I'm good you actually know what you are not to being a drug effect of the government here in the eventual cost drolly the inconvenience of searching for a cab at midnight and catch a severe night at that and I encourage you to all right here that scares me other times I have to do it for he can you most unless it's your custom in a condition in Denmark even if he's it's not good night and I don't deny it. I wish I could say if you look forward to a high sweet pleasure enema I'm sure you did she has maybe had an obit engrossing time of that event goodness in the company of young missed a minute no doubt you will miss Mr midnight do you suppose that he will finish your portrait in the near future I have no idea. That this plot of the 2 of them may not be this time we do not wish to Him that made the old in the Young I have any hot made up my mind to go to put him on you will be more than happy when I hear that if you would like to stay with the cd in the court in Germany we better go on to Switzerland found me edge on precisely where it's late I've been to both good night good night if I'm not like. Problems by Matthew to us t.v. Creature and raised him to expect a bit I haven't had nothing at all come out my good with she has a bit is sweet voice provided that one keeps out of the way of her quick temper. Oh you. Know I Can Only. Do you know who merely has written to your mother yet I believe he has offered to do also fee from the law and he will take us for his sittings. Not so high John. I feel sure you are going to see of it again until. He might bring you out of your gloom How can you suggest such a thing usury I told him about how more than affable you let him agree and Phyllis and are usually less than affable you were with me after with him 2 years with me that is not true Joe how is he not I really have not the slightest notion. Of Love negative fool of a man no wonder Cupid is represented when I may see 80 bodies on that. I saw that and the sooner you get over it the better. Don't I should like to call the station with you if you please I do not wish to begin another year in this unnatural state . What do you wish to say why have you never made me your rice we have discussed this before Effi time to repeat my reasons. At 1st I did not wish to have the burden of a pregnant wife traipsing over the continent with me that time has long since passed Furthermore I wish to preserve your virginal. Cattle the right Joe and the Bible says those who enter into horny matrimony should be as Ron let me remind you that many of the best characters in church history preserve the genitalia in marriage so it cannot be bad to do but a time what others have done through life you said we would come to meet our union when I was 25 last year it will be sinful to enter into such a connection with your full ra the responsibility of having children will be too great you are not a fit person you have an obviously range went of the mind I could lead you John the skin and the law would be on my side and what I do take all the blame would make a great piece of bread for your father you go evolution position consider that if you please and you considered if you please you need not take me to the German fans bring by that I have some great change my mind change your mind about this concerning me your son's isn't possible is it indeed the only thing for you with a good beating with a common stick with your piece take away your. Believe me alone. I have another admired woman isn't so much if I had a confessor for you we'd soon bring it to your senses but I don't think you know anything about human creatures Jill and you never think of people's feelings. So I tell you the real reason why I have not made you my wife. It is because I imagine women to be quite different from what I saw you were I was disgusted with your person on the 1st evening. Ever I had to the pains of eternal torment they could not be worth the thing with you. My damn Mrs Gray I am very much obliged for your letter as I shall now be more careful than ever. Nothing Marshall be sent by me. I should never have some drawings of tall had it not been for Ruskin himself permitting me to do so. He should ensure nothing he did find difficult and dangerous or do you really intimate whether you've written to them other junk behavior over this and Agnes drawing is nothing short of Monster and I can see the plan how to please he wishes to get me into a scrape with Everett you're not in touch with him and directly only through my mother that John does not believe there is no communication between us it seems to me that he's trying to push you into some sort of contact of the daughter I would rather do anything and have every name dragged before the public but not going abroad would have been harmed so he tells my mother in wait but if the lock ins do not made that happen perhaps you could do something without disadvantaged my temperament exactly Elizabeth Eckford Kathak to stand so disastrously high in the country it would be a lasting photo to have that reputation tarnished and look like his degree. Didn't finish the portrait of John not yet can they have to think what he must endure and finishing from the DIA's if you look so typical wonder that backs of rock and put under him all the old people misbehaving the mouth is next to him fade the other day old most of us are going to he wish to expatiate on my perfections of appearance and manner he had never seen anything quite so perfect as I lay on the sofa and no wonder they wish to paint me and