate people dropping out coming in there is going to be some pluck, there's going to be some movement around in the next few months, call it, but then the dust will settle in the end, the platforms power will come out and he will been out be no longer, but of course the counsel, the moderation counsel that he's setting up that needs to be effective with a lot of things that need to be done, but the directives, right. and it was much needed because trigger needs to, to hasn't have any problem. and this might help that students, the philippines are going back to school as monetary in parson, learning resumes for the 1st time since the corporate 19 pandemic schools have been partially open for the past 2 years. the resumption of in person learning comes with challenges including shortages of teachers and classrooms. still had on al jazeera kit confusion, white football finds in cameroon, are still in the dark heading into the world cup. joseph at the store. ah ah, with with ah, ah. the fact that the sport is joe rob, thank you very much. well, there's 18 days to go on to kick off at the wild card. contains the finalizing that 26 months quotes of the tournament phase and be doing their best to impress by helping that teams reach the last 16 of the wafer champions, league on chief se amongst them, french defender claim. a long lay his school, the equalize of them against small se, but as a dramatic stuff. each time, when amused rubia sealed a tea, one victory zane putting me through to the knockout stage as the winner. and also has he done enough to secure his tickets by munich, wrapped up top spot in the group 10. maintain that perfect record? have 6 when they beat fellow qualifies. insolent to know, go coming from freshman, benjamin paval and camry. national eric might seem to promising spain fair in taurus schooled in each hall to help boss lady to $41.00 over victoria prison. it didn't matter. those had already been eliminated from the competition will be playing the police football next season again. livable and did not police $21.00 game on be run in the champions league. victory when you yes, it is best to impress your wine selection. if you feel when off them home and sell a school, the 1st goals and porter security one when over at let's go betrayed to finish top of group b. yvonne's mfc. tell me your scoring stephen. you stuck your gauge to to know, leave me. i've been kind of, i'm going to well, steven eustace is one of a number of upcoming players too much from canada. the national team will be playing it only the 2nd men's world cup, as well as co hosting in 2026. their success has been seen in canada sporting landscape and created a seismic shift there will, jody vance has more for vancouver. oh, canadians are passionate about their sports teams. generally those playing baseball, basketball, and of course ice hockey. but more recently, fans are turning to a different game with the success of the men's and women's sides has caused a massive spike and interest in the sport. the canadian women's team, one olympic gold in tokyo, followed by the men's team qualifying for just their 2nd world cap. much of this success is down to the influence of coach john herdman. john herdman has brought so much confidence through the canadian national team program that it attracts winners, right? winners attract, winners. he had metal success as an olympic a coach for the canadian women. he's more than brought that to the canadian men. this group of players is much more diverse than the team that played at the 1986 world cup and mexico. among them, the canadian immigrant from ghana, alphonso davies, the buyer and munich player, has captured the attention of the soccer world and his thriving under heard men ready while croatian born b, land bori, and tells everyone how proud he is to be part of this team. at the debris told to give back something to canada, the gemini, give it to me, you know, new life, new everything. experts thank the world cap could be a turning point for the sport in canada. now this is an opportunity to be there in, in, in cutter this year. and then in canada, united states, mexico, in 4 years, this will set a real transition for canada to the next level. the recent success is already paying off with greater enrollments in youth programs and fans ready for a taste of world cup glory there were gorgeous. oh, with hopes of being a dark horse canadians are counting down to the tournament in guitar with excitement not felt in a generation. jodi vance al jazeera vancouver while cub is less than 3 weeks away, but cameroon are yet to unveil their kit for the tournament. to add to the confusion, funds is still able to buy a shirt that the team won't be wearing at the finals. and keta is not the 1st time cameron's jazz, these have cause to star at a major tournaments. ac met adriece reports a to put the promo for cameras. football shirt is sleep mode. you come home was born some to monday, but it's not there. woke up get home with deactivate from the country previously rebuked for wearing your breast and find by kiefer for wearing at 10 now has another shared control visit lecoq. sporty skit supply deal was ended early by the cameras for both federation. i knew agreement with one, all sports is set to be the most lucrative cameras ever sign, but so far, no new shirts. shopkeepers are all stocked up. but with the wrong shirts are fed difficult if ever, if, if we had large reserve stocks leading up to the major event that is to well come on. when people talk to us about the new one, all sports contracts, it's not easy for us, especially in these times of economic recession, situ, michael, when it's a lesson own brand, it's an equipment supply that we've often seen in formula one and e going there. so it's not a brand that is awesome kit it out football team, stacy, and that will people criticize and as well, we will really expecting big famous runs the war. so the official kit for 2022 is arriving late. but our friends, as worried as a shopkeepers. william said bob, it doesn't matter that the cameron jerseys are not out yet a lions of fighting and can go very far. what was it was a girl? i think things were go well, the jersey said just the background. no. so we are there for the game for the moment. so we trust our president somewhere later, former play and alfred russian president sanctioned the switch experts say his looking to the future. if on the who met through from work um, when would you need people with connections to put cameroon in football back at the level where it was, you have to put the football federation back to the size. it was and put cameras back at the center of world football where it was, and only samuel at so can do that most of the mom, mommy, whatever they're wearing capitalist tuck, it remains the same. go deep into the knockout stages of the tournament and do it style. i'm at the address