Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC Business Live 20170613

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to give you personalised medical assessments. and as the world's worst airports are named and shamed, we'll have the details. but today we want to know, what's your worst airport experience? i bet you think you have not got time and 140 characters is not enough! let us know, use #bbcbizlive. plenty of experiences terrible airports when i was based in the middle east, we will save that for little later! let's get started, a lot to get through today. uber has become a household name around the world in just a few years. but the taxi—hailing service is on an increasingly bumpy road. the san francisco based firm has announced the departure of another executive as it prepares to publish a report into its corporate culture and practices. it's been put together by former us attorney general eric holder and is expected to recommend sweeping changes. it was commissioned after former engineer susan fowler wrote a blog complaining of persistent sexual harassment. uber promised it would investigate. but hers wasn't the only complaint. the company's been forced to fire more than 20 people after uncovering 215 other allegations of harassment. the problems don't stop there. uber‘s also seen a string of high—profile resignations in recent months — including its chief financial officer and now senior vice—president emil michael. all this has meant a lot of pressure on the chief executive and co—founder, travis kalanick. in march, a video of him getting into a foul—mouthed row with an uber driver went viral, and he was forced to make a very public apology. carrie 0sman is chief executive at the business consultants cruxy. good to have you on the programme. uber has been a disruptive, it has been an headline is from the get go, it has been aggressive in its methods for taking over taxi surfaces around the world, but now all the headlines are for the wrong reasons, what are we going to find out today? obviously, this all-star did with susan fowler and her blogged post which named a number of things from the sexism that was rife, talks of people grabbing body parts, parties where beyonce may play on the rooftop, but behind closed doors there is drug abuse going on, and also what is concerning is the way this goes from the root to tip of the business. it seems like it comes from the very top all the way down, so from the interview where travis kalanick talks about how it has done great things for his sex life, all the way through to susan fowler being promised a leatherjacket that never arrived, and she was told it was pa rt arrived, and she was told it was part of learning a lesson as a woman, that she wanted equality. as you talk and give us more insight into the company, it sounds like a hollywood film, i am thinking of various actors in my mind right now, but to put this in perspective, it really is quite horrific to hear all of that, in a sense, with this company so big and in terms of what it does all over the world and those that work for the company. will we see a real change in culture at this company? so we have a lot of companies with cultural change, and it is about getting to the crux — what is the mindset that needs to shift. 0bviously, what is the mindset that needs to shift. obviously, it needs to start at the top, the board can have this investigation led by arianna huffington, but if individuals in the firm do not change their mind set, then clearly nothing is going to change when it comes to action. we always talk about every contact leaving a trace, so from getting the medical health records of someone who accused her uber driver of raping her in india, all the way through to these parties, as we have spoken about, it is all there to haveit spoken about, it is all there to have it blasted on your silicon valley walls that he will always be hustling, but if you don't pull that through into sensible corporate behaviour, it is now a $60 billion valuation, it needs to start to grow up, and! valuation, it needs to start to grow up, and i think part of that these two come from the top. we appreciate your time two come from the top. we appreciate yourtime and your two come from the top. we appreciate your time and your insight. we will fill you in as there is more news. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news. the company behind some of britain s leading tourist attractions, such as madame tussauds, legoland and the london eye, say visitors numbers have been falling. merlin entertainments says people have been put off by the recent terror attacks in manchester and london. nonetheless, it says trade has been in line with expectations, partly because more than 70% of last year s profits were made outside the uk. a lucrative part of the city of london's financial trading could be forced to move to continental europe after the uk leaves the eu. the european commission is expected to say later that it wants the eu to regulate the clearing of euro—denominated transactions. at the moment, nearly $1 billion worth of such trades are done in london every day. toshiba says it s facing another lawsuit over its $1.3 billion accounting scandal. this time, the embattled japanese firm is being sued for about $400 million by a group of foreign investors. it means that the fallout from overstating its profits could cost the company nearly $1 billion in damages. the australian casino company crown says a group of its employees in china have been charged with promoting gambling. 