Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170114

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donald trump has not yet been inaugurated but already the process of dismantling one of his predecessor's landmark policies has begun. the affordable care act, or obamacare, was designed to give healthcare to millions of people who could not otherwise afford it. but republicans have always disliked it. the house of representatives voted to begin the repeal process. our correspondent gave us this update. all throughout the campaign the cry from donald trump was that he would repeal and replace obamacare and he has already praised the swift action of his republican colleagues and by getting this through congress and saying that soon the unaffordable ca re saying that soon the unaffordable care act would be history. however there is that repeal process under way. it is a budget measure that has gone through today and that will make way for a repeal and replace bill. however there is yet to be a replacement. we spoke to people today in the house was a clear choice, keep affordable care or have chaos. they fear in the meantime admits the uncertainty insurance payments would continue to rise. there is also 20 million americans who now have insurers under obamacare who now have insurers under 0bamaca re who who now have insurers under obamacare who did not previously have it. the worry is what will happen to them. many have pre—existing conditions, be audible sclerosis, viruses, diseases cancer, and many would not have health insurance without 0bamaca re. and many would not have health insurance without 0bamacare. what do they do? republicans have said that they do? republicans have said that they will not pull the rug from under those people, that they want to repeal the act and replace it at the same time within the first 100 days of a donald trump presidency. so far the idea coming forward have not been able to come forward into a cohesive plan that republicans can back. just briefly, laura, in terms of this it sounds like a good idea and it sounds logical. you speak of 20 million people who already have it. why is there this historical dislike of for it from the republicans? the republicans do not believe that the government should believe that the government should be as involved in healthcare. they believe it is a personal matter up to individuals. secondly they say it is too expensive. they say it does not offer people enough choice that they were promised they would get their choice of doctor and that has not happened. and insurance premiums have gone through the roof. they believe this is government overreach. they have not liked it from the start. now they know there are from the start. now they know there a re parts of from the start. now they know there are parts of it that have been popular, even amongst those who have voted for donald trump and especially in states that helped to elect a donald trump, obamacare is quite high. they need to cherry pick the best bits of obamacare and get rid of the bits they don't like. we will stay in the united states to the other big story coming from there. intelligence agencies have briefed the us house of representatives about their investigation into russia's alleged campaign to influence the us presidential election. earlier, donald trump sent out another barrage of early—morning tweets accusing his opponents of making up allegations over his ties to russia. he has promised a report into hacking within 90 days. our correspondent reports. there are storylines that could easily come from a cold war spy role. plot twists of russian blackmail and sexual misconduct which even a house cuts made quail at. however, the first episode of trump, the presidency, air shortly. trump, the presidency, air shortly. trump how he was commending his nominees, many of whom who have been fiercely critical this week of russia. i could have said do this, do that, i don't want to do that. before dawn, a gale force twitter storm alleging that the phoney allegations were put together by political opponents and a failed spy. political opponents and a failed spy. totally made up facts by sleazebag political operators both democrats and republicans, fake news. russia says nothing exists. footage has emerged of the former mi6 footage has emerged of the former m16 officer who produced the dos year as an event at cambridge university. he is now in hiding, a p pa re ntly university. he is now in hiding, apparently fearing for his life. former colleagues defended his professionalism. it is certain that what he has reported is something that he believes. he recognises that this is intelligence that needs validation and it needs further exploration. on capitol hill today lawmakers received a high and closed doors briefing the dos year and the alleged interference of russia in the presidential election. many left demanding more answers. the american people are