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Parents of slain teenager, Michael Brown ahead of his funeral. Reporter all your sport including the algeran player killed by rocks thrown by his own fans. We start this news hour in syria and we cross straight over to damascus where the syrian foreign minister is speaking and this is what he has to say. Translator able to stop this terrorist aggression against gaza and to stop the blood shed in gaza and to meet the needs and demands and ambitions of the palestinians in lifting the siege, israeli siege imposed on gaza. You are following up what is going on in yemen as well, the brotherly country of yemen and the most Dangerous Things that are going on in iraq and syria. What is the biggest scene witnessed by the world is the u. N. Security Council Resolution number 2170 regarding combatting the tourism of i. S. Groups in syria and iraq. In syria we welcome this resolution. We know it is late, but we commit ourselves to this resolution and we hope and we welcome every country who is committed to this resolution under the charter and everyone committing itself to. The important part of the resolution is assurance of previous resolutions with the council in combatting terrorism. And the reassurance that the iraq and syria, the republic of iraq and republic of syria are independent and sovereign countries and their unity and the total integrity and the u. N. Charity and the precipice of sovereignty and the nation. And we reassure again that all types of terrorism is one of the most dangerous threats that is targeting the International Security and International Peace and these acts are terrorist acts and not justified at all. And the reasons behind and whoever is committing such a crime and picture and image is approved unanimously and stresses after years and years of the crisis in syria that we use it during this crisis to put an end to the terrorism, to put an end to financing terrorism, put an end to supporting and financing and smuggling terrorists from the neighboring countries to syria. We used to warn about this and we used to talk about the terrorism that might spread to the neighboring countries and far beyond that. No one was listening to us. But finally they have adopted such a resolution that the resolution reaffirms that it is quite impossible to deter terrorism without an approach where all countries and all international and regional organizations are cooperating in preventing these terrorist threats and put an end to the movement of terrorism. I dont want to read the whole text of resolution. But there are points that are supporting our situation. Even the terrorism and the terrori terrorists have to be stopped and we need to stop those people who are trying to export terrorism and thoughts of i. S. Group and the thoughts of other things and this must come to an end. This has to come to an end. So many paragraphs about the infiltration of the terrorism and reporters of putting an end to important fighters, foreign fighters who cross the borders of both iraq and syria and to stop the practices, the bad practices in intellectual and cultural and religious institutions and too many paragraphs that the resolution is stressing, this resolution has to be adopted by the u. N. Member states. Now, the resolution was issued on the 15th of this month, of august. The question is have we felt any Serious International and really International Movement to implement such a resolution . I have read and interview with one of the commanders of i. C. Last week. And he said in the interview that the cooperation between i. S. Group and turkey is sort of a strong cooperation. They were received on the red carpet in turkey and turkey treated all those injured from i. I. S. , is this coming within the resolution of the Political Council 2170 . Another point, yesterday an american journalist has been released. We welcome this step. But a statement from the katri Foreign Ministry says the katri efforts have led to this journalist release so do these efforts of katar are they related to the activities of isra, before that a german minister said that his country has information about katar financing moosra. I want to see and to touch and to feel as a syrian citizen a real commitment to implement the items of this resolution by every country, particularly the neighboring countries. Hence, i stress that syria is quite ready to cooperate and to coordinate on the regional and International Levels when it comes to fighting terrorism, combatting terrorism and implementation of the resolution 2170 of the Security Council and within the respect of the Syrian National independence and National Sovereignty because the Syrian Government is the one who represents sovereignty and any efforts to fight and combat terrorism and any efforts have to be done through coordination with the Syrian Government and the International Community now has to be up to the responsibility of implementing the resolution number 2170 from the security of the Security Council. And this stand, this situation will be the call of the syrian diplomacy during the coming periods. Id like to leave a space now for some questions. Reporter you are watching al jazeera and you have been listening and seeing a statement being made by the syrian foreign minister in the capitol damascus talking of syrias positions on the current syria scenario that is unfolding in the middle east. We will just go back for that question now from one oof the journalist and listen to what the Foreign Ministers answer is to that. Resolution 2170, what are you expecting from the west and what are the transformations in the region . I think this is based on a british project. The news, i