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Jackson recreating what's needed for a healthy Marks and Spencer is expected to be relegated from the Footsie $100.00 list of Britain's biggest public companies for the 1st time the retailer has formed part of the index since it was launched in 1984 that's the news now the latest from the U.S. Open tennis in New York with David Low there Roger Federer really on the brink care of going into a 5th set he has one more chance now to break big record Dimitrov serve to stop him going into a 5th and deciding set but it's really gone a bit wrong for Federer he was 2 sets to want to head but Dimitrov came straight out has hit the ball extremely well over the last half an hour but he looks in a really good place where cetera exercising his back he looks uncomfortable out there at the moment but it's not there's no guarantee that he's actually going to come through this and into the semifinals there with the rest of the day's sport a shop of your list you England captain Gerry says he expects bowler Craig Overton to show character and fight when he replaces Chris Woakes for the 4th Ashes Test against Australia Old Trafford the same as a seam has been called up after James Anderson was ruled out of the series because of a cough injury just one change to the squad which won that incredible 3rd Test at Headingley to level the series Ashley Hutton scored a last minute equalize of a Northern Ireland women to draw $22.00 with Wales in the Euro qualifier England have been beaten 21 by Norway in their friendly in Bergen Manchester United defender Aaron one the saga has withdrawn from the in the men's squad to the back injury of the euro 2020 qualifier with Bulgaria it was his 1st senior cool up and Scotland will be captained by Stuart McAnally at the Rugby World Cup but no place in the squad for scent is huge Jones and Rory Hutchinson this is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound Smart speaker. The weather and western areas will have some blustery showers of spells of rain today. Drier and brighter further south and. The rain is a windy day highs of 21 degrees in London 15 in Belfast D.C. Fines line James and John Robbins are best mates or someplace that you'll roll in all of the recent hours us. Sick is the. Choices don't take. Nothing ever comes between them oh my. So for you not to have an imagination. At least James and John moving in perfect harmony even the table. Friday from one B.B.C. Radio 5 life terms the best chance for. The morning on. The U.K. On digital and I'm Raj sharp We're up all night. The prime minister must fight in Parliament this coming day one he's already lost unless his 21 renegade M.P.'s change of my Unless a substantial number of Labor M.P.'s believe that a no deal before the 31st is the only certain way of leaving European Union regulation behind than the FI their leadership process whereby a majority of M.P.'s take Trold parliamentary business began with yesterday's vote now they'll be asked to vote on a measure blocking no deal and tying the prime minister's hands in his negotiations he says the next battle I want to push through a snap election is the one before the bigger political war. 1st however though a battle. We're going to Flushing Meadows where we join David Laws Roger Federer and Gregor Dimitrov. For the 4th Yeah they really do this list crowd 24000 people packed inside this stadium with Roger Federer staring down the barrel a little These 2 sets to want to head but he's 5 fall behind with a break of serve it's Grigor Dimitrov serving to try to take this into a 5th and deciding set however he's Love 40 down Federer 38 years of age now has clearly just decided to go for it and he has turned all out attack on great go to Metropolis game who serves out wide and saves the 1st at least 3 great points. Federer who's won this title somebody times before he's won 20 crimes some singles titles all in all it's always have his way when every play Dimitrov before 70 is the head to head this is the closest that has ever got to beating Roger Federer even if he doesn't do it tonight he's already closer than he's ever been before for an down the line from him he trades for the play stand still price point against the great federal he hits his back and cross court dressed all in black is Federer against the man in the purple shirt Dimitroff another miss for Federer back and down the line so to pray points have come and gone 3040 now on the to patrol but people all around us know what truck Ephedra the stress levels are there for all to see. But this is the crowd encouraging him. Because he's still. The most popular player in the sport. 10 years away he's giving the 28 year old Democrat who serves down the center and saves a successive breakpoint to get back to cheery city of a truck now just 2 points away from taking this into effect and deciding set this is the quarter finals of the U.S. Open men's singles the winner. Through to the Final 4 where a Russian player called Danielle Medvedev a white He's the world the 5 currently forehand hit down the center by federal nearly knocked over he comes into spectra and lit it back and by Dave a troll another break points opportunity for cetera and those people in the crowd put in the hands together praying for Roger Federer to find his way through this guy. Exactly a year ago. Roger Federer lost on this court nearly on the same night. Under the lights stressful night for a hot humid night it was against the Australian John Millman no hot humid tonight but Federer feeling the pace here he hits his forehand on to the back and subtlety of a troll who's trying to do something he's never done before and Roger Federer smacks is for under way to step atrovent clinches is pissed as he gets back to juice and saves a 4th breakpoint to the game. These 2 titans going head to head inside the biggest tennis stadium in the world. 