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Shore in 24 hours. The warning that sri lankas elephants are under threat from illegal poaching. A u. S. Soldier held in afghanistan for nearly knife years is on his way to a hospital in germany. Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl was freed in a deal brokered by qatar. In return the u. S. Released five senior taliban detainees from Guantanamo Bay, who are headed here to doha, where well have live reaction from doha and kabul in a moment. First, we have more from washington d. C. The taliban have been pushing for. After almost five years in captivity sergeant Bowe Bergdahl was handed to a force of a dozen u. S. Special operations soldiers in eastern afghanistan on saturday, by a 19strong contingent of the taliban. In exchange five prisoners will be september to qatar, subject to security restrictions, including a ban on travel. They are former officials of the government that held power before the u. S. Invasion. I want to go home, you know. The afghanistan men in our prisons, they want to go home too. During his captivity Bowe Bergdahl could be seen on videotapes released by the taliban. The prisoner swap has been discussed since 2011, but never came to anything. The white house officials said several weeks ago the opportunity arose. In the white house gardens, Bowe Bergdahls parent at his side president obama spoke of. I was able to think the emar of qatar for helping us get it done. As part of this effort five prisoners from Guantanamo Bay will be transferred to qatar. The qatari have said they will put in place elements to protect the american public. Elements of the Congress Said the white house may have bren the law. Negotiations and the success suggest that the taliban is turning more towards politics and negotiation with the anticipation that the americans are leaving and i think they want to play a political role in afghanistan, not just the role of terrorists. Bowe bergdahl was promoted twice, rising from the rank of sergeant. Officials say hes in Good Condition and he will travel to a u. S. Hospital in germany before returning home. The five taliban detainees had been held in Guantanamo Bay since 2002, and were part of the afghan leadership before the invasion in 2001. Mohammad fazl was a deputy leader of defense. Khairullah khairkhwa was minister of interior, directly associated with president obama. Abdul haq wasiq was the gooutry minister of intelligence and was sngs in forming alliances between the taliban and other groups. Mullah Norullah Noori as a senior military commander during fighting i gaips the u. S. And Coalition Forces and Mohammed Nabi served in multiple leadership rolls, expected of having strong links to al qaeda. The detainees are expect to arrive in two hours. First from kabul. These are senior taliban figures, how have the taliban in afghanistan received news of their release . We could manage to talk with the taliban in the past one hour. What he is calling is the release of these five men, he said its a great achievement for the taliban, and there is not a taliban commander, but the founder of the movement in 1996. He said that release is a great achievement. And there have been ongoing talks between the Afghan Government and taliban. How do you see the release of at least highprofile figures influencing the negotiations . We subpoenaing with a mem spoke with a member of the peace console who was optimistic. In the past two years they said they were working on release of the five men. He said that the five men are respected and very close to the taliban leader. And it was hoped that the release of the five me would open communication with the afghan peace console and the taliban. There is in a rule for the qatar deposit to play gast to play. Theyll government to play. The men will live in qatar and have a say on any Peace Process in the future of afghanistan. Thank you for that. That was from kabul. Lets head to doha where the five afghan detainees were handed to the state of qatar. They are expected to arrive in doha. We are joined in doha. They are on the way to qatar. What is going to happen to them once they arrive here . We are expecting a presser by the ministry of Foreign Affairs to shed light on the circumstances of the prisoner swap, and particularly the guarantees that the qatari government gave the United States of america in terms of the National Security of america. Will they stay for more than one year. Beyond that what kind of restrictions that the qatari government puts on the detainees. These are issues that many people are looking forward to hear from the qatari government. Qatar, of course, helped to broker the deal, central to the deal in itself. What is their interest in this case. Why did they get involved . If you go back a few years ago when the United States of america was willing to talk to the taliban about a way out. Reconciliation happens when the internet or foreign troops pull out of afghanistan. The taliban was given few addresses. Would you like to go to turkey, saudi arabia, qatar. They said theyd like to move to qatar, because they are more neutral when it comes to the afghan issues. The qatar government was involved, trying to convince both sides to agree on a platform. Then, if you remember last year, the Afghan Government was a little skeptical thinking that we want the issue lead bit the Afghan Government and was skeptical. The qataris gave reassurances to the parties that theyd try their best to broker a deal. The prisoner swap is the first step. The question is will the qataris move forward boosted by the prisoner swap and help in terms of reconciliation with the government, and final settlement with the americans. Questions that we need to definitely ask for the Qatari Foreign minister in the upcoming hour when he holds a presser. Great. Thank you very much. Reporting for us from doha. The sudanese woman sentenced to death for abandoning islam may be released. A Government Official said that. Miriam ab ra hims lawyers are skeptical, saying the digs will be decision will be made by the courts. She gave birded this week birth this week whilst in captivity. Her case caused an international outcry. China september a response to the defence secretary after his criticisms. The general said the criticisms were groundless and he denounced shinedo abes comments at the summit. Translation we will never accept provocations by others