It's in Lancashire or Monday it's after a 2nd small earth tremor of 0.8 magnitude was recorded in 24 hours fracking had only just started again since the process was halted in the U.K. In 2011 after it was linked to earthquakes Michael De pickings has been reelected his Irish president with 56 percent of the vote people also supported a proposal to remove blasphemy as an offense from the Constitution with almost a 3rd voting yes. And the 12 boys who were rescued from flooded caves in Thailand this year will be at Old Trafford later to watch Manchester United player Everton they made to manager Joe seem really early on and should you say would you support Neil Warnock says Liverpool have a better chance of winning the Champions League this season than they do the Premier League Liverpool beat Warnock's Cardiff City side 41 to return to the top of the league but the veteran manager expects Manchester City to be champions again follow manager you can of which insists he's not worried about his job despite a 4th straight Premier League defeat of their 3 nil loss to Bournemouth leaves fall inferred from bottom Lewis Hamilton remains on course to win the Formula One world championship after qualifying 3rd ahead of Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel for the Mexican Grand Prix Daniel Ricardo beat teammate Max pushed up into pole position as Red Bull locked out the front row of the grid for the 1st time in 5 years British heavyweight fury lost his I.B.S. Final eliminator to pull of on points in Bulgaria and spinner Joe Denly says he had never given up on the dream as he marked his return to the England side after 8 years with a 4 week hole then Lee also chipped in with 20 runs as England beat for Lanka in their T 20 match by 30 runs in Colombo was this is B.B.C. 5 Live on digital online smartphone and tablet tele quickly you will make a clear and cold overnight in most places will stay dry but there will be just the outside chance of your wintry shadow across eastern districts some day you'll find many dry but should be day with lots of sunshine and lighter winds and of late just a very small risk of your share to be East time is running out and 5 lives become common say 3 yes if you know young person based 11 to 15 years of support and loves talking about this then we want to get it was true I did this go to D.C. Dog tag Slash come come and say so when they entered so when the money comes by experience such a cup final Wimbledon cookie. International Test matches for the 6 Nations competition close at 9 am on Monday see the website for full terms and privacy notice young commentator of the from P.C. Baby 5 life. You listen to him for night on B.B.C. Radio 5 Live and go out with me Mark Webster a broadcaster and music critic we're asking you this morning as we turn back the clocks an hour ago so that we can enjoy for the next 6 months British was right Greenwich mean time we've left 3 summits are behind we are not officially in G.M.T. . One hour and 5 minutes into it so I hope for you turn all your clocks back because the question we're asking use is think about turning the hands of time back through the prism of a song well says song that always takes you back in time every time it's got to take you back in time every single time you Harry don't you think Mark you can't just be back in time one sabotaging I mean it's character Exactly and it may not take you back in time once upon a time but now now when you listen to it it always takes you back in time pushing back in that era and the already painted cosies that it's got the Santa Ana's kind of Jewel purpose so put you back to where you were when you heard that record and so a lot because also resonate like that but it's also there's older records which would take you back to a time which it current of attach to that record but you probably were a man the size a bit we've talked about you know your You're all rock N roll world of the Americas not the fifty's you probably not the same rock'n'roll world of the actual American and not a 50 and I wasn't glamorous I thought like Chuck Berry says that back in the USA The hamburgers would be sizzling on an open grill or night in day and he got the skyscrapers bit right yes's. I'm living in the USA where they got skyscrapers. And freeways and I love the sound of freeways how much better than our motorways Yeah the worst thing the most envious thing about America for me is they could put any American destination into a song lyric and it would we have to say London they're like New York New York. The America Karnak it should ask you when he said he didn't go there exactly when they think of the lyrics My New Mexico they're not Mexico they knew Mexico yet you could put that in a song somewhere at LA from L.A. Chichi called good Route 66 everything they have incentives of road signs and you know markings your graphical markings were for a song well driving along a multiple Bill what a hook job and my car still comes a bit grimy hold I just. Don't they got the rhythm as well of course 080-859-0969 extension 3 I think you get the pig what's the