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We've moved hugely and 3 decades on reasons to remember pan am one of 3 bombing was a terrible act of hatred and we have the conviction that love wins out over hate. A summary of the news specialist doctors that hospitals across Britain are now able to prescribe medicines derived from cannabis for the 1st time the legislation has been changed in response to a major campaign on behalf of severely epileptic children as the B.B.C.'s health correspondent Dominic Hughes explains over the summer the parents of 2 severely epileptic children Billy Caldwell and Alfie dimly highlighted the improvement in the boys' condition when they were treated with cannabis oil now following a review by an expert panel specialist hospital doctors will be able to prescribe the drug for a small number of patients for whom other treatments have failed and you have what's described as an exceptional clinical need these include children with rare forms of epilepsy adults suffering from vomiting in North caused by chemotherapy and those experiencing muscle stiffness as a result of multiple sclerosis Police Scotland are investigating after the Hibs manager Neil Lennon was struck on the chin by a coin thrown from the stands at Tynecastle the incident happened immediately after the Scottish Premiership leaders hearts had a goal disallowed in stoppage time the hearts goalkeepers the decks the model also appeared to be punched in the face by a spectator Lennon says the 2 incidents are unacceptable it's a Darby it's role it's intermediate in we get all our own people are hitting players and so on things the players and staff it's just totally unacceptable and. Maybe Anjum self maybe in a few coins thrown on him it's just ridiculous and in 2000 ATHENE. Meanwhile Officers say a 25 year old man has been arrested and charged for an assault involving the assistant referee the pint has risen sharply against the U.S. Dollar in response to an unconfirmed report that Britain has reached agreement with the E.U. On financial services after BRICS that The Times newspaper said negotiators had struck a compromise which would give British companies continued access to European markets as long as both sides respected each other's rules on financial services the Scottish secretary David Mendell has effectively ruled out the U.K. Remaining in the Common Fisheries policy after December 2020 he gave the assurance despite the possibility the post BRICS a transition period could extend beyond that point in a B.B.C. Interview Mr Mondale said the U.K. Would be an independent coastal state by the 2020 negotiations and fishing regardless of what else happens Highland Council is warning its reserves are at their lowest levels in recent years and it faces making millions of pounds worth of cuts the local authority says it's planning for a potential budget gap of just under $67000000.00 Pine's over the next 3 years they exact size of the gap won't be known until the release of the Scottish Government's budget and Grant settlement figures in December the local authority says it's hoping for additional money. One of the U.K.'s most senior health advisers says myths circulating on the Internet are risking the safety of children by encouraging parents not to vaccinate against measles mumps and rubella the chief medical officer for England Professor Dame Sally Davies has been speaking on the 30th anniversary of the introduction of the combined M.M.R. Vaccine Dame Sally says it has saved millions of lives across the world when the infection rates drop you get complacency but there's also this dreadful social media fake news and people peddling myths and stories they are absolutely wrong a research project is being launched to the wind farm off the coast of Aberdeen to examine the impact her bones have on sea birds operator Vattenfall believes it's the 1st study to be carried out at an operational window Ray here's our environment correspondent Kevin Keen When Donald Trump declared I am the evidence of a Hollywood inquiry into wind farms it was this development near his Aberdeenshire golf course that he was fighting now it aims to gather evidence of its own based on actual science the study will look at collision avoidance by breeding birds such as the Northern Gannet and the black lead to Kittiwake the aim is to build a scientific base for any future decisions about the siting of offshore wind farms it's part of a $2700000.00 pound investment in scientific research of the appertain Bay project . Well of the U.K.'s most senior health advisor says myths circulating on the Internet. Beg your pardon and we've already done that Edinburgh in Aberdeen are among the top 10 cities in the U.K. In which to live and work according to a new report the good growth for cities index looked at 10 performance indicators including employment health income and skills and hosing affordability Laura Maxwell has more Edinburgh Glasgow and Aberdeen are the only 3 Scottish cities included in the index And at number 6 Edinburgh is the highest ranked with Aberdeen in one 3rd place Glasgow has moved up 2 places to 25 The survey by Demas P W C find new businesses job creation skills development and work life balance have been key long term drivers of growth since the financial crisis all 3 Scottish cities are performing well in 4 of the 10 economic and social factors but were below the U.K. Average on health. And that's the news feel good luck has the sports headlines as you've been hearing police are investigating after the Habs boss Neil Lennon was struck by a coin last night at the Edinburgh Darby and Tynecastle the Habs goalkeeper. Also appeared to be punched by a funny as he tried to retrieve the ball behind his goal objects were also thrown at the assistant referees the game finished no no sound took this morning closing the gap on leaders hearts the 4 points after they thumb bottom side done defun I've no come on a Drop the 3rd after drawing one all the way to Rangers there were victories for St Johnstone Aberdeen and Motherwell and the night's other much as will focus on and a great night for Scottish football shortly. I'm going to do some more travelling places and did get in Aberdeen share some hay bales of fallen on to the cottage to be on the north by and 890 at Portland the now you are getting past but obviously watch how you get past the leaves South Bend across the clock monitor bridges get roadworks near by slowing things down and anyone to this site by and exit slip is blocked at Junction to patrol there's a cat on fire here and there are already southbound delays on the N 1000 you're heading for the Queen's ferry crossing and on the M 80 you're looking north Bunting junction for Mullen's barn up to junction 6 old and it's maybe about 10 minutes at the moment that's B.B.C. Radio Scotland Ravel and let's get an update on the weather forecast now with Gil McGrane Good morning well early rain in the east will quickly clear for most places the linger across Shetland well into the afternoon otherwise it will be a fine bright day with some spells of sunshine on the cards and a few scattered showers drifting in from the waist the showers well there will be few and far between there could be the old heavy one is specially over the Western Isles the Northwest Highlands Argyle Glasgow area and one or 2 will drift through the M 8 corridor towards