Pichot prize several businesses and universities are reviewing their associations with Prince Andre because of his links to convicted sex offender Geoffrey abstain told him hold spare have sat them on a gym or party Tino off to 5 years in charge the board has blamed a disappointing start to the Premier League and a u.k. Ticket holder has won the 105000000 pound you remove the ins jackpot b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 11 I just like to say it wasn't me that won it evidenced by the fact I'm still south area and then sakes a late night phone in only 800 to want to write the bill to. B.b.c. Radio in Lancashire and b.b.c. Radio Manchester. That if I had one it would be a miracle because I don't do it but if I had access to the city. Now to make. Their Own. Work I mean I just just want to get out of politics for a syringe. Get a call last week about Nori break me Empire State Building early call it what I do yes yes well a bit more I'm up for you can correct. Also all use the 5 nations apply to our right. If you Google see under a month just through various military streets for a month just and if you spell it by words he's actually nor I start why was I in the abdomen so many pointed that out because the play how the I am come to it it will all or the hardest brick in the world only only for going to places like crimson. Shrewsbury of the way you are on the neighboring town to what Clinton is actually called quit or quit clipped out right. Clay County makes sense yet yet yet but they didn't origin of the name nor at least to the 2 stories behind it. It was a tense so much to me oxide I recently spelt iron from the bottom to the top and it became Nora. Or the imprinted press onto the brick which were around from iron to Nora. And that was the story the break Yes but you know if you're printing you have to to make the impression the right way round you have to pull the the thing the the print if you like has to be the wrong way around to get it right I mean those Exactly but if you ever see a foul call say in towns which prove that $94.00 it was more or less the whole of the same talents and which Manchester is built out of. Akron some break from us thank you very much we just gave you just call the actual name of the firm was acronym brick and tell company and if you googling Wiki Pedia tells you more most of the places that were built out of it so does the end of it like you all splendid thank you very much we like a bit of history I'll do Alan. Alone when he likes to talk about. Johnson coming Ok basically Curb Your Enthusiasm. Used to be a television programme didn't it. Either not or whether your electorate has a moment with the election but I mean my impressions of. The guy fell. Was a is how I don't like the Miss commands totally my coloring listed guns and they missed the call button that. Commie just so they know who fairytale especially by. I think it was also quite badly. Chad I mean the will to position is out of the combat in my opinion to letting him let him get away Johnson get away with. It what real thing was he wants talking on trying to talk through. The obviously that the both think it necessary I'm out of time to done that to the scale and part of the politicians game is to talk through it and to a 2 way com and the other. Person it's the same with interviews on c.b.s. The on the stand as well is that the longer they talk the less they can they forensically probe right Indeed so but but I mean to criticize the presenter for that is a bit harsh because she I mean if I was interviewing anybody you or anyone else I can deal with it merely by cutting them off but somebody chatting a television debate can't do that a she on anyone else in her position doesn't have the controls and b You just can't see it would just be regarded as. One acceptable and a strange thing where you hope your guests will obey the rules they really do. Think they control isn't coming if she she could erupt Chichi try if she tried to. Doris from talking over things I mean I'm no problem bring it everything back to brag because I think that's self-defeating in the end. Because for me for a lot of people now and I was very I'm leavin always helping but for me when it comes down to the new kick gritty of the general election a lot lot lot lot lot and whether we stay in our out of Europe. But he won't have chosen to take not position randomly they will have been researched on the needs team would have said look we're going to win this election on bricks eat everything else is irrelevant people they say this this election exists because of bricks it so stick to bricks it Unser the questions but get back to Bracy always bring it back to bricks it because we've got a position. His advisers would say that we can mock it the other fella Coben hasn't got a position on Bracks it's over then I'll let you know when we're in now that's their strategy whether that's a good strategy or not we'll find out on the 12th. Low and turning out well that's their strategy so far they may change later when they finally publish the manifesto but that's their strategy at the moment that you know that's what's the phrase they use let's get it done isn't it is not the phrase I'm not going to look at something like I'm focusing goes on try to get done get it done that's their mantra and they keep saying that and I'll go probably don't know I don't think a lot of I don't think a lot of well hopefully not you know. Labor regular labor though is will switch because which because of this one particular issue you've got to look at things look at a manifest as a both parties in the round in my opinion I mean if. I have and you know what I've said in the past with with Labor's Well I'm very proud leave but when it comes to it. It Lall than a 4 lane now is more than a. Grex election it's right across party n.h.s. It's about housing it's about socialist social security at whatever level it. Benefits and things like. Foreign policy if you want to bring them into it which they didn't bring into a. Barrister in bring the Bolivian Venezuela thing in because it's probably a dry not so they got in cotton Well you