Transcripts For ALJAZAM Weekend News 20151128

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refugees in poland as the country rallies to drive them out. a diplomatic standoff is brewing between moscow and ankara following the shooting down of a russian fighter jet. foreign minister sergey lavrov, while turkey says it deserves an apology from russia after it violated air space. rory challands reports. >> speaking with one voice in moscow on friday. >> translator: i.s.i.s. militants receive weapons and free passage. they don't have to use parachutes. we are talking about militants from several questions. turkey made the step to shoot down the russian jet because it supports and encourages those terrorists. >> reporter: they were meeting to discuss practical steps for pushing forward vienna process, the mechanism they hope will find a political settlement for syria. >> we have agreed that a list of terrorist groups that will be secluded from any political negotiations needs to be drafted. then vienna needs to go through the u.n. security council. it is absolutely clear that without it political peace talks between moderate opposition and the syrian government cannot take place. >> reporter: in southern russe were military funerals. alexander was the pilot shot dead parachuting to the ground are viewed as heroes in russia. not in turkey, these protesters are calling russia's military murderers. putin is depicted as a vampire. recep tayyip erdogan has accused russia of playing with fire by propping up the syrian government. >> translator: the day this incident happened i requested a meeting from him. i wanted to hold a telephone conversation with him but he's not returned my calls yet. there's a climate change conference in paris i believe he will be there we can meet there and discuss these matters with him. >> reporter: for moment the kremlin isn't answering, it's ramping up economic pressure on turkey. while formalized sanctions are being drawn up, inspectors are finding hygiene reasons for rejecting items from turkey. russia's bombing continues. these are some of the latest deadly strikes against samada in idlib province atown near the border with turkey. rory challands, al jazeera, moscow. >> russia is accused of using air strikes against i.s.i.l. in yamadi hundreds of turkmen have been displaced by russian strikes. more than 1700 of them have fled to the turkish border. latakia province, prepared to attack a russian air base. video published online, show members of a group getting ready to fire at the base. syrian opposition groups say eight people were killed in rah ca including five children. this video released by an i.s.i.l. affiliated group is said to though aftermath of the bombings. france's foreign minister has backtracked from saying, president assad cannot be part of syria's political future but now in a statement laurent fabeuse said, framework of a political transition. the syrian foreign minister had welcomed fabius's earlier statement. >> translator: if fabius is serious, we welcome that. this represents a fundamental change of france and other countries towards the syrian crisis. one police officer and two civilians have been killed in the city of colorado springs. the suspect surrendered and is now in custody. the motive for the attack is still not known. >> unfortunately with this tragic situation today we have to confirm that we have two civilian casualties on scene. and we have the death of one police officer. the death of the officer on scene is from the university of colorado at colorado springs police department. >> al jazeera's jim hooley is on the scene. >> very sad as police confirming just a short time ago that three people have been killed in the shooting here today, one of those a police officer, two civilians nine other people shot, we understand they are doing pretty well, good condition in some of the area hospitals. the mayor of colorado springs speaking to some reporters just a while ago, we were able to talk to him, he said the injured people are in good condition. all of this started to unfold at around noontime today when the gunman approached the planned parenthood building just on the other side of where you see police vehicles here and he entered and began shooting. here is a large bus here right now. this is an evacuation transport bus they're calling that it's going into the scene into the strip mall here and taking out what we believe are some of the people who have been locked down for a long time in there as they are trying to get people out who were basically held hostage for the the five hours. now the hostage situation now wrapped up, one police officer and two civilians shot dead at the planned parenthood clinic. thousands have spend the night at an open air shrine. as pope francis is about to celebrate mass, christian converts executed in the 19th century. he made a global appeal for compassion and solidarity towards refugees. well uganda has one of the fastest growing populations in the world. many ugandans want smaller families but for catholics this often pose east problem. malcolm webb has the report from central uganda. >> reporter: ful of the women here have recently given birth then they were referred to the family planning clinic. they'll each have more than six children. rose already has eight. she's come here because she doesn't want any more. >> translator: my husband does not have a job. i have no way of earning money. we struggle to afford the basic needs for our children, even a place to live. >> reporter: so she and her husband have agreed she should undergo sterilization. people who come to this house center can get free could be domefree condoms orbirth contro. about a third of the women in uganda all their partners are using contraception but the catholic church says all of these methods are wrong. pope francis is seen as progressive on many of these issues but his position remains controversial. the main teaching shows that people should only use natural processes but failure rates are high. bishop defends natural contraception. >> it is more complicated. it demands for more attention care knowledge of one self and one's body and the body of the other but it is much more respectful of indeed the gift of life. >> reporter: as always, life on the streets of the capital campala, increasing access to family planning is crucial and if that doesn't happen they say future generations will stay trapped in poverty. >> for population to be producers