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Osteoarthritis triggers a review. And indianas governor calls for religious gay rights review reviews. Hello. The long wait is over and history has been made in nigeria. After a six week delay, extended voteing and long count, the opposition candidate, Muhammadu Buhari is the winning candidate defeating Goodluck Jonathan. It is the first time this happened happened, saying no blood is worth it. We believe nigerias future can be better than what it is today. [ applause ] you voted for change and now change has come. [ applause ] i now will lead the election. I gained the most votes in this election. It is you nigerians, that have won. The people have shown their love for our nation and their belief in democracy. This will be the second time that Muhammadu Buhari has been president of nigeria. He previously ruled from 1984 to 1985 when he seized power in a military coup. His rule is remembered for a harsh campaign against corruption and human rights abuses and they hope it will home the fight against boko haram negligent sinsurgents. We are joined now for a spokesperson for Goodluck Jonathan. Thanks very much for joining us today. Youve seen the president since he had to accept that hes lost this election . Yes. How has he taken this news . Well hes in very good spirits. You know he has always said that election is not a life and death matter that its the country that is more important. He has said that very clearly by calling general buhari to congratulate him and also in the statement he issued subsequently. Why does he think that he lost this election . Well his attitude is in an election somebody must win and somebody must lose. Ultimate ultimately, what is important is to continue to move nigeria forward and continue to strength strengthen nigeria in democracy and insure it continues to be a successful and peaceful democracy. In his statement he made it very clear hes proud of the fact hes been able to establish a tradition of free and fair and Credible Elections in nigeria. Its a legacy hes very proud of. To use his words, its a legacy he hopes will endure in nigeria. I think thats a very strong message not just for nigeria but also for africans. Its about leadership and confidence. The point should be underlined the local people were very anxious about these elections. But you can see that the morning after, there is great calm in nigeria. Nigerians are happy that theyve been able for the First Time Since 1999 to successfully transfer from one civilian administration to another. Its because of this issue, that the leadership that has been demonstrated. Theres no violence anywhere. There is calm and peace. Nigeria remains stable and all nigerians look forward to the years ahead. What will he do now . Is he going to step down from politics completely . Excuse me . Is president Goodluck Jonathan, once his term is finish finished, he hands over power in may, i understand what will he do after that . President jonathan remains until may 29th, which is the handover date. The government is still in place and, you know, the work of governance continues. After that will he leave politics . Well i dont know what his personal plans are. Ive not had the opportunity of discussing that with him. The results came yesterday and we were all very busy. He had to record his statement and all that. Im sure he must have his own personal plans and those are plans but no doubt he will remain actively in the service of nigeria and also be available to continue to serve as an african leader and as a global statesman. Hes very young, healthy, energetic and remains committed to serving his people. This election took place obviously against the background of the militant insurgentsy. 20,000 people have been killed by boca har ranl. Do boko haram. Do you think president jonathan could have done more to tackle that . Many criticized him for that. Well to the point, he too, made the point all the time what we were dealing with were dealing with global terror which is complex, also again, the war against iraq is not conventionized izedized in a symmetrical kind of war with its various complication complications. In this moment in the lead up to the elections, the Jonathan Administration succeeded recovering all the territories that were under the control of the terrorists. Was able to also put the use the new platforms ss that were acquired and strengthen the Nigerian Military im sure clearly the Nigerian Armed force are up to the task. When president jonathan visited the troops first on january 15th and later, the level of confidence was very high. And the progress has been recorded. We want to make sure that you did make progress in the last few weeks. Many are saying if you could have done so in a shorter time why didnt you do earlier and in particular president jonathan is going to be remembered for those girls kidnapped and lost in the north, whose fate is still undetermined. Thats a very sad legacy isnt it to leave . You know we made a point, there were issues about the procurement of new plattformplatform, weapons, arms and ammunitions. It just happened earlier this year government succeeded in getting new equipment. With that there was a sharp improvement in the level of engagement by the Nigerian Armed forces. It has nothing to do with politics, it had nothing to do with elections. It had everything to do with the government taking every step to make sure that the terrorists do not continue to fight territories and fly flags within nigeria thereby compromiseing the integrity of the nigerian state. As to the question of the kidnap kidnapped girls, the president made it very clear, as a president and father he would not a situation whereby any nigerian child is abducted eded in global terror and he continues to make every effort to make sure these terrorists are flushed out and whatever can be done to free the persons in ss is done. Of course, it was very unfortunate. It was an assault on the integrity of