Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170409

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police say the man arrested in connection with the lorry attack in stockholm on friday, was known to the security services. he is a 39—year—old man from uzbekistan. the attack on friday killed four people and wounded 15 others. swedish detectives also say they found a "suspicious device" inside the truck. danjohnson reports from stockholm. late last night, a glimpse of the ordinary delivery truck that was turned against people in a moment of terror. it was towed away to be examined and police made a worrying discovery. we have found something in the truck, where the — in the driver's seat. a technical device which should not be there. i cannot at this stage say that this is a bomb. the man they think was at the wheel has connections here, a poor suburb, north of the city. he hasn't been named, but he's a 39—year—old from uzbekistan. we understand he was registered at one of the addresses in this block, although we don't know if he actually lived here. people have told us the police will here in number last night, until the early hours of the morning, and they've taken some people away for questioning. in the city, after yesterday's horror, time to think, and to reflect on chance decisions that determined death or injury for some, a lucky escape for others. francesca and patrick are tourists who were in the basement of the department store when the truck hit. and we went up the escalator, and we saw panic, and we saw police with guns and stuff like that, so... and how did people react? everybody was screaming and running to the other side of the building, and we took the side entrance, and we went out. and we just kept running to the other side of the city. so... and you wanted to come back today? yeah, yeah, just to show that we care. sweden's crown princess led her nation in paying tribute, a further display of the strength and resilience of this society. tonight the area reopened and more people came, to be close, to share a moment, to write a message of hope or defiance on the boarded—up shop window. this attack means consideration of some serious and difficult questions, but its impact is only just starting to sink in. police in norway say they've found a bomb—like device in oslo's city centre. the area in gronland has been cordoned off, and a suspect has been detained. the bomb squad is now at the scene and there have been reports of a possible controlled explosion. the national broadcaster, nrk, is quoting a police officer who said the device had "limited potential" to cause damage. police in oslo and other norwegian cities have began carrying guns since friday in response to the lorry attack in neighbouring sweden. we can speak to localjournalist fredrik drevon, who is at the scene now. what is the latest from the scene? yes, i am right in the heart of the gronland area, just near the central station of oslo. now, the police court and has been lifted. life is going back to normal. i can confirm that there was a controlled detonation. i heard the blast myself. it was quite a big blast. behind me, you can see a green tarpaulin. behind that is a tarpaulin. behind that is a tarpaulin about 20 metres back, which is where the bomb or bomb like device was detonated. what sort of an idea might there be for a target around there? it is busy not right in city centre. it is really close to the city centre. it is very close to the city centre. it is very close to one of the biggest hotels. —— obviously not right in the. there is a traffic overpass here. an attack he could create a lot of chaos. it is an area that has many bars and restau ra nts. is an area that has many bars and restaurants. it also has an immigrant population. it is a safer area and a very popular area. and we area and a very popular area. and we are now seeing the situation de escalating. police are still having this little area behind the cordoned off. about 50 square metres. it is just a little area where they are cleaning up after the debtor nation. this is very unusual for norway. isn't it? —— detonation. this is very unusual for norway. isn't it? -- detonation. yes. the last time i saw someone like this was in 2011, when there was a blast in central oslo, and the massacre by brodick. juicy police carrying mp5 machine—guns is rare. and to see this kind of sealing off of a very big part of oslo. —— breivik. buti could say that from what i have seen around the city. —— to see police. there have been no big expressions of fear or panic. around town, people have been going about their lives even if they heard about the news. so it seems like people are getting a bit numb from all of the terror news and just going about their lives. just briefly, if you would, what differences insecurity have happened to the attack in stockholm? police have renewed their temporary permission to carry guns. apart from that, we have not seen any increased security in oslo. there has been talk in the media about securing pedestrian areas of oslo, which might be overdue. pedestrian areas are not currently