Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170425

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must be prepared to propose additional and stronger sanctions on north korean nuclear and ballistic missile programmes. this is a real threat to the world. whether we want to talk about it or not, north korea is a big world problem and it's a problem we have to finally solve. people have put blindfolds on for decades and now it's time to solve the problem. donald trump, there, offcourse. —— of course. joining me now, nada tawfik in new york and steve evans in seoul. this sum and is new. while everything is not. yes. that is true. what we see briefings, we very rarely see 100 senators going to have a meeting with the secretary of state and the defence secretary, amongst others. we've also heard that the us house of representatives also was to be briefed on north korea. this comes ahead of us officials fearing that north korea will go ahead with a six nuclear test, to mark the anniversary, the 85th anniversary of the founding of their military. —— sixth. donald trump has said that all options are on the table, including military options. they have sent an aircraft carrier to north korean waters. but donald trump has been making a flurry of calls, to the chinese president and the japanese prime minister, calling for tougher sanctions. steve, we are hearing from the administration that all options are on the table, but donald trump saying that it is a problem that needs to be finally sold. what is the understanding there about what he means by that? people here don't know. —— solved. when he says that all options on the table, some parts of the administration is aimed that the military one, immediately. there is a lot of strong in which from pyongyang. it always does. but even more from washington, now. whether there is any change in policy is not clear. —— strong language. the situation remains that north korea is closer to having an effective nuclear arsenal, but not one capable of reaching the us, at the moment. but there are, on outside estimates, something like 500 artillery pieces within range of soul. seoul, the greater metropolitan region, is a city of 35 million people, including a us military base. —— the range of the city of soul. previous presidents have decided that attacking north korea could well provoke a serious war, and that risk cannot be taken. —— seoul. what we do not know with the trump administration is whether he is addressing the problem by saying it is very, very serious, but we knew that, and there is a change of attitude towards military action. the washington post quotes a senator as saying that attacking north korea would be terrible, but the war would be over there. it would be there and not here. if that is the atmosphere in washington, then things really have changed. but we don't know if the president himself and those around him to take that view. nada, where do you think this is heading? we have seen that the us ambassador to the un, nikki haley, has made comments today in interviews saying that they are not looking for a fight with kim jong—un. but that if he provokes, the military option is still there. but they think if you look, you can see the president trump is really at the moment pushing a policy of tougher sanctions, something that his predecessor, president 0bama did. it is in the security council has been pretty united upon any bus. they had not been to push bought tough sanctions. china has all but banned their coal imports from north korea. so we are hearing now that tougher sanctions could include an oil embargo, banning north korean airlines, intercepting cargo ships, so airlines, intercepting cargo ships, so that is one track. the other track is just making sure that the sanctions are actually in legend. but i think that with president trump and seeing where the policy in north korea goes, you'll be interested in to see how far he sticks with pushing sanctions. —— actually implemented. it'll be interesting to see what mood he gets from the senators when he has the briefing on wednesday. thank you to you both forjoining us. we bring you straightaway this breaking news. this has been developing over the past two days. officials in the us state of arkansas have executed the first of two inmates scheduled to be put to death on monday after the supreme court failed to grant a last—minute reprieve. the first to be executed was jackjones, who had been convicted of rape, murder and attempted murder. they're now preparing to carry out the death sentence for marcel williams, who was convicted of kidnap, rape and murder. this story has caused the living for several days. we will bring you more as soon as we have it. —— has, offcourse, in moving. —— of course. france has now entered a period of intense political campaigning between emmanuel macron and marine le pen — the two remaining candidates for the presidency. it's a race that's already transformed the old patterns of french politics — with potentially significant consequences for the future of france and the eu. 0ur europe editor katya adler has the latest. emmanuel macron looking presidential. a bit prematurely perhaps. there's a lot of glad—handing still to be done, two weeks to go before the final vote. financial markets in brussels may think president macron is a done deal. but she doesn't. marine le pen, macron‘s rivalfor president, his rival for french voters' trust. a welcome visitor on market day in a forgotten town. she's the people's president, she says, with welfare policies to match. eu to the back of the queue. madam le pen wants out of the euro. she's anti—big business too. it's exactly these images that marine le pen will be