those girls, their right to education and right to Human Dignity and assault what terror represents on humanitization generally. Were out of time but many thanks indeed for joining us. Thank you very much. My pleasure. We move on to our other top story today because talks are continueing in switzerland to try to reach a deal on Irans Nuclear program. The selfimposed deadline passed yesterday tuesday but there are signs all sides are edgeing close closer to some kind of deal. So how near are we to an agreement . After talks broke up last night the Iranian Foreign minister said quite a lot had been accomplished eded but western leaders are being cautious. The United States said enough progress had been made to justify remaining at the talks but several difficult issues remain. We have made very significant progress over the last few days but it has been slow going. We decided to break last night because some of the staff had been working through the previous night and we wanted people to be fresh as we tackle the last few issues that remain. Were now working on them this morning. Im optimistic we will make further progress this morning but it does mean the iranians being willing to meet us while there are still issues we need to deal with. Fingers crossed and we will hope to get there during the course of the day. From lu san, wesanne, we are joined by barbara. The talks have resumed. Does that mean there is hope of a deal announced today . Reporter it is a very fluid situation with no clarity what and when the outcome will be. The Foreign Ministers sounded optimistic in the early hours of the morning, talking about agreements made but western officials rolled back on that. Saying if progress is to be made it has to be iran to make the move. Were waiting to find out if they will announce anything. The deputy of iran has been speak ing an interview and said if they do get a result it will probably be a joint press statement that talks about progress made and they will continue to draft a solution which sounds a bit les on the overall framework on parameters they had been targeting. He also spoke about one of the key issues a problem, sanctions holding up the sanctions. There had been progress but more needed to be done. Iranians are asking the financial sanctions lifted on the first phase but a framework for lifting in the other sanctions referring to the u. N. s regime which targets Irans Nuclear program and quite a bit of controversy about that because western countries dont want to lift that quickly since the whole point is put curves on irans program and the sanctions on the regime. And they would only suspend it with the ability to bring it back should iran renege on any future agreements. Gaining membership in the International Crimes courts for the palestinians. The palestinians are being prepared to Lodge Complaints over alleged israeli war crimes during the 2014 war in gaza and israeli settlement activity. Were keeping an eye on iraq and the government says its Security Force will recapture the city of tikrit from Islamic State militants. This update given to the media a while ago. Translator i can announce most of tikrit is liberated today. Only a few pockets of resistance are remaining. We will give you the good news in the next few hours once we have crushed the remaining pockets of resistance still operateing in the city. Most of tikrit is now liberated. The enemy has been defeated totally and lost all its fight fighting capabilities and its moral will be crushed and the battle will be over soon god willing. Stay with us. Much more to come a mural in gaza by the secretive artist banksy and hundreds of thousands of articles sold for next to nothing. A palestinian man says he was trick tricked. You want an advanced degree, but sometimes work can get in the way. Now Capella University offers flexpath, a revolutionary new program that allows you to earn a degree at your pace and graduate at the speed of you. Flexpath from Capella University. The pursuit of healthier. It begins from the second were born. After all, healthier doesnt happen all by itself. It needs to be earned. Every day. From the smallest detail to the boldest leap. Healthier means using wellness to keep away illness. Knowing a prescription is way more than the pills. And believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. Healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care. By connecting every single part of it. Realizing cold hard data can inspire warmth and compassion. And that when Technology Meets expertise. Everything is possible. For as long as the world keeps on searching for healthier. Were here to make healthier happen. Optum. Healthier is here. This is bbc world news. The latest headlines. The winner of nigerias latest election Muhammadu Buhari says his election is proof ni berria iaber nigeria has embraced democracy. And anywhere talksnuclear talks continue after extending the deadline. Saying this pill is not for relief from osteoarthritis and it produces liver problems. The doctor from the lead university explains what it means for the doctors and patients. The Research Shows us a signal weve been aware of for a while. The efficacy of this is not great for back pain and osteoarthritis. The osteoarthritis released in 2014, were aware this data was out there for paracetamol. We did an update and another Regulatory Authority is looking into over the counter drugs including paracetamol. We will have to issue guidance. The reason for the change is not only new information but also the way how we look at the information because weve become a bit more sophisticated saying things shouldnt work to improve pain, should have a clinical meaningful effect that means something to a person with back pain or arthritis pain. Youre saying the guidance is for doctors and guidelines to describe. There is a risk also with paracetamol, liver damage is that right . There is a risk related to dose and with overdose it causes liver disease. Usual dose the risk