24000 seats inside the Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York. And the pitch black skies now. At 10 past 11 at night is Roger Federer leading 2 sets to want to win the 1st set 63 Dimitrov when the 2nd 64. Federer the 3rd 63 and it's now 54 Dimitroff but advantage but juice now and he's netted another canister of a try but he has been done to tie in situations like this to get us. The age of 28 he's got a couple of crime some semifinals he's got the Wimbledon 750 but he's never made it all the way. But he's trying to get through to another 70 final here tonight. Advantage the full federal to break back he hits is for another center Federal with this point the roar is going to like your ears ring he hits his backhand chip Cross call it a straight shot from the baseline as Federer hits his back and into the net and they've been too many allies for his liking today. The bounce his head of the wipes his brow with the Tao because he's sweating profusely now is Roger Federer. Nearly 40 years of age credible but he's still able to play at this level at this age. Something very similar scene earlier on with Serena Williams. Only a month younger. Winning through rather more straightforward circumstances 616 love she won so she's through to the semifinals here at the U.S. Open but phèdre trying to match play against Grigor Dimitrov who hits his forehand cross-court and they trade big baseline blows these 2 as a federal guys cross got his back in the nets and this is 6 point now potential to take it into a 5th and deciding set. He came on the scene Dimitrov a decade ago and people used to call him baby fat because of his similarities to the man opposite of right now similar build similar looks similar game. But he's never really managed to emerge from the great man shot or. Could this be his moment this to take it into a 5th and deciding set for Democrats here. Again clasping her hands together all around us Roger Federer found wearing the rich. With the R.F. Logo. Such a popular man but he's struggling here as he hits his back and chip cross caught and Dimitrov attacks he's got set point to take it into effect on his side except here on 55 here's a back and cross court by federal but he's on the defensive with Democrat attacking him and chipping is back and cross-court federal miss is undergoing Oh I while to pull hard by Roger Federer. And I'm not sure he's going to be able to find his way past Dimitroff this time if he is going to do it he's going to have to do it the hard way Rod because it is to set so and they go it all the way. David thank you so. Off again. Well we return to rather less or to lay back and forth the morning after bar stances 1st of all and 1st defeat as prime minister and it's a very different looking government and indeed conservative party that's going to sit in the Commons for Mr Johnson's 1st Prime Minister's Questions. The purge of 21 Tory rebels including no fewer than 19 former cabinet ministers came after a vote that handed control of Parliamentary business to those M.P.'s trying to the lay of the U.K.'s departure from you in response or as Johnson said he would bring forward a motion for an early general election that no guarantee though that he'll get what he wants late last night B.B.C. Political correspondent Jessica Parker to guide us through what we can expect in Westminster today he got 1st and foremost in terms of the big events and it usually is a kind of political highlight of the week but seems like fairly small fry in comparison going to kick off the prime minister's questions presumably although M.P.'s do have control of the order paper at around midday then you've got the chancellor making his spending announcements for the coming year again that would be a huge political event but actually the main thing that people be looking towards today is after that when we expect from middle of to noon for M.P.'s to table this legislation designed to block and they deal BRACKS It will be debated through the Often enough they too don't in the early evening and that was well last night was all about China to make sure that they did have control of House of Commons business House of Commons business usually controlled by the government in order to push through this and a New Deal legislation and then perhaps as well we could see following that an attempt by the government to push for a snap election if M P's. Get to take over parliamentary business how does that actually work they'd do they just tap somebody on the shoulder and say well OK you go tell us what we're going to do or does it all devolve to the speaker How does the how does parliament the running of Parliament away from the government in the front burner. Say they had. An emergency motion last night in order to seek the speaker's permission to to try and get the chance it's a very complicated get the chance to debate and then vote on the option of taking control of business the following day so it's a sort of sequence of events where they absolutely need. The speaker's go ahead and then into today they'll actually then get a chance having taken control of business to table their legislation and the plan is amongst these M.P.'s from various different parties including conservative rebels trying to get this legislation through. Over a matter of a few days because actually at the moment although everything does seem rather up in the air Palma could be suspended as soon as Monday so they have to get it through the Commons get it through the Lords deal with amendments deal with the Lawrence might want to put in their own bits and pieces and I think we're hearing Lords potentially tabling an awful lot of amendments as part of efforts to try and for straight the bill and there's talk of filibustering as well where Lord stand up for a very very long time and try and talk the bill out so this battle of which Boris Yeltsin is absolutely lost to the 1st round set to continue over the coming days but you know as much as we talk about the legislation designed to block in a deal Breck's it there is also hanging over all of this the matter of a general election because OK Boris Johnson says if M.P.'s vote to sort of undermine as he sees it his negotiating strategy than the has to be a general election opposition party saying in principle for the most part they're very up for a general election but they're nervous because they think that if they are. Gave the nod to general election under the fixed term Polman sacked and a snap election then Boris Johnson could actually turn around and say I've decided to submit October's not such a good time for a general election I'm thinking in fact the 1st of November might be better and then Parliament would automatically be dissolved up until that date on the parliament wouldn't be sitting over the period that the the you in opposition party says suspicious Well they Downing Street pushing back