You know why the West care about the number of police around on a no legal basis a man who has challenged over the deaths of 39 Vietnamese migrants inside a lorry has admitted conspiring to assist illegal immigration Morris Robinson who's $25.00 and from County a ma also pleaded guilty of the Old Bailey to acquiring criminal property he's yet to enter a plea to manslaughter charges the old material logical organizations warned greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reached record highs last year they were above the average rises in levels of carbon dioxide methane and nitric oxide the secretary general of the w m o potentially Tallis said the Paris climate had cooled and failed to have an impact and more actions need to study seeing the disaster stand impact on world economy on agriculture and well being of glazier some Arctic sea ice so it's all replaceable and the governments nowadays understand this is a challenge and the visibility of these issues is highest ever so that commuters are calling on Greater Anglia to sort out problems on the service between Ipswich in Cambridge people who use the rates have got in touch with b.b.c. Radio Suffolk to complain about overcrowding delays and cancellations on the route and I know Phillips is one of them she travels from stay market to Cambridge for work and is regularly late but says others are affected as well I know that there's children on the platform at home get there trying to score college and I just basically told wait for the next one and for the next one. Which will get them to scorn to tell a court and I'm sure if I was a parent be very disciplined greater Anglia's told b.b.c. Radio Suffolk today the new trains with Mo carriages will take to the line at some point this week news in brief police in England and Wales say domestic abuse offenses went up by almost a quarter last year forces say almost 3 quarters of a 1000000 offenses were recorded ads and c.s.p. Will close a. 2 branches next year with the loss of up to $400.00 jobs it says it's going to concentrate on improving its banking up and increasing its or summated services so for example the rain continuing this afternoon a dry but cloudy tonight has those of 8 degrees Celsius a very wet starts tomorrow morning with widespread rain expected tending dry with brighter spells later on in the day highs of 12 degrees Celsius 54 in foreign Heights that's the latest of the b.b.c. Radio Suffolk. Thank you listen to b.b.c. Radio wherever you go. On you as said Marie down the b.b.c. Sounds at no new t.v. The only channel 7 c. . You can only say find is on digital radio and on you know some odd speech could see. B.b.c. Radio on the 25th the Monday morning thing is out of the way for another 7 days. It is a Monday. As always at 4 to come up in this trial I could read Robinson back on the show with us together with Laura talking about wellness. In January market looking forward to catching up with. Just a few months before you saw the best lot of suggestions votes if you will coming through because i'm came to know the reasons why there's one dog friendly is coming up an awful lot of time slime mold spearing that dog friendly is coming up keep those coming in 080-141-2121 extension 4 whatever reason you choose it good food for life service exquisite and I don't know if I. The best. Historian. Has a wonderful documentary about the Cold War coming up. Choosing the. Old this way that 2 tribes is going to some. Radio. 9 minutes after midday on this Monday lunch time the best in Suffolk then what do you have for me lots of folk on the social media on the phones Well dog friendly is coming up a number of times but I use names of pubs what I'm after not just the reasons that you got you may recall we spoke to Koren Robinson recently on the program about men are poor and the effects of that and how blogs are fundamentally hopeless in understanding it and why not call in just ask you a question about mental Yes you have business and implicitly. Joined today with Lauren So it's current and Lauren hello hello and you are a yoga teacher a yoga teacher and that is fundamentally what we're going to be talking about by way of a wellness day that is coming up best pub in Suffolk 1st of all the best pub in south it was specifically for dogs of not only just not for anything oh my goodness only just if I was going to do you can go to any pub in Suffolk which one would you go to I'm going to go for my local the crown at Stowe upland crown of stardom Yep Ok I'm going to go but I really like the coach and horses in Woodbridge coach and horses in Woodbridge There you go it's nice to know that there is some thriving local pubs still Yeah so that's good to know I just thought I'd ask you that while you with us thanks let us talk about wellness day then which is coming up in need of market Am I right yes the market on the 11th of January we've found an absolutely stunning. Berande of Oprah bomb essentially Ok so it's really in keeping We didn't want to have a clinical kind of a hotel suite where not all of it doesn't cover the buy. Now we wanted something that was surrounded by nature and you saw Dr Varian you feel like you are in the middle of nowhere don't you which was important that is important. Now this is a result of I don't want to blow me and trumpet here but there is a little bit of a radio connection here right this connection I mean Lauren with her. Wonderful yoga classes