under the pretext of positive pass vix that stirring up interests. The speeches made by mr ab, and mr hagel gave me the impression that they coordinated with each other, staging provocative actions. Richard is a writer and fellow at the school of International Studies and joins us from singaore. Thank you for joining us. We heard china hitting back at the u. S. And japan. Will beijing take further action or was this a facesaving message for domestic chinese audience . Well, i think a lot of this is basically dash i think its interesting that you wept off script to that he went off script to say these things, hes oem concerned and upset. They probably feel like they are being ganged up op. To a certain extent its true, they derfe it, because deserve it because mostly its china causing the aggressive actions in the china sea. They are called on is it. From the beijing point of view. If tensions were to escalate, particularly in and amongst the disputed territory. Are we likely to see action by the u. S. , in the form of sanctions or military manoeuvres . Well, i dont think youll see sanctions. I think particularly the u. S. China relationship is too importance, too precious on all levels to all the parties to do anything click that. I dont think the United States is probably going to do more militarily than its been planning to do ever since it announced the rebalance of the pivot back to asia. If you see military exercises theyll probably be a continuation, a slight expansion, the large number of exercises and military cooperation. I dont think youll see a lot of new things. If anything right now, a temporary ratcheting, but i dont think in the long run to have a major impact. More to the point, what does china do next in terms of you know, putting forth its argument that it has sovereignty obvious the south china sea. Meanwhile nations are caught in the middle of the tussle. Are they willing to put a strong trade tie with china on the line in support of a stronger u. S. Preps in the region . Well, they are kind of already doing it. They are trying to do this delicate balancing act of having good relations with china, they have to. The 800 pound gore illa in asia. They are trying to hemming their bets by coping the United States engaged and involved as a counterweight to a problem with china. Its a balancing act. I dont think they have too many problems from the u. S. Eyed of things. It depends how china will act. Whether they are transget or nist that the transgent or accept as to what counts as sof repity or enforcement capabilities in the south china sea. Richard, thank you. A writer and fellow of the school of International Studies in singapore three al jazeera staff detained in egypt go on trial again later on sunday. Still ahead we take a look at problems faced by media in the country. Why graduates in bangladesh are less likely to find jobs than people without top qualifications. Welcome back. The stop stories here on al jazeera. A u. S. Soldier has been flown to hospital after beingersed by taliban fighters. The sergeant was freed after five years in a deal brokered by qatar, in exchange for five taliban detainees in Guantanamo Bay. China described the u. S. Defence secretarys remarks, accusing beijing of destabilizing the south as groundless. A sudanese official said a woman sentenced to dats for abandoning israel may be released soon. The case has caused on international outcry. More on the release of sold yerts sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. Allen schauffler is in his home state of idaho, and he says people there have never forgotten him. Reporter captain american soldier Bowe Bergdahl may have fallen off the radar screens for a lot of americans since hes been in captivity. That is not the case in idaho, or in his home down to the east of here, near sun valley. He has never been forgotten and people are excited that he is coming home. They have kept up a constant drum beat, pressure on the obama administration, the department of state and the american military, his parents and friends, constantly pushing, saying that we needed to do more to get Bowe Bergdahl out. Five years in captivity, hes been promoted. Hes a sergeant, wholl come back as sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. We are not sure of the timeline, hell be treated in germany, debriefed in san antonio. And come back to idaho, and back to hayley, a town wrapped in yellow ribbons for most of the last half decade. They have not forgotten, youll see his face on posters, bumper stickers, and the yellow ribbons etch. They have a big festival planned bring Bowe Bergdahl back, in anticipation that hell be in captivity. They changed the title to bowe is back. And the festisty will go on hopefully with Bowe Bergdahl in attendance italys navy rescued more than 3,500 migrants from boats in the Mediterranean Sea in 24 hours. The majority were from syria and africa. There were more than 100 children. Italys government says the number of migrant arrivals is equal to the number from last year. This person from Doctors Without Borders have been treating and working with these migrants and many have problems. Many skin diseases clear to poor hygiene in the last month, and the traumas and the respiratory infection. Mainly we see this kind of diseases. In the last several lending, we are seeing more and more young children. Many of them nonaccompanied, and men women. So this clearly chance a lot, the type of people that we see. Its not a case of today, but in the last month or so, a lot of children coming. Because they are all coming from really hard conditions, so i dont think there is something to stop them to come. Maybe if the situation in their country changes, but nothing that we can do from here. South sudans rebel leader says he is committed to the ceasefire agreement signed this month. The comments were made in nairobi. Where he has been talking to president kenyatta, and he is not in charge of his forces. He said this in an interview with the newsagency. Riek machar is committed to the roadmap for peace. We are negotiating. No one is forced to accept that they could have opted not to accept it. I wouldnt have done anything much the Prime Minister would have done anything. But i am hoping that hell come for the meeting. And this that im hoping that it would be also something substantial that we will sign, that will give direction to negotiators and mediators. Rebel