admired me cetera et cetera because. It is a bit I do not think I am John not compliant he has never made me as I. Am still a virgin. Who like I can't really get. Him to go. Now I know that the madmen he has given me is reasons of cool reasons Fiddlesticks if you must do something about this immediately. Do your parents know that you must write to them without delay after all your father is and what he will know what to do you know that I hate being alone with John I'm afraid of him at times I think of the grandfather who is still have an effect on him all the more reason to put an end to it and to these particular seconds did this perhaps something other than divorce make it possible. Meanwhile with your approach I shall contrive to meet every man that. My dearest father I was unwilling to tell you all feeling your anger against John Ruskin who was so ill treated and abused to me and his parents who have seconded him. You have enjoyed much my child not least today not to Lee's examination was none too pleasant but it has confirmed all I have told you there will be yet another humiliation to go through and I had to look up and have to give his opinion I later at the proper time in the court then I'm just glad this much is over why why in God's name did you not tell us sooner have you told anyone else of your situation Everett and Lady Eastlake has joined ever made any attempt to consumate you in that you know that all those observed this taste for reasons he has given presumably. To pop if he knew the having this conversation he had London he might well try to and that he may have and I could do nothing but in my opinion it is unlikely that he would make such an attack but you will be prepared for all thoughts of evident on his part when the 2 fisted close don't have anything to screen of their own conduct he fears nothing he says the public of food or the no bigger fool than John Ruskin will be made to look at the day it is to defend himself or come along or cheat up let's go over our little plan for your departure or choose the next or your last joint to accompany you to the station as you are leaving London to spend a holiday with doesn't pass the fust opposition about my mind I would believe that I should give you a prophet of my house keys accounts and writing ring and the model come into the carriage beside mine I should go back to the lawyers in London so that they may deliver your postural to that our skins and most important of all to sad about citation of nullity on the unsuspecting John Ruskin. I do mean with a lady Eastlake want to do like a surprise what do you think of this yet think Sabean's are trying to not very much except the home and homes must a place like you not to do and. At one time yes but as we both know the situation is different now I do indeed let us walk to work that we may talk with one. I'm over this. That's conspicuous and is standing before the light of the world because it is doing that you are keeping well a lighter heart Lady it's like here we are quieted at least tell me if I can put it to the east at long last but if you think about it delighted it would seem to have not seen him since a lot of sitting back you know and I have written to him to terminate our friendship but he has replied in a totally angry mother I have to come up understand how our relationship can possibly be affected by what has happened he had no feelings man I think the most generous way of looking on it behaviorally to believe impartially added Mark there's been a strong silence from the Ruskin camps until he went north no doubt they're seeking legal advice but what defense can you possibly have John Ruskin Kemah complain of a come to believe me I also know what that poor girl is going through in retrospect I feel he purposely connived at the result in the Highlands expressed approval and delight that Effie and I agree so well together I put nothing past. The times I wish I'd never gone to the Highlands I'm so miserable I think only the happiness took my happiness with increased tenfold if I could be sure Effie's feelings for me but a strong as mine for her my dear Mr Me I'm convinced they are but if you had a bad experience she needs breaking things how did commitment will be rationed danger of that. Patient man thank you I don't know why I could hold you in such deep affection talk but it is going to be the reskin spot of insomnia would you believe it and then David will be talking to them I think I'll slide away they haven't seen me goodbye lady is a good time I should be in touch with you next we'll need to wonder about a little rubber to dentist and then settle him in a corner. With a corner with one of 2 reservations a bit of a squint in the john and over. Highlights about nothing more your mother and I think you look a little yellow border but. I'm standing on one leg and got a street looking at a row of chimney. For dizziness exhibited wrong. Rudeness have reached my ears regarding lights all right. True I mean. You there's always something with it but yes this is rough it is going to stop for some time I believe that she will help Mr Roberts my daughter in law is unlikely to return to my son and frankly every one delight he was entrapped into a matter of people should know the truth John Roberts Well I am sure I have the grace to put up the truth in place of gossip and conjecture John has always been a prey to a pretty face my dad and to think that a good many different countries this is of the new should be also overlook the fact that his father was