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After a year of turmoil burkina faso has a new preside president. He took more than 50 of the vote in sundays poll, these were the first president ial and legislative elections since an up rising in october last year that led to Blaise Compaore resigning after 27 years, we have more from the capital. Reporter celebrations rocked the capital the moment of results of the elections were announced from a Prime Minister was proclaimed the we were. He will become the countrys first civilian leader in almost five decades. In his victory speech he promise today follow through on his campaign promises. Translator we owe to those who sacrificed their lives for our country. The respiration of our constitutional order. Peaceful governance that strengthens democracy and national reconciliation. Reporter citizens of burkina faso are celebrating the end of political turmoil. Its the hope that a new prison well ashhar in a new era of fiscal democracy. He was also the president of the National Assembly under president Blaise Compaore he split with him last year and formed an opposition party. The movement for peoples progress. Not everyone is happy with his victory. Translator he was not my candidate. And never will be. I dont see any difference between him and compaore. He worked with compaore during five of the 27 years he was in power. Reporter the elections also bring to an end the Transitional Administration installed that blaise come prayer aways overthrown last year. Compaore seized power by force and con four elects all of which were disputed. He was toppled by protests which he tried to change the contusion to extend his rule even further. No politician, no Political Party will from now impose an idea or practice of government [ inaudible ] this is very good. This is the biggest achievement since october 2014. Reporter comfortable in the knowledge of months of turmoil are now behind them, the people of burkina faso continue to celebrate. Their countrys new status. Mohamed adow al jazeera. Russias president Vladimir Putin is accusing turkey of shooting down a russian jet to protect Oil Smuggling routes. He says that oil produced by i isil is entering turkey on an industrial scale. Translator we have now received Additional Information that oil produced in territory controlled by isil and other terrorist organizations and in huge quantities on an industrial scale is being supplied to the territory of turkey. And we have every reason to believe that the decision on whether to shoot down our plane was dictated by the desire to insure the safety of these oil supply routes to turkish territory. Turkey denies any involvement in snuggling oil. It says it shot down the russian jet because it violate the its airspace, turkeys Prime Minister has refuse today apologies for threrefused toapot does suppress yes get. The incident does not rest by turkey. We have no intention to escalate that situation, we are ready to talk at of level in order to prevent further similar excuses. On turkeys syrian border. Not the border of any other country. The u. S. Government says that it can confirm that the russian jet did enter turkish airspace before being shot down. We have more from brussels. Reporter these comments by the u. S. Ambassador at natos headquarters in brussel are really the first time that an american official has gone on the record and so explicitly stated that the u. S. Has data backing up turkeys version of events on november 24th. Saying that the russian plane had in fact entered turkish airspace, until now they hadnt been so forth right although they offered, of course, turkey their full support just before the u. S. Am bars doing spoke there was a joint press conference between the nato secretary general and the turkish Prime Minister and there, they did say clearly that all nato allies fully support turkeys right to defend its territorial integrity and its airspace. At the same time as welcoming turkeys effort to his reestablish contact, direct contact with moscow and deescalate the situation. Certainly to be fair to ankara, there are some effort to his deescalate the situation, but at the same time its not. [ audio difficulties ] the he mains of the pilot killed this that incident have been returned to russia. Al coffin carried through a military honor guard in mass could you. Russias air force chief said those responsible for his death will get the punishment they deserve. David cameron says he will call a oneday debate. He needs parliamentary approval to extends military action from iraq to syria. I believe there is growing support across parliament for the compelling case there is to answer the call from our allies to act against ice nil syria and iraq. The Head Quarters in many ways of the terrorist actually is in syria and it makes no sense to recognize this border in the action we take when isil themselves dont recognize this border. So its in the national interest, its the right thing to do. Well be acting with our allies, well be careful and responsible as we do so. But in my view its right do this to help to keep our country safe. At least 18 people have been killed in violence in fallujah in central iraq, five civilians killed by shelling link odd the iraqi army. Shortly afterwards a car bomb killed 13 iraqi soldiers at a checkpoint. At a nearby ramadi the army has toll people to leave the city ahead of an offensive to retake it from isil. Imran kahn has more. Reporter Iraq Security forces say they have entered the outskirts of ramadi in ajaxs largest province anbar. They say this operation had a breakthrough on thursday which they took the key palestine