one gene that takes you back in time every time Suzanne in Essex Hello. I don't like my eyes Thank you. 999 doesn't show me what time it takes you back to. Give me a surprise this is the chief comeback in St Jude about exact guys and I guess I'm right I'm hoping it takes you back to like 966. Every guy. Just. This. Was. Just. Thinking. OK So thank you way where does it say you back. And was it nice you know it's you know. I'm not you Mark you know I am because I'm one of my. Day. To be a good time and. A half and yeah so I. Well yeah used to be called the global village where you know you see in Cherry Yeah I haven't and what was it like people I describe it was the biggest disco era place I think yes a remark a farm talks a. He did what happened I'm aging my kids and. We'll call. He told me ask a question. We went off to happen and it took me trapped and. Having figurative is. You know. Yes of course I did yeah just Charing Cross Rabbi Trafalgar Square. And there were 3 discos the one club as well remember it was global village it's because it was sickly it was the arch underneath the station Yes it was large it's got a little nooks and crannies in it but masses probably what I mean you know people think of discos down you know that kind of sky that was one of the 1st ones. Massive Yeah I remember that was probably the 1st place I ever. Saw punk in a club you know really the global village probably double digit is out to be $76.00 maybe that's right around so every time you hear it she's. Say you haven't. Been back playing but I. Think I've got that and yeah. He. My. I never. Knew. How the guy. And I were quite young. And it was time to say and it was just. It was just like I said that he was. I mean. It one. Said that you had a great sob and thank you for telling us about this is that yeah. Grade students will. Die still not strapped down you save is if you went down since I also is anybody surprise there any friends she went down. Yeah anybody and this is what I've always thought Mark and correct me if I'm wrong Thank you Suzanne for the call so I've always thought I'm not saying that those were great times princes and talks about. Her friend coming out yet she was dying to see my best friend from school came out to be when we were 17 and both of us were 70 and I didn't make you know I never thought about it to make blind difference to be sure don't feel like that and we were comfortable with going to gay clubs in those days even though the why did society was perhaps. You know quite restrictive against gay men and women in the music unified in the crowds in those days I did it because of course it was. Because by simply that you know the guy in nightclubs I would dance into pretty much a sign disco that we were growing up with and that's so world disco was a gay see you know it wasn't what it was in the states in the United wasn't specifically but maybe not specifically you know absolute right but there were some clubs like some remember some rare absolutely right I heard about some prayer is here I ever went there and people are telling me and these are guys. Since you guys yeah they were like you had the best records I mean I saw Sylvester do a pig. You know heaven when Mighty Real came out and I think it was a guy not of. The line but he had a little night dress like you're wearing at the moment it's a remarkable scene he dances singing with. Is lucky because it's a weird thought that you want the messing up out time out time for a mind here is $99.00 and I came out in $1800.00 of course it is now you have the entire 7 years until the record. Old Dead to catch at 70 used to catch up with itself but it hasn't got back on the charts a nice old thing about a course in the employees I mean how smart was Prince Harry's Well everything business there was now I think there is a story a film maybe to be made about the disco scene here in the U.K. That shows that rewrites the narrative that everybody was in Britain was anti gay or whatever that narrative might be because I cannot remember there was a cross that hard most of them because stylized what were called the song clubs where you heard. Seventy's on was described of course what then happened in the guy clubs is that he's high energy was invented in high energy that was later you know what it was it was a you it was a U.K. Attempts to reproduce that at that disco sound not quite necessarily get exactly like the new Yoko Miami of old Philadelphia disco but then in the process crane its own version is a bit like Lovers Rock so of trying to reinterpret from a chart from a from a British perspective and. Now I'm going to talk about love for you a bit because people don't realize you know there was a kind of a gay thing going on in Lovers Rock as well you know really I am people didn't it well I don't remember anybody I'm thinking of a few artists and I'm sure they're all cool with it now but you know that's for them to I don't know if they've officially come out certain people nobody within the Loves right movement himself come to anybody thinking oh strange well that he or she known by the way