will say, things about britain that supports this project within the limits of dash and error map was released, regarding the cooperation between i. S. , turkey and britain. How can countries issue such a resolution and how can they export the Current Situation in the region within the resolution . Translator we, in our stands and our positions, think about the actions on the ground and we have seen and we have documents about those who finance terrorists in syria and who provide terrorists with weapons in syria and our political and our media stance reflected this. Now, what we are expecting from the west, our stance will be the same until the west proves that the west is moving into another direction through deeds and not through words in the worst vision about the facts in syria. Translator a question here. Reporter and it will end the foreign minister of course replying to that journalists question. Lets get analysis on this with ruler and hopefully you were able to listen to what he had to say. Firstly the syrians incredibly worried about the ongoing scenario where Islamic State is taking over large sways of ground including even one province in syria. So he is certainly laying out how he sees the situation and how syria is going to work with the International Community. Yes, as we said, on the ground Islamic State group is growing stronger inside syria and they have been able to defeat forces in many critical spots including taking over of the airport. Its an air base actually in iraq province. What he was saying is the bottom line is we told you so. Assad and his government has been telling the world they are actually fighting terrorist and the world should actually cooperate with them in this fight. Today he was very clear, they welcome u. N. Resolution regarding the Islamic State but he says it comes too late. And he expressed a lot of skepticism in how serious the west and the United States have gone so far to find the i. S. Group efficiency. He also called on the regional countries around syria and wants them to show proof they are, in fact, fighting i. S. Very seriously. This is his bottom line and as you heard he is willing to cooperate and willing to coordinate but he wants the western United States to recognize them as a government, they have sovereignty and they need to cooperate with them in order to defeat the Islamic State group in syria and iraq. Indeed, thanks for that and we will come back to you throughout the day on the situation where you are but joining me now in of course the Islamic State Group Advanced as cross large areas of syria and iraq and baghdad the Prime Minister says the talks on forming a new government have been constructed. The u. S. Is pushing for a government that includes all factions to help defeat the Islamic State. The situation this iraq is causing shuj concerns in i ran, so much so the foreign minister is on a threeday trip to iraq and diplomatic efforts extends further and the Deputy Foreign minister made a visit to saudi arabia and it is tense and find themselves on opposite side of the conflicts including syria and its a fastmoving story and we have an associate professor in contemporary history of the middle east at katar university and joins me now. So much happening in a short space of time and diplomacy is staggering and ruler summed it up very well, we told you so. But the context in which we told you so is very different two years ago to what is going on now, the i. S. Were not around then. He appeared after a while to speak to the media and say we did alert you from the beginning there is a problem you have to face. Two things struck me on what he was saying. One, mixing things. Because he knows that this weapon coming from the United States and turkey was supposed to finish the community at that stage. And second point where basically he is for getting that syria between 2004 and 6 was actually providing weapons to those who are acting in iraq actually against the americans in iraq and they were called at that time terrorists, so its mixing of facts and its clear that the regime wants to benefit as much as they can from the situation now and trying to stand on their feet again by saying we are here to help and if you want us. But obvious he is quite happy to lay the blame as a Regional Government and he is not hesitating in criticizing turkey by saying they looked after the injured from i. S. Now, my understanding is turkey made a request to israel a few weeks ago to say those that were injured in gaza will be welcome to treatment in turkey, that is my understanding of the facts there. And of course alluding to katar a country we are in now, what did they do to free the american journalists and not giving a source but where did the finance come from . All of those stood, i mean, the german minister has apologized and the government has apologized and feels better about that statement saying he was depending on rebels. On the second, trying to bring order again, he is mixing things together just to confirm or to strengthen the position of the regime now by saying, look, we are ready to cooperate on this issue with you especially a day after the Islamic State is under control now and doesnt reflect the control of the regime of what is happening in the regime now and also the new nature of alliance may appear with the involvement of iran as we are witnessing today at least. A lot to digest for the International Community and we will analyze it through the day and thank you for joining us from katar university. More to come on the al jazeera news hour including. I see people, if a dog get hit they pick him off the street right awant and they let the baby lay there for 4 1 2 hours. Reporter they