bridge it was a connecting supply route between rah mad and i fallujah to isils strong hold. They have imagine today take that bridge and that means that isil are effectively cut in to two and cannot reinforce their fighters in ramadi. So now what the iraqi Security Forces are doing is going in to neighborhoods very slowly and methodically to try to clear the neighborhoods of isil fighters. Now, this operation has long been stalled. Its been nearly a year in the making. Prime minister abadi has blamed everything from the heat to the lack of u. S. Led coalition airstrikes. Those airstrikes have been key in recent days, however, they have weakened isil forces and allowed iraqi Security Forces to go in. What we are also being told is that any civilians still trapped in ramadi are able to leave as long as they wave white flag. We havent seen any pictures of anyone waving white flags nor reports of civilians being able to leave. If rah maim mad is a take ramadt few days it will be seen as a big victory. A prison try nut gout mall actual 2,000 please were sent to retake control of the jail. More from david mercer. Reporter a fight broke out between what they say were two rival gangs and a third group of people. One of the initial theories that came out was that they were actually trying to create a distraction, some sort of diversion which would allow for allow for some of the inmates and the prisoners to escape, that has been quashed and the idea is it was a fight between the two rival gangs and a third group of people who might have been extorting and assaulting visitors who were coming in to visit some of the prisoners now this is a prison did he signed to hold just 600 people and in fact there is more than 3,000 inmates living there. You get a sense that the overcrowding is definitely leading to these conflicted situations. There are two main gangs here in guatemala that run a lot of crime rings here and these are old, old, old rivals that, you know, were sort of raised on the streets of los angeles before being brought back here. And as i said they are responsible for a lot of violence that goes on in the country, but it certainly was a shock to prison official that his this happened. One of Six Police Officers accused of killing a black man in the u. S. City of baltimore has gone on trial. William porter faces several charges, including manslaughter, Second Degree assault and misconduct over the death of freddy gray. The 25yearold suffered spinal injuries in Police Custody a died a week later. His death in april sparked protests against police brutality. Al jazeeras john terrett sent this update. Reporter the case against william g. Porter really is manslaughter. Hes faces lots of charges but manslaughter is the key one, in other words, a duty of his care of responsibility to freddy gray in the back of that police wagon and when freddy gray allegedly asked for medical help it was not called for a further 24 minutes and that was the job of officer porter. The defense will be very succinct, though, theyll say, look, there was a new seat belt law in the city of baltimore in which suspects were to be seat belt ed in to the bask Police Wagons but it was very new. Also it was not justly applied across the city and also some of the Police Wagons didnt even have seat belt. That will be the kia plan for their defense, theyll say look, freddy gray contributed to his own death by being violent and aggressive in the back of that police wagon. The head of the Roman Catholic church has called for urgent action from leaders meeting at a u. N. Climate conference in paris. Pope francis said this is the last chance for avoid a Global Environmental disaster. Translator i am not sure i can say to you now or never. From the first one which i believe was held in tokyo to now, little has been done. Every year the problems are getting more serious. We are at the limit. If i may use a strong word, i would say that we are at the limit of suicide. I am certain that almost all of those who are in paris at cop 21 are conscious of this and want to do something. China is the worlds biggest carbon emitter and the resulting pollution is clearly visible in the captain beijing. An orange era letter has been issued due to the thick smog. This means industrial plants have to reduce output or shutdown production completely. Pollution levels are more than 20 times over the limit set by the world health organization. Al jazeeras adrian brown is in beijing. Reporter well, imagine waking up to them this is the fourth straight day of hazardous pollution levels here in the chinese capital. Admit morning on tuesday, the air quality index was more than 540. On monday morning the air quality index as measured by i one of the governments own monitoring stations reached nearly a thousand, thats how serious it was on monday even. The government flesh United States that by 2013 their gas emissions will have peaked the government is ordering factory to his slow their output or close. Schools are not closed but many parents are choose to go keep they are Children Home because of this. And who can blame them. Still to come here on al jazeera, a sign of chinas economic might. Yuan joins a select group of the worlds elite currency. And well take a look at how bad traffic is Holding Back Business in ghana. Sure, tv has evolved over the years. Its gotten squarer. Brighter. Bigger. Its gotten thinner. Even curvier. But whats next . For all binge watchers. Movie geeks. Sports freaks. X1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. Half a million fields will lie fallow. If we had another year of this severe drought, id say all bets are off. Hello again, the top