is going to come to that school perhaps that's because that you can tweak isn't it practically culturally it wasn't such a big issue for it to be coming from here I think music de prejudiced us oh yeah you know including black and why rich and poor. Or made them feel it become a neutral ground I didn't I say and the disco was was a heaven if you like Yeah literally right out of heaven in no man's land oh every man's Then in that I mean that what this guy was you wouldn't go out if you didn't will not experience never cool they exist it's no doesn't exactly club it's just kind of was so with everybody well funny not funny at the World Club was used by by people who were into the kind of specialist music to differentiate himself from the discussion always some kind of club always a club with somewhere that you go beat of the head with. Other. Variations on the thing I decorated live for was with us and a decade ago when one of the last votes OK Well thanks so much and I should tell you the good news Declan you didn't have to rush to call me this morning but it's great because good it's reality clinics around home how do you know how to ask a kid asked one question like do you get paid X. Well no absolutely not you know Stephen you know. Stephen No to make this joke every single year when the clocks go forward is. I'm not going to Nara Shaxson because he's not forgive me for this but he says oh no I see you know you're working in our lesson do you get paid an hour when it's not so well what do you ever ask me that when I have to do an Elmo. He know what comes around goes around. You know yes. I'm sorry what about my songs. What you say about me asking they have. I'm kind of a similar last 6 weeks of. What are you you know actually I just I'm actually but a lot of gay friends I found a little and I was actually take care you know it seemed. Like a lot of fun especially when we're back. Yeah. And all I'm trying to show is brilliant you know Joy saves I wish my life's I mean yeah I've viewed her a couple of times the last time I interviewed her there was a piano in the studio and she sat down and Dade piano just because I wasn't prepared for it she sat down and she did come into my life slightly slowed it down a little bit and it was so beautiful I didn't record it I hope the record don't you know I has That's a live in Manchester Yeah yeah exactly went out when I saw it on Fox and she was in jail so I was she. But she was a genuine star in the states attorney that song takes me back on could take exactly what takes me back to I think it was Greenwich Village in New York late at night my best friend in New York got Coorong McBee user drama he had this amazing Go friend who is completely off completely off the scale for choice you know had been driving calls from the age of 12 because she's from Detroit and. All of the trees are going to the car but I can't happen and then they was Glen and she had this amazing one big ponytail in the back and we will consider a date as it were called a shop there to buy whatever and they selling albums and this you know they've got this 12 inch have come into my life and then he just swoops Glenda or she sweeps him in her arms and they just don't see a cross the floor of the b'day goes they come in. And out so much love to show you that's where that song takes me on his. Tail and I You mention I'm not married he wrote for the really long. Run of the. No he wrote. It was strangely quiet she failed the people involved and there was motion clearing on my left leg Tate I remember wrote for The Village. Which is that which is closed tragically just recently any course because it couldn't it couldn't have been a couple of months ago and it was a tomb for you coming from live move through I've a suspicion they saw a show on Sean legislation. Particularly a little connection can only going to show while I was. Staying where I was bald and 65 came out. I had in the car on the way I shall follow. When our cameras. Are right because many places on my dick of a chimes must catch. His mom to shut fast and I assure you to the 2nd that I try to show through to my youngest son who is 16 because I always thought that you. And then. 99 years back you know that we probably lived to intreat of performing their little Yeah. Paid Macartney's on the exact station $3.00 American world and 3 minutes. In my production. We went through graduation Well my wife was pregnant when I get through we used to be able. To show my people are measured response. Saying my 1st if you understand the change chambers I don't want to go very street track. I just want you to answer for my brother to say bad and good health and you're hitting. The NO NO NO NO NO have to cut you before the noun and we're not allowed to talk with the man and you know this everybody wants to sing along and she was there and I know everybody in the country wants to sing along to that but the thing I would you about this is given that you it takes you back to a very specific time when you were told not. To when every. Fan don't sit to see their road and see you know the other day I