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Regime was behind the chemical attacks. Crews have been working nonstop for two weeks to put out the rim fire. It is now 40 under control. Nokia uses Windows Software to power its smart phone. The deal i will be presented to its shareholders. Im morgan radford, and i look forward to seeing you again. But should you be made aware if you are consuming them. Thats next on consider this. Same consider this will be right back. Protestors. Im morgan radford, you can see us again at 7 00 eastern. Consider this. Its been credited with aiding the aish spring and bringing around a billion people closer together. But as we wrap up a long Labor Day Weekend how many times have you checked in on your Facebook Page . Maybe you saw friends celebrating without you or someone who had a far more exciting weekend. Whatever you saw when you scrolled through your news feed, a new Study Suggests the more you scroll through facebook the worse you feel about yourself. Why do we log on every single day . Here to discuss whats going on with faishes please welcome Peter Shankman, and from los angeles dr. Gary small, professional of psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences of ucla, and the author of ibrain, surviving the technological alteration of the mind. Conventional wisdom tells us being more connected to people is about for the mind that its good for us all. So why do you think this study is finding this connection to dees pressing . Its complicated. Our brains are complicated. Our minds are complicated. And clearly the new technology is very complex. We are social an plals. We love animals. We love to be connected. What social media allows us to do is to remain connected all the time. It just puts our urge to be close to others into high gear. Now we may crave that and it may tweak the reward centers of our brains. But it isnt always successful in making us feel good. But do those broader connections, that constant connection, also lead to shall ower relationships . You know i think the big issue with it is that were communicating in a two dimensional world. And it doesnt have the same kind of emotional impact as the facetoface discussion. Our brains have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to have these facetoface discussions. We maintain eye contact, we notice nonverbal cues and it really causes a lot of emotional reaction, that can be positive and negative. With facebook, its a really different kind of arena where youre constantly seeing feeds, its a bit impersonal. It doesnt have the same kind of emotional impact and even though were craving that connectedness it kind of makes us more isolated. You think peter that facebook is essential to modern life at this point and its important for modern businesses. You dont see it quite as negatively . There is a negative aspect to it, quite obviously, if you are only looking at a screen all day and not getting out in the real world of course. If you are staring at a screen all day there are a lot of cues that you miss and a lot of people miss your cues you might be depressed, there might be signs of potential violence. That being said, there is a tremendous advantage to having a network. And to being able to utilize that network for whatever reason whether its personal work hey i just got into a relationship im looking to meet new people can you introduce me to them. A famous psychiatrist once said we covet what we know. Its true. Well go to the people we trust and ask them what movies we circulate see what jobs we should take. And we do find those people through networks. The doctor said it very well, we like to talk to people and we like to do two things we like to brag when something good lapse to us and not to them. And when something bad happens we like to make everybody miserable. We do that very well. If were in a concert, and were taking pictures, saying look at where i am and you are not, or when were on an airplane and we have to tell everyone how horrible it was. Is that part of the issue that somehow people seeing others being happy, is somehow making them sad . We dont know all the explanations. I mean theyre just reporting the news. And we can try to interpret it and yes that can be one explanation. I mean facebook has a tendency to have us put our best foot forward. Everybody likes things. There are a lot of thumbs up and that makes us feel good. But we dont see the other side of it. Behind all those feel good displays on the screen are a lot of conflicts, a lot of struggles. It is human nature to sometimes feel better and more connect whed we can share those struggles with each other. I think the media the way its set up doesnt really allow itself to present those kinds of negativities. Doesnt it create some keeping up with the joneses, at a higher level . Obviously. This is an equivalent, times for College Students back ten years ago, to connect and look up and get together. Its come to dude look at this new poster from my dorm to look at my new porsche. I posted last night that im working on slightly becoming a vegan and that ive lost some weight and im feeling really good. For all the great job great job, it was littered with, well youre not going to get enough protein. There are people who like to be miserable, now they have this wonderful outlet to be miserable to everyone. At the end of the day it is a useful tool but it is a process. And if the process of connecting with someone becomes more about the act of connecting than about going out and doing something then you have a problem. If its more about when it was just about hey do you want to meet flit and have dinner, if you want to meet and have dinner is the act, but if the act is lets get on facebook and talk about our day that diminishes the experience. But there are studies that have shown if youre out with a friend and youre posting pictures of you and him or you and her, the friend that youre out with actually feels less than. This is supposed to be our time. What about peters bragging