Edinburgh temperatures around 7 to 9 Celsius with not a lot of wind so. Night largely dry creating cold temperatures dropping close to you are just below freezing with light winds so the risk of frost some patchy ice and also some patchy fog that's how the weather is looking it minutes past 7 this is there's these Good Morning Scotland the camping group calling for another vote on whether the U.K. Should leave the European Union is launching its official bid to rally support in Scotland today it comes less than a fortnight after hundreds of thousands took to the streets of London to show their support for the so-called people's vote among them so Bob Geldof and most of the people here today are really trying politely to save the country and in so doing save Europe because Europe is in a mess and given that Parliament has so signally failed us and I mean not just the government but the opposition Absolutely. The worst parliament to my lifetime of 67 . Then everybody's throw back to people especially for something that's existential is this. But but while Renee knows turned out in force to demand a read rants about his nemesis the former you kept me denied so far as was leaving leading the relievers marching through her records at the Save bricks rally were not just appealing to me by design the evidence suggests about a dozen of those that voted remind me now say we're Democrats and we think the government should simply get on with it and that's all message get on with it fulfill your promises to us you said if you voted to leave it would happen it needs to be top political editor Bryan Taylor morning Brian wanted to get Let's just clarify for people 1st of all when we talk about a people's vote on a 2nd vote and the organizers clear on what sort of question they want to ask the public they are not defined on it but I spoke to those who are planning today's campaign launch and they say their preference would be a choice between the terms which So we have to wait to hold such a vote you have to wait for the the detail terms of departure of the brakes it whatever emerges from the final run of the go see Asians to become clear and they say they would pick the VAT against staying in the European Union the point that that's a Bob Geldof was making there that there have been others who have suggested that you maybe make it the terms versus parliament again on a 2nd consideration that of course would be very unclear and probably wouldn't be the sort of thing you could subject to a referendum so that the organizers of days today's event are not they say Big themselves prescriptive but they have a very clear idea in mind of what they would prefer to do but they say again that will be up to parliamentarians to determine if they go ahead with this proposal and when we look at those parliamentarians I suppose we could say on one side we've got the Lib Dems who are very pro European and I've always supported this idea on the other side the conservatives who have always said this is a bad idea and in the middle of the S.N.P. And Labor who have varying degrees weathered on this because they have to appeal to their electorate and their electorate as a. Yeah I mean the Lib Dems are pretty pretty solid on on this one they are they always have been the the draw a foot in the political drive from it as opposed to the of the civic campaign drive this is very much a civic campaign that is that it's being stressed today but the political drive in the little has come very much in the Liberal Democrats there are some conservatives who favor a further vote but mostly they take the view that the people voted 2060 and that is the view of the prime minister responds that it's now time to deliver upon that verdict whether one likes that vertical model where they want to get different perspective Labor's labor is as you say divided but the leadership tends to be of the view can say that of the the people would resent being being asked again when they deliver their perspective they were concerned particularly about working class areas that voted leave the S.N.P. What I get it suspicious and skeptical you know what I still think they are suspicious and skeptical but Nicholas sturgeon declared that they would vote for it in the House of Commons but then you had Pete Wisha the senior S.N.P. Am piecing Iowa cotton picking 2nd they still haven't answered the point that what happens if Scotland votes to remain again and it's overturned by U.K. Vote and he's also making making the point and this I think is very to the front of S.N.P. Minds I mean the point that this could set a precedent for independents indeed and Alex Neil letter from a cabinet minister was quoted in The National today saying that the people's vote will scupper in the RAF to he saying backing it was a mistake perhaps not a surprise from him because you know he said that before actually he said that before and he said that he was that he was probably accent but this is a difficulty for the S.N.P. Isn't it in terms of whether or not the they back their son and when it leads us it is I think it's the president that what he's the most that with another element that what he has them is is that there are. There are a fair number of supporters of independents perhaps even supporters of the S.N.P. Direct supporters of the S.N.P. Who actually voted to leave. The European Union they believe in independence as they would see it not just from the U.K. But from the E.U. As well and if you if you go down a road of saying well we need where we want to hold this vote again then it is possible that you energize supporters of independence but it's equally possible you know only some of them the S.N.P. Does not want to do that's a little sturgeon even though it's cautious when she talked of the other day in a speech about options. To alter the way that breaks it is dealt with and she didn't mention a 2nd vote you know perhaps it was shortage of time but it doesn't strike me that it is particularly silly or zealously pushed by the S.N.P. Yeah I did ask her specifically ever 2nd vote for breaks that would set a precedent as regards Scottish independence when she was last on the program she said no because of the 600 page prospectus that it be now that I've been issued before 2014 but of course that there might well be pressure on she's a she she's she said no and she can say no but others would say yes and Vince Cable the leader of the Liberal Democrats said explicitly that if there were to be the would be a precedent the if there were to be a further independence vote there would have to then be a vote upon the terms no matter whether you have a prospectus in advance and that does make a big difference it makes a big difference between the independence vote and the breaks of it there wasn't such a thing on that occasion but even if you have a prospectus that is not necessarily the final terms of final terms are probably very different once the negotiation begins and it might be a president people should and others are concerned about that Brian thank you very much for that a political editor Bryan Taylor and they are and will look at public opinion as regards the idea of a 2nd vote on the whole BRACKS It situation after 8 o'clock it's quarter past 7 now there's a dire warning from Highland console that its reserves are at their lowest level in recent years and a face is making millions of pounds worth of