virtually a pauper when you became betrayed. Was. All as he will be missed he was guilty of a steep. Possibly her friends do not know have violent tempers my son knows it nor do they know how to extract a concert I know it is what you intend to do just nothing she is going to law all that I selected for the present the world must have its full swing of your short actually and I have a piece of you know material like this maybe it is hope that Mrs John Ruskin's pens will succeed in making her good as she is undeniably beautiful that the private view is not personally going to become professional and I have more important papers to think about as Quite so we take our heat Mr Roberts but if I leave you with the delightful 4th of sprang from his demise lips is that a morning she said Never mind we should at least have John to ourselves. In that the usual are signs of virginity. And that she is naturally and perfectly formed and that a new impediment on her part to a proper comes to me. Mattie. Or did he do it right here with you gravity Thank you no need for introduction I do believe you know just about all of my other guests a guest I can see a dozen familiar faces already come along you've done for sharing the story my dear you must tell you what about the basket I couldn't believe it I think you most people were not surprised of course he was a dreadful husband always extra though totally coke could have stuck to it but my goodness of removing the poor child my heart is full of tenderness the dean and I've or with those invited me interested but not even it is all been done of us can be this is this if you see everyone talking about it secondly considered to madness there isn't a drawing room in time that is not fussing about the Redskins' your shame idea thank you but I for one would be ready to fight her battles like a true knight you could win it now well said Mr Locke You must write and tell her how much good at the Union and affection is on her phone number one except they did today any time talk to Jesus don't rock the night watch the piece deflated Trevelyan came out the way I should delight in explaining to head a few little things about marriage my mom are always cultural motoric. Which right of course have confused lady notion of conjugal duty the perfectly valid I don't really resonate a desert to recent past and children women of extra facades for their fields unable to meet such abilities that he has enough of the Jesuit to write some grandiloquence office didn't dull the pump and he will emerge the injured when you can just call the approximated to Vandy and I believe there are a few Jackley who will not hear a word against him on it then it is a pity they had not the man to do it the book. Say to. John Ruskin was incapable of cons you mating the same by reason of being caught only impotent say well far and by reason of the premise is we do pronounce Sandy qui at such a mad age or rather show our marriage so hadn't set of knives but rather profane between state. Why did. You. Look at our city except that I found Sure. I had heard rumors of course we have managed other for many years Henry and you are the one person the one able to talk about my thoughts in that message. Do you wish to have a perfectly frank discussion of what has been declared and disclosed to the public there can be no other job. As a deeply religious man I've never condoned the destruction of magic there's nothing in the scriptures that suggests that could be grounds for such a holy action. On the other hand I don't quite agree with Carlyle that a woman should bear suffering in silence and never leave a i c. So what are your conclusions and may well if we're talking of a non manage in the strict understanding of that would and that's something you would need for the moment John beyond my comprehension that is why I am here to explain and to clarify. I was not a good husband in the conventional manner and I suppose I'm certainly terribly selfish if he was usually ill or ailing and I have little patience with the body maybe maybe the chemical it was in their spouses. As we are being perfectly frank to say that George attentiveness as a husband was conspicuous by its absence and yet there are few husbands who could look back on their mounted life with most certainty of having done all they could for their wives then I John why did you mad. To have a companion during a period when I was overworked and despondent. And passion I found the tool that I see. Today free not to your expectations as a companion if companionship implies comfort and help that was not forthcoming on the contrary it was I was expected to supply to come tonight if you knew he was young and affectionate and had at 1st a considerable regard for me. But never a devoted not an unselfish one. In which way but simply out if you spend my days leaving cards in my nights leaving again growing more and I would have a lot of my life's work to be interfered with surely that would allow us to get walked I thought and I mattered that I could make a better all that I wanted a wife to be. But an ass she married me thinking the same thing it's foolish suppose we had the power to change each other we be but I knew little of the world I was inexperienced in judging the expression of faces except on campus thus I did not know if it but you had some happy times never listed on that it wasn't all black I know danged need and when she was with people she liked she made us ever agreeable people to relate very well I was desired as that it would