18 workers, including three australians, were arrested in raids back in october. 0ur sydney correspondent hywel griffith joins us now. an interesting one, what is the company had to say about it? they have been pretty tight—lipped, to be honest, a very short statements to the australian stock market, saying that those detained last year have 110w that those detained last year have now been charged, as you said, with promoting gambling. now, gambling is illegal on the chinese mainland, as is any attempt to promote or facilitate a group of people going overseas to gamble, for example in australia. crown has gaming licences in sydney, melbourne and perth, and clearly there may be a lucrative market to tap into, but the chinese government carried out raids last year and detained all those people. now, we understand that 18, possibly 19, will appear now, we understand that 18, possibly 19, willappear in now, we understand that 18, possibly 19, will appear in court in shanghai later this month. it is being seen in two ways, some suggesting, well, just barely a nationals could be back home by the end of the month, others saying it has taken so long because the chinese government wants to make a statement over its gaming laws and how it controls what happens in its own territory. these are the numbers, the japanese index down after wall street's big technology sell—off last night. heavyweight softbank fell for a second day. us technology giants including apple and netflix monday suffered another bruising session in new york — a nalysts say it's a bit of profit—taking after those record highs. away from the politics, we get a series of updates for the economies across europe this week. in the uk, we get the latest inflation figures in 45 minutes, expected to show rising prices eating away at incomes. inflation hit 2.7% in april and looks set to stay at this level in the latest numbers for may. a recent fall in oil prices could help price rises slow again later in the year, but inflation still a problem right around the world. more on that shortly. but first samira hussain has the details about what's ahead on wall street today. the federal reserve begins its two—day meeting on interest rates on tuesday. now, the chair of america's central bank, janet yellen, has said that the strengthening labour market gives her confidence that inflation will get closer to their 2% target rate, but there are concerns that inflation is cooling. also happening on tuesday, uber is expected to release the findings from its much anticipated report written by the former us attorney—general eric holder. he was called in to investigate workplace culture and practices after allegations of sexual harassment at the ride—hailing firm. now, the findings and the recommendations for improvement will be presented to uber at an all—hands meeting. that is samira hussain, she will be busy today with the federal reserve and uberas busy today with the federal reserve and uber as the day unfolds. richard dunbar is an investment director at aberdeen asset management, your thoughts on the fed, are you expecting a rate rise?|j thoughts on the fed, are you expecting a rate rise? i think we are expecting a rate rise tomorrow, janet yellen has been keen to get interest rates up to a more normal level. the us economy is in reasonable health, we have seen a little weakness over the last few weeks, which may have tempered some market enthusiasm, but i think that is where we're heading. how much are going up by? a quarter point, possibly another one by year end, but she is keen to get the price of money up to a more normal level, to get the us economy back to a more normal footing. we are going to hold you do that! of course! let's talk about the uk, and indeed across europe, a whole load of data due this week, inflation data for the uk, expected to stay steady, but the inflation problem is a problem around the world, easing zone and a little bit in the us, but still a problem in the uk. expected to be 2.7% in the uk, unchanged, still above the 2% target that the bank of england are charged with keeping inflation at. i think the bank of england will save, as they have said before, that it is caused by weak sterling, a strong oil price, and we will look through that 2.7% and expected to revert to a more normal level in due course. but they will have to explain themselves and they do not put interest rates up to accommodate that. people in the uk are feeling it, aren't they? consumer spending is reducing. exactly, and that was one of the concerns of the time of the brexit vote, that weakness in sterling would result in imported inflation prices going up through oil, and wea ker prices going up through oil, and weaker sterling generally. wages are not rising as fast, so that tightens people's spending ability. all right, richard, our time people's spending ability. all right, richard, ourtime is people's spending ability. all right, richard, our time is up, people's spending ability. all right, richard, ourtime is up, we will have to talk about euro clearing another day, but we are keeping