secure. there is a lot to be done on that issue, and there should be some lessons learnt from what happened in sweden. but the general atmosphere is normal. from nrk, the national broadcaster, a on, thank you. —— fredrik drevon. in other news, a campaign rally by the french right—wing party, the national front, has been moved after scuffles in the crowd on the island of corsica. trouble flared up shortly before the party's leader, marine le pen, was due to speak. tear gas was fired when security staff removed about 15 protestors. the speech finally went ahead at a different venue. here in the uk, an investigation is underway into what caused a fatal blaze at a residential care home. two people died and 33 others has to be rescued after the fire started in the early hours of saturday morning. and this rare tintin drawing by belgian cartoonist herge has sold at auction in paris for more than $635,000. created in 1937 using indian ink, it's a coveted black and white artwork of a tintin in america edition. last year, an original tintin comic book sold for a record $1.64 million. russia has demanded the us provide evidence of its claim that chemical weapons were being stored at a syrian air base targeted in a missile strike on friday. meanwhile the uk foreign secretary, borisjohnson, said the chemical attack has fundamentally changed the situation in syria. he has called off a visit to moscow. but the us secretary of state has had a phone conversation with his russian counterpart. it's ahead of face—to—face talks next week. with more, here's our diplomatic correspondent, james robbins. this was president trump's message to the syrian government and its russian backers yesterday, delivered with force. the united states and her allies reject syrian denials they used a chemical weapon against civilians, including children. now britain has followed up with a diplomatic rebuke. boris johnson's called off talks in moscow on monday and issued a written statement instead: the planned visit by borisjohnson to moscow would have been the first by any british foreign secretary for five years. a long gap, reflecting the very bad relationship between britain and russia which already existed. but the events of the past week in syria have now provoked an even deeper crisis. russia's first response came in this tweet from their embassy in london, accusing borisjohnson of "theatrics for lack of argument" and inviting people to listen instead to what they call russia's "soft power". a link leads to this excerpt from tchaikovsky's patriotic 1812 overture, celebrating past russian military victory. instead of seeing the russians on monday, borisjohnson will be talking to america's secretary of state, rex tillerson, and other allies to agree next steps. but some syrians who've suffered most, like abdul hamid al yousef, want further military action. he lost 20 members of his family, including his nine—month—old twins aya and ahmed. and it was a photograph of the dead twins being carried by their father which helped persuade president trump he had to order the missile strike. translation: i would like to thank president trump and the us administration on the initial steps they took against the airport that killed my children and all the martyrs. but i didn't expect the strikes to stop. i was surprised. why did president trump stop the strikes? why one airport? why one base? but tonight, russian television has been showing pictures it says show syrian aircraft flying once again from the base damaged by america's cruise missiles. next week, the political message of that attack will be reinforced, when rex tillerson, not borisjohnson, goes to moscow for the trump administration's first meetings there with the russian leadership. they will be very tough encounters. james robbins, bbc news. our correspondent rajini vaidyanathan is at president trump's residence in florida and gave us this update. well, president trump is spending the weekend here in florida at mar—a—lago and he hasn't had any political engagements. it's understood he spent a few hours playing golf in florida, but we did hear from officials late last night in mar—a—lago that the us is planning to implement economic sanctions against syria in the coming days. so we don't know when exactly. so that is the next stage. in terms of military action, well, us officials always stressed that the strike on friday night was a retaliation simply because syria used chemical weapons. so, it is really up to what syria does next, in terms of whether any more military force will be used. but certainly, the signal that they want to use sanctions shows that the us strategy is to try to punish syria in other ways. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: a step closer to ending half a century of violence: the basque separatist group, eta, is handing over the last of its weapons. 