owed the truth. a great deal of evidence to say that this is an issue of high interest to the american people. the strength, the integrity of our democracy. as yet, 01’ integrity of our democracy. as yet, or intrigue. a senior official confirming today that there were frequent contacts between the top national security adviser of donald trump and the russian ambassador here in washington and those contacts took place on the day that president 0bama expelled dozens of russian officials in retaliation for the alleged hacking. it again raises questions about the drunken‘s ties with the kremlin. all this as barack 0bama performs his final act. 0ne with the kremlin. all this as barack 0bama performs his final act. one of them took his deputy completely by surprise. i am pleased to award our nation ‘s highest civilian honour, the presidential medal of freedom. joe could not contain his emotion. it was a passing presidential gift that field there a year friendship. ican sailas that field there a year friendship. i can sail as part of the journey of a remarkable man who did remarkable things for this country. washington moves on. it has always been a city of politics. and next week this capital and this country will be under very different management. let's bring you up—to—date with some of the avenues of the day. ivory coast says it has reached a deal with mutinous soldiers overpay. it follows several hours of talks between the defence minister and negotiators for the troops and is the second deal made between the two sides but within a week. gunfire was heard in several cities while negotiations were under way. talks to broker an end to the political crisis in the gambia have failed. the president—elect has now left the country while the african union says it will no longer recognise the man refusing to relinquish power. french authorities have launched an investigation into the carmaker renault about allegations they tried to cheat omissions tests with some of their diesel vehicles. as a result, the share price dipped quattro% in morning trading. earlier this week, volkswagen agreed to pay billions of dollars of fines in the us fatigue in similar tests. a woman has died in the us from an infection that could not be treated by any available antibiotics. the case occurred last year but the details of only just occurred last year but the details of onlyjust been released in a report by the us centers for disease control and prevention. a little earlier i spoke to the science and health reporter for the international business times. they are not that common at all so they are not that common at all so they are quite rare, especially in countries like the united states. when there is a case of bacteria which is resistant to all available antibiotics, 26 antibiotics in the us, it is, a cause for concern. doctors described this as a nightmare bacteria. all 26 types of antibiotics did not work on this. what does that really mean? it essentially means that the only tools we have to fight bacterial infection do not work. so there is nothing that we can use on the bacteria apart from antibiotics. 0bviously bacteria apart from antibiotics. obviously there are a range of them. there are common ones prescribed for bacterial infections and then for the more difficult bacteria we reserve the different types of antibiotics to use just in case of the really bad cases. but, for instance, for this case in the united states, none of them worked and there was no treatment and sadly the woman died. specific medical condition was quite complicated because she spent two years in india where she broke her leg and the infection had spread to her bone and she had been treated in various indian hospitals and then got taken to the united states. is there a suggestion that throughout her treatment she tried many different types of antibiotics in india and thatis types of antibiotics in india and that is where this resilience grew? it is possible. we do not know the exact details of this case we are not entirely sure she contracted the superbug in india. we are not entirely sure of the timescales. we do know that when she returned to the united states she admitted, she was admitted into hospital again but sadly the infection had progressed by that stage and they were unable to do anything about it. in countries such as india there is more of a problem with superbugs so it is very likely that her time spent in india was related to her getting the infection. we always hear about the need to stop using antibiotics for little sniffles. is this case is really going to bring this case is really going to bring this home to us? the problem with resista nce this home to us? the problem with resistance has been known for decades and we know the kind of things that we need to do to tackle it. so we need appropriate prescriptions of antibiotics, not for viruses. it is very important that patients, when they do receive antibiotics as they follow doctor orders and finish the prescription. people often stop halfway through when they start to feel better but u nfortu nately when they start to feel better but unfortunately that can also lead to resista nce unfortunately that can also lead to resistance because bacteria are exposed to them. refugees and migrants are dying during the cold snap in europe and the united nations refugee agency is urging governments to do more. they said that several people had died from cold in bulgaria and it called on rees to remove migrants from poor conditions on islands to better facilities on the mainland. 