fighters in syria say they have blown up a tunnel killing 40 government soldiers. The islamic front claimed responsibility. A tunnel under the hotel was blown up by rebels in the old city of aleppo. Three al jazeera staff held in equipment will return to court. Peter greste, Mohamed Fadel fahmy and Baher Mohamed have been in gale for 155 days. Another al jazeera correspondent, Abdullah Alshami has been held in a cairo prison without charge for more than nine months. It forced a crackdown on the media. Reporter this has become an alltoo familiar scope in egypt. Al jazeera journalists in court. They are not the only ones. They shut down the tv stations, raided the offices, detained more than 65 journalist, and in addition, they persecuted a lot of act tists. Rrmghts this is the funeral of a reporter, shot in the back of the head while covering a protest in march. Egypts Miles Per Hour of interior since agreed to provide 100 bulletproof vests for journalists, covering violent demonstrations. Gaoled media workers include freelance photographer. He has been in prip sense august prison since august and has not been charged. Secular activists have been targeted. One of the wellknown ones is the leader of the april 6th movement. One of the original groups behind the 2010 revolution. Former head of the military abdul fatah alsisi won the president ial election. Abdul fatah alsisi is going to have a lot of difficulty with international community, getting aid, giving investment and having legitimacy to say that he is running the country towards a de. Ic government. Unless he releases everything and prosecute those responsible on killing journalists. Reporter last year a video came out where abdul fatah alsisi spoke about the media with military generals. An officer said. Translation showing a media card to journalists will make them, even if they dont cooperate stop at a certain line. Abdul fatah alsisi responded. Translation building a state with Alliance Takes a long time andest, a long time before you get an proot share of influence over the media. Reporter now that hes president abdul fatah alsisi will have the power to deal with the media any way he wants. Researchers say the people with University Degrees in bangladesh are likely to be out of a job. Unemployment is a problem facing a germation. The latest in the series, we report on one graduates sample for work. Reporter two years after earning a masters, this man has tried everything to find a job. When we spoke he was enrolled in a Training Course for job seekers. This, he hoped, would help him land a post in the bank or public sector. Six months on he had no luck. He is here to take a test to become a call center agent. At this point hell take any job he considers respectable. For two or three open positions, 4,000 or 5,000 students applied. The competition is intense, its terrifying. You send the resume and theres many other to compete with. Reporter many here will not make the final cop. Millions of bangladeshis share in a struggle. Half with a bachelors degree are unemployed. The Garment Industry provides millions of jobs. For the growing middle class, the options are limited. Call centers is a place graduates can find a job. Demooent see it dont stee it as the longterm solution because of the investment they made in their education. This girl loves her job and the work environment. One of her relatives considers themselves too good for this work. Translation what i noticed was that she applied for jobs in several places and didnt get a single one. She was frust rated and depressed. She worked here for a while, but decided this was not for her. Things can only get better. If god is willing ill find a job. The future is uncertain. Hope is what keeps me alive. I keep hoping. He has dug deep into his reserves for opt miss for now, educated people have to settle for anything they can get. Environmentalists in sri lanka say that poachers are threatening the countrys efant population. Cracking down on illegal trade is difficult because a powerful criminal network is behind it. We have this report now. A gentle giant. This is a familiar sight in this village. The openers have a permit and a licence. It is a must for anyone keeping an elephant in sri lanka. The animal played on Important Role in this country. In terms of a panellingent. With the number of animals in captivity dwindling, some need to replace them. There was a shortage. Those that owned animals are without animals. We asked the minister to come up with the programme to protect the tradition. This group of owners marched to the department for their request. Elephants have been part of culture for centuries. Replacing animals like this behind me is difficult. They want authorities to give them a solution. Environmentalists warn that taming Wild Elephants is a smack. They say allowing it would encourage racket ears to capture elephants at will. Activists show me copies of permits and licences which they say will be forged to capture elephants from the wild. This is found in the juppingle. Abandoned when villagers heard its cry and raised the alarm. This mother had gunshot injuries and died a few days her calf could not be found. Environmentalists say the scale of elephant poaching is worrying. 40 of domestic elephants are believed to be illegal lie captured. Theres two damages. One is the baby from the wild population, and the good mothers who produce so many years to come disappear from the population. The create use are used in a number of areas. Tourism. In tempers and other panelling ents, advertising and other ventures. Activists say money is the reason. Its a pure profit. If you have three elephants, you are better than c. E. O. Of a top county in this country. In many cases captured elephants are mistreated, tethered so tightly that they are bruised. The minister says the deposit is determined to address the problem. It is not easy to stop this because there is a powerful network behind it. Elephants are kept by temples, shrines and powerful people. We are determined to find a solution. How quickly its found will determine the health and survival of sri lankas elephant population. If you would like to find out more about that story and others, you can log on to the website. Thats at aljazeera. Com. News, analysis and the top story of u. S. Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl

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