appear. That I was deceived in a catacomb she had a so will the dominant of my own and if I may say without modesty less rational So you showed your anger from time to time as you have frequently at my side when astonishment I found you could endure my anger without distress and. What happens now too if. You may well ask my dear Henry. Passions I seem to have conquered have reason she had a fixed mania to get quit of me and to revenge itself about me but all the suffering but own self will is gone and I think most of us who know you both realize why these passions have come to it everyone knows that her passion for this . Person is so strong that if you can obtain a divorce from me she may very well matter when you visit you would see even delicious struck with a singularly intimate ease of them and between Effie and will it's not of bait truth is to be. We. Might have said nothing but Joan. When you stayed with the Trevelyan So go to him still took your side and mention his own similar observation I could not see that. They want me to pay for children I have no capacity for watching click Taishan good though not in principle of not very good in his sense as what you think will do when he hears of the declaration you may feel that magic is the only course open to him a principle of Allah after all he was a temptation of the woman. As for her. That have a scape with some on it if you can but if that is any retribution in this life. Doc I was in the distance. Well believe me. You have all my sympathy and compassion. This dreadful save your sympathy and me open my real saw those of another kind and as death and destruction of that 100 buildings are set up by a 100th of been any domestic calamity. Biddy. Yes yes I can see that. Job. As a doctor I should like to ask about one aspect of your vantage which was fundamental to its will be. I find it baffling. But I trust people continue to be frank with each other of course. Non-confirmation. Easy the truth that it was never never but why I can't understand why if he is a beautiful desirable whom it may be thought strange I grieve that I could have stayed. But though her face was beautiful How person was not formed to excite passion she's a woman is all not all we need there were circumstances about her person that that . Disgusted me that checked passion on the last night or should. I should have the 1st close female who had seen though in normal circumstances that alone excites passion up one or she was glad neither of us wanted a family to interrupt a utopian killers we made a pact that I should make her my life when she was 25. But why didn't you. She became famous all of the. Folks And furthermore I am convinced she suffers from a nervous affection of the brain of the Habs caused by long consternation recently not. I offer to consummate the marriage at any time if she considered it better or chart and surely consummation of kind of become I need to manage it's a neck should look culmination of loving and caring Exactly and it is love the me diminished so much that she dreaded the idea of being my wife rather than wanting. To go back to your 1st night or. Speak as a doctor. Was if you menstruating wish to perfect an actual How do you want reserved how the sunlight changes texture as well as color. We mean are not marble statue to John they have pubic hair as we have perhaps you didn't realize that all these 6 colors the ones who are put on that chestnut by. You. Are you putting in a defense. There it was the with regard to was important. I am not impotent. I can prove my ability. You don't have a terrier I had bruises and. I'm sorry. In his confessions. He had a habit he would never break him self. I like that. So . Yes I see. So you can prove your virginity only to yourself. I wish I could feel future. In Me. Do not think I was not formal. I am not demonstrative in my affection. But I love. You by. I vote. I thought I thought we people whom I like I was who code because I did not give rain. Between old and nothing. That is not the spice granted in my mind. Therefore you can have. Nothing. Do you really but tomorrow how the money to go about it this will come to me that we're not going to talk about it not about the party. I had to ever again all I do so want to make you happy to make up for the past and have it go through all that misery again rather than staying with you for a run day dolling after. Tomorrow my wife imagine just Mrs Milray. Well my lovely daughter and I'm Don Lemon and yeah. I know you look beautiful but my wife. And I did something that I want to do and it's like Ok I. Don't know that. I want to go there I have met. My wife. I need 2 years so maybe. There's no need to fret an idea not anymore I believe you do know a. Little bit of this time you mark my words. I am not demonstrative in my affections. I lumped in. Yet between all and nothing. That is not a spider's thread in my mind. And I have. Nothing. There contest by Elizabeth Morgan the cast was John Ruskin Derek jack of it every Ruskin project McAdams Mr Ruskin Timothy West and Mrs Ruskin Elizabeth Morgan . Mr Gray and Mr Abbott Mrs Gray Davis dear. John Everett Miller Michael Bella Dr Henry Ackland John Ryan Lady Elizabeth East Lake Mary had Lady Lewis. And Mr Roberts and Lockhart. The play was directed by Jerry Joe. 2 de Countach from 1983 and in fact they're a jack of the return to the story of risk and his wife in the 2014 film Effie grey the right to buy in starring Emma Thompson Well next week David Suchet a star in Dostoyevsky's comedy the friend of the