55 years of hatred and rage, as theyjump up on the statue. this funeral became a massive demonstration of black power, the power to influence. today is about the promise of a bright future, a day when we hope a line can be drawn under the bloody past. i think that picasso's works were beautiful, they were intelligent, and it's a sad loss to everybody who loves art. this is bbc news. i'm gavin grey. the latest headlines: swedish police say the man arrested in connection with the lorry attack in stockholm on friday was known to the security services. he is a 39—year—old from uzbekistan. officers in norway say they've found a bomb—like device in oslo's city centre. the area has been cordoned off and a suspect has been detained. thousands of people are taking part in anti—government rallies in caracas and cities across venezuela. they're angry at the government's ban of the country's top opposition leader, henrique capriles, from office. the two—time presidential candidate was banned friday from holding political office for 15 years. greg dawson reports in the heat of caracas, demonstration quickly turned to destruction. a group of around 100 protesters vandalised and set fire to an office of the supreme court. even this water cannon tank wasn't enough to douse the anger. but before all the tension and tear gas, thousands had gathered to support the man they want to see take power in next year's elections. henrique capriles was seen as the opposition's best hope of defeating nicolas maduro. on friday he was banned from politics for 15 years, accused of administrative irregularities. translation: the ban will never have an effect, it's just too demoralising us, to take hope from the people. it's to keep me from being a candidate orfrom it's to keep me from being a candidate or from being it's to keep me from being a candidate orfrom being president. but this is about venezuela and we're going to fight to change our country. opponents of president maduro said the ban is part of his concerted effort to stifle, qosi. the armrest was initially sparked by a supreme court ruling to limit the power of the country's opposition controlled national assembly —— democracy. the court eventually backed down but accusations of autocracy remain. translation: this isa autocracy remain. translation: this is a dictatorship. the people on the street are demanding elections. that's my reason for being here. in venezuela were not living, we're surviving. there's no food, no medicine, no security. the shortage of food and medicine is a symptom of the country's wider economic problems for which the government and opposition blame each other. a three—year recession has led to steep inflation and low salaries. nicolas maduro says us backed business elites are responsible for the downturn but these people have stopped listening and venezuela is facing the biggest sustained protest against its leaderfor facing the biggest sustained protest against its leader for three years. greg dawson, bbc news. nearly 3.5 tons of explosives and dozens of guns have been found at eight sites belonging to the basque that's according to the french authorities. it follows the group's decision to hand over all their weapons in their bid to end more than four decades of violence, which has killed more than 850 people. our chief international correspondent lyse doucet reports from the french basque city of bayonne. arms caches uncovered. french police carry the weapons away. eight hidden dumps surrendered by eta. three tonnes of explosives, 120 guns. today, in the basque region in south—west france, a peace rally. they also want to see proof on the big screen. a video of an arms dump encircled by volunteers. basque civil society played a key role, persuading eta to give up its guns. there were decades of car bombings, assassinations. in eta's bloody campaign for basque independence. eta's file was finally handed over at city hall from civil society to international witnesses. i was allowed to sit in on this ceremony. everyone spoke of an historic moment. i'm convinced that eta is handling the weapons it has under its control. i'm not sceptical because eta declared a ceasefire and end to violence six years ago and they monitored the ceasefire. since the declaration, there's not been any incidents of violence by eta. for spain's government, they're still terrorists. translation: the terrorists cannot expect any kind of favourable treatment from the government and even less impunity for their crimes. a local police chief, one of many victims. his wife rosa remembers every detail of the day eta shot him. my son told me, "mama be strong." any steps towards peace are good, she now says, but accuses eta of making too much of today's ceremony. but it mattered to many basques. you can really feel the excitement here in the basque region, a sense of something important happening. but 50 years of violence have left a deep wound, especially in spanish society. a dark chapter is ending but a reconciliation has yet to start. lyse doucet, bbc news, bayonne. a three—storey apartment building has collapsed in south—western poland killing five people, according to national media. it happened in in swiebodzice and rescuers say two of those who died are children. four others have been taken to hospital. the authorities are investigating the cause of the collapse, but a gas explosion is suspected, the dalai