they have to be healthy, they have to be skilled, they have to be sufficiently educated. and if the population grows uncontrollably for an unplanned direction, then those conditions cannot be met. >> reporter: rose struggles to afford school fees for all her children let alone any more. traditionally, people value big families and she's one of uganda's 14 million catholics. she comes to this church in her village every week. she says her faith means a lot to her but to reject what the elders taught her about the family planning, she can't cope with any more mouths to feed. malcolm webb, al jazeera, uganda. africa will surpass south asia as the region with most child brides in 2050. the practice is common in zambia, now cultural traditions have been challenged at a landmark summit. tanya page reports from zambia's capital. >> reporter: the girl in this video is crying because she's forced into marriage. soon she is saved. >> you are under arrest. >> reporter: but moss of the time there is no rescue. while marrying someone under 18 is illegal in many african countries, many have customary law where it is allowed. but soon zambia may not have a dual system. >> zambia decided to just have one law. doesn't allow for customary marriage. >> yet unicef says by 2050 the number of child brides in africa will more than double to 350 million. sharing ideas on how to combat it at every level of society from encouraging governments to include child protection rights and all policies to urge ugh villages in the rural areas to combat it because that's where the problem is greatest. child brides are more likely to be in abusive relationships, contract hiv and to die during childbirth. to provide a way they can earn money. this is the sound of opportunity for these women. the these women can end the tradition. lucina got married when she was just 15. >> translator: i had no choice, because my parents couldn't afford to take us to school. i didn't want to get married. >> melina wants to teach her daughter about girl power. >> translator: it means girls coming together with energy, not the old ladies, just as because we have the power to change our lives at girls. >> reporter: she's trying to take control of her life by breaking the cycle of poverty, so her daughter can stay in school, creating a new tradition for her young family. tanya page, al jazeera, lusaka, zambia. >> lots more to come on al jazeera, burkina faso is set to vote in its first free election. more to come, stay with us. >> "inside story" takes you beyond the headlines, beyond the quick cuts, beyond the soundbites. we're giving you a deeper dive into the stories that are making our world what it is. >> welcome back. the top stories here on al jazeera. foreign minister sergey lavrov has questioned turkey's commitment to fight terrorism in syria. warned moscow not to play with fire. officials in colorado say one police officer and two other people have been killed in a shooting in the u.s. city of colorado springs. several people were wounded. during the five hour standoff at a family planning center. the suspect surrendered and is now in custody. pope francis has received a huge welcome in uganda, on the second leg of his africa tour. addressing the country's president and mps, antiracism groups say there's been a spike on attacks in muslims and other minorities right across europe. rallies against islam has been held in poland. from warsaw, here is lawrence lee. >> having your own restaurant may be a wonderful thick but it's a constant reminder of what he lost. his native nigeria his career was interrupted after a racist attack left him with a broken arm, incessant abuse from polish fans, as well, he gave it all up to raise a young family and his son is getting the abuse as well. >> i came to pick my son from his school and one of his friends said to him, alex, monkey was here for you. my son was so embarrassed, he was seven years old. i was looking to do something she didn't say anything. >> racism in poland is not here, but getting worse. je suis idiot. they chanted here, which is not flattering. don't let this happen to you, poland must stay catholic. coming to poland, he says the attacks in paris have given the far right all it needs to feel morally justified. >> there are people who are with the refugees feel so broken, they feel invalidated by what happened, they try to make the point that muslims are peaceful people. >> this is not just poland, rocketed in europe after the charlie hebdo shootings, and any number of countries have reported similar things. what worries countries like poland is that right wing governments which now overtly say migrants might be terrorists are giving an open door to violent racists. >> any religion, one can find also catholic or christian terrorists who were dea devastag and killing people in other countries. >> mosques have securities, to stop people putting pig's heads through windows, in just the same way, antisemitism is growing too, how ironic that all this is exactly the sort of thing that i.s.i.l. wants to see in europe. lawrence lee, al jazeera, warsaw. the french president francois hollande, pledged to destroy what he called the army of fanatics behind the violence. jacky roland has more. >> their names were read out one by one. standing alone president francois hollande, in the two weeks since the attacks he has sought to reaffirm french values while honoring the dead. they were mostly young people in their 20s and 30s, killed while they were out enjoying life. >> translator: i salute this new generation. it was stuck. it is not afraid. it is lucid and enterprising. in the image of the nent innocee mourn, this generation has now become the face of france. >> reporter: the president's words were somber but also defiant as he promised to wage a war against the attackers and those who supported them. >> to all of you i solemnly promise that france will do everything to destroy the army of fanatics who committed these crimes. without rest it will protect these children. i promise you also that france will remain herself as the dead loved her as they would have wished her to remain. >> reporter: standing with the families members of the emergency services who were on duty that night. police who hunted the killers, paramedics who treated the wounded. at least two families chose to stay away, they say the government hasn't learned the security lessons from the charlie hebdo attacks earlier this year and they accused it