know they they will each have been advised to have to take the advice of course but they will each have been advised by. Their sort of spin doctors if you like and they will have been advised what each is they need to sell and that sounds ghastly but that's what they're doing. A song like Joker in the pack was was cable and pay poke who had been invited to from questions across the country has been invited to ask their questions and Prince Andrew came up and there was both of them was very diplomatic about that. Apart from that that was the only saw like. Slightly off tangent thing. Then and the whole day paid for me. But they think I might was could have I but actually that's. Just not thinking about I blame at least critics had it think a lot back about obviously it was not you may say well I don't know that anybody could because I didn't I didn't see it all for a start because I was on my way here I did see it well as I got here and I didn't have all the oh so the sound for me was in caption better but I think maybe so but I thought the job she did was Ok it was she was never going to being complete control she's got a very a bully an individual and a very. Insistent individual and as a person who's Chad lots of debates you can't control them in the end you have to control them by bullying and you can't really do that with prospective prime ministers it's not what the public expect of you I mean I would defend. Without hearing it in audio as it was but I would defend I think she did on the parts I saw and read. I think she did a pretty good job I think and that got me most about 18 and I think they call being time yeah now that could work against him they portray it for the people I mean we can and cannot. Think the same then they might change their views about have a vote absolutely so or it is you know the reason they don't like these public debates are precisely that you are on your mettle for every 2nd and you can very easily lose it by being yourself. Yes both parties came over to my house of call and it's worse then then candidate in my view but. What we love the same up most people go into the audience go into television debates seeking to have their view confirmed I don't think they go into it to learn new things most people want the leaders of the party they traditionally support to convert and that they're right to do so and whether the leaders of achieve that only time will tell. And. It's a strange way to do politics to be honest but it's the best way we've got and well when you look at the other systems you think laterally How is that it's about. Well we have 3 weeks to go at this group you know hey 5. No No We've said that a few times and he's turned out not to be 5 years if there's a hung parliament again it won't be 5 years it'll be some time next year but hey what do I know. What I would get it is about liberal. Strong calm as it were the so-called democracy a good fixed empowerment would have would do a favor to democracy because they can empower women from my view not I know it was supposed to steal to take back control from Prime Minister. You know because. I have to call the election but I think actually equip against a no hung parliament it does work against as in a hung parliament but everything works against this in a home in parliament because we don't have in our system presently we don't have a a co-operative system we have a diametrically opposed system and that's how it is and our political system is designed to create. What you might call. Powerful government and for the last few the last 2 elections we haven't got that we've got window meant it could actually say we've got this all but. The liberal lion thing that was not what they saw a liberal coalition and then a hung parliament which is almost like the state flush coalition in this coalition there's no way a week well I mean it's like a weight problem and. It's all about what have not which was a very strong and grabby I was going to say we had led before that and we had made you feel a little while and then we had to be for not yes I mean we and we we dislike the idea of dictators but we like the idea of invincible prime hissed has. Alan good to tell g.m.a. Outdo Tony. Oh and I know that I was going to continue it. With the last caller was saying go your Saturday as well. And I did feel that you could actually go she didn't quite. For us to know all of it to try to pass book one point where publishers lived in a boy I thought well I'm going to talk as she said there were a demand more because lot of the doc will just tell you what color she did it was talking into Jeremy's time and I thought she could really pull that literally better than that she did or a powerful not just just to respond right it is perfectly possible the what she did was give him you know for rope to hang himself the I just think truth so she may have well performed a very clever service in that I'm going to allow you to demonstrate your personal notes and he would you know he's a bully and an over speaking everybody a bit like the idiot that presents this program or should. I mean me personally I think it's a fool anyway and also because I always he is intelligent and he's very clever I don't think yes this is always Johnson by themselves in politics is clever taller think he's employed as a lot. Whereas if you compare him to Jimmy Corbin completely there for you've got somebody that you know I think German car like Jeremy Corbett I think is actually a guy speaks from the heart I think is honest I think the Chinese have to deliver what you actually say is. I think it's our secular you know exhibit in Davos our citizens in o.e. Speech very well and I think in the lead up to phase our lead I think is strong they're going to try to get rid of him many times it is still the nationalist part resilient so it is top you know it is not soft so you know what I'm going on is a leader's job to survive you've already the leader's job to take his party is team his army whatever with him I mean Tony Blair whether you loved him a hated him was a leader he took the policy with him. Margaret Thatcher exactly the opposite to Tony Blair