cuts the local authority says it's planning for a potential budget gap of more than 66000000 pounds over the. Next 3 years i Reporter Kevin McKenzie joins us now Kevin morning morning he is there tell us a bit more about this warning from Highland Council Yeah the council's budget leader Allister MacKinnon says that the local authority is planning for a potential budget gap right now of of $66700000.00 pounds and that's over the next 3 years know the exact size of that gap won't be known until next month when the finance secretary of course and it is budget and of course the grant settlement figures for local authorities so it could be better or worse for having Council and I suppose you could say it's a warning shot to the government that more money is needed for council coffers Well yes of course it's timely isn't it our Head of them Mkhize their budget in in December what does that mean really do we know what it might mean for kind soul services at this stage I think undoubtedly it will mean some cuts in services all the council says despite making budget savings of 102000000 over the 5 year period that's from 201314 to this year of course that includes council tax rises of 3 percent they've managed to deliver about a fairly balanced budget are balanced budgets and doing that without compulsory redundancies and at the same time they have pointed out. Invested in significant capital projects so schools roads there's been some free why fire there so that there's a hope that savings can be achieved without heavy impacts on frontline services but I think the point is it won't be clear until next month OK here are many thanks our porter Kevin McKenzie there 17 minutes past 7 it seems to transform everything you hear on the B.B.C. Launched today the new B.B.C. Site brings together everything we broadcast on radio and online Good Morning Scotland to The Archers music and podcasts the director general 20 whole convinced it could revolutionize our listening you've all seen the way the T.V. . Favors even more customized and even more responsive to the needs of the on demand generation we want to do the same for radio we want to do it for everyone with the seasons with making radio a fable to you whenever you want to. Jewels exploring the riches of the art like creating new formats and curating in whole new ways of responding to your tastes your nose your curiosity so that's the theory well it worked let's speak to Joseph Evans digital analyst at Enders analysis just good morning to you good morning so B.B.C. Sounds of places the B.B.C. I Player radio or what is your understanding of how it will differ. Well it will be the same in a lot of ways in that way it will bring together all of the B.B.C.'s radio content but on top of that in the last year the B.B.C. Has been concentrating on making new forms of digital audio content like podcasts which were never meant to be broadcast on the radio so bring all of that together in the same place as all the catch up radio and live radio what the B.B.C. Is hoping to do is appeal to the sort of young people who are moving away from live radio and in particular I mean way from B.B.C. Radio says trying to track and back by putting all its on demand what do you want and want and do you believe that that will work is that a same's that you know what young people are looking for are are more podcasts and . Well there is some sense of evidence of that what that's what young people are looking for OK Also a very nice activity I think it's about 3 percent. 80 percent. But among young people it's much much higher think what cost listeners are under $35.00 can at any study present for for radio so they definitely want cost more than more than older people do and so the B.B.C. Is trying to tap into that because you know the B.B.C. Has to serve the whole population and this is one way they can do that and is this perhaps seemed the sort of their Netflix Sunday Amazon Prime generation the idea that when you choose to to listen to something you can watch something in the case rather than having to follow a shade jewel as is produced by most of the radio stations Yes there is a lot of that there is this idea that what people want is on the moms they know what they want and and when they want to and they just they just want it then and there there's another side of this which is personalization which. Will learn what you like and it will deliver you content which it thinks is suitable for you and you know companies like Netflix and like Spotify are doing more and more of that because while sometimes people do you know exactly what they want all the time they want the kind of comfort and ease of a live shot you all but one which is more suitable for their tastes in particular and is this is the idea here that B.B.C. Site will hopefully be ultimately take on the likes of Spotify. Well it won't necessarily take on spots of 5 it provides an alternative so Spotify has also started distributing court costs much more in the last year and indeed earlier this year the B.B.C. Itself did a deal with Spotify to start distributing its own court costs on Spotify is powerful I think that the B.B.C. Is in a it's in an enviable position that it you know it just wants to reach as many people as possible so as able to to both partner with specify where it thinks it will help and you know compete with sports wise in a sort of frenemy position. To reach as many people as possible because some people will just want to listen to everything on Spotify other people but in the B.B.C. Is the ultimate trust it's already a brand they all want to go to the B.B.C. Directly and what do you think this might tell us this experiment in audio tell us a bite where the B.B.C. Might go with television on the i Player. So the i Player is now I think 11 years old so they've they've had a lot of time to so perfect and to experiment with that and I think people would generally say it is a success so I think a lot of the learnings will be going the other way they said you know what went right and what we bring to the audience sides. Certainly it's a it's a transfer experiment Excellent thanks very much for speaking to us that's a digital analyst Joseph Evans and you can check out B.B.C. Simes No it's live and the vailable for you online the time is 722 Hello everyone this is we normally hear grownups talking things on the radio but they've let us come on the radio instead to talk about something that's also very important actually Children in Need a very grown up and growing up space money by doing birthright we're in pj's to spill baking cakes even as sponsored by Craig Lemoult this is the tricky bit growing up can you do that of course do your baby to join in need Donald you're supporting kit today at B.B.C. The code educate slash and see if you listen to Good Morning Scotland said just gone 22 minutes past 7 let's have a thought for the day now it comes this morning well never in Diana hall rector of Sedan Scottish Episcopal and Methodist Church in Dunbar Good morning good morning as we begin of Ember it's impossible to escape the reality that winter is coming past ghosts and ghouls hopefully sent packing for another year but there's something about the darker mornings and evenings that lends itself to reflection and so perhaps it's unsurprising that November brings a season of remembrance this week many churches will be marking all saints