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We begin in syria where a huge car bomb has hit a convoy of buses carrying evacuees from two government held towns. The passengers had been waiting at a Transit Point travelling from fuua and Kafraya To The West of aleppo. The delay was caused by rebel groups raising concerns about the status of people leaving rebel held territory near the Capital Damascus in a reciprocal evacuation. It isnt yet clear who carried out the attack though a Syrian Government mp has accused terrorists linked to al qaeda. The Emergency Response group, the syria White Helmets, say they have recovered more than 100 bodies. Richard galpin reports. In the immediate aftermath, a man runs towards the site of the huge explosion, filming the horrifying scenes around him. It is believed a Suicide Bomber carried out this attack, reportedly driving a van carrying aid supplies. Translation i cant describe it, i am speechless. There are dead people everywhere. You can see dozens of burnt out cars, bodies everywhere. Emergency staff and opposition factions are evacuating the wounded and the dead. The target was this convoy of buses carrying hundreds of men, Women And Children finally able to leave their villages which had been under siege for years in syrias continuing civil war. Since last night, the convoy had been held up on the road near aleppo because of a hitch in the deal agreed between Government Forces and the rebels for the evacuation. That left everyone here very exposed to an attack. With so many killed and injured in this bombing, there are fears of Revenge Attacks and an end to further agreements to get people out of other besieged towns and villages. For those who survived this attack, the aim now is to get them to safe areas as quickly as possible. Some are already reported to be getting back on buses, leaving the horror of this day behind them. Richard galpin, bbc news. Many of the survivors of the bombing are now receiving treatment at a hospital in the government controlled part of aleppo. The wounded include a number of children who suffered shrapnel and blast injuries. 0ur Arab Affairs Editor sebastian usher told me more about the circumstances of the attack. This was people coming from government held villages so one would assume it wouldnt have anything to do with Government Forces or anything to do with Government Forces 01 pro government anything to do with Government Forces or pro government militias but which Rebeljihadist Group would wa nt to but which Rebeljihadist Group would want to carry out such an atrocity is still open to question. We have been hearing a little bit more about the attack itself. One eyewitness speaking from an ambulance as it was leaving the scene said that the van which decimated the bomb where the Suicide Bomber was was distributing crisps to children just moments before it detonated on course that terrible scene. There were lots of families and children affected. Lots of things we cannot show. What reports of the convoys . There is this convoy. 100 buses also which are coming from the two government held areas which have been under siege from the rebels for a long time and the same number of coaches 2500 people were coming from rebel held towns over to the west of damascus. We have been hearing that there has been movement again. We dont know how far it has gone but the bosses have started moving. The reason this attack was able to be carried out was because the deal had stalled. It was a complex deal and everything had to happen at the same time. There is a lack of trust between both sides, obviously. So they were sitting there waiting for hours presenting a target. I assume that despite this attack, there is a feeling on the side of where the attack has taken place that the longer they remain there, the longer they were at risk of another attack. Whereas the rebels on the outskirts of aleppo as well were fearing that they could face Revenge Attacks so they could face Revenge Attacks so the whole thing is to trying to trying to get it going. The thoughts of our Arab Affairs Editor sebastian usher. And theres much more on this developing story on our website just log on to bbc. Com news you can also find the backgound to whats known as the four towns deal which arranged this exchange of territory and civilians. North koreas military says its prepared for all out war. And its been showing the world whats its made of displaying its Military Hardware in a parade celebrating the anniversary of the birth of the countrys founder, and grandfather of current leader, kim jong un. The bbcsjohn sudworth was at the parade in the capital, pyongyang. As the parade began, the ground shook, and a city at the centre of a mounting crisis echoed to the sound of marching feet. Presiding over it all was kim jong un, apparently untroubled by the International Pressure over the now realistic prospect of this most totalitarian of states becoming a fully fledged nuclear power. And while President Donald Trump may be promising to stop it, north korea has other ideas. Its an extraordinary sight. This is state power expressed as mass unity, and its meant to send two key messages to the north Korean People that their Young Leaders grip on power is unassailable, and to the outside world that he commands massive military might. We will respond to nuclear war with nuclear war, a senior official told the crowds a Statement Given extra force by the rolling out of these weapons, which analysts say may be north koreas first intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. But while it may be isolated, its resilient and often rational too it wants Nuclear Weapons not to use them but as a security guarantee. What message does this send to the outside world . It shows the great strength of korea, this woman tells me. We are the most proud people in the world. The periodic crises have so far always blown over, but each time north korea emerges one step closer to its nuclear goal. After decades