believe that target by police as ferguson prepares to lay Michael Brown to rest. First we pay tribute to film great Richard Attenborough who died at the age of 90. And in sport number one rorymcilroy continues number one from a dramatic final round coming up. Now, parents of Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager shot dead by a white Police Officer in the u. S. Two weeks ago called for calm in front of the funeral and he will be buried today and the parents called for a day of silence and it led to days of violent protests in st. Louis. The suburb of ferguson where the teenager was shot. Now the killing has increased racial tensions. All i want the peace. And the baby laid to rest. Please, please, so we can lay our son to rest. Reporter police in riot gear are no longer on the streets of ferguson and it has been peaceful the past few days and the Police Officer who killed Michael Brown are as loud as ever and john reports. Reporter he is struck by a notion as many young black men here, it might have been him. Anyone of us any day, everybody know who he is. The young man was shot. So its no different. Black men in america, its cut and dry, grew up with the same circumstances, same opportunities. Reporter the protests have gone from sometimes violent to somber but the facts of what happen remain foggy. Many are saying the shooting of unarmed Michael Brown by Police Officer Darren Wilson highlights disrespect for which they are treated by local authorities. You dont treat a dog like that, if a dog gets hit they pick him off the street right away and they let the baby lay there for 4 1 2 showers and that is unconscionable on the hot concrete with blood splattering out of his head. Reporter on monday brown will be laid to rest but the issues his death has raised will not. This church is huge and the funeral is open to the public and thousands are expected to attend, so many they are likely to spill out the street. Its a sign of just how deeply this killing has affected the community. Brown is only the latest to die at the hands of police. Police shoot a black man in america on average twice a week according to a study by usa today and most hope to ensure this time makes a difference at least here. I dont think people will forget. I think they will learn from this tragedy. Maybe it will promote more change with the police department. Reporter ricky nelson also has a hope. What do you think is going to come of all this . Aside from this man being prosecuted and going to jail for the rest of his life, i know they will stop shooting young black boys in the street. That is my goal. Reporter as Michael Browns funeral marks an end of sorts to his story, the investigation into what happened here could decide whether a new sense of quiet remains on the city streets, john with al jazeera, ferguson, missouri. Well, to weather and here is stef and lowlying areas in the caribbean are on alert. That is right and if you are in the area you are worried about landslides, lets look at the satellite picture and see exactly why. This is the Tropical Storm and its not a hurricane and not that strong but its still capable of giving us very heavy rain and it will be the rain from this system that is the main problem. You can see its a disorganized storm but covering quite a large area and through jamaica and cuba and Dominican Republic are seeing rain and the center of the storm is to the north of all of us. Its going to creep its way northward but its moving very slowly and moving around 5 kilometers per hour. So that means we have a prolonged period of heavy rain tan heaviest rain is likely across the bahamas and turks and Caicos Islands as well and wet for us and could be around 300 millimeters of rain from this system. Already though it has given us impressive totals and east of Dominican Republican and the capitol has heavy rain and caused a problem with flooding already and the risk because the ground is already water logged further rain could give us a problem with landslides and for monday and tuesday as the storm pulls away there is plenty of hef heavy rain behind it. Award british actor Richard Attenborough has died at the age of 90. Over a career that stretched for more than 60 years, he appeared in several blockbuster hollywood movies but it was his work in the director chair won him two oscares for the movie gandhi and we look back at his life. Defining movement in his career, directing the film gandhi was a mission that took Richard Attenborough 20 years to achieve. The film won 8 oscars including best director and best actor, the life of gandhi was close to attenboroughs heart. I can quote saying the film has captured absolutely the spirit of gandhi. And that is as a nice of a complement as i would wish to have. Reporter but it was as an actor that his career began. Starting at in the 1940s with bit parts. And as he grew he would appear in seminal movies about the Second World War. Im going to cause a terrible stink here. Reporter as the leader of what history remembers as the great escape from a german prisoner of war camp. Putting more men out of this perfect camp of theirs than ever escaped before. We are not getting out 2, 3 or a dozen, 200, 300 or all over germany. Reporter attenborough was a campaigner for civil rights and liberties, something he would bring to the films he directed. Attenborough returned to acting in the 1990s taking on the role of the creator of hollywoods Jurassic Park and he became frail but his commitment to film endured. To work in the movies, to be allowed to express my feelings and my hopes and my aspirations and so on in the movies, in the cinema has done it for me. Reporter for epic films and starring roles his place