on this absolutely suspicious that it's a little tactic in order to try and railroad through a new deal bricks it and in terms again of the power entry a restaurateur people being able to take part and so on even the Tory rebels the people who will be diesel work to that they are being removed there were present been removed from an already even they will be able to take part in Wednesday's business because they're still N.P.C.S. Tell M.P.'s Absolutely I mean we understand that even night kind of. Last night I mean I speaking to some conservative rebels he said that they'd had a call from the whips office before the vote to say look you know if you do this if you do rebel then you're going to you're going to lose the whip behave in spades want to be just bumped into the chief whip they told me he reminded them of this. Outcome but then after the vote would given to understand is that one by one those 21 conservative rebels were getting a coal saying Yep you've lost the whip but as you point out they all still am pays they're just not Conservative M.P.'s and it'll be very interesting to see over the coming days whether they are permanently expelled from the policy it's possible they could have the whip removed and then reinstated but that doesn't exactly seem to be the mood music coming out of Downing Street in that dentistry has been taking a very tough line playing hardball tactics if you like and I think they this morning in the early hours looking ahead towards the day some people would argue those tactics have backfired. The prime minister of course had a opportunity to answer questions and choose they. Made his statement and he took an awful lot of questions that he. Does that mean the PM cues will therefore be fairly brief or will try to be about other business notably the spending the statement the way in which the Johnson government plans to pump all this new money into the economy and all this new spending will I imagine what will happen is the promises questions I mean I can't say for certain stage but it would take a fairly normal full mass in the. His debate with the leader of the opposition would I'm sure be taking in the main issue of the day say they'll be talking about a general election they'll be talking about New Deal Brix it but you'd imagine that backbench M.P.'s who usually will table and apply questions of Prime Minister's Questions will will do you say wouldn't stand up and ask questions about their concerns all around flooding in their local community all more cash for the local school I could be wrong. You've seen before in remarkable times that. The Prime Minister's Questions can absolutely still go through that kind of pattern a matter WHAT IS GOING ON then we expect the chance of such a Javid to stand up and do a spending roundel should get WAY less attention even though it is incredibly important it will be about what money departments are going to get over the coming 12 months but I suppose the thing is people are looking at this government and wondering how long on earth is this even going to last to what extent is what Boris Johnson says it says matter because if a new government comes in in a matter of weeks or months although of course Boris Johnson I'm sure from his part will try and come back as the prime minister will try and win an election if an election is what we see in the coming months it's possible that you going to get a brand new administration. Even if the bookies don't think so well yeah I mean we don't know yet and we don't know you know point say we don't know there's going to be a general election because at the moment as we were discussing some opposition groups slightly hesitant about going for that that option their priority seems to be blocking a deal Breck's it but for Boris Johnson he might look around and see that given he's lost well $22.00 Conservative M.P.'s 21 rebels and one defector. How can his government really carry on how can he try and he would argue actually broker a deal with Brussels now there was political correspondent Jessica Parker and if you go on some of the rookies websites you'll see that they are waiting any election in favor of a Conservative Victory her. What lots to happen before then we'll take a look at the papers you can you can tell immediately from the papers where they stand on the issue for example the Daily Mail in the sun already started the election now you decide Britain's as a male over to you Britain's Sun whereas the the Telegraph and. The Financial Times from slightly opposite points of view are intent on saying what happened Financial Times headlined Johnson's Bracks strategy in ruins as anti no deal M.P.'s inflict defeat the headline in The Guardian humiliation for Johnson as Tory rebels turned against him let's hear now then what the headline is in the Daily Express as we join deputy editor Michael BOOKER Well it's a big historic day with a big historic front page from ours we've got quite a few of them in the last few years to be perfectly honest but the big headline is that parliament surrenders to the E.U. And I think it's something that our readers will believe in we've got another headline on the front saying it's another shameful day in our so-called democracy rebel M.P.'s vote to betray Breck's it and Mr Corbin's even trying to block us not election which you know I mean leader. Today we're calling for election we were we think that he needs to go back to the people after what happened last night when the. Remaining 3 seem to be in the majority $21.00 conservatives rebelled and they will be losing the whip they were told last night and obviously today we now have the vote on whether to take no deal off the table and I said Jeremy Corbyn the Labor leader who is often. And we point out a number of times in the paper today where he demanded where we go to an election he doesn't seem that keen on him on the straight away at the moment and he wants no deal off the table before he will entertain snap election which I think is what is necessary to clear what appears to be a bit of a log jam we've had lots of our readers over the last few days contact those. Saying this law aren't fit for purpose and I think this is going to be confirming what they think to be perfectly honest and if there is an election where we express treated as a referendum and all but name on direction Well I think it will have to see where it goes but I