family at the same time. And this is presumably some kind of joke and 18th century masterpiece it's can teach us about terrible misfortune to dreadful chain of. Condie burst into tears and blind optimism did you continue to believe that all this for the best is for the best Adrian Scarborough reads Condi Voltaire's novel of ideas about good and evil if this is the best of all possible. The others picnic tomorrow afternoon at 230 on b.b.c. Radio 4 extra that is will say David cold of stars is on or a de balls act in a grisly tale in the sump to mention here on for extra whilst in the French town of on Dom he discovers a beautiful but abandoned mansion and back at the inn where he's staying he finds the locals strangely reluctant to tell him anything about it we came back along the river past the grown breath ash. Yes You know it of course yes I know it seems a pity to vett such a magnificent house get into such a state of disrepair pretty indeed miss you. I don't have the night that well knows it's been a long time since I walked that way out. I have trouble trying to remember what happened yesterday never mind so many years ago please try you must not ask me things but then you do know something I know nothing nothing at all there's nothing I can tell you will bores not be able to uncover the truth the mysterious mention is this evening at 6 and again at midnight on b.b.c. Radio 4 extra. B.b.c. . Radio 4. Next from 2013 it's the 2nd part of the series reimagining the city for much of his life the writer Joseph O'Connor has lived in Dublin It's the place that to some can feel very familiar but Joseph believes there's another story to share. The vertical. Defeat Thank you well here we are off to St were 11 o'clock a lovely funny I want to. Know lovelier place and Dublin to be. A nice thing about it but it still doesn't really shake itself awake at 9 o'clock in the morning you know. Reimagining the city. It seemed that I was living in a compendium of stories and on policy a Tarot pack of narratives I walked the streets of the sun to pierce Brendan b. And then filled in as a bold robber damage the darling of Aaron James Plunkett and Luke Kelly and says I'm a son Patrick Kavanagh and Bob Geldof and Lady Gregory as a young person growing up in Dublin that's how I felt all these storytellers were my neighbors each of them. Tempting versions of perhaps the same thing singing from the same dark aim sheet. Says the bland. Not the most beautiful city in the world that we have to say that the state of the British Georgian square in Georgian streetscapes is how I think the Dublin really is a state of mind. Davy Burnham's bars here sure you've heard of j.b. Burns it's features splendidly in Joyce's novel you listen it's really a pole Bloom goes in for his lunch. Gorgonzola sun which in a big loss of red wine. But it's a great thing about choices he made his hero a father who is interested in the whole world I mean it's great irony of the book the lovely are in it but although he's adopted not just fascinated by other places . Around. vestry noised street but actually works the way it was intended to. Oh I was with my father like most Royster you push through parts for one thing as you might have had to postpone the house the farm with the older Boulder or that there were old trees. There too full of self-esteem I think from what I have come to. Is a funny thing about. The architecture of the planning of the open but it brings people together right back to the era of Joyce he describes up towards the end of portraits of the Artist as a young man his wonderful autobiographical novel how the crowds sweeps him into are girls on Grafton Street with whom he how to troubleshoot a love affair with 15 April. Measures a day point blank in Grafton Street the crowd brought us together they both stopped she asked me why I never Cade said she'd heard all sorts of stories about me this was a meta game tying me to say writing poems about whom I asked who is confused her more and I felt sorry I mean. This is the. Role of the now for all it's our church St Paul how the hell they're separate Right now it's. Like you. Just followed her and this was her freaks my children have. He gets in behind the curtains there and his head has the little head of the puppet. You come down here in your practice and someone would. Know you don't make it in 20 years old you have to do a show you have to be funny have. A dog and you know. It's a very interesting thing in terms of how the fifty's worked the great Italian. Marxist writer and filmmaker possibly me because that was 30 years like the medieval policies and inside the walls we had became the queen on the nobles of the bishops on the faults of the civil servants everybody with any power of influence is inside the walls and he says outside the walls are the barbarians are the people who don't count. But that wasn't really the case in Dublin the counter-culture made its home here on the streets which has cost apartment stories 7 jewelers but it also had on the side streets punk rock nightclubs the place there called a coffee and where writers and poets used to hang out up the road at the end of the street the dandelion Marcus where you too 1st played I think of the age of 17 the barbarians in Dublin did quite a good job of sneaking into the palace and nobody noticing that they were there. Quite unique in that way and then as this burgeoning counterculture become to develop it seems that actually there was a sort of stereo suddenly on the surface and remains a conservative