but nonetheless took the policy with since then have there been any leaders who command their party. Well it is an office isn't it you know somebody is not you know but equally he he's got a party at the moment when people serious people in that party senior people in the party is saying I'm not enough for this mama but look at the Tories when I was I wasn't challenge you know they were of the toll his but when you said carving was a leader he may well be a mom who says this is what I believe get beyond me or sawed off but whether or not constitutes leadership and against I don't know I'm not terrified book so I'd like a much the same getting you know because of art when you hear about by post Johnson and it's always say that you know 420000 police. And the hospitals and all the police is them in the 1st place or you know took over in the 1st place so they're not actually. Building on something that was already there that is the report back of us or they say they're going to put part in what they've taken away so really it's sort of a little rubbish or a lot of artists. Lead a comment now although the thing with the label the people Akiko about say though is so much money tree where they going to get all this money from is quite simple we're going to go all this money from Jameco up and says You got to the top 5 percent of billionaires by all the most interest paid corporations are by the corporations are for the money they can make from the corporation tax can you know if you got something like say for instance where the calculation earlier say 37000 nurses and their salary was 3000 was a timeless somebody check pounds a year so safe to say 7000 nurses salary call it to 3 and a half 1000 a year. But comes to about one of the quarter 1000000000 now Dr need to be paid for it to get these 3 day period as of the top i Robot he did that corporation stuff which is what Jeremy called and he's saying he just wants to take this firm out of stocks if the episode of House talks like everybody else is paid and they'll still survive to still be rich but they defied all these great and that money that again not that comes from and all this you know all the things I mean the implication is what implication of what you are saying and it is that the billionaires as you refer to them and not paying what he's due exactly Well they are paying what he's due on the wise they would be prosecuted but they have people who understand the law as much as the TOCs person now. Able to challenge what the tax personnel say is the law and they do so and sometimes you win and sometimes they lose. That state outstanding job no nobody pays more tax than they have to lots of corporations are stupid also when he didn't even call Federation tax cooperation tax is paid in in certain circumstances I know I'm one of the people that has to pay it is paid in certain circumstances now then our processes by which you can diminish the amount of corporation tax you pay oh yeah expenses and things are you know not just your expenses Lots of all the ways you can do it's a higher level my level your contant my level it's just your expenses and that's the end of it in my work for the b.b.c. These players I mean anyway but at the higher level in these companies that are multinational that are perfectly legal some would say desirable but there are perfectly legal processes by which you can make your company lose money. Largemouth or well like a lot of coke a well but I didn't know that I went so but obviously Jeremy called the most should go out and. Does not know that well he probably does know that and what he doesn't have the ability to do at this stage is with multinational companies they can virtually choose in which country they'll pay the tax virtually So if you've got a company if you've got a country that 15 percent corporation tax and another 130 percent corporation tax and you have the ability to choose effectively which country you'll pay it in you'll pay it in the one that's least to follow the start up but a lot of saving is very carbon is really to say about it once these people to pay a lot more toxin. To make I don't see a problem a top just if it's also people are still going to be rich you know I don't see why they drop a. Lot I must say they should take everything off them you know because they feel insulted to have everything taken off people but if you going to help people lower down but you are you saying they should pay more and Jeremy Kaufman should change the law so that they are required to pay more and you don't see why that would bother them it isn't really you they've got some please although it would bother of I know it would bother them and so they'll do everything but it well I'll do everything legally possible to not pay it yeah but I think about I think this is their right over it because I'm not rich little nobody but I very much suspect I very much suspect that you don't pay any more tax than you have to. No I don't know either did they know full well that the law should be changed that they have to pay what they have 6 well they don't have to pay what they have to pay that's what I'm saying to you they on about you know the lawyer yeah I know I know you know. And you know what I mean is Why do you know what you mean you think you made the rich should have to pay more tax and I agree the rich should have to pay more tax if you like but that requires the law and once the law is written someone will come along and say we're not your interpretation of it well this is mine like had like a mystical brain change a law and I would have the part of all making is that phrase Look you know I'll get the money from so fund because obviously if. You count the money there well isn't that so when the people saw take it immature I've been saying that saying this and I think what he's looking at is well I'll chalk up such these people. More money and that moment it will then fill it out and how people or you know let me answer your question just just a simple question. What do you think would happen let's say for example you ran a massive enterprise in this committee that turned over billions and billions