lama has addressed thousands of his followers at a monastery in northeastern india where he took shelter when he fled tibet in 1959. the monastery is located in a disputed area in the state of arunachal pradesh near india's border with china. the trip has raised the ire of china. ashleigh nghiem reports. this has been an emotional journey for the dalai lama. he's on his seventh visit to the 300—year—old monastery. tawang is a place which has national significance for the tibetan spiritual leader. he first came here nearly 60 years ago, afterfleeing tibet and escaping chinese guards to cross the border into india. the monks offered him shelter, while india gave him political asylum. but it was this man who helped secure his safety. the indian border guard escorted the dalai lama into the country in 1959, and this was their first meeting since then. for india and china, there's much more at stake. tawang has immense strategic value. india is expanding its infrastructure across the state of arunachal pradesh, with plans for new roads and railway. china has never recognised the region as a part of india, and it sees it as an extension of tibet. beijing this week lodged an official protest with the indian ambassador, accusing delhi of giving the dalai lama a platform to push for tibetan separatism. india insists the visit is purely religious, and the dalai lama says his week—long trip is to promote harmony. china isn't convinced, so the crowds expected to gather for his teachings over the next few days will only cause more concern across the border. ashleigh nghiem, bbc news. britain's exit from the european union is having big implications for two european towns, but not in the way you might think. this is the map of the european union with britain as a member. for years, the german city of westerngrund was the calculated geographical centre of the eu. but not for much longer. experts have calculated that the title will shift eastwards to gadheim, also in gemany, once britain leaves. jenny hill now reports from gadheim. most people drive straight through it. gadheim's barely on the map, but it. gadheim's barely on the map, but it is about to take on a whole new geographical significance. no one really knows how brexit will affect the uk or the eu, but what we can say is what it means for the geography of the union. that's because french experts have calculated that this will be the new geographical heart of the eu. right here in the middle of a farmer's field. not quite the harvest she'd expected. in fact, at first karen thought it was an april fool. translation: it's really funny. with such a small place often overlooked and suddenly we're the centre of the eu. that's crazy. it's great but if you know why it's happening you have to think it's a shame. europe's geographical heart israeli constant. 70 kilometres to the north—west the current centre of the union —— is rarely. the midpoint of the eu has changed many times, from belgium, to france, to germany, although usually it's because a country's joined the union. it hurts my heart thinking of the brexit solution. yeah, it's a great pity and i'm convinced that one day great britain will come back to the european union. but for gadheim, what matters now is securing the future of the eu. translation: it's a relevant where the midpoint is. the real centre is everywhere —— irrelevant. it's all about the european idea, at every place, at every point it should all be about the european project. place, at every point it should all be about the european projectm the corner of this foreign field, britain has sown confusion. how, they ask, to mark this new departure, and how long before the heart of europe shifts again. jenny hill, bbc news, gadheim. a quick moment to remind you of our top story this hour and that is swedish police say they are increasingly certain the uzbek man they have arrested is the one who carried out friday's attack in stockholm. they also say others could have been involved. authorities say they found a suspect device in the lorry he used. king carl gustav has said the people's response showed the strength and resilience of swedish society. this is bbc news. hello there, good morning. sunny weather at the masters, sunny weather here too, and believe it or not the temperatures are very similar as well. now, yesterday we had highs widely 20, 21 for england and wales. lovely day at aberystwyth and once again in aylesbury, with the blue skies. and more of that sunshine to come today too. we are going to see some changes come into the north—west, though. this cloud has been close by over the past day or two, and it will start to move into the uk over the next 2a hours, and bring with it a significant change in the weather. well, clear skies ahead of that means it is quite chilly first thing this morning, and maybe one or two mist and fog patches across southern parts of england and into east anglia, but those won't last long at all. but once the sun comes up we are going to find the pollen levels rising, high again across england and wales, probably for the last day in a while. the sunshine will be there in