in the movies is assured. Well, Richard Williams with film and art critic and joins me now from amsterdam and nice to have you on the program, richard and he meant so much to film lovers and depending who you speak to and my father would say the great escape is a great film but gandhi is a film for me and for you what period of film will you remember him for . Well, you asked the impossible question because he was the consulate all around. So what is flashing through my mind, well, it is, gandhi for example, obviously, a terrific achievement and ben kings performance is forever on my mind but having started on this i must talk about Winston Churchill and the deeply moving shadow lands which he directed with flair and this part of commemoration of the beginnings of the First World War was a powerful antiwar film and a few of his marvelous movies and as an actor he could play psycho paths and generals and a leader and sailor and he could play a circus owner, how much more versatile can you get. His own life reflected the time, the history that he lived through. He lived through the british declining. He was a child of the Second World War. Certainly he saw aspects of that and saw the soviet union disintegrating and the world changing around him. Do you think that is part of the experience and greatness of the film maker himself as well as an actor . Yes, i this that is a very important point because as he saw so many changes around him, so he was able to project his own form of humanism. For example his hatred of racism and the film freedom had mixed minutes but it was a powerful statement and looking back and he had been in a bomber photographing aspects of the Second World War himself t bridge to fall, again, a movie of someone mixed merit but advantage and one of his finest roles was the ruthless general in chest pairs and its important to remember not only british awards his period, his night hood, he also got the indian award and linked to gandhi and for example one thinks of where he plays Sergeant Major and stiff totally out of his time and a bafter and literally a man for all seasons when it came to movies and someone who reflected changing times always a humanist. For the moment richard thank you very much to get your analysis on the late Richard Attenborough. Still to come, programs on the streets and gambling capitol angers beijing. And tensions are high in the disputed state of kashmir where they increase the lines of control. And david is on top of the world again, that is all coming up, with rahul. Welcome back, you are watching al jazeeras news hour with robin and these are the headlines, in the last hour syria foreign minister said his country is ready to cooperate with regional and International Powers in the fight against terrorism. But he warned that any air strike carried out in syria should be in coordination with the government otherwise it will be classed as act of aggression. Moving to europe now and scott land where anticipation is growing ahead of one of the most crucial events in the referendum campaign, proindependence alex is the darling, leader of the no campaign in their second debate. Joining me now is david, an author and journalist and joins me from the scottish capitol and nice to have you on the program there. Now, first lets talk about this last t. V. Debate before the 18th of september and its crucial really for both sides, isnt it . Yes, its the only second debate that looks to be the last debate and it comes just days before postal ballots are issued. And around a fifth of scotts brought by force and its logical to assume many of them will watch the debate. Its also important that the Prime Minister wants independence is perceived to have done badly in the last televised debate so he has to makeup some ground. Occur i was going to mention he was not perceived to have done well by analysts but does that resonate on the public as such . Its difficult to quantify these things although certainly people in the batches of the campaign and no campaign i spoke to believe that his altering performance particularly on the currency question was worth 2 or 3 points in the opinion polls and it certainly had an impact and that is how it was written off by commentators and analysts. At the same time there is evidence that the t. V. Debates are not actually the best way of picturing to undecided voters and there was some analysis of the last debate saying they saw two men in suits chasing each other and came away none the wiser for the issues and the policies they consider important. I mean, there are many policies involved including oil and the Health Service but i wondered what the generational policy is because there must be a young and old divide, if you have two gray old men fighting it out on television, are young people actually interested at all . 1. 7 million watched the last debate, so its reasonable to assume there was a good spread. But, yeah, you can break it down quite prudently obviously in terms of age, Younger Voters it seems and 16 or 17yearolds are voting for the first time and some Analysis Shows they are actually less likely to back independence than was previously thought and generally speaking the older you get in scott land the less likely you are to back independence. But occur those are generalizations and great fluctuate within different age groups. Can i ask you how you are going to vote . It is indeed. Im a professional and therefore neutral commentator. That is the answer i would have assumed that would come from you and it has been a pleasure to talk to you david in scott land, thanks so much for joining us and we will have you again on the program once the result is clear and final. Okay. Now, thousands