stories on al jazeera, burkina fare has a new president , the former Prime Minister has been electedded in the countrys first a civilian leader in almost five decades he certained under the deposed leader Blaise Compaore. Russias president Vladimir Putin says oil being produced by isil is being smuggled to turk on an stroll scare, he believes turkey shutdown at russian jet to keep the routes secret. Pope francis said this goes the last chance to avoid a Global Environment the disaster. Chinas president will arrive in zimbabwe on tuesday as parts of a fiveday trip to africa. During his visit, he is expected to pledge extra funding and investment to the cashstrapped country. But in this report there is concern that the promise of new loans could burden zimbabwe with even more debt. Reporter most products sold in this ball are made in china. He has just returned from there where he goes up to stock up on surprise. Four, five months. Almost for for 2 months i am [ inaudible ] some of the things are going very good. Things are [ inaudible ] i cant complain. Reporter zimbabwes Manufacturing Sector is at half eights capacity. Many goods sold come from china. Government officials blame western sanctions for the weak Manufacturing Sectors. Those sanctioned were imposed years ago for human rights abuses. Al allegations the government denies. China has often been criticize today not speaking out against its trading partners. Government Officials Say they want to borrow money from china to build hospitals, roads and schools but the economy may is struggling. Some people here are asking how the government plans to payback china. Some economists say paying back could be difficult. The country will have to payback only from increased ability to produce, increased ability to export. And hopefully rising prices on the world markets. Now, all of those are difficult to imagine happening. And very difficult to achieve. Reporter in the past zimbabwe has been accused of not paying back some of its loans but china is still up investing in electricity problems and con trunks and also building and donating medical equipment for poorly resourced publicist hospitals. Chinas loans often link today commodity arrangements, zimbabwe has plenty of raw materials. Now the commodity price have his fallen, new terms have to be agreed on how to payback those loans. Some fear that could lead to zimbabwe going deeper in to dead. Al jazeera. The International Monetary find has added the chinese yuan also known as the [ inaudible ] as one of its reserve currenciesal its a victory for beijings campaign for recognition as a Global Economic power. The yuan joins the u. S. Dollar, the euro and the yap nice vinnie ijapanese yen into the select g. The addition and the inclusion of this in the sdr basket of currencies and a recognition of the significant reforms which have been conducted of the significant opening up of the chinese economy. A view now from tony nash who is cheech economist and managing part in singapore. It is just one of credibility. Its as if a country say a certainty bank can now say this is a currency thats good enough for the i. M. F. To hold so now its good enough to us to hold. If you imagine for example a country where china is a large trading partner if they want to pay for those goods with their money they can do that. They can hold that in their reserve which they could do before but now that it has an i. M. F. Kind of seal of approval its easier do because its seen as much more re credible. China is the largest trading country are i in the world. 13 of all traded goods go in and out of china. The u. S. Is number two at 11 of the goods. So, nah, within asia, china is the largest trading partner of most countries in asia. So the chinese y. E. N. Will become more ive factor in trade and dead in asia particularly. The island of puerto rico . Financial crisis driving 10s of thousands of people to leave in search of jobs and better security. Its mosted a thousand families are driving every month to floor a state that is already home to a million port reap ricans but they are finding life as equally heart. Reporter this isnt where this family thought they would end up living when any arrived in central florida. Like thousands of others here they are cram ed in tie Single Hotel Room living week to week. Its been like this for several months now. But despite the hardships, they are determined to make a new life in the u. S. We stay here, we are fine here, well be here. And keep trying until, you know, she is expecting for december. Hopefully we can get something before december. Its going to be tough, five people. One bed. And a crip. Reporter their story is a familiar one to this woman who has been helping puerto rico families for years, she set up this cafe inside a hotel to help feed new arrivallal but she says the reality is bleak. She says since it cant get any worse this has to be bet and are you come here with that in mine mind it has to be better and you are waiting for that moment where its going to turn and it is going to be better but it never happens. Reporter the numbers of Puerto Ricans who are u. S. Citizens by birth leaving the island is expected to keep growing. The figures now rival the socalled great migration following the second world war. But in florida, there is concern about the affects of homelessness and instability on newly arrived children. Imagine a child, a child wants to feel beloved, and feel that they belong. And if they are constantly in a new environment, they are struggling with that. Reporter throughout this entire Region Hotels and motels are full of puerto rican families waiting to start their new