that I was attending Anyway I didn't really know what I did and we were kind of interacting little bit on Instagram but we didn't really have a massive connection until she heard me speaking with you James on the radio last time yeah and she contacted me to say hey how about let's collaborate and let's do something together and I think just exactly the rest is history and the rest of this is history how I mean obviously Yoga is one of the oldest of the I guess activities that we're used to hearing has been around for years so one of the benefits for those who've never done it those who've never done it I would say would probably be relaxation more than anything because I think some people never actually relax and some people don't even know what relaxing is and sometimes when you know you start you know you realise that actually it's really saving for the mind saving for the body you really tune into that parasympathetic nervous system and just completely learn to relax and also the physical side so of course you know you do lots of postures which are really good for stretching and overall flexibility so those 2 together creates Well my main style which is happy yoga so it's that reading called Path after you say yeah I have mean sun and that means moon so it's like a balancing of your what I don't mean energy yes. How do you. Carol . I'm calling it that because you can manage to get your name or I know I know this is an artsy true story people call me calling Colin Yeah because it rhymes with Korean and they can't get Korean right so common is most of the oh yeah yeah. You embraced yoga tone and you yes certainly I have I mean before I connected with Lauren I was into it not such a big way but I went to Bali on a women's retreat. Which was you know part of my journey of finding out about myself and my health and learning to look at the many pores. But yet now I incorporate into my retain. Twice weekly thing and feeling the benefits most definitely. It's not just I mean this is a wellness day isn't it so it's not just about you know I think during the day we're having 2 and a half hours of yoga throughout the day it's built up not full on 2 and a half hours interspersed with some interactive worships with the ladies to help them get a better understanding of themselves setting some 2020 goals looking at got health hormone balance and learning a lot of the tricks to perhaps having. A more empowered and healthy life I would say who is the focus of this then who would you say is the perfect person to come along to this this is a really interesting thing is this we discussed this a lot. I would say anyone or any female from 35 years old and upwards right and I say that because women actually associate the men appalls with no periods you know what your period of stop they think that's it I'm now in medical more I was lost that's true you have a thing called the peri minute pools which goes before the minute pores and can last about 8 years 8 years and I know during that time you'll be having symptoms that you probably won't associate with men of course you'll have hot flushes pretty grumpy have mood swings a lot of tension and anxiety weight gain and you want to really understand why and so this is what we're trying to get and. Really empower these younger women to understand more about the men are poor so it's not shock when it happened 35 used to sound old in it when we were kids now and I was really young and that's when people need to stop thinking of Yes Michelle Heaton I don't know if you remember her from Pop Idol fame Yeah yeah yeah he's running a campaign at the moment because she's come into early miniport So she's in full menopause now at 30. At 35 now. How does the yoga sit in to the miniport or at least women of each I would say it just compliments you know those changes sometimes I think you know a lot of what I've heard from people coming to my yoga that have told me they are going through the metal pools they don't feel like they are in their own bodies they sort of feel disconnected from the south there's big changes in the bodies Yeah and it just allows you to really reconnect with yourself learn about your body and kind of in that shine that time of change it just allows you to completely relax and x. I think the biggest thing is acceptance and sentence of what's happening and you know adapting to it as well we want to like a posh car only what you mean the by all reports come know. That posh cars have more spits and more bits to go wrong. I've never had that one. Would let on that one is going to throw that is there. More bits to be aware of and to take care of about I think I think that as I discussed with you before if you're if you're not taking care of your health then the medical symptoms can really be baited so. We have our own problems universe but all the turmoil earlier on the program we have our own issues to keep an eye on their Yeah it's all about the same thing isn't it though looking after yourself you know 100 percent you know from all levels and this is where both Laura and I worked her listed Lee. Approaches of the see me as a health coach and learn as a yoga teacher we were together on holistic we don't just look at just one part of the body and what the problem is we look at the body as a whole and try and fix that. And yeah I mean medicine great but that should be the last resort not the 1st reason why you said that to us didn't you know I