and billions of pounds I'm not even a site and you decided that you would pay as little tax as well as possible and a government came in then said we're going to make you pay more what you know you start us are going to say and if you do all those a lot more that we're business too and you know as well as the steel Oh my These days I'm sorry I taught so many that I'm sorry I said Where's the steel made these days whether steel steel went into make Utah because the used to be. Tens of thousands of people working in the steel industry in the u.k. You sure got to make you know China is committed by betting on the guy and is making a lot of it and I make in a lot of it why because the steel companies sent we can make it cheaper over there . I know I'm not of course but you know someone can be funny yes I do he's he to pass a law that says companies will pay more taxes not easy to pass a law that the companies then say that's Ok here's your money. Then if it is up and then it just stays the same August all the divide gets greater bigger and bigger that's why you need somebody like I think you need someone like Coleman to comment and change it and I honestly do think doona is wary of the Labor way to be improving. It till he gives which is 5 years and 5 is a great deal of trouble it depends asking you are. Given 5 years as you up to 5 is it hopeless cannot happen in 5 years time then vote them out and bring somebody else say absolutely not start the process works and that's the process we are currently embarked upon where we land the larger no nos when you are challenges of the political when you watch it I'm sure a lot of Nelson and I think. You know one thing is there was talk about Boris Johnson saying about going on that. Jeremy says well no you saw basically talking rubbish Chait just write these Chadians just like you said it takes years and years he said he'll talk about sex that's a deal with America Jeremy said you should take our 7 years and then York about another 3 years so we say you know where's John saw the picture and it is going to be roses. But anyway listen people will make their judgments accordingly that beliefs going on here to outdo traffic or leaning on an evening the last caller said he didn't know how you think and I was going to say I don't think anybody. But I do think he was right so I like my animal related stories in the number one around in front of the moment about noisy birds being severally this is city people moving to the country and complaining about the ducks on a neighbor's dock on and going to court to to get an order for them to be killed in the bin number of similar cases but a couple things amuse me about that is the court turned down. The claim that they should be jailed. As all the acoustic tests. To determine if the quacking is abnormal Iraq aligned. The direction in voice train like opera singers to cast their voice. And the other thing I liked feeling I liked was the owner said I'm delighted. I want to be able to kill him for my Coleman say which is a prison in front of I want to be able to kill him. Not to be told by cool. French from a file you. Know side to the beggars until I'm quite I was going to also ask have you heard of Shanghai Harry Krop. Bizarrely Yes. Go on tell me about him well I was going to say that if I was in revolt mood it sounds a bit like something sailors might be warned about before. It's apparently another name for a mitten crabs and it's come to light because one was discovered wandering down the street in tussled all this. And is believed that it might have escaped from the cooking pot Well you would think so it's a bloody long walk from China. Some some people think it could there are some in river a long way away from the whole of but anyway it seems more likely it's escaped from a cooking pot and I mean I really must have. Been taken to an animal rescue center well they should have to get back to the restaurant for crying out loud. Still I look anyway it's been taken to an animal rescue friend who said it was quote very approachable and had an easy going. It was the whistling that give it away. I know I've got the Internet here telling me how to eat one. Doesn't say wait till it's dead to any point but they fry open the top shell and spoon out the Breitling dro inside remove the gills as they can't be eaten hold on to the legs and break the body enough to reveal more row and I maybe that should be more room I dunno morrow snip crab legs off with a pedestal as is needed ideas for what to eat and where they go remove the pincer from the crab and snip it snip away is too small a segment as they are how to read to Harry crap now I know they nicknamed it crusty . Sales at the end of the article funny sinister tone it faces on the 3rd. In future because it's an invasive species so I may end up going back to the restaurant I have called it she had a. Good good good the final thing I was just going to mention was the Bronte miniature book story which I think it's. Fascinating on a number of levels for a 14 year old to take the trouble to write 6 miniature books. Apparently according to one of the accounts I read with her told they played with toy soldiers and one of the accounts said she she wrote the book for the toy soldiers which I thought was extraordinary. And. The other thing of course is the huge amount of money involved for a very tiny item and I understand absolutely why it's of considerable value but it was the last one of a set of side wasn't it well yes there were 6 but only 5 survived and in the clear right to our room to museum about the other 4 and so this one was released the last one available Yeah indeed but another thing that struck me was there are 2 photos in different accounts I've read one of them actually showed it being handled by somebody without gloves or d.s. Which which might worry the preservers as it were actually serve a toss there is a debate at the moment in the in the conservatory was. Echelons about whether the gloves are any point to tall interesting and the final thing I was going to say rather to my shame I've never been to the brawn to museum an hour and I think now I've been