think that is the case of all of our readers will treat us I think you'll be very interesting to see what happens with the party as well and how they treat matters of in the paper today we've got words from Nigel Farrar saying that the bricks of party could line up behind Boris Johnson in a general election but only if the prime minister vows to deliver what he says is a clean break from the E.U. He said he was ready to put contribute for party and back the conservatives if the snap poll is triggered boy did warn that Mr Johnson must do everything he can to completely sever ties with Brussels in order to get his party's support and he says I'm afraid that's not what the prime minister wants to do and that was made very clear by a statement outside Downing Street he's an intent on reheating to resume is withdrawal agreement so that's his big worry that if there is a deal is being done by Boris Johnson's government and he says that this move last night is on the brink of wrecking any sort of a deal he said he won't be backing the Tories so very high stakes were playing at the moment some interesting stuff that happened last night we understand that Dominic Cummings who is where he's almost like a deputy prime minister at the moment is a chief adviser. To the PM he show it to Jeremy call me CORBIN In Paul Collins house Come on Jeremy let's do this election Don't be scared so he still is still very very bullish we thought that yesterday his great arch plans were falling around around his ears but he still sounds very confident Boris Johnson looked very quite angry and a bit rattled Yes that particularly when the Tory Phillip Lee walked across the House of Commons to join the Lib Dems that was a bit of a shock to him you could say would he wasn't particularly expecting that he'd earlier in the day been talking to a lot of the Tory party and trying to talk the rebels round so yes it was a bit rattled things aren't going his way Exactly and we're going to have another nother exciting and historic day to tear by the looks of it and to go back to what Nigel for Arash of the Rex Party wrote for you doesn't pose a potential problem for the express if Nigel for us says the conservative line is not hard enough they would support a deal we are the only way to get a complete no deal exit from the European Union where does express pretty support Well I think without I think that there might be a decision for people higher up the chain the ME but at the moment we have been behind Boris Johnson and what he's been trying to do and he has been saying that he shouldn't take no deal off the table and as far as it were concerned that's where we are at the moment again as we go down the line we we don't know what's going to happen we can win you know we don't know what's going on in the next 30 seconds in British politics of the moment so I don't want to make any big vows at the moment but a lot of our readers you know kind of this year you're saying a lot of our readers are very much behind Nigel Farage and the press that part as well so it is going to be a big decision for all of us to take I think it's going to be a big decision for Nigel Ferrars whether it be on Boris. Johnson an opportunist Johnson has talked tough all the way along with this and he has been going along the lines of a clean break from the business of his demand it so we'll have to wait and see what happens with out but there's a lot of big decisions to be made in the next few days weeks. Miko book her at the Express News from the U.S. Open as Gregor Dimitroff. Is up 2 games in the final set against Roger Federer's 2 games full of Dimitrov has broken Roger Federer already in those last deciding set so it will probably return to the US quite exciting thing it was good this exciting later on before we leave you it's just coming out top US for. Home digital B.B.C. Sadly it's not speaking of you this is B.B.C. Radio 5 live here with the B.B.C. News is Giuliana Cassaday Boris Johnson's been defeated in the Commons by and pays wanting to prevent a no deal break sits $21.00 Tory M.P.'s voted against the government's they've had the whip removed effectively expelling them from the parliamentary party but the prime minister responded by saying he'll bring forward a motion for a general election next month labor in the Lib Dems say the only support say if a no deal scenario is taken out of the equation the US East Coast is bracing itself for the arrival of Harken Dorian despite falling in strength the authorities are still warning people not to be complacent and to prepare for the storm surge is a nearly 1.3 tons of heroin with a street value of 120000000 pounds has been found in what's thought to be the big U.K.'s biggest ever seizure of the drug they were concealed in towels and dressing gowns on board a container ship docked in Felixstowe That's the news now to Flushing Meadows in New York for the latest at the US Open where Roger Federer is on court David Low and Roger Federer is in big trouble now he is 3 games to love down in the 5th and final set against great go Jim a child who has just broken the Federal Reserve for a 2nd time the emergency moment. For Roger Federer in terms of this particular tournament because he has also been off the court as Federer in the last moment to 2 at the end of that 4th set for what we assume would be some sort of back treatment she needed to go off the court to do it didn't want to stay out there. I've added to protect his modesty as he has he needed to go off court and get changed in the process but 3 love down now he really looks sluggish he looks as though he's in some pain. Is making it look pretty slow in all honesty and it's hard to imagine a way back for Roger Federer just at the moment he tries to get through to the semifinals of the U.S. Open as surgery to Williams managed to do wrong today she wanted less than an hour or Federer has been going for nearly 3 hours now at least 3 love down in the 5th grade go to Metropolis with the rest of the day sporting a shop munis jewel in the heading into the for the Ashes test with just one change and fortunately for Australia Headingley hero Ben Stokes isn't going anywhere but the loss of his life and thinking how are we going to get a man that's for sure he's a he's a class player he's really come from the mom he's going well so like I said we've got some plans for him but we've just got to execute him