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Hello. The United Nations says a cessation of hostilities in syria is largely being honored there been reports of artillery and gunfire but nothing major. Alnusra front and isil have not agreed to the ceasefire. The u. N. Regarded them as terror groups so they were not part of a deal. The Russian Military says it has stopped airstrikes but the u. S. Is continuing to target isil with reports of airstrikes. And the Syrian Government is continue to go shell the damascus suburb which is also excluded from the truce. Elsewhere, its hoped the pause in fighting can be us used to gt aid in besieged town but reports say another child has died from malnutrition. Reporter these fighters are on patrol. But they are also at peace. The sky above aleppo is usually buzzing with russian or syrian war planes. The city hasnt had a calm morning probably in years. But fighters here are under no illusion. Translator the regime is not trustworthy. They have violated other deals before. But we are here and we will prevent the regime from advanceing in our areas. Reporter in the areas under rebel control in aleppo. There is a cautious sense of calm and the desire to end the blood bath. Translator we want the truce to last. And the bomb bart are barred. And killing of innocent civilians in residential areas to stop. Translator went to live in peace and freedom. Nothing else. But that this ceasefire is starting to possibly take root. So that is significant. There are other parts of syria, that the ceasefire does not cover. Where fighting is still going on. One of those areas we have discussed in the past few hours. The hnc which is the main Opposition Group had said that they believe that it should have been included in the list of places inside syria that would be affected by the ceasefire. Yet the syrian regime, its russian backers they did not agree with that, they said that, in fact, as nusra front is operational there and therefore should not be part of the ceasefire, the opposition has stated that they dont believe that there are large numbers of nusra fighters there. And it it should be part of the ceasefire. All that aside, though, bigger picture, even though many times in the last few years, there have been attempts to try to affect a ceasefire, all those attempts ended in failure quickly. The fact that today the areas that are covered by the ceasefire have seen such a significant decrease in violence, that is something major and that is something that the folks we are speaking with on the ground are hoping can be built upon so that there can be further momentum in the days to come to make this a more lasting ceasefire, lauren. Presumably the aid people are hoping to build on that as well. The swa us is still very difficult for them to deliver more to those that need it most. Reporter thats going it be a key components. That will be something that if it does happen expect will build more trust because you have had the opposition stating the last few days that as soon as a ceasefire comes in to effect, if it does come in to effect, that aid delivery should resume to some of the most affected, some of the most battered areas, as late as a few hours ago, you had agency sending a letter to the u. N. Security council and other bodies state that go there should be ad resumption to places, where they say people are not getting medical surprise, food, clean water, medicines that they so need. That the populations there on the ground so need. Population that his have suffered so much because of the intense if i indication of fighting. The unhcr says they pictures to deliver aid as of tomorrow. It has yet to be seen what will happen tomorrow. But there is an expectation that as early as tomorrow aid could start getting to some of the really battered areas. Live for us in beirut mohamed jamjoon, thank you. At least 30 People Killed in sanaa. Called iled airstrikes hit a popular market in the city. Killing several civilians. Its estimated more than 6,000 people have been killed in fighting in yemen in the past year. Suicide bomber has killed at least 12 people in the afghan capital. Police say another 13 people were wounded by the blast at the Defense Ministry in kabul. There has been another suicide bombing in the east. Which killed at least 13. We have this update from the capital. Reporter its hard getting the Defense Ministry targeting the Defense Ministry is obviously a bold move and thats exactly what the taliban tried do here. Briefly lets tell you what we know. This is a Suicide Attack according to government officials that took place right inside the entrance to the Defense Ministry. This is a very vast compound for identified with layers of barriers and security forces. Its a relatively secure area. However, in front of the Defense Ministry, you have a major road with a lot of traffic. And the approach to the entrance where you have civilians lined up to get in. These are vulnerable locations and this is where the Suicide Attack took place. The taliban claiming responsibility for this attack. This suicide bombing follows another suicide bombing earlier in the morning where militants targeted and killed a very powerful and influential militia leader who played a key role in the