sort of reawakened to the idea I think I might well paid a visit because you can combine it with another of my interests which would be travelling on the Keathley in worth of Valley preserved railway. Used in the Railway Children Yeah well you wouldn't want to miss out on that would you really think I think the wrong time using them might some point in the not too distant getting another visitor because of a story that a good but just just to put your mind in an uncomfortable zone about the effort she made the particular Bronte system made to make it all and all of that yes I remember that even unto this day these Suttles are doing now with. High traffic island. On a double double 5 if you want to join you more than welcome How do David. Allen. You know that one of the colors I mentioned about Rango stuff yeah we're not building. Something that working with a builder all day and yet it seems to have had a building company. That no one is going to tell. But I had heard that John Lennon actually what the foundations of that you know the wall to work somebody a 570 row between arms in the south I do know there was too much on the left on side as you go in the south and yes that's correct the on the left arm side yeah that would be 1959. But I didn't think Jungmann has done a day's work and while I don't know I know I don't mean a Christian to sign off I thought he went straight into music as it was. While I actually knew somebody that knew him at school that was when he was a quarry bank you know an alibi. He said is quite interesting I said Really. Tech of any sons or any musical in inclinations he said I never saw him play guitar anything but I shall tell you one of the things he did do though it's still not musical. The other way to get back at the changes by drawing some very cruel. Signs and leaves them lying there around the stove but I think the narrative that was to. They said you know of it with a collective them that they're worth a lot of money now he said but because it was just another major skill he knows with no idea because that in a few short years time. Well he was going to be you know well famous Yeah extraordinary I mean he did a book of cartoons Well he wasn't I think it wasn't just cuttings he the 1st book I'm aware of him doing was something called a spot he had in the works. Where I was cartoons and poetry and yeah there were a lot of very you know there would strange things you know well it was dumb and then yeah you know. I just can't picture him with a whale but I was real no no that cannot you know I've just been a lot of real talking have been scouring the internet trying to find evidence on even the statements about his job but you know but he says he didn't look it would . Give up quite a journey pregame and he was sort of go in a day late from what he left in an island well where yeah yeah they're in a bit of a boost and he wanted to but in those days builders got picked up you know yeah and truth as it were but now you know there's just an even Wiki Pedia Reeves perfectly happy to make have stuff that's been made. And I'm nothing if not found anything suggest in the. Johnny day's work because so much yeah. I heard it on a couple of occasions you know. The list goes on because they're all those you nothing Roger Daltry of they worked in a sheet metal works or something like that you know you don't you count picture it really all we always think that the president's aides you know a majority of the lives that that probably have but you know that it's just that year it's a big it's sort of them between skill and stuff seems some rock n roll career in. It so envisage some of these people actually doing something else well yeah that would I mean that's because that's all we know of the misnamed Absolutely there's a bit like well you know. It's a bit like oh somebody saying on a z. As we all remember that you're to wanting to monies to sell Kendall and you know yeah i'll let me get to them so he starts at 0 and all night designing along the. Way. Good to talk to you thank you very much in does anybody know I mean it we have to conjecture David saying that John Lennon that has been I love the internet I tell you 102nd something just makes me laugh. But did John Lennon ever have a job and I'm not away but then I'm hardly the old photo say but I'm not found anything in a very. Cursory shots of the Internet anything sane young man and how to job the thing that made me laugh as a question on. Cuts you know on the Internet was John Lennon really a just. Love the at it's 20 to midnight on B.B.C.'s Radio Lancashire and Manchester United to join as you come away 202 when I double to double 5 how do Helen. Well you are you are very well thank you. Let's get you up loud speaker Thank you. I'm still area I am yes. But you know before you were saying to a caller about how people complacently you know big businesses can basically pick or choose what contra to pay in the tax to international companies often it can yes yeah so so I don't understand why people are always calling for in big international companies to pay loads of tax it doesn't make any sense surely if we set a conclave the tax is really low where Comair you know we you know we. Have to pay more than the low come and surely. To have big businesses pay some tax and no track to toe and attract them all over with our low taxes. Well if we attract them those Internet really the instance of companies are already here of course. So if we reduced our taxes here under attack to them to pay that tax c.