was wrong I will let you know the old file number and then the story right when I did was ball and he was Polish that talks about me I won't find I get a nice friend until 6 confidential to the pilots to retrain to me in the stall was saying so the fireworks display in my little ball and they would hate you. She slept through it. Well you've just told through it comes the. a pretty full stadium or most of the very end but when that final homerun came from Max Muncie Those are here. And everybody's jumping up and now and then they all disappeared really really he was like yes let's go home. Rather big I should show people by the way in case you're budgeting wise surf is talking to us and singing Nana NAN NAN NAN NAN NAN NAN NAN and man as badly as I do it's because he's just a baby Los Angeles is the World Series the Dodges gags the Red Sox for the 1st time now did see is is all to play for I was in school at the moment Jack goes. What is the score well I can tell you by huge inning for the L.A. Dodgers they're leaving for nothing at the top of the 7th inning and a huge mistake from the Boston Red Sox and then not made very many in this series they had an opportunity for a double play to get to as one play and it was difficult they went home to try and get stuck the across in the plight they got that was the throw went to 1st base it missed by some distance that the 1st runs across and then yeah see how weak we spoke to him last night in the locker room after the game he said you know I'm shattered I'm going to go home and sleep but I'll be back I'll be back ready to play well he hammered a 3 room road and it was one of those moments when you knew immediately I don't know whether it was the sound of the bass but he still both his hands in the air and he just waited and watched as the ball disappeared off into the night sky and that gave the 4 nothing out of answers to the L.A. Dodgers and it looks like if it stays like this that also and that will be a game 6 they Sullivan will be moving west to east coast not because I like soccer always say those L.A. . Dodges a jammy you know that I was waiting for that I was right I think it's a line that one of the many cites of payment from you before before last if you know where it came from but oh I do know where the dungeon it thank came from Roger the Dodger. Mark me and he clears up I think it is Dutch I thought I would a cha cha cha cha. Now neither of those a day spent so when they were in Brooklyn and it was to do with the trolleys the trams that ran around Brooklyn and that so many people got killed by these trams it became almost an art form to stay alive by dodging the traffic. Such as this where the is where the the nickname dodges came from from those days back in Brooklyn and by boat by the moon as well you know this is got nothing to do with it but I'll throw this in for free if you don't mind you know he's got some bad the 2nd city of Sweden we call the US The Boree but everybody calls it goes well they've got trams in Gotham but they don't have me stuck on the main city they've got them in Gotham but. Put out Cisco in Sweden his father should go through Greece it's me here you know they've got basically the goods of the You Tube or you know the Gulf and the people they've got the same sense of humor as the Liverpool people haven't got the same sense of our psyche so dark even sometimes and there's a place in Gotham but that they could Charing Cross Oh yeah and I said why is it called Charing Cross and this guy said Well you know the Gotham book is because sense of humor. This is where as sharing go cross sad and sharing is an old woman and cross said has to be run over by now that's what they call it sharing clothes on because this is a case sharing go across Iraq charming bunch of the man that story was very kind of made sense in my head that I said he hated that I was. Cheer for. This is no strike out in the game the mind is just wandering out so they get mounted on retail I think his night's work or go to one of how it's working he says while he is can see how rude people like the sound Seymour seemed a full 12 months ago. He receives a massive standing ovation from the store just say here for. A good price was exactly what the doctor ordered for I like don't forget to bring about one of those dodges a baseball cap some oil fine going to thank you very much and I will catch up a bit later on in the program thanks for the update so far he's got the latest headline updates which I'm in Morgan. Digital online smartphone and tablet this is B.B.C. 5 Live Hello hell to belonging to the time businessman Veach i Sharif I have had a problem has crashed and burst into flames at lest the city's ground is not being confirmed if the club's owner was on board at the time he'd been watching the team which he's earning since 2010 a gunman who burst into a synagogue in the U.S. City of Pittsburgh during a Saturday services shot and date 11 members of the congregation the F.B.I. Treating the attack as a hate crime the suspect identified as 46 year old Robert Bowers is in hospital with bullet wings Clint