a little bit better well that's the Australia accountants him pain admitting the been a little worried about how to stop Stokes repeating the heroics that when the 3rd Test for England and level the series Well the only difference to Jerry's squad will be bowler Craig Overton coming in to replace Chris Woakes after James Anderson was ruled out of the series and the captain explains the choice in these conditions very specific to this ground site tol'able like bats feel like that's going to exploit these conditions better that's the reasoning for it as a crab tonight's event of course will have ball by ball commentary on 5 live sports extra coverage starts at 10 25 am Now a dramatic last minute equalise of Northern Ireland women's come to nationally Hutson gave them a 2 all draw against Wales in the year a 2021 quantify it. While England lost their friendly against Norway for novels a lionesses went down to one in Bergen as the manager denies reports that he's the number one candidate for the US A woman's job has been no approach my focus is on winning as a gold medal in the Olympics and beyond that it's for certain because it means you doing a good job or my focus is England I love this job with such a before the game and we've got a big job to do we can see over the last few games that the work is still in progress in which the long way to go just staying with football and defend. Not to go back to Manchester United after withdrawing from the England men's squad with a back injury ahead of their euro 2020 qualifier with Bulgaria sure McAnally will captain Scotland for the Rugby World Cup but centers huge Jones and Rory Hutchinson are among the big name players who've been left out of the squad and cyclist Mark Cavendish has been left out of Great Britain's team to compete in the world championships in Yorkshire later this month us the latest from B.B.C. Sport This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound small speak up for a good morning tea with the rest of this week temperatures across the U.K. Will be generally close to or occasionally below average as weather systems moving up get 93 to expose of cooler air for the Northwest followed by multiple us about from the west as high pressure continues to March in at times into the southwest the U.K. Today those going to be one of those cooler days thanks to a fairly deep area of low pressure that will bring blustery heavy showers to our shores along with strong to go for singles west winds which will make even feel cooler particularly across the north of the country so a bit more detail than early rain will clear away from southeast England at least on today and then through the morning will see sunshine appearing here for many places the rest of England Wales will have a dry and a bright morning with sunny spells but through the day the west winds will strengthen up and become strong into the often 3040 miles an hour particular behavior and the coast and blustery showers are also right to some of these heavy. Across northern England North Wales. With Scottish showers and sunny spells the shells becoming widespread through the day and heavy with a chance of 100 places it'll become very windy with gales especially west in the southwest. To the north channel in a few places winds make us to 60 miles an hour. In the Hebrides this may lead to some disruption it will be a chilly day what we saw on Choose day with temperatures ranging from 11 to 15 degrees 40 Celsius with all the 16 to 19 degrees across England Wales. On stuff to now be 5 lines the same way for Monday to Thursday after the. Discussion. Of the. Right be joined by comedians columnists for the take of what's in the online is the same as saying in the street. Take. 5. To 5 East Asia from digital B.B.C. Sounds small street and online days is B.B.C. Radio 5. There are a lot of prayers going up among the federal faithful. As we head straight to David law. You're right Rod there are how many of her exaggeration there are thousands of people all around her so they really have been. Think pieces written called Roger Federer a religious experience over the last few years and regrettable really really for the House people. For those fans he's in pictures and it's hard to say. Back for him he was leading 2 sets to water against Grigor Dimitrov It's now 2 sets old Dimitrov when in that 4th set 64 it looks like Federer's got some sort of back problem to me because he's moving a lot more slowly than he had pain in the rest of the match and he went off to cool off the courts have some treatment when they go off the court that usually means that they need to remove clothing and. Be if it was private for the treatment and that would suggest to get lower back and it's 4 games to one now for Tim a trough he has broken the Roger Federer 72 occasions he's played quite brilliantly is the 28 year old from Bulgaria and this could be the making of him really this this moment because he's he's been trying to beat Roger Federer for the last 6 years and not been able to do it he's won a couple a set some of the time in 7 matches but he's never peaked now right now a 2 set so and for want Dimitroff coming out to say and looking as if this will be about that he finally does beat Roger Federer and reach the semifinals of the U.S. Open. A story that must be very tense for Detroit flow because he said before that he can play and so you know he can you can really feel the tension Yeah yeah it's true and he's a player that has had spells in his career when he's achieved enormous things he won the A.T.P. Finals at the O 2 Arena in London a couple of years ago which is where all the top players in the world assemble and he managed to win that zone and. A few years ago you beat on the Murray in the quarter finals of Wimbledon and got to the semifinals but he's overall I mean this it's by some mean to say but he's under achieved in his career given the gifts he has the skill level the outlet to system and as I said to us the similarities that he has to Roger Federer he was gold baby fed the years and I think that that was actually. I was up. Problem for him because there's only one Roger Federer that you can't you can't completely copy somebody not only he was going out of his white to copy him he just happens to have a very similar physique a very similar game and people including myself thought he would achieve a lot that he had said it's put a lot of pressure on the struggle to live up to all of that pressure and. He's as I said not really one as much as we thought he would win but he is only 28 years of age he's had a terrible last few months here I think the last 7 out of 8 matches over the summer but suddenly he's come into the U.S. Open and he's found some form it's 2 sets all here the question is can he hold it for one up against a guy he idolized and Roger Federer and still does to this day is a real standard bearer for all of the tennis tour really but it's for one. It's 3015 or so and he's closing in on victory here. But. It would seem that we don't have a long left on the atmosphere but they're not so a very dangerous thing to say in the world of radio so I'm going to take a gamble here and leave you for a few minutes but it would be back with they would love. This match reaches its inevitable conclusion. 