D. And all souls the all since today is a reminder of the inspirational figures in the 5th exemplars of life well lived also marks tomorrow as a day to recall those who have died and then our common public life Remembrance Sunday is fast approaching. This year's Armistice Day commemoration is particularly poignant It marks the centenary of the day in 1900 when the guns on the western front fell silent for the 1st time in 4 years all over the country communities are arranging special programs of events to help people recall the tragedy of war and the imperative to build peace and his novel The Go-Between LP Hartley wrote that the past as a foreign country they do things differently they are the last surviving veteran of the Great War died in 2012 the majority of people in Scotland have no direct experience of war and struggle to imagine it's reality yet the world wars have had a profound rule in shaping our society and Armistice Day beds us do what we ought to honor the memory of the fallen never to forget the horror of war and never to repeat it Christians look to the past present and future to find hope we look to the past and find that the life death and resurrection of Jesus gave hope that human suffering and death are not the end and we find that the example of those who've gone before can teach us how to live well in the present. Remembrance always prompts me to reflect on my own life and community what does it mean to live well how can I work to build peace for each of us as we recall the past its lessons can guide us to build a better present and future thank you very much for that event dial a hole with our thought for the day it's coming up to 25 past 7 and that's time for more sport feel good let's go to thank you looking at the front pages looking at the back pages all dominated by events off the perch last night at Tynecastle the sun screaming disgrace on the back with Neil Lennon lying on the ground and very concerned looking Hearts' manager Craig Levine standing over him checking that he's OK All that after. Ugly and unsavory incidents at the Edinburgh Darby with coins thrown at the Habs boss ready for scythe was there for B.B.C. Sport a game almost devoid of football and the only goal the Scottish Premier picture of the night was the one to dominate the headlines when Tynecastle turn toxic at one end of the field to Hearts keepers Denis Law Mel appeared to be punched in the face by a hip span as he went to retrieve the ball and almost at the same spot where he was assaulted by a house by an when he was Celtic manager his boss Neil Lennon was struck in the face by a coin thrown by a spectator it was ugly it was unacceptable I know it will be under scrutiny as the clubs and authorities ask how do we stop this. You know line and then struck by a car and you're going to see a lot of pictures of him lying on the ground today both on T.V. And in the papers he had to get treatment after being hit by the Messiah thrown from somebody in the main stand behind the Tynecastle dugouts Well go ahead we're going they only jaw soul Thankfully there's no sort of core damage done so don't see every said the least one acceptable people say I was when in the trade open I wasn't given back fully Have you been taken for 90 minutes but of course Neil Lennon brings along himself Lennon there mentioning his reaction to the hearts fund's Wayne the late goal for the Tynecastle side was disallowed he turned around and and gestured to the fans the quietened down and Lennon was also quick to condemn the incident involving the Hearts' goalkeeper Jed next la Molle who appeared to be punched by a fun at the head of the ground as he went to the T.V. The ball Hearts boss Craig Levine also quick turnaround on those who carried out the acts probably 0 got punched at one in the new summer destroying a call your little place for the unknown OK I understand tensions are high tensions are high on the field tensions are high off the field. I don't like to see that you know I think us things go too far and hopefully we'll find both of the people who are involved in these things and deal with them for the record the game finished goalless you can see highlights of that at our website how does that all mean Celtic of close the gap on the latest to 4 points at the top of the Premiership they dumped on the 5 nil against Park the 5th goal scored just off the hard time elsewhere come on a drop to 3rd after securing a point at Rangers one all of finished I Brock's the range of boss the even jet describing it as a frustrating result and that his players hadn't delivered his counterpart in the cold monic dugout Steve Clarke though said he was a little bit disappointed at only one. Point Livingston's 8 game unbeaten run is over after they lost one militants in Johnston It's now 3 wins in a row now for Tommy Wright's paths I'd look at the last 8 years when you would have to come here and I'm sure Carter. Got the early goal which helped. This that was appropriate you know that was a definite right but we dealt with everything that was our fault really that we had to have a favorable of good opportunities you could have used more often a petard but being followed up their League Cup semifinal victory by sweeping Hamilton aside 3 Nov finish their Motherwell meanwhile won all 3 points in Paisley with a 2 no victory over sentiment and highlights reaction analysis to all last night's games at our website The focus though this morning is on Tynecastle and those ugly scenes involving Neil Lennon and the Hearts goalkeeper finally this morning Rangers of announced the 14300000 pound loss for the year up to June 30th chairman Dave King thought says the club have had a positive year the club declared in year 3 and a half 1000000 pound increase in turnover to 32600000. What's happening on the roads this morning and Mary Watson has troubling news well he'll eat no more he bails in Aberdeenshire on the north by and a 90 foot less than they've been moved away delays because of road works on the commission bridge that were nearby but you get site by delays across the bridge because of them and 90 says bend the exit slip at Junction 2 there's a cat on fire here so the exit slip is blocked at the moment it's already slow heading south bend down into the queen's ferry crossing here queues on the city bypass Why spend from Gilmartin to drag corn 1520 minutes to clear the stretch congestion on the M A T northbound junction for mall and burn that's the end 70 marriage up to junction 6 old and maybe 10 minutes B.B.C. Radio Scotland travel coming up in the next half. Are a suggestion that children need to break free from the confines of the classroom to tackle the problems facing the planet half past 7 a summary of the news doctors will be able to prescribe cannabis products to in the U.K. From today hospital specialists will be able to offer the medicine for a limited range of conditions the group united petion its alliance campaigns for access to medical cannabis its director Jonathan libeling says he thinks the N.H.S. Will be overwhelmed by demand for the drug there are still as we can see huge gaps in the process and it's going to be very difficult for patients to access cannabis because currently we have no products you know the medical profession need training they haven't received any guidelines yet so whilst it's an incredible day November the 1st and we've been