of trying, no one has yet worked out how to stop its advance. John sudworth, bbc news, pyongyang. Staying on that story for just a moment, reports are coming in from Reuters News Agency that north korea has attempted to a missile on sunday. They say the launch was on the east coast but they report South Korea Military saying they believe it has failed. It is believed to be the third missile test carried out by north korea this year. There was a launch of a medium range Ballistic Missile ill and four other missiles in the last two months. All were launched into the sea of japan of north koreas east coast. Breaking news just coming into us that according to the south Korean Military, north korea has at tried and apparently failed to test another missile. Turkish politicians have made their final appeals to voters ahead of sundays referendum on the most Sweeping Programme of constitutional change since the country became a republic. The changes if approved would give the office of the president more powers. Nuala mcgovern is in istanbul and gave us a sense of the mood there it is the eve of what some people are saying what could be the most significant moment in this countrys history since its founding after the colla pse history since its founding after the collapse of the ottoman empire. That is because the referendum is taking place tomorrow. It is a simple yes or no when people go in to cast their ballot. Brendan brown on one side, white on the other brown. No question on the actual ballot. What are they voting for . Basically, they are voting to give their president more power. For the lines currently between legislation executive and judicial, to become something completely different. The Prime Minister will be dismissed, there will be more Vice President s, there will be more Vice President s, the president will be able to appoint morejudges. The president will be able to appoint more judges. So, the president will be able to appoint morejudges. So, why is this even a question . It is something that has been debated for years in this country at april 16, as it is tomorrow, means that it is exactly nine months since this city underwent and attempted coup. It failed but it changed everything for the residents of this city and this country. They felt prone and under attack from forces that president erdogan says was within the country and he needs more power to crack down on them and make the country safe. He also says they are under attack from so called Islamic State terrorist and that he needs more power to also be able to handle that threat. You also remember that istanbul has had terror attacks. The last one on the nightclub on new years eve. An awful lot that this country has gone through and a purge, of course, that we talked about previously which is people we re about previously which is people were rounded up, suspended, detained, and rested and sometimes jailed for their suspected part in that at attempted coup. So, we dont know how things will turn out but i can tell you that it is a city that is very much divided and that people feel incredibly strong about the future of this country. Will it become stronger with a yes vote or is ita become stronger with a yes vote or is it a place that is putting mr erdogan in an position of way too much power that could in fact stifle democracy . Voting in turkeys referendum gets under way in a few hours. On sunday, well have continuing coverage as results start to come in, with analysis of what the result means to president erdogan and the people of turkey. In other news pakistans Prime Minister, nawaz sharif, has condemned thursdays killing of a student accused by a crowd of committing blasphemy. There have been protests in several cities at the murder of mashal khan in the North Western town of mardan. 12 people have now been arrested eight have been charged with murder. Mashal khan was stripped, shot and beaten to death. Tens of thousands of people across the United States have marched in more than 100 cities to demand that President Trump releases his tax returns, something he has refused to do. Some protesters carried huge inflatable chickens, suggesting the president was scared to release the data. President trumps predcessors over the last a0 years have all released their tax returns in france, president Francois Hollande has granted citizenship to 28 africans who fought for france in the Second World War and other conflicts. He said they were part of the history of france, which owed them a debt of blood. The veterans, aged between 78 and 90, attended a ceremony at the elysee palace. The collapse of a huge rubbish dump in sri lankas capital colombo has claimed more lives. Four children died in hospital overnight and more bodies have been pulled out today. The number of fatalities is now 19. Tons of rubbish fell onto about 100 homes after the dump had been de stabilised by a fire and heavy rain. Ben hennessy reports. In the sri lankan capital, home after home lay destroyed. It is seen more resembling an earthquake but look closer and you will see the real cause of this disaster. A 90 metre high tower of rubbish. Destabilised by recent floods and a fire in partially collapsed on friday, it partially collapsed, throwing rubbish on the homes below. Got a call my sister. Their two children. As you can see, that is where the house was situated. She got thrown off something coming underneath like an explosion. She was thrown along, somewhere on the toilet, she was thrown a long here right up to the tip. 30 feet above them. We are still unable to find them. We are still unable to find the mother, the two kids are still missing. Many bodies have been pulled from the rubble. Dozens more are believed to be trapped. Residents say they have complained about the dangers of the rubbish dumpfor about the dangers of the rubbish dump for some time and that there we re dump for some time and that there were plans to remove it but even as the bbc filmed rescue efforts, residents say dumping at the site continued. At any moment, this might come again. They are still dumping. There was a court order. To stop it. But still, they keep on dumping. Earthmoving equipment have been brought in to clear the rubbish. But as the search for survivors continues, it is a slow and delicate operation. Stay with us on bbc world news, still to come the world loses the last living link to the 19th century we look back at the life of emma morano, whos died at 117. Pol pot, one of the centurys greatest mass murderers is reported to have died of natural causes. He and the Khmer Rouge Movement he led were responsible for the deaths of an estimated 1. 