7 people are known to have died in the Bahamas and the devastation caused by a hurricane Dorian the prime Huntress prime minister ministers warned the figure can be expected to rise I spoke earlier to Clint watching as news director of I would a snooze and national has been telling me what the last couple of days been like the last 3640 hours it's been really a time of survival because most residents you know that they can just get to the end of a hurricane they can get through the rest of this aftermath process and so it's been that kind of work in progress getting people to hold on to a little bit of hope and faith that they had left to cling to cling to some kind of a belief that they'll get through it so help can come to them and it's been that kind of thing. Where they were out of the clear of the foreground Mahama people were able to go any Michelin and see who needed help and get those who were injured airlift them out with the Coast Guard to the capital to get medical attention. Grandmama was finishing up having the storm over them and so now for grandmamma it will be trying to assess just how bad the damage is and how many lives were lost there if any and that's what it's been about doing assessment the prime minister up to the press conference a short time ago where he confirmed that that told to move from 5 to 7 and during that time as well he did say as you heard him say we expect this number to increase as well 2 of the persons the 2 persons who add it to the 5 make the 7 were flown here to the capital for medical treatment but they paper they succumbed at the hospital and so you can imagine the others Mary perhaps the trapped in homes that no one can get some and yet when it is time for people to go through the neighborhoods assessing damage I'm sure they will find more people who were trapped I mean people just couldn't get to them to get them out so it's a kind of. Sheer devastation that we're facing and you're hearing stories every day as people finally begin to connect with their loved ones who may have some cell service or some cell phone towers come up people are able to reestablish communications and you're hearing the relief that they've connect with their loved ones but you're also hearing the horrifying stories of them witnessing people who drowned or people who they were trying to rescue and couldn't make out we had a story today of a man a man who he and his wife were on top of the sink in the house as it was flooding and the cabinet gave way it couldn't hold them and he tried to hold on to his wife as much as possible but he couldn't see drowned in the water and he had to leave her right there and he had to swim to his boat that was in the yard to try and save his alike and so he told us that story today so kind those kind of stories at a hearing that's touching your humanity and emotionally draining you because you can't believe what people have undergone there's a tremendous amount of standing water isn't there from the the picture everywhere hold their own that the storm a chilly start over you and in the bombers it went it moves over Abaco Island 1st and it lasted over albacore island for about 1215 hours but when it got to Grand Bahama it parked for the 1st time in history it literally stopped there was no pressure up Mr Eric pressure to move and keep it to go keep it P pushing it so literally sacked on Grand Bahama for 2 days literally 2 days grandmamma at this hour is just now preparing for the last 2 hours of this storm and it's been over a gram Bahama since Monday. Glenn Watson news director of Eye Witness News in Nassau was talking to us an hour or so ago let's rejoin the match between Roger Federer and Gregor to Metron and that's how we can Roger Federer as we rejoin David Love yes with Grigor Dimitrov serving to go into the semifinals and to knock out Roach ephedra from the U.S. Open but Federer is scrapping here hitting his backhand but hitting it long. East try to go toe to toe here with David trouble began given by 10 years and Federer clearly impeded physically at the moment that's to take nothing away from his opponent who has been quite fantastic tonight and isn't this position after 3 hours and 11 Minutes 2 sets to one federal lead 63466 straight to my truck on the full 6 pull and now leads 52305030 love rather. And another service doesn't come back. And Federer's looking for a full on sites. Down there. With $20000.00 plus people looking at him nearly 11 o'clock at night local time but go to a trough has not played here and it's Federer who can. And Federer do it looked for all the world's may well be about to set up a 1st ever meet he would run high on the Dow this tournament they played everywhere else in the expectation was that they would meet in the final here when Novak Djokovic went out but no it's great go to Metropolis who has to match point to get to the semifinals Federer hits his for handouts and Federer is out. By Grigor Dimitrov rose in celebration he's been trying for years to pique Roger Federer and he's finally. Dunnit. It is a sad sight to see a clearly injured watch your Phedre carrying out of this tournament but it's impossible not to feel happiness Dimitroff one of the good guys of the tennis tour and somebody who is finally delivering on his talents at the most unlikely of moments he's had a really difficult here but suddenly has found the fall of his life to Pete Roger Federer in 5 sets 62 in the 5th and he will now go into the semifinals of the U.S. Open to face downhill Medvedev