Catholic monocultural quite frightened very obedient to place. The counterculture having tried for a couple of years to house only say in the mains. The media simply decided to ignore it. And. a 1st edition of James Joyce's Ulysses they would probably have one here. In fact they do there they are in there and. They have. Oscar Wilde's Salome Bram Stoker's Dracula John Mica hence the barracks. Seamus Heaney on. Them. Down to this you see see it in the sky see it in the faces when. You come. Down. Yes this is done Mary pier which was built in the. Sixty's and has a long and pretty continuous history of people emigrating from here during the 2 years and decades following the famine hundreds of thousands of Irish people left just from this spot. I have memories myself of being here with my own clothes on says they left the sadness of all of us in the sense of. Being a failed to place really. Punctuated by lovelier memories of their homecomings. Like I remember an uncle of mine who I had never met he emigrated the year I was born I remember him arriving one spark from Australia just the sheer exhaustion Cism of having relations who spoke with an Australian accent and who were sometimes growing up in Ireland to the sixty's and seventy's he just didn't see it. It's a place of many dramas done married here you know over the years and place that has many. Literary associations there's a memorial here on the pier to the great Samuel Beckett who used to walk here and then earlier John saying man who wrote the playboy of the western world who lived in the village of glass tool of ice half a mile from where we are used to walk here at night thinking up his strange fiery plays so you know growing up here as a kid you had a sense of. Thought that there were interesting ghosts here. That suddenly. Wanted you all this. Is. One of swords mudsill finest. Their parts you shall not see. And I suppose it was a place where you felt some connection with the rest of the world in a city at the time the truck very cut off very remote you felt you lived in a kind of backwater that time had forgotten and that all of the great ghosts of the literary past really were ghosts but you had a sense here because of the ships on the sailors and the comings and goings of any port town you had some sense of hope that actually you might belong to a wider world and that Dublin itself might have connections with us wider worlds that you that you didn't notice most of the time. The light has at the end here. And here the stair under another one at there at the end of the West and they do still work their automation and. The glint still sweeps over the water late at night there are no more foghorns unfortunately. As a kid going to stay in my grandmother's house on certain nights you could actually hear the foghorns of the just. And she always used to say that's the Trumpet of the angels and so they seemed to me so I missed the last foghorn an ardent sounded think year ago and the thought that my own children will never again hear the trumpet of the angels I think is a sadness. Not lovely. You can see from here all the way down into the the Wicklow Mountains. Just disappear and. Rightly day is a little less hazy than it is at the moment you can actually see the peaks of Holy Island which is across the water just outside Holly had. We're just going here. So that's Kalani beach just down there. And the coast going all the way down to the show and kill the Bray and Greystones and the Sugarloaf Mountain there in the distance behind us we just step out for a 2nd to see talky I looked it's it's fabulous. It's a beautiful big sky it's not just. Glorious to see the forest in the mountains . Still see the Victorian train lines there which these days carry the dart the commuter train leading from Dublin out to the suburbs and back in again but. On train journeys go it is a pretty spectacular one other hugs the coast all the way from down there you just see gravestones down there in the distance if you get on the train you're beside the coasts running along the edge of Dublin Bay all the way into the center of the city so it's. A rather nice thing for us Queen Victoria's engineers left us. To. It all. The trouble with Dublin was the 1st thing we talked about. We are at Sunday code beach just a mile down the road from John Leary and rather a charming little place famous for its yellow sand and for people who go swimming in all sorts of weather is even on this rather over comest is a big swim here every Christmas morning. People plunge and in the midst of the bleak midwinter. And the reason. That we're here is to see the James Joyce tower which is just behind us. Music. Island. Harvest right here. If you feel like. That's what's known as a Martello tower or a no from were built around coastal Dublin in the 1800s to their watch towers to keep an eye out for the Napoleonic Mavie the idea being thus they would come to our aid here in Ireland and rescue us from Perfidious Albion. It. Seems. We're going to go now to the 41st bathing place a day. Which is just over here. Somewhere. Seems I knew this a society at the time. There we took the 8 kiddies Sunday school and thanks to the movement to. Eat. Meat. She's aficionados of James Joyce will know that his great novel Ulysses opens and this time on the hero Steve and the less wakes up on the morning of the 16th of June not to know for that he's a poor student He's just returned from France he's taken a teaching job in Dublin and he moves into this tower with 2 other students and they