-a that would be in $1.00 sense fine but they wouldn't be any more companies that it's unlikely that it's unlikely that we could get our tax regime below that of say China. Or even the United States would be unlikely for the companies to move here but those companies that are here may well pay their taxes here and that might help but of course with then lose the tax paid by those who don't have a choice you know those who have to pay that taxes. This is the place they operate they get Yeah get us. Really j.t. It's a complicated equation Yeah you know you just I don't know it just seems it just seems to make right to everybody's gets a bit too upset about you know punishing people because they're absolutely loaded with high taxes which case that is right people's you know people should stay the Rams in the pocket but I just think maybe just maybe you think a bit loyal Well you know what attractive a suppose you know if you made it more attractive for those. To the Haiyan a. Well we ought to try to be one sense and that is we do actually have quite a skilled labor force so that's a trucks companies we also have a very good internal market so all that's a truck companies what what what what what what what it don't need to. Know what he said but what you mean by I mean. If you made I don't know what have a product you wish if you made wallpaper in this country this country uses quite a lot of wallpaper right Ok so that's that's the internal makis or company making wealth I've been in this country is. It's a ready market in this classical lot lot when you've got the steel industry in the colony and. So that's your kind of thing so so we do have you know we've got 55000000 people maybe a few are more than that and we are quite a wealthy population. You know you know I mean I know that the retail industry is struggling at the moment but not because people aren't spending money on goods but because they're buying them off the internet instead of buying them in the Kona shop a-Z. . Yeah I knew what he had saying she passed the time. Well you know that last. That's that's another issue and I'm you know argument with you on that boat it and also the Palauan of trying to get things delivered do you got it can be a nightmare but that's I mean nobody else here but I'm saying is that we we spend an awful lot of money on crap I mean what about to have Christmas and billions and billions and billions of pounds will be spent and in about February alone go to the tape. You know why and you have an old that's made to so why don't you instead of buy me Christmas presents just get me c'mon and then the well to stuff an account about resale So that's that's I don't. Know but that's one way of doing it I don't know a lot colder but I mean he said he's name then I don't know I'm from mission so I didn't but when I was a kid there was a lot that used to do that in our classes and now it doesn't apply because of course the retailers the street reach out as if you will are so desperate for business they have the January sales about halfway through December. And that talking of selling the crap that's what they go to bring all of the local shops. Do not do not reduce inequality still get in the Stilson quarter the south. One thing we do know Helen your son is going to go found. This no fly zone they. Have been lovely to talk to yourself but. It's 100 to one I double to double 5 How did Tony. Hello Tony. And then mind at least new how do you say. I'm very well country. A little couple of questions for you Ok can you tell me one of your radio or television or whatever I have it is it's echoing in the background or if you don't know I'm sorry go. To ask deal like they began shall. Not generally but I'm not your Depends on your definition of game so it's Game Show I mean it's strictly a goal and if any of that how I want to talk about is kind of. Where you're going you're familiar kind and if I'm yeah yeah on the ball when they do the conundrum Yeah why is it out 60 seconds I'm not bald on the clock clock I don't really only ever use the c.l. Amount Oh I know what you mean now yeah because I suspect that if you just typed it wouldn't really work on a clock we pay people because we are recognize a clock and if you say in 30 seconds and we recognize that the needle is going to laugh way around soon is that when it's I'm When the embodiment of reason to imagery another long another long time with all genealogy you know assets that I remember and I remember it for long years ago when it was 1st on the air if you recall when he was called in these points in a always said with question the only thing people whatever the question and then they give you the. Number of people do you know I you was anybody that's ever been asked one of them questions biological none off the top of my head no no I'm not naive. But I have the same 100. Well the yeah so out of the 55000000 whoever it is you're be going some to know one of them when I've been to go got one because they've been with me and on my number they won't pay a much more Probably not but they think that they probably just do random phone calls and no idea how they do it they won't make it on it it's not with it it's not in their interest to make the top you know about what I want I mean I was a couple quite annoyed I'm just not. That runs all the. Actors don't know you clearly you could have such hell to do in your life you know I'm sure. You're going to go and I was going to lunch and bought most of my gold won't go home without one of them I will go along I do yes it's back on isn't it blocked by the kids one where they come to have a pity Billy or whatever his name was. Yeah yeah that was it I was I think it's back on I mean not only. I don't think it's back on with him I think it's but I can't remember who did it was somebody did it recently probably on one of those myriad satellite television but so not a crack it's a recently I don't remember much longer than that part of me going to come out that's a bit you go nobody likes everybody you know they don't go down you're late I want to talk to you now I'm going to weigh 200 so when I double to double 5 you want to join is that good it's what 12 minutes to midnight here it's a 1 o'clock plenty of time for to you ask whatever you wish to say whatever you wish to reveal whatever you wish and we still don't know but we still sort of of the view that John Lennon has never done a day's work in his life unless you count playing music and writing songs songs as work fine but apart from the music business it's never done a lick of work in his life that's what we believe How do Winnie. Hello again Alan your I am very well thank you Winnie was nice to talk about yet politics to be honest. I was fed up of all this time hearing with the forest Johnson and Jeremy call been a natural for auditions I'm just really disillusioned by it now I think I think you know I think that's the right word I mean I'm no impression Ok. There's just too much of it to be honest I just feel like this is way too much. It's not going away for the next 4 weeks when you're going back you know I know I know it's going to be Walter over the next 4 weeks. 