governments fight against militants. All of this comes amid the governments continued push for peace talks with the taliban. The government continues to insist that the best way to establish peace and security is through peace talks. They say the peace talks will resume in the coming days. However, when you see these attacks, militants going after big targets, the glaring questions are all taliban factions willing to stop fighting, willing to come to the negotiating table . Results are expected soon from elections in iran where voters have decided on the makeup of two governing bodies, the parliament and the assembly of experts. Its believed 33 Million People cast their ballots. In what is seen as a major test for president rouhani who help to secure irans Historic Nuclear Deal earlier this year. Early results suggest candidates supporting him are leading the race. With counting still underway in irelands general lex it looks like the Outgoing Coalition has not secured enough votes for a second term in office. The vote has been seen as a test of the handling of the economy. It comes six years after a multi billion Dollar International bailout. The center right party and its Labor Coalition party may be forced to seek new a league amrs to his stay in office. Neave barker reports from dublin. Reporter as the arduous task of counting began, the Coalition Government already faced the prospects of a bruising final result. Early polls showed a drop in support despite huge improvements in the countrys economy. The fina gael party may now be forced to seek support from other party to his stay in government. As the day progressed more signed of a an electorate switching side as support for smaller parties and independent candidates steadily grew. The government may be a bit complacent. They thought they would be rewarded for a republic that still hasnt reached multi [ inaudible ] reporter anger at public spending cuts, rising social inequality and mistrust of established politicians, have all played a role in a loss of support for irelands ruling coalition. The irish election follows a similar pattern to other european countries. Spain, portugal, and greece. That have also been through periods of astare at this, but, of course, irelands story is very different. Austerity is officially meant to be over and the country now has the fastestgrowing economy in the european union. But as the votes are counted, the results come in, it continues to look more and more like people have gone out to deliberately punish the outgoing government in the polls. If the outgoing government wants to hold onto power, theyville to build new alliances but thats no easy task. Irelands main Political Parties were forged in the fire and blood of the irish civil war nearly 100 years ago. There are fierce differences that date back generation that his could have serious implications for the countrys future. There is talk that when the Parliament Resumes on the 10th of march that nobody will be elected Prime Minister that, prospect is extremely scary for people to think about perhaps it will take a little bit of soul searching but in the end perhaps the unthinkable will happen traditional enemies will decide do business. Reporter it may be the smaller parties and independent candidates called upon first to share power. But many question whether a coalition of several parties will give ireland the stability it needs to keep its fragile recovery going. Neave barker, al jazeera, dublin. Still ahead on al jazeera. Russian as alal i on the First Anniversary of the shooting of the Opposition Leader boris nemtsov. Some fear more unrest over current economic controls. The only Live National news show at 11 00 eastern. We start with breaking news. Lets take a closer look. Hello again, reminder of the top stories here on al jazeera. The u. N. Says a cessation of hostilities in syria is largely being honored. Russia says its halted airstrikes on Syrian Rebels who have agreed to the ceasefire. At least 25 people have been killed in two Suicide Attacks in afghanistan. And ireland is placing Political Uncertainty after exit polls indicate the governing coalition has failed to win enough votes for secure a second term. The u. N. Is worried about the use of force in uganda following the president ial elections. Two killed and 200 detained including the opposition candidate. The opposition is continue to go dispute the president s reelection. And now there are more allegations of vote rigging as malcolm webb reports from kampala. Reporter supporting ugandas ruling nrn party for years, she wanted to become a member of parliament but says she lost the partys primaries because they were rigged so she decided to run independently but says she was cheated of victory again. She showed us these ballots, she says she found Ruling Party Officials stuffing them in the the boxes for parliamentary elections. This was not just for me and my opponents alone. It was for the opponents and the president. And we got out those ballots which were stuffed. And i handed them over as an exhibit to the police. Reporter when ugandans voted on the 18th of february, election observers were strongly critical. Incumbent president after 30 years in mower, was declared within fore another 