0ur correspondent reports. desperate to get out of the bitterly cold waters. these are just some of the 800 migrants and refugees who we re the 800 migrants and refugees who were rescued from the mediterranean sea yesterday. the italian coastguard helped them of the six rob abodes they were trying to cross in. freezing temperatures in europe over the last week have caused the un to call on government to do more to help migrants. in greece, the situation was so bad that this ship was sent to an island at the request ofa was sent to an island at the request of a greek minister to help migrants. hundreds of others are being transferred to hotels. migrants. hundreds of others are being transferred to hotelslj migrants. hundreds of others are being transferred to hotels. i am afraid that i don't know where to go. iam afraid that i don't know where to go. i am afraid. at the european parliament in brussels, a warning about how prepared the eu is for a further increase in numbers. we are making a call for europe to prepare for possible new influxes. it may not happen but we need to be prepared. we are very concerned that ina number of prepared. we are very concerned that in a number of situations europe does not seem to have a plan a or plan b. conditions are also difficult at this camp in serbia. 0ver difficult at this camp in serbia. over 1000 difficult at this camp in serbia. 0ver1000 men from afghanistan and pakistan are relying on one meal a day from volunteers and having to wash outside in the cold conditions. concern is growing that more migrants will die trying to survive these harsh conditions. alexander is a journalist with reuters, east in belgrade. he says that many migrants are living in appalling conditions. the problem is 110w appalling conditions. the problem is now that the wind has begun to blow so now that the wind has begun to blow so there is a storm outside. there are still about 1000, 1200 people in these warehouses which are in the centre of belgrade near the main bus station. they are still in appalling conditions, i would say, they have no electricity they have very little running water they have, apart from a few heaters provided by humanitarians, they have practically no heating. they are burning scrap wood they have found. they are receiving food from humanitarians everyday. the problem is that it may not be enough for everyone. the serbian authorities are trying to convince them, at least some of them, to move to properly maintained government maintained refugee camps. many of them are refusing because they are trying, some of them, two 01’ they are trying, some of them, two or three orfour times a they are trying, some of them, two or three or four times a week to get to into hungary or croatia to continue their journey to to into hungary or croatia to continue theirjourney to europe. stay with us here on bbc news. we have a lot more still to come. the formerfirst children. have a lot more still to come. the former first children. what advice she did the push children give to the 0bama daughters as they leave the 0bama daughters as they leave the white house? day one of operation desert storm to force the iraqis out of kuwait has seen the most intense air attacks since the second world war. tobacco is america's oldest industry, and it's one of its biggest, but the industry is nervous of this report. this may tend to make people want to stop smoking cigarettes. there is not a street that is unaffected. huge parts of kobe were simply demolished as buildings crashed into one another. this woman said she'd been given no help and no advice by the authorities. she stood outside the ruins of her business. tens of thousands of black children in south africa have taken advantage of laws, passed by the country's new multiracial government, and enrolled at formerly white schools. tonight sees the 9,610th performance of her long—running play, the mousetrap. when they heard about her death today, the management considered whether to cancel tonight's performance, but agatha christie would have been the last person to want such a thing. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: the us house of representatives has voted to start the process of repealing 0bamacare, but there are some concerns about what will take its place. in a series of tweets, donald trump has accused political opponents, including members of his own republican party, of putting together a dossier of what he called "totally made—up" claims linking him to russia. a baby girl stolen 18 years ago from a hospital in the us state of florida has been found alive in south carolina. kamiyah mobley‘s biological family was notified of the news after dna tests confirmed her identity. a woman has been arrested in connection with the abduction. over the years, police say they received many tips relating to the missing girl, as peter bowes reports from la. this is an extraordinary story. the sequence this is an extraordinary story. the sequence of events that we are now learning about go back to 1998, july of that year, when this baby was taken from the hospital by a woman, it seems, who was posing as a nurse. she needed some treatment because the little girl had a fever. she was taken out of the ward, away from her mother, and never seen sense. there was a huge investigation launched, a lot of coverage on american television. there was a $250,000 reward for information announced, and over the years police have received many, many tips, in excess of 2000. and they have been looking into all of these potential new leads, but never ultimately resulting in what has happened today, and that is finding this baby, now a young woman, 18 years old, living seemingly with a woman in south carolina. now, we haven't been given a name that she has been living under. we know relatively few details about her circumstances now. it seems as if there was some sort of tip or new information over the last few months that led her to believe that she might have been pa rt believe that she might have been part of this kidnapping. she had a dna test, and it confirmed her true identity. now, we understand that there has not yet been a reunion with her family. he there has not yet been a reunion with herfamily. he authorities there has not yet been a reunion with her family. he authorities are saying this woman, she has a lot to process , saying this woman, she has a lot to process, a lot to take in, finally understanding what happened to her, and realising that she has a com pletely and realising that she has a completely different identity. the woman that she had been living with, who is called gloria williams, she has been arrested and charged with kidnapping. iraqi forces have come up against heavy resistance, after launching an attack to recapture mosul university from so—called islamic state. elite troops entered the compound on friday, trying to secure the area, in the last major is stronghold in iraq. there are also reports that iraqi forces have reached a second bridge in the city. catriona renton reports. in the streets around mosul university, iraqi forces gather. this their latest target in the push to ta ke this their latest target in the push to take back the city. so—called islamic state or daesh fighters have used its campus as a base, and it is claimed they tried to produce chemical weapons in its science laboratories. after heavy fighting, iraqi troops say they have taken control of several of the university's buildings. translation: the area we entered was a technical couege the area we entered was a technical college and some dorms. we were able to ove rco m e college and some dorms. we were able to overcome obstacles prepared by the terrorists, and we controlled the terrorists, and we controlled the college and the dorm areas. we also brought down the large daesh flag university. this flag was known to be the highest one erected on the eastern side. government forces have been trying to capture mosul, the last major is stronghold in iraq, since october. initially progress was slow in the face of tough defence. but since the campaign was relaunched two weeks ago, they have made swift progress on the eastern side of the city where the university is based. special forces are also claiming another tactical victory, having reached freedom bridge. they have now taken the east side of two of the five main bridges that cross the tigris river, that i’u ns that cross the tigris river, that runs through the city, dividing mosulfrom runs through the city, dividing mosul from north to south. they aim to ta ke mosul from north to south. they aim to take full control of the eastern bank before they can lodge a tax on the west, which islamic state fully controls, as the battle for mosul continues. freedom of movement is one of the four principles of the european union. it means any citizen of an eu country can live and work in another. but high levels of immigration was one of the main reasons people in the uk voted to leave the eu, and it is an issue in many other countries, too. 0ur economics editor kamal ahmed has been speaking to the deputy prime minister of the netherlands about why it is so controversial. 