4 weeks more of it so I. Know it's a lot bonfire a bonfire not fireworks are always going off this fall bonfire and. You can't get rid of them no matter your car if you wish to light a lot more color blanket they won't go away but we are mean they aren't going anywhere we've got it for the next 4 weeks and then we'll have the fallout and then we'll live the high suppose yeah but the thing is is there they say what they say they're going to do one thing and then and then they do something completely different my guess that she was that way you know the default don't need to be honest and I'm just I'm fed up with it to be honest but I think you're maybe not alone enough so I think a lot of people if they're not fed up by now they will be fed up before we get to the 12th of December but it is despite we say to kind of important you know if you're not feeling annoyed him I know it's important for these M.P.'s and I don't think they're actually taking this country down the right role to be honest. Rather I mean in what way do you mean that. Let's say I've heard that the n.h.s. Is on its last legs. Because of funding call you know all the things. I've heard a lot about you know all educational issues and you know lack of police. Through to pull a police call you know funding for the police is a full of a lot of different things yes I mean I don't I don't think anyone disagrees that we have and a difficult time financially because of the chance of the action a prime minister. For 5 years ago deciding that we'd spend more than we had so we've had to tighten our belts with the old fashion that has us where the the debt comes in as well and obviously as you've already said to one caller. I don't remember exactly when it was but you said one call was that it's never going to go I was never going to get paid it really never be completely paid off we will never exactly you said it I have because it's all the time island but that's because it comes because with paid with the the touch mine gets the money in arrears. Yeah well I listen to your show all the time can you say it's not when your show and some like yeah it's back on a Monday night. But I met a man I've only got bad news for the you've got all this going on until the very least about the 14th of December because we love you have it all over the election we'll finish on the 12th the Friday the 13th will name the analysis of the Tall and then you'll have the weekends papers The Saturdays along to go the Sundays along to go and then everybody shots open then whoever wins starts talking about well going to any phone it happens and it's on the 12th and then we've got Fact is the searching thing between the I know this is so I can see it's meant to be padlocked which means we're going to get some bad luck. That it doesn't say with but think and cry a lot as it takes it's. Good on you when you have a good night have a good evening. Now. To a night to Bill to develop if you too sick to the back teeth of the politics and the and action even and all the rest of the crap I've got to say is I'd look. You've got plenty to comb out there Tony. I won't I am. Sorry about that. For the 1st. One wants to. Say the political things are going on the moment I just want to like. One of the earlier callers when he was talking about. Taxing the corporations small multinationals and I think it's a an absolutely brilliant idea and I also think. With this but this brought. Back a level of. Wanting to change if they get elected. It's it's much more than just an amenity being going out to the people. Providing broadband for me it's the start of evolution not been long calling for all to post these corporations but now might just I'm just taxing them for me it's about the far too much influence and far too much power in government and something countries and they need they need pushing back stems right back from the East India Company when they when they also amassed a power greater power than 7 nations and yes there's pros and cons of everything but ultimately not right when the people and people in society have to suffer because corporate greed and corporate power overwhelms the sovereign nations how does how do you resist that. You reverse it by the by must say we start with every start with this they say these Internet companies it's just plain sense we are the Internet companies and some would say Oh well if you if you are if you drive them out of our the country they may go into the business somewhere else well . If that's the case it has to be because it's more than just is actually more than just the criminalization of wealth it's a matter of taking the power back for your country for your sovereign nation for you say it isn't and that's why it's called been in labor McDonald They have a real chance to try to establish a revolution ask an alley isn't just where the corporations I mean it's it's also it's also today we have it could you imagine if in our own country if we the National Health Service for instance and we started making our own medicine they got the go the question of the got the government had service people nationals are far cleverer than these people they work in these companies and we could start making. Our medicines subsists subsidized price so when we talk about when we when would the money come from to some blood ties that price what we saved would be saving money instead of in call in the like would be in stronghold by these parasites pharmaceutical companies that I won't mention and names more nation when they say when you say parasite when you say parasite pharma cuticle companies I know the expression I know what you mean by it but if you say Well Ok we are now going to do all the science ourselves then we are going to have to spend