wake up here in the morning and they go for a swim at the 40 fish. He capered down before them towards a 40 foot hole clustering his wing like hands leaping nimbly carries hats quivering in the fresh wind the floor back to them his brief sweet cry it's. The most famous speech in world literature. I have an affection for it because growing up in Dublin in the night in seventy's and eighty's. The 44th was a great place of teenage resort on a Saturday night this was where you gather it with your buddies to avail of whatever little alcoholic or amorous destructions might be available during the day as you see it's a bathing place still is for many years it was a men only now it's. Gloriously open to all and sundry but if you came down here on a Saturday night and about 91 this was where the action was. South my friends would gather. And listen to sats It's we love it's. Bob Marley Dylan and Neil Young and Dublin bombs us arose and formed at the time and seem to be saving the city of them from itself and from its own sense of loss when James Joyce said that he had to get out of Dublin because it was the capital city of paralysis it did seem to be like that as a young child it was a place where nothing ever happened that any excitement on the us or economy. But suddenly in those late years of the seventy's as you 2 and the Viper is my favorite brand of the year at the radiators from space came along that seem to be the new things were happening. On. The same time I. Assume. They were very different from the English homes I suppose in that they had a kind of a literary sensibility the radiators from space had an album called ghost town which really did present itself as though the ghost of James Joyce had found a secondhand Fender Telecaster I had listened to The Clash I was putting forward storytelling instead of the energy of punk. I guess. That's how we growing opened a can of pop music that Radio Nowhere else in the world hot and it brought a sort of eggs offices and to the place to me there are songs Kitty records some as old as. You. Like to see such. As. We lived in a poor town the stories came and went rock us. Siegel's taken on a school trip to kill me in a jail I was installed by the story of Joseph Mary Plunker's who had married Grace Giffords before his execution when I went to see the Virgin Trains I heard lyrics written by Oscar Wilde now screamed with the punk fury of the era which. Leave no other city in the world not rock music like this if rock music isn't too narrow a label is. Simply set. In London Johnny Rotten was snarling of anarchy in New York there are moments where setting fire to get towards put in Dublin governor Friday was quoting The Ballad of red in jail as he made with the eyeliner and the rouge we had renegades but they defied even the conventions of rebellion we didn't do 3 cold tricks. And I think this has here this is designed by Michael Wright Irish architect to be his own house of I think in the 1920 s. And there's a sort of refers to the joys tire behind as you can see there the way it curbs. I used to hope as a kid that I would one day be invited to a party there right but. So far not because nice to think of. The young James Joyce himself traipsing down this land and beginning his walk along the sea front pasta on Leary and Sandy mountain black rock into the city you know it's. It's choices great gift I suppose to listeners. That the real stories are in the everyday they're all around us and that the heroic is the ordinary There's a touch of that in the music too I suppose of that era. Connecting with the punk thing you know you don't need to be brilliant You just need to want to do it. People do actually shift focus on top of it people do on our choice and the fact is when people are going to be surprised. Father Holly the old priest who told me English when I was a teenager I did one scene mold gone crossing O'Connell bridge when we came to Yeats is lying but she had Busey like a tight boat he paused and looked down at us with his cupola grab a tough before us saying I saw her boys and she didn't. Other teenagers might read the poem and wonder about the Troy attempts to burn Dublin adolescence knew we were living there. We are on Arnold Grove which is near the town of don't Neary and sort of network of 970 s. Housing estates coldblooded Gary there's an old Atlantic area which was there in the Victorian era but this is the modern one and the house there is. House where I grew up my parents were from the inner city of Dublin. I guess migrated to Klos in the in the 19th sixty's and they moved out here to this stage which really wasn't even finished at the time so there really was a sense of this being a place without any history at all it's the ultimate suburbia where people go to in order to reinvent themselves before I was barred. By Rob Rob Schneider run. By the Far East. That won the. Way. There's a lovely piece by the Irish novelist Dermot Bulger and it's an introduction to a collection. Of writings by other people called Invisible Dublin a journey through Dublin's suburbs and in this piece thermos is a novelist and a poet and a publisher talks about a job you heard as a young man in the mobile libraries and by their nature you know you throw 50 books into the fire and drive to these places that when you. Working on those drafty mobile libraries it often seemed that on many of the stops we were like from Tierra troops a token advance party sent from the heart of a crumbling city awash with folksy nostalgia and rushing buildings out