500 years old, a fort in amsterdam, and a reminder of a time when europe's borders were the subject of wars, not debates about freedom of movement. those borders are open now, open to workers who live in the eu to work within any other member state. but that has led to controversy, over wages being undercut, over unemployment. i met one of the netherlands' top politicians, and asked him why he thought resentment was growing. you can find a romanian or a portuguese painter doing the exact same work as a dutch painter who's standing right next to him, who is allowed to earn 200, 300, 400 euros less than the dutch worker. but that means, of course, that the dutch painter is out of work, out of a job. and it means that the support for the principle, which is in essence good, is eroding. immigration is not, of course, a new issue for europe. this hotel where i've just interviewed mr asher was built 100 years ago, to house economic migrants from eastern europe, on their way to south america to pick coffee. the search for an economic better life is as old as history. present—day history is dominated by that search, a core part of what it is to be in the eu. the free movement debate has become increasingly controversial. it is one of the four principles of the european union. the other three are free movement of money, goods, and services. agreeing to all four principles is necessary to be a member of the economically important single market. for some sectors, like flower—picking, immigrants are necessary, but union leaders say there is a problem of cheap labour from eastern europe. a polish worker is hired by a dutch employer in the netherlands, there is full and equal treatment, according to the dutch and the european rules. but, if this polish worker is hired by a temporary agency based in warsaw, and then he is brought with a bus to work in the agriculture or the bulbs, then all of a sudden he's falling under different rules. and that is really creating havoc. with leading politicians in the netherlands at least willing to have a debate about free movement, could theresa may find some willing allies, as she launches her battle to keep open trade relationships with the eu without keeping open borders? we have always been allies, and we are very important trading partners of each other. many people — my sister studied in the uk, i mean, there's so many connections. however, negotiation is negotiation. we should not go out there to punish the brits, no. we want them to prosper, with us. he wants europe to reflect on why brexit happened. he doesn't want to close borders, he doesn't want britain to cherry—pick what it wants. but he does want to make reform of free movement a key part of the uk's negotiated exit from the european union. the daughters of former president george w bush have written an open letter to sasha and malia 0bama as they prepare to leave the white house next week. in the letter, jenna bush hager and barbara bush offered advice to the 0bama sisters in their next chapter. they wrote... they went on to say... you can read the full letter on our website. that is at more on our website. hello there. it looks as if the cold weather will continue into the weekend. some have had snow, quite significant snow, as you can see from our weather watcher here in lanarkshire. 0f from our weather watcher here in lanarkshire. of course, there have been other concerned through the day on friday and through the night. dissenting from whitley bay earlier. and that is the commendation of high tides and strong winds pushing down the east coast, and so for the immediate future terrorist still flood warnings, severe flood warnings out from the environment agency. floodline, if you are concerned... now, the winds will continue to ease through the remainder of the night and into the morning, but they are still blowing a gale in places, and it is a blustery end to the night. still some wintry showers, something a little bit more organised crossing scotland, northern and western areas which could just watch the salt off. it is going to be icy. that is a big concern if you are out through the morning. the rest of the night, temperatures widely below freezing in the towns and cities, even. so it will be much call out in the countryside and it will be a severe frost is of the strength of the wind. now, as we pick up the forecast on saturday, the winds are starting to ease away and you can see a subtle difference in where we will see the showers. more likely, i think, through western areas during the day on saturday. and again the wintry element is that, especially over the hills, but there will be heavier showers for east areas, and if they come onshore could have some hail, some thunder and also we could have some sleet and snow over the hills. you can see a pestering of showers across northern ireland, northern england, across scotland again and was the north—east and it remains cold. the windchill not as significant, just because the winds easing away, but it is still a