chasing throughout her presidential campaign. her intended message — she's a woman of the people. while her political rival, emmanuel macron, is a remote parisian elitist. marine le pen did well in the north and south—east, areas with high unemployment and low wages. emmanuel macron dominated in wealthy areas and large cities like paris and bordeaux, where his probusiness, pro—eu liberal platform resonates. emmanuel macron was in paris, keen to display his statesmanlike credentials, remembering victims of mass killings in armenia. and while his rival hugged and kissed her way through the crowds, mr macron had onlookers behind cordons — only the press allowed near. political gloves are off. for both candidates, this is the fight of their professional life. they need to win voters outside their traditional support base to make it to the top. who can pull it off? i plan to abstain, this man told us. "i don't like either candidate." i will vote for macron even if i don't want him as a president, but i want him more than marine le pen. and france's political establishment, including its current president, has urged all voters, to do the same. translation: the far right would deeply divide france. it would stigmatise some of our fellow citizens because of their origins or religion. it would undermine the religion and republic. —— our liberty. aware of her party's divisive reputation, marine le pen had a surprise announcement. she said she was stepping aside as president of the national front to run for president of all of france. emmanuel macron still has a race to win. this is an all—or—nothing campaign for both candidates, and in true french style, this promises to be passionate and dramatic. the battle against the extremist group, the so—called islamic state, is intensifying in syria as forces move towards the group's stronghold of raqqa. territory which has been under is control is being retaken, including dabiq, which featured heavily in the group's propaganda videos. 0ur middle east correspondent, quentin sommerville, and camerman fred scott, have been to the town in northern syria and sent this report. in northern aleppo, the so—called islamic state predicted the end of days. and here, it has come to pass. this is hallowed ground for is. but it's no longer theirs. the tiny village of dabiq was a beacon, drawing in foreign fighters from across the globe. dabiq was a great symbol for the islamic state group. it's here the prophet muhammad said that muslims would defeat the romans. this is also the spot where britain's jihadi john murdered the american—led worker peter kassig. is were right about one thing, though: this is a place of reckoning. but it's the place of their defeat, and they've now been driven more than 100 kilometres from here. these days, they don't make much mention of dabiq. nearby, there's the city of al—bab. is are gone, but there's another enemy for the free syrian army, it's the syrian regime. there's a weary truce on these front lines. the regime are only 115 metres away. air strikes are no longer a threat, but the islamic state's roadside bombs and booby—tra ps are everywhere. the fsa, they're mostly ethnic turks in this part of syria, fought here to drive out is, but also to stop their blood enemies, the kurds, from taking the city. the rebuilding of al—bab is already under way. in syria, it takes a lot of confidence to replace your windows. but the damage done, here, isn'tjust to buildings. it extends deeper, into syria's ethnic fabric. amid the ruins, this was an is headquarters. you find reminders of the victims, the disappeared, the lost, and the dead. new and rich wells of hatred are being formed. inside these four walls, the country's hopelessness is revealed. rare access to enemies — and sometimes allies — locked up together. in these cells, the prisoners agreed to speak to us. some say they're from is. others, no more than boys, fought for the kurds with american backing. and some, for president assad, helped by russia. translation: because of the joblessness in syria, i have no salary to look after my children. so i had tojoin the fighting. foreign interference, here, has only caused more destruction. people are killing each other. some say they came to fight for is, others to destroy it. translation: the different people in groups here despise each other more and more. war only increases hatred, it never lessens it. all the prisoners, is included, have had regular contact with theirfamilies. these men will likely be exchanged in a prisoner swap. the war with is may be approaching an end, but there will be no rest in syria, and the people who make up this country will likely find themselves pushed even further apart. much more to come for you on bbc news. the inspirational moment from the london marathon when an individual sport became a team game. nothing was too big to stand the force of the tornado. it led to calls to build better government housing. internationally, they have already been protest. sweden says it received no warning of the accident. indeed, the russians first denied anything had gone wrong. 0nly indeed, the russians first denied anything had gone wrong. only when radioactivity levels began to increase where they forced to admit the accident. -- were they. the mood here is of great celebration. this is the end of a 12 year war. they have ta ken the is the end of a 12 year war. they have taken the capital which they have taken the capital which they have been fighting for for so long. it was seven o'clock in the morning, the day when power began to pass from the minority to the majority. when africa, after 300 years, reclaimed its last white colony. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: president trump warns of new sanctions on north korea over its nuclear and missile tests. with both candidates preparing to contest the final round for the french presidency, the national front‘s marine le pen announces she's stepping aside as leader. the us defence secretary has warned of a tough year ahead in afghanistan, because of the threat posed by the taliban. jim mattis's arrival in kabul came just hours after the country's defence minister and the army's chief of staff resigned following friday's taliban attack on a military base. the assault, near mazar—e sharif, killed more than 140 people. 0ur correspondentjustin rowlatt sent this report. this is the route the taliban attackers took. the guards waved them through, believing they were fellow afghan soldiers. we're the first journalists invited onto the army base, the first to see the horror unleashed here. a suicide bomber blew himself up in the dining hall, as hundreds of soldiers ate their lunch. others were mown down as they left friday prayers, the taliban shooting fellow muslims dead as they worshipped. once inside here, theyjust opened fire, and if you look around here, you can see the walls are pocked with gunshot fire. and outside, one of the vehicles the taliban used. there are suspicions the attackers had inside help, something the base commander denied. translation: investigators from kabul have been here. they confirmed there are no indication that there has been any infiltration of the base. butjust hours after our interview, he was suspended. eight army personnel are under investigation, and today, both the afghan defence minister and the army chief of staff resigned. there could scarcely have been a worse day for the us defence secretary, james mattis, to visit the country. he met the afghan president to discuss us strategy in afghanistan. i'd say that we're under no illusions about the challenges associated with this mission. 2017's going to be another tough year for the valiant afghan security forces and the international troops who have stood and will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with afghanistan against terrorism. but as they begin to clear up the wreckage, the americans were still making no promises on what the afghans really want — additional us troops to assist afghan forces. and in the last few hours, us secretary of defence james mattis has left kabul. the secretary held talks with general nicholson, the top american commander in the country and the head of nato's 0peration resolute mission, as part of donald trump's review of us policy in afghanistan. in a press conference with the afghan president, general mattis confirmed the new administration had agreed to retain over eight thousand us troops until 2017. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news. in venezuela, two more protestors have been shot dead during rival demonstrations both for and against the government. so far, 23 people have been reported killed in a month of protests against the maduro government. the protestors have been holding sit—ins and blocked streets to demand elections and the release of jailed activists. the first ever vaccine against malaria is to be introduced in three african countries — ghana, kenya and malawi. three—quarters of a million infants are to be immunised over a two—year period, starting next year. the announcement by the world health organization follows trials which suggest the vaccine can prevent four—in—ten cases of the disease which kills nearly half a million people a year. eyewitnesses in chile's capital santiago say buildings have been shaken by a magnitude 7.1 earthquake. the us geological survey says it took place 30 kilometres west of the coastal city of valparaiso at a depth of ten kilometres below the seabed. no injuries or damage have been reported. some 40,000 people took part in sunday's marathon in london — 40,000 stories of hard work, sacrifice and pure determination. but it was one in particular that's caught public imagination. it's the moment when an exhausted runner was helped along the final stretch by a fellow competitor, with race—fans and royalty cheering them on every step of the way. danjohnson has the story. after a test of endurance, it was a moment of kindness that summed up the spirit of the marathon, shared by so many. how you feeling? today, with sore legs, the manchester it manager and the bankerfrom swansea talked through their last few tough and tired steps. i was just trying to get to the line. my body went and i went to the ground. so, yeah, it was really desperate. his legs were completely jelly, but he said he was determined to finish. and i helped him up and then his legs went again, and i realised i was going to have to stay with him to make sure he did get to the finish line. when someone's in need, you want to help them out. i couldn't let him lie on the ground there. what did you actually say to him? i was shouting in his ear, saying, "come on, you can do this, it's 200 metres, we will finish — i'll stay with you". maybe i was a bit overzealous with my support. no, it was wonderful. it was needed! it was needed to kind of hit home. matthew was clear in knowing that if he leaves me, there's a chance they will whisk me off and not let me get to the finish. and that'sjust, so nice. such a gentleman for doing that. if roles were reversed, would you have done the same thing? oh my goodness. that is... you are the first person to ask me that and that's such a good question. i have not given that a moment's thought. i would love to think i would. i'm sure you would have. it's a question we could perhaps all consider. these are two competitive runners who have both put in good