side to this . Another interesting thing found in this study was that people actually felt better on facebook whether they were on facebook if they were looking at their own page, at their home page while they were depressed while they were using facebook at other times. When they were actually on their home page they actually felt good. You know its an interesting phenomenon and i would agree with peter, i dont think facebook is all bad. It does some wonderful things for us it keeps us connected in marvelous ways but it takes over, were not in command of it. And a very interesting study found that when somebody likes your page and this is relevant to your question, there is actually a part of your brain, the reward part of your brain lights up. And the more you use facebook the more activated that part of your brain becomes. So we know the brain is very sensitive to this type of mental training. If you repeat the process over and over again those neural wires get very strong. So any concern is that it can enslave us at sometimes and it disincentivizes us from going out and having a facetoface conversation. Very apt title to your book then. Weve got a poll weve conducted and i want to get to hermella for that. Thanks antonio. We asked our readers on social media, this question, do you think using facebook makes you less happy . 83 said yes it makes you less happy and 17 said no, they think facebook doesnt make you less happy. On that note, the does facebook make people unhappy or is some external force directing unhappy people to facebook . What a question. Thats a tough one to answer definitively, and i think both theories hold. However ive got to say this new study really tried get behind that. And the way they did their research, it suggested that facebook may very well be having that affect on people. I mean you can always argue well, unhappy people are drawn to it and Misery Loves Company but i think there can be a negative effect. The researchers did say that they found no evidence that people turn to facebook when theyre already lonely or depressed but you think thats a possibility that shouldnt be discounted . It is a possibility. And other studies have found had a those that are social phobic really will turn to the Electronic Media because its more comfortable. Its less anxiety provoking and so theyre searching for this fix in their brain reward system and theyre really not getting it. Well study was done with 82 young adults with an average age of 19. I dont know if adults are less susceptible but lets look at numbers that are involved here. Informs pert of americans 128 Million People visit facebook every day. 1. 5 billion people visit facebook every month. Peter, despite those numbers, obviously, because of those numbers, despite whatever it may be making people feel, this isnt going anywhere. Its not. And the interesting thing about it is every once in a while you go to people that say, we hate facebook im quitting and they do it in sort of like im taking my toys going home and the the head to you gieks. But im quitting facebook and im going on facebook telling everybody why. And then they sit there for two days and say i have no one to talk to. If all of your friends, all of your acquaintances and all of your family is on facebook where are you going to go . Weve reached that tipping point, no one has equated linked in with fun. To the Doctors Point is very true. When you get a text, when you get a tweet to you, when someone texts to Peter Shankman or whatever, you want that. Its dopamine. All right, thank you gentlemen. That . Next. Millions who need assistance now. We appreciate you spending time with us tonight. Up next is the golden age of hollywood going golden but elsewhere. Why l. A. s mayor has declared a state of emergency for the Entertainment Industry there. Next. Wouldnt believe there is a farm inside of it. My name is jonathan betz. Im from dallas, texas, and once upon a time americans dominated the sport of ten is. Now were in the midst of the worst season of tennis history. This year became the First Time Since the no american man even reached the third round. Thats the first time it happened since 1912. Is tennis facing an even bigger crisis, steve bellamy, the kerry of the ski channel and the surf channel. Joins us in the studio, he has been around tennis his whole life. Your wife was one of the top american tennis players in the world. So you are the guy to talk about this. What has happened to the home grown american man tennis player . Lets look at what tim smechec said this weekend. I know that we got really spoiled with pete and andre and all those guys and andy for so many years. Now, is that the case or is it a problem with u. S. Tennis in general, that were facing broader world competition and simply were just not going to be as dominant as we once were . There is a portfolio of answers that would take way longer than this segment to get into. But in general, tennis started out with golf and bowling as being the big tv sports, baseball, football and basketball came later. We gestated internationally, we became a global sport, all the other sports became domestic sports, it was local rooting rivalries, a much more successful model. We have globalized and corrected so to speak and probably those days are not going to come back again. Tennis has been around in other places in the world for a long time. To take the other side, is thisful to do about nothing, the 60s and 70s were dominating, the swedes were dominating, now its the spanish. Is it a cyclical thing and were looking back at where we have pete sampras and andre agassi and maybe that was the aberration . Tennis has forever melted and we have hiccups where we do great. But i dont think youll see the days where 50 of tennis were americans. How much of it have we got football and baseball and other countries dont have that are almost mostly american we also have basketball and hockey even golf competing for our best athletes and in fact those sports actually many more people make