believe in life and I know it's just a. Good line to repeat it should be a last resort as opposed to the 1st thing you go to because it often masks things that's right a painkiller will get rid of pain yeah but you want to know why the planes there place exactly that and also I think you could get. Side effects from the actual medication that you are taking So you are introducing a new problem as well the wellness which is in need of market this is in January yet 11th of January let's say brilliant yet so let's all fall and you know what we've we've introduced and early bird pricing structure which we've got available to the end of November so if you're looking for a gift if you're not the person that's having all that and there's the business. Of a that we perfect gift that is a great not something serious Yeah you know because that comes a point where you think we're going to get. This huge fact Lee is like this is so unique this is so great and we're also providing a too cool slant Yes So it's rude treat you know to treat day it's one thing although immediately I mean it's a proper meeting his nit I met treat I mean. Probably going to be any more just I want to know it's not going to be that this is going to be the 1st of many we're to do in this there anyway once a quarter yes once a quarter every 3 days and yeah yeah and it's blogs are not well I mean if they're dropping off our. Taxi driver then. Yes you say it's anybody 35 or over who even if they're in great health yeah there is no home discovering how to keep it that way absolutely educating yourself isn't it you know that what is coming and what's available before you saw a victim of those symptoms and you know in the midst of it so when we get tickets when we get the gift vouchers where we need to drop wives off. Well the probably best thing if you contact me I love men of course love miniport more and I love my nipples dot com Ok yeah that's not Conan That's not that's not calling her and say I love metaphors dot com Yeah or you go go go go with Lauren page I'm on Instagram Oh yes Instagram. Dr. Drew you know so yeah social media has you on chains all more over it yes and I'm not sure how much I use it but I'm a little. You know sometimes I get invited to things of myself just reading a blog and I don't actually that's not true I never get invited to any good luck for that in January keep us posted let us know where they're going to be elsewhere and then we can you know kind of pass that information on that's lovely thank you and. You got any complimentary things you talked about Christmas presents for the White Yeah well Thore we haven't got all of you coming on how do you go home with a good. Thank you very much. Gary with the details James where the works are great in the 4th race. Look good news he's on the. All of them and they're. Completely running well on Gary Scott for b.b.c. a thing. But anyway the war boys on the whole if you haven't seen the whole of the moon. They all day soon is a Jaffa Cake and you would have to go looking for his note because no one has seen the whole of them in. The back of it's done. No one seen the whole of them and so that song is lying to you right. Well. They have seen the whole of one cell you'd. Think they'd go out of sight. Now today we're looking at the best pub in Suffolk and reasons we want reasons as to why you. James I want to see how many of these you've been looking outside of. A really good looking busy. Because they want. To measure and to. See you have been so. I knew you wanted to get attention. But with the spirit level you're. Going to jelly the best. Nearly in Suffolk is the black hole since set foot great be a food landlord and a very lovely building. In. Random bullets come up again roast combo is unbelievable says Paul in general this is how I think you should write it how good they were. In this very important dolphin in 4 minutes says Chris Theo Bolt also the Queen's head and all my dogs are welcome there as well such a dog friendly. With someone with a dog. I think dog friendly. With like you and even a bowl of snacks and water for the job right yeah. Very. Good . Also he says the lion in the amazing food especially the rapes the ferry boat. The newborn fall. Favorite food but. The but. When it was. All put in the oyster you. Very friendly with great beer says Rachael so the crab. Very. Crucial Rose has a great atmosphere friendly stuff and the best food it's simply. Trying the. Atmosphere very friendly very friendly with this. Is the summer's matches and. James what about the crowd. It's family run. It's not. New at all so the Shannon. Final answer. I don't know. Because the times do not help us with the Greyhound off the road it we do I don't I. Think that you know. You always. On the way. That's going to love that because. What I get his wallet. One of the book's goals is that . I think what we can say from all of these responses the. Profession if you will. Is healthy. Very very good let's hear it. In a b.b.c. Radio. I might be the 1st on the station to say that in the New Year maybe we will do what a pub needs to be good because we've already established that pubs generally run the county good because loads of people have been in touch suggesting good ones but I want to last what makes a pub good because for me you're talking scampi and a Space Invaders machine that's fundamentally don't vote for me I'm not a big I like a game of pool table oh yeah