is small. The other thing that came out of this study, there were more abnormal liver function tests than you expect. Part of what this new study shows there isnt a lot of old studies in this area and take an lot of our old drugs granted a long period of time and time to look at them across different areas, not just musculoskeletal pain. The grand sovereign the billionaire j paul getty was found in los angeles. His body was reportedly found in a bathroom in this hollywood hills. In los angeles. Reporter this came to life after Police Responded to an emergency call from a woman at Andrew Gettys home. They went into the home and reportedly found his body in a bathroom. They havent released any more details about the circumstances and the cause of death isnt known. The police told me a short time ago that the coroner will announce the cause of death in the hours to come. Theres no particular time frame on that. We have as you say, heard from his family who have confirmed he has died and they have asked for the media and public to respect their privacy at this difficult time. Peter bowes. Faceing strong victims, thecriticism, the governor of indiana says they will work to make sure it does not deny services to homosexual homosexuals. He says that was not the objective of the lawmakers who will workaround the clock to address the concerns. Reporter hes accused of being a bigot. Indianas governor signed in in support of the law many feel gives Business Owners the right to discriminate against gay people on religious grounds. I dont believe for a minute that it was the intention of the General Assembly to create a license to discriminate or right to deny services to gays lesbian lesbians, or any else in this state and it certainly wasnt my intent. But i can appreciate that thats become the perception not just here in indiana but all across this country. We need confront that. Reporter he says he wants that to be done by fixing the law, adding clarifications to it. Opponents say thats not enough. Many who protested when the bill was signed in say theyll only stop when its repealed. American business leaders, celebrityies and athletes have joined their calls, some even saying theyll boycott the state. Its very disturbing when there is any type of legislation like this. My concern is what message are we sending our children. The high rain of teen suicide against gay teens. Growing up as a gay individual myself, thinking i was les than and trying to commit suicide, thats my concern. Reporter in a big week for indiana, theres no doubt the episodes been damageing. In the coming days this interview in indianapolis is going to host one of the most watched sporting events in the american calendar with the College Basketball finals. The Organization Behind this event based here is one of those saying it is reevaluateing its relationship with this state because of the law thats been passed. Ive been proud of my state but we sure have a black eye right now. Im very embarrassed. I disagree with what theyve done. I think its overkill, i think its unnecessary. I hope it gets straightened out. Its been bad for the city. The mayor has come out against it and rightfully so. Reporter the governor insist insists this religious freedoms law was introduced to protect the liberty, not take them away. Many across this country remain unconvinced. Bbc news in indianapolis. Now, when artworks by the secretive graffiti artist banks banksy, popped up in gaza a few weeks ago, locals thought they would highlight their suffering, and now hes gone missing and the palestinian man whose door it was painted on said he was tricked to receiveing the work for a fraction of its value. Reporter their lives in ruins, thousands of families in gaza lost their homes in last years brutal war with israel. When the british artist banksy made a surprise visit a month ago this rubble inspired his politicized art. Children swing from a watchtower and a greek goddess weeps from a watchtower. Now, that image painted on a door is gone. He says he was tricked by a local man who knew he needed money and pretended to acted for the artist. Translator really, were depressed. Its fraud, he tells me. We want help to bring the door back. Reporter the buyer told the bbc the sale of the picture was legal and he paid 200 200 for it but it was probably worth hundreds of thousands. The street art that banksy left here in gaza like this cat play playing with a mangled ball of metal is meant to highlight the destruction here. Because of the high prices these works can fetch it also stirs up tensions and not the first time that happened. Banksy first came to bethlehem in the occupied west bank years ago and his murals have since become a tourist attraction. Theres even a shop selling special souvenirs. Some were sold for much les than their true value. This internet footage shows how two artworks were cut down and shipped overseas. Back in gaza this family cant get over this cruel twist of fate. Banksy painted on their destroy destroyed house to show he cares about palestinians flights. Now, theyve lost his unexpected gift and they feel theyre suffering even more acutely. Bbc news, gaza. Keep right up to date at our website or the latest on our nigerian election coverage. More about the winner mohama due buhari and our network of correspondents in the field, bbc. Com news. We have just been speaking to the spokesman for the outgoing president , Goodluck Jonathan who said he fully accepted the verdict of the election. Back in a few minutes. Attendant welcome back. Man thank you. Its not home. But with every well considered detail. It becomes one step closer. No wonder more people. Choose delta than any other airline. You can call me shallow. But, i have a wandering eye. I mean, come on. National gives me the control to choose any car in the aisle i want. I could choose you. 