7 million cambodians. There have been violent protests in indonesia where playboy has gone on sale for the first time. Traditionalist Muslim Leaders have expressed disgust. The magazines offices have been attacked and its Editorial Staff have gone into hiding. It was clear that paulas only contest was with the clock and as for a sporting legacy, Paula Radcliffes competitors will be chasing her new world best time for years to come. Quite quietly, but quicker and quicker, she seemed just to slide away under the surface and disappear. This is bbc world news. The latest headlines a huge explosion near aleppo hits a convoy of buses carrying thousands of syrian evacuees. There are reports that more than 100 people are dead. Earlier in the programme, we sanohn sudworths report from Inside North Korea and the show of force on display there. Were going to pick up that now with the us reaction. The Trump Administration has signalled it is considering all options as it tries to deal with what it sees as the north korean problem. From washington, laura bicker reports. Pyongyang is being warned. These naval warships are within striking distance of the north korean capital. The message . The us is ready to act, if provoked. North korea is a problem, the problem will be taken care of. North korea has got to change its behaviour. The time for action is now. Key to us efforts will be china. These talks with President Xi Last week laid the groundwork. Donald trump said he received assurances that they would help put an end to north Koreas Nuclear ambitions. And some believe that is why he has dispatched those warships. Perhaps the dispatch of the Carrier Strike force to the peninsula is really aimed at motivating the chinese, to tell beijing that the United States is serious and wants to see china put a lot more pressure on pyongyang. China is already applying pressure at its border and placed a ban on imports of north korean coal. If President Trump is weighing his options, his best hope is in beijing. The us could also push for more un sanctions but critics believe that punishes the people of north korea, not its leaders. The pentagon has denied any suggestion of a pre Emptive Military strike. But Donald Trumps actions in syria prove he is a president prepared to take action quickly and without warning. Us troops in afghanistan are advancing after the dropping of a massive bunker busting bomb known as the mother of all bombs. A display of firepower from the worlds Strongest Military that might just make kim jong un think twice about launching any attack. Meanwhile, the Vice President , mike pence, is on his way to seoul to reassure asian allies and offer them an iron clad commitment to come to their defence. His message is that the us will do whatever is necessary to keep the world safe. Right and left wing protesters have clashed at a park in Downtown Berkeley in california. Rival groups exchanged blows and threw bottles and cans as police in riot gear sought to separate them. At least 1a demonstrators were arrested during the brawls, which broke out at the event originally organised as a so called patriots day free speech rally by conservative activists. Several people suffered minor injuries. The english premier football club, everton, has banned journalists from the Sun Newspaper from its ground following an article written by the papers columnist and former editor, kelvin mackenzie. In it, he compared the intelligence of the clubs England International midfielder, ross barkley, to that of a gorilla. The mayor of liverpool has called for the newspaper to sack mr mckenzie for making what he called racial slurs. From goodison park, Frankie Mccamley reports. The footballer in the centre of it all, everton midfielder ross barkley, whose grandfather was nigerian, compared here to a gorilla. And the man who wrote it, kelvin mackenzie, now suspended. He also claims the only other people in liverpool earning as much money were drug dealers. Ive reported it to Merseyside Police and theyre investigating the complaint. I have also written to the press complaints commission. The comments i believe were overtly racist. The club reacted quickly, banning the sun, stating the newspaper has to know any attack on this city is not acceptable. It follows a long running hatred towards the newspaper who blamed fans for the Hillsborough Disaster that left 96 dead. With applause at todays match to mark the 28th anniversary. The suns Publisher News uk has apologised for the offence caused, saying it was unaware of Ross Barkleys heritage and there was never any slur intended. Mr mackenzie says it was beyond parody to describe the article as racist. Outside the stadium, fans welcomed the news. What he said about ross barkley i think is shocking, so i think its only right. I think its disgraceful the way he spoke about ross barkley and the way he described the people of liverpool and he should be ashamed. His article should be proof read anyway by the editors, so for them to let that go to press, i think its quite poor. Many will question why the paper, which he edited for many years, allowed the column to be published. The sun, they knew enough to make sure that mackenzie didnt refer to liverpool, especially on the anniversary of the Hillsborough Disaster. So it was a gross editorial oversight. Arriving here this morning, fans said