waiting for it a long time and there is an awful lot to do and there's a long way to go Police Scotland are investigating after the Hibs manager Neil Lennon was struck on the chin by a coin thrown from the stands at the stadium in Edinburgh last night during a game with hearts the hearts goalkeeper said exam are also appeared to be punched in the face by a spectator Police say a 25 year old man has been arrested and charged in connection with an assault involving the assistant referee a total of 5 arrests were made during the evening to his army is reported to have struck a deal with the E.U. That would give it U.K. Financial services companies continued access to European markets after breaks at the Times newspaper says British and European negotiators have tentatively agreed on a future partnership on services as well as the exchange of data. A study into whether sea birds can avoid hitting wind turbines is to be carried out off the Aberdeenshire coast the 11 turbine farm was the focus of a lengthy planning battle involving Donald Trump who argued it was spoil the view from his golf resort of many previous wildlife impact studies have focused on proposed wind farms rather than ones which are already up and running Charles Nathan of R.S.P.B. Scotland says the study will improve future sites in putting off or went out at sea it obviously has potential impacts on a whole range of wildlife and we're most concerned with the impacts on on sea birds so any research like this about and for is putting forward is key to really understanding what those impacts are and how we can go about avoiding them in the future Helen Council has warned that its reserves are at their lowest levels in recent years and it faces making millions of pines in cuts the local authority says it's planning for a potential budget gap of just under 67000000 pounds over the next 3 years the exact size of the gap won't be known until the release of the Scottish Government's budget and Grant settlement figure in December Allan Council says it's hopeful of additional money from the government staffer walking out at Google's offices around the world in protest against the company's treatment of women they're calling for changes to the way sexual misconduct allegations are dealt with. So obviously for Scotland David Mendell has attended a wreath laying ceremony at sort of ques University as part of remembrance events ahead of the 30th anniversary of the Lockerbie bombing $35.00 of the $270.00 victims of the disaster were from the university which stages a week of commemorations every November a member of the students who were lost were taught by Laurie Mason who still at the university he says it's important to continue to mark the tragedy well Param one of 3 bombing was a terrible act of hatred and we have the conviction that love wins out over hate so our our whole idea here is to make friends make friendship support each other support the families who lost their loved ones. Establish bonds with Lockerbie academy and we've I think we've shown that love is stronger than hate Edinburgh and Aberdeen are among the top 10 places to live and work in according to an index of U.K. Cities the good growth for cities index run by P.W. C. Measures the performance of $42.00 of the U.K.'s largest cities Edinburgh has slipped from 4th to 6th as the affordability of high using has cost challenges Aberdeen climb from 11th to 9th in the rankings with Glasgow at 25 B.B.C. Radio Scotland news Kilmer greens here with the weather forecast thank you good morning well the rain will gradually clear away from the east as we go through this morning it's currently lingering across the borders Aberdeenshire muddy caseless and the Northern els but it is set to ease for most then it's going to be a largely dry bright day with some decent spells the sunshines just some scattered showers affecting the western districts these pushing through the in that corridor towards Edinburgh and some of the showers could well be heavy possibly even wintry over the highest hills now the latest a decent day for many with temperatures 6 to 9 degrees Celsius and light to moderate westerly winds. Tonight a ridge of high pressure will build from the site waste giving a dry clear and cold night for most shallow mist and fog may develop as the winds are light in the waist and temperatures will drop to minus 2 Celsius in the countryside plus 2 Celsius for Titans and the city's ever tomorrow Well a lot of fine dry sunny weather to come though still a few showers clipping into the north thickening cloud and rain will return to western districts on strengthening winds later in the day and it will be a touch warmer $8.00 to $11.00 Celsius so tomorrow night a deep area of low pressure is set to approach is the remnants of exotic an Oscar it will be mild but cloudy and wait with prolonged rain and strong to Gil force southerly winds B.B.C. Radio Scotland weather. I was. In digital radio 92 to 95 F.M. And each one all Medium Wave B.B.C. Radio Scotland You're listening to Good Morning Scotland Gary Roberts and Healy Miller with you as always until 9 o'clock from today specialist doctors across the U.K. Will be able to prescribe their patients medicines derived from cannabis it follows the home secretary Soja Javits promise back in June that the voice of the parents who've been campaigning for a change in the rules and medicinal cannabis would be heard I know that very often foreign aid got parental instinct to do whatever is in their power to try and alleviate the suffering of their child and today I would like to say to this house that I will do everything in my power to make sure that we have a system that works so that these children and babies parents can get access to the best possible medical treatment I commend the statement about having or caring gray fought for her 5 year old son Murray to be able to use cannabis oil for medical relief she joins us now from our Edinburgh studio Good morning Karen good morning how big a difference has this made to Mary is made a massive difference he's been on epidemic snow for 9 weeks and the difference is incredible where basically 11 in hospital is constantly and constantly getting rescue medication am is not being back in sense he's managed to go to school and aim is STILL HAVE AN seizures did in the night but he's not had a knee jerk in the day so this is a type of epilepsy that Mary suffers from he has do say it's all that's the American version of it's got she called my clinic a static a plate say so he suffers well suffered from 4 different types of seizures and how many you know was he having sort of on on a day to day basis even 7 up to 600 MY a corner of the maybe up to 12 in tonic corner X. And how did you cope with hurt it was very very difficult. Well you just had to you know we just had to go on with that it was just what was happening we just had to deal with it and help and base we could A No he's only having some through the night he's only having some through the night yes he's been very very lucky that the epidemic has actually worked for him but there's that are some kids that are already taken C.B.D. Based. Medicine and they need to study need this extra T.H.C. But unfortunately the British pediatric neurologist Association updated their Gately ingest today and are still maintaining that T.H.C. Is dangerous to go in but even saw you of course some