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With millions of wifi hotspots all over the place including one right here at the shop now we can stream all things fast and furious. Youve done it again, carlos with the fastest inhome wifi and millions of hotspots xfinity is perfect for people who love fast. Dont miss furious 7 in theaters april 3rd. Hello. Our top stories. The winner of nigerias president ial election, Muhammadu Buhari is proof the country has embraced democracy. Jury rans talks of a Nuclear Program entered a seventh day and theyre optimistic. Im optimistic we will make further progress this morning. It does mean the iranians being willing to meet us while there are still issues we need deal with. The bbc has given special access to a Massive Police operation trying to find a drug suspect. Hello. The long wait is over and history has been made in nigeria. After a six week delay, extended voteing and a long count. The opposition president , Muhammadu Buhari has been elected against the sitting government. The first time in a long time. They say nobodys election is worth the blood of nigerians. Lets see what he had to say. Is there some flash photography in this. We believe nigerias future can be better than what it is today. [ applause ] you voted for change and now change has come. [ applause ] i now have the lead in the election. I gained the most votes in this election. It is you, nigerians, that have won. The people have shown their love for our nation and their belief in democracy. This will be the second time that Muhammadu Buhari has been president of nigeria. He previously ruled from 1984 to 1985 when he seized power in a military coup. His rule is remembered for a harsh campaign against corruption and human rights abuse and supporters hope his military background will help in the fight against boco haram insurgents. We are joined now for a spokesperson for Goodluck Jonathan. I spoke to the president s spokesperson. His attitude is that, you know, in an elections, somebody must win and somebody must lose. Ultimately, what is important is to continue to move nigeria forward and continue to strengthling nigeriaian democracy. And insure it continues to be a successful and peaceful democracy. In his statement he made it very clear hes proud of the fact hes been able to establish a tradition of free and fair and Credible Elections in nigeria. Its a legacy hes very proud of. To use his words, its a legacy he hopes will endure in nigeria. Speaking about Goodluck Jonathan, the existing current president who will give way at the end of may. Talks are continueing in switzerland to try to reach a deal on Irans Nuclear program. A selfimposed deadline passed yesterday, tuesday, but there are some signs all sides are edgeing closer to some kind of agreement. How close are we to a deal . After talks broke up late last night the Iranian Foreign minister says a lot has been accomplished and all key aspects have been agreed but western leaders have been cautious. The United States said enough progress has made to justify staying at the talks. Today, the british minister sounded positive. We have made significant progress the last few days. We decided to break last night because some of the staff had been working through the previous night and we wanted people to be fresh as we tackle the last few issues that remain. Were now working on them this morning. Im optimistic we will make further progress this morning but it does mean the iranians being willing to meet us while there are still issues we need to deal with. Fingers crossed and we will hope to get there during the course of the day. Phillip hammond there. Lets get the latest in lausanne. Reporter it is a very fluid situation with no clarity what and when the outcome will be. The Foreign Ministers sounded optimistic in the early hours of the morning, talking about the main points of an agreement being made and main problems being solved but western officials rolled back on that. Theyre saying theres measurable progress and you saw mr. Hammond saying that. It has to be iran to make the move. Were waiting to find out if they will announce anything. The Deputy Foreign minister of iran has just been speaking in an interview and said if they do get a result it will probably be a joint press statement that talks about progress made and they will continue to draft a solution which sounds a bit less on the overall framework on parameters they had been targeting. He also spoke about one of the key issues a problem, sanctions holding up the sanctions. There had been progress but more needed to be done. What the iranians are asking for is that the economic and financial sanctions lifted on the first phase but a framework for the lifting of the other sanctions referring to the u. N. s regime which targets Irans Nuclear program and quite a bit of controversy about that because western countries dont want to lift that very quickly, especially since the whole point is put curves on curves on irans program and the sanctions on the regime. And they would only suspend it with the ability to bring it back should iran renege on any future agreements. Earlier, i asked the professor from Kings College london what the hurdles are now still to an agreement. I think it is very difficult to distinguish between technical and physical sticking points because theyre so entwined with each other. There have been agreements and 10 years the duration people are talking about. Mostly its about the number of centrifuges iran is able to keep over the deal and the stockpile in the country and development on more advanced centrifuges which would lead to enriched uranium more quickly and efficiency and has weapons implication implications. The point overall is to remove any possibility ever of iran having any Nuclear Weapon or will they always have the capacity further down the road . They will always have the capacity down the road. The key term is latency. Iran has always argued its a civil Nuclear Program but because of the dual nature of the technology it could be a military program. And it is to keep a low level of latency. The key to the talks