billions and billions and billions of pounds which will deliver nothing and at the same time spend another 1000000000 on something that will deliver something in the may well pay off those billions but you say we've got the brains yes we have have we got the facility and we got. The the the patients most most of these massive steps forward medically take decades and decades to develop Well I gotta get out I'd say that these these companies that were well really spending billions and billions and billions in medicine which which determine the profits from these medicines are going to into these corporations and and also unsaid into private hands so so we nationalized just like then and it just is nationalized if you if a committee will give you an analogy me if you would if you had if you had a bakery and you was buying all your sausage rolls and mince pies and an exec from the wholesale such you down the road. Rather than get in the in the materials into your own kitchen and making them yourself. Productive you're making them and the profit margin will go back into your business and this is a Zac same time same thing what's happening with the pharmaceutical companies also they also as well because of legislation as a nice in this country or in America. They have to link again to these corp these corporations like the fact that there is this medicines and cures has been driven by antidote so I thought as a child we've been restricted from using cures for all sorts of illnesses they're restricted because it's it's not trustable to replace something like chemotherapy it's not profitable to replace when there is over alternative medicines that are natural because if there's an argument about the pain the pain bills are on them for the republic so they stop these medicines coming very soon and Paynton won't go away just because we make them in this country to start from scratch and not many drug development start entirely from scratch but to start from scratch to the day when it can be prescribed by a doctor can take as long as 15 years. That's only because the legislation if it goes if we've got the right people to know them and the like because that's because 1st of all you've got to develop it then you've got to test it then you've got to test it on humans and that takes to you. Well well there's a lot of a lot of the types of the basic medicines aspirin policy a lot of the basic the basic medicines not glad we're getting into the complex ones that we're just been in modern day time which are which still the grey areas of whether it's safe or not the ones I don't really trust we have we could have trapped people the profession already to come over and do that work well I'm going to interrupt you because we're going to do the news headlines at midnight and we might come back to you after midnight 100 if you call. B.b.c. News at midnight I'm more wrong Listen Boris Johnson and Jeremy Cooper and have clashed in the 1st t.v. Debate of the election campaign the Labor leader dismissed the prime minister's pledge to get bricks it done by the end of January as nonsense Mr Coben also accused the government of entering into secret talks with the us to open up the n.h.s. To American pharmaceutical companies in a future trade deal but Mr Johnson denounced the claims as an absolute invention the Liberal Democrat leader Joseph Winston says neither man is fit for Downing Street what we had was the kind of bluster and diversion from both of them frankly that needed to be challenge to and you know whether that was on them each trying to excuse their record on and or in the case of Boris Johnson trying to divert the question about racism on to break that which I thought was very strange they've just proved tonight that I know up to the job Scotland's 1st Minister Nicola Sturgeon says the debate has shown why her country needs to be independent I wasn't impressed at all I wasn't impressed with either of the leaders and I think the big takeaway for Scotland from that to be is that we shouldn't allow either of these men to determine a future that would go what is Johnson who wants a hard break that and Jenny Corbin he can't even tell us whether he's in save it of leaving you have a meeting in the. Party leader Nigel Farage wasn't impressed either was like question Jeremy called is a better debater the. Boris Johnson but on the key issue of the day Bracks it 9 times Jeremy Corbett would not say as prime minister when a 2nd referendum that he calls whether he'd back leave or deny them that is a failure of leadership in other news a leaked report on failings at a hospital trust in Shropshire has revealed that babies and mothers died because of a toxic culture stretching back for decades to show his brain tells that hospital and h.s. Trust has a pretty but still if you like under the aegis of the government and the governments of told it the terms under which it must operate in the term under which the Bank of England has been told it must operate is to keep inflation at a low level and they've been told not to do it for quite some time but the been told if ever inflation goes above 2 percent they must write a letter of explanation to central government so we do have control of the central bank we don't have control of the vat this they have their profits unless they're the revenue the revenue it will it be in private label on the central bank doesn't make a profit well. I beg to differ I'm not well privately on this is privately own private imo but there's. Probably no which no we don't own the Bank of England Ah well we don't own it but it doesn't it doesn't have shareholders it doesn't have shareholders are you sure about that entirely sure no. I don't think you rush or a little that's not correct there is this there is so there are certain people bodies billionaires who have a vested interest and in. Control the central banks under control they control the Bank of England the banks all around the world is really a private enterprise because so when the government dollars money off we have to pay out money passed when that went off that would be.

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