Hurdle is said to be responding well to treatment after being taken into hospital the former England manager collapsed the system morning after he had appeared on BT Sport as a pundit his family has thanked well wishers for their support. And the chancellor Philip Hammond is promising to put money raised from vehicle tax into improving major roads across England or than $25000000000.00 pounds will be given to highways England between 202020252 invest to invest in motorways and a roads that also be $20000000.00 to help fix potholes and showed us here now with the sport Lewis Hamilton will start from 3rd for the Mexico Grand Prix with Red Bull's Daniel Ricardo on pole position a 7th place finish or better for Hamilton guarantees him a 5th the Formula One drivers title in a league and then all weekend and a great job so really happy for him but there is a great spot to start to try battered to one which I'll give everything but also don't need to win the race and do what you can hear commentry of the race on 5 live Sport from 6 30 pm on Sunday Liverpool have returned to the top of the Premier League with a 41 win over Cardiff City you're going plop admits his side needed to show patience to get the win if you are not going to college you will never find any space because you don't give an easier way the player pretty much from a specific moment on the unproved really a man marking and draw in the decisive area sort of makes because quote tricky for managers Livesay you can of it says he needs to be brave for following his side's 3 nil defeat at home to Bournemouth it leaves the follow him inside the relegation zone after their 7th league game without a win I'm losing my presence my presence is to the fortune of the early hours of the fit I guess for more and I must to be braver and keep going that encourage my team for working for me the better job elsewhere in the Premier League Newcastle remain without a win after a goalless draw in Southampton Brighton beat Wolves one nil with Glenn Murray scoring the only goal of the game what for $13.00 nil at home to Huddersfield in Leicester drew 11 with West Ham Kilmarnock meanwhile have moved up to 2nd in the Scottish Premiership That's after a 11 draw with Hamilton all the scores are on the B.B.C. Sport website in rugby league Oliver guild out scored a match winning try on his international debut as England's 3 match series. As against New Zealand got off to an ideal start with a tense 1816 when Also in rugby league France beat Wales 5418 in their European Championship opener cricket and Joe Denly took 4 wickets on his international return as England beat Sri Lanka by 30 runs in their one off the 20 international Then Lee says he can still improve as a spinner I'm certainly not out to are they were she standard chip you know a lot to work on and that's an encouraging thing I think there's still a lot more room for improvement and hopefully I can become a very good like spent months and needed a spectacular 45 metre penalty from Rory Scannell to be to Glasgow 2524 in the pro 14 cheetahs beat Cardiff Blues 2110 lengths to thrash trophies away in boxing Bulgaria's beat British heavyweight he we feel very By unanimous points decision in their i b f world title eliminator in Saffir that means pool of could face Anthony Joshua next year Sloane Stephens beat to Carolyn a pleasure to reach the final of the season ending W T A finals in Singapore Stevens will now face Alina's fit Alina in the final Meanwhile defending champion Roger Federer will face Marius copula Rumania in the Swiss Indoors final in Basel he beat Russia's Daniel Medvedev in the semi's That's the latest from B.B.C. Sport. 6. 6. 0 see. This is B.B.C. . Because I can with my website from virtue Dubose phone if you like to join a slow growing number our not of a virtue Dubose it's a. We've been doing this since 999 really does the next What I what I teach we're going to have you know it's always a prince reference that all of you have texted us many fascinating texts Mark Luke who says the chain that maze takes me back to my youth his the message by Grandma's a flash does push me cuz I'm close to me. Try I can rap. It's. Actually what I meant was really shocking right I should've done this. Yeah OK So I mean touch our apologies jugs knife or mug this is the other mug from Live Well of course he says how much pressure fear is for my friend when I was 11 gave me a mixtape when I was obsessed with this song I went out and bought the album greatest messages and went on to see them live Dalton is Dalton close enough. 