So if you fancy if you'd like to comment on the show. You know give us a tax 8133 Remember place messy in the fast. Let it web. Site. Yes yes. Yes. Thank. You our. Allan. Thank. You at the to Greg the a. Few Good. News. Coming up the economy. Use. Up the. Head right. Now at the. At that. Was a cheer in that that was fun let it when you had a good week ladies and gents I was certainly hope so certainly hope you've had a good week you know I was on cloud 9 yes that I. Took my mom to a place and talked with called the Florey I don't know if you've ever been that Slike the Florence hall is up there a mill strace on what the dawn for the community was absolutely fantastic the the actual events Christmas event that the put together for people in the community mainly people who find it difficult to get out so conquered Alpha very much and now i'm people from care facilities and they're from places like that that got everybody together and they invited them to for Christmas then I just thought it was lovely they invited them for Christmas then I got asked if my mom would like to go there I asked my moma she said yeah you know she came along the park on Christmas there for everybody for nothing fat you Terry and I as well as Miss options. That all full freight Oh my gosh I don't know how to. Get the phone then all your strings that had the pole to do this because the place was absolutely packed out it was overwhelming to be honest and it was it was quite source of moving that that that actually done this for for the community and especially the older members of our community as well so the put on like the Christmas then everything can it was open and Wessels all of that with the Christmas pardon afterwards and there and the drinks and the coffees and the teas and you know it was just so nice to say everybody getting together in a communal way and just having a chat and having a laugh and then one of our local artists that you won went and got on stage and sang of a storm she had everybody all dancing I want to say everybody dancing even the people in the whale chairs including my mom was like dancing away and and how you know it was just so nice to say and there were 2 police officers there who popped then just so just the source of. The supposed to community spirit and they got roped into dancing girls or as well so what a really really good atmosphere so I just want to thank everybody at the Florey. And Ryan and everybody who made yesterday afternoon happen just want to thank them so much because they rarely left that the spirits of so many people so thank software that I'm going to crack home with this this is the spinners this is I'll always love you and this one goes out Stephen there in West Stephen this is for you. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live . Go now to Maisie and. The sunshine of my life. Wow Can you get any better than Stevie Wonder I think Stevie Wonder on a bot that will be one of our fantastic days wouldn't sing going to it really was ladies and gents is not 12 minutes past midnight with 3 good songs and now and usually would only about 2 good songs and at this time so I think we're on Saw get maybe a ticket 18 songs that playlist is oversubscribed as pay usual but I hope I hope you're enjoying all of the shows up being on what you believe I've been on Nelly a year now nearly a year then there's some fact that I think is just 3 months shy of yet in this program and I have enjoyed every minute of it from from beginning to now from the time when I started to now I've just been so passionate about this music and so I am grateful for all you listeners get in and such were. Lovely lesson has gotten such with the show with your requests you dedications your comments on the show you positive comments on the show I don't think I've yet to read a negative one but I'm not some faceless such a better world if you go with the world they there's a better world the better what but thanks so much for your employees in the show and for your participation as well because a lot of the show us aside each and every week it's put together by your requests your comments on songs that you'd like to that they cater to people so again thanks so much for that really appreciate it I'm going to do this next one for PJ's usually listen and from Bath and had at the magic show and back and had p.j. This one's for you this is what you won't be full of on this is Bobby Caldwell this is one of my all time favorite chains but then again with the style of music you have so many don't. Wow great start to a song. With the. With the with the. With the. With the. With the. That's. What I want. To. Do. But you. Made me. What I was. What I was. Me. Yes I want to give a shout out to Sue and David listening to him from Manchester the rain embroil green listening as we speak the nice money up there and can see the phone lines lighting up ladies and gents in fact quite a few phone lines are lighting up however at this only May in the studio the small thing so if you can text then that will be grace 8138 double 3 remember to place messy in the fast web author gotten such from Ellesmere Paul salient on listening again with Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds on she said you know what I didn't really know much about about soul music music for that matter she said until she started listening to the show she said now she is absolutely hawked and she's an avid listener and she's led so much about the style of music in the course of the last few months I think the last 9 months I've actually been on the air so you know what . It's really nice to get such a lovely endorsement says Das Oh thanks a lot we're going to crack on I'm going to do this next one for