money at them as professionals as do tennis players. The harsh reality is right now tennis is barely played in america. The big ones have done great, indian wells and miami and of course the u. S. Open is the biggest sporting event in the world but for the rest of america, there isnt tennis like there is baseball, football and basketball. If youre growing up in dallas youre saturated with those big stick and ball sports but not tennis. The college situation, if youre a baseball player, a Football Player there are literally hundreds if not thousands of scholarships for those kids while in tennis its much harder to get a college scholarship. Its very challenging. Tennis is the most global sport outside of soccer. But for scholarships in america, americas the only place that really has a robust college system. So the whole globe is gunning for those college scholarships. So it would really hurt americans. We have a quote from telco resources kerry jeff hoffman, the scales have almost tipped to foreign players. Not only are there not a lot of scholarships but a lot of that money is going to people outside the United States. Sure. You go to france and there are agencies at racquet clubs that literally focus into getting kids there to american colleges. If you are a guy take title 9 which basically tried to fix discrimination against women and basically discriminated against minority nonrevenue sports so american men only get four scholarships for a team and they field ten or 12 on a team. Ists because all those other sportsmen are getting scholarships for. There is no such for women, so we dont have much for other sports. American parents of competitive kids of which you and i are, tennis is ridiculously expensive. 400,000 to raise a kid to be able to be a professional tennis player. Most conservative calculations say when you factor everything in tennis rack quets racquets, indoor courts if you are in the cold pardon of the country, professional lessons that its at least 2,000 a month if you are a competitive player in many cases as much as 5,000 a month. Who can afford that . Its, tennis balls still cost 3 a can like they used to 30 years ago. Racquets are more expensive than they were 30 years ago. But going to tennis practice, its forced best players to travel more and expense has gone up a lot. I would still argue right now if you oar competitive ten is player and you spent a lot of money youre pretty much guaranteed to get into a school you want to go to. You wont get a scholarship but it wont give you much return on your investment so that can be rough. Sure. Now one of the issues thats been much criticized in the press is that the United States Tennis Association thement usta has spent a lot of money to generate relief players and not much going to general population. Your thoughts about that. Player development, australia, france, england and ughts, england has poured a fortune into that, it hasnt worked. Sorry to interrupt one of the big efforts thats creating what they call ten and under tennis which is to have kids play on smaller courts with softer balls and kids as young as 5 can really hit the ball, thats been the thing to get more kids into tennis, is that working . I think its too young in life cycle to see if its working. For 30 years people have used mini balls and small courts. Right now its been packaged and pitched to consumer america so hopefully it will work. Sports illustrateds john wortheim, one of the problems is got a vicious cycle. Fewer americans in the upper ranks means lower events, fewer americans in the upper ranks, if thats the case are we ever going to break this vicious cycle . I think we are, i think theres hungry smart entrepreneurs in tennis still that are going to do things to fix this. Certainly, we as an industry are clearly understanding that theres a problem and clearly understanding there needs to be significant change. It cant we cant go on like weve been. So i think that we are weve hit a bottom and it will go up, just how fast. To take the other side of the conventional wisdom, womens tennis, there are a lot of young up and coming women. We have two women in the top 20, Serena Williams and stevenson, maybe the best as its been, but the brian brothers are the best ever and the williams sisters. Still great tennis out there. Tennis has many management mistakes. We have the worst governance of any sport by far. Theres a commissioner, one smart guy who makes decisions and general oversight. You look at tennis, its governed by 80 organizations, thousands of volunteers, everything is done by committee. Its terrible governance. Take for instance doubles. Everyone plays doubles. Played way more than singles. Its so fun to watch arguably much more than singles. But we squash it at all costs. 30 seconds. How do you solve it . Its a cocktail of things and it would take a lot longer than 30 seconds, probably 25 seconds now. But in general weve got to produce american stars. Weve got to get more people just period, playing tennis and loving the sport. Lets hope the efforts to get there succeed because its a great sport, great for kids, great for adults, its a lifelong sport so we only wish tennis the best and hope the stars start coming up soon and bring back american tennis to its former glory. Steve thank you for being here. Thanks for having me. The conversation will continue on aljazeera. Com, or our google and twitter new mexico. These are some of the stories we are following at this hour. If the congress were to reject a resolution like this, after the president of the United States has already committed to action, the consequences would be catastrophic. Striking airmail lance, key republican senators seek agreement over military action in syria. A just released u. N. Report says the number of Syrian Refugees surpasses the 2 million mark. And japanning will invest almost half a billion dollars to send radio active water from the damaged fukushima plant. Struggling for a larger share of the

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