into the new worlds the colonies of children and cement tucked away in the distance I remember the sensation of a crowd waiting in the darkness swarming over the flattened mud beside a half finished road as the van pulled into job's town or kill an Arden on many days we were bound for a quiet settled suburban oases the green at Cypress Grove Palmer's town by Lee Brock and dogs in Lucan or else we wanted to the overgrown lanes of Fingal to Loch shinny with its tiny harbor the isolated village of knowledge where the great fingerless born Piper Seamus Anis lived out his last days in a caravan or the winter darkness of Karbala Scraw strobes in done abate this was neither country nor City these streets possessed no place in the school books and poems we learnt our wooden desks. So I think it's an interesting thing one of the 1st times that I ever read an acknowledgment of the reality of a dog and you know that Dugan is actually a place that has spread to a place that has become more diverse a place where the still beautiful stories waiting to be written and beautiful song was waiting to be song but for most of the 20th century we didn't really sing them we pretended that we lived. On a film set. The children and themselves has said called us once the cave and family belong nowhere and the. Only on is that I knew. Blocks of flats. There's a lot to look forward to unless looking back we might be on the verge of or in a sense vital to remember though is one huge fact the most powerful fantasy of recent times was called the Celtic Tiger a communal work of fiction it's the spend disbelief for too many it turned out horror story there's an onus on our storytellers and image makers and poets to play their part in getting us out to uncover our better angels to say we can aim higher than the top ones best days are yet to come. And Garland made our story is not yet done. Reimagining the city was presented by Joseph O'Connor produced by Rachel Hooper. Extracts read by Maggie crewman it was a falling tree production of the b.b.c. Radio 4 and. Next week singer and musician Pauline Black invites us to her city of Coventry. Back to. The one phone number everyone. I met in service did have an emergency. Such a. Show. Trial. So you know you've done 999 the drama series with a unique perspective just came in and listening to your solicitor face liquids I just want to. Play some sage lifelines today one on b.b.c. Radio 4 extra. A.b.c. Radio 4 legs 2 when we were we were learning to your senses. Good morning it's 8 am if you've just turned on welcome to 4 extra with me next the author and journalist Lynn troughs prepares to cringe through the archives of blunders blushes and bashfulness and hopes it's not too embarrassing in this week's edition of live on for then with the help of rare archive recordings Nick Baker exposed the remarkable life of virtual musician Larry Adler in this weekend's 3 hour special Larry Adler. Just Announced time. Now that meant people suffer it try to avoid it but let's talk about it as well investigates why do people feel it and what is embarrassment for archive on 4 from 2016 let's get this out of the way at once the most embarrassing thing I can remember is 7 credibly embarrassing that I will never tell anyone so I'll just tell you the most recent embarrassing thing I've been taking classes and for Christmas I drew a roll to good pool trait or so I thought of the actor Bill Paterson and gave it to friends of mine who are also friends of his These friends have been extremely supportive of my efforts in the artistic line so I knew they'd appreciate it I even got it framed a couple of weeks ago I asked them Did you like the picture of Bill and they said it was a bill. But luckily for us some people don't mind telling their most interesting story. I was a blind school and it was felt that we ought to be introduced to members of the opposite sex and clearly we couldn't do it for ourselves that was the assumption. But. Peter White is b.b.c. Radio is disability affairs correspondent and presenter of the consumer show you and yours and so what they did somebody in their great wisdom decided to organize a social with girls from the local school but instead of allowing us to find our partners and mingle and so forth they were selected for us and we were brought out once a time to be introduced to them and I remember having mine you know 1514 . And I remember my name being called out and her name was called out and we walked towards each other and ran round the the court I have no idea what it was you know I did I have some toilet paper trailing from my left to where my flies apron What on earth was it then I met her and we were introduced and I realised that the problem was that I was about 4 foot 6 and she was about 5 foot 6 and we were supposed to dance and it's very obvious roughly where my head would be resting and that did absolutely nothing for my confidence in the whole dating and mating and I can tell you. In Paris Mint we all know it when we feel it but what is it exactly how is it different from shame or humiliation or even mortification in evolutionary terms what's it for in psychological terms what does it reveal about us in physiological terms. What happens in our brains and bodies when we're embarrassed in anthropological terms why are our t.v. Shows positively rigid with celebrities telling embarrassing stories about themselves and in plaintive terms why oh why don't we ever grow out of it one thing is certain embarrassment wasn't invented last week or even in the.