an eye on that very closely. very interesting story, could have big implications. still to come, just how smart is your smartphone? meet the woman who says her app can help give you a personalised medical assessment. but would you really trust a doctor in your pocket? first, before we talk medicine and prescriptions, let's answer this question — could be uncertain election result be good news for employers? the first employment survey since the general election saw a boost in employer confidence. manpower thinks the chance of a softer brexit, as a result of the hung parliament, could be good news for employers. james hick is their managing director, talk us through this, employers have been saying all this, employers have been saying all this uncertainty and chaos as far as brexit and politics is concerned is bad news, but you suggested might be better news? well, so far, so good. thejobs better news? well, so far, so good. the jobs market has held better news? well, so far, so good. thejobs market has held up better news? well, so far, so good. the jobs market has held up well through all of this and certainty, and as we go through this next phase of the brexit process, the politicians might start to think much more pragmatically, because we are going to need thousands of people to support ourjobs growth throughout the next year, two years. we are at the lowest level of unemployment for 40 years, so maybe there is pragmatic thinking about allowing more workers, having this less ha rd allowing more workers, having this less hard approach to brexit to think through pragmatically how the jobs market is going to be supported from overseas workers. and what you are discovering at manpowerjust highlights, i wouldn't say the confusion, but the mixed response we are getting, because yesterday we we re are getting, because yesterday we were looking at the institute of directors saying that 700 of its members have said their confidence had fallen significantly following thursday's election. and many business leaders are really concerned about the outlook, even if it means the labour market may not be as tight as it would have been. it means the labour market may not be as tight as it would have beenlj be as tight as it would have been.” think everybody is concerned, i think everybody is concerned, i think that is right, and the business community equally so. but as we look forward to think through, we are going to get through the issues that we have a head of us, and we have to deal with what is here and now. at the moment, the economy looks strong, and we are going to have to be able to access the skills for the future — at all different levels of the economy and all different types of skills. so it is going to be important that flexibility and that pragmatism is introduced into this conversation. all right, james hick, thank you for joining us, managing director of manpower. heineken and punch merger. there is full details on the website. you're watching business live. a reminder of our top story: uber publishes the recommendations of a major probe into its corporate culture today and it is thought they'll result in a major shakeup at the firm. s uber ordered the investigation after a high profile allegation of sexual harassment. artificial intelligence is playing an ever more important role in our lives. but how confident would you feel getting a medical assessment from an app on your phone? well, our next guest believes she can put the power of medical knowledge at in your hands, thanks to artificial intelligence. claire novorol is a former doctor and the co—founder of ada health. the company launched its health app last year— its health app last year which aims to provide you with a personalised assessment of your symptoms which you can then take to your doctor. it does not aim to give a diagnosis, but to give you and your doctor a fuller picture of any medical problems and act as support to your primary care practitioner. the app is currently available in 155 countries and performs more than 12,000 assessments a day. dr clare novorol is the co—founder of ada health and joins us now. thank you very much indeed for coming in. just tell us a little bit more about how this works. ijust thought well a lot of people are doing this already, they are going on to search engines and putting in whatever they think they may have and reading the symptoms and diagnosing themselves that way, anyway? it is a personal health companion. it's powered by artificial intelligence and it is like having a doctor in your pocket. right at the core of the app is symptom assessment. it has been trained by more than 100 doctors over the last six years and it's learning and improving every single day. so you download the app for free. you can tell it about your medical history. if you have an iphone you are share your health ca re iphone you are share your health care data and you enter your health symptoms and she asks symptoms back and fort like a good doctor would and fort like a good doctor would and tells you what might be going on, what might be the cause of your symptoms and what to do next. and what do you do next? do you continue with ada or go to your local doctor? when you have seen ada's assessment, you can read more about the symptoms. ada might tell you what is the appropriate next