that's me plain folk think any good very That's what I used to play for the problem. You know the well it's clear that I'll take you on that. If you don't like your line of my lady music yeah he has a good face none of those numb since stupid music types though. The proper Raechel Tupper none of this yet you say you know your ass and yet it's improper music on and none of that lift music we do any other come back with that in the new year if we're still there because you know contracts and everything anyway this Monday lunchtime Georgie's got the show it's one I. Have Yeah if you can do you even cost in the New Year I'm 2nd person to say that. David stains from the institute reading room will be telling us what's on offer for the spring time if your fancy try and something forensic scientist what if they do have I'll put you way in that what you fancy here lots of things lots of thing airline pilot Yeah . That well air crash investigator be very good be very quiet can I don't close things out before the man on the telly goes and it turns out that it was now I'd only guessed it might rather hold over it's normally a rather hot rod all the while it is you know to fall asleep you know what I mean sometimes you can pinpoint what's gone wrong with the plane well specially if I if I was only a plane I wouldn't know before it took off yeah as it got a Phalange really. Has it go wrong. We're about to cycle right outside his research he k.p. To bury from the county's got. The onset dementia he's going to be in parking on this particular challenge and on the sofa genealogist key Taylor from Taylor Made trees nothing to do with the ones that are out the ground this is going to take as little as talking about genes earlier today but I think that was a different type of change she's she's got a fascinating story about her own family tree which had agree some matter in the 960 s. And she's been talking about in my family tree as well I will fight what she's found to back me now only to believe that if you go back far enough we're all related to go but if you go far enough to know what I mean yeah you know you're so very big or be an auntie of mine. Back from you go back far enough yes that's all the conversation is going to be telling us all about oh well that's all to come all about soffit want to talk today with Georgie for Falls will be here if you fancy not on a few at 4 falls with a busy start of the week for the Falls Meister his 1st guest will be. Butch leek a former member of the Drifters don't get overexcited there's been 57 members of the Drifters Suffolk stay in detail from 5 plus up to 6 the blues musician Clare free who looks ahead to her to get the smokehouse in which early next month belongings here at 7 this week belongings explores all aspects of bringing a life into the world and parenting we speak to a wide range of parents across the county and midwives about myths and challenges all wrapped up in birth and care for young people including Suffolk babies charity and Kim Trotter from the more than Mama project we also speak to a fantastic projects in Los are supporting mothers who are facing challenges all with belongings with Cannon and gel it's Negroes beat late show 10 o'clock tonight . James Hazel on b.b.c. Radio Suffolk. On the mixtape all this week delighted to be joined by the curator of the what issues museum and a good friend of the show Maggie activists is back Hello hello James great to see a last time we met we were in the midst of nowhere. Ness talking about the Cold War and we were Ok What a great day that was it was that was the place where you all was creepy place and it still is interesting here you know obviously there is a fascination for you in the Cold War But essentially as a curator of a museum I guess it's just history past say you're interested in local history ways local history and because I was brought up around Bolton Merrifield and and also because my family had a bit of a military history and there's that and also stories that have been passed down like my grandparents who lived in the area and you know that go you know through the warren obviously I live 3. Difficult will as well we're so so it is all sorts of things just culminating. And into that museum into that means yeah yeah we'll talk about that as a way goes by your choice of music as well of course 1st of all but who is my dad is so often go go with him to Scottish would like to just live a little less with the ginger rock. So after your name is Maggie Haggis isn't. Just making my misgivings as they've been was yeah yeah well yeah I don't mean a family I mean. I don't mean Gibbons I hasten to I just not farming not for me good morning so no I thought it yeah I understood it so yeah I mean what do you know you're suffering through and through I am really young boy born in mc it actually yeah yeah yeah I never had any sort of thoughts of venturing a far I did spend some time in Australia because my husband also from a farming family decided to emigrate when he was 170 no and he came back. And I happened to maintain what we happen to belong to I think it was had young farmers at the time on the various discos and things that. Crazy things there and I tried Australia right for a 1st few months. Actually yeah I missed the suffix goings on I just missed clouds and it's interesting is yeah so you don't know what you're going to miss not to you Michel people were very similar actually I thought