they were angry and disappointed at the article. Following the clubs announcement to ban the sun, those feelings have somewhat subsided this evening, but many say that the decision is long overdue. Its understood Rupert Murdoch will be consulted before a decision is made about mr mackenzies future which may depend on a police investigation. Frankie mccamley, bbc news, at goodison park. Easter is being celebrated by christians across much of the world, including the Russian Orthodox church. The Patriarch Of Moscow And All Russia led a Midnight Service at the Christ The Saviour Cathedral in moscow. Among the congregation was the russian president , vladimir putin. Christ the saviour cathedral is the largest 0rthodox Church in the world, and was rebuilt after the Original Church was destroyed on the orders ofjosef stalin. And in rome, pope francis led a vigil in st peters. He urged the worlds catholics not to ignore the plight of immigrants and the poor. Our last living human link with the 19th century has been lost, with the death of an italian woman believed to have been the worlds oldest person. Emma morano died at her home in Northern Italy at the age of 117. Helena lee reports. Here she is celebrating her 117 to birthday in november last year surrounded by family and friends in her home in Northern Italy. Asked how she felt on reaching 117, she said she felt well. Born in 1899, she spent three centuries. The old est of she spent three centuries. The oldest of three children, she outlived all of her younger siblings. She survived an abusive marriage, the loss of her only son, two world wars, and more than 90 italian governments. And she worked ina italian governments. And she worked in a factory until she was 65. So, what was her secret . Emma morano felt it was probably her diet. Translation i ate two eggs a day, and that was it. I ate cookies. I dont eat much because i have no teeth. Always eating the same things, always at the same time of day. Her doctor of 27 years thought there were other reasons, too, for her long life. Translation the first factor is genetics. It is her own condition are a natural phenomenon as it happens around the world. A. Her personality would be fundamental as well. The mayor of the small city in Northern Italy where she lived said she had an extraordinary life, and she will a lwa ys extraordinary life, and she will always be remembered for her strength to move forward. Helena lee, bbc news. A reminder of the top story, there are reports north korea has attempted to launch a missile on sunday. The south Korean Military say they believe it failed. Stay with bbc world news. Good morning. Cloud has been increasing from the west through the night. Where the cloud is clear in the south and east, a chilly start to easter sunday. Temperatures close to easter sunday. Temperatures close to freezing in one or two spots. Morning brightness. The difference todayis morning brightness. The difference today is there will be more cloud. That comes from this feature which will move north of this position. A wet start in Northern Ireland and potentially in parts of scotland, which could last until the afternoon. 0ccasional Rain in the central belt. Lunchtime, the northern half of scotland, compared with what we saw on saturday, a day of lighter winds. 0ne with what we saw on saturday, a day of lighter winds. One or two showers. Warm once the sunshine is new. Brightening up in Northern Ireland in the afternoon. Cloudy, damp, and cold in South East Scotla nd damp, and cold in South East Scotland and england. The same in east anglia. Rain is slow to reach wales and south england could be dry. A bit of sunshine. Winds not coming the north so be it could feel pleasant. Breezy. As we finish the day, the rain pushes down across england, east anglia, the midlands, and clips the south east. Introducing a northerly airflow. High pressure to the west, low pressure to the east, opening northerly winds. It will bring a chilly day for us all as we go into easter monday. A bit of a bite to the winds. The showers will push through. Northern and Eastern Scotla nd through. Northern and Eastern Scotland are prone. If you avoid the showers elsewhere, a fair few or of you will, the strength of the sun will still make you feel reasonably pleasant, a bit like saturday. But if anything, temperatures down a degree or so. Tonight, the winds will ease in the showers fade. These are the temperatures. Take note. This is what it will be like in the countryside. Widespread frost. The only one we will see in the coming week. A few frosty nights around. By day, quite a bit of fry and reasonably sunny weather. This is the scene for tuesday. Most places having a dry day. The majority, lighter winds. 0ne having a dry day. The majority, lighter winds. One or two showers in the east and south east. West and north, after the frosty start, it should be a nice and fresh day. High pressure building through tuesday and wednesday, especially in the northern half of the country. Frost in the south. Still, a lot of dry weather across the border. The latest headlines from bbc news. A massive suicide car bomb in syria has hit a convoy of buses near aleppo where people were waiting to be taken to safety from rebel held areas. The syrian White Helmets are reporting about 100 people died including many chilren. The south Korean Military says it has detected a failed Missile Launch by north korea. It claims the device was launched from sinpo towards the sea of japan but failed to operate as intended. Turkish politicians have been making their final appeals to voters ahead of sundays referendum on one of the most Sweeping Programmes of constitutional change since the country became a republic almost a century ago. Tens of thousands of people in more than 100 cities across the United States have marched to demand that President Trump releases his tax returns, something he has refused to do. Now on bbc news, its hardtalk

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