stepsment you can either take that report to your gp or connect with one of the ada doctors on the app. you can share the assessment with an ada doctor. the reason that this isn'tjust like using a search engine to find your symptoms, this learns and we talked about it being artificial intelligence. tell me through that process that the app can learn and get smarter the more of these diagnosis? it is like going to medical school for six years and learning the information from textbooks and learning based on cases, having experts train the system, but now ada is out in the real world. we launched ada six months and we have had 1.2 million assessments performed and we have a new assessment performed every seven seconds and when users share the information with a doctor on the other side of the platform, doctors are helping to train ada on what they would suggest is going on and they would suggest is going on and the next step. so ada is learning all the time. the app is free, the assessment is free, but when you get into a conversation with a doctor you have to pay for that, don't you? it's all free, but it is £14.99 to share your assessment with an ada doctor. the doctors are regulated i assume? all the doctors we work with in the uk are trained in the uk. they work in the nhs as well, many of them are gp partners in the nhs. and we're regulated by the care quality commission. it was quite interesting. i was thinking about being in my gp surgeries and my doctor is on ada! that's why i'm waiting! you might say, you sit down in front of the gp and they go through a list of routine questions anyway, they have got to ask them to get to the diagnosis. that's why i can see why an app would take some of that process away, but ultimately people wa nt process away, but ultimately people want face—to—face interaction, don't they? they don't want to be dealing with a robot who would tell them it might be this and you're going to go to the doctor anyway. how would you square that circle? this is an app, but nonetheless, the challenge is really going to be convincing people that they can trust their health to a bit of technology? sure. so the app is not trying to replace face—to—face consultations when face—to—face consultations when face—to—face consultations when face—to—face consultation is the right thing to do or what the patient wants, but we know that most people search online and they google their symptoms and people are looking for more health information and more information about their symptoms from the moment they experience a symptom before they go to see a doctor and that's where ada comes in and if it's appropriate you can chat with a doctor via the app and our doctors will often advice if it's something that should be seen face—to—face that the next step is to go and see a doctor. we are assuming that everybody has access to doctors when we talk about this app, but! to doctors when we talk about this app, but i imagine there is applications for people that, you know, are in parts of the world where it is very difficult to get doctors who can get the diagnoses early on? so here in the uk we're lucky to have access to a fantastic nhs and doctors and we might have a bit of a wait sometimes, but there are bit of a wait sometimes, but there a re parts of bit of a wait sometimes, but there are parts of the world where hundreds of millions of people don't have any access at all to a doctor. we know, we have... can they awe ford to pay to talk to your doctors though, that's the question? so what we do know is that, we have thousands, tens of thousands of people in countries like africa, india, various parts of the world who have a cheap android phone the they don't have access to a doctor, but they have an android phone or somebody in their village does and they're using ada and we have feedback every day from people using ada and we are partnering with organisations and governments in those countries actually to provide ada doctor chat for free to those people. it is really fascinating. we appreciate you coming in. now, staying with tech, but of the gaming kind. in la, the games industry is having its annual shindig. the electronic entertainment expo, better known as e3 is the industry's chance to lay out its new ideas for the next couple of years. dave lee is there for us. 15,000 people are going to be at e3 this year. it's the biggest gaming show in the world and for the first time in its 24—year history the general public will be allowed through those doors as well. it could make things a bit more exciting, but it does also pile on the pressure for the big games publishers to do more than ever to impress their loyal fans. microsoft were, as ever first out of the blocks, they announced the xbox 0ne x, a more powerful version of its current console. it will improve the visuals of its games but not much else, and it comes in at $499 — that's twice the price of the existing model. it's going to be twice the price of a normal xbox. you're going to need a great big tv to really feel the benefit. are enough people going to go for that option to make it worthwhile? well, it's about giving gamers choice, and i think you and both know there is a certain customer wants the best in anything, and that's why we designed xbox 0ne x. how many of those customers do you have? i think in