Molly poss of all us a contingent there listen and from Portland Oregon she wants t.l.c. And she wants to head a creep. He . Didn't say you. I. Just want to say a big shout. Is Roy Crosby. Now for those of you who don't know who as though it's got nothing to do is so. Amazing. And he will be performing at. The 15th at the. Hall. He'll be I guess one of the. Male Voice. Mail. And he's asked if I could give him a shout out on the program. Just. Ask if anybody's interested in going along to see him he will be that they. It's from 2 o'clock that is St George's Hall at the Welsh male voice quiet featuring guest soloist Roy law going see him he's absolutely amazing ladies and gents we went to see him at the Epstein theatre and he just brought the house down so it will be well spends it really well. Your voice your story I am thinking the Bible and I had my 1st tooth this year why did you decide to do that because it's quite liberating I come for years of caring for my mum with dementia at the end of which I developed my husband housebound in a bed down and I was not ready to give up the so much more of me I want to explore and find and be and I didn't want if he got the mortal coil I'm going to I wish I'd try it that's a lunchtime thrown in with Phillips weekdays from 12 until 2. Am in d.c. Radio. Let's. Go now to diagnose an atty over there in New Brighton the Commodore as with night shift ladies and Jan 2nd See the phone lines are absolutely crazy at the Smalling it's quite a few calls coming in however a con on to the mall because it's just me and we need to concentrate on the music how ever you are welcome to text then this is your show after all you know this these are your requests you know that occasions and songs that you've gotten such with me where throughout the week to ask me to play on that on this week's show even though the playlist is more or less set now I can manipulate it just a little bit. If you fancy giving us a text on a $13.00 double 3 remembrance a place Mazie and the fast web I'll be only too happy to give you that shouts out so if we confess a song in for you it most definitely well as we all right now actually for Terry and heighten who got in such and so I call is there any possibility you complete the all time classic Home Week l. Now this was done by a couple of artists Terry this was done by the Shi'ites which is the one I think you mean and it was also covered by a band called u b 40 but I think the year before see one will day definitely for another show so well it will stick with the one by the Shi'ites even though the Shi'ites never actually recorded on the Motown label but why do you know what it's Motown and soul so we'll throw and Anyway here you go this one goes out to Terry up there in high pay your request home we go by the Shi'ites. It lasted. Lol. Lol. Well at. Big shout out Sid John who's on the taxis at the moment less and then as we speak he's driving all over the sez he I keep it going over for himself and you close them is out there who would jump in that's Hoxsey on a hope he's boss now b.b.c. Radio Mazzy sad with Midnight Motown magic with a little bit of soul thrown in with. Taking you up until 1 o'clock and then it won't be p b c Radio 5 Live that will be going to ladies and gents with be an election night with all very own poll Beasley in the house warming up the studio to take control 1 o'clock and he will be taking you through still about 6 o'clock with all the latest election results and you are on what the show you made me so very happy by Brenda Holloway comin up for Rob up there and warrants and Rob I hope you enjoy. And. Let. You keep. In Touch. Thank you. Thank you. He. P.j. From Baghdad had gotten so he says he called great tunes as usual keep up a good laugh and so what p.j. Are you going to be are you going to be on your own Christmas night you know a page I am between 2 on 4 o'clock you got 2 whole hours of great so hopefully great soul and great Motown music so at that will be May for 2 I was up there on Christmas Day I can't wait for that can't wait to for the show to go out and maybe we can do what we said that the other week I think it was the week before last week because we played like a couple of really nice Norton soul ones I over the last few weeks in fact we played once and I find this keeper's leaves as weak as by the Marvelettes So maybe we can do so also maybe a ha I would have no. And so on the Hoff out of sorts of classic So maybe an hour of of Motown We'll see how the show sorts of pans out but you know ladies and gents I'm open see your suggestions because as I say these are all your shows every single show here on b.b.c. Radio me as he sat here for you to participate and engage with in some way shape or form and you can do that on the show this morning by text me at 813 double 3 remember to place Missy in the fair sweat and I will be only too happy to give us a shout house or threaten a request for you as it did for Terry Elliot on I will I will most definitely do that even though the playlist is more or less you know I like to keep Melissa as happy so if you if you fancy a request and we've got it there I'll do my most who fits into the playlist for you on with the show I'm going to do this next one for the day of the talks that this is for you and this is outside in the rain by well and good 3. The. Problem with. It is the Snow White. Stuff on the fans in the computers crash and everything. Comes out and makes up. Ladies and a really weird one last week I don't know if this is ever happened so it's of like sets off from somewhere on the destination and then those actually go hey you've been in a bit of a kind of thing while I was in the car I went into a trance in the car when