of casino workers have taken to the street over low wages and poor working conditions and the union wants foreigners barred from taking dealers jobs and Police Arrested five activists for holding an informal referendum on democratic reforms there and rob mcbride has more from there. Reporter these are the dealers, the crew p. A. And people who work in the casinos and obviously the casinos are world famous and the biggest money earner and biggest employer. They are people who are trained and work here in the casinos and feeling very much under pressure, squeezed if you like, between increasing rent for the homes they pay, increasing food prices and also increasing competition from mainland chinese workers. This is a city of some 600,000 people, thousands of work work at the Casino Industry but included in the population here are Something Like 150,000 workers who come across and either live her or come from Mainland China who these people say are threatening their livelihoods and taking to the streets and gathering for a march through macow and past the world grand casinos here to take and vent their grievances and makow jumped to fourth in the world and skipping over even switzerland and the Gross Domestic Product is a staggering 90,000 u. S. Dollars a year and the people do not see that or very much of that 90,000 u. S. Dollars a lot of that is in profits from the casino so these people are very much campaigning to have more of a share of the profits of this place. And its one of those grievances here which campaigners for right of expression for free speech here say are going unanswered in the camp. Rob mcbride and french Prime Minister has offered government resignation over economic policy. Now some ministers criticized austerity measures and accused germany of the writ across the land and professor of politics in paris and welcome to al jazeera. Is this split in the rank and file of the cabinet a rank to austerity in the socialist party . , in fact, in the history of french left, you always have a strong debate for now a 30 years between two left, in fact. You have one left which is for free trade and globalization and measures and austerity measures actually. And youve got the other left like French Ministry of economy who says we need protection in the policy and we need a boost and need to do the exact contrary of what we do nowadays and so there had to be a clarification in one sense or another but i have to stress its always the same debate for now its been the same debate for 30 years now. I mean during the referendum in france about the european constitution in 2005 you had if left that said yes and the left that said no and its today, many of us will do that how damaging is this or this split in the eyes of the public . Because they are not great fans of any suggestion of austerity and that is really how the president wants to proceed. Well, the climate, the Political Climate in france now is just, i would say, if i may, its bullying like boiling like water. And we have Political Climate of mass hysteria in france. We have debates with more and more and more tension, more and more gaps and colusion and within the political parties. Inside the right wing party you have tensions between some who think the exact opposite and the same thing within the inside with the left wing so on and so on. Apparently when the boat is sinking you have people who cannot stay cool under pressure. Well, lets hope it doesnt sink too far for the moment and we will come back thomas in france as the situation develops and thanks for joining us there. Russian foreign minister Sergei Fedorov say they want to send a second humanitarian aid to the country and they criticized moscow when the first one crossed the border without official permission and there is fighting between the ukraine army and prorussian separatists and he says he is helping ukraine agree among themselves. Moving to south asia where villages in the area of kashmir say they are living under continuous threat as shelling intensifies along the control and it forced a thousand people to flee the area. India accuses pakistan of violating serious fire multiple times. Last week new deli cancelled peace talks with its neighbor and now it deployed more troops to the region. Chief minister of kashmir say they are doing all they can to help residents affected by the hostilities. Translator it is true that the shelling is not under our control, it is being carried out by another country, how the government plans to retaliate is up to them. Its our responsibility to take care of the people who have been affected by the shelling but to say that nothing is being done to rehabilitate the effect is wrong and seems the j. K. N. P. P. Party are alleging these things because elections are near and they want to make this an issue. Reporter a glance at the background of the region. The state of kashmir was fought over since 1947. Both india and pakistan say the entire region should be theirs completely. There are regular violations around the line of control, but usually they remain at quite low level and we have a correspondent in the indian capitol new deli and live with what is going on and there is firing across the line of control but why so much in the last few days . Reporter well, there is no real clear answer. They are saying provoking on both sides and indz yeah is looking for weaknesses in their line and trying to destabilize the region. India on the other hand say the firings come from pakistan side and cover fire for a way of militants from kashmir to come to indian side and actually in the last month india says they killed ten such militants who have come over to their side and this past weekend they