the morning, lifting that mist and fog across england and wales. sunshine to start with across southern and eastern scotland, but more cloud moves down from the north—west, with some rain, and we could see cloud filling in across the irish sea too. so a different look to the weather in scotland and northern ireland on sunday. in the afternoon we have this cloud, the rain becoming light and patchy as it moves across scotland. not much rain either but temperatures will be lower. later in the afternoon, we'll see this rain across north—west england, so too west wales. it may arrive a little sooner across cornwall, but you can see in exeter it's still sunny into the afternoon, and for many central and eastern parts of england, lots of sunshine. very warm, as well. 2a or 25 degrees in eastern england, just like augusta. a warm day in sunderland for the football and the premier league, but that changes as the cloud arrives in merseyside. and this is the last of the warm air, on sunday, for quite awhile, i suspect, as colder air comes behind that weatherfront, on a north—westerly wind, once again that weather front producing little or no rain. again, it is dry across the south—east, as it has been for a long time now, and most places will be dry on monday. there will be more cloud developing, and we're seeing, over the weekend, a few showers here and there. those showers in northern scotland could be heavy enough to give some wintriness, particularly over the hills. it will be that cold, struggling to make single figures in northern scotland, and a drop of eight, nine degrees across parts of england and wales, a much chillierfeel to the day on monday, and quite a shock to the system, too. that chilly north—westerly airflow gets cut off by high pressure building on from the atlantic. and around the top of that we get a westerly wind, which will blow in more cloud across scotland and northern ireland, quite gusty winds, too. some heavy rain for northern scotland. england and wales, though, should have lighter winds. it should be dry, and once again we will see some sunshine. the latest headlines from bbc news. i'm gavin grey. king carl gustav has praised the strength and resilience of swedish society following the attack in stockholm which killed four people. police said they are increasingly certain the uzbek man they have arrested is the one who drove a stolen lorry into a crowd and rendered into a department store. police in oslo have carried out a controlled explosion after finding a bomb like device in the city centre. the area has been sealed off while investigations continue. they suspect has been detained. police in norway began carrying guns in response to the lorry attack in sweden. and the russian forest minute —— the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov has warned that us missile strikes on a syrian air base has played into the hands of extremist. he reaffirmed that russia's sense that accusations that russia's sense that accusations that the syrian regime had launched a chemical weapons attack on tuesday did not aligned with reality. two people have died, after a fire at a residential care

Related Keywords

Heart , Map , Brexit , Matter , Europe , Man , Lorry Attack , The Police , Security Services , Connection , On Friday , 39 , People , Device , Attack , Last Night , Others , Truck , Swedish , Stockholm , Uzbekistan , Danjohnson , Detectives , Four , 15 , Something , Terror , Delivery Truck , Discovery , Bomb , Basque City , North , Connections , Wheel , Suburb , The Driver S Seat , Us , He Hasn T , Block , Addresses , One , In The City , Questioning , Chance Decisions , Number , Horror , Department Store , Some , Basement , Escape , Escalator , Death , Injury , Truck Hit , Patrick , Tourists , Francesca , Police , Guns , Everybody , Side , Building , Side Entrance , Stuff , We Saw Panic , Crown Princess , Sweden , Nation , Tribute , We Care , Area , Swedish Society , Resilience , Strength , Display , Message , Hope , Shop Window , Central Oslo , City Centre , Norway , Scene , Suspect , Impact , Consideration , Questions , Gronland , Bomb Squad , Nrk , Response , Explosion , Police Officer , Cities , Reports , Potential , Damage , Fredrik Drevon , Latest , Localjournalist , Detonation , Blast , Police Court , Central Station , Life , Tarpaulin , Back , Green Tarpaulin , 20 , Idea , Target , Hotels , Lot , Bars , Traffic , Chaos , Restau , Ra Nts , We , Restaurants , Immigrant Population , Situation De Escalating , Debtor Nation , 50 , It , Someone , Isn T , Yes , 2011 , Part , Kind , Mp5 Machine Guns , Sealing , Breivik , Massacre By Brodick , Buti , Panic , Town , Fear , Expressions , News , Lives , All , Bit , Terror News , Differences , Insecurity , Permission , Security , Media , Pedestrian Areas , Areas , Talk , Issue , Lessons , Atmosphere , Crowd , The Party , French , On , Campaign Rally , Scuffles , Island , National Front , Corsica , Marine Le Pen , Tear Gas , Uk , Protestors , Investigation , Speech , Staff , Trouble , Venue , Fire , Care , Tintin Drawing , Blaze , Home , Two , 33 , Record , Ink , Auction , Artwork , Indian , Tintin