and listen to the operation as Roger Federer and if . He walks out he waves as he always does New Paltz this crowded side B. Off our stadium in New York. We may never see Roger Federer again struck down that I would be way too perfect that he is hasn't happened it won't happen this time either. And we wonder how injured Roger Federer is because he is clearly feeling some sort of pain but congratulations to go to Metropolis into the semifinals of the U.S. Open. Thank you David so very much we as we leave. Us tonight with the Socceroos all. Of it we thought. So too but. What happens when my bowl literally in the scene. The devastation that occurred last December just before Christmas in coastal areas of Java and Sumatra was the result of a tsunami caused by a collapse volcano on a cracker to literally the child of track a tour was very well observed before part of it collapsed into the sea with disastrous results because of these observations volcanologists are saying that the risk of tsunamis from collapse OK knows like crack a toe has been underestimated daughter Rebecca Williams of Africa knowledge as to how university. To the immediate aftermath of Anna crack Atos collapse this is the tsunami that happened on the 22nd of December back at the end of last year and a nice break usually are 1st and reports came out of the big wave hitting the coasts of the straits and the straits in Indonesia and waves of up to 3 or 4 metres hit that tastes and caused absolute devastation along the coast lines there is a $400.00 people died of the most recent estimate I've seen now is 437 people died in that event and there's been some tragic videos that came out of the time of the tsunami crashing into you know the 17 concept that was happening and devastating local communities washing away the businesses houses along that construction so this is a really kind of catastrophic event that happened around about Christmas last year you know and in that time where people warned that something was coming or that they get a tsunami warning. They didn't get tsunami warnings and most of our tsunami warning systems are set up to monitor the seismic events so that earthquake triggered tsunami is. Unfortunately our munching systems don't tense moments for folks Haneke triggered tsunamis and that's what happens back in Indonesia so it was a failure of the Achates Halbach A No sir portion of the farm they spoke in Europe since the sea and that's what generated the tsunami waves so that people on the coast didn't get a warning. Some people along the coastline recognized the 1st signs of a tsunami so the water draws away from the coastline and then you get kind of increasingly the large kind of waves that she had and some people recognize that unable to get to safety as some kind of really startling eyewitness accounts of this some people kind of running up to higher ground as they had that feeling that something was coming but there wasn't an official warning system the thing that's something that's really striking to us here working the disaster and the reduction that it was illions community that we need to be better prepared for these kind of in the future. Your contribution to this if I understand this correctly is to warn people in the disaster preparedness community that a much smaller volume of material from of OK No can actually trigger a tsunami as a right. He has so something that's quite remarkable events was that it was captured in unprecedented detail by satellite images and so we saw these images and thought that we could do some very rough place has been our sister looking at them so any a sow's off the tsunami a radar image by the European Space Agency since no one satellite captured an image of the volcano and we use that to try and reconstruct what happens during the event so we calculate volumes of material that are not since the sea that triggered the tsunami we found that actually is when it to be small and so we found is that point one kill it floats is where the material from the volcano class and the city and on the scale of kind of folk have it from failures this is quite small it tends to be you know several orders of market large than this there's an hour when we're infamous paper isn't 2012 by the chicken sitting here recognize an actor how susceptible to this kind of fight failure may cause a tsunami and they model the tsunami using about point 3 Clematis it 3 times the amount that we think is what fails during this event. And the real events had been faster waves and waves of the same height that much of that So even though it was a 3rd smaller there was in Mosul to happen it was just as this is just it and the waves travel even faster the more muddled so we think this is a really important finding and we think that models are underestimated in this Has it been from volcanoes of these smaller failures and this is purely about the displacement of material as you would get if you could in theory. Dump that much material into the sea at the same time that would be enough to cause a tsunami it wouldn't it wouldn't necessarily be about the activities under the sea surface in the the action of the the earthquake or the volcano itself though not necessarily so we've known for some time that there are several ways you can trigger tsunami straight off an activity see can have one to also explosions or eruptions he can have volcanic flames such as hard as it does to currents entering the ocean or you can have collapse of the side of a volcano. And importantly that last one the volcanic kind of flying last doesn't have to have to happen during eruption it doesn't have to be treated to get by boat and activity and so this is almost and a hidden has it in the fact that you know each have the failure of a volcano outside of a normal. Right so so in other words people would be taken even more by surprise is is that what happened here was there any delay in the collapse of the volcano wall. In this instance and the action was ongoing and so the cocaine had been actively erupting for several months I witness reports suggest that the volcano was in a period of heightened activity so a little bit more unusual but nothing extraordinary so it wasn't a particularly violent open seat the explosive phase and what we've seen a is that a volcano and I think it's how is perched perilously close on the edge of a big pool there and the ocean this is the cold