at the time you know talking about I 70 say to people and we spent a lot of time on farms because that's what my husband Pete but no I couldn't settle there mom not saying I brought him back to some for a little bit and you know you kind of touched on that actually. You know. But suffice to say you know what I'm alluding to don't to lose him and he had a vital resource to the Count's own can't leave me to run the county that's Ok. Norfolk County Yeah but so why what issue museum or as they call it there what is it Station. Station hesitation helmeted a press r Yeah why well because because obviously I was born and because my grandparents lived in NY Jane which joined to show I grew up with jets I just grew up. With Jack Croft and. Just this interest dad was in the our after in the war and he liked going to air shows and things like that but I think what happened was because it was part of my local history and stories about the Americans that were based there during the war my grandparents and it was over I can't afford really the history when the already half left. And the army were coming in we decided to set up with little musing Yeah and it grew and it grew with that Croft and yeah and then I am writing a book by to yeah yeah and so yeah so you know I moved away from that geographical for a bit but you know I can leave mortician but what she might want to humanely they might leave me. As a way goes by we're going to talk about the documentary that's coming out as well they almost been produced focusing on the Cold War in Suffolk because it was at the forefront as we're only now really discovering it was absolutely at the forefront are you this is it this sounds I grew up with were all of you know these fighters and the silly thing and some of the bigger bombers coming out of Britain Tony there was so many people have been calling to and all the rest of it. You get a 2nd thought and we. Are now looking back to what was the Cold War Well it was terrifying if you're going to write too much thought sadly yes we'll talk about all this is the week by. Is there any. In terms of the water issue easy and obviously it's a. All museums are kind of an unfinished project because your always seeking for more artifacts definitely and I think also not more to Fox from the beginning. With actually got a new section which actually is the beginnings of the Afterward when it was. Just taken by the end in history yeah and a lovely lady called Margaret Fisher whose family had their land and buildings taken and she has a this fantastic display won't be able to read because that how we used to work we already have oh yeah we want that but the and this and minister and minister I would because we need doubt this is going to be and I think yeah and the people the actual survey is and the lawyer. Actually stated in this lady's ancestors phone house while they were planning how it's going to be they will be on the way and it's your minds when they were blown up physically blown up yeah so. That was not nice messing about oh nice you never know. That's going to happen any more than it should I Did you know. There was none of this is that I felt a bit as well yeah Do they still have that power I wonder. How far back does the effort itself govern what year are we talking about it was built during the thirty's right so not exactly when the war cards were gathering but when I was. This need for an expansion for the Air Force and from already failed which came in pretty handy didn't win absolutely and yeah I guess I mean what is shame. Is kind of on the part sort of above hardly and above stock markets that kind of maybe I do you place right I failed. But it just became a huge thing it was at its biggest in about 144 when there were 4000 personnel and their house now that came in trip air and I'm trying every type of fight us like a Red Cross in the European theater of operations and it was really. Such a big social history to it that is what I'm getting at really it's not just about where it affected the locals lives they took the young you know servicemen in taken a Sunday and they were announces And yeah the only thing is really is as simple when we find out about some of Ben which is what it was and you know my community yes yeah integrated in came to suffer Yes Yeah it's strange really because there was a fighter group there and obviously a creation important they tended to go to switch and to London for their social life but the 4th strategic et ed death by which it was called they didn't go very far they just cycle around to the pubs and yeah you know. They landed they blended Yeah yeah yeah Maggie your 1st song Joyce takes us right back I think 59 and I think the song got to number one didn't realize that the next I mean I guess I'd settle for what reason my dad. He was in the yard after in the war he was injured. And he liked to call it only for his little bit and that's how I met my mum because she was in the Land Army close to the village that she lived doing right he was playing piano the village hall he as I have since found out he actually went into the home government. After he's injured I think all right and he just you know he just got on this don't just playing piano and that's where he met my mom. But later on Often my brother and myself were born. His love of the piano was born in that he we had not brought in the front room and yeah he was always playing on that big but yeah and on