children over so the high profile children are on edge of cancer products which contain T.H.C. And they are obviously Slaven on that and they need that and there's other kids that need that as well and how did you go through the process to get to get access to the products was difficult it to E.G. Basically approached what is not all the gests one of our think it was it was very early this year and you mentioned it I've heard that medical cannabis helps and they basically say that is something called a payday leaks but it's not available and of a sledge escape to ask and ask him all you know the make in this country why can't we have it the stairs absolutely ridiculous and in there vengefully managed to get it through G.W. Pharmaceuticals he actually gave it to Murray compassionately. And did you have some advice you know about taking it you know before it was given to you. Well obviously and it's implied that the trials for they put a Leaks or they're not all just there knew what they were doing but the but the Dawson charge. Did already search on LANE OK And gosh I mean obviously it's worked for Mary I suppose that it might not work for 4 you know every child in a similar position all exactly it's about 40 percent success rate so we are mean we really are lucky that it has worked from what I was very surprised but as I said there's other kids there that are going to need that extra The extra T H C and the medication is whale and they're just not going to get it unfortunately and as you mentioned the government's been very clear with its announcement that this would lead to legalizing cannabis for any other recreational use I mean do you think of that there's a stigma attached to cannabis generally which affects how it's viewed. As a you know I'm a distal Use Well exactly I mean all cannabis use is medicinal isn't that it just it makes you think you know whenever all these these same high powered people but at university you know what were they getting up to to have such bad views on cannabis. You know it's absolutely Dec us it's helping so many people labor so many different can conditions it's just absolutely that killers that they can't access I mean I have been speaking to people that obviously are labeled as criminals because they're self medicate and they've been going to the doctors and what some of them aren't doctors aren't even the refusing to discuss it they have no idea who to defend people to they're not an especially just started there's no guidelines there is there's no nor there's no great plains I mean something went over yesterday for any Chase angle and I've not seen anything of that in each case Scotland so nobody actually knows what they're doing the you know doctors need training and and all that professor at Barnes to say out there had to be of medical cannabis but if you can give that your doctrine of the refused to say not to that I mean you know there's nothing you can do Dr. Detraining gay dance you know especially especially for for the adults Israel is just absolutely people are people be a mess or been labeled as criminals you know for taken something is actually helping them when it should be made illegal to help them but at least in Mary's case it seems to have transformed his life on a day to day basis well as I mean I know some day also need the same horse but that's actually a weekend for me to aim for at the dailies for Herbie boy he's in an awfully bad possession always constantly have been really really dangerous seizures and we're being told the aim but epidemics isn't actually going to get until after the year no saw I mean this should have all been say are you know we can access medical cannabis from today that should have been set up that we can access it from today in these children aren't stole you know haven't seizures and haven't gone hospital getting risky maids and they're just no access and. Well thank you very much for talking to us this morning as Karen gray there who is a 5 year old son Murray is no able to use cannabis oil for medical relief it's coming up to 17 minutes to 8 profits of the oil giant Royal Dutch Shell have surged under Black's here with more on that and the rest of this morning's mean business news thank you Gary Yes Royal Dutch Shell is reporters and almost 40 percent rise in profits to $5600000000.00 for the 3rd quarter of this year thanks to rising oil prices the company's made for investments in North Sea oil and gas this year and telecoms company B T's pretax profits for the 6 month until the end of the temper are up 24 percent 1340000000 pounds that's partly because people have been buying more expensive smartphones. Lets and the technology giant Apple is due to releases a new results surprise surprise profits are expected to be up again just in August you're from 7 Investment Management says this is largely due to people's love for the brand name when you think about it all they're releasing every every time you stand on this coast and all station does this wonderful song and dance like but it's the same kid but people still buy the brand that's what soliciting So it's a brand moneymaking machine it's going to continue to do so now Edinburgh and Aberdeen are among the top 10 cities in the U.K. In which to live and work that's according to the financial services firm P W C which has been collecting data for the last decade Michael Ware's from P W C unjoin has been a good morning to you good morning so Edinburgh 6 then in your overall rankings and Aberdeen is 9th So what are these 2 cities doing raids what we're seen is that it's horror the last decade since the financial crisis all parts of the country have been demanding a that the basics of economic performance improved but the broader measures of quality of life to do a transport environment alike are also improving I think we start with some great cities. Scotland that perform well on any of these measures and I think in recent times we've seen in Aberdeen a recovery in the underlying economic performance because the oil situation has recovered somewhat from the no idea of a couple of years ago and Edinburgh has some great inbuilt strengths that year after year are a success the great news is that Glasgow has improved in the rankings to another Scottish cities are making their presence felt as well across the kind of devolved nations of the U.K. Glasgow is up but it still only number 25 on the list so why such a big gap between it's an Edinburgh there are issues that are well documented in Glasgow as well as elsewhere in the U.K. And some of the big legacy Victorian cities of England as much as of Glasgow in terms of the health performance and other measures as well having said Glasgow's civic leadership is political leadership and governments of Scotland and of the U.K. Have been investing lots through city deals rather initiatives over the last 2 or 3 years that's replicated in the other cities in Scotland and so I think the generally positive performance of the cities in this index from Scotland ought and basis that investment to continue to improve and I just go to cities compare with like the really big places like London or big English cities like Manchester or Birmingham or the really encouraging thing is that we haven't seen an Edinburgh 2 cities in the top 10 of those rankings and you know we're not simply measuring here the economic performance of the cities we're looking at