air those forms during the famous 803 eruption of its home and which is very unstable it's very steep and the water volcanoes have sat on and you've been erupting material of several months this leaves material so it's inherently unstable couple that with the slope of the volcanic eruption then you kind of got a perfect storm there this time different Dr Rebecca Williams from Hole UNIVERSITY Well little more from the wonderful world of science as we leave you on this momentous day that's about dogs and humans who have co-existed and thousands of years as humans change the genetic makeup of dogs through breeding and it would seem that they've also changed the structure of dog's brains Professor Aaron Hecht is a neuroscientist at Harvard and was part of the team carried out this research I asked Professor Hecht if it's possible to say the. Loving dog has a different sort of brain from a dog prone to barking a lot all behavior comes from the brain so everything that we see an animal do has to come from its brain somehow and in this study we've seen the 1st hints at how that mapping might work for dogs at different rates how did you go about doing this . Well I hooked up with a veterinarian or ologist at the University of Georgia at Athens who allowed me to use scans from their M.R.I. Scanner dogs that came in for an exam and turned out to be healthy so these were scans of normal docs that were just kind of sitting on the scanner so we collected all the scans and went through them and tried to figure out what sort of patterns we could see in the data. Can we look at some different kinds of dogs because I've pulled up the American Kennel Club website you know and just for fun. Look to the public have a classification here called smarter dogs so I came to the the the Border Collie and it says you know they describe the PASS OUT HIS of these dogs very differently that says for example you know the Border Collie is a remarkably bright workaholic maybe a bit too amazing for orders with the type of R.N.G. To keep occupied but surely one border collie. Which is kind of a faithful pet and you know hangs around the house all day it's completely different dog from a border collie that's working the hills in Scotland you know bringing the sheep it Yeah absolutely and the interesting thing was in this study we weren't looking at working dogs we were just looking at family pets so we were able to see these differences in these dogs even though they weren't actively performing their free specific skills so what we're doing now in our new research is looking for working dogs that are actively working and we're expecting that with even bigger differences there. So what are these differences I mean how do you observe differences in the dog's brains. Well so what you think you might do is just go about measuring structures and see what parts are bigger and in what breeds but it turns out that's not really the right way to do it because dogs are very involved size and also in head shape and both of those things are going to have an impact on brain anatomy so what we did was to look at all of the variation in the dog bring and see what we could attribute to variation and body size what we could attribute to the head shape and then after that if there was anything left that we could also attribute to behavior so we found 6 networks of brain regions that are involved in different types of things that seem like they're probably important for different breeds of dogs like social behavior and vision and affection. And we saw those different those different across great. Olfaction you know smelling I mean dogs dogs are a breed bred for that Weren't they to Yes Well Hodes For example yes yes and a sort of fascinating thing that came out of that was that it turns out the breeds that are specialized for hunting by scent are marked by differences and they're all factory Bob which is a very early part of the brain instead it seems like skill at hunting is related to some higher order regions of the bring So it's probably not about having a brain that can detect the smell it's probably about having a brain that can figure out what to do with the odor once you detect there. PROFESSOR AARON Hecht from Harvard University thank you for your company and thanks for helping us try to make sense of this wonderful world the sunrise of this morning on Runnymede at 690. This C B C 5 Good morning it's 5 o'clock they say morning reports on 5 Live I'm Giuliana Cassaday our top story this morning is that we're in for another day of high political drama if yesterday was the Godfather then today is all the ingredients to make the parliamentary equivalent of The Godfather Part 2 just to recap what happened last night's opposition M.P.'s and 21 Tory rebels defeated the government in a vote allowing them to take control of business in the Commons today it means they'll try to pass a law which will effectively block a no deal break seats and Boris Johnson reacted furiously I don't want to lecture pretty and please vote tomorrow just stop the negotiations I did compile I'm not the point I was delayed to bring it to potentially 3 years there would be the only way to resolve this I can confirm that we are tonight tabling a motion under the fix Tom Palmer. So how will things play out today here's our political correspondent Jessica Parker going to kick off the prime minister's questions presumably although M.P.'s do have control of the order paper and around midday then you've got the chancellor making his spending announcements for the coming year again that would be a huge political event but actually the main thing that people be looking towards today is after that when we. Middle of the noon for M.P.'s to table this legislation designed to block and they deal Breck's it that will be debated through the afternoon I think voted on in the early evening and that was what last night was all about trying to make sure that they did have control of House of Commons business House of Commons business usually controlled by the government in order to push through this anti New Deal legislation and then perhaps as well we could see following container where the heroin had been concealed was then offloaded and driven to a warehouse in the Netherlands with 4 men were arrested the National Crime Agency says the heroin had a street value of 100.

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