I was driving but I was driving from Liverpool to to lead to South warrants and. Put the radio on in the car put a bit of music on. Listen to a bit of music while I'm driving and I was just flicking through the channels and so also driving at the same time as you do because a lot like the controls on the staring will and so that your score me attention whatever it may have been mostly just caught me attention and it got to my destination and a rare lies that I hadn't the for the whole of the journey I hadn't listened to any music at all just sort of like interference on the on the radio just sort of you know like when you child a child to pick up a station but it doesn't quite get it so you had a. Source of noise on the radio. And I'd listen to that all the way but you know who I got to say I was so relaxed by the time I got to my got to my destination now I don't know whether that happens here but I've just recently found something else about myself only in this last week or so that I actually like that sort of white noise sound. Sound and it really usually when I'm on the most so I just put a bit of classical music on and that chills me out when I'm on the motorway and stuff but I've now found an alternative to listening to classical music on the radio so to cheer chill me house it's white noise but don't know if that's ever happened so you honestly I actually got there not even realizing that I've been listening to that for the whole of the journey crazy crazy the things you find that was about yourself you know certain stages in life anyway ladies and gents I'm going to do this next one our Thelma got and such and she said call you played a singer quite some time back it was a female singer soul singer and she said I can't really think of a name and Thelma I mean you were trying to guess who it was where we who are plates but I've got a sneaking suspicion it was Carolyn Crawford ago. A sneaking suspicion it was correct me if I'm wrong but I'm going to play this one for you Thelma over the Nels Mayport this is forget about make and this is by Carolyn Crawford now if it's not Crawford with us thinking of please let me know you said you've written it down somewhere so if you can find that on a piece of paper let me know and I'll be only too pleased to play your or your system of choice in future program. a. Very much whether we're going to have a scene strong song limit as we try for each and every week but we're going to crack on as soon as possible right now with Bobby Bland on end no love in the heart of the city this one goes out to Jamie up there and Wavertree hope enjoy it Jimi this is one of my all time favorites as well I've got I should have a little salsa catalogue in front of me I think with that little paper catalog one page after another with calls all time favorites because this would definitely feature rather. Lovely bass lead. And. Written by my. Walsh. Recorded 974. No love. Called up the image. You. Think you see. Ladies and gents as the time I'm afraid. Time what I hear. Least for another week. You know it's being an absolute pleasure it's been a joy to be a company of us trust that. We do it all again this same time same place next week. Just want to give a big shout out to see from Kensington. Play me a song before we before we leave so see this is for you this is the Gladys Knight Elton John Stevie Wonder That's What Friends Are people have a great week ahead ladies and gents remember stay happy stay healthy be positive law away really well stay tuned for Paul b. Easily with the election results from 1 am keeping you updated till 6 am in the morning coming Have a great week ahead tonight. Last year. My . Father. Was. And you should special b.b.c. Radio Mazie so. Yeah good morning good evening whichever way you mark in this time of the day is 1 o'clock in the morning welcome to the b.b.c. Really i'm as the side general election special Paul Beazley with you insults 6 o'clock in the morning but with me in the studio right throughout the night will be Dr Stuart Wilkes Hague from the University of Liverpool and Stuart will be giving us expert analysis as the results come in locally and nationally and we've already had some of them to come up very very shortly where both being kept on the straight and narrow by grace Eden our producer and we have reporters of all of the local council be doing the rounds of each of them throughout the night the Airlie news is according to an exit poll for the b.b.c. I.t.v. And Sky News the conservatives are set to win an overall majority of $86.00 for the rest of my clothes we are here for the next 5 hours through till 6 o'clock and 6 o'clock in the morning an hour earlier than usual snarly will be start on the breakfast show with Claire how will turn given further analysis of the results but joining me in the studio Dr Stuart will take from the University of Liverpool good good morning Stuart this morning good evening good night whatever it is I'm not sure. It was going to be with us right throughout the night to provide the experts analysis that we need to give you your thoughts as the early results come in especially as the exit poll was talked about what 3 hours ago now yes I mean the exit poll is I mean it's an incredible piece of work the people who do this it's an amazing thing that they do and it has been really pretty accurate since 900 $97.00 so there's there's always a lot of nervousness about whether it's really going to be right or not but then we're looking at the early results to to look at whether what's predicted by the exit poll does broadly look right so as you said you know protection is clear conservative majority Labor right now.

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