the whole not dense that record player and I just specific here member . Russ Conway sidesaddle when I was a little bit older and he still used but that record on when I was about 5 he had to pry the top the bottom bit and he's trying to get me to play the top. It was a struggle but he was he was you know a larger than life character uses very jovial and friendly guy. Yeah I love him and yeah he died when I was 13 he was 50 he telling me and I yeah I say that kind of yeah. Ransome nice. Travel from radio. Thanks James and. One full 3 they're all temperature. In for the week so. I. Can see just a very only one for 3 great balls in the a full team is moving really well. Into Now it's soft Just be aware if you haven't from low self up to wars Nora Gilling of the Norris wrote is so slow moving because of road works stretching the full 6 maturing for the next couple days on the trains it's a good service to the softer than anything else to call me on the usual number 801412121 thank you. Just. So when I went back to morrow. What we doing and. Tell me about it if. You have. Because they're what. We've got to shuffle a mess. To live in. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So you have yourselves. See it tomorrow. It's. Just. As it were less than. Thanks to James for the last 3 hours is Georgie Jamieson with you now here on b.b.c. Radio Suffolk sitting in for Lesley Delfin. In a sling Bury St Edmunds Lowestoft and Sudbury on an sat preview I don't know smart speak out. This is b.b.c. Radio. 1 o'clock pm latest news its chemical Mark thanks george a could have to name a lorry drivers plated guilty to charges relating to the deaths of his 39 Vietnamese people whose bodies were found in a refrigerated contain a in Essex last month Morris Robinson his from county admitted conspiracy to assist illegal immigration from the Obey lay his Danielson fits no Robinson appeared by video link from Belmarsh prison for the short hearing in front of Mr Justice e.d.s. He pleaded guilty to conspiring with others to assist illegal immigration between May last year and October this year and acquiring cash that had been obtained by criminal conduct he was not asked at this stage to enter a plea to the 39 charges of manslaughter he faces 31 male victims and 8 female victims from Vietnam are named in the charges as having been on lawfully killed a group of men who have just finished sleeping rough in a sewage for 4 nights have told us a better approach to dealing with him listening is needed they took the action to raise awareness and speak to those who were homeless to tell them about the. Support on offer for them Nathan Denon stand was one of those sleeping rough he told b.b.c. Radio Suffolk about the reaction they got most of the guys have been brilliant some of them have been keeping their distance but most of the guys been period I mean how can that be fading us taping giving us money they've been just like taking care of us even among the guys that we've been sleep with a $4.00 days 4 nights history's place which his sister out about but after us you know I mean you become that community Britain's biggest cinema chain a Sunni world which has a cinema in Ipswich and Bury St Edmunds has said it won't stop showing the film Blue story despite a brawl outside one screening in Birmingham 2 other groups view and showcase have decided not to show the film which is about gangs in south London. The World Meteorological Organization has warned the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere it reached a wet cold highs last year the u.n. Agency said concentrations of carbon dioxide were up almost one percent compared with 2017 it's expressed concern the rising trend will worsen climate change t.s.b. Will close $82.00 branches next year which could result in the loss of up to $400.00 jobs the bank says it wants to concentrate on its automated services last year its online operations offered failures which left $1900000.00 customers locks out of their accounts Greater Anglia says the new trains will be introduced on the upswing to Cambridge line this week commuters even using the service say the trains are often overcrowded or cancelled at short notice and enough's enough Julia maxim from Greater Anglia has apologised and says the end of the problems is very close to the numbers being growing which is good for our Vironment but the old trains which are over 30 years old were inadequate for the line which is why we are so desperate to get these new trains in so we to understand we'll so sorry that people have had such a rough time on this line a preschool in a small Suffolk town has announced today it will be closing tomorrow afternoon Mendelson preschool says it's been struggling financially and has now gone insolvent Suffolk police have told b.b.c. Radio Suffolk they're investigating a suspected incident of fraud dating back to 2017 a woman in her eighty's had bank card stolen from her purse while she was in a supermarket car park in Marshall Shem he said it happened earlier this month at Tesco in broad daylight the shopper was distracted by a man asking for directions why. Someone else took bank cards from her purse which was in her car and 2 of the b.b.c. Sports Personality of the year contenders have been named cricketer Ben Stokes who guided England to World Cup glory this summer and sprinter Diena ashes Smith who became the 1st.

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