the gaming community there is a large section of those customers, but the majority of the people that will come into xbox one will come in through the xbox 0ne s. next, it was time for sony to show its hand. unlike microsoft, no new hardware, as the company has already released a more powerful version of its playstation. instead it focussed on games, the headliner being spider—man. on tuesday, the show floor opens up, and it's here we will see if the new games can start to live up to the hype and continue to fuel this $90 billion industry. dominic o'connell is with us. the worst airports and the best airports have been revealed in the press. heathrow and gatwick do not do well at all. you surprise me! yeah, ithink do well at all. you surprise me! yeah, i think a lot of people will share their frustrations with heathrow. they are both very busy airports and when things go wrong, you had the british airways it a couple of weeks ago, they go really badly wrong. any disruption means a lot of pain and stress for passengers. lots of tweets from people. james says lax, non friendly. i seem to lose my baggage a lot. beijing terminal 3, kuwait named worst in the world on qat, service and punctuality. have you been through kuwait? yes, they a lwa ys been through kuwait? yes, they always lose my bags. having watched heathrow grow, my frustration with heathrow grow, my frustration with heathrow is how it has become a shopping mall with a couple of ru nways shopping mall with a couple of runways attached. i find that shopping experience, for me, i hate it. shopping and coffee! they funnel you through the duty—free to make you through the duty—free to make you buy stuff. i try on aftershave and then leave! dominic, thank you very much indeed. thank you too for your input. sorry i'm just drawing on ben's suit. we will see you soon. the same place tomorrow. have a great day. bye—bye. good morning. we've had some sunshine this morning across southern parts of the uk, but for most of us it has been fairly cloudy this morning. some showery outbreaks of rain, but over the next few days it is going to warm up particularly on wednesday. it will stay mostly dry and there will be light winds, but always more breezy the further north and west you are and certainly this morning that's where we have got weather fronts bringing outbreaks of rain in northern ireland and across scotland. a bit of patchy rain affecting northern parts of england and wales, but it will break up into the afternoon. by far the best of the afternoon. by far the best of the sunshine is across the south. so for south—east england temperatures up for south—east england temperatures up to 23 celsius. sunny spells continuing in the channel islands. 17 celsius injersey. for south—west england, again staying dry and sunny. as we enter wales, a bit more cloud around and this morning showers though will fade away. so this afternoon it is looking mostly dry and despite the cloud temperatures getting up to 15 or 16 celsius. for northern ireland, it's going to stay cloudy during the afternoon with a few showers moving in. showery also across much of scotla nd in. showery also across much of scotland this afternoon. temperatures getting to 17 celsius. for northern england, most of the showers clearing away, but the odd one could continue, i think, over the pennines. for the rest of the evening, little change really. we could see a bit of patchy mist and fog developing later in the night across southern areas with the clear skies, but for most, it will turn drier. more rain towards scotland and northern ireland. that's from this next weather front that's going to move in. all associated with this big area of low pressure. but high pressure for most of us keeping things settled and with that, it will start to draw in some warmer airfrom spain. so it will turn increasingly humid during wednesday, but turning much, much warmer. hazy sunshine across northern areas. the best of the blue skies across the south and patchy rain across scotland. temperatures about 17, 18 celsiusment but down towards the south east of england, we could see temperatures 26 celsius, to maybe even up to 28 celsius. if i could trigger off a —— that could trigger offa trigger off a —— that could trigger off a few shorms on wednesday night and into thursday. this cold front moving in, bringing fresherair behind it. temperatures down by a couple of degrees. feeling warm, but fresher than it will on wednesday. bye— bye. hello, it's tuesday, it's nine o'clock, i'm victoria derbyshire, welcome to the programme. the law no deal, theresa may will meet the leader of the dup to broker a will to help her stay on in number ten. —— deal or no deal. a will to help her stay on in number ten. -- deal or no deal. theresa may tells the party there will be no backtracking on gay rights, despite the deal with the dup, but could it signal an end to austerity and a shift on brexit? with mps returning to the commons today, we've gathered together a group of you — those people who pay their wages — to tell politicians what you want from them in theirjob. integrity, i think integrity is key, we wa nt integrity, i think integrity is key, we want somebody that will have the same persona in their public life as they do in their private

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