al jazeera. well, joining me now is for my camera and international a young n o he played at 2 well cups for his country funds and struggling to get that shirts in time for this well cut. but will this have any impact on the players? ela drawn and thank you for having me. honestly, i don't thing know have an impact on the players because it's more about the, the fitness than the confidence and, and the preparation for the game. the jerseys are just on the side. i only played with samuel at her, you know, him well, what changes he is he now making is the president of the cameron football federation that you think are going to make a big difference in the future. well, the changes he's drugged already and just about 4 to 5 months has made big changes already in terms of just little administrative stuff. that was a whole big huddle as far as the national team was concerned. and we were there together, we saw that issues and i'm happy that he's taking those steps. what it is a flight arrangement. bless, focusing on the main thing, which is football. rather than thinking about much bonuses, thinking about the premium after this. we couldn't, big issues either affected i was in the welcome. so i think those things will be clear on the table. and every player can focus just on football. speaking, focusing on football. what do you think of cameron's prospects at this tournament? while the prospects are really great, you know camera did make africa dream and 990. welcome. in italy, i was quite a kid probably about 4 years old. but later on i was able to see those videos and my dream football. so started that. so it's, it's been long that the country's yearning to have an experience like that. and i think this, this, this particular team has a kind of special effect on needs so that everyone is having the prospect that his team could go there. it is not the most fantastic daemon himself, trophies in terms of the names in the team. but there's a boss around the team, especially because you have a new president and everyone is hoping that his team can go and so price also it's very positive. what we expected from the team can we're in a group with brazil, serbia, and switzerland in that group. which of those teams are going to cause the most problems. do you think? while of course on paper, every one knows that brazil i played against bristling 2014. so and brazil, definitely the players. they have the on another level and they have proven it over and over for cameron, i would say that 1st game is very important. for everyone, cotton participate in my experience. when you don't get in good. in the 1st game it becomes really challenging and i'm very happy that we're not. cameron is not blame brazil in the 1st game because you need to get a win in the 1st game and we have the kind of 50 percent chance to win the 1st game against switzerland. so i think that will be the main entry for, for cameron. and cameron definitely have that chance to go through switzerland and, and meet serbia in the 2nd game. and i think those are 2 games that cameron can definitely put 100 percent to get the points. but brazil would be a tough nut to crack. so i think as well said awful cameroon, and we need to take advantage of that settle at just the lays of us, he don't know the cameras players all that well, which is the one player that we should be looking out for. well, the one that everyone should be looking out for is already announcing self recently, which is very top form playing for by mean h that's, that's triple monte. there's been some few critiques, recent competition, games in cumberland that has not been on it's not visual form, but i think with a welcome come in, not forget, and this is a 3rd walcott chip which will good by dissipating. he was in 2010 with me. 2014 in brazil with me and this is going to be 2022 in courthouse. this could as well be used as well call. so people should look up watchable multi, 2 of them blamed yet 3rd welcome to us, one more thing and this i have about car was also the captain. these 2 are playing the last and energy and given the best for their country. so if you look out for those to another surprise, i could throw out days will bran, brandy boy always play for brand, for his 1st selection and national team. and i think it will be coming in to create an off surprises. so they should look awful for those players. yeah, he's playing for my team brentford. alright, young and i thank you very much for speaking to me. you're welcome. drawn and thank you for having me away from the football, the philadelphia phillies lead baseball as well. series against the houston astros the fully secured a resounding 7 know when game 3 on tuesday bryce, also with home run of the post season. i also have home advantage for games for the series later on wednesday, as a witness title for the 3rd time. seen history. in the m. b, a change of coast didn't help the brooklyn net against chicago and the mass before the game as they fell to the 6 feet of the new season. that live, i'm doing damage fordable with 29 point. while the monica shone, tech got her w t. a finals campaign off to strong installed in texas. she was a straight set when a everybody has a tina immigrant state if, if, when, and rode the bus this season. all right, that is, i guess, support for now i have will for you later. joe, thank you very much indeed. so he'll, i'm is going to be here in a couple of minutes with more on all these stories. don't good the website, of course all to see the dot com. i'm go about this. um ah ah lizzie has off a 16 you in 2010. i was live on air in the old sekins. oh ha. when the welcome pronouncement was made, it's just really great to have the 1st mid least well cut. it unites people from different backgrounds and races and that's why it's so important and i'm excited that it's finally on my doorstep. and kathy, this is gonna be an amazing venue for the wild card. can't wait to bring my kids. it kickoff is just around the corner, and i think we're going to get some really great game with the city, and it's a g 0 wo, meets the italian photographer exploring the long lasting love story between the city of naples and football. like on diego morrow, dawn, men, and what is it i love? the diego is endless. and unconditional. motto donna, in naples, on the houses in message of the country, is under water. more than 33000000 are suffering from hunger, disease and displacement. the word stories about children who are drinking from the same water with their dead cattle, the float al jazeera questions, does climate change play a role in the deadly down poll we had someone been a 150 millimeters of this kind of been going to sink any place the full report pakistan, the great deluge on al jazeera, unprompted and uninterrupted discussions from our london broadcast center on al jazeera. ah.

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