5year term. The ruling nrn party says its victory was fair and that opposition parties were beaten because they are weak. Regarding the preticking, there is no such a thing that ever happened. And they were there is justified they will always justify their loss on someone else most especially the nrn. Reporter this polling station officer said he saw senior polling officials changing results. Reporter security agencies say their role is neutral and they only intervened to keep the peace. Near some polling stations in the capital they fired tear gas to disburse angry crowned. The Electoral Commission says such changing of results was not reported. I never saw that, i never heard that. I have not received that complaint. So i felt there were enough checks and balance to insure that nothing is done. Reporter meanwhile, Opposition Leader supporters say he won. Hes been detained several times and held at his home or police stations. Police say hes not been under arrest. And that he wants to cause violent protests. 30 years ago, the ruling nrm came to power after fighting a civil war that began after a rigged election. The party was seen as a savior. Joy says things have changed. What is happening in our district, if it has happened elsewhere, then they have lost track. And i feel so sad that i lost my brothers fighting for justice, fight to go a better uganda, fight to go a uganda where you can vote freely for the leaders that we want. And i am here, their sister, being treated the way i have been treated in these elections. I am not happy. I am not happy with the nrm. Reporter malcolm webb, al jazeera, cam pal, a uganda. Thousands of people have gathered in moscow on the First Anniversary of the shooting of the boris nemtsov. There was an increased Police Presence in the capital. As demonstrators laid flowers at the bridge where the Opposition Leader was killed. The former deputy Prime Minister was a critic of president vladimir putin. Several chicken men were arrested shortly after his murder. Including five people who are due to go on trial later this year. Tension amongst refugees is rising as more become stuck at the greekmacedonian border. The United Nations Refugee Agency new. Nhcr says tensions are mounting at a refugee camp. Continuing to join more than 5,000 who have been blocked from passing since the border was close today some nationalities on thursday. Human rights group have his been demonstrating out the Austrian Embassy in greece. Lead to this overcrowding at the border grease shares with macedonia. Greece recalled eights a ambassador to austria on thursday. Jakartas oldest red light district is about to be demolished part of a government plan to switch off all red lights, thousands of prostitutes have been evicted and some say they have nothing to eat now. Step vaessen reports. Reporter soul mate river has been a popular destination for sailors and traders as long as people can remember. But not anymore. Sex workers, bar owners and those who sold food to hundreds of customers every night are now all out of work. He has lived in this shanty town for nearly 50 years, its where she raised her children and grandchildren, making money doing laundry. I am crying all the time. I cant even eat. I want to eat, but i dont have the money to buy food now. I feel sad that my grandchildren will also have to go through this. Reporter its a dark, hidden world where generations of poor indonesian made a living for decades. To them, these forced evictions mean the end of an era. Now they are forced to pack up their lives, lives of joy and sadness. Only 200 of the 1300 evicted families have been given a lowcost apartment. Most sex workers return to their villages as soon as police moved in. But some residents refused to go. Translator our country has failed to provide proper jobs, proper education. These sex workers are indonesian citizens who simply need money to survive. The government should treat them more hug humanely. Reporter the governor says its needed to turn it in to a park. Translator our laws dont allow red light districts. If you want to sale your body in a hotel at home. Thats your own business. If you want to be a arrested by police. Reporter many are skeptical about the governments drive to close all red light districts. Translator prostitution has always been a parts of our culture. You can destroy their places, but you cant make them disappear. Theyll always be here. The sex workers do this because they see no other options since they are poor. Reporter those who remain only have a few days to decide if they will leave voluntarily. Or face the prospect of bulldozers moving in on february 29th. Step vaessen, al jazeera, north jakarta. Exactly 27 years ago venezuela was rocked by deadly riots and looting triggered by similar economic condition to his what the country is facing now. And many hope that violence will not be retreated. Al jazeera virginia lopez reports. Reporter this young mans final gasp is the most piercing memory that this photo journal i was keeps from february 27th, 1989. On that day, thousands of venezuelans took to the streets to protest a hike in the rise of petrol. Three days of riots, Brutal Police repression, and looting engulfed a country accustomed to street violence by