is keeping a low enough level of this breakout capability potential. In terms of the broader balance here what about saudi and if it also gets nuclear technology. Theres a biological gialance geopolitical geopolitically . Absolutely. I think you hit the nail on the head. The other day, a senior saudi official stated whatever comes out of the iran deal saudi arabia wants exactly the same. If the right to enrichment is flagged in this agreement saudis want the same as other countries. There is the potential for a nuclear hedgeing race in the middle east, not where countries are going hammer and tongs toward a weapon but where they have the breakup potential if the security decision deteriorates and the political decision is taken to move in that direction. What iran talks are doing they are politically accepting this on the part of iran because they realize domestically in iran it would be very difficult to move away from this low level latency. In terms of verification how easy is it to know that and the sanctions in iran theres a big push, isnt there . Absolutely the sanctions are hurting and a key part of getting to the negotiations table where we are now. In terms of inspections and negotiations and to have confidence in any deal the verification aspect has to be very robust. I think theyre likely to be big sticking points in the talks over this the level of intrusive intrusiveness of International Agency allowed to verify this deal over how long a period. One parallel with iraq inspections regime in the 1990s and it was very intrusive and i cant imagine they would allow that. And it is also connected with the is. Certainly, you cant separate it from is and whats going on in yemen. The iranian issue is wrapped up in much broader issues and conflicting issues in the middle east. The professor from Kings College london. A lead investigator in the germanwings crash has called on any with footage of the disaster to hand to it the authorities immediate immediately. Calls and claims by a german magazine and said they saw cell phone calls of footage inside moments before it crashed and they said theyre not aware of this video. It will take a long time to establish exactly what happened on the plane. I would also like to give my word to the victims we dont only help this week we want to help as long as help is needed. Thats also my promise. Again, were very very sorry that such a terrible accident could have happened in lufthansa, where we put so much focus on safety we are sorry for the losses that occurred and there are no words to express this. Ill try to express at least the words of thanks as i did today, to those who have helped us here local locally. We also know what burden we have put on the people in this area where anything is thenothing is the same anymore after march 24. I promise to the mayors we do everything in lufthansa to support and turn this place into a place of mourning for the rift riftsrift s relatives and friends of the victims and restore this beautiful countryside as much as we can after the investigation has finished. The chief executive of lufthansa were visiting the crash site earlier today. At least nine people have been reported to have been killed by a powerful storm that hit germany, austria and switzerland. It uprooted trees and ripped cars and power lines and winds up to 190 kilometers an hour. There were severe transport delays in some areas. Switzerland looking for the late Colombia Drug Lord escobar who controls cocaine. His Drug Trafficking clan was once part of a brutal paramilitary group. After decades of drugs raqqa tearing it controls vast amounts s in colombia. Weve been given special access to the Police Operation trying to find him. Reporter black hawk helicopters to hunt one man and his clan here in rural western colombia and its surrounding jungle. The man theyre looking for, he heads one of colombias most powerful Drug Trafficking organizations, the feared clan. This is the area where his group operate operates. Here, they get cocaine from several suppliers and then send it to central america, the u. S. And europe. Its a much bigger manhunt than the one 25 years ago for the notorious drug baron. Reporter this is a typical house in the middle of the forest he uses. Were told by the police hes been here some 15 days ago. Reporter one telling element is this special mattress an expensive one, one you would not find in this sort of house. Due to a back injury he needs it to be able to sleep, another telling sign that washing machine, a luxury here. Few here dared to speak on camera about him or the manhunt. Police say they have been able to get some information from sources on the ground. Members of the organization who were tired of working for him have helped us some of them drivers and some working in distribution areas. Day and night, this manhunt goes on. Special night vision golgs are carried to scan the terrain. Were here visiting with the unit of 20 men looking in the area the past 10 days. They didnt find him but they did find something. They managed to find members who were members of the Drug Trafficking chance in one of the hideout hideouts. Reporter so far, at least 120 people have been arrested and weapons, vehicles and tons of cocaine have been seized. But still no sign of him. Bbc news, colombia. Stay with us on bbc news. Much more to come. Hes fantastic with his feet. How about his hands, how well does the worlds most expensive footballer dine an nba erer do in an nba challenge . York minis get the sensation. This is bbc world news with the latest headlines for you. The winner of the president ial election Muhammadu Buhari says his election proves the nation has embraced democracy. And a world path of a nuclearaccord after extending the deadline for a deal. Palestinians have attained icc membership to pursue war powers against israel. They say activities of jihadists groups were against islam and condemning the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for killing the peace