lives. But the problem is, these rooms arent cheap. And that means people cant save up enough money to move out. And the waiting list for Government Housing in the area is already approaching two years. Community leaders are now offering workshops for families they say are ill prepared for the realities of look i have in florida. Despite the risks many believe their children have a Brighter Future here than in port puertoo andy gallagher. Central florida. Nap years ships are leaving to resume whaling. It stopped killing wales for a year, toko insists the program is for Research Purposes but the International Court of justice has ruled that the expeditions are commercial hunts. Tuesday, december 1st is world aids day. The stigma surrounding the disease still exists in many communities in malaysia heads hiv positive orphans are over looks for adoption, one woman is hoping to change attitudes. Reporter he appears to be just like any normal 13yearold boy. Playing with his brothers and sister, and getting up to all sorts of mischief. However, life for him and all five of his adopted siblings is not easy. They contracted hiv before they were born, they were adopted, shes been looking after hiv infected children since 1991. Two of his siblings were abandoned on her doorstep as babies. Others given up by parents who didnt want the responsibility of a six child. Bringing the community on board took more time. Nearly a decade. It was a facetoface and i have to explain to them the reason why we have to take care of positive children. I just hope whatever i have explained can exindicate them. Reporter there are few willing to care for children with hiv. She gives them hope of a Brighter Future. Translator when i leave school i would like to be a mechanic. I really like fast cars. Reporter government figures suggest there are over 13,000 children in legally registered care homes but no statistics on those with hiv. The children that she has adapted are fortunate taken in by a woman who is client and self little according to her community, yet they are take then as babies. Its far more difficult for others. The government has assembled an Advisory Council on children. The minister in charge is aware more needs to be done for sick children. They are the children who are disabled, impaired, medically not well. The best interests of the child is paramount interest to the council. And we have lively, good discussion and from there well come up with policies i plan of action that is focused on type ofs of children i mentioned. Reporter her only adopted doubt ter is paralyze paralyzeds is rebbe are you false are you. Taking on these other children shows her compassion, she offers them a future rather than a life in an institution, they gain a loving, secure home and a woman they call mum. Ray person has died in nairobi after an apparently botched security drill at after just. Students at the university were not told about the exercise and panics. Fearing that the drill was a terrorist attack. The stampede ensued, as hundreds of students made for the exits. Urban areas in africa are growing fast but in many cities the planning is lagging behind. The lack of Affordable Housing in began ghanas capital means people have to commute from the outskirts of the city to get to work. A report now. Reporter patrick leaves his house at 5 30am ever 5 30 a. M. E morning for work normally its a 45 minute journal journey but g rush hour he has to allow three hours. My journey is frustrating every day and disgraceful. I am stuck in traffic, knowing that i should be in the office briefs pairing for the work of the day. Patrick joins thousands of others on private mini buses. On average he spend a total of 30 hours a week commuting. At the newspaper where he works, his boss says its a problem for most of the staff. Most of them live outside the city center. About 70 of them live about 10kilometers away from where we work. So obviously they get to work quite late due to the traffic. And that obviously has some impact on our productivity. And it worries us. Reporter patrick says he cant afford to live closer to work. He would have to pay around 10 times more than what he pays now. Across city center is developing fast. New luxury apartment blocks are easy to find but they are too expensive for most ghanaians. There is a severe shortage of Affordable Housing. According to the city authorities, the population is going growing at a rate of 4. 2 , twice the nation of average. Experts say the right road and infrastructure is key to keeping the city develop na in a positie way. They argue that cities like this suffer from too great of a focus the city center. I think cities need to unlock the inherent Entrepreneurial Skill of all of their citizens and looking at an preach and say how can we have Different Centers of activity, different focuses that so that you can distribute the availability of jobs. The problem of having a centralized strategy is that it actually kills the overall system. Reporter for years officials have been promising new rapid bus routes across the city to ease congestion. Patrick dreams of an easier daily journey. Not just for him, but for thousands of other commuters caught in the same trap. Al jazeera. Plenty of month every news about real people and real issues on our website aljazeera. Com. Failing grades for classrooms. Is it even safe for kids to go to school here . The walls are crumbling. Theres mold. Mouse droppings. Asbestos. Human waste. Paint and powder comes out of the walls. Lisa fletcher tonight. How many deficiency were identified . I dont. If i told you it was 6,000

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