uncovered an under ground tunnel leading between the two sides of kashmir and they blamed each other for the firing. In this case as we heard from the chief minister of kashmir, the indian side, about 1,000 villages had to be evacuated because along with border posts being hit several villages have been hit by fire coming from both sides. There was supposed to be highlevel talks held in islamabad in the last couple days and india pulled out of those talks, why . Well, partly because of the border firings that were happening in the last couple of weeks. But also because pakistans ambassador here in new deli met with kashmir separatists and after that happened with the border firing india announced they were pulling out of the talks and critics said that was an overreaction on indias part, that pakistan meeting with kashmir separatists was a fairly routine thing to do especially before having talks with india and also these border firings are a semi regular occurrence. One theory that many analysts are bearing about is that there are many hawks on indias side and pakistans side of the conflict that dont want to see the conflicts happen and because of the firings and the meeting with the kashmir separatists the hawks kind of got their way. If we hope to see any other talks it has to see a big diplomatic gesture before that can happen. The only reason we had the talks is because the Prime Minister here invited pakistans Prime Minister to his swearing in and that was seen as a big diplomatic gesture and we will have to see something along those lines before there is any chance of having future talks. We will see what happens and we have made requests to islamabad for comment on the Current Situation across that border in kashmir and waiting to hear from islamabad and we will bring you that when we get it. More still to come on al jazeera including. Im Andrew Thomas, deep in Australia Land i join them on a helicopter expedition to reconnect them with history, their culture and answers. Reporter and in sport teammates turn on each other in the formula one race after he said his collision was caused deliberately. Al Jazeera America presents smile and look at the camera. Edge of eighteen i thought grades would get me into college. The tough realities the bullying became too much to take for me. My parents basically hated each other. Facing our kids thats not how life works, apparently. Look what i have for you. You cant have it. Im not giving up my father cant take those dreams away from me. Dreaming big ive got to get into at least one of these top schools. Theres no way i cant. I would like to run for president of the United States. Confronting fears i have a confession to make. I dont wanna have to take out loans. I took the pregnancy test. Making their future, real that dream was crushed, youre done. You werent good enough. Fifteen cameras, one incredible journey let me experience life, let me fly, let me be a bird. I know what i want, i know what i have to do to get it. Revealing, intimate, unexpected you will not believe what just happened. This is life im just gonna prove my family wrong. On the edge eighteen only on al Jazeera America australia and rock art dating back 20,000 years is being discovered and we have been in an expedition in bottom land. Lillie bennett doesnt fish as observe as she would like, turtle is a treat, something she only gets to barbecue when she goes out bush. Its not just the taste. Its what this represents, connection with her history and culture. Is it important for you to come back here . Yeah, it is. Why . My dad and grandfather used to roam in the area and lived here when my father was a little boy. Reporter no one now lives in this remote part of the land but for thousands of years nomadics roamed and now descendents are coming back. Announcing their arrival through calls of their ancestors spirits. Ancestors or family has been here before, see. That is a very special for me to come. Reporter the focus of this trip is to look for ancient rock art. In 1967 an expedition saw pictures thought to be 20,000 years old but the area was so tough to reach over land the trip wasnt repeated until now, this time with the help of a helicopter. Its bringing descendents of the artists to areas of art to see if they can spot what the 1967 experts missed and see what stories they can read in the pictures they find because as much as an art expedition this is a cultural one. The idea of the trip is to give people who have for generations been separated from the history and culture a chance to reconnect. For decades australian policy used to take nomadic away from lands and house them this permanent villages but breaking ties with heritage has done little to pull many out of poverty and dependence and some think its been part of the problem. When people visit their land sometimes for the first time it gives them a great sense of belonging and identity and i think that really helps with their life in general. Reporter this expedition will last two weeks. It is hoped more art will be find but more important those looking can find links with their past and with those a better future, Andrew Thomas in australia bottom land. Fascinating story and we have all of the sport. Thank you very much. Nigeria Football Federation suspended the next matches in the League Following the death of striker, 24yearold who played for j. S. Died after being hit by an object thrown from the stands. And he was losing at home. Announced he was dead after being taken to hospital. The Nigeria Ministry ordered investigation and he was a leading scorer in the nigerian top flight last season and gary smith is a journalist and follows african football and can you explain