the work life balance the environmental performance the housing affordability issues all of these things that's a very important thing a reminder that in Scotland not just in the cities but more broadly we have some very well performing areas and we must hope those continue to be the case OK thanks very much Michael that's a Michael Moore there from Peter you see the time now 14 minutes to 8 and Thursday morning's news headlines from today specialist hospital. Doctors in the U.K. Will be able to prescribe cannabis derived medicines for the 1st time a police investigation is underway after a chaotic Edinburgh Darby a Tynecastle which saw his manager Neil Lennon struck by a coin and when Council's warning its reserves are at their lowest levels in recent years and faces making millions of pounds worth of cuts before date the commemorative events marking 30 years since the Lockerbie bombing. What's happening on the roads now here's Emory Watson with travel early if you're on the M 8 and heading east you're slowing down around junction for what burned through to Livingston junction 3 queues on the M.C.G. Bypass westbound from Gilmer to to drag corn and heavy traffic on the M one in the slips oath burned at the new bridge that that's junction one in Edinburgh and Glasgow bound on the M $77.00 slowing down before junction for Newton Mearns right up to junction one Brecht was at the moment I'm seeing a travel time of 20 minutes could be a wee bit slower certainly was yesterday morning and the Glasgow meet why spend look is so from Junction 13 Provan that's the M 80 marriage to 17 western road pretty foggy on parts of the M E T Israel especially when junction 30 horns Hill and junction for burn and congestion South Bend on the M E T. Junction T. Horns Hill to one a prop and that's what marriage is with the M 8 North Bend junction for Mullen's barn to 6 Castle Katie pretty misty and forgettable across Glasgow I'm seeing a tweet from one of our weather presenters Judith Ralston not even at work by asking if anyone else is seeing or not seeing through the fog B.B.C. Radio Scott the travel the time now is 12 minutes to 8 our children won't be properly prepared to tackle the problems facing the planet unless they break free from the confines of the classroom that's one of the conclusions of the Mahdi Herm's report it's released this morning to mark door classroom day that's a global campaign encouraging millions of youngsters to get out from behind their desks and experience the wider world where Carly Sefton is the chief executive of learning through landscapes. She's in the teeth this morning to launch the report she joins us now along with him ashore who's an early years play worker in the East End of Glasgow Good morning to you both Carly 1st of all tell us more about the idea of getting out of the classroom and the benefits as you see them. Well that's how the custom is always a really good thing to do with children we know from especially evidence in a muddy hands reports today that children learn best when they're out doors the happier when they're out doors and they're more engaged when they go back into the classroom and there's been so many studies Doug globally what the monkey had support all of the information together and actually show some really strong statistics that teaches a say across the globe that 74 percent of teachers agree that children more engage after playing in lending at outdoors and what's wonderful about today is there's nearly 550000 children across head now and celebrating that in outdoor classrooms day and here is that your experience that the youngsters you deal with actually are learning more because they're on site yet of course so I think the great thing about learning is that a lot of the time children can be self directed and learn what they want to learn and be inspired by their natural environment and what's around them and then be curious about the world for youngsters I mean you're dealing with nursery children here they are not truly curious anyway do you see a change in attitude as the children get older Yeah of course so we work with children over quite a long period of time and we see children progress very clearly and their confidence gets much much better they are much better asserting themselves their majesties of skills go through the roof because they have to use what's around them rather than having toys to play with because right with the nursery they we just bring ropes we bring tarps and they use what's there and that make means that they have to use their imagination to be able to learn and to and to. Carlie you can see the benefits of this at a young age as he mentions just lightened But as children get older as the classroom work becomes more intense. Do parents want them to be focusing on you know reading and writing. Except troll rather than being outdoors Well they all reading writing can be taught how to witness nothing I say this is not goes with the book but also we do a lot of work towards about the script if language and we know that English has improved but it's towards how it goes along with the science is now that embedded cognitive learning where children are actually practically embedding a scale of what's most interesting about older children is no special Scott than 10 percent of children 25 and 60 have a pretty diagnose mental health condition that we know that connection with nature has huge benefits for mental health and I think you know 26 percent of children yes 4 people showing signs of behavior emotional problems the outdoors and that connection with nature and having time to reflect be outdoors and all the benefits we know of you know being in nature brings has huge benefits and we think that there's there's a lot to be said for children all the way through their education being out there oh hey Michelle a lot of people listening to this will be thinking but I used to do that with the classroom when I was younger certainly you know we used to climb trees would be out in the countryside all the time our payments a bit more risk averse these days of course yeah there they are they are better and I think part of that's part of our role is to. To to show them and to say like look this is one of the best ways for your child to learn and if they're coming out with us they are they have an opportunity that is going to stand them in really good stead in their life and actually. Going to do is is fantastic in kind of gets kids off their phones it like you know it increases. Their ability to talk to each other in the communication skills like massively because they're having to chat to each other all the time lots of benefits by the sounds of things thank you very much for speaking to us came ashore there early years play worker and Carly Sefton there of learning through landscapes It's 8 minutes to 8 wreaths have been laid so accuse University in New York State to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Lockerbie bombing the American University lost 35 students when Pan Am Flight 103 blew up over southern Scotland just before Christmas in 1988 our course our political correspondent Glen Campbell is in the US and has been watching proceedings. Well there are a whole week of commemorations here at Syracuse University as there are every year to remember the 35 students lost when Flight 103 came down over Lockerbie in 1908 and they're preparing