In America Edition , Black And White , Cartoonist Herge , Original Tintin Comic Book , 35000 , 635000 , 1 64 Million , 64 Million , 1937 , Weapons , Air Base , Evidence , Missile Strike , Russia , Claim , Boris Johnson , Syria , More , Secretary Of State , Counterpart , Talks , Situation , Phone Conversation , Off A Visit To Moscow , Government , Trump , James Robbins , Allies , Denials , Backers , Force , Children , Written Statement , Chemical Weapon , Civilians , Rebuke , Now Britain , Off Talks In Moscow On Monday , Borisjohnson To Moscow , Foreign Secretary , Gap , Five , Relationship , Events , Tweet , Embassy , Crisis , London , Power , Link , Excerpt , Theatrics For Lack Of Argument , Tchaikovsky , Steps , Syrians , Rex Tillerson , Overture , Victory , Russian Military , 1812 , Twins , Action , Members , Family , Aya , Photograph , Al Yousef , Abdul Hamid , Ahmed , Nine , Translation , Administration , Airport , Father , Martyrs , Strikes , Russian Television , Base , Cruise Missiles , Aircraft , Bbc News , Rajini Vaidyanathan , Leadership , Residence , Meetings , Encounters , Florida , Goes To Moscow , Mar A Lago , Officials , Update , Engagements , Golf , Sanctions , Terms , Planning , Stage , Military Action , Strike , Retaliation , Friday Night , Military Force , Signal , Strategy , Ways , Stay , Violence , Last , Eta , Statue , Hatred , Rage , Basque Separatist Group , Theyjump , 55 , Demonstration , Black Power , Funeral , Line , Promise , Bright Future , Picasso , Works , Art , Loss , Headlines , Thousands , Officers , Country , Ban , Office , Henrique Capriles , Venezuela , Opposition Leader , Rallies , Candidate , Heat , Greg Dawson , Caracas , Group , Protesters , Supreme Court , Destruction , 100 , Elections , Anger , Tension , Water Cannon Tank Wasn , Opposition , Nicolas Maduro , Politics , Defeating , Irregularities , Effect , Orfrom , Opponents , Effort , Armrest , Qosi , National Assembly , Accusations , Street , Court , Dictatorship , Democracy , Autocracy , Reason , Isa Autocracy , Food , Medicine , Problems , Each Other , Symptom , Shortage , Recession , Led , Three , Leader , Protest , Leaderfor , Salaries , Steep Inflation , Downturn , Listening , Business Elites , Authorities , Explosives , Basque , Decision , Sites , Dozens , Bid , 3 5 , Eight , Lyse Doucet , Dumps , Bayonne , Arms Caches , 850 , Region , Peace Rally , 120 , Basque Civil Society , Car Bombings , Arms , Proof , Screen , Volunteers , Video , Assassinations , Key Role , Campaign , File , Basque Independence , Civil Society To International Witnesses , City Hall , Ceremony , Everyone , Control , Terrorists , Ceasefire , Incidents , Declaration , Spain , Six , Police Chief , Victims , Crimes , Impunity , Treatment , Son , Detail , Peace , Wife , Mama Be Strong , Good , Sense , Basques , Happening , Excitement , Chapter , Reconciliation , Spanish Society , Apartment Building , Deep Wound , Western Poland , Rescuers , Swiebodzice , Hospital , Dalai Lama , Cause , Monastery , Gas Explosion , Shelter , Followers , Collapse , Afterfleeing Tibet , 1959 , Border , China , State , Trip , Ire , Ashleigh Nghiem Reports , Arunachal Pradesh , Place , Tawang , Visit , Significance , Journey , Tibetan , 300 , Monks , Guards , Chinese , 60 , Border Guard , Meeting , Asylum , Safety , Stake , Value , Plans , Roads , Railway , Infrastructure , Extension , Ambassador , Platform , Accusing Delhi , Tibetan Separatism , Beijing , Teachings , Harmony , Concern , Crowds , China Isn T , European Union , Ashleigh Nghiem , Britain S Exit , Centre , Towns , Member , Implications , Way , Westerngrund , German , Gadheim , Experts , Jenny Hill , Title , Whole , No One , The Union , Geography , Field , Middle , Farmer , Harvest , Fact , Shame , Midpoint , Union , Times , North West , Israeli Constant , Belgium , 70 , Heart Thinking , Pity , Brexit Solution , Future , Everywhere , Point , Confusion , Project , Corner , European Projectm , Story , Departure , Lorry , Uzbek , King Carl Gustav , Weather , Masters , England , Temperatures , West Wales , Well , Highs , Lovely Day , Blue Skies , Aberystwyth , Aylesbury , 21 , Cloud , Changes , Clear Skies , Change , 2 , Parts , Morning , Fog , Mist , Pollen Levels , Thing , Patches , The Sun , East Anglia , Won T , Rain , Sunshine , Southern And Eastern Scotland , The Rain Becoming Light , Cloud Filling , Look , Northern Ireland On Sunday , Irish Sea , Afternoon , Little , Lots , Rain Across North West England , Cornwall , Exeter , Augusta , 25 , Wind , Air , Weatherfront , Football , Sunderland , Premier League , Merseyside , Showers , Places , Northern Scotland , Cloud Developing , South East , Chillierfeel , Hills , Cold , Drop , Figures , Wintriness , Top , High Pressure , System , Shock , Gusty Winds , Cut Off , Northern Ireland , The Atlantic , Winds , Heavy Rain For Northern Scotland , Investigations , Sergei Lavrov , Regime , Missile , Forest , Hands , Extremist , Foreign Minister , Details , Stories , Streets , Services , Capital , Clashes , Venezuela Thousands Protest , Intelliegence , Reality ,

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