surprise. Those days events were so definitive for venezuela that a few years later they helped ashhar hugo chaff necessary to power and would for decades fuel antimarket sentiment in the whole region. Translator i work like crazy and then i got to the office and i cried. I cried for the people i have seen die. For their abuse of power and for a break in the country we havent recovered from yet. Reporter 27 years later, the country is again in a crisis. Faced with more than a decade of crippling economic controls, the government recently took the very same measures that led to those daze events. It was in this bus terminal where in 1989 riots first erupted, rocking what huh been until then the longest standing democracy in south america. For many who witnessed the right under the circumstances and looting first hand the road to recovery has been long and painful. And although they say the conditions are similar, they doubt a similar social upheaval will happen again. Everything is expensive, you cant fine anything, if nothing has happened yet. With this crisis we are living with nothing. Reporter but at his home, however, the thought that venturvenezuela could be rockedy street violence like the one he chronicled still haunts him. I donhim. Translator i dont want to take these photographs again. Wick i would like to make take is one where we move forward and we can live alongside one another. Reporter but venezuelans are spending more hour queuing up to buy less food and tensions are rising. In an effort to put the economy back on track, president Nicholas Maduro raised the price of petrol last week. It was the first time in over 20 years. And yet venezuelans are asking how much more needs to be done to fix the countrys economy. As the shadow of february 27, 1989 stills looms large over caracas, virginia lopez, al jazeera, caracas. 13,000 people have protest ed in the south korean capital against a wave of new government policies. Demonstrators led by one of the countrys largest trade unions are demanding that the president step down. They are angry about labor reforms and the closure of an Industrial Complex jointly operated with north korea. As holland booed gears up for the academy awards, campaigners are trying to highlight the issue you of gender inequality in film. Saying women in United States less likely to have opportunities in the industry than their male counterparts, Patricia Arquette spoke for our correspondent phil lavelle about the issue you saying there is a lot more work to be done in women are to truly be equal in the u. S. Reporter and the oscar goes to Patricia Arquette. Well, that was expected. But maybe hollywood wasnt prepared for the next bit. To every woman who gave birth to every tax payer and citizen of this nation, its our time to have Wage Equality once and for all. Reporter everyone here knows Patricia Arquette, hollywoods women are all too familiar with hermes i think. They are used to being paid less than men and art is imitating life here. We have to make riley radical shift. Reporter patricia has spent the last year producing this documentary. Highlighting how that pay gap extends beyond film to women across the United States. Alongside that, she has launched a change. Org petition and it hit 40,000 signatures in hits a first few hours alone. Because of pay inequality there are 33 million women and children in the United States that are living in poverty even though the mom is work full time. If we made sure women are paid their full dollar, we could really address a lot of child hung never the united state thed states. Reporter robert down i, jr. Is the highest paid action or taking home 80 million in one year. Compare that no Jennifer Laurence the highest paid actress she made 52 million. Part is about the available of opportunity for women versus men, lets take the top 100 film in 2014 in that year how many this fee pale characters. Ends it 8 . Reporter how many had a female lead or colead . 21. Reporter and thats in front of the camera, behind the camera, even fewer, 18 women producer 11 writer and when it comes to directors only 2 of directors here are female. You see more men than you do women 78 mandy moved to l. A. To pursue per actioning dream. She has been in commercials, shes been in movies and she knows sexism exists but says its not always to blame. Hollywood is just tough. Like its not fair. I know so many male actors, writers, directors that dont get those opportunities as well and its not because of sexism. Reporter diversity in general is the talk of this town at the moment as hollywood prepares for its big night for a place that deals in stories, its strong face some uncomfortable truths as well. Phil lavelle. Al jazeera, los angeles. And a quick reminder that you can always catch up any time by checking out our website, the address that have is aljazeera. Com. Now details there of the ceasefire or at least temporary Ceasefire Holding in syria. Hi everybody, welcome to documenting excellence, the 2016 oscar nominated documentaries. For the past three years Al Jazeera America has been the only broadcast network in the world to follow teach documentary and short subjects. Tonight we look at the short subjects

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