times, under three hours. what the general public see there is the spirit of the running community and this happens all over the place. itjust happened there were quite a few cameras trained on that. at that point, capturing that moment. a new friendship forged, and david's club has offered to pay matt's entry next year, with first class travel and accommodation. maybe next time the good samaritan will actually finished ahead. it's the taking part that's more important than winning, right? and they've already shown that. danjohnson, bbc news, london. eltonjohn has cancelled a series of concerts in the united states after becoming seriously ill. the british singer's publicist says he contracted a potentially deadly bacterial infection during a recent south american tour — this led to two nights in intensive care in the uk, followed by an extended stay in hospital. sir elton is now resting at home and is expected to make a full recovery. now we'd like to introduce you to a senior citizen with a special talent. nanammal is 98 years old and an expert yoga instructor from the southern indian state of tamil nadu. but it's notjust her — her entire family are yoga practitioners, including her children and grandchildren. the bbc‘s varun nayar went to meet her. a 98—year—old doing all sorts of things. i hope to do at least 50% of what she is doing. staying with awesome women, the american astronaut peggy whitson has broken the record for the number of days spent in space by an american. president trump telephoned her to congratulate her on beating the previous record of 534 days. commander whitson is the first woman to command the international space station on two missions and at 57 years old, she is also the oldest woman to have gone to space. and a brief recap of our top story. president trump has warned of new sanctions on north korea over its missile testing. and you can get in touch with me and most of the team on twitter, i'm @bbcmikeembley. hello. we may be hurtling towards the end of april, but the weather feels like it has plunged us back into winter. a very chilly feel over the next couple of days. a frosty start to tuesday. plenty of wintry showers around, and this cold air has come all the way from the arctic. it has worked its way southwards across the british isles, brought in our direction by pretty strong northerly winds. notice the tightly squeezed isobars across the north and north—east of scotland, particularly. gales here, at times, and in areas exposed to that northerly wind, we start off tuesday with lots of showers. northern half of scotland seeing a mixture of rain, sleet, hail and snow. most of the snow over high ground, but even to low levels there could be snow for a time. some icy stretches, as well, in some of those showers across north—east england. also some showers feeding into northern ireland. but for south—west scotland, down the spine of england, we start the day with fewer showers, more in the way of dry weather and sunshine. chilly, though — three degrees in birmingham and coventry, and some showers feeding into cornwall and devon. and as we go on through the day, the showers will gradually become more widespread across the country, so just about anywhere you could catch one. the odd rumble of thunder, some rain, some sleet, some hail, some snow, mostly over the hills. 7—13 degrees on the thermometer, but on the strength of the winds, take aberdeen, for example, it will feel freezing even in the middle of the afternoon. another cold night to come, tuesday night into wednesday. the showers, though, becoming mostly confined to eastern areas. again, some of them will be wintry. these are the temperatures to expect if you live in the middle of our big towns and cities. out in the countryside, we are looking at lows of minus six or minus seven, a widespread frost. but some subtle changes into wednesday. this ridge of high pressure begins to build its way in from the west, and that will cut off the worst, if you like, of that biting northerly wind, so maybe not as chilly on wednesday. still some showers, but most of these across eastern areas. some sunshine, as well, but thicker cloud starting to roll into northern ireland and western scotland. a few spots of rain. it will mostly be rain, because temperatures will be creeping upwards. 10 degrees in stornoway. and that is the story for the end of the week, the cold air slowly but surely being eroded by some milder air pushing in from the atlantic. so we can expect those temperatures to begin to creep upwards through thursday and friday. there will be fewer showers, often a lot of cloud, but those temperatures returning to something closer to what we would expect at this time of year. this is bbc news. the headlines: president trump has called for new un sanctions on north korea over its nuclear and missile programme. hosting ambassadors from security council member countries, he said north korea was a real threat to the world. franzen has entered a period of intense political campaigning between emmanuel macron in that they, the two remaining candidates for the presidency. —— and marine le pen. the national front‘s marine le pen announced she's stepping aside as party leader. the battle against so—called islamic state is intensifying in syria as forces move towards the group's stronghold of raqqa. territory under is control is being retaken, including dabiq which featured heavily in the group's propaganda videos. the astronaut peggy whitson has broken the record for the number of days spent in space by an american, beating the previous record of 534 days. now on bbc news, it's time for a look back at the day in parliament.

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