the circumstances surrounding this incident and why were the fans so angry . Well, thanks for having me. First of all, perspective, the two teams in actions, last season those two teams finished in the top two of the Algeria League and this game was in the new season and second game of the new season and they were in last season and top flight and had come second so you can imagine the atmosphere that was there. And it had a big reputation having come from malaysia and ironically he scored a goal for his fans and not happy after they think they are victims of decisions of the game and in favor of u. S. But its the thoughts and this is not confirmed but there is thoughts the missile that was thrown came from his own end of the stadium. This is out of character in Nigeria Football and there has been violence when they played egypt in World Cup Qualifiers in the past and has hooliganism been a problem in the past . People say its in isolation and its quite wrong because what you consider one of the best leagues in the world, leleague and its a problem around the world. But north africa in particular where things can get passion, its not something you can say its often but it does happen but perspective what class of issue statements and i think the nigerian Football Federation is trying to deal with the situation because i can tell you they have currently suspended the league until investigations bring up anybody who is culpable and looking for whoever was behind this and trying to make sure that nigeria dont come out of this looked bad especially after the world cup in brazil. Great to hear you thoughts on that, gary smith football expert and thanks for now. Staying with football and they have no problems in moving from the disappointment of losing in the world cup and messi started with a win and scored twice as they won 30 and after he was sent off. And teenage striker, the 18yearold spanyard scoring the second goal. United had a draw in the second game of the league in the season and had every reason to be smiling in early stages of the match and united the league and united looking to hit back after the opening day and lost and jack equalized as the game finished one a piece. Rivalry between the top two drivers and formula one has gone on to a new level, Lewis Hamilton within rosberg deliberately collided with him at the grand prix and he was forced to retire from the race as the other finished second. Reporter after qualifying fast to begin the belgian grand prix rossberg made a false start on the grid and Lewis Hamilton took his chance in the lead on the opening turn and rossberg back to third. Hamilton was not out for long and there is an incident happening on lap two and hamilton claimed after the race that he was hit forcing him off the track and in the pit of the punctured tire and he took the lead and lost it again when he needed new tires and allowed red bull, Daniel Ricardo to fly out in front and he was held off in an aggressive challenge from rossberg and came back yet again. With four laps remaining hamilton and his damaged car finally gave up. There were plenty of White Knuckles in the red bull as they watched ricardos final lap but he held on to cross the finish line first. When i heard rossberg came in for a third stop we knew he would be quick at the end so i had to keep the lap times up and keep it clean. Reporter rossberg second and ricardo celebrated the third victory of the season not much love for rossberg. Despite hamiltons claims rossberg denies doing anything wrong. Got a good runner lewis and tried to go around the outside and, yeah, we just touched in the end unfortunately and so that hurt both our races so from a team point of view that is very disappointing. Reporter it means rossberg has further extended his title league over hamilton, sarah with al jazeera. Major sport and the german running was notable for spectacular crashes and one saw the leader crash out. And sunday saw h the closest rival to close the gap in the title standing after hitting an unsuspected person he was unharmed but out of the race and i ironically allowed him to win and he was involved in a crash thursday morning and they rebuilt the car and took victory and giving their first win in their debut season. David was a big star at sundays Diamond League meet in birmingham and he was trying to beat the 28yearold record in 800 meters and missed out and 1. 31 seconds there was successful home favorite as well and the double olympic champion winning the twomile race and the sixth quickest in history. And the barclay and the first of four fedex events and mcilroy was not in contention and was nine off the pace and hit five birdies in final nine holes in new jersey to have a final round of 65 and take the victory by two strokes. Final grand slam in the u. S. Open begins in a few hours time in new york, the mens event is without the champion nadal who is injured and then we have the number one seed and going for the second slam of 2014 taking on swartsman in the first round. You have been watching the al jazeera news hour and jane is up next, and thanks for your time and your company. On the stream, are Ivy League Schools turning our kids into zombies . An ex yale professor thinks so, find out why he says kids are afraid of risk. On the stream the stream on al Jazeera America weve been through a lot in california, it was a serious rocker. I climbed through the rocker and shouted my wifes name. She was all right. A major cleanup is under way after an earthquake in Northern California does more than a billion in damage. Now the fear is nor strong aftershocks on the way. An american journalist let go. Inside

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