36 years old I still listen to this track it sounds more powerful now than ever before please play it well we'll see what I'm out says still my favorite is Tony Joe White died this week. At the hands of time to see him again maybe to have ready to die in Georgia says Terry in the sale that there is another version of that print Benson did a cover but the original was a wonderful wonderful things not that lovely voice is the original by Tony Joe Yes Really song yeah really because I always thought that was brought out he saw it all and she did no wrong to go for it nobody think that is why I didn't really know I think it was radical but I had no you're right right now I'm thinking I'm thinking of maybe not trying to chill just not trying to George I'm good news you're going to start you go Jules you're on your mind are going to read your mind yeah definitely have read you know in Georgia you see what I mean about Yankee you know you can have anybody there's no Exactly so if you're. Take us back to a place we've never been at so how do you work there if you had we will do this we will do this is vegetables ones on which is American state. That I'm going to see if you had a choice really ready not in Georgia or not trying to Georgia which would you go for well ironically only a few days ago trying to jolt your kind on the right and as I pointed out when a choice Twitter all I know every single Pip spit in the records and I didn't even know I know well as it so my mind. And that's not what you wanted sorry and so as it's on my mind we may as well have the way that Gladys Knight does in. In a moment ot the Smiths How Soon Is Now it reminds me of saucy my G.C.S.E. Being anti establishment because that is what teenagers do best says Mark in Lee's laser moves this morning you. Are marking it a mock you all down don't worry Chuck Berry schooldays. Play that there's a double whammy today yes yes cool down a song Get a subject he's Raechel the exec although go back in time doesn't a swimming game at your school that I got back showed a time that it's that evokes a charm that may not be your challenge city really and you know the lyrics that are out in the morning in out to school to the teacher is teaching the golden rule it did to American history in practical matters addicted to the them hard hope you did was next on NEW Japan as. Definitively saturable moment I'll as horrible horrible choice of audience I would as she for a month indeed Tom Tom in the Steel City says love the SO vibe so many memories of simply chimes where they have all the where of all the so harmony groups God my time shift so class it would be did I blow your money all by the Delfonics. You going to blow my mind again. Now we step aside at this particular juncture I think you'll find I thought your wife would have something to say. My mind sitting by the we're all very much so good professional raisins least once again. that. Period and sound. With the Brits. Was. Very sweet. And thank you for staying up even as a talks go back an hour and says. Stop by. Regime I had just come out and went to my 1st gay bar it takes me back to that place in time and there was at that time and he gave a fading the age of consent was 21 Section 28 had been passed and AIDS was generally seen as a gay play but I was sat in this bar listening to this chief being made for the 1st time. yet that he was they seem to have that it could have been his writing in for example the weather go yes but you and I have just struck a balance I've since coincidence with regards to raise it yeah yeah well I have a bell and he tell me something way we just come called I called the maid and then this is an insurance I will go and I just had said yes wait because I started down the aisle some of the chewed on the other day yeah I would use I said I say move the team as well but yet here is a guy you want to see Joe do it the way when I employed 90 bells that Boskone down the London Underground. No he was right he was out he says he was trying to make was that he was it like the rest of us commute in but I set off and all I wanted to say that it is now going to say Saturday but he was gay he wasn't gay on the cover it was like clearly here yeah I was not ID was weighing in dog laws or anything like that but it was kind of like he was it easy recognized by everybody else and I once in a saw him a lot of recognition but you know when you think hang on a 2nd I'm not trying to chat you up mate but you know like. I said that's almost up to Logan it's always like your auntie Belle my Clive my 5 pounds and this is I think if I get one of those only Yeah as I recall anyway no great she mother right choice has one of the best moments with. Erosion in my humble opinion OK. Rendering a politically beautiful Jerome Dorothy field song which for me schools a double whammy in tonight's category and has me wondering how anyone can be anti Semitic given that we would not have the great 20 of century songbook Mr Stairs The Way You Look Tonight of the thirty's takes me back both to the fifty's where my parents 4 sisters and I gathered around the telly on a Sunday to watch Fred and Ginger films and until October 1987 when one night in the autumn will autumnal Blaine Valley I looked into my late. Lady's are yes and the lyrics could not be more apt for them when I say the lyrics when you look into a lady's eyes you know if you're black you know case. For me yeah me. Moon You know this is a mob list not for a 1000000 down so you look in the eyes and I just got Jose that Vic from Ilford says there is next. The tip in Hey Jude just before the noun and then and then. I didn't hear it did you know is it up is it last in that corner of the coal roll part there is I think it might be on less F.N. No self would do that so no no no I just sat still reading says. Who is currently trucking on rejected a thank you for that appreciate that Neil in back burn says Mark in the fog my production team in 76 always called it The Year of the drought for 5 months maybe September there was a cloud in the sky and it was red hot all of the country was on water restrictions even stand apart for some remember that yeah it was the best year for facet she purred songs E.G. Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody Abba mammy silk forever never 4 Seasons Oh what a night Tina Charles I love to love. My body is what I said and again I say Look at that say the perfect the false Asians that's a one night was a was the mash if it not he said he shakes about a song from light September. So he says it again oh let me back in time barely why grill mountainbike clearly Frank exactly clearly Frankie Valli could have forget the summer of 98 was working he's a little nostalgic bonuses 627663630 yeah well that was before Kennedy was assassinated as well let's not forget that same I've had that residency you remember the summer before Hillary importers is with us and. Good to speak so much about she does it take you back in time the way that the clocks were taken back in time for now this morning yes. Well many follow but the one I want to cut so much is that. It's an instrumental I have only concerns scored 2120 South Michigan Yeah does that mean anything does. Yeah the good news is because it's an instrumental we can talk over it without people complain but it's a very noble one I think the rationale just told you for a long time that's all right because. There's a reason a track record. For it takes you back it's because I went to Chicago with this friend to Chicago pretty good I didn't like 1st visit was in 99. And I had all the radio but they were the policy to check C.D.'s and I said to my friend we've got to go to the park boys now but we didn't know where exactly it was that we tell what we're looking at her book and books we went to tourist stuff and they did it now we are live it is a different attitude and she got a good and we found the right you know number one health issue going to have and you've gotten a bit of conscious contact and then Mark Cutifani turns that. I know where he is 212-2000 actually connecting and I. Want you South Michigan Avenue was there we were standing at number one so I think that will cut about 31 of the articles where one book's Yeah there we go oh you know the train yeah down to the south right and then we feel good that we're both like it was a classic you can never hear the free will to be it I mean we saw all these leaving Namibia going to an old pocket full of errors and we go and we found a studio with a party going on 30 and we carry craft and I'm not leaving from them you know. Met with you know the Burnette I don't know now I'm going to try to go. And it was just a crowded pollo movie anyways just one large room for the night and what you say is the reason we have the place because at that time and it's the reason the party puts on them because of the building was about to be demolished and they've got. Enough money to restore from being demolished and turned into a building in Chicago and when he takes his place heaven. But also prepare stuff going on now that was a park to kind of break. And I could not be more. For me but you know I do Wolf is probably my old some of. The stories I think your own late but I'm not a 98 gone by the time. Everybody with the big car and got car and my friend said you know do you do. Not. Think. This is. Home I don't know how to move this is would be. Easy because you. Know what I've got an issue to. Try to keep you know that job and that was fun I could imagine that. I'm now watching my. Parents not. To you to fill really digs admirable really digs at the man who put the bait is that you have the money put the base and noticing that you had about $3.00 or 4 years made Yeah but you would think it would be true if the Carter people cry when Very. You know the paper encouraged Do you think it's cool. That the current budget gun people like that. Everybody got when he was still taught. As a tool musician Junior Wells Junior Wells and I want to go we've got going to listen many times YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH BUDDY GUY WAS why you said that I went to that one and he was at the end of the bar and. I know the president of the Obama drinks. But I don't think so that I think. Ever. Really. Is nobody knew that when he got some brilliant story with. Everybody I'm sure he is the legends you. Hear your foundations of my pretty good too close I think that. Yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a lot and I think he's the guy. Who wrote I mean he has such brilliant soul as his will. You know I was a fan of his at one point yeah my. Loving of course Willie Dixon is a co-writer on and so many great blues songs but it's. Very much. I'm a