breezy old going into a breezy night, with another frost. breezy old going into a breezy night, with anotherfrost. and breezy old going into a breezy night, with another frost. and then we get a subtle change. we start to see some other, slightly milder air coming in off the atlantic. as it comes in it tends to slow, or potentially freezing rain so potentially freezing rain so potentially some very icy conditions through saturday evening and overnight into sunday as that falls on the frozen ground. and that is because we have got this wedge of slightly milder air so rain bearing clouds is trying to come on top of the cold air. so there is the potential for some snow or freezing rain. either way, some rather miserably raw conditions as we get going into sunday. slight easing in that patchy rain, sleet and snow later but as you can see a grey day for many and because you have got that mild aircoming, for many and because you have got that mild air coming, the cold out could be quite grey anarchy as well. in eastern areas we could hang the wintry weather, the cold weather, for much of the day. so there is some uncertainty as we move into sunday. stay tuned to the forecast if you have plans, but it looks as if you have plans, but it looks as if chilly air could hang on into the south—east. the warnings, they on the website. the latest headlines from bbc news. i'm kasia madera. the us congress has voted to begin the process to repeal 0bamacare. but some congress members have expressed reservations about starting the repeal process before a replacement healthcare programme has been agreed. intelligence agencies have briefed the us house of representatives about russia's alleged hacking of the us presidential election. earlier, donald trump sent out more tweets, accusing opponents of making up allegations over his ties to russia. a woman in the us has died despite doctors using 26 different antibiotics to treat her. the center for disease control and prevention says it's a warning of the dangers of untreatable bacteria resistant to antibiotics. a newborn girl who was abducted 18 years ago from a hospital in the us state of florida has been found alive in south carolina. kamiyah mobley was taken when she was just eight hours old. the woman she grew up with has been arrested. now on bbc news, the story of yulia stepanova, the russian

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Hospital , President Elect , Hello , Florida , 18 , Obamacare , Process , Donald Trump , Dismantling , Predecessor , Landmark Policies , One , People , It , Repeal Process , Healthcare , House Of Representatives , Republicans , Millions , Colleagues , Congress , Campaign , Action , Correspondent , Update , Cry , Swift , Way , Budget Measure , Saying , Care Act , Ca Re , Replacement , In The House , Repeal , Bill , Insurers , Choice , United States , Uncertainty Insurance Payments , Care , Chaos , 20 Million , Conditions , Many , Health Insurance , Viruses , 0bamaca Re , Diseases , 0bamacare , Worry , Cancer , Sclerosis , Under Obamacare , 0 , Act , Presidency , Idea , Rug , 100 , Plan , Terms , Laura , Government , Dislike , Individuals , Matter , Insurance , Government Overreach , Doctor , Premiums , Roof , States , Start , Parts , Popular , Story , Bits , Tweets , Investigation , Election , Intelligence Agencies , Russia , Barrage , Allegations , Ties , Opponents , Correspondent Reports , Storylines , 90 , Russian , House , Spy Role , Plot Twists , Sexual Misconduct , Blackmail , Episode , Cold War , Nominees , Whom , A Gale Force , Before Dawn , Spy , Storm Alleging , Facts , Sleazebag , Life , News , Nothing , Footage , Hiding , Officer , Dos , Event , Cambridge University , Ntly University , Democrats , Pa , M16 , Mi6 , Ap , Something , Intelligence , Professionalism , Validation , Exploration , Capitol Hill , Interference , Doors , Lawmakers , Left , Answers , Truth , Issue , Integrity , Deal , Democracy , Strength , Interest , Official , Evidence , Intrigue , 01 , Washington , Barack 0bama , Contacts , Place , Hacking , Adviser , Officials , Dozens , Retaliation , Security , Ambassador , Deputy , Questions , 0ne , Kremlin , Drunken , Surprise , Joe , Friendship , Nation , Field , Honour , S Highest , Emotion , Gift , Medal Of Freedom , Country , Part , City , Things , Man , Politics , Journey , Ican Sailas , Some , Management , Ivory Coast , Capital , Avenues , Mutinous Soldiers Overpay , Cities , Troops , Talks , Sides , Negotiators , Defence Minister , Negotiations , Gunfire , Two , End , Crisis , Gambia , African Union , Authorities , Tests , Renault , Morning Trading , Power , Omissions , Diesel Vehicles , Quattro , Share Price , Result , French , Woman , Infection , Billions , Fines , Fatigue , Volkswagen , Antibiotics , Case , Details , Reporter , Health , Little , Science , International Business Times , Centers For Disease Control And Prevention , Onlyjust , Bacteria , Countries , 26 , Concern , Nightmare Bacteria , Doctors , Types , Cause , Tools , Ones , Range , 0bviously , Cases , Infections , None , Instance , Treatment , India , Condition , Leg , Bone , Spread , Hospitals , Resilience , Suggestion , Indian , Timescales , Superbug , Problem , More , Superbugs , Anything , Stage , Resistance , Home , Sniffles , Resista , Patients , Prescriptions , Kind , Migrants , Refugees , Prescription , Nce , Doctor Orders , U Nfortu Nately , Eastern Europe , Cold , Governments , Cold Snap , United Nations Refugee Agency , Bulgaria , Islands , Mainland , Waters , Facilities , 0ur , On Rees , Temperatures , Italian , Mediterranean Sea , Rob Abodes , 800 , Six , Island , Ship , Situation , Ofa , Greece , Un , Others , Hundreds , Hotels , Iam , Minister , Request , Hotelslj Migrants , Eu , Warning , Numbers , Call , Increase , Influxes , Brussels , European Parliament , Plan A , Ina Number , Number , Situations , Camp , Volunteers , Men , Serbia , 0ver1000 , Pakistan , Afghanistan , 1000 , Alexander , Journalist , East , Belgrade , Reuters , Wind , Storm , 1200 , 110 , Warehouses , Bus Station , Electricity , Centre Of Belgrade , Humanitarians , Heaters , Heating , Running Water , Food , Scrap Wood , Everyone , Refugee Camps , Three , Bbc News , Lot , Children , Times , Stay , Croatia , Formerfirst , Four , Daughters , Advice , Tobacco Is America , White House , Air Attacks , Day One , Operation Desert Storm , Iraqis , Second World War , Kuwait , Street , Industry , Another , Buildings , Report , Biggest , Smoking Cigarettes , Kobe , Business , Ruins , Laws , Advantage , Help , South Africa , Tens Of Thousands Black Children , Performance , Schools , Play , Mousetrap , Death , Person , Agatha Christie , 9610 , Thing , Headlines , Members , Concerns , Dossier , Him , Series , Repealing 0bamacare , Kamiyah Mobley , Family , Baby , Identity , Dna Tests , South Carolina , Tips , Police , Girl , Connection , Abduction , La , Peter Bowes , Sequence , Events , 1998 , Nurse , Fever , Mother , Ward , Little Girl , Sense , Information , Coverage , Reward , American Television , 50000 , 250000 , All , Leads , 2000 , We Haven T , Name , Circumstances , Tip , Sort , Reunion , Dna Test , Kidnapping , Led , Rt , He , Herfamily , Gloria Williams , Com Pletely , Forces , Islamic State , Area , Major , Stronghold , Iraqi , Attack , Mosul University , Compound , In The City , Streets , Bridge , Catriona Renton , Push , Target , Fighters , University , Control , Campus , Several , Weapons , Science Laboratories , Base , Fighting , Translation , Technical Couege , Terrorists , College , Dorms , Dorm Areas , Obstacles , Flag , Me College , Eastern Side , Ove Rco , Progress , Defence , Mosul , Face , Special Forces , Side , Victory , Freedom Bridge , Five , South , Tax , Bank , Controls , North , Battle For Mosul , Cross , Runs , West , Dividing Mosulfrom , Ta Ke Mosul , Tigris River , I U Ns , Principles , Work , Freedom Of Movement , Uk , Citizen , Immigration , Levels , Reasons , The Netherlands , Kamal Ahmed , Deputy Prime Minister , Reminder , Fort In Amsterdam , 0ur Economics , 500 , Borders , Workers , Wars , Subject , Politicians , Dutch , Painter , Member State , Controversy , Romanian , Resentment , Wages , Unemployment , Portuguese , Course , Worker , Job , 400 , 300 , 400 Euros , 200 , Hotel , Support , Principle , Eroding , Essence , Asher , Search , Coffee , South America , Movement , Movement Debate , Goods , Money , Services , Core , Union , Member , Immigrants , Flower Picking , Labour , Market , Sectors , Leaders , Polish Worker , Rules , In Warsaw , Bus , Employer , Allies , Theresa May , Debate , Agriculture , Bulbs , Havoc , Each Other , Trading Partners , Battle , Sister , Open Trade Relationships , Negotiation , Connections , Doesn T Want Britain To Cherry , Brexit , Brits , Letter , George W Bush , Open Letter , Jenna Bush Hager , Exit , Malia 0bama , Reform , Sasha , Sisters , Chapter , Barbara Bush , Website , Bbc Com News , Snow , Weather , Weather Watcher , Weekend , Lanarkshire , Winds , Warnings , Flood Warnings , Terrorist , Commendation , Floodline , Environment Agency , East Coast , Whitley Bay , Showers , Gale , Morning , Places , Remainder , Areas , Salt , Icy , Towns , Rest , Crossing Scotland , Forecast , Frost , Countryside , Hills , Element , Difference , Sleet , Pestering , Windchill , Thunder , Hail , Northern England , Northern Ireland , Air , Night , Freezing Rain , Other , Change , Falls , Breezy Old , Anotherfrost , Off The Atlantic , Potential , Ground , Top , Wedge , Rain Bearing Clouds , Rain , Anarchy , Easing , Cold Out , Aircoming , Air Coming , Plans , Uncertainty , Much , Chilly Air , South East , Kasia Madera , Replacement Healthcare Programme , Reservations , Newborn Girl , Dangers , Eight , Baby Girl , Appeal Process , Stories , Step , Twitter Storm , Disease Control Experts , Yulia Stepanova ,

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