to welcome 5 cyclists including some of those who responded to the disaster of cycled from Lockerbie and then here in the United States from the National Cemetery outside Washington D.C. Through New York City to this upstate New York location and when they arrive among those here to welcome them a student from Lockerbie academy Joseph Holland who's here at Syracuse studying as a Lockerbie scholar what does it mean to you Joseph to be involved in remembrance week so I'm incredibly honored and humbled to be here representing lock in the wider community to keep forward keep the memory alive. Unfortunate and tragic night back in 1000 as you know. Quite a life changing just being here and taking part in the members. And the different duties Well 8 of the students who were lost were taught by donors Doc Mason who was at the university then and is still here today why is it so important to keep remembering and to make sure people don't forget Well I'm one of 3 bombing was a terrible act of hatred and we have the conviction that love wins out over hate. Our whole idea here is to make friends make friendships support each other support the families who lost their loved ones. Establish bonds with Lockerbie academy through people like Joel coming us remember the scholars and we've I think we've shown that love is stronger than hate. In memory of each of the students. I remember. The plea What will your role be. Commemoration. Like. Be participating in the Rose laying ceremony be. One of the 35 students. And in addition I'd be speaking in for a drink convocation. Talking about my experience in my visit in Lockerbie. My experience as a remembered scholars a whole what did it mean to you to visit. All these. Incredibly meaningful. Always known about 3 and. Be in the town where. You know talking to the locals who have experienced it firsthand. Don't do you've been to the many tens you think times you've written a book on it why is that connection so important. For me I tried to figure what can I do to make the world a better place and I realize that Lockerbie had lost its identity because of Pan Am 103 it's all people seemed to know about the town and I realized that it had a much more important and broad history than that and so we went with an idea to telling the story of Lockerbie and the real story panorama is a part of that but it's not the whole story and try to give the town its identity back well thank you all very much indeed for talking to just fallen Doc Mason. The cyclists due to complete their journey a journey of course those students on the plane were never able to complete and they should be arriving here later on Thursday the formal commemorations will take place with the rose laying ceremony at Syracuse University on Friday and Klein Campbell in center queues in upstate New York it's 4 minutes to 7 to 8. While those chaotic scenes at Tynecastle Stadium last night have made it on to the front pages of many of this morning's newspapers that speak to my feelings 80 football writer the Herald who is out the game good morning Matthew good morning just talk us through what happened then well pretty bad tempered. Even by the standards. All kicked off. And the end of the team heart felt they had scored a goal. Referee you know. Neil Lennon. And his dog. Started gesturing to the. Celebrating and telling them to sit. Next thing you know your land and it's been shot in the spy. A missile that was thrown by our supporter later turned out it was a potent coin. He failed to the kind in the technical area and stayed there for some time and required medical attention before getting to his feet and of course it wasn't the only incident the hard goalkeeper with the talked as well yeah that straight. Ahead in the game Bobby's a mile. Gone to chief his ball from behind his goal which was in front of me and supporters and as he did so one of the head supporters leaned over and appeared to strike I'm in the face so ever is it was a game that was. Lettered but tempered incidents and ugly scenes both on and off the park last night will be any repercussions for the club I don't think will be any repercussions for the clubs. In Scotland we don't have very strict liability legislation. At the clubs can demonstrate that it to every available precaution to prevent any player trouble and if they can also demonstrate that they have done everything that they can do to caption punish the perpetrators of these incidents then I don't think that the club some sales will face any action but I think the individuals responsible. Will be identified they will be punished and Opal probably be banned from from football but of a long time and it's a bit ironic isn't it was middle of total recently about the possibilities allowing alcohol bucket launches in Scotland I wonder whether this will change any views on that yet no it. Doesn't does increase the chances of happening any time soon and I mean that it's a terrible shame and Neil Lennon pointed out after they came that. But it makes all the headlines doesn't it we'll have to leave it there Matthew Linsey chief football writer at The Herald thank you wanted to read you 1995 and each one of the media with B.B.C. Radio Scotland. It is a cork Thursday morning it's the 1st of November this is Good Morning Scotland with Haley Miller and Gary Robertson our top story this morning a People's or a loser's vote should we try again on bricks it I think it's a very bad idea coming up the blasphemy backlash in Pakistan free. If you like to journalists of free will and are we failing to see the funny side in our efforts not to offend It's terrifying for me to journalist an agenda to try to be funny that you can lose your job in 24 hours for about. The B.B.C. News from today's specialist hospital doctors in the U.K. Will be able to prescribe cannabis derived medicines for the 1st time the change was announced in the summer it means cannabis products will be prescribed for a small number of patients for whom other treatments have failed a short time ago we spoke to Karen grief from East Craig's who fought for her 5 year old son money to be given the substance she's not convinced those who need the drug will benefit there's no guidelines I mean something when I read yesterday for any Chase angle and I've not seen anything for any Scotland so nobody actually knows what they're doing the you know doctors need training and and all that Professor mate Barnes to say out there Cademy of medical cannabis but if you can give that your doctrine of the refused to say not to that I mean you know there's nothing you can do dubber doctors need. A police investigation is underway after a chaotic Edinburg Darby at Tynecastle midway through the 2nd half hearts goalkeeper always floored as he fetched the ball from behind the goal. And the closing minutes Hibbs manager Neil Lennon was struck by a coin thrown from the crowd it happened as Hearts had what would have been a stoppage time winner disallowed Meanwhile police say a 25 year old man has been arrested and charged in connection with an assault involving the assistant referee tourism A is reported to have struck a deal with the E.U. That would give you key financial services companies continued access to European markets after breaks at the Times newspaper says British and European negotiators have tentatively agreed on a few.

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