process. Translator even in the eyes of the americans and europeans, netanyahu is the most extreme leader and the one who like to shed blood the most. Thats why were expecting difficult times with him. Its the responsibility of the International Community to put a stop to his stubbornness and israeli extremism. Were not looking for any escalation but we will defend ourselves. Do you think a twostate solution is still possible between yourself and the israelis . Translator israel with its extremist leadership has killed the peace process, the twostate solution and every opportunity for a political solution for the palestinian courts. If the west and the United States want to do something new, then they have to change the approach they followed for years. The new approach should be pressureing israel and not the arabs and palestinians. We are not the ones who are responsible. Now, in some of the statement statements put out by mr. Netanyahu and others in israel they have associated the activities of hamas with activities of jihadist groups like the group that calls itself Islamic State and al qaeda, they tend to put you all into the same category. What do you think when you hear that . Do you think thats fair comment . Translator there is no is or al qaeda in palestine. There are some lone groups but isolated. We do not allow it in palestine. We want a National Liberation a just cause and certainly not terrorism, quite the opposite. Palestinians have been victims of israeli terrorism for decade decades. I condemn any side that is practiceing extremism and killing based on identity or affiliation. Reporter is there a sense on which the activities of Muslim Brotherhood allies like yourselves in hamas are being overshadowed by the growth of jihadist groups Islamic State, al qaeda and the like . Translator we are an active resistance with a just cause battling the occupyier. We have a moderate ideology and open mind. Others practice violence under the name of jihad which we condemn, and this is not islam. There are plenty people in america, britain, israel other place places, who would laugh when they heard you say that hamas is a moderate organization. Thats not how they describe you. Translator the ones who are laughing at our logic today should laugh at mandela and what the vmzietnamese people did and what was done in the nazi occupation in the world war. They should laugh at George Washington and people of the revolution. The people have been liberated from the occupyiers and the Palestinian People are doing the same and so is hamas. Speaking to jeremy bowen. Protesters burn down a Council Library last year there was concern the books would never be replaced. Last month, someone decided to do something about it. He set up a library of his own in his own house. Heres his story. Translator my name is meo meo mathetsa. I am the founder of the yoourt movement and the ground library. The daily library will spend a terrible day. There was fire over the library, books, shelves that were empty, books in as. Sashes. What has inspired me to open the library was the lack of reading in our township the lack of books was a challenge. So what we did, we started collecting the books, writing letters to churches, schools, individual individuals, whm we feel that they can assist and also using doortodoor format of asking books because we know each and every house must have a book somewhere which is not doing anything. The library is based in my house, in my room, full of book books, but it is for book lovers. Its a nice feeling to have books which have been read by people. Reading is a good skill. You acquire selfconfidence, we dont just read to ourselves, we dont encourage people to read to ourselves, encourage to read for other people to listen to them as they read. That is our motto. Reading is a very broad skill. It can open many closed doors for people who have skills but cant do it themselves. If you read reading can change your life. Me and the movement, we have changed the mindset of many people in our country. Because before we even started with the library, people are say saying, we cant do it we dont have resources, its going to be a challenge to transport books. How . I tell them we are going to collect them. We are going to use and collect these books and were going to get kids and they are going to read and be many. Thats what i told them from the start. The challenge is not that they will not come not that we have resources. Those people are going to come. This is a dream come true but still a lot we are going to do as far as the movement in terms of changeing our community. We have underground books an amazing story. Now, you dont become the most expensive footballer in the world if youre not good with your feet but he is pretty good with his hands, few, and asked to take part in a basketball shot challenge. Heres how he did. [ applause ] he makes it look easy doesnt he . I am back very soon in fact in a few days ss time. News continues on the bbc and more at our website. Pursuit of h eahier. It begins from the second were born. After all, healthier doesnt happen all by itself. It needs to be earned. Every day. Using wellness to keep away illness. And believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. Healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care. By connecting every single part of it. For as the world keeps on searching for healthier. Were here to make healthier happen. Optum. Healthier is here. You want an advanced degree, but sometimes work can get in the way. Now Capella University offers flexpath, a revolutionary new program that allows you to earn a degree at your pace and graduate at the speed of you. Flexpath from Capella University. If you want it go out and get it hello, youre watching gmc. Our top stories, a time to heal wounds, after the election of the new president , Muhammadu Buhari who stressed the importance of embraceing the newyouew draeksz

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