of failing to make good on its promise to keep the french people safe. across the windows and balconies people displayed the french flag, their way to say the attacks were a tragedy shared by everyone. jacky rowland, al jazeera, paris. hours later, another palestinian man was shot dead after injuring six soldiers with his car near hebron. killed since the latest wave of violence began last month. israel will for the first time ever have a permanent official presence in the gulf. it will soon open a diplomatic level mission to the international renewable energy agency in abu dhabi the capital of ye united arab emirates. united nations children's fund say the number of people dying from aids have tripled. teenagers are the only group among hiv infected populations where the mortality rate isn't slowing. it also says the disease is the main cause of death of african youth 10 to 19. craig mcclure is the global chief of hiv section at unicef. he explains why there is such a sirnlg. >> in all other age groups, death from aids has decreased. infected mother to child transmission the rates of infection has dropped to 60%. there were over 600,000 babies infected with hiv in twof 2000 d less than 200,000 this year. issue with adolescents is that most of those teenagers dying of aids were infected as babies. so three were infected due to mother to child transmission before prevention of mother to child prevention programs were scaled up. during adolescence it's not a time when you naturally look for infection. so diagnosing has been a problem. >> it is the final day of campaigning in burkina faso. 14 candidates are in the race for sunday's election including this man, rock makaburi who served as a vice president in blaise cam poo campaori's gover. >> days to go until the country's presidential elections and he says he doesn't want the result are from the revolution forgotten. >> translator: it's important that people remember what happened in october 2014. the struggle for change. the expression by the youth of this country of their desire for change. true democracy and human rights. >> the political crisis began when president blaise exoo campi attempted to change the constitution. protests turned into a mass upriding, the president need ouagadougo for nearby ivory coast. >> i can't express my feelings the time the president left the country. i felt joy, at the same time i felt proud that we had accomplished such a huge task. >> a new transition of government was put in place, charged with organizing elections. the powerful presidential guard detained the leaders. transitional administration, the elections on sunday will bring the transition to an end. yet some are skeptical the polls will bring real change to burkina faso. >> people are watching the candidates closely. there's no one of them who has not worked with blaze campaori. are. >> in the absence of a sitting president in the race they believe something goodwill come out of these election. mohammed mohammamohammad adow, , burkina faso. dip follows a series of controversial comments an criticism for donald trump's mock of a disabled new york times reporter. the u.s. billionaire's biggest poll drop since july. thousands of people have been on the streets of chicago protesting against racism and brutality. over the shooting death of a black teenager by a police officer last year. allen fisher reports. >> it was a short stretch of defiance and anger, that targets chicago's busiest shopping street on the busiest shopping day of the year. after the killing of black teenager la quan mcdonald by a white police officer. on the front, civil rights leader jesse jackson. >> the man who saw it didn't try to stop him and didn't report what happened. that's the cause, the blue code of silence that protect each other and makes them less able to be credible. even in the new police infrastructure and culture. >> the 17-year-old was shot 16 times by one police officer. video of his death was released the day jason van dyke was charged with murder, 13 months after the incident. demonstrators, infiltrated stores on the magnificent mile. >> this is a normal holiday for many. hundreds and hundreds of people have come out on the street to demand change on the streets of chicago and the way their complaints are being handled. >> we want justice, simple as that. >> killing innocent people, they don't have to, that doesn't make sense for anybody. >> shooting down young black people in chicago. >> famous names find human chains blocking their doors. losses for the stores in the tens if thought hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> we are going to start the money the revenue which hurts dearly to the city and to the state, to show them that this going to hurt them in the long run. >> reporter: in places managers tried to keep the doors open but eventually had to admit defeat. the protest, loud angry and peaceful are the latest over the death of a black man by the hands of police in the united states. they say there will be more and insist there has to be change in culture of policing in chicago and across america. allen fisher, al jazeera, chicago. >> all the news of course on our website, there it is on your screen, the address, on "america tonight", a special look at the force beneath the wave. >> i felt like i was in a washing machine. i mean, i was tossed and turned. >> reporter: what's the next thing you remember? >> i thought it was an ugly way to die. >> the el nino is larger than the godzilla el-nino in '97 and '98. 20 years ago we talked about el nino being destructive.

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New York , United States , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Burkina Faso , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Uganda , Hebron , Israel General , Israel , Turkey , Ankara , Syria , United Arab Emirates , Zambia , Kremlin , Latakia , Al Ladhiqiyah , Nigeria , Idlib , Turkmenistan , Colorado Springs , Colorado , Vienna , Wien , Austria , Poland , France , Paris , Rhôalpes , Chicago , Illinois , Warsaw , L67 , Polish , America , Turkish , Russian , Turkmen , French , Ugandans , Syrian , Palestinian , Charlie Hebdo , Allen Fisher , Al Jazeera Burkina Faso , Lawrence Lee , El Nino , Jesse Jackson , Abu Dhabi , Craig Mcclure , Al Jazeera Jim Hooley , Laquan Mcdonald , Malcolm Webb , Jacky Roland , Francois Hollande , Tayyip Erdogan , Sergey Lavrov , Jacky Rowland ,

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