rolling. Stone which at the time of the writing. What about these Chuen is not your typical writing style is this is you know that like me I didn't know it but my friend did. Very funky jam is now I wonder why. Mick Jagger couldn't put him on because it's crying out for me you know love this you don't cry no it's not it's not deficient without him you know he had to have seen you on the you see the. Gate crashing see those who are the ones that. Do you know I mean we could. Not get to people and I guess 15 people are just yeah and he's probably here. Because well I'm going to want to yeah so what if I want to. Be singing so there is that. Look you know your story actually is the quintessential shootin that takes you back inside I'll tell you so Fox and I anyway I may well go. Through I can share my pleasure my pleasure thank you Hillary sharing it with us in reports that not only does it Sheen's title get her into the party of a life. Yeah policy of a lifetime where she meets Mr How do we move from Sell Yes You know Mr smokestacks lightning is one of the greatest chance he's history Well there you go to save that but also just fix he said she she also met the guy who must be the pillar stone of all blues the Great is bass player to come out of the blues Mr Willie Dixon and just you know just frags for his bodyguard who was there is who actually . Had not to talk of Mrs Chester Burnett how did moves has been always in the summer that we all love she's biased a guy crash the party as well of course of course it will go to another guy and stuff and he has friends if her friend hadn't been there she would never found with that Potts he was a. Fan to figure out yes to make to in Syria lose. It would be. Glad that you got there in the end that's good said Doug just stadium where are the trip played baseball reports to Seth bed has been keeping us up to date on the latest of the World Series the Red Sox would seize the DOJ is what's going on so. Far we have a poor game on a handsome part of what we're going to cheer that will remind me of this stadium Boston for game 6 and potentially game 7 and is it true this California know how to party like a cheap pack and go to drugs suggested California goes out of power does it. I think it does I'm pretty sure over the top to drive my version to posse would be probably very very different things in the book I'm well I will say is when this place is wrong he's really rocking. When this song comes on it takes a somebody without any rhythm O'Toole I think they would not want to stand up and on the flight she needs and move on just a little bit because it is a bit of a tune isn't it well California lovers as well and it takes somebody like you who doesn't have to rap to say how dumb bell fresh out Ajo California Dreamin soon is a step on the scene or the hooch is a screaming rumor. Asked me trying to be cheap Yeah yeah yeah yeah go get me some prove it said I do SO member the eat shit because I think all night. Caliph we counted 40 dreaming maybe a better one for you but. I'll dream more knowledgeable in my face right not sure how long is this baseball match they know for I mean they get their money's worth those punches don't they goes on for I was in as a news. Absolutely Usually you look in 3 and a half hours for a game last night 77 hours 20 minutes and right now quick glance at the school board on the far side of the stadium itself 3 to 758 local time I started this game at 5 o 9 right on the very door. That they're approaching that that crucial marker if you like in this one. If they do hold it together it could be over in the next 25 minutes Stefano thank you very much no but a machine people have to pay to gain genetic differences. I got a media accreditation Council use the people of Haiti anyway and us for all $300.00 for the cheap seats which a standing room of ravens or a stadium right all the way up to you could sit there you get take it 4 of them at $10000.00 each and that would take you behind home plate full rows back and you get waitress service you get on minutes and you get food you get everything that you could ever meet you would probably be sitting somewhere between Rob Lowe Magic Johnson and Kobe Bryant's as 3 of the superstars the singing we are seizing Right now I'm not quite impressed with that but thank you for now says that they will catch up with him for more days just say Jim the World Series The red shows this is the judges is here was another diversion cheap to go. 59 A 969 to join this because he gives a cool would talk about cheese the. Take me back to certain place and song for news I. Want to. C.B.C. 5. Good morning this is. My new some 5 life a helicopter belonging to the less the city has crashed Neil Warnock reckons Liverpool are more likely to win the Champions League than the Premier League